apileofmoss · 1 year
HI I forgot to answer this yesterday but ohghh this is so vague but.uhm ill talk about Brianna for now ^_^ for her being my main protag I don't talk about her nor draw her too much,,</3 When I first created her, her last name was Bahadur which I believe is an Indian ?name? I don't even know where I found it either,, anyways her last name is Beckend now ! She was a foster kid for a while until age 10 when she was adopted by her dad(Sam) who worked at the agency . After a couple years, she was introduced to his partner(Tracy) and his partner's partner(Zhao)! polyamorous parents! yippee !! Zhao and Tracy soon after had a kid as well ! i should draw them at some point all the younger kids in the story have banger designs if I do say so myself Brianna took up a fascination with sociology and psychology, going to college for the both of those and starting a counseling company with her friend from highschool (they had a gay thing at one point but it ended up not being a gay thing just a friend thing) . That friend is Ashwini and he's prrrobably going to be in my header for next months theme :D
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tojikai · 1 year
Yet another amazing part.
Not feeling to good about trouble in Paradise for Toji and Y/N but it a Gojo fic so it makes sense that they have to have problems.
But anyway that get into the bitch Naomi.
I knew it. It fuck knew she would pulls something like this but I was expecting promising to take plan B and doing it or poking holes in the condoms but r@ping him. I swear to god if he sleeps through she better be infertility or have a miscarriage because holy shit that poor child that could come from this. Like I honestly wish I could beat the woman near death for pulling this fucking shit because she even knows she doing so bad shit.
Also Naomi, you ain't better than Y/N, fucking bitch. You ain't better for Gojo. You're just someone his mother used to manipulate him and doing what she wants him to do. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when you get knocked off your fucking high horse.
Anyways moving on to the happier stuff and things I'm less heated about.
Gojo is going to therapy, thank God but if I'm being honest Y/N could use it too.
Gojo better go through with that restraining order against his momma because if he doesn't than he don't deserve Y/N or Yui, if he won't protect them from that toxic bitch.
Toji really needs to think about how he phrase things when talking about his wife. Like it man, Mamaguro was the love of your life but dude your on verge of losing Y/N at this rate.
It think that'll all but I might think of something later.
P.S. Sorry for all the cussing, I just finished part 5 and was heated.
i feel like part 5 was really frustrating 😭 so many things just happened, and it's all problems over problems and then buts of happy stuff 🥹 it's starting to get to that point where some readers might hate me, but oh well, drama. anywyas i truly appreciate this and your support, please take care<33
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livthechoochieslayer · 2 months
When two people meet in an unexpected way, love is usually not something that comes out of it.
Story warnings: Nothing crazy, mostly fluff but the end does feature 5k words of smut. HA.
Summary/intro: When Lia went on a girls trip New York, she never thought writing her phone number on a bathroom wall would lead to a relationship, let alone meeting a man she has only seen on camera. Dominic would have never imagined he would be catching an airplane across the country for a girl, especially one he has never met.
Chapter TWS: Slight suggested stuff?? Nothing intense.
2 OF 9
Link for part 1
After the first text, surprisingly, Lia and Dominic hit it off. 
The conversations were awkward and sparse for awhile, but for some reason they both kept wanting to talk to each other. The time difference was annoying, and conversations would span days due to it. 
After an especially mentally draining week and way too many shots at home, Dominic needed to talk to someone. 
He had friends he could call up, or even his parents, but something in him decided to click on Lias name and typed away.
Dominic: Hehyy! U up????
Lia: Yeah… it’s only 10pm here meaning it's 1 for you. Why are you up?
Dominic: I dntno I was aat work topay and man. PEOPLE piss me off?
Lia: r u drunk?
Dominic: Maybe.,,... 
Dominic: Anywyas! This guy his namse Tyler right, he never shits the fuck up!!!!!
Lia: Dominic, go get some sleep. 
Dominic: Hes my boss or watevr but heseems to alwys got sometgn bad to say aboutme.
Lia: Dominic that sucks dude, but go to sleep, it will help. We can talk in the morning if you want.
Dominic: realy Lia? Youd do that? Talk to poooor old me?????
Dominic: thanks. I got to go feed ma fish htne ill go to bed. Promise youll talk tomorrow?
Lia: Yes. Now go sleep.
Dominic: Yes maam!
  Dominic texted the next morning apologizing, but they ended up talking about Dominic and his shitty boss for over 2 hours that morning. The transition from surface level acquaintances to friends happened after that, and their conversations became more frequent. 
For a while, they mainly communicated when one was drunk. They had many late night text chains where one person was laughing their ass off as the other was rambling aimlessly either through text or through Siri crafted messages.
It evolved as the weeks turned into months and summer slowly started fading into fall. One fateful night at the end of September was when things started to change. Their texting had definitely increased leading up to the first call, but it was still a big step for Lia to take. 
“Dominic? You there?” She spoke into the phone, the cold screen pressed against her rosy cheek. It was late and brisk outside, the ocean wind not helping her stay warm in her thin long sleeve and jeans. Lia’s hands were cold, and her hair was flying everywhere despite the clips she had put in that morning. 
She had just finished a shift at the local diner she worked at and was walking home like she usually did. Once the sun sets, the small diner fills with locals while only a few tourists stick around. 
Usually, the locals stay as respectful as old drunk men can be, but today featured a group of men who were new in town. They never did anything worth saying something about, but their eyes liked to wonder and she just didn't have a good feeling about them.
Lia was unfazed by men being men, but she kept seeing shadows on her way home that freaked her out a bit. Plus, the fact she could barely hear the sound of her own boots clomping on the ground over her racing heart spooked her further.
Hence why she called Dominic. She didn’t have many friends, (there was really no one below the age of 35 in her town,) so calling Dominic was her first, and what seemed like the best idea at the time. 
“Who is this?” Dominic had groggily asked, and Lia realized it was 2AM in Manhattan. She winced at the realization that she woke him up and due to the big gust of wind that blew her hair right into her face. 
“Sorry to wake you, maybe I should have just called someone else,” she responded, wondering if walking the next 4 blocks with just her mind to scare the shit out of her was a good idea. 
“No, no. It’s okay Lia,” His yawn cut his message in half, “Nice to hear your voice for the first time, you sound sexy.” Lia could hear the smirk in his notably hot, gravely sleep-filled voice and rolled her eyes with a scoff. 
“Why did you call me? Are you alright? You lost after drinking too much or something?” Dominic became serious then, hearing how strong the wind sounded even through his crappy phone speaker. 
“Wow thanks, but no. I’m not.” Her lips tilted up a little. She had drunk dialed him once, but she was too far gone to remember if she actually even said anything to him. 
“I just got finished at my work and I’m walking home alone. I guess I just got spooked from the wind and wanted to talk to someone.” Her voice became small, feeling vulnerable about sharing how she really felt. 
Dominic understood and talked to her as she made her way all the way home, back into her warm, dimly lit living room where her cat lounged out waiting to be stroked. 
“Thank you,” Lia spoke after a long pause. “I really appreciate that, especially since it’s almost 2:30 there now.” She laughed, making it more casual as she got up and made her way to her bedroom. 
“Yeah, no problem. Anytime you need, just give me a call okay?” He sleepily replied, while rubbing his eyes slightly. 
What either of them knew at the time was that Lia would take up Dominic’s offer and call him on her walk home from work every night for the next 2 and a half years. 
The second time they called, it went much smoother than the first, and the conversation flowed easily. Lia was less on edge since the sea decided to mellow out, and her new addition of pepper spray attached to her keychain helped ease her fright.
Dominic was just happy to be there. 
He would listen to her talk about how her day was at work while he lounged in bed filled with cream silk pillows and smoke colored sheets. He would often watch Peanut, his fish who sat on the black window sill as he and Lia would chat late at night. 
Peanut’s tank faced the west, and Dominic wondered that if he looked far enough, he would see a stretch of the Oregon coast. Maybe on the blonde sand sat a beautiful girl who would laugh and smile at all the bad jokes he told her. 
She asked him one time, months later in the dead of winter, how after the first time they called, he always seems to be awake at the same time every night. His answer was simple. Dominic told her he could never fall asleep at a decent time usually, and she believed him even though that wasn’t the truth. 
What he would do was set an alarm for 2:00 in the morning just so he could hear her voice over the phone and talk with her about the most mundane events of the day.
Their relationship blossomed just like the flowers did as spring came around, and soon those evening calls were happening not just in the evening. They would talk in the mornings, in the afternoons, at night, and any time in between. 
Of course, it grew into more than just friendship as constant texting became a thing between the two and the first selfies were being sent.
Both Dominic and Lia were astonished by each others’ looks, happily surprised how they seemed to compliment each other perfectly. 
Both had darkish hair, Dominic’s a lighter brown that seems to always be messy and never really set in one specific style, while Lia’s long dark brown hair always seemed to be up in some creative way.
Lia’s skin was naturally tan, but she noticed how the Oregon coast's cloudy skies had not been helping her keep her skin golden the way California’s usual rays did. She had definitely noticed how pale she felt since moving up north. 
On the opposite side, Dominic had very fair skin, with freckles almost everywhere, mostly on his face. He was teased for them growing up, but started to like them once he got into high school and appreciated them even more since Lia seemed to love them.  
They were both uniquely beautiful in their own way, from Dominic’s hazel eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses to Lia’s brown eyes that were complimented with thick, curled lashes. 
Soon after seeing each other for the first time, the idea of FaceTiming started to float around their minds. Dominic was the one who did it first, conveniently spilling his guts out about his feelings to Lia at the same time. 
The first thing he did on the call was tell her how beautiful she looked. She thought that was a load of bullshit. 
She woke up with her naturally wavy hair knotted and ugly, her face bare of any makeup, while squinting slightly at the bright screen.
He had his glasses on top of his nose and headphones on his head as he quickly navigated through the mobs of people down in the subway. He explained to her how much his feelings had grown with hardly any worries about the people around him hearing, and he said what he wanted to with no shame. 
At this point, they knew each other for around 7 months, and Lia was delighted to hear her feelings that had developed weren’t one sided. She thought it was adorable the way he couldn’t wait any longer until he told her. 
He was quite literally weaving in between people who were on their way to work as he talked on and on nervously about wanting to take things further than just a friendship. 
“I mean, we’re just so close you know? I feel like you know everything about me and I know everything about you, and I’ve been thinking recently… Well,” he paused, quirking his head as a small smile popped up, “I’ve actually been thinking for quite a while now how my feelings have grown for you. And it’s okay, you know, if you think it’s too much or something or the distance is too far for this to wor-“ 
Lia laughed at him, burrowing her face into her light sunset orange colored pillows. 
“Don’t worry,” she lifted her head up to look back at him, “I like you too.” She paused before she spoke out loud, cheeks dusting with red like a slight sunburn on a warm day.
He smiled wide in return, and Lia swore she could hear him say ‘Yes!’ in excitement under his breath. Dominic let her sleep after that, and went through his day with a smile on his face and a little extra pep to his step.
They both had felt such a deep connection with the other person, despite having very different backgrounds and ways of life. Dominic felt like she knew him on a deeper level than most, and Lia finally had someone she could be herself around. 
After that, their relationship skyrocketed. FaceTimes became regular, addresses were being shared, and gifts were being sent. 
Packages included things like favorite snacks, cat toys, sweatshirts spritzed with perfume, letters, and jewelry. 
Their relationship also evolved in a different sense. Late phone calls often turned into something more when the other person was feeling lonelier than usual. It took awhile though, more than a year, for anything to become explicit. 
It all became real after Lia got home from work one day and called later than usual. 
She was already at home when she tapped on his contact, wanting to talk to Dominic as she got ready for bed. 
“So that’s how my day went, it was pretty slow to be honest.” She sighed into the phone, smiling slightly as she tugged a cream colored shirt over her head that Dominic sent her a few weeks ago. 
Her phone was perched against her moss green dresser, speaker on with no response from Dominic. She frowned and all she could hear from the other side was blankets rustling like he was trying to get more comfortable. 
They had been talking about her day at work like usual, and Dominic abandoning the conversation was out of the ordinary. 
“Can I ask you something?” Dominic spoke after his long pause, his voice sounding quieter and deeper than usual. 
Her eyebrows furrowed in question, but she said sure anyways as she walked into her bathroom to put her hair up.
She never wore her hair down to bed since she hated the feeling of it on her neck, especially because of how long her hair had gotten recently. She would either put it in braids or a ponytail, both helping her manage her hair the next morning for work.
“Are you wearing one of my shirts right now?” He asked her, and she was pulled out of the hair rant she was having in her mind. 
She frowned again, confused why he asked. She ended up walking out of the bathroom with her damp hair in a loose braid that cascaded down her back.
“Yea, why?” She questioned, genuinely wondering where he was going with this. She was standing in the middle of her room, one hand on her hip while the other held her blue phone up. 
“What else?” He remarked in that same quiet, low tone. 
“I don’t know, clothes? I’m in your t-shirt and underwear like normal.” She laughed slightly,
“What about you? Are you in a onesie or something?” She grinned, picturing in her mind how silly he would look in a panda suit. 
“No,” he sighed. “I’ve got boxers on, but that’s it. It was hot here today.” He told her, a simple sentence left hanging like his mind was caught up on something else.
“I was just thinkin’ of how good you would look in my shirt,” he slipped in, and her heart skipped a beat. 
They might have both participated in sending slightly revealing pictures in the past, but none that went lower than a belly button. Lia had drooled over Dominic’s lean, fit body and Dominic definitely had to take a very cold shower after seeing his girl in nothing but underwear and a small tank top. 
Lia didn’t know what to say after Dominic’s comment, but he thankfully continued. 
“You know that picture I saved from our FaceTime the other day? The one with you smirking in that pink tank top?” She nodded as she remembered the picture, but realized she was on a call and verbally added a small, ‘Mhm.’ She made the decision to turn off her main room light and lay down in her bed, snuggling up into her cozy, lamp-lit room. 
“I wanted to see you in person so bad after that, you don’t understand.” Dominic muttered, seeming to have a hard time keeping his voice even. The energy between them started to progress into something intense, maybe even heated. 
“You okay? Feel like you haven’t said anything.” Dominic commented, and Lia could tell he knew that she was internally freaking out. He’d sent some dirty texts before and even then she didn’t know how to respond, let alone in real time on the phone. 
His texts were never too bold, but they definitely caught her attention. They spanned anywhere between, ‘I’ve missed you extra today’ to, ‘I wish you were here right now’ and, ‘I could make you feel so good if you were here.’
They would come all hours of the day, sometimes when she knew he was at work and other times when she woke up to them in the morning. The texts had time stamps, showing how late he was up when he pressed the blue glowing arrow.
She might have even received a picture of something in his pants but never responded to it, too flustered to know what to say, yet eagerly wanting to. 
She will admit, she might have pulled that picture up more than once in the past while he was asleep, quickly getting comfortable before tucking her hand under the sheets. 
“It’s okay baby,” he exhaled, “you don’t have to talk, I can do it.” He reassured her, almost in a mocking tone in response to her long pause. The more he talked, the more flustered Lia felt. 
Butterflies were going crazy in her stomach, and she felt like she was floating in a way. This didn’t feel real, but if it was a dream, she certainly didn’t want it to end. 
“I was thinking about you earlier, around 1:30 when you were still at work. I thought about you with me here, in my bed.”
“What about me?” They were both surprised she was able to speak, even if it was quiet and somewhat breathy. 
“Just wanted to see you.” Lia could hear rustling and wondered what he was doing. “Wanted to see you in that tiny little shirt again, maybe even without it.” He tested the waters with his comments to see how far he could go. 
Lia was feeling fine, other than the fact she felt something growing in her lower stomach that didn’t want to leave. Her lips quirked up in interest at his comment, but she didn’t have the guts to say anything back. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll do all the talking, and you can just listen.” He told her, knowing from other conversations how shy she felt in these types of situations. Lia and Dominic had talked about boundaries and what was okay and not, and Dominic had never once made Lia feel uncomfortable. Even with the unsolicited pictures and dirty texts, Lia never felt objectified or used. She wanted those pictures and she wanted to send them. 
“I wanna see you Lia. In person. I’m craving someone I’ve never even fucking met in person before. That’s how much control you have over me, baby.” He told her, and Lia didn’t seem to notice the subtle change in his voice that was caused by Dominic’s hand trailing down his bare chest. 
She was getting flustered sitting there and listening to him, hanging on to every last word he was saying. His voice was like a blanket of comfort, but at the same time it helped stir up something hot inside her. 
Dominic’s fingertips eagerly brushed the waistband of his boxers at that point, waiting for some sort of response from Lia. He just hoped that he was creating the right environment for this to take place. The last thing he would want to do is make Lia feel uncomfortable in any way.
“How you feeling, baby?” His question was genuine, and Dominic’s voice only had the sound of reassurance in it.
“Good,” she stated, “really good.” She was breathing faster than normal and her cheeks wouldn’t cool down. 
“I’m glad. Now, whatever you’re comfortable with, do it. If that’s just to sit there and listen to me talk, that’s perfectly fine. Might ask you a couple simple yes or no questions. Otherwise you can join me, or simply hang up okay?” He explained, and Lia took a deep breath as a sort of calm washed over her.
She could be herself around him, and there was no need to be out of her comfort zone. 
“I just want to listen for now, I think.” 
He liked how she said for now, maybe another time hopefully sooner rather than later, she would join him. 
“That’s wonderful, baby. Now how are you feeling? You comfortable in bed?” He reached down under the loose waistband of his boxers, feeling the rough wrinkled material of them. 
“I’m feeling good, ‘m feeling hot though.” Lia quietly told Dominic, wiggling further under the safety of her blankets and listened. 
“I'm feeling hot too. I really wish you were here, want you to know how much I want you.” It almost sounded like a whine, the way he said it, desperate for Lia to hear how much she means to him in every way possible. 
That night was the first night of many for the young couple to experience each other in a closer, more raw sense.
Slay its getting intense.
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blackshadowswriter · 2 years
So I gotta read Romeo and Juliet this year, and I already know the basic plot (thank you, sparknotes 😘 ur a lifesaver) and I just realized how messed up the play actually is.
If you think about it:
The two of them met at what was basically a blind date ig (i mean, they got masks) and smooched once
Romeo became a stalker and basically broke into Juliet's home (nicely, like Yelena though), and they had some heartfelt convo under the moon during which no one noticed a young girl talking to a random-no, not even random dude, a dude from a family that's literally their enemy-in the bushes below
Then bros decided to run off and get married after talking for like 3 hours
After that, Romeo got one of his homies killed and also committed homicide, but Juliet was like "omg, i still love u even tho u gutted my cuz, bby <3"
But my dude gets his stupid butt banished from the city, and that sussy friar dude gonna go full Potions Master Snape and pull a vial of some sleeping potion outta his ass
Juliet's actually gonna trust this sus baka and drink the damn thing when it could be a tube fulla piss or some expired milk or smth
She falls into her enchanted sleep or whatever (suing Disney for copyright now, ik where they got Aurora from)
She gets proclaimed dead, and no one-and I mean no one, not a single person in her rather extensive family-is gonna see a passed out girl and think "let's check her heartbeat to see if she's alive"
Like isn't that the first thing you do when you see an unconscious person???
Ik their science or medicine or whatever aint too advanced back then, but yall have got to have at least known that hearbeat = alive, no heartbeat = dead
And I refused to believe that that friar dude's potion stopped her heartbeat but kept her alive, so I'm determined that she still had a pulse
So if she had a pulse, she had to have been breathing at least, but none of these idiots gonna noticed that
Anywyas, Romeo hears that his gf croaked, sneaks back into the city, and he has to give one more goddamn monologue before he dips.
Like why couldn't he have just looked at his dead wifey and drank the poison instantly and saved us future English students the pain of reading that. He created another section of hw assignments to translate that speech he had to give.
And then after he yabbers on for eternity, he chugs poison
Like where tf are these people getting these vials of sketch potions from? Is Snape your private supplier or smth?
And then Juliet's gonna wake up, see her hubby frothing at the mouth besides her deathbed and be like "damn, this one dude I married for like two weeks is dead, my life is so over" and stab herself.
Then their fams realize that each of them got one dead fam member and are instantly like "man, we were so wrong to hate each other, it caused the deaths of this young, wonderful, not-insane-at-all couple, we should tots stop fighting"
If that was my family, they'd be so mad I went behind their backs and married a dude from the enemy family, they'd probably disown my dead body and toss me into the river
But like irl, they wouldn't have stopped fighting for a measly thing like death, nah man they gonna go at each other even harder, they gonna be blaming each other for Romeo and Juliet's deaths, and I wouldn't be shocked if they started a civil war or smth
And I'm sorry, but at the end when they say they put a statue up of the two, I'm just thinking of Loki putting a statue up of himself in Asgard. Sue me.
Like...? This...? Is...? Considered...? One....? Of...? The...? Best...? English...? Classics...?
Shakespeare got mad problems, dude.
P.S. Yall this is satire, I'm just joking, don't come at me and lecture me "well, that's not how it happened." I can't be bothered to read another analysis of this goddamn play
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Texted Love
Henry Cavill x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Central Masterlist | Texted Love
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"Our first guest is none other than the famous and dear friend of mine, (Y/n) (L/n)!"
A smile snaked its way on your plump lips as you came out from behind all the decorations, your eyes shining from the bright stage lights. Twitch played Drew Barrymore by Bryce Vine as you walk down to the main area, having heard it was one of your favorites. The nervousness that you once had was quickly disappearing, and instead the vibe of the song was taking control of you as you began singing.
You danced your way over to Ellen, your lips pronouncing every all the lyrics with such clarity and joy. Your hips subtly moving to the rhythm of the music, rolling from side to side. The blond laughed at your goofy entrance, her pearly whites shining with silver sparkles.
As the music came to a faded out end, you hurried over to where your host was, greeting her with a quiet, "Morning Ellen," and a hug with a kiss to the cheek. Your voice full of giggles as the two of finally sat down on the two white single seaters.
"Wow that-that was quite the performance!" Ellen joked, making you burst into another fit of giggles.
"Why thank you! I really do try my best."
"Do you usual do that?" You gave her a funny look, a smirk tugging on your lips.
"Do what? Burst out into song like a Disney character? Hell n-well. Actually....maybe...dunno. Gotta ask my staff." It was her turn to giggle. It took either of you a minute to compose yourselves, staring at each other as the room got quiet.
There was a look on your face, one that Ellen knew very well from having had you many times before on the show. Opening her mouth to say something, Ellen was interrupted by you calling out to her in what could only be referred to as an 'alien voice.' The strange sound your voice made causing her to go through another series of laughs and giggles as she desperately tried to compose herself. You grinned, loving the reaction you got in return.
"I'll stop now. Hahaha. I'll stop now." And with that said the interview went under way.
"Hehehe. Okay, okay. I-I need to ask you some questions. And these questions revolve around a certain....someone." Ellen wiggled her brows, noting the way your eyes just lighted up with joy at the oppprtunity of talking about the handsome man.
Oh boy, did you love him.
"Ah! My favorite subject. Do continue!" You shouted, fixing your clothing as you leaned in more into the cushions of your seat. You really just loved to toy with the media these days.
With a grin, god there's so many smiles and grins you realized, the talkshow host continued, "So what's going on? Are the two of you talking, flirting, sharing grandmas secret recipes, battle plans- what are you two doing?" You snorted before turning serious.
"We plan to attack by midnight. There's five groups with few subdivision, but the main will attack the South, North, West, and East. The fifth will attack the headquarters. Soon enough Wendy's shall be ours by the first light of dawn." The audience laughed at the mention of the fast food company. Ellen shook her head, her cheeks already hurting from so much smiling. Chuckling, you answered honestly.
"We have spoken actually. Well, not really talk talk. Like not orally but we've been texting and it's all nice and yeah." "And yeah?" "And yeah."
"Oh (f/n), you always mangae to make me laugh so much. Anywyas, for those of you who don't know," Ellen satred at the camera, "A while ago, while on the Graham Norton Show, (Y/n) learnt that she was Henry Cavill's celebrity crush," The crowd 'ooo'ed' much like the other interviews. You snickered, "(y/n) being (y/n), told on national television for Henry to hit her up on Instagram." You nodded.
"And he actually did. Hehehehe." Watching you, mischief introduced itself into her blue eyes. Not a good sign. Knowing you, you would play along and so much more. Its one of the reasons why many loved to have you on their shows. You were a goofball, always playing around, always keeping the conversation going. You were perfect.
And plus, you always did love going out with a bang.
"Do you think anything will come of it?" "Like relationship, romance wise?" "Yeah." You thought for a moemnt. In truth, you kind of hope it did but at the same time you were scared. You've never been in a relationship before, what if you were bad at it? You had always been a lone wolf in your life, opting to do everything on your own despite the many times help was offered.
Not the time to think this!
"Well I mean our zodiac signs say that our compatibility is favourable so I guess so." There was a moment of silence as everyone tried to process what you just said.
"W-What?" You gave Ellen a look as well as towards the audience who werw now snickering ag you.
"What?! I just wanted to raise the percentage!" A roar of laughter. Ellen looked at you, "Percentage?" You nodded, a stupid grin on your warm face. "Like when you're 99% sure that 2+2 makes 4 but you just want to get that one percent in. Just to like, make sure." "And how does this affect...?" You shrugged," I mean in my head it's like I now have a 1% chance of getting with him. The previous was like 0.5% chance." They continued to laugh at you.
"Wow, I feel bullied right now." You continued to joke around.
Throughout your whole interview, Henrybhad been watching it on his phone, a smile on his face. He still sat in his car, having previously needed to go to some place urgently, however, the news of you being live prompted him to take a few moments of distraction.
However, a few moments soon turned into a whole 25 minutes.
Oh he was definitely late. But it was you, so who cared.
He chuckled when the interview had reached your percentage bit, his eyes tracing the ways your face moved about. Admiring the your eyes shined whenever you were successful in making another laugh. Shaking his head, he plugged his car key's into the ignition, activating the vehicles engine. Quickly, he tapped out of the live stream, going to the still opened Instagram tab that remained on your conversation from the night before. Pressing on the voice recording button, he chuckled. Thinking of how dumb his next words were but finding the idea of how riled up you'd get after it, was extremely funny.
"1%? Babygirl, you have 100% chance to get with me."
The interview had then ended and lunch had quickly rolled in, your stomach grumbling angrily. Picking up your phone, you noted that you had a voice message from Henry. Arching a brow, you preased on it. Not caring if the volume was all the way up and that you weren't the only one in the car.
---"1%? Babygirl, you have 100% chance to get with me."---
The car came to a screeching halt.
"DID HE JUST CALL YOU BABYGIRL BECAUSE IF SO, FUCK GIRL YOU'RE AT THE FUCKING TOP OF YOUR LIFE. YOU'VE REACHED YOUR PEAK DUDE." Your assistant screamed at the top of his lungs. Staring wide eyed at you from the driver's seat, his face equally as shocked as yours.
"AHHH/AHHHH!" The two of you screamed simultaneously.
Oh Henry. If you only knew the chaos you were causing.
Nahhh, he's a little shit. He would continue fully knowing of the chaos he causes.
(A/N): Made this at like five am so if there's grammatical or spelling errors then please don't mind them. :)
Hope you enjoyed!
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idk if you've watched the queen's gambit? but it's about this girl who's a chess champion and her path to victory while she struggles with addiction (10/10, would recommend, it's on Netflix) i CAN'T stop thinking about Kevin in it... besides the obvious "champion" and "alcohol addiction" stuff the mc focuses almost exclusively on chess to the point of pushing people away so she can focus and she has a childhood friend she left behind and anyway sorry for rambling but i needed to talk about this
Hey anon, sorry for the late response! I have heard of it but I don’t have netflix so I don’t really have a way to watch it. It sounds so good tho omg!
Also!! Your MIND ahhhh Kevin and chess,,,,the childhood friend,,, THE LIKE,,, METAPHORS YOU COULD USE N STUFF,,,Gah sorry, I’m not articulating myself well, I just woke up oops
Also!!! Don’t be sorry for rambling!! I would love to hear more, you can pop into my inbox or if u wanna, u can dm me! I’d love to hear your thoughts, this is actually sounds like a really interesting concept!
Anywyas hope you’re havin a good day or night dude, thanks for swinging by :) 🧡
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bakugoubabygirl · 4 years
Part four Allmight daughter
•part Three here
We didn’t have school today so I don’t have to wake up early or so I thought.
   Bakagou: hey idoit where the fuck are . We have to train even harder.
     I was confused, I thought he would for sure hate me .
  Y/N:   I'm sorry, meet me at my house . We can train here again . I thought you wouldn't  want to see me after yesterday.
Bakagou: After finding out how powerful you are. Why in the fuck why I not want you on my team besides the fact that your stupid .
   I was relived to hear we were still friends . I got dressed and went down stairs . My dad was setting on the couch reading something.
     " look Bakagou is coming over. Is that okay" I asked. I realize yesterday morning I was wrong .
  " Sure, but nothing funny" he said.
    " Alright" I heard the door bell ring . My dad hurried up and left . Bakagou couldn't see  him in his civilian form.
     " Took you long enough" he bitched. I elbow him in the side .
     " You will pay for that" he growled .
                                   Katsuki  POV 🙄🤤
      We train for four hours . I grabbed my bag to go change.
    " Hey dumbass go get ready. you owe me lunch, remember" I shouted . She rolled her eyes and went upstairs.  
       I can't believe she would think I hate her. I'm not that dense.  She such a fucking idiot. Maybe her past, will keep icyhot away. 
       Maybe I do like her. She has away of getting under my skin. It pisses me off watching kiri trying to ask her out . 
       I was ready to go. I found my way to Y/n room . I open the door . This dumbass was half naked . Why wasn't she fucking dress yet.
     " BAKUGOU" she screamed . Is she serious?
      " I don't fucking care, you don't have anything to look at " I scoffed. Her face was still red . I lied though . She had so many curves in all the right places . Shit. I was trying not to think about it too much .
      "Sure, next time knock first . Your such an ass" She said . 
     " Whatever let's get going" I could feel my stomach growling. She wasn't paying attention , she was looking at her stupid phone.  " Get off your damn phone"
      " I had to tell my dad where I was going" she explained
                        Your POV 🌺🥰
" Where are we eating" I asked.
" I don't fucking know. Why don't you pick" he grumbled.
" Well okay I pick ( your favorite restaurant)" He gave me a scowled; when I grabbed his hand to pull him in the right direction. We walked in and picked a seat by the window. It was Quiet as we waited for the waiter.
" After this me and the rest of the team are hanging out at my house. I got to kick there ass at this new video game. I'm inviting your dumbass to, so you wont feel left out in shit" he mumble.
" Yeah, sounds fun" I replied. I wasn't really paying attention. I was going over the menu. The waiter came over and asked what we wanted
" I want ( your favorite food)" I smiled. Bakuguo ordered his food, then she took our menus. After ten minutes of waiting this boy came up to our table. He been setting across the restaurant with a group of friends.
" Look this is going to sound weird, but are you two dating" he asked nervously.
"No, he just a friend of mine why?" I laugh. I felt Bakugou eyes burning on me.
" I was wondering if I could get your number? My friend over there thinks your hot" he pointed over to one of his friends. I was about to answer until we got interrupted.
" Walk away extra, while you can" Bakugou growled . The guy listen and return back to his seat.
" There was no reason to be rude" I scoffed . He was so extra sometimes.
" He was being a fucking werido , you should thank me" he yelled. God he was causing a fucking scene. The lady finally came out with our food.
It smelt so good . I was gulping down my food. I was starving. I look up to see Bakugo giving me a odd look. " What" I asked.
        " You eat like a pig. There fucking food on your face" he grumble.
         " So it's just you, and this food is so good"
          " We're in public though"
          " I don't care what people think"
          " Whatever, here" he said . He reached over the table and wipe it off me face. Then I got aware of how close our face were. At that moment the lady came out with a bill .  We both snap out whatever the fuck that was.
          " I'll fucking pay okay" he said. Reaching into his wallet.
      " No I'll pay , you said this was on me to begin with"  I argued .
       " No,  just let me do it" he snatch the bill out of my hands . Who knew someone could be a ass hat , while trying to be a gentleman.
" So are we going over to your house now" I asked . Skipping in front of him, just to annoy him.
" Yeah, but no talking to my mom" he bellowed.
Katsuki POV😳😅
We arrived at my house . Spoil brat is probably making fun of me . Yeah it's not as big as hers but it's a big house.
My mom was in the kitchen making dinner. My dad was still at work . I was trying to get up the stairs before my mom notice .
" Hey fucktard you didn't tell me you were bringing a girl home" she smiled . " Hey I'm Mitsuki, this shit heads mom. Your Y/N right? I seen you on the News"
" Yeah, It's nice to meet you" Y/N laughed. I told that dumbass not to talk to her .
" Your very pretty , so what are you doing with my son" the old hag laugh. She thinks she so fucking funny.
" She just a fucking team mate," I yelled at her. " let's go Y/n" I pulled her up stairs .
" Your mom seems pleasant" she sarcastically said. She plop down on my bed and was looking around my room. Nosey bitch.
" Shut up. The others are supposed to be here any minute" She was pretty, my mom wasn't wrong . I can't be thinking like that . Being a pro hero is what I need to focus on.  She jab me in side with her finger. That little shit.
    We started wrestling, I had her pinned down on the bed. I won this time. her cheeks turn red, our faces were inches apart. Something in me was screaming to kiss her. I hurried in pushed my self off of her. Before she could ask me what was that, Kiri came busting through the door.  The others were right behind him.
   "Hey bakubro, you ready to play" he said taking a seat on the couch next to me ." Sero and Kamari took   a seat on the couch too. Mina took the last seat on the couch.
     "Hey Y/n you can set on my lap" Mina said patting her lap. Y/N laugh and sat on Mina lap. You could tell Y/n was joking but mina was serious.
                                           Your POV
           There was no more seats on the couch so I just sat in Mina lap. It was kind of funny.
"Hey Y/N you could set on my lap too" Kamari laugh. I put my legs on him.
" Now your both my slaves" I said. Then I turn my attention to the Tv screen.  It look like Bakugou was beating Kiri.
  " DIE DIE DIE" he scream violently.
   " Wow he usually not this Competitive, when we play games. Not this bad anywyas " Sero whispered to Kamari. Bakugou won.
“ Sero get up so Y/n can have a proper seat” he growled.
“ I’m fine setting here” I chided. Mina started to braid my hair .
“ Why are you a fucking lesbian or something” he fumed. He was so annoying . He gets so fucking angry randomly .
“ No but I know how disappointed you would be if I was” I joked
“ Calm dude” Kamari said
“ I am fucking calm . I bet your fucking enjoying her legs on you . You fucking perv” the whole room to be uncomfortable now .
“ What’s your problem Bakugou” I got up and yelled. He got under my fucking skin. I floated up and I felt a wave of darkness crash over me . A voice evaded my head.
He pisses you off so much why don’t you kill him? You could do it . If you draw up enough energy one hit could end him. Do it .
I felt myself hit the floor. Everyone was staring at me. I looked down at my hands, they were glowing black . They never done this before. I’m not even trying to use my powers.
“Y/n your eyes there weren’t purple, they were black” Mina whispered. What’s happening to me .
“ What’s wrong with you” Bakugou asked . He looked shocked as the rest. I need to get out of here.
“ I’m sorry. I don’t know” I sputtered. I grabbed a hold of the coffee table to help me get up. The coffee table turnt to a black stone and then crumble to dust. “ I’m sorry I didn’t know I could do that”
I ran out the door . I could hear Bakugou call my name but I couldn’t face him . The more I panic the more my hand seem to glow.
Izuku house was next door. I wanted to talk to him. I kick the door with me feet. Lucky he was the one who answers the door.
“Y/n what’s wrong” he open the door and invited me in. My eyes flooded with tears. I explain to him what happen.
“ I’m a monster, Izuku” I cried. He was probably going to tell me to get the fuck out of here.
“ Hey please don’t cry. Your not a monster. You just have new powers. Will figure this out” he said gently. My nerves started to calm. I took a deep breathe.
“ We should tell your dad” he said.
“ Yeah I will, I just don’t want to worry him” I sigh. My hands went back to normal. I touched the trash Can to make sure nothing happen. Then I hugged Izuku.
I pulled my phone out to text my dad . To tell him where I’m at. He had a meeting today but he should be home by now .
Y/N: hey I’m over at Izuku . No reason to worry I’ll be home soon.
Dad : I have something to do tonight I won’t be home . I’ll send someone to bring you home or Izuku can. I trust him to get you home safely.
Y/N : I think I’m going to stay over his house. If that’s fine . Can you send someone for my clothes and stuff.
Dad: yeah that’s fine . I love you kiddo
It was getting late me and Izuku been catching up . We haven’t been hanging out as much since school started. We hang out everyday through the summer.
I was getting tired so I decide to change into some pajamas. My pajamas was some shorts and a over size t shirt.
Me and Izuku agreed on sharing a bed. I sleep on one end and he sleeps on the other. We had school tomorrow so we needed to get some sleep.
Izuku been past out for awhile. I couldn’t sleep though. I am a monster. I didn’t tell him about the voice in my head . I was made to destroy, how can I call a hero. How can I call myself a sister or a friend. Most importantly how can I myself his daughter.
What if it’s gets out of control. I can’t let that happen. I have to do what all might couldn’t do years ago. I have to destroy myself. That’s the only way I could ever be a hero. Is from saving the ones I care about from myself.
I found some paper and a pen. I started writing my goodbyes. They will miss me I’m sure. It’s for there own good. I look over Izuku sleeping. My dearest Friend. He will help my father grieve.
It was cold outside, but it won’t matter long. I Walked until I reached the bridge. My tears pooled in my eyes .
I left the not on the ground to be found. I step on to the ledge “ This is my fate, I can’t run from it” I step off, instead of falling to my death. Someone grabbed my arm.
Thank you for reading this far. Please give me feed back on what I can do better or what you would like to see. I will be posting part Five tomorrow. I love yas ❤️
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liveblog: “legend of the stone of gelel” movie
i really have nothing better to do
tldr: too fucking long!! absolutely robbed of the prime gaara content i could’ve had
the netflix summary already turns me off but here i am watching it anywyas
oh are thos sand shinobi??
ohmygod please tell me i’ll see gaara
that’s gaara it has to be
a huge ass ship1?!?!?
wait!! does this mean i’m gonna get gaanaru content???
i better get some fucking gaanaru content
i love shikamaru and im amazed i’m being blessed right now
UZUMAKI BARRAGE WOW I LITERALLY FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT MOVE that he copied from sasuke who copied it from rock lee
because this movie is set pre-shippuden i’m gonna forgive in advance that all they animate is naruto spamming shadow clone jutsu
this movie robbed me of prime shikanaru content
i was talking about mushrooms so i missed some of this movie but i’m sure nothing important
but i’m living!! for the background landscapes because whoever drew them has fucking talent
we’re alreadyspending too much time on this other character’s backstory
also please when is gaara gonna come back
oh what’s this
no fucking way those women heard shika’s gasp no way
yo i’m real tired of this movie
oh artdeco inspired elevators nice
“what’s a utopia?” naruto...
i’m boorrrreedddd of this movie god
please tell me gaara’s arriving soon i’m begging
hey kankuro!!
ooohhh i am in OVE with this neon coloring
is kankuro crap at genjutsu?
this makes me want to watch the gaara v sasuke fight and the gaara v deidara fight
okay thanks kankuro because there was no way he could get caught up in a genjutsu that easy
okay wait a fucking minute
yo’re real;;y trying to tell me that gaaa’s sand burial - which we know!!! can kill people dead - didn’t straight up kill this girl? like i’m really suposed to believe that because she changed her body mass or whtever she survived his sand burial??
oohhh so we’re playing the electricity is stronger than sand card?
i fuking guess not since he did sand lighting rod??
that entire fight made no sens
audio: we’re not through yet!
subtitles: wait, you bitch!
shikamaru truly is the epitome of: i really don’t give a shit about htis stone becuse i’m looking for my friend but fuck me i uess i gotta look for naruto and this stone as well
i’m actually tured but i’m also extremely bored of this movie
but also can i get some prime gaanaru and shikanaru content i’m starving
oh background info on the gelel stone okay
wow this art is real mayan nice
shika looks great lounging on a tree root
it literallly just occurred to me that this story is a fucking parallel to nagato’s
so... the ferret liked the character because he has a piece of the gelel stone in him and the ferret likes the gele stone??
“i’m gonna create a utopia by killing people and having people die, no big deal”
yep -literally the only way to create a utopia actually
this dude backhanded the shit out of naruto damn!
dude sees a blacked out mosaic that shows how detuctive the gelel stones are and he’s like “fuck yeah this is good”
skaura smart as hell bless her
ohmygodddddd i’m so bored of this movie jesus help me
of course, the character is questioning everything he knew at suuucchhh a convenient time
i’ve stopped watching this movie but i heard the enemy say “i’ve had enough of this blathering” and if that ain’t me
“would you just die already?!” “go to hell!”
oh the dude’s eyes are green instead of red wow
oh wow symbolism wow
this sounds like ending music so it seems like this movie is finally fucking over
ah fuck did i speak too soon
nope! they’re rolling the credits but there’s still dialogue aahh
hopefully they have enough supplies on the ship to feed everyone
but! shockingly - i actually do not care
i’m glad people got paid to make this. i can’t hate people for making a paycheck
fuck me this movie took forever.
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