#AND my fingers r numb too so my coordination is shit as well
sameteeth · 4 years
licherally i am so fucking cold i havent been able to warm up ALL DAY
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deviantofthemind · 4 years
Sanders Sides Ficmas 2020
↪ 𝔉𝔦𝔠𝔪𝔞𝔰 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱 🎁
Dec 4: Holiday Movies - Anxceit  Rating: E
Virgil is cosied up for christmas break with his boyfriend in his parents otherwise empty house. They plan on nothing but eating an ungodly amount of food, relaxing and watching mushy Christmas movies. They don’t actually watch anything.
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Finals week had been freaking hell on earth. Had anyone told him just how much it was, he may have reconsidered college. Virgil had been so stressed that the muscles in his jaw were sore because he had clenched his teeth so much. And now his calves and thighs were equally as destroyed because he had tried to run the stress out of his body, literally.
He panted hard, bent over, hands on his knees. The cold air burned in his throat and lungs and the sweat on his body made him shiver in the fresh winter wind. 
With his icy hands he had a hard time unlocking the front, fingers fumbling and numb. When he finally made it inside he was immediately surrounded by a cosy warmth. The smell of lasagna his mom had made this morning, before his parents left for their vacation, was still strong in the air. 
He generally was in a pretty good mood, the holidays were here, his boyfriend would be here in a few hours, he just had to get rid of the residue of lingering anxiety and, it seemed, he’d been successful with his run. He would take sore muscles and post-sports-starve any time. That was one reason, if not the only one, while he played lacrosse and he thought it was one of the reasons while Janus was into soccer.
Between the two of them they could eat a very impressive amount of food. Virgil would forever cherish the memory of Janus being invited over for the first time to have dinner with Virgil's parents. His mom, very smugly, saying, “I’m so happy to see you enjoy my cooking!”, after Virgil had them both dealt a third helping. It was probably the only time he’d ever seen his boyfriend blush. 
He stuffed a left-over piece of pizza into his mouth at once, checking over the content of the fridge while at it and found it to be satisfactory stacked. Sitting down on the kitchen island he willed himself to chew slowly and checked his phone for an update from Jan. Nothing yet, but Virgil knew he was on his way. 
The shower was good, Virgil lingered much longer than he usually would. He only got out when his stomach rumbled to signal for more food than just a tiny piece of pizza. Also, he didn’t want to miss the doorbell. He hadn’t seen Janus for almost three weeks after all and was a bit giddy with it.
He had a snack of another piece of pizza while he waited for his oatmeal to cook and just appreciated the quiet and newly loose muscles. He took the bowl into the living room, eating on the floor while he lit the fire so he could warm his cold feet in front of the fireplace and also because it was romantic. Jan liked romantic. Virgil might do so too, not that he would admit to that outright. On second thought, he probably had already when they talked about what they wanted to do for their break and Virgil had said he wanted to be alone and watch christmas movies. 
Just when he had shoved the last spoon into his mouth he could hear a car pull up into the driveway. It was a little embarrassing how quick he was up and unloaded his clattering bowl into the sink before he opened the front door.
Janus was just slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder, smiling brightly as he walked over the short way to Virgil. He swooped him into a very nice kiss hello. Soft lips and gentle pressure. “Hi Virgil..” 
Suave fucker. "Good to see you, asshole." Virgil grinned despite himself, pulling Janus inside the house to kiss him again, a lot more sloppy. 
“You’ve missed me, huh?” Virgil had to nip that annoyingly handsome smirk off his face because turning around gesturing up the stairs.
“Wanna get rid of your bag first?”
“Would love to.” Jan still grinned that smug smile and before he could himself blush even deeper, Virgil led up the way to his room.
When Virgil had decorated that room at the ripe old age of fifteen he wouldn’t have thought that one day he might he coming home from college and maybe have sex with his boyfriend for the first time. In all fairness, he still had been fairly convinced that it would be a girlfriend back then.
He heard Jan snort on his laugh when he stepped inside the room after Virgil, letting his duffel fall to the floor by the door. The sound was nice. Deep, rich. It was more than nice actually. And it was what had endeared him to Janus in the first place. Now it made him a little nervous, not just because his incredibly cringey, teenage angst nightmare of a bedroom was on display.
Janus walked around the room, still laughing softly, downright giggling at one or the other ancient poster.
He turned back around to Virgil fiddling silently with the cuffs of his hoodie. “This is very you. Would have definitely been able to pick out this as yours under a thousand.”
“Is- uhm, is that good?”he asked, and it came out soundly a lot more insecure than he intended, making him wince a little.
Janus stepped back into his comfort zone, sighing softly, before kissing him again. Not as charged as before just...incredibly mushy and sweet. “Perfect.”
They spend the afternoon making some mulled wine, accidentally cooking all the alcohol out of it, too busy snogging on the kitchen island. And talking, mostly gossiping and venting. And it was good, it was exactly what Virgil had hoped when he offered spending the holidays together. Just, spending time, being comfortable, shaking off the stress and anxiety of the last weeks. 
They warmed the lasagna and got cosy in the living room later that evening. Shoveling his face with his mom's cooking and reminding his boyfriend of the first time they did. Janus did the endearing blushy thing again. Vorgil felt exceptionally good about his plans.
“Wanna watch a movie?” he asked when they sorted both their long limbs to get comfortable snuggled together.
They decided on Happiest Season and got about ten minutes into the stream before Virgil was distracted by Jans sharp jawline, feeling compelled to kiss and nibble softly until he could hear the breath of his very composed boyfriend hitch lightly.
“V…, Baby.” Janus hummed softly, using the nickname that never failed you make Virgil heat up all over. He let his mouth wander until he reached another pair of soft, relaxed lips to slip his tongue in. Jan gripped him more firmly, pressing him against his chest, heat trapped between them now, while they kissed. Things only got more heated between, the kiss downright dirty and open-mouthed and a little dizzying with the lack of oxygen. Both of them were hard, which was nothing new really, they often got turned on like that from kissing each other.
“Hey V..” Janus asked, right against his lips, gorgeous and absolutely out of breath, “Can I blow you?”
They hadn’t done that yet. Actually they hadn’t done anything really, except for rubbing against each other, fully clothed. Because Virgil had been to anxious about, well, everything, to do with having sex with his boyfriend. Jan had never pressed for anything more and he was intensely thankful for that. But he must have felt too that tonight was different. And holy shit, he wanted to get his mouth on Virgil's dick! He could actually feel his dick dribbling a little at that and had to hide his head in Jans neck to get himself under control.
“Fuck yes, yes, please, I’d like that.” he whispered. Again that irresistible laugh, but this time it made the unbearable heat in his belly even more intense.
“Okay, yes, sounding enthusiastic there, yes?”
“Yes, yes, very enthusiastic. Very.” he hurried to say when Jans fingers wandered to his waistband.
“Just making sure..” This time the heatwave came from his boyfriend smoothly sliding onto the floor between his outstretched legs, and it made actual sweat break out in the small of his back. The sweats were gone in an instant.
Shortly before Jan was about to strip him out of his pants he gripped his hands in a sudden bout of nervousness. They’d never been naked around each other either, what if- “Virgil, Baby.” Janus interrupted his rabid brain, “Stop thinking. I already know you are gorgeous and I want you, yes?”
He waited until Virgil cracked a small smile and confirmed that he could go on, still a little wary but also really, really excited.
In comparison to all the porn Virgil had ever seen this was incredibly sloppy. Nothing about it was tidy and very coordinated or anything like he had imagined from what he had ever seen. And it was mind numbing. Absolute bliss and it was over so fucking fast he could barely warn Jan.
“Fuck, Baby.” And again that incredible warm laugh. Virgil didn’t feel like examining how he was liking his lips while doing it or he most likely would have ended up with the next erection.
“Want me to..?” he gestured a little helplessly and dazed between his boyfriends legs which must have been a little funny because he was treated to another soft huff. “Don’t worry, V...taking care of it myself real quick. Just relax and savour that afterglow, yeah? We have all of the holidays if you want to  reciprocate.”
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renbo angst 🌺
Title: “Hot and Cold”- by Katy Perry
Au: Grian is an avian, Ren a werewolf. 
Warnings: Frost bite, mentions of prosthetic limbs
Cold. That was all Ren could feel. Cold, alone, and scared. He had been out collecting ice for a new project when a blizzard hit, and now he couldn’t see anything, even his communicator to call his boyfriend for help. Not that he’d want Mumbo to be out in this sort of weather either. He fell onto his knees, hardly able to feel his feet, hands, or his legs. His breath was coming out in short pants, his wolfish ears pressed his his head despite the fact he couldn’t feel those either. 
He shivered violently, reaching slowly into his bag to pull out his pickaxe, a flint and steel, anything. But his fingers wouldn’t move. He couldn’t grab onto anything. “F..Fuck.” He muttered, slowly going to stand back up. He pulled out a torch, letting it light up what little of the night he could see. He was amazed their wasn't any strays around yet, or maybe they too couldn’t see in this weather. He took only a few steps forward before he fell again, his legs trapped in too deep of snow. “Shit. Uh..” He stuttered, feeling cold set into his bones. 
He pulled his communicator up only a few inches to his face, his body feeling heavy and his fingers numb. He ended up handing to slap the damn thing with his entire hand, barely even pressing enough buttons to make sense of it. Ren felt himself starting to slip, his face colliding into the snow. 
Rendog has sent his coordinates
Mumbo groaned as his communicator went off for the third hundredth time, about ready to throw the damn thing off his arm until he saw it was a message from Ren, with just a set of coordinates. Odd. He frowned, messaging Grian. 
MumboJumbo>Grian: Hey man, Can you come help me? I think Ren might be in a bit of trouble. 
Grian>MumboJumbo: Oh of course! Just let me get some first aid stuff just in case.
That’s what lead Grian and Mumbo flying straight into a blizzard, flying over head above the clouds, unable to see the land under them. Mumbo looked at the Avian, who was starting to shiver in these temperatures. Oh yea, Grian was a tropical bird. He forgot. 
“Do you see him??” Grian called out. Mumbo looked at him. 
“Of course I don’t! The clouds are too thick to see through!” Mumbo said, checking his own coordinates in relation to Ren’s, before he gasped, stopping and turning back. “He should be right down here somewhere!” He called out, and Grian yelped as he quickly followed. “REN! REN??” Mambo yelled, hardly able to see anything in the heavy snow. He landed in snow with a heavy thud, and he groaned lowly. 
“Mumbo!” Grian yelped, helping the other man up on top of the snow. “His coordinates are a few blocks back.” He said, picking up the non avian and flying towards them. The two hermits gasped as they saw a blob in the snow, an unusually high stack of snow that was oddly Ren shaped. Grian let go of Mumbo, using a torch to keep as much visibility as he could.
Mumbo fell to his knees in the snow, digging his boyfriend out of it. His eyes widened a bit as the blizzard started to clear. “R..Ren..?” Mumbo practically whimpered. 
In front of him was a passed out Ren, his face dug into the snow and Mumbo assumed he couldn’t breathe. He picked up the frozen hermit, holding him close. “It’ll be okay Ren, I promise.” Mumbo said, Handing Ren over to Grian. He needed his hands to shoot off fireworks while they flew, and Grian didn’t. 
Grian grunted with the added weight, but held the werewolf princess style and nodding. “Void… He’s frozen to the bone.” He said softly. 
“I know, we have to get him into yours or my base.” Mumbo said, grabbing more rockets from his inventory; Aka a small bag they each had on their backs. What? Inventory sounds cooler than backpack. Anyways, he started off quickly, expecting Grian to follow him. He needed to get Ren home quickly, so the man didn’t freeze to death. 
Ren could hear mumbling around him, his ears twitching softly. His face felt… wet. But at least warm. For a second it almost grossed him out, but then he realized he was covered in hot towels. He felt grass under his arms. Where was he? He still couldn’t feel his fingers, or his legs. “Hm?? Mumbo-?” He groaned, going to sit up. 
“Nonono! Don’t sit up!” Mumbo rushed over to him, forcing him to lay back down in the grass. They were out in front of Mumbo’s mega base. He saw it now. “We just started a fire, to help you warm up.” He looked down at his arms, those covered in towels as well. 
“So you mean to tell me. You first reaction to. To me being frozen. Was to let me sunbathe in the jungle?” He asked slowly, a fond grin pulling at his face. 
“W..Well yes.” Mumbo said, face flushing red. “It seemed like a good idea.” He added, sitting down beside Ren and helping him take off the towels. Once the towels were off his body he sat up again, looking down at his legs. He could see the black crawling up from his feet, and he practically whimpered at what he realized. 
“How are we gonna fix this?” He asked gently, thinking he would need prosthetic’s. 
“Well, Grian’s working on making a bath tub for ya, so hopefully we can get this healed up without needing to take a limb off. Thankfully, it was too cold over where you were for any infection to get in, and Grian and I were careful when it came to touching any dead skin.” Mumbo said calmly, and Ren nodded as Grian called them over. 
Ren yelped as he was scooped up into Mumbo’s arms, walking over towards Mumbo’s hobbit hole. Grian had cleared out a space behind the nether portal, a larger tub filled with swirling water. “Strip em down lover boy~!” Grian laughed, and Ren chuckled at him as he sat down. 
With some help from Mumbo and Grian, they got him stripped down to his underwear- Briefs if anyone wanted to know- and into the water. Ren sighed out of content, his tail wagging under the water. Mumbo grinned, and Grian walked out to leave the two alone. 
“You scared the crap outta me.” 
“I know babe.”
“You should’ve asked for someone to go with you.”
“I know, babe.” Ren grinned lazily, sinking further down into the water. “Bathe with me?” He asked. Mumbo rolled his eyes. 
“Its not a bath. Its hydrotherapy.��� He said, rolling up his sleeves. He reached into the water, taking Ren by the hand and gently helping him flex his fingers Ren went to open his mouth, but Mumbo cut him off. “And yes. I Did learn this from Doc.” He huffed. Both men shared a laugh. 
“I’m sorry Baby, for being so stupid.” Ren sighed, and Mumbo chuckled. 
“We’re two halves of the same Idiot, I suppose.” Mumbo’s voice was soft and fond, sitting at the edge of the water. “You better hope I don’t have to make you prosthetic’s. It’ll be a testing nightmare.” He sighed. Ren gasped excitedly. 
“Mumbo Jumbo brand prosthetic’s??? Man, I may just have to ruin my legs for those!” 
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