rebouks · 1 year
love robin sm .
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anon-e-miss · 3 years
Is Ratchet in the trailer? Did Punch drag Ratchet all the way to Polyhex with him? Do Rico and Jazz know?
Though the newling was rooting at Prowl's chassis, he did not expose his wells or attempt to reignite that bit of code. He had no idea what disease might be hiding in his frame. Prowl had not had a purge in nine quartexes, there was no telling was contagion he might be carrying in his energon. Speaking softly, Prowl rocked the bitlet and encouraged his creations to be patient with the young twins who had become instantly enamoured with them. They rolled a ball on the floor, the Twins, Bluestreak, and Tripwire and the little ones.
As the newling became increasingly distressed, Prowl removed his narrow band of armour. There was a time the idea of Ricochet seeing his wells and spark would have made him recoil but they were hardly sacred anymore. He laid the newling over his spark chamber and hoped the radiation of his spark might be a comfort. The little one seemed to soothe. Prowl stroked his helm as he cooed softly at him. He went silent when the door opened and Jazz appeared, with his originator this time and not with anymore bitlets.
"It's time to go," Jazz said. "Ori, think ya can get those lil bits?"
"Oh sure," Punch replied. Prowl felt his spark race as Punch, just a stranger, an intimidating one at that, coaxed the toddling mechling and femmeling to magnetize as he settled the femmeling on his back and the mechling his front. "Ya don't forget these things."
"Ori carries us like that!" Sideswipe exclaimed.
"Well sure," Punch replied. "It's the best way to carry twins. Yer geni 'n uncle are twins too." "Oh!" Sideswipe exclaimed. "We took after our geni!"
"In more than a few ways," Punch declared, fondly and Prowl had to to like him, a little.
"Trip, can your geni carry you?" Barricade asked. "So I carry Blue? You know he's a little shy with strangers."
"Uh huh!" Tripwire, leapt right into Ricochet's arms. The look of awe on the mech's face when he held his creation for the first time soften a little of Prowl's anger on his batchmate's behalf. "You wouldn't drop me? Right?"
"Never," Ricochet promised and Prowl was prepared to believe him. Barricade scooped Bluestreak up, watching Ricochet with Tripwire. He was anxious, Prowl understood that completely.
"I call Geni's back," Sideswipe declared and Prowl watched as Jazz froze as his/their imperious mechling climbed him like a jungle gym. Sunstreaker looked between Prowl and Jazz. Jazz knelt to his level.
"I can put ya on yer ori's back," Jazz offered. "Or I can carry ya, whatever ya like, Sunstreaker."
"Ori's tired," Sunstreaker said.
"I am never too tired to carry you," Prowl assured him.
"Geni can carry me," Sunstreaker said, he stretched his arms out to his progenitor. "Just this once."
"Thank ya for trustin' me, Sweetspark," Jazz said. He wrapped his arms around Sunstreaker and Prowl's spark fluttered as he watched his first breath in their first emerged's scent. The youngling hung back as they sorted out the mechlings. "Ya good, to walk, Smokey?"
"I'm fine," the youngling said. "You're taking me with you?"
"Of course," Jazz said and Prowl echoed the sentiment.
"Let's get movin'," Punch declared. "We got a friend waitin' in the trailer to see to y'all."
"Who?" Prowl asked, feeling alarmed.
"Ratchet," Jazz replied. Prowl's knees locked. Prime's medic. Prime's own medic. Why was the Prime's medic here? Why? His processor was grinding and it hurt to think. Jazz's digits massed the back of his neck, the magnets pulsing low. Prowl sighed and his helm drooped. "Soon as he got wind what we was comin' after, Ratchet declared he was comin' long. Since he'd o' stowed away if we refused, it was better to say yes. Better to let'm get started sortin' ya out."
"You are intimately involved with the Autobots," Prowl observed as he adjusted his hold on the newling. He only then realized he had not replace his armour, he had become so used to being nude in public. Even after this revelation, Prowl did not bother reaching for. None of the mechs presented teeked of arousal at the sight of him. Why would they be aroused?
"'M Commander o' Spec Ops," Jazz replied. "The left servo 'o the Prime."
"I see."
"Optimus isn't who we thought he was back then," Jazz assured him. Prowl did not care for his assurances. "Y'll see for yerself."
The brothel was dead silent as they walked to the backdoor favoured by those clients who needed to employ discretion. A grey trailer was parked immediately next to the stairs, its ramp already lowered. Maybe they were about the be ferried into the pleasure work for new masters. Prowl looked at and could not believe that this was possible. Ratchet appeared, the Iaconian medic's crisp red and white paint served to identify him as the medic he was. He made a sound, a gruff rumble as they walked up the ramp and Prowl resisted shrinking as he was forced to step passed him. The back of the trailer was covered in pillows and blankets. It was not a crew carrier, but a cargo hauler. Perhaps it would not be the most comfortable of transports, it would be utterly discrete.
"I was expecting four," Ratchet's tone was accusing as he spoke to Ricochet.
"So I didn't actually know Prowl'd had twins," Ricochet replied. "Or that he'd adopted a sick bitlet. The littlests Jazz found abandoned after their originators flew the coop and then there's the youngling and he's got his own story."
"Get comfortable," Ratchet ordered. He placed a servo on Prowl's shoulder and urged him down. "That newling looks fresh."
"I found 'm by the smelter," Jazz expained softly.
"Leaking lubricants," Ratchet cursed.
"Language!" Tripwire scolded as he wagged a digit at Ratchet, he was still held snuggly in Ricochet's arms. Ricochet would not let the medic discipline him. Ratchet looked at the fearless mechling and laughed.
"My apologies," he said. "Why don't you settle in? Make yourself a pillow fort."
"Sooo many pillows," Sideswipe sighed and he hopped off Jazz's back and tugged at Sunstreaker's ped.
His twin followed him and his cousin and they dove into the pile. Barricade lowered Bluestreak down next to Prowl and then sat himself, watching, not only the mechlings but the medic and Prowl. Punch sat next to him, with the mechling and femmeling twins. Ricochet joined them. Smokescreen did not seem to know what to do with himself but Punch took his servo and urged him to sit with them. He was safe. They all were and it felt so eerie. Jazz looked between the sparklings and Prowl before deciding to sit with Prowl.
"I'll start with the newling," Ratchet declared and he sat across from Prowl. Though he did not want to, Prowl gave him the bitlet. "Have you initiated the code to fuel him?"
"I have not," Prowl replied. "I had Pox and other ITD, I do not know what I could be carrying now, I am concerned my fuel is contaminated."
"It's unlikely," Ratchet replied at the same time as he examined the bitlet with his servos, he ran scanners over Prowl. "Your self repair systems are non existent. Literally, the programs have gone into standby due to your complete lack of nanite's. Jazz, get some pillows for his back."
"I think Bluestreak may have something of the same problem," Prowl replied, forgetting his fears of this mech. Below him, the trailer rolled as the Convoy took off for parts unknown to him. "He was addicted to Syk, his originator gave him small doses to keep him quiet. He has not put any mass on since we weaned him off it."
"I'll sort him out," Ratchet promised and Prowl believed him. Jazz guided him to lay back on the stacks of pillows and blankets he had claimed. Ratchet strapped a pump to Prowl's belly and inserted a line from it into an energon line near his hip. "The nanites will act as an external self-repair system while yours recharge. You'll wear the pump until I say otherwise."
"Yes, Medic," Prowl replied.
"I'll give you a booster divert energon to your wells," Ratchet said. "And take a sample before we put the bitlet on."
It was startling how quickly Prowl felt his nozzles stiffen as his wells swelled. Ratchet declared his frame must have initiated the code on its own at the sound of a hungry newling. Prowl was wary of such a loss of his autonomy, though the medic said it was common with experience origins. He and Barricade had nursed each other's creations when one or the other had been forced to work passed the fuelling time. They had both over produced in the end but it had allowed their creations to be well fuelled despite their surroundings. With a professional, plantonic touch, Ratchet stimulated Prowl's nozzle and energon leaked from it. He ran a tested on the rich fuel.
"Perfectly clean," Ratchet declared. "You want to try nursing him?"
"Yes, please," Prowl said and he reached for the bitlet. "He has been so hungry. I do not believe he has ever fuelled."
"Since he's dehydrated, I'd agreed," Ratchet replied. Prowl looked at the medic with alarm and Jazz brushed a thumb over his shoulder. "He's sort out quickly after he's fuelled from you."
There was no hesitation from the newling, he latched onto Prowl's nozzle and suckled greedily. Bluestreak watched with a little wonder as the bitlet drank from Prowl's well. He was lurred from Prowl's side with the offer of a treated and he sucked on the lollipop as Ratchet examined him with servos and scanners. When Ratchet said Bluestreak did indeed have no self-repair systems in place, he was encouraged to cuddle into Prowl's side before Ratchet installed not one but two pumps.
"He has Fuel Malabsorbtion Syndrome," Ratchet explained. "The external pump will give him constant infusions of vital nutrients until I can sort him out. This brave mechling is going to be fine and healthy in no time."
"Do you hear that?" Prowl asked as he stroked Bluestreak's helm. "You are going to be chasing after the Twins in no time."
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cannolicas · 6 years
Secret relationship with Jungkook
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♡ The Love started when you were young
♡ like realy young
♡ highschool young
♡ you were 15 and so was he when you 'met'-and by met I mean he just stared at you shyly for months bc he was angstious
♡he was a new trainee, and girls were flocking to him and he, being shy, hated this new popularity. He just wanted to be a quiet nerd, with a beautiful geeky girlfriend in fact he fantasized about the quiet life he wished the two of you had.
♡you were a new student in his highschool. Aperently you dad was some businessman who moved your family to Seoul for work, after you grew up in England, Rome, France and Singapore.
♡you were v shy.
♡ just like him- the him he liked and felt like home.
♡you had a cute lil stutter and blushed a lot, and he was obsessed (in a non creepy way)
♡he would just daze off lovingly and smile at every little thing you did.
♡so he was just so drawn to you
♡ you, little ole you, sitting with your head in a book drinking little sips of your aloe, taping your clean nails against the table, trying to keep to yourself so the queenkas wouldn't pick on you again.
♡he thinks your super pretty.
♡and of corse you think he’s handsome I mean he’s beautiful
♡He was so angstious he asked makeup noonas for help, like how do I talk to a girl anbunch of 19 year old boys raised me ahhhim scared.
♡he would just come up to you on a rainy day when a lot of kids didn't come in- less fear that day.
♡maybe 10 other people in the normally 100 person cafeteria. Rich kids don't come on in the rain.
♡"Hey" "o-oh H-Hey"
♡ "can I sit here?"
♡ "O-oh Sorry I'll move"
♡"no I ment with you"
♡and boom, he fell hard in love, and you hated were scared to admit that you did to.
♡his first love and is last.
♡ after a few months of sitting, staring, and asking the time/date/your ringsize and how you like ya eggs in the morning after the good good he confessed.
♡but see, he was about to debut as an idol at that time.
♡you all ready knew how hard it was for him to do this, he called you his only escape a million times
♡ you decided to date in secret, or Just keep doing what you were doing. You grounded him, kept him sane.
♡it was hard, but here you were, blood sweat and 2 years later and he was admiting to his members.
♡ "hyungs theres a girl. I-I love her"
♡they were sceptical ofcorse.
♡ like who the fuck is this gold diggin hoe after out Kookie. They thought any girl the makane would be home would be a bitchy mrs popular, and only after fame.
♡’there just after your fame, jeonguk’ hoseok said softly, not to upset the baby.
♡”no hyung she’s different-she's Y/N, you don't get her"
♡but then they met you and they got it.
♡you were v sweet and v shy and v cute
♡Kookie met the only person ever shyer then him. To the boys they were like ¿?¿wow?¿? clone much?¿?
♡ you literally used him as a human shield, and bowed while formally addressing the members. Always using honorifics and it was so funny to them bc you were like when they first met kookie.
♡"oh my fucking god these dorks"- yoongi
♡like Namjoon was shook after watching you two talk in Jungkooks room, which you thought was private. After he was like this girl realy loves Jungkook
♡ you had a heavy stutter and hugged Jungkook in a clingy koala way when you talked to him, looking up at him, deep in his eyes, as he played with your hair.
♡and it made Kookie gush like ahhh my baby's so cute.
♡you were the only person ever who saw him as big and strong, and he ate that sit up. Loved it
♡ "I-I don think they like me, jeo-kookie" you said, with a few tears.
♡a-and I know how much you love them like brothers and I don’t want to devide you all”
♡"why? What's not to like? It's you Jagi"
♡ "I-i don't think they think I'm good enough. Their right your so handsome Jungkook you could get a queenka if you wanted but your wit-"
♡he kisses you and shuts you up.
♡ "I love you. And I'm with you because I want you, only you. They don't love me for me, but you do, baby. I'll be by your side forever" "promise?" "I'll die on that promise. Your my life"
♡ you hugged him and he smiled. "They'll come around to you. Your the best. I know that will"
♡'ok boys she's good enough'-Namjoon
♡ you almost broke up once, tho
♡you did it to protct him, his image, his brand and his fandom. Gf= bad
♡he didn’t like the idea and neither did you, but you insisted even though it hurt like a knife to the heart. It was so fucking hard on you. You didn't leaves your bed, just crying for 2 days.
♡ but two days later he want having it. He herd about your state from your sister and he wa steady to kill the jerk who hurt you so... himself?
♡never gonna give u up
♡it was like a movie, crying in the rain and hungrily kissing. "I love you your never leaving me again"
♡ that night you got back together you shared your first time in a hotel room
♡yes it was very romantic and sweet and emotional and the aftercare was on point and you just cuddled him as he whispered in your ear about your future for hours and it was so wpsweet hou criend and it was just beautiful.
♡ next day Jungkook had they glowy 'I just got fucked' look
♡they were on set for a mv, And as grown ass men they know that look.- the 'I just got fucked look'
♡’yall finaly fucked?’-Hoseok
♡’no hyung we made love’
♡ and your were a little bit more confident after that
♡meaning that now you too, believed in your love and would fight for it! This was it!!!
♡ so you did.
♡ flash forward to age 20
♡blood sweet, and 5 years later (lol).
♡ management just found out about you
♡in a realyyyyyy bad way
♡ you got stabbed by a saesang in a grocery store when you kissed Jungkook as he petted your tummy affectionately.
♡ but it's even worse-don't tell anyone it's a secret- Shh your 9 weeks along
♡yEs I mEaN pReGgErS
♡ Jungkook called management crying
♡he spilled all about y'all (except the baby thing)
♡like ‘I might loose everything hyung' (exact words to Namjoon later)
♡ and of corse they handled international police on the crazy bitch for him while making arrangements for the best suite in the hospital.
♡ considering how Namjoon flies into bangs office yelling about how great you are you were now family to big hit.
♡all 6 boys vouged for you as family
♡ VVVIP epward secured for ya post op- aka after surgery
♡3 longggg (6 hours plus, like 20 hours of surgery) surgeries.
♡ Jungkook was a mess.
♡first two were the riskiest. And he cried for hours.
♡ spent that time explaining the relationship to management, from high school to now(minus the secret baby)
♡ they rolled you back into the room and Jungkook went crazy.
♡ hugged you, petted your tummy, said how much he loved you, and you two just talked, and cried, and snuggled and cried and called his mom and he told stupid jokes and you just giggled until you saw management
♡then y'all panicked- it was jumping but the. A nurse came in.
♡ "don't worry, Mr.Jeon, as we just told mrs. Y/L/N, your baby is perfectly fine, and they affected. Perfect as new"
♡as blessed as the new father felt he was a little worked abput something else.
♡’Well hyung Y/Ns tired you should leave’
♡ haha to late- you've herd of anger management, but what about 'angry management ™️''?
♡ JeOn JuNgKoOk whAt Do YoU mEaN pReGnAnT?!? NoT iN mY lObBy
♡"we will discuss this later, Jungkook. Just take care of your familly for now, they've been through a lot today' (*breaks door handle from squeezing anger ly and has,little baby stress stroke*)
♡ calm now, but rip Jungkook l8r tho
♡happily ever after
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asksamstuff · 7 years
Thank you guys so much for your patience! Got stuck at work longer than expected, but I’m here and I’ve got the results of the contest for ya. Before we jump into it, I wanna say I loved each and every one of the entries I received, and it wasn’t easy at all to pick — I’m gonna have a little blurb on each, and everyone reading, please, please be sure to follow them and shoot them some love for their work! Everyone did fantastic and I love the results.
Firstly, anyone not selected in the winner results below, please still e-mail me at [email protected] — you will be receiving a notecard drawing of Sam and some stickers for your participation in the contest! Just let me know who you are, your entry, and your address, if you’re comfortable with that. 
The winner of the contest for the prize of the comic prompt is @withthedemonblood! Please e-mail me and we can get your unique Sam-centric comic started for you, your eyes only! Unless you wanna post it when you get it. Y’know. Whatevs.
The two winners for the fanfiction category is @brothersapart and @womanoflettersinthebunker ! The two winners for fan art is @sketchydean and @fioreitaliano (which is not letting me ping you, what a butthead tumblr is). The two winners for fan edits are @samprincesschester and @jaredbottoms!  Let me know if you would like The Little Golden Hunter’s Book or a grayscale copy of Ask Sam Stuff Volumes 1 or 2. If you would like to wait, you can request to have grayscale Volume 3 when it is completed! If you would rather have a drawn piece that is SPN-related, let me know, we can work something out that is non-book-related.  
(IF YOU ARE NOT ON THE LIST BELOW, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I will add you and you will still be able to get a gift for partaking for your hard work — a Sam notecard of thanks and stickers! Apologies to the helpful notes left on the previous post before this one; I was at work so I couldn’t respond. :’))
Metal by @waytoomuchanalysis : A fantastic continuation of the bend the spoon entry, it dives into the potential of Sam stil having his powers! Look out for the warnings, and enjoy a dose of hurt!Sam, too! I love me some hurt!Sam.
The Long Road Home by @brothersapart : A wonderfully well-written 'novelization' of here and here, where Dean died as a child in the fire with their mother. Really awesome to tackle this one, and you did a great job conveying additional things in the narrative!
I’m Okay by @ultimatefandomtrash61 : A gritty and heavy covering of the entry involving Sam's feelings after Toni's deceit in 12x02; heed the warnings at the start! It's a tough subject for sure, but it's done very well!
As Dreamer’s Do by @withthedemonblood : Really wonderful descriptions and details as this goes, this takes what is a pretty silly entry and adds a lot of personality and weight to it; I love me some weechester stuff, and there's even a little hurt!Dean in there for you guys who like fairness in torment, haha.
Manoir de Mes Reves by @captain-sodapop : I gotta say, I didn't even remotely consider the http://asksamstuff.tumblr.com/post/118043076689/an-interesting-afternoon-at-the-mills-residence twister entry on Sam's Birthday bash would end up as an entry! Great humor and a fun concept, check this one out.
I Love You, Too by @manuscript-or : Based on Sam's addiction to coffee (dude sometimes there's such a thing as too much), this AU of the pilot episode is pretty cute and full of Jess and Sam goodness! And y'all know I'm a sucker for Jess and Sam. Check this out!
Happy Halloween by @womanoflettersinthebunker : Based on the halloween post about Abby the little sassy cowgirl with read hair and freckles! I really love the alternate route this took, and it gave Sam a fun little adventure to boot — love the details of Sam naming trick-or-treaters in this head! Fantastic work. ♥
Proud Defense by @my-pen-is-my-sword : Very, very neat — an expansion of this strange creature from a pre-series comic! I'm impressed with the attempt to tackle this one, since it was one of the more vague and mysterious comics I've thrown out there, but it ended up being a really great piece! Excellent job.
Scars by @samsexualdeancurious :  A short but sweet Jess/Sam entry, exploring a panel in this entry a bit more. Did I mention I'm a sucker for Jessica and Sam? Because I am. Great job on expanding on that entry, and great writing.
A Long Night (Part 1 | Part 2) by @borrowedtimeandspace : A lovely write-up of a section of the Ask Lil' Sam Stuff plotline; I really loved doing that story, and I'm tickled to see that it was chosen to be done for the entry! They've done a really good job adding little narrative touches to this, and it's a nice addition to the bitty!Sam collection!
Fan art:
BANANA SAM by @fioreitaliano : Based on this. I cannot believe my eyes. A+ banana!Sam. I'm so happy to have laid eyes on him in all his wonder.
No but Really, Call Me, Cont’d by @saintedsam : The cutest little continuation of Max Banes and Sam Winchester, from my entry of Max hitting on an oblivious Sam. And here he is, continuing to be oblivious! What a cute art style, I love it! (And that shirt, Max.)
The Purple Dog Shirt, Pt. II by @sketchydean : What a great follow-up to the purple dog shirt comic! It can be tough to whip up comics, but this is done extremely well and feels like such a solid continuation, I love it. Now - where the heck did that shirt go!!
Dean, I Made You More Pie by @h3dgehogjohn : Isn't this so cute? A picture of little Sam from this entry making more 'pie' for his brother! I love them in their little socks; great job, and a+ freckles. ;)
It was a long night by @dovesdanceatdusk  Banana!Sam strikes again!! This time with some backstory! I love the way Sam's drawn in this, what an excellent style, and — yeah, it was a long night.
I’m Gonna Rip Your Lungs Out! by @nisaki-chan : Oh man, protective!Dean, weechesters, and the threat of lung-ripping. Our favorite! Great art style and an excellent choice in topic. I approve.
Take Care of Yourself! by @dozmuffinxc : Look at this cute entry! A Sam swathed in blankets! A really adorable art style, and a good point to keep in mind for everyone, especially over-working little Sam.
Samulet? ... Deanmulet? by @sakurinn : Based on this post, sakurinn made an excellent video of Sam getting his own personal samulet! A Deanulet? A wonderful shout-out to you for making a video entry!! This is her first post on tumblr, so please be sure to send lovely wishes and a welcome to the community! ♥
Lack of Agency by @jaredbottoms : An excellent study in gif-form of some of the lack of agency in Sam's life, based on this post — it's crazy to see it all laid out, and important to remember. Great selections for a strong gifset.
Cute-o-Meter by @samprincesschester : Something a little less serious — a good ol' cracky screencap comic, based on this cracky lovefest of a post! I love the humor in this, and I love the team effort going into reminding everyone what a cutie-patootie Sam is. Thanks a ton, Team Freely Loving Sam Winchester.
Once again, give everyone a hand and some reblogs/notes/follows, they’re all super awesome and I’m so happy to have seen their work! Again, if you have an entry that isn’t here because I’m a dipstick and missed it, or I lost it while pasting together this monstrosity (so much linking, so much writing, ieieeeiee), message me and let me know! You’ll certainly still get yourself some stickers. ;)
Until the next contest??? Maybe??? 
I’ll just see you next entry, haha.
— Ashlee
P.S. Happy birthday, Sam. Congrats on being alive somehow in your canon!
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kittykat-creations · 7 years
R.I.P- Grief
Previous Chapter --- Next Chapter
Trigger warning for suicide.
"No no no no! Sixer? Ford! Wake up! Come on!"
"I'm sorry about your brother."
"Thanks," Stan repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.
He wished people would stop bringing it up sometimes. That way he could act like it didn't happen. Like his twin brother was just home sick with some sort of bug. Like he would go home and fall on top of his brother, who would be laying on his bed, and recount the school day like it was the worst thing ever. Like he would then give Ford the homework and then voice how if he was the one who was sick, he would refuse to do any work until the next day.
"Hey, Stan," a girl greeted him at lunch, about to sit beside him. "I'm sorry about-"
"You can't sit there," he blurted out before he could stop himself. The girl raised an eyebrow and stood back up. "That's Ford's seat."
"Oh... ok..." the girl stood awkwardly. "Sorry."
And she left to go sit with her friends.
The next day-  you wouldn't believe it, the timing of the thing- a new kid began going to the school. Stan entered the classroom and saw the kid sitting at Ford's desk.
"Hey," Stan said shortly. "That's my brother's desk."
"Oh," the boy picked up his stuff. "Sorry. Where is he?"
"He's..." Stan felt his throat tighten, and he shook his head. "It's not important. That's his desk. Move."
"Alright," the boy looked at him weirdly before moving to a different seat.
"His twin just committed suicide a few days ago," another student murmured to the new kid. "He used to sit there."
"Oh gosh..."
No, Stan thought. No. Ford's just at home. He's fine. He's just sick.
Stan looked at the homework board and wrote down what was written. Just like he always did when Ford was sick.
Stan laid down that night, staring across the room at Ford's bed. He hadn't let his mom remove the blankets and sheets. It was just as messy as always.
"Night, Sixer," Stan spoke, staring at the pillow.
Night, Lee, he could hear him reply. Just as always.
"No! You don't get it! Just leave me alone!"
Stan stood in front of it, his hands deep in the pockets of the stupid dress pants. Tears filled his eyes as his mouth formed an angry frown. He growled and kicked at the dirt.
"Come on, Sixer," he grumbled angrily. "Really. What'd you go and do this for? We were supposed to go together. On the Stan O' War. You promised."
He stared at the grave for a few more seconds before giving a short yell and stopping off.
"And you broke that promise."
The funeral was almost over.
"Sweetie, it's time to go home," Ma spoke softly, reaching to rub Stan's shoulder.
"Don't touch me," he grumbled, shrugging her hand off. He stomped towards the car, waiting outside of it when he found out it was locked.
"Hey, Stan," Bella murmured, walking over with Fiddleford. They were matching. Typical. "...you good?"
"What the hell do you think?" Stan snapped. "I just had to bury my brother. Of course I'm not good!"
Bella blinked and frowned.
"Hey!" Fiddleford frowned as well. "What was tha' abou'? She was only tryin' ta comfort ya, Stanley."
Stan scoffed.
"Not very well, huh?" He grumbled.
"Now really!" Fiddleford folded his arms. "What's brought this on? We're upset about losin' Stanferd too, ya know!"
Stan growled and was about to shout back when he noticed Bella standing timidly behind her best friend, drying another wave of tears. He sighed and looked down at his feet, kicking the pavement sadly.
"Yeah, I know," he mumbled. "Sorry. I just... Ford promised we'd go together. And then he went and did this, and-"
Bella hugged him around the chest, tears leaking onto his shirt. He hugged her back.
School hadn't been much better.
"Hey loser! Shouldn't you be gone by now?" Crampelter laughed. "I would think the teachers would have given up on ya without your freakish twin-"
"Shut up, Crampelter!" Stan shouted. "Just shut up! It's your fault! You pushed him! If it weren't for you I'd still have my FUCKING BROTHER!"
"Woah!" Crampelter just dodged the fist thrown his way. "Hey! Watch it!"
"YOU WATCH IT!" Stan screamed, aiming to punch the bully's face. He succeeded, and Crampelter fell against the lockers.
"Pines! Stan, stop it!" A teacher came running over, holding Stan back. "What on Earth are you doing?!"
"He was talking shit about Ford!" Stan cried, tears of anger forming. "Sixer ain't freakish!"
"Alright, alright," the teacher said. "Go take out your anger on one of the punching bags. I'll write you a note."
Stan huffed and stomped down the hall.
"You, Crampelter, are to go down to the nurse," the teacher scolded. "And then you're to come to me to receive your detention slips. I think two weeks should do it."
Stan smirked triumphantly.
"Do y'think that if I had noticed, Ford would still be alive...?"
"Very impressive, Stanley!" The teacher smiled as she handed back Stan's test with a bright red 'B' in the corner. "Your grades have really picked up! I'm very proud."
"Thanks, Ms," Stan smiled lightly. That smile fell once the teacher moved on. A B wasn't enough. Ford always got A's. So, if Stan got an A, maybe something would happen. He wasn't sure what, though. Maybe it would be revealed that Ford really was alive?
"Wow Stan, yer grades are gettin' good," Fiddleford smiled encouragingly. "Any reason why?"
"I dunno... it's what Ford would have wanted," Stan shrugged and shoved his test in his folder. "Maybe I can, I don't know, make him proud or something?"
"Aww..." Bella frowned.
"Yeah, I knew it was dumb," Stan mumbled.
"That's not dumb!" Bella assured. "That's nice. I get it."
"Thanks. I just... ugh, I want him back so much!" Stan replied, laying on his desk. "I'd do anything to see him again..." He noticed Bella's scared look. "Besides that! I promise. I won't leave you guys."
"Whew," Bella sighed in relief. "Good."
When Stan got home, he took the test from his backpack and taped it to the wall above Ford's bed. The B looked rather out of place among Ford's other A-covered papers, but it fit better than a C.
"We're gettin' there," Stan murmured, his eyes sweeping over all the papers, tests, and assignments. He then turned to look at the map taped above his own bed. It had been Ford's favorite. It was only a basic map of the world, but it was covered in red dots, each one representing a strange anomaly or going-ons somewhere. Ford had been documenting every one. They were where they were going to go on the Stan O' War.
Stan remembered something strange he had seen on the news that morning. Some sort of weird creature spotted in Oregon. He couldn't remember the name of the town, so he stuck a red dot in the center of the state.
"No Ma, I'm not hungry... I'm sure. I'll just have some milk."
Stan woke up, but he didn't get out of bed. And when Bella woke up, she stayed with him. Fiddleford was the only one up and moving.
"Mornin', y'all," he spoke, sitting across the room on the floor and eating a waffle. "Ya gonna get up?"
Bella shook her head.
"Yeah, me neither," Stan agreed.
"Alright," Fiddleford sighed. "Y'all at least want some breakfast?"
"I'm alright," Stan mumbled. Bella shrugged slightly.
"Some milk?" Fiddleford asked her. She slowly nodded. "Sippy cup?" She nodded again. "Alright, Ah'll get it fer ya."
Fiddleford left the room and was heard walking downstairs. Stan pulled Bella closer to him, closing his eyes and keeping his arm around her. He breathed in and kissed her forehead, rubbing up and down her back.
"I'm sorry," he murmured. "I've just been up and down these past couple weeks. I haven't spent a lot of time with you."
"It's alright," Bella mumbled. "I get it. I miss him, too. ...And I really don't wanna lose you, too..."
"You won't," Stan promised. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here."
He stood in front of the grave again. But this time he was there with both Bella and Fiddleford. He hadn't been back since the funeral about two weeks ago. He still didn't want to see it. He wished it would go away and be replaced by his brother, alive and well.
-Stanford Pines- A beloved brother and son.
That barely covered it. Stan could think of a million more things Ford was, but they wouldn't have fit on the headstone. Stanford was the best student, the best friend Stan could have ever asked for, the best twin to have ever existed. He was a nerd, a dork, awkward beyond belief, and so so so much more.
Bella stepped forward to lay the bouquet of flowers at the base of the headstone. Without the plastic, they looked perfect against the fresh grass that had began to grow in over the disturbed dirt.
The three friends stood for awhile before turning and walking back home.
"That was my brother's desk. No one really uses it anymore. It's closer to the front, if you need it."
Cleaning day. Or, sort of. Stan tried to distract his mind as he stripped the sheets off of Ford's old bed. Bella and Fiddleford had already taken the blankets and pillow case and put them in the hamper. The pillow was placed back in the cabinet. All of Ford's old clothes were gathered off the floor and tossed in the hamper as well. After they were cleaned, they would be donated.
All except the jacket.
Stanford's brown jacket had been hung in Stan's closet, the day they took it off to dress Ford for the funeral. Stan had refused to let anyone touch or clean it. Today, he had taken it out and worn it while cleaning.
Ok, maybe it should be washed after today. Ford had never used deodorant.
"Almost done, guys," he spoke when Bella and Fiddleford returned. "Just gotta clean up the tent and clear off the bookshelf. You guys wanna pick out some of them now?"
"Sure," Fiddleford nodded. Him and Bella sat in front of the shelf, beginning to go through the books. Bella got most of the fictional ones, and Fiddleford got the science and non-fiction books. He also took a few science-fiction books. By the time they divided the contents of the shelf up, everything was done.
It was almost like Ford hadn't lived there for the past fourteen years.
One entire wall was dedicated to all of Ford's projects and aced tests, along with a few group photos of him with Stan, Bella, and Fiddleford. And of course, the barrel Stan and Ford had found on the Stan O' War sat at the foot of Stan's bed, filled with the maps Ford had left for his twin.
It had been a long few weeks, and Stan had never felt worse during them. And of course, he was still upset and devastated about losing his brother. He wasn't convinced at all that he had cried for the last time about Ford. But hey, at least he had the courage to finally clean his stuff out of their room, and he had stopped using present-tense when referring to him.
That was a start, wasn't it?
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