#AND YEAH!!!! ultracompact AND long-lasting... ultimate spaceship design <3 to me <3
dylanlila · 2 years
JO. I was listening to the radio yesterday, and there was this story on experiments to use DNA for long-term data storage! And it was FASCINATING! Unfortunately, the process, while surprisingly simple, requires very specialized and very expensive equipment right now, so it could only be viable for, like, very crucially important government stuff and the like, but who knows? Maybe that could change! The biologist they interviewed said that she has the digital contents of an entire museum stored in a single test tube in her refrigerator right now (behind the mustard), and if kept frozen, the DNA data could be preserved for thousands of years! It's SO COOL to think about!
IT IS SOOOO COOL TO THINK ABOUT!!!!! this is why i like to say that DNA is like an invincible CD or cassette tape :")
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