altraviolet · 9 months
Yesterday, Jan 12, was my 6 year AO3aversary! I usually take note of it the day of, but I'm a day late this year xD
I'm excited to have written TF fic for 6 years now!
My AO3 total is 611,342 posted words, which is an average of about 100,000 a year! That's a novel a year! I have some ahhhh feelings about my posting schedule and what I am able to accomplish with limited energy, but realizing 100k/year on average made me feel really good! Heck, that is a lot of work! I'm proud 😄
Thanks for all the love and support! Thank you for reading!
If anyone's interested in my fic writing journey, here's an abbreviated timeline:
-circa 1994/5: first memory of writing what one would consider fanfic, my own Star Trek crew, entirely OCs
-late 90's: I read a lot of Beast Wars fics and wrote a few stories
-early 2000's: JTHM and Invader Zim stuff
-early to mid 2000's: the first fandom that I interacted with in a more 'modern' sense. by that I mean I made fandom friends, wrote a lot, talked about fan stuff on LJ, etc etc. the fandom will remain undisclosed but I had a BLAST and am very very lucky to still be in contact with a good friend from that period (you know who you are, hehe). I still love that franchise. my fics were received well (never had a flame on ff.net, that's some kind of accomplishment, right? lol) and I had quite a few readers, especially considering I only wrote gen fics (in the shipping sense. they went up in rating for violence). I wrote about 200,000 words for this fandom. as of now, the franchise has a small, active fandom on AO3 but I haven't delved into it. I'm pretty sure the fans' interpretations of characters have evolved over the years and since I haven't kept up, my ideas may seem out of date or sorely overdone, etc etc. I'm happy to let that part of my writing career live in memory only and don't plan to return :)
-2015 read MTMTE and got sucked back into TF
-2018 joined AO3 and started writing TF fic again :)
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