#APH Albania
kalinq0 · 2 months
My favorite animals are serbia and albania when they fight over hwo will take Kosovo first, like my brother in christ, 60% of your people live abroad and your talking abt war😭?? Im not even going to mention their economic state rn
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roran01 · 9 months
Balkantalia but make it a boy band, or just a big band
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elementalkat · 9 days
…so who’s gonna be the first to make a bektashi order hetalia oc
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brandtner · 1 year
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Quick sketch of Tix’s Albania
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melvindafirst · 11 months
alr, alr, idk where the hell have I heard this hc but i like the idea of fem albania being a burrnesha (basically a nearly existinct albanian tradition where a woman dresses and lives her life as a man for varies reasons) for like a short period between the ottoman times until the 1920s where women in albania started to get more independent
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red-pincushion · 2 years
Balkans at the theater
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Honestly, are they even going to pay attention to the show?
I got to say after the serious editing, this was a wonderful return to the more humorous edits!
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ljuubav · 11 months
(Think of albania literally denting a car over a small inconvenience)
Montenegro : i knew it , albania isn't normal right now
Bosnia : Albania . . is never normal ?
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numberonemisandrist · 4 months
albania watches turkish dramas with big, beefy turkish men who have glistening abs and can deadlift their personal-assistant-sister-in-law-childhood-friend-maid love interest and sends screenshots to turkey asking when he can do it to her in his stone mansion that’s featured on 18 top dramas
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yaoxsblog · 1 year
Hi, same anon that asked the kosovo question here,anyway I was wondering if you had any headcanons about albania's general personality and his relationship with other balkan countries? ( ngl albania and kosovo deserve some more recognition 😔✊)
This is gonna be a lot shorter than my kosovo post unfortunately cause I don’t have many headcanons, also this is all based on literally the one time tix drew Albania ://
In looks, I think he has tan skin, and light Brown hair, darker than what his artwork shows. I also imagine him with hazel eyes, and his general appearance is really androgynous. To the point where I’m unsure wether I headcanon him as male or somewhere under the non-binary umbrella
I wouldn’t say He’s the „opposite” of Vuk’s personality but they are very different indeed.
Albania is very chill, and has what seems like copious amounts of patience. It takes a lot to set him off, the only exception is interrupting him when he’s busy with something
He def smokes weed. A lot of it
He’s an introvert like kosovo but i wouldn’t say he’s socially akward like him
He has some weird ability to make people calm down. Idk just his insane aura and the keef on his shirt
Despite his calm nature he can be serious and brave when the situation demands it
When I said I don’t have a lot I really Did mean it because this is all I have for him :((
But now is that part when I talk about relationships yay :DD
Serbia, obv they dislike eachother. I’s say Vuk hates him more, but Al def said some strong words about him multiple times…Serbia is also the one who most often starts arguments and tries to get physical
Kosovo, I talked about their relationship in my previous post, but I’ll add that Kos doesn’t always like how parent-like Albania is sometimes
I think he and Enis get along well, and Idriza probably doesn’t mind him either (not that she likes him a lot, but he’s a more welcome guest than someone like Vuk)
He and Greece are probably buddies. Just chillin. Unimaginable amounts of chill. I think if Monte joined them the world might collapse from the sheer vibes
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roran01 · 10 months
Consider a hetagame (or fic) where the female mc (with personality) is a conspiracy theorist and obsessed with the concept of country personifications living amongst humans and wants to study them like a nerd on animal planet. Plotline works like a reverse harem (or bi harem since there has to be girls too). No one has to get with no one but let there be a ton of simping and weird shenanigans to happen.
And it focuses mainly on the balkan countries since they need more attention. Plus it's like a jungle in there anyways so it fits /jk don't kill me
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ergohetalia · 3 months
Portugal X Albania
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turtleramen · 2 years
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heres a few more redraws bc i finally settled on all of their designs
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athenov · 2 years
i love how the hetalia fandom has collectively decided that serbia is a man while albania is a woman. i have no idea why that is so entertaining in my tiny mind
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red-pincushion · 1 year
Strawberry Shortcake au won!
Here is my list of names, I'll post designs later:
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Srpska and Kosovo have different last...names? As Serbia and Albania to avoid insulting anyone. Not Macedonia tho as I headcanon Macedonia and Bulgaria as siblings. Also Volga's here!
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ljuubav · 10 months
Albania : okay name a colour
Kosovo : green !
Albania : now name a shape
Kosovo : green !
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nekostar4004 · 3 years
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Albania oc
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It's on her tracksuit jacket
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