fmarkets · 8 months
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Alpha And Omega Semiconductor Limited suffers significant losses due to weak sales in fiscal first quarter of 2024 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=AOSL&date=2024-02-08084046&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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ratbiwirattime · 2 months
yeah no yeah theres like, this rat, wires, hes giving vyncent like a snickers bar for your death and he also got a device that can get to you magically shits wild
taher rat eatser byo?/ ("the rat eater boy??")
aosl who the fcklu is this wires guy ("also who the fuck is this wires guy")
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akciova-sance · 1 year
Peněženka potřebuje změnu
Portfolio potřebuje změnu, protože hodnota portfolia dosáhla nastavené hranice ---- (-5 %), pokles hodnoty.
Nové portfolio je následující,
ANIP (15.54%) 
BJRI (15.95%) 
AEL (1.59%) 
DFIN (1.46%) 
AOSL (17.11%) 
BKU (10.39%) 
ANIK (1.31%) 
ARGO (10.39%) 
CSV (15.54%) 
CUBI (10.74%)
Všechny akcie jsou z amerického akciového trhu jako NASDAQ, NYSE.
[výše uvedené portfolio slouží pouze pro účely učení a komunikace. Obchodujte tímto způsobem na vlastní nebezpečí.]
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La billetera necesita un cambio
La cartera necesita un cambio, porque el valor de la cartera ha llegado al límite preestablecido ---- (-5%), una disminución en el valor.
La nueva cartera es la siguiente,
ANIP (15.54%) 
BJRI (15.95%) 
AEL (1.59%) 
DFIN (1.46%) 
AOSL (17.11%) 
BKU (10.39%) 
ANIK (1.31%) 
ARGO (10.39%) 
CSV (15.54%) 
CUBI (10.74%)
Todas las acciones son del mercado de valores de EE. UU. como NASDAQ, NYSE. [el portafolio anterior es solo para fines de aprendizaje y comunicación. Opere de esta manera bajo su propio riesgo.]  
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boursechance · 1 year
Le portefeuille a besoin d'un changement
Le portefeuille a besoin d'un changement, car la valeur du portefeuille a atteint la limite prédéfinie ---- (-5%), une diminution de la valeur.
Le nouveau portefeuille est le suivant,
ANIP (15.54%) 
BJRI (15.95%) 
AEL (1.59%) 
DFIN (1.46%) 
AOSL (17.11%) 
BKU (10.39%) 
ANIK (1.31%) 
ARGO (10.39%) 
CSV (15.54%) 
CUBI (10.74%)
Toutes les actions proviennent du marché boursier américain comme NASDAQ, NYSE. [le portfolio ci-dessus est uniquement à des fins d'apprentissage et de communication. Tradez de cette façon à vos risques et périls.]   
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beurskans · 1 year
De portefeuille heeft een wijziging nodig
De portefeuille heeft een wijziging nodig, omdat de waarde van de portefeuille de vooraf ingestelde limiet heeft bereikt ---- (-5%), een daling van de waarde.
De nieuwe portfolio is als volgt,
ANIP (15.54%) BJRI (15.95%) AEL (1.59%) DFIN (1.46%) AOSL (17.11%) BKU (10.39%) ANIK (1.31%) ARGO (10.39%) CSV (15.54%) CUBI (10.74%)
Alle aandelen zijn afkomstig van Amerikaanse aandelenmarkten zoals NASDAQ, NYSE. [het bovenstaande portfolio is alleen bedoeld voor leer- en communicatiedoeleinden. Handel op deze manier op eigen risico.]  
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stockmarketchance · 1 year
Portfolio wymaga zmiany
Portfolio wymaga zmiany, ponieważ wartość portfela osiągnęła wstępne limit ---- (-5%), spadek wartości.
Nowe portfolio jest następujące,
ANIP (15.54%) BJRI (15.95%) AEL (1.59%) DFIN (1.46%) AOSL (17.11%) BKU (10.39%) ANIK (1.31%) ARGO (10.39%) CSV (15.54%) CUBI (10.74%)
Wszystkie akcje pochodzą z amerykańskich giełd, takich jak NASDAQ, NYSE. [powyższe portfolio służy wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych i komunikacyjnych. Handluj w ten sposób na własne ryzyko.]  
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chance-de-marche · 1 year
Le portefeuille a besoin d'un changement
Le portefeuille a besoin d'un changement, car la valeur du portefeuille a atteint la limite prédéfinie ---- (- 5%), une diminution de la valeur.
Le nouveau portefeuille est le suivant,
ANIP (15.54%) BJRI (15.95%) AEL (1.59%) DFIN (1.46%) AOSL (17.11%) BKU (10.39%) ANIK (1.31%) ARGO (10.39%) CSV (15.54%) CUBI (10.74%)
Toutes les actions proviennent du marché boursier américain comme NASDAQ, NYSE.
[le portfolio ci-dessus est uniquement à des fins d'apprentissage et de communication. Tradez de cette façon à vos risques et périls.]
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tirgus-analize · 1 year
Portfelim ir vajadzīgas izmaiņas
Portfolio ir jāmaina, jo portfeļa vērtība sasniedza iepriekš iestatīto robežu ---- (-5%), vērtības samazināšanos.
Noklikšķiniet šeit, lai redzētu iepriekšējo portfeli, ja jums nepieciešams.
Jaunais portfelis ir šāds,
ANIP (15.54%) BJRI (15.95%) AEL (1.59%) DFIN (1.46%) AOSL (17.11%) BKU (10.39%) ANIK (1.31%) ARGO (10.39%) CSV (15.54%) CUBI (10.74%)
Visas akcijas ir no ASV akciju tirgus, piemēram, NASDAQ, NYSE.
[iepriekš esošais portfolio ir paredzēts tikai mācībām un komunikācijai. Tirgojieties šādā veidā, jūs uzņematies savu risku.]
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aktieinvestering · 2 years
Porteføljen endret seg
Noen aksjer i porteføljen endret seg fordi verdien av porteføljen nådde grensen -------(3%)--------en økning. Vi snakket sammen før.
Du kan klikke her for å lese tidligere innhold.
Den nye porteføljen er som følger,
AOSL (11.78%) BJRI (18.82%) AGIO (9.88%) ASIX (5.09%) CRC (0.81%) AUB (28.08%) BEP (0.54%) AQUA (3.80%) ACU (18.78%) CRS (2.41%)
Alle aksjene er fra det amerikanske aksjemarkedet, som NASDAQ, NYSE.
[porteføljen ovenfor er kun for læring og kommunikasjon. Handle på denne måten, du er på eget ansvar.]
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chocoenvy · 3 years
For Councils of Gods. I know for a fact that Chai will definitely bring Eula
Yes. Like they didn't even ask them to bring anyone Chai just showed up holding Eula's hand like "Hi there different me's! This is my- our?- mom :D!"
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fmarkets · 5 months
AOSL Reports Surprising Loss of $0.39 per Share in Latest Financial Report $AOSL #Semiconductors #Nasdaq
The Unexpected Financial Results of Alpha And Omega Semiconductor LimitedThe stock market is always filled with interesting and sometimes surprising facts. One such fact can be found in the financial report of Alpha And Omega Semiconductor Limited (AOSL) for the third quarter of their fiscal year 2024, which ended on September 30, 2023. Despite a revenue increase of 12.821% from the previous reporting season, bringing their revenue to $149.56 million, AOSL actually reported a loss of $-0.39 per share. This is a significant change from t
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agl03 · 4 years
You guys know I”m know Hypable’s biggest fan but knowing what most of these mean thanks to D23 Spoilers I’m good to post this weeks.  
The biggest take away for me is Coulson and how he feels and I feel this is really going to cut to the core of the entire season and culminate in the finale.  
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lilstrawberryghost · 2 years
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lurking-latinist · 3 years
Blessed Francis of Utah AOSL 🎶
This song is on my playlist titled "Eschatology," which feels right, maybe?
"Canticle of the Turning" performed by Rory Cooney, Gary Daigle, and Theresa Donohoo
(also it's significantly more Catholic than I am, which also seems appropriate)
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screamingtofu · 7 years
D&D session 2 - The gang bugs out
I really want to do a proper write up of session 2 of d&d, but it went for 7 and a half hours, I’m drunk and pretty tired. So ... here’s the lightning round so I can go to bed.  We got a new player this session and she’s a Druid! Raven enters the team and that ends so well.
We had like a day in the city before going south for maybe revenge and also start Raven’s quest to bury her mothers remains. Below is a bulletpoint rundown of everyone’s day because I really don’t want to do paragraphs at the moment, it took me an hour just to fill in my notes for the whole session so I know what happened
- Olgum woke up early and went hunting, he stumbled across some boars really going at it and he decided he really wants some bacon. 2 sneak axe attacks later, the female takes off running and the male turns to fight. - Olgum gets the shit gored out of him and nearly dies before clutching the fight and then also murdering the fleeing female boar and any maybe babies that were in there. - Olgum dings up to level 2 and wanders back to town with a sack of freshly cooked meat and an even fresher gore wound. - He finds an armorer to replace his current leather armor and upgrades to Scale armor and heads back to the tavern to sell some boar meat and basically just hang out till we leave.
- Eridol bangs the shit out of his head after waking up under his cot. Realises Drack dragged him out of the room in the night and sets the cot up right in front of the door as a tripping hazard because Drack now has a -2 for dex after a reroll. Ain’t that a bitch - Eridol orders some breakfast before realising he’s still coated in orc bits and blood from the last battle and goes to find a bath. - He goes and cleans up and unknown to him Core steals a sausage off his plate. (This comes up later for Drack)  - After breakfast, Eridol goes to meet with his good buddy, Sven the creepy skin guy who works out of an unmarked building in a god damn back alley. He picks up his perfectly tanned orc tattoo and Sven offers to show him what he’s doing with the rest of the orc skin he brought in. Eridol agrees and while Sven is out grabbing it, Eridol looks around and realises that this maybe isn’t the safest place and checks for traps ... just in case. Finding nothing but still kind of terrified of this fantasy buffalo bill son of a bitch, he just backs up to the door and stands there smiling because it’s the polite thing to do. Sven wheels out a sewing manniquin with an exquisite looking full length fingerless glove made out of orc skin and cheekily shows a new belt that’s also made of orc skin. he also mentions he’s looking for a white elk’s skin that’s in teh nearby forests. Eridol mentions how awesome they are but Sven realises that it’s tinged with a hint of Eridol reeeeealy wanting to get the fuck out out of creepsville.  - Eridol goes off to find a library for information about the area and what they can expect ( A direct quote from my notes here: “Surrounding swamps contain a fuck you amount of gnolls”) and meets up with Raven who’s looking for information about why her mum got sick when she entered the swamps.
- Drack wakes the fuck up at the crack of noon and nearly trips in my cot before he asks for directions to a bath and orders a damn feast for breakfast to be ready once he gets back. - After a bath he moseys on back to the tavern and passes Core who is just about to eat the sausage he stole from me. Drack believes this is from his breakfast and tries to steal it back.  - It does not work. Once they’re back in the tavern, Drack orders delicious boar meat on Core’s tab. Eridol is still down one sausage. - Drack goes on a damn shopping spree montage. He goes and gets his backback upgraded so he can strap shit to it, he goes to get his sword sharpened and ends up with a loaner sword which looks like a family heirloom while the blacksmith is “examining” his. He fails to haggle with the shopkeeper about the price of crossbow bolts before kicking the door open to leave, encountering Eridol and Raven outside about to buy some weapons, kicks the door back open and buys some other things and just be a huge draconic arse. - Raven buys a shortsword, Eridol buys a skinning knife and apologises to the halfling shopowner for Drack being “short” with her and gives her some extra gold for dealing with him. - We all head back to the tavern to discuss things and get ready for leaving tomorrow. - Heinrik, the NPC we’re helping out find his daughter took a nasty hit last session and despite being healed ended up getting infected so he’s not looking too good. - We all retire to bed, Drack getting to the shared room first and locks Eridol out.  - Eridol’s not having any of this and decides a justice must be done. He goes downstairs and buys a small sack of flour and starts setting up a trap when their room door is opened Drack’s getting a face full of flour. Halfway through setting up the mechanism on the roof, Olgum walks past a half naked gnome, standing on a flipped over bed tying a sack of flour to a light fixture and just doesn’t even acknowledge what’s happening. - Cut to the morning, Eridol’s all clean and dressed, moving his bed into position for a perfect view of the show. Core and Raven pop into the hallway to see what’s happening and Eridol just points to the trap and lies in bed, waiting.  - Drack walks out immediately and gets half a face full of flour and his left side just gets covered. He sees Eridol propped up perfectly with a shit eating grin on his tiny gnome face. Drack tries to flip the cot in a huff. - He fails horribly and walks outside. 
(We’d been playing for 4 hours so far. We started at like 2:30/3pm to avoid running too long and still ended at like quarter to 10)
- We go out to leave, Core mentions he’s gotten us some more steeds and true to his word there are now 4 horses between everyone. 4 horses ... for 5 of us. I think I’ll just be riding shotgun in the cart again but nooo. Core (and by extension Logan, the DM) had organised a ride for me as well. That  F U C K E R  trots out a mastiff with a saddle. Eridol just stands there looking at this fucking pupper and then at Core, just going between them for a while swearing in gnomish, equal parts furious because fuck, this is demeaning and just slack jaw amazement that this is a thing. But sadly friends, no one gets to see a tiny man riding a dog today. Eridol takes the dog and jumps into the cart because he’s not leaving Heinrik alone while he looks like death. PUPPER GET!
After like 6-8 hours riding we come across a river and a surprising amount of animal carcasses, all kind of dried up and chewed on. After some poor perception roles we get jumped by 3 swarms of insects and 2 stirges (housecat sized mosquitoes). Cue just terrible rolls from everyone for the entire encounter.
- Eridol takes out a stirge about to latch onto Olgum with sacred flame. - Drack gets swarmed by insects and gets taken down to 2 health. - Raven gets swarmed by insects and moves out to help Drack and is immediately set on by the swarm of bugs with a nat 20 on the reactionary attack. She’s down. - Olgum takes out the other stirge with his longbow and gets swarmed by insects.  - Core throws a chromatic orb at the swarm on Raven. - Immediately fails. Like super hard.  - Suddenly a fucking crocodile bursts out of the river wanting some of the carcasses.  - Eridol immediately want’s that scaly bastards skin and “accidentally” fires off a guiding bolt which misses, thankfully. Before moving up to help Olgum - Drack breaks out of his swarm, fire breaths the shit out of it and lays hands on Raven to get her up. -Raven starts trying to kill the swarm with her longsword, casts speak with animals and bargains with the crocodile for help afterwhich it gets some tasty boar meat. - Crocodile runs up and tries to bite the swarm near her. - Core tries throwing another chromatic orb at the swarm near Raven. It’s a bust
Just to avoid some repetition I’ll describe the remainder. You have 5 armed individuals and a crocodile screaming constantly, flailing about and failing to hit swarms of bugs with swords, hammers and staffs that are right in front of them. I want you to imagine a group of people fighting a swarm of bees with golfclubs ... that’s basically what this was. But we all made it.
- Crocodile goes to get it’s meat payment and we depart as friends. 
-Suddenly a guiding bolt of divine energy burns the shit out of the crocodile. Using the advantage, Drack javelin’d it through the heart. Eridol and Drack had a different plan for that guy and the plan is new boots.
- Ecstatic that their plan worked, they both start harvesting the croc to the assumed horror of Raven (I honestly didn’t check, I was busy skinning a crocodile and so damn happy that guiding bolt hit). Eridol takes it’s skin and sweet delicious tail meat, Drack takes like all it’s teeth.
Everyone makes camp on a beautiful beachscape and we leave them for now because it’s 10pm and everyone’s happy and tired. We learn that we got through about half of what Logan had planned for the session.
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