#APswap AU
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APswap au: designs in Gacha club #1

Penny (15), Jane (11) and Laura (12), the two protagonists and reformed antagonist
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APswap au: Nyakuza Crew and Arctic Town.
Absolutely exhausted from their recent batch of adventures Jane and Laura find that they have been given a state mandated vacation by the Calcite authorities, their vacation? A cruise around some of the cat infested islands on the west coast, the ship they are on is called the SS Catnip which is one of the smaller vessels of the fleet. Little do the two girls know about the shady shit that will occur as the ship, quite plainly, is smuggling drugs for the Nyakuza. What makes it even worse their leader is on board and is not happy with two children running around causing problems.
A town in the arctic circle inhabited by seals and all sorts of arctic creatures, unfortunetally the town is full of timepieces and as such Jane and Laura have to collect them. Every timepiece they collect is confiscated by the mayor, a walrus, in order to pay off the Empress from coming to their town.
Characters of the Nyakuza crew:
The Empress: basically canon Empress except the whole on a cruise ship thing. Forcably recruits Jane and Laura in exchange for useless cash but isn't interested about the timepieces, she is more focused with drugs and human trafficing than anything else.
The Nyakuza crew: members of the Nyakuza who work on the ship and keep it running, they are also responseble for keeping the drugs and victims hidden.
Fish Dude: same as canon, just a fish dude.
Kraken: basically the thing which keeps the ship's powerplant running.
Jane and Laura board the Catnip and while finding the front desk accidently uncover a massive drug shipment, when the Nykazua figures this out they force Jane and Laura to either work for them or they get thrown overboard. In exchange for cash the two have to run various errends on the ship of questionable legality, all the while smuggling the occasional found timepiece to Calcite.
Ship shape is a greuling, unforgiving mess and any failure warrents a death sentence, however Meowjima is on hand to help calm the Empress down for just a bit longer.
Knowing just how bad the ship is Jane and Laura decide to escape, unfortunetally during their attempt the ship suffers a collision with an iceburg. Feeling bad for them the girls rescue everyone on board and the Empress has no option but to thank them for the lives saved, she does warn them though to stay out of her way or face the consequences.
Characters of the Arctic Town:
The seals: cute baby seals which waddle around the place and run their little stalls
Nyakuza Swimmers: Seals affiliated with the Nyakuza
Seal Police: Seals which confiscate Jane and Laura's timepieces to pay off the Empress with.
The Mayor: a walrus who means well but uses less than okay methods to deal with dissedents, while most seals don't mind the nyakuza he is absolutely terrified of them and would do anything to pay them.
Meowjima: the Empress's second in command, Meowjima is loyal on the outside but secretly wishes to overthrow the Empress and put someone better in charge of the Arctic Town.
The Empress: here for her payment, cuts off Jane and Laura from their escape but dies via chainsaw
The nyakuza bodyguards: here for the payment, cuts off the girls from their escape but die via chainsaw.
Penny: here to collectively traumatize the entire town in only a few hours, saves Jane and Laura's arses in the last second.
Timmy: Tim's runaway son, for a while he was a trainee timekeeper just like Jane but unfortunetally due to circumstances outside of his control he got stranded at the town and has kinda been living there ever since. Has a timepiece but won't hand it over until the girls fight him for it. Later assists in their escape.
freeroam: Jane and Laura run around the town for a while before convincing a seal to hand over the timepiece he is holding, several police arrive an force them to give up the timepice and takes them to the mayor who orders them to collect more of them. Jane protests but the mayor threatens jail, a very rigged court session and a one way trip to being sold at an auction by the Nyakuza. The two shut up and collect time pieces from around the town.
Timmy's bossfight: the girls find Timmy in an old fighting ring and he challenges them to a fight, after the fight he lets them go with the timepiece and distracts the police. Unfortunetally they catch Jane and Laura and they both end up in jail, the mayor tells them the the Empress is on their way and they will both suffer for their refusal to help them. Timmy however returns and helps break them out.
Arctic reinforcement: Jane and Laura break into the vault containing the timepieces, on their way out they are spotted and the alarm is sounded. What begins is the girls running all over the town trying to escape from police and Nyakuza affiliates, Timmy provides distractions and helps them in their escape route to a boat he owns. However they are cut off by the actual Nyakuza and have to take a route through an old tunnel system, the Empress finds the boat and prepares to scuttle it but Meowjima convinces her against it. When the three hit the docks the Empress and her bodyguards block their way but skillful determination from the trio, Meowjima's betrayal (taking three quarters of the Nyakuza with him) and finally her bodyguards being massacred by Penny. Angered, the Empress attempts to flee with the boat but gets a chainsaw violently wedged into her head. Meanwhile the captain is killed by Meowjima's followers who intend on finding a better candidate.
Following the empress's death Meowjima helps the trio (plus Penny) get the boat fixed and loaded. They then set sail back to Calcite, on the way back Penny admits to being an idiot and apologises to Jane and Laura who accept but tell her that Calcite won't be as forgiving...
#a hat in time#ahit hat kid#hat kid#bow kid#nyakuza metro#the empress#ahit empress#arctic cruise#ahit bow kid#Meowjima#ahit timmy#ahit au#fish dude#walrus captain#ahit nyakuza#ahit prototype#hat kid with a gun#Youtube#apswap au
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APswap AU: Subcon forest & Sandy Sails.
Subcon Forest, a name many haven't heard unless in tales told in whispers around a campfire, otherwise known as the Forest of Lies the Subcon Forest is an overgrown forested area covered in a thick sheet of pack ice featuring some of the largest trees in its area with the largest reaching over 55 meters tall. It was once a minor power during the medieval era but circumstances involving wayward rituals, out of control magic and basic jealousy have caused a catastrpohy.
The Small Desert Settlement of Sandville has had some ups and downs, with the locals desperate for money they banded together and created a scam-um uh, I mean tourist attraction known as Sandy Sails.
Subcon major characters:
Princess Vanessa was the former wife of King Micheal Juvitz and the current ruler of Subcon's Ice wastes, she is a ruthless ruler although she deeply cares about her suspects (the dwellers) quite a lot. In life Vannie was a niave and sensitive sort and she fell for Micheal, in death Vanessa is a ruthless sort, haunting her portion of Subcon giving royal directives to Dwellers to do her bidding.
Prince Luka was Micheal's brother and a much quieter and polite sort than his brother, he was charming and very creative with a passion for animals and plants. Luka had Rizz but now he is trapped in the horizon, possessed by an evil spirit due to a ritual performed by his Brother and forced to interract with the world via his puppets. Problem is he is still alive while being possessed.
King Micheal Juvitz is the ruler of Subcon manor and a massive overarching threat to everything else in the forest, he is directly related to every incident involved in Subcon's dramatic downfall. First by trying to kill Luka in a botched ritual (who barely survived by a thread) and then by having his wife burned at the stake when a misunderstanding caused him to accuse Vanessa of being unfaithful to him.
Toilets of Doom is a pair of sentient outhouses nearby to where Subcon village is located, he has to be awoken via a sacrifice and once he is awoken fighting him is Jane and Laura's only option, the second one has Laura's soul trapped in it and must be battled to retrieve that.
The Dwellers are spirits of the original Subcon Forest before the incident.
Sandy Sails major characters:
The villagers of Sandville are while a group of scumbags are often very informative about their desert home and are often not seen outside the village unless on a Sandmobile or on Camel, They are friendly and can be helpful but are found by the most part either scolding prideful tourists or trying to sell their wares.
The Narrator is the, well, Narator of the Ancient Clock Tower, he speaks in a posh British accent and is often very snarky. Not much else is known about him.
Bird companion is a small yellow bird which can be directed to grab items.
Mafia Archeoligist : The Mafia Archeoligists are a mafia group who recently showed up to visit the ruins to take samples, artifacts and document the huge ruins. Why they aren't overtly hostile they can be rude and brash towards the Nomads which only seems to reinfoce the fact that this was maybe not such a good idea after all...The only excception to this rule is their boss who is an arsehole.
#a hat in time#ahit headcanons#ahit prototype#snatcher#ahit snatcher#moonjumper#ahit moonjumper#queen vanessa#ahit queen vanessa#ahit nomads#toilet of doom#Bird Companion#a hat in time mafia#mafia boss ahit#ahit au#APswap AU#Youtube
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A hat in time APswap AU: Off the Rails.
The retail a hat in time chapter battle of the birds was originally going to be called Off The Rails, but it was changed to another name, then to Train Wreck of Science and finally to the name we all know it today.
The chapter takes place on the Moon and the Space express, a futuristic bullet train running between several cities on the moon ran by the Conductor but more about him later. It also takes place in the city of Las Avians which is where Director Grooves made his record selling 1920's style detective films but more about him and them later.
The inhabitants of the Moon are called the Moon Owls and they are a pretty mean bunch, always complaining about something on board the train like dog turds on their seat, the train going too fast or too slow, that 8ft 5in git clad in fallout style power armor and those two annoying children running around disrupting everything. While the Conductor pulls a brave face and tries to make provisions on his train he secretly dislikes the owls.
The Inhabitents of Las Avians are the City Penguins and they are still the finger snapping penguins we all know and love but they are secretly scared of Grooves, while he is friendly he can get very pissy if things don't go his way and because Grooves has mafia connections pissing him off is a death scentence for anyone brave enough to do it.
Train rush is caused by an owl pulling the detonation sequence thinking it was the emergancy stop so he could throw Jane and Laura out.
The Conductor is the conductor of the Space Express bullet train, a job which to him is absolute hell. He has to suffer through the Owls constant complaints and abnormally tight schedual (which includes fucking miniseconds) and while he is good at masking his emotions there is only so much one owl/lizard...thing can take.
Greg, walter and Redd is the Conductors cousins and the ones which help him with running the train and his sanity. Greg is a generally chipper lad, Walter is a quiet type and prefers to keep to himself and Redd is a very aggressive type and will stand up for his cousins and his family.
Director Grooves is a local resident of Las Avians, a former film director and a successful director of a Nightclub, he has mafia ties but is generally an old but kindly soul with a lot of advice to give to younger people. He enjoys Jane and Laura's company but dislikes Penny for good reasons and has always wondered what an alien would look like, He even helps the Conductors fix up their trainand even scare some sense into the stuffy owls. Just don't piss him of though...
The CAW agents are a group of mysterious detective crows that board the Space Express at a stop before Jane and Laura warp on board and are running around asking deeply personal questions, they are able to get their hands on a time piece following the death of an owl in the rear HST unit and inject the effects into a Crow which is luckily defeated by Jane and Laura, the CAW agents accuse the girls of killing the Owl but the Conductor arrives, goes off at the crows and kicks them off the train at the next stop. The Owls force the four and the kids to pretend that the Murder on the Space Express was a movie instead of a horrible chain of events with the entire thing being packaged off as a movie under the title of Murder on the Science Express.
Shapeshifter is a creature which was being transported by the CAW agents but escaped and began a killing spree which butchered many owls and several CAW agents, made attempts on the girls and the Conductors and event attacked the train itself but was caught and defeated by Jane and Laura.
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A hat in time AU idea: Apocalypse Swap au (or just APswap au, wip).
Background: a sort of ahit swap au but with some Fallout shennanigans in between, this changes the roles of multiple characters while also putting a post apocalyptic spin on Hat Kid's origins as well as aging her up to her species equivalent of 15 years old.
The storyline however is very different as it brings back many cut characters and locations, passes character traits onto new ones and follows a combination of retail and cut content. It also explores Hat Kid's past and the actions leading up to her escape.
Calcite Characters:
Mustache Girl (real name: Jane, sirname unknown) is a local resident of the city of Calcite and an apprentice to Tim the CEO of Time, she mostly shares her canon personality but the trauma with the mafia is mostly removed (as I'm giving it to Bow Kid) due to being sheltered by Tim despite him lossing a Time Piece to the Lazy Paw Mafia Boss.
Bow Kid (real name: Laura Jennings Durr) is another local resident and a victim of the Lazy Paw's brutality as they imprisoned her and murdered her parents, she is probably one of the only denizens actively fighting the Lazy Paw using sabotage. This has led to gaining a few scratches here and there. Following Jane defeating the Lazy Paw boss Laura almost went the same way as retail Mustache girl with only Tim coming in at the last second promising the removal of the lazy paw if she helps Jane stopping her.
Hat Kid (real name: Penny Lesley Kiethman) is a space traveling alien from an unidentified planet escaping on a solar sail generation ship with under a million of her kind, her ship halts near Earth and she awakens from her cryo induced slumber only to find that her pod was the only one to open. She desperately heads down to Terra to find parts to fix her ship but gets fixated by the Time Pieces and she wishes one to fix up and power the reactor. Problem is that Jane won't hand one over...yeah you know where this is going. Following her defeat at Generations and Timelines Penny lays low for a while before saving Jane's life at the Arctic Town.
The Lazy Paw: a cat gang coming from an unidentified location that had decided to take over most of Calcite and basically took over their segmants governing council, they wrapped up warm for Calcites colder enviroment with fur and leather coats and are ruthless towards anyone who pisses them off. Their leader the Lazy Paw Boss was the one that personally killed Laura's parents and gouged out one of her eyes.
Goofy Paw (real name: Josef Fritz Verville) is a member of the Lazy Paw gang, while he is a reliable member he is also a cryptozoologist and a member of a local conspiracy theorist group made up of Lazy Paw members and locals. He is the first one to encounter Penny and was the one who reported to LP Boss about her.
Tim (full name Tim Davis Reginald) the CEO of Time, local somewhat insane person (although Oldster beats him by far), high ranking Timekeeper of the ACTT and a very eccentric individual. He is known for being very carefree but still takes his job seriously, his predessesor told him to not have a melt down. How he had a meltdown over not having a meltdown is beyond me but he wishes to fix it so he sends Jane out to put things right.
Sam the Detective: a detective that specialises in different factors and currently on the payrole of the Lazy Paw to look the other way while they committ the crimes they do, while Sam is somewhat Scummy the Lazy Paw do have his family hostage and he is a good, if somewhat scummy, person.
Oldster: an old senile man living in a dumpster, oldster was once a respected part of town but the Lazy Paw utterly destroyed him both physically, emotionally and financially. He was rendered a paranoid, decrepid old man.
Timekeeper Blu: a relatively experienced Timekeeper and proud of his job, he is a very joyful individual but can sometimes be too serious and even hostile. If someone unfamiliar even touches a Time Piece he can get very defensive. Blu takes Laura under his wing as an apprentice following the events of Generations and Timelines.
Lady Puella: A very experienced Time Keeper rumoured to be older than this current Timeline, Puella is a very strict keeper and is good at first response and at dealing with struggling or troublesome apprentices. She was also a first responder during the events of Arctic Town and following those events takes Penny under arrest and places her in the ACTT's youth reformatory program before taking Penny under her wing as an apprentice.
City of Calcite and Lazy Paw district.
Off the Rails
Subcon Forest
Sandy Sails
Generations and Timelines
Nyakuza Crew
Arctic Town
(character designs will come out later)
#a hat in time#ahit hat kid#hat kid#ahit bow kid#bow kid#hat kid with a gun#tim the ceo of time#ahit puella#lady puella#Sam the detective#ahit au#Timekeeper Blu#Oldster#ahit swap au#APswap au#ahit prototype#mustache girl#ahit mustache girl#lazy paw gang#ahit lazy paw#ahit oc#Youtube
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APswap AU: The End
The Boat arrives at Calcite's docks and the group burst out onto dry land utterly exhausted, the group simply stay there for a bit before trudging up towards a nearby hotel. Penny jokes about being on-sighted by timekeepers if she remains here for much longer, unfortunetally for her Blu arrives along with a terrifying older woman and both take her and Timmy into custody. On the way back in an APC Laura asks about potentially joining the Timekeepers as a way to support herself, Blu says that she has potential but there will be a rigorous testing phase to see if she is up for it.
The Group sit back as the woman explains options for reform to Timmy and a confused Penny who asks for a bit more information of how the justice system works around here, the woman introduces herself as Timekeeper Puella and explains how Calcite's Justice system works. Penny takes a more difficult Timekeeper course specially developed for minor first offenders of timepiece related crimes as reformation.
Major timeskip, 5 months later : Penny has completed most of the course but is struggling with a part which deals with aggressiveness and non-lethal methods of taking down targets, after another painful failure Puella suggests that Penny take a break from the consistant attempts and the two of them head to an observation and relaxation area. There they meet Laura, who was taken under Blu's wing to become a timekeeper and is doing well, Timmy (who chose a similar course as Penny) and Jane. The group discuss things for a while before Jane asks Penny about if she is seeing therapy, Penny is about to respond when Puella cuts her off and explains that they needed Tim to ID if her past was true.
#a hat in time#hat kid#ahit hat kid#ahit bow kid#bow kid#hat kid with a gun#ahit au#ahit prototype#ahit timmy#Ahit OC#lady puella#moleman arg#moleman puella#Youtube#apswap au
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APswap AU: Generations and Timelines
Jane and Laura return to Calcite to deposite their last Timepiece when they find the vault empty, checking security footage shows that Penny somehow snuck in and stole them and they have a feeling she is somewhere around here. Going in search of her the two come across a chunk of the generation ship Penny arrived in and their locater suggests she is inside it, the pair enter the ship via an opening in the hull and are forced to navigate narrow corridoors, factory style rooms and a cleared out and destroyed reactor room (with no reactor inside of it) filled with hostile robot enemies.
When Laura and Jane finally find Penny they find her surrounded by TimePieces and large cryopods with her desperately trying to bring them online and finally giving up, she turns round and spots the pair from a distance and sighs before speaking with them. Penny tells the pair that they could take the timepieces back if they let her go but Jane refuses and responds that she must be taken into custody and brought before a court to face Juctice, Penny sighs with sadness and laments at having to part ways like this before pulling out a shotgun and going full Southerner.
Phase 1 of the bossfight is a simple affair, Penny has several attacks ranging from her shotgun, some grenades, an arial denial molotov attack and a homing rocket launcher. After 5 hits she sets to a transission phase where she absorbs all the timepieces to become a God and breaks one which takes jane and Laura to a black void where they get assaulted with artilary shells.
Phase 2 begins with a cut scene with them being deposited in a lush green plain near a city with Penny admiring the view, Jane calls out to her and she turns around with an eyebrow raised. Laura inquires if this was her home to which Penny responds with a yes, the area is suddenlt lit up with flashes of light and the phase actually begins. Penny's roster of attacks is added on to with several more attacks such as a beam attack and a handheld nuclear grenade. During this phase Penny uses a riot shield as a defence against the umbrellas of Jane and Laura and they have to pick up uncooked grenades and throw them back at her.
Phase 3 is where the nuclear detonations in the background finish and a nuclear wasteland is seen, Penny's attacks begin to increase in intensity as it is clear that her power is decreasing and she wants to wrap this up quickly.
Jane's final hit smacks Penny so hard that she ends up losing an arm to it and losing her powers, the pair recollect the ball of timepieces, reset everything and leave.
Meanwhile an unconsious Penny has a dream when an alternate version of herself which killed Jane and Laura shows her the absolute hell she would have to go through if she won and that there was no hope in saving her home or the generation ship, its written on the timeline in stone and that 40 timepieces only causes 40 exta problems. Penny breaks down crying before vowing to repay Jane and Laura in anyway she could.
Penny exits the cryo room and uses explosives to blow the place up, she gets into a suit of power armour and afixes a prosthetic arm both of which she salvaged and heads out into the outside world, desperate to redeem herself and begin a new chapter in her life.
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