#ARABELLA STRANGE  +  dash game.
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4giorno · 1 year ago
dealing with my post game depression by celebrating that i finally have enough fave screenshots of my beloved character to make a 3x3
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lovehurried · 5 years ago
TAG DROP  •  Arabella Strange (4/4)
ARABELLA STRANGE  *  verse 008.  ( padua ) ARABELLA STRANGE  *  verse 009.  ( post canon ) ARABELLA STRANGE  *  verse 010.  ( post canon au ) ARABELLA STRANGE  *  verse 011.  ( modern au ) ARABELLA STRANGE  *  verse 012.  ( wicked au one ) ARABELLA STRANGE  *  verse 013.  ( wicked au two ) ARABELLA STRANGE  +  answered ask. ARABELLA STRANGE  +  starter call. ARABELLA STRANGE  +  plotting call. ARABELLA STRANGE  +  open starter. ARABELLA STRANGE  +  wishlist. ARABELLA STRANGE  +  meme. ARABELLA STRANGE  +  dash game. ARABELLA STRANGE  +  interaction.
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mamavocado · 4 years ago
Hello, I’m Rain/Rae (she/her). I’ve been doing the RP thing for at least a decade now. I haven’t been super active on tumblr as of late, but I am looking for more discord RPs so I’m back (sorta). I’m semi-selective and only looking to write with people 25 and up, with a preference for para/multi-para replies, but quality over quantity. Hoping to keep something going long term. I want a partner I can chat with ooc, share headcanons and plot with. I’ll probably send you pics of my kids, you can show off your dog or art or whatever. This is a hobby not a jobby, I won’t harass you for replies, and hopefully you won’t either.
Below the cut are plots or pairings I’m interested in exploring. That’s not to say I’m not open to other ideas, more a jumping off point for us. Hit me up if you’re intrigued! Or if you prefer just like or reblog this post and I’ll send you a message.
Slice of Life plots. Give me: Long term couples with kids who are having doubts. Single parent falling for their kid’s nanny. Two people who travel for work often and the occasional run in turns into the occasional hook-up and now they’re coordinating lay-overs but they never discuss their home lives. Hook-ups with emotional pining. Slow burn and break my heart. 
Spy Thriller! Protégée/Mentor, rival assassins, or some other idea you want to throw my way. High tech gadgets, raised to be a weapon, mysterious backstories, contacts and safe houses around the world, secret codes, every interaction dripping with sexual tension but not an ounce of trust. ((Give me all the tropes, a dash of international intrigue, and let’s take down a human trafficking ring or two! Open to just playing BuckyNat, Clintasha, or Romanogers too.))
Muse A is an archaeologist, top name in their field. Muse B is a linguist at the dig site, on hand for translation assistance having grown up in the area. When Muse A uncovers a strange artifact Muse B quickly discovers this is only the first clue that leads the pair on an exciting adventure. But is everything as it seems or is there ancient magic at work? ((This could go in so many directions, historical treasure hunt, a mission from the gods, an Indiana Jones-esqu adventure, Let’s figure it out together!))
I’ve always wanted to try a plot where we each create a character, but keep them a secret from each other, essentially go into the RP blind. We can keep it simple with a new neighbors plot or ride share road trip arranged on Craigslist like it is 2007. I imagine we could each bring in a few (secret) plot drops that drag up something from our character’s past or disrupt the status quo with an accident, we can pull those at random as the RP goes on to keep things from getting stale. ((Okay, I’ve done this twice now and it’s a blast! Please pick this up you won’t be disappointed.))
Muse A is a reaper/angel of death working alone for a millennia and perfectly content with the status quo, Muse B was supposed to die but instead simply walked through the veil and didn’t move on. Turns out this is starting to happen around the world with no explanation. Suddenly Muse A finds themself working with a partner as they both try to uncover the reason the dead are locked out of the afterlife. Muse B is processing their “death”, what they’ve left (or gained), and where they’re going next. ((Come plot this out with me! Let’s talk philosophy, world religions, the afterlife, and grumpy grim reapers))
Ask me about Arabella Figg.
I’m equally happy to create OCs or write characters from a couple fandoms. I mostly stick to writing HP and Marvel, I’m open to anything from rewriting Endgame to a Raising Harry Wolfstar, additionally any of the above plots could be a starting point. Honestly, if you wish it I’m probably game. I’m DYING to write Natasha.
Come and chat! We can compare ships and preferred characters and figure out what we want to write together.
LGBTQ+ friendly. I’m 31 and will only write with 25+. No triggers but I’ll be mindful of yours. Smut or FTB your pick. I’m open to multiple threads and multiple characters. Only looking for Discord threads at this time. Poly ships a plus.
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ivelostmyspectacles · 8 years ago
Valentine’s Ask Meme
Stolen from @bookwyrmling​ >3
Your favourite non-canon ship? Houdini/Adelaide (though they kissed once), Tarrant/Alice, Axel/Roxas, there’s too many
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping? Sherlock/Molly. I was convinced in the beginning he would only ruin her if they ever got together, but we’ve seen so much growth from Sherlock that I no longer believe it. And it’s so cute
What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)? Either Molly/Lestrade or Rin/Rei
Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of. John/Sherlock. Sherlock/Irene. Or I guess I could say Holmes/Watson or Holmes/Adler because I don’t get the appeal of either of those through any of the adaptations. I understand why people go for it I just don’t get the popularity I guess
What is your most fluffy + happy ship? Ummmmmm Jacob/Goldie if you don’t count that Obliviation stuff because I’m convinced he remembered and they are HAPPY TOGETHER
What is your most angsty ship? Ummm. Doumeki/Watanuki, Fai/Kurogane, any CLAMP pairing tbh
A non-canon ship that should be canon? All of them???  
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time? Axel/Roxas… or Tohru/Kyo, I can’t remember which I got into first KH or FB XD
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have? I don’t know oh my God. Probably Houdini/Adelaide since it’s genuine friendship where two closed off people open up to each other + sarcasm and teasing
Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl? I was gonna say Strange/Norrell because I’ve seen a fair bit of that in this fandom but CREDENCE/GRAVES THIS I CANNOT. FUCK NO
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship? Mikleo, because he belongs with Sorey
What is your favourite canon ship? FenHawke FenHawke FennyFennyFenHawke Fenris and Hawwwwwke
Name a ship that deserved more content. Molly/Lestrade
Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom? John/Mary, initially just because everyone hated that John/Sherlock wouldn’t sail, and then all of her secrets. I understand the backlash and some of the decisions made for them aren’t my favourite, but ultimately I still think they got too much hate
What is the first ship you had? Again, either Axel/Roxas or Tohru/Kyo
Is there a ship that made you realise something about yourself? Just about every ship I’m into has made me realise new things about myself, be it tiny things or not
Is there a type of ship you always go for? … I like frenemies. The type of people that act like they couldn’t care less about each other but would kill for them.  Or ships that involve healing/acceptance on one or both characters parts
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you? Ichabod/Abbie. I just. What did they do to this show
Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you? Too damn many.
Have you ever created fan content for a ship? I have over 1000 stories, do edits, make crafts, and draw, so, um, yes.
Favourite thing you’ve ever created for a ship? Just some edits or stories. (I’m still partial to my Inquisition canon divergence where Fenris came along.) And I made Houdini and Adelaide pillow plushies *o*
Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have? No? There’s some friendship pairings I like that I don’t like to say because then people are like YOU SHIP IT?!?! :D :D :D and I’m like… not like that, no.
Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans? Yeeesssss. Fenris and Hawke was just because I saw Fenris on my dash and I’m like friggin. And then I saw Fenris and Hawke on my dash and I’m like WHER EBUY GaME
What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships? Them to be alive and happy
Is there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed? Again, Credence and Graves.
Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to. Magnus and Alec! Fenris and Hawke if we ignore how shittily the LIs were written out in Inquisition. Jacob and Queenie if we assume he remembers. Martin and Theresa from Cabin Pressure *o*
Name a ship that deserved better in the end. All of them? Even most of the ones that have gotten together have had so much strife (also I want to say Ezio/Cristina because Shaun told me she got pneumonia and died but I’m not finished with the game so idk if anything else happened before that?? probably not)
Is there a character you have several ships for? Anyone from Dragon Age but does that even count? OH HAMILTON DUH Alex/Eliza, Alex/John, Alex/Aaron, Alex/Angelica
What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for? 98%? I don’t think there’s one I ignore that much for. I hate canon sometimes but I don’t ignore that much of it. Maybe 10% or something, idk.
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom? Certain Inquisition ships that I won’t name. Certain CLAMP ships that I won’t name. Like, the fandom for the latter is the reason I stopped writing for CLAMP. Either way I’ve come across so much drama in those two that I just don’t care. Also I don’t like the Sherlock fandom (especially lately (To be fair: I’ve met plenty of very lovely people in all fandoms, so I know they’re not all bad but bad experiences make my personal opinion - if I know you through these fandoms I do like you it’s just as a whole xD)
Honorable Ship Mentions (bc they warm my heart): I don’t know. My memory is horrible. Fenris/Sebastian. Either of the Hawkes/Sebastian. Sora/Kairi. Jonathan/Arabella. Newt/Tina. Sherlock/Victor.  Rose/Dezel. Jude/Milla. Deadpool/Spiderman. On and on???
Tagging whoever wants to do this! :D
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