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fangsandsoftgrass · 3 months ago
Think I just sprained my ankle standing almost completely still where is my healer wife I have 3 hours left to my shift damnit I need this fixed NEOW
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bob-giovanni · 7 years ago
I’ll Cover You - Part 8
Characters: Simon X OFC
Summary: Simon surprises Emily at work. The couple go out for dinner and run into someone unexpected.
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff, Angst, Violence
Emily’s first weekend without seeing Simon went by pretty quickly. She did manage to get out of bed to go for a walk each day as the weather was beautiful, but for the most part she stayed inside. When she walked into work Monday morning, she made small talk with Amanda before starting her shift. The day went on as any other Monday. The only thing that was missing was she hadn’t heard from Simon, which was a little unusual. She wanted to text him but figured he was busy hanging out with his daughter and she didn’t want to bother him. After not hearing from him again on Tuesday, she was a little worried and sent him a quick text.
Emily: Hey, babe. Just want to make sure everything is ok. Miss you.
Emily waited but she didn’t get any message back, which made her sad. But she tried not to take it too personally. Again, he was spending time with his daughter. On Wednesday when Emily got into work, Amanda could tell something was off. “Hey, you. What’s up?” She asked her friend. Emily shook her head and smiled a bit. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.” Amanda crossed her arms. “C’mon, Em. I know something’s wrong. You know you can talk to me, right?” Emily sighed softly. “It’s silly. It’s just…I haven’t heard from Simon since Friday night and I’m a little worried. I mean, I know he’s probably just spending as much time with his daughter as he can but, and I feel really selfish for this, but I feel a little hurt that he hasn’t even texted me to let me know he’s thinking about me or that he misses me.”
Amanda reached out and put a hand on Emily’s shoulder. “It’s ok, babe. I’m sure he misses you a bunch. It’s like you said, he’s just spending all his time with his daughter. I’m sure you’ll hear from him soon.” Emily smiled softly and nodded. “I know.” Just before their day got started, the owner of the clinic let Amanda know that the receptionist called out sick so Amanda was going to have to be on desk duty for the day. Emily headed into the back to start prepping the exam rooms. About half way through the day, Amanda was looking at her computer entering some information when a man approached the front desk. “Uh, excuse me? Is Emily here?” Amanda furrowed her eyebrows and looked over at the man. “And who may I ask is looking for her?”
Simon cleared his throat and held his hand out to Amanda. “Oh, right, sorry. My name is Simon. Nice to meet you.” Amanda smiled and took Simon’s hand, shaking it as she stood. “Ah, so you’re the famous Simon, in the flesh.” Simon quirked an eyebrow. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” Amanda laughed and shook her head. “Not really. Emily has told me a lot about you. But I think we spoke briefly a while back when Emily left her phone in your car.” Simon thought back to the night he first met Emily, when he drove her home. He remembered finding her phone in his car and speaking to one of her friends. “Oh, right. Yes, I remember. Well it’s nice to meet you.” Amanda smiled and nodded. “Likewise. I’ll go get Emily.” Amanda disappeared through a pair of double doors.
Emily was cleaning one of the kennels when Amanda approached her. “Hey, Em. I have a client up front requesting to see you.” Emily groaned a bit before taking off her gloves and tossing them in the trash. “Ugh, what now?” Amanda shrugged. “I don’t know. He wouldn’t tell me anything.” Emily washed her hands before following Amanda out to the front desk. She was just about to ask the mystery person what this was about until she saw who the mystery person was. Her eyes lit up and she gasped as she ran around to the front of the desk and threw her arms around Simon’s neck. “Oh my god, hi!” She exclaimed. Simon grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Hey, babe” “I missed you!” Simon laughed softly. “I missed you too.” He leaned down and pecked Emily’s lips. “Can you go to lunch?” Emily nodded. “Yes, definitely. Let me go grab my purse.” Emily hurried back to her locker and grabbed her bag. As she walked towards the front door she turned to Amanda. “I’m going to lunch. I might be a little late getting back.” Amanda laughed softly. “I won’t tell anyone.”
Emily laced her fingers with Simon’s as they walked out to his car. They climbed in and buckled up before Simon pulled out of the lot. “So, what are you in the mood for?” Simon asked. Emily shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe just some fast food so we can sit in the car and talk?” Simon smiled and nodded. “Alright. Sounds good to me. Chik-fil-a work?” Emily licked her lips and nodded. “Definitely.” A few moments later Simon pulled up to the restaurant and went through the drive through, ordering their meals and pulling up to the window to pay. Once he had everything, Simon handed the bag to Emily and drove to the far end of the parking lot and parked. He pushed his seat back and turned towards Emily, taking his fries from her and shoving one into his mouth. “Mm, fuck. Their fries are so goddamn good.” Emily laughed as she started eating. “They really are.”
After Emily was done eating her fries, she took a napkin and wiped her fingers off. “So, how has your week been?” Simon smiled and nodded. “It’s been great. I’ve actually really enjoyed helping Amara with her homework and watching stupid Disney movies with her every night.” Emily smiled as she started eating her nuggets. “Aww, that’s so sweet. I’m glad you’ve been having a good time.” “I really have been. Unfortunately she goes back to her mom’s on Friday. But I was thinking that maybe Friday night we could have a little date night?” Emily’s face lit up and she nodded. “Yes, that sounds amazing.” She leaned over and kissed Simon’s cheek. Simon smiled and wiped his mouth. “So, uh, I’ve been thinking a lot about those pictures you sent me.”
Emily bit her lip and grinned. “Oh yeah? And what exactly have you been thinking about?” She asked as she reached over and gently ran her index finger over the exposed skin under his unbuttoned polo shirt. Simon arched an eyebrow and smirked. “Nothing I should go into detail about here. Not with having to take you back to work and all.” Emily leaned over a bit and Simon leaned in as well. “I guess I was just wondering what made you take those photos?” Emily smirked a bit. “I’ve been…exploring myself recently and I was just feeling really sexy.” “Exploring yourself?” Emily giggled softly. “Well I have to figure out what turns me on somehow.” Simon sighed softly. “I honestly wish I could see that.” “Who says you can’t?” Emily said as she leaned in to kiss Simon softly. “Mm, damn, baby. This whole sexy and confidant thing you have going on is a total turn on.” “Good. Now I hate to cut the party short, but I have to get back to work.”
Simon groaned and adjusted his seat before buckling his seatbelt. “You really are gonna be the death of me, woman.” Emily laughed and buckled up as Simon pulled out of the parking lot. In what seemed like no time they pulled up in front of Emily’s work. A few of her coworkers were standing outside smoking. Emily unbuckled her seatbelt and sighed softly before leaning over towards Simon. “I don’t wanna go back in.” She whined. Simon laughed softly and put the car in park. He leaned in towards Emily and nodded. “I know, babe. But soon enough the day will be over.” She nodded and closed the gap between them, kissing Simon sweetly. He smiled as they parted. “I’ll text you on Friday, yeah?” Emily smiled and nodded. “Ok.” She leaned in to peck his lips once more before opening the car door. “Thank you for lunch.” “Anytime. Have a good rest of your day. I’ll talk to you soon.” Emily climbed out of the car and shut the door, waving at Simon as he drove off.
Emily nodded towards her coworkers as she headed towards the entrance of the building. They were a group of older women who had been working together at this clinic for years. Some of them had been there since the place opened in the 80s. One of the women, Karen, who was an awful busybody, made a comment to Emily. “Wow, Emily, was that your boyfriend or your father?” The group chuckled at Karen’s obviously rhetorical and obnoxious question. Emily rolled her eyes and kept walking. “Wow, good one, Karen.” Emily replied dryly. She tried her best to not let the comment get to her, but Karen had to keep pushing. “What? I’m just curious is all. When you 2 go to the movies does he get the senior price for his ticket and the child price for yours?” The group cackled, unable to contain themselves. Emily turned just before she walked back inside. “Ya know, Karen, maybe if you were getting laid by your old as fuck husband once in a while you wouldn’t be such a rotten bitch all the time.” She snapped. That certainly shut her up, but it didn’t stop her from glaring at Emily for the rest of the day.
Thankfully the rest of the week went smoothly. When Friday afternoon rolled around, Emily was ready to run out the door at 5PM. Simon had promised to take her out on a date tonight. She knew he would probably be a little sad because he had to take his daughter back to his ex’s for the next 2 weeks. But she hoped that she’d be able to cheer him up. Emily arrived home around 5:30 and as soon as she walked in the door she heard her phone ding. She set her things down and pulled her phone from her pocket.
Simon: Hey, baby. You still want to go out tonight?
Emily: Yes! Definitely! What did you have in mind?
Simon: How about somewhere fancy? If you’re in the mood to dress up, that is.
Emily: Oh yes I love dressing up!
Simon: Wonderful. I can pick you up around 7. Is that enough time for you to get ready?
Emily: I can definitely work with that. I’ll see you then!
Emily immediately headed upstairs and went to her bedroom and stripped out of her scrubs. She got into the shower, humming to herself as she washed up. Once she was done, she climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. She sat on the edge of her bed and brushed her hair out. She didn’t want to get her fancy dress covered in hair so she pulled on an oversized t-shirt to style her hair. She blow dried her hair first then used her curling iron to add some big, bouncy curls. She smiled as she looked herself over and carefully pulled the shirt over her head. She opened her underwear drawer and chewed her bottom lip. She didn’t plan on showing Simon her underwear tonight but, just in case, she wanted to look good. She pulled out a pair of black lace panties and pulled them on. She went to her closet and pulled out a teal velvet wrap mini dress with a sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps that she hadn’t had the chance to wear yet. She pulled the dress on and ran her hands over the fabric. It fit her like a glove.
She sat at her desk and pulled out her makeup bag and mirror. She did a simple look and finished everything up with a nude lipstick. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed a small purse and a pair of black heels from her closet, putting her lipstick and some money along with her ID in her purse and grabbed her phone before heading downstairs to wait for Simon. Almost as soon as she sat on the couch there was a knock at her door. She jumped up before hurrying to the door and throwing it open. She grinned brightly when she saw Simon standing there. She laced her fingers together in front of her. “Hey.” She said softly. Simon was just standing there with his jaw slack as he looked Emily over. After a minute he finally realized that she had spoken. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat. “Um..h-hey.” Emily blushed a bit. “What do you think?” She asked and moved her arms so Simon could see her dress. “I think you look absolutely stunning.”
Emily smiled and chewed her bottom lip. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear before finally getting a chance to look Simon over. He was wearing a light gray suit with a black button down and a black tie. She reached out and ran her fingers over the tie. “You look so handsome, Si.” Simon stepped closer to Emily and leaned in to peck Emily’s lips softly. “Well I guess we make a pretty good looking couple then, huh?” Emily laughed softly and nodded. “We do. Let me grab my bag and then we can go.” Emily grabbed her purse off the couch and grabbed a shawl, wrapping it around herself as she locked her front door and followed Simon to the car. She wasn’t sure where they were going but it didn’t matter. She was finally with Simon and that was all that mattered. They didn’t talk much as they drove but Simon did reach over and take Emily’s hand in his own, giving it a gentle squeeze.
About 20 minutes later they pulled up to the valet in front of one of the nicest French restaurants in the city. Emily’s eyes lit up. “Oh my god, Simon, really?” He smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Really.” Emily thanked the valet who opened her door for her before climbing out of the car. She linked her arm with Simon’s as they entered the restaurant. Simon gave his name to the host who then showed them to their table. Once they sat Emily took a minute to look around. This was definitely the fanciest place she’d ever been. She grinned brightly as she looked over the menu. Simon noticed the look on Emily’s face and smirked. “You happy?” He asked. She nodded. “Very.” The waiter came over and took their food orders. There was also a wine expert who came over and offered them a bottle to compliment their meals, which they bought.
Everything was going so well. They were having a nice conversation about what they’d each been up to since their last date night. Their food arrived quickly and everything was delicious Emily swore she could die happy after this meal. She was having such a lovely time. Then it happened. She wasn’t sure when he had approached the table. All she knew was that suddenly he was there. “Emily?” As soon as she heard his voice the color drained from her face and she felt lightheaded. She looked up and saw him there. Him. Her thoughts immediately flashed back to that night, the terror she felt being in that room, with him on top of her. He had the audacity to smile at her. “Wow, Em, it’s so good to see you. It’s been a while. How are you?” He asked. Simon noticed immediately that Emily seemed uncomfortable and nervous. He was just about to question her when she spoke. “I’m good.” She said meekly. The man turned to Simon and held out his hand. “Hey there. I’m Nick.” Simon shook the younger man’s hand cautiously. “Simon. I’m Emily’s boyfriend.” Nick flashed a grin and nodded. “Oh yeah? Well you’re a lucky man, Simon. Emily’s a great girl.” He placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch. “It was so good seeing you, Emily. I’ll leave you 2 alone now. Have a good night.” And with that he simply walked away.
Simon watched as Nick walked towards the bar and then looked to Emily. “Em, you ok?” Emily nodded a bit. “Can we go? I don’t feel so good.” She said softly. Simon furrowed his eyebrows and leaned in a bit. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Emily shook her head. “I just wanna go.” Simon nodded. “Ok, sure.” He flagged down the waiter and got their check, paying quickly before walking towards the exit. He heard Emily sniffle and pulled her to the side. She was crying. Simon pulled her into a hug. “Baby, what’s wrong? Please let me help.” Again Emily shook her head. “I can’t believe he was here. That he…” She trailed off. Simon looked down at her. “Who? Nick? Is he an old boyfriend or something?” Emily shuddered at the thought. “No. Please, let’s just go.” As Simon looked down at Emily, it suddenly clicked who exactly Nick was. He could feel the rage building inside. How dare he? He shook that motherfucker’s hand. And now he made Emily cry…again. Simon couldn’t let him get away with it. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a tissue, helping Emily clean up a bit. He just so happened to look over in time to see Nick heading into the bathroom.
Simon handed Emily the valet ticket. “Hey, I think I left my wallet on the table. Why don’t you get the car and I’ll meet you outside, ok?” Emily nodded and smiled a bit. “Ok.” Simon leaned down and kissed her softly. Once she was outside, Simon made a beeline for the bathroom. Luckily Nick was the only other one in there. Simon locked the bathroom door behind him. Nick looked over when he heard the lock click and furrowed his eyebrows. “Uhh, what are you doing?” He asked. Simon took 3 big steps and grabbed Nick by the back of the shirt and slammed him face first into the stall wall next to the urinal he was at. Immediately blood started pouring from his nose and he cried out in pain. Simon pressed his forearm against Nick’s neck while he pinned his arms by the wrists against his back. “Listen to me, you fucking piece of shit.” Simon growled through clenched teeth. “Emily told me what you did to her.”
Nick opened his mouth to protest, causing Simon to grab a fistful of his hair and slam his face into the wall again. “Shut the fuck up!” He yelled. “If you ever come near her again, I mean if you so much as look at her, I will make you wish you were never born. Do you fucking understand me?” Nick nodded, tears streaming down his face. “If you see her walking down the street, you cross to the other side. If you show up at a party she’s at, you leave. And if you see me, turn and run and keep running.” To really drive his point home, Simon punched Nick in the side, knocking the air from him. As Simon loosened his grip, Nick sunk to the floor. Simon looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was messy and he had blood on the lapel of his suit jacket. He ran his fingers through his hair before taking off his coat and exiting the bathroom. A few diners were staring at him as he left. He hurried outside and climbed into the car and tossed his coat into the back seat. “Hey you were in there for a while. Did you find your wallet?” Emily asked. Simon smiled and nodded. “Oh, yeah. I had to use the bathroom really quick too.”
Emily reached over and took Simon’s hand as they drove. He kissed the back of her hand and tightened his grip. When they got back to Emily’s house, she invited him inside. They sat on the couch for a while and just cuddled. Emily just needed to feel safe right now and she did. Just being in Simon’s arms was so soothing and comforting. After a while she looked up at him with her big, brown, doe eyes. “Will you stay with me again?” She asked softly. Simon nodded as he ran his fingers through her hair. “I was planning on it.” Emily smiled and leaned up to kiss Simon’s cheek. She stood and lead Simon upstairs to her bedroom. This time, instead of changing in the bathroom, she changed in front of him. She kicked off her heels before stripping off her dress and panties. She pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top. When Simon saw that Emily was changing, he blushed a bit and quickly looked away. He carefully took off his shirt and slacks. Unfortunately he wasn’t wearing an undershirt so he’d have to sleep in just his boxer briefs.
When Emily turned and saw Simon standing there shirtless, she gasped softly and blushed deeply. Damn he was in good shape. His abs were glorious. If only things had turned out differently tonight, Emily may just have found herself in the mood to do something about it. They climbed into bed and Emily snuggled close to Simon. She placed a hand on his chest and gently caressed his bare flesh with her fingers, drawing a content sigh from his lips. She moved her hand up to cup his cheek and smiled before leaning in to kiss him sweetly. “Thank you for tonight. And for understanding.” Simon smiled and nodded. “Of course.” Emily buried her face in the crook of Simon’s neck and quickly drifted off. Simon stayed awake, replaying what had happened in the bathroom at the restaurant. He knew that inherently, what he did was wrong. But it felt good to put that fucker in his place. And he knew that he’d do it all over again to protect Emily.
Tags: @faith-lynn9 @collette04 @simons-savior86 @simons-thirst-squad
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averybritishsomething · 4 years ago
Long moving update
Hi! I know I promised this, and obviously I’ve been online and caught up, but here is my fun moving story. And all my shit is in my new condo. as far as I know most of it survived in one piece. So if you don’t know me, and wanted a tldr there it is! Read more cause this got long as hell
SO! Monday night I stayed up till 2 am (tuesday morning I guess) finishing packing most of the shit. Mom was coming on Tuesday (and before I continue, I just need to say that she was actually massively helpful, and not judgmental about shit, and honestly, best help I've gotten from here in a LOOOONG ass time) and I wanted to look like I was totally ready. Because some of my college moves were a complete shit show, and mom witnessed all of those. I crashed around 2.30-3 ish, planning to sleep till 9.45. Nope. the doughnuts my relator sent over (which are stans doughnuts and delicious) arrived at 9.15 instead of 11. So I broke speed records for getting dressed in something and running out to get those. Mom made it about 11.30 and we were working on the last min shit (getting all the trash out, and loading everything in my fridge/freezer into coolers because who needs to buy all new condiments). We had finished packing all the shit by a bit after 1, and had moved onto sweeping where we could (around the boxes lol) and double checking cabinets. My movers said it would only take an hour to move all of my packed shit into their truck, drive it to the new place, and get it up in the elevator. They said they would be there between 1 and 2. so. I had elevator reservations at this building for 1-5. Any time I go over, I have to pay a fee. $50 a half hour. I told the movers this in the initial email. They never gave me a phone number, everything had been over email. At 1.30 I started to get nervous. at 2 I started to call every number I could find attached to them online. Finally I got a call back at 2.15. Their previous job had run over, and I was next. They would get to my place by 3.30. Welp. nothing I can do. I reiterated the time for the elevator. And for those unfamiliar with Chicago traffic, let me tell you, rush hour starts at about 4, and lasts until 8 ish. The drive between the two places is about 15 min in a speeding uber with no traffic, or 45 min stuck in all the traffic. Or something between. They brought an extra guy they didn’t charge me for, and got all my shit out in like 20 min. Which is just fucking impressive, because I had a daybed, mattress, 3 shelves with cubes in them, a desk, chair, tv, 4 rugs, 9 under bed bins, and about 40 moving boxes, and lived in a second story walk up. 
So then mom and I ran over to the new place. Plan was, I run in, get the movers, do whatever I needed to do with security, got moms parking pass for later, while mom went back to the apartment to get the things we didn’t want the movers to move (there were like 4 smallish boxes, 2 backpacks, and the contents of the freezer that needed to be tossed into grocery bags. the boxes and backpacks were fragile and irreplaceable things, and the backpacks were legal docs, a few decent and sentimental pieces of jewelry, and my laptop), then, once mom was headed over, i’d head down, meet her in the circle drive out front, and we’d figure out parking. 
So, I run in, run back to the loading bay, and can’t find a security guard. Then the movers call and they can’t figure out how to get to the back of the building. So I go out back to try to give them directions. They finally show up (traffic was awful), and one guy goes, ‘show me where to go’. So he follows me. Still no guard by the loading bay, so I head to management office. A security guard is going in, so I go to follow him and he yells at me. OOOK. I decide to go to the front desk next. They tell me to go to management and point out I only have about 45 min (I FUCKING KNOW). I say I can’t get into the management office right now, this is time sensitive, where is the security guard by the back door. She radios someone and says they’re coming around the corner. Guard who yelled at me earlier comes around the corner. I ask him. He says hes looking for someone and not to bother him. oooook. I go back to the front desk. she now says they don’t have the move in info up there, can’t prove that i am who i say i am, and that I need to move. and to head back to management. Management is a 4 min leisurely stroll from the desk btw. So i’m heading back, when a different security guard rounds the corner, and asks if im the mover. well she asks the mover if we’re moving in, and i’m like ‘nope, i am, he’s carrying the shit, i’m paying’. and she starts in on complaining about how we’ve kept her waiting all day and she wants to go home. I apologize (but like also, I paid her to be there. not to sound entitled, but she was paid to do nothing but sit in an air conditioned office waiting for me to show up, and then to watch movers walk by. I’m sorry, but good grief, i also did not want to be running late). So then we try to take the elevators. the door to the freight elevator is locked for no fucking reason. my fob won’t work. she doesn't have a key. So i run back to the front desk, and she radios for mr friendly security guard to come back. He takes his sweeet ass time walking there, and we spend 5 min staring at the glass doors separating me from the service elevators. my mover is like ‘ i hope we’re refunded for this 15 min’ and i’m like ‘bitch i wish you’d showed up on time’ internally but just nod. SO then she’s like ‘you know you just have 15 min left. ‘ and i’m like ‘yes i am aware’. and she’s like ‘i have to tell management if you run over’ and i’m like ‘yes i know this too’. so it’s unlocked, I escort the movers to my room, unlock the door, and then fucking sprint back to management office (which I still haven’t made it into today) so I can pick up my parking pass for mom, before management office closes at 5. so the movers get my shit up in like 45 min, and then move it to the correct rooms. I pay them and tip them cause apparently you’re supposed to. and then I lay down and try to stop sweating for 5 seconds.
Then mom calls. She’s on her way, and got everything but one box in her car. So I head down to the lobby (meet a neighbor I share a wall with, he seems super nice, teaches piano, was giving a lesson while i was moving in, I couldn’t hear anything. i love these thick walls) and hop in moms car, and we go to figure out the garage. We finally figure out how to get in (this took a few min, the garage system is currently complicated as they’re in the middle of renovating) get down and discover that yes we have in and out privileges with this pass, but it’s still valet. all parking I can get for guests is valet. which is awkward but ok. We meet William, who is SUPER friendly, nicely explains how the garage works, lets us leave the car by the valet stand while we unload some things, lets me use the luggage cart, just is all around awesome. So we get the shit upstairs, unload the cold shit, and run back downstairs to drive to fucking ikea. We get there, figure out the closet thing I want is too big for my closet (sigh) and order the rest of the shit to be delivered here on the 11th. So that’s when I’ll have furniture again lol.  
we go home and pass out. it’s 11, i’ve been running all day, this is deserved. 
the next day we start unpacking. I'm dealing with my clothes, mom is doing the kitchen. I hear some ‘broken pottery pieces moving around noises’ and know i’m fucked. All my fucking plates except 3 are busted. They were sturdy old plates that looked like fiestaware I got at good will and have had for nearly 10 years. They're all still wrapped in my bubble wrap. Just fucking shattered. So. that’s something I need to deal with. So far they’re the only broken things we’ve found, but damn it’s going to be a pain to replace. So once the cable guy shows up 2 hours late, and finally gets that set up, mom and I run back to the apartment, grab the last box, and go to physically drop my keys off because my landlord sucks. We get stuck in traffic cause Western is shit again, and finally make the ‘20 min’ drive according to gps in about an hour. I drop them off, and we’re back at my condo. Mom and I unpack until she leaves in the evening and then I go to my room and get online and I haven’t unpacked shit since then. I’m going to after I type this out (and send a form to the office, and ask a polite question about how do I get amazon packages delivered to the package room because my smoke alarm does not work at all and the nice matience guy who discovered that yesterday let me off without a fine, cause he could see i’d literally just moved in, but I need to fix that). But like.... i’m actually in the room! and about half the boxes are unpacked!!! which is amazing!!!! so, it had some issues, but at least i’m fucking moved!
0 notes
alunchboxfromthe90s · 8 years ago
My first piece. What do you guys think??
When I was a kid, I had this box of rocks. It was more like a chest, I guess, and I used to pretend it was locked. I’d swipe an ace of hearts through the opening of the chest as some sort of secret spy way to open it to look at my collection of rocks. I took rocks seriously, I really did. I had almost every rock and crystal you could think of, different shapes, sizes, colors, you name it. I have no idea where it is today, but I’m sure they’re doin’ alright.
I woke up Tuesday morning to my blaring alarm at 7, followed by me turning it off and yelling about a new day. I got dressed with whatever the hell I found on the floor that smelled decent, deodorant, made the effort to straighten out my hair, poured a box of cereal in my mouth followed by an assload of milk, and I hit the road.
New Jersey was always fucking cold during the winter, and my mom always nagged me to wear a jacket, but I never did. I came out of the house, just like any ordinary day, and walked. I always walked a mile to school. It was freezing, yeah, and I walked on the sidewalk-less streets, almost certain that one day a car would hit me and dump me down into the endless forests to my left and right. I took a deep breath, only to choke on it as a hand heavily slapped my back. “Hey, Nick! Good morning!” It was Liam, a friend I’ve had since middle school. He was always such a morning person, and I certainly wasn’t. I stayed silent and kept walking. “What’s goin’ on?! Aren’t ya gonna say somethin’?” “No.” “Well, I had this amazing dream last night!” “Cool, Liam. I don’t really wanna hear–” “It was about me running away from something in the desert, and it was hot and dry, I was totally dehydrated, and I just kept running and running, I could hardly breathe. When suddenly I stopped, and wondered, ‘what the hell am I running from? what am I running for?’ and turned around to find this black monster with galaxy-like sparkles on him–” “For fuck’s sake, Liam–” I interrupted. “I’m not finished!” He continued. “The monster stopped and stared at me once we were inches away from each other, and I touched him, he went away, and the dream ended. Isn’t that so weird?!” I gave him an odd look. “Yeah..sure.” “Seriously dude, what’s wrong?” “Just tired.” “Oh you give me that same damn excuse everyday. Tell me what’s up.” “I don’t know, I’m just tired.” Liam frowned and sunk a little in his big jacket. “Alright.” He mumbled. I noticed how the cars rushed by me, one right after the other, most of them kids in my grade going to school as well, but the difference between us was obvious. I didn’t have a car. I hated it, but some days it didn’t bother me. I love nature, but not when it’s fucking arctic cold. My beanie had a hole in it, and I refused to throw it out or have my mom sew it up. I threw on my beanie and ran to catch up with Liam as we got to school.
PS-117 was an old school in southwest Park Hills that’s been up for probably a hundred-something years. All I know is that my parents went, and their parents went. “Cmon Nick!” Liam punched my shoulder, “Lighten up! Your birthday’s comin’ up.” I sighed. I forgot about that. “Yea..” “What are we gonna do? Let’s do something wild. The big one-eight, right?” “Yup.” “Woo!” He held up a hand for a high five that wasn’t returned. “I’d rather not do anything. It’s just another day for me. You get one year older and closer to death.” “If I cheered for death, would you liven up a bit?” I glared at him. Liam and I walked to English. We had the first few classes together, along with lunch, and I had the same attitude everyday, if you really want to know. I hate everything, and everything hates me. Everything obviously loves Liam. - Just like everyday, Liam and I walked home together and he kept pestering me. Each car slid by in the cold and glittering sunlight, engine revving echoing through the thick forests. I avoided the same patch of ice everyday that just refused to melt. I let the twigs with thorns scratch my legs. I felt angry, I felt bored. The crows flew over us and squawked as we continued to walk, Liam desperately trying to “liven” me up a little. “How about a bounce house? Chicks dig those, y'know.” “A bounce house?” “Yeah!” I managed to snicker a little. “Dude, chicks don’t want bounce houses. They want rough, passionate sex,” I joked. “I doubt that. I dated a girl once who liked bounce houses.” “Yeah, and I refuse to date anyone.” “I still don’t understand why.” I stopped in my tracks and whirled around to face him. “Because I hate everyone, and everyone hates me.” He stared at me for a long time. “The right one is out there, y'know–” “Yeah yeah,” I whirled back around and kept walking. “Heard it all before. I don’t even look right for love.” “What’s to look like?” I paused. “Perfection. Chicks dig that.” “But nobody’s perfect.” “Well tell that to girls.” “I highly doubt that.” “When’s the last time you dated a girl?” I asked. “Eighth grade?” “No, I–” “Yeah, it was. What happened to Sally McDumbell?” “Sally McDermott, and…we just didn’t get along.” “Rachel Field?” “Didn’t like the way she smelled.” “Elizabeth Kimberly?” “She actually used me to get back at her ex.” “Allison Rhodes?” “Hey, it was ONE date. I was bored and needed something to do. Worst date I’ve ever had.” “Uh huh.” We stayed quiet and trudged on. The walk home was a bitch. “And I know you don’t like talking about Renee.” I stopped. “If I said I didn’t want to talk about her, I wouldn’t.” “Right. Erm, sorry. You know you really ought to let her go.” “Do you really want to test that right now?” “Nick, all I’m saying is that you guys ended six months ago.” “I’m still fucking healing, Liam.” “I’m tired of you being so moapy and acting like a dick.” He mumbled. I whirled around. “What was that?” He raised his voice nervously and then shouted, “I’m…tired of you being so moapy and acting like a dick! That’s what I said!” “Oh ho, so you think I’m acting like a dick because I’m suffering?” “You’re always going to blame it on your poor poor suffering, Nick.” “Oh cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.” I stomped forward while Liam stayed back. “And I’m tired of you treating me like shit!” He added. “Since when do I treat you like shit? I can’t do anything to anyone without anyone getting pissed off at me!” “You could at least thank me for coming to your ass every morning, early as hell, just so you won’t walk alone, and I trade lunches with you when you don’t have anything good to eat, and I’m always here for you, and you never even say thanks! I can’t remember the last time you’ve told me a simple thank you!” I stayed quiet while Liam glared at me. “Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.” He said, then pushed past me and took a different route home. “Fine!” He flipped me off. The next thing I knew, I ran toward him and punched him in the face. He fell down and kicked my shins, causing me to fall down. It all went down on the side of the road, cars blazing by at crazy speeds. I pinned him down. “Don’t talk to me anymore, you hear me Liam McCorney? Don’t fucking talk to me!” I saw his face and it had tears and blood running down his nose. I stayed there with him pinned for a moment, staring at each other. “Liam..I–” I reached into my pocket and gave him a tissue. He snatched it and covered his nose as he pushed me off his lap with his legs. “Don’t fucking talk to me.” He whispered, and he got up, and walked home. I shook my head, unable to comprehend what I just did, watching Liam turn the corner and leave. I ran the other way and went home. I bursted through the door, slamming it closed and sinking to the floor in tears. What the fuck had I just done? I tried calling Liam. No answer. I tried “*67”, and that didn’t work either. I went up to my room, threw my stuff off to the side, and stuffed a bag of chips, a flashlight, portable phone charger, my keys, and a jacket. My parents wouldn’t be home until late–they’d think I just went to Liam’s house to spend the night, and only half of that would end up being true.
I ran out of the house with my backpack, hopped on my bike, and road to Liam’s. He lived about 10 blocks from my house. When I got there, I banged on the door. “Liam! Liam you fuck! Answer! Liam!” The slams of my fist to the door got softer and slower. “Liam..I’m sorry. Please, answer!” I checked the windows, only to find nobody was there. I checked the garage, the backyard, the cars. Everything was empty. –END–
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