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girlbossk · 5 years ago
tros fleet scene: gavin darklighter edition
so like yall KNOW that fleet scene is gonna be awesome. cause... fleet scene. but ok here is the 1 thing i want which also happens to be the 1 thing that will not happen because a) characters from legends who aren’t named “thrawn” and b) bothans 
so let’s back up a bit before the fleet scene for context. the year is (insert year here ABY). the resistance has allies now somehow and is... pew pewing a lot? wedge antilles is really hecking old (like ACTUALLY old, not 27-oh-no-i’m-too-old-for-this rogue squadron wedge) so he’s not rogue leader anymore. and who is? well that’s actually not important cause gavin isn’t either, i’m just saying give me wedge in command of a fleet but that’s not what this post is about and i wont make this post about wedge i swear
so gavin darklighter. is happily married to asyr sei’lar cause i say so. and they have a bunch of adopted kids and their adopted kids have a bunch of friends and theres enough people in this family to make a whole damn squadron 
and this squadron is named womp rat squadron cause i say it is (gavin suggested it as a joke but his kids then took the joke way too far and no one wanted to back down so the name stuck) 
so anyways womp rat squadron wasn’t part of the resistance but they also left the new republic while the new republic was like. letting the first order happen??? i dont actually know much about that time period but anyways the womp rats left and were stationed aboard the bothan assault cruiser ralroost which, again, not part of the resistance. but still fucking up the first order as much as possible cause. hell yeah 
(”HOW CAN I HURT THE FIRST ORDER TODAY?” is spray-painted onto the side of the ralroost in huge fuckin letters & it’s GREAT) 
so the fleet scene. ok so the ralroost jumps in with all the other ships & then u see a bunch of X-WINGS launching from it and then when they do the ridiculously long “___ leader standing by” scene u get GAVIN DARKLIGHTER as womp rat leader and this is the first time u see gavin darklighter 
and then pew pew space battle u get to see bothans flying x-wings & asyr sei’lar darklighter is the first on-screen bothan in a star war and shes a BADASS and then u have their kids in x-wings too which include a bothan with a mustache fur pattern named biggs sei’lar darklighter & theres some humans and maybe a twi’lek or some other species too idk (no abednedo)
and u also get a shot inside the bridge of the ralroost & admiral traest kre’fey is there cause i say so 
and none of them die!!!!!! no bothans are harmed in the making of tros!!!! (onscreen. many bothans do die offscreen to bring us the location of. plot)
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