dixidin · 24 days
The way Deadpool screams "TIME!!" before Wolverine and Sabertooth's fight is so funny to me
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solardick · 3 months
Look at these fucken cocksuckerrs attack my today caus eits a venus pluto aspect. More abuse to firce me out of my home a story 39 years old.
Girss they like me posting shit like this. Take a not from russia.
Well with the next venus transit in a litle bit. They’ll probably try and hook me uo with anothet homo to abuse me with. One of the reasons i use the trrm cocksuckers so liberally.
Feels nive walkign bare foot through the feilds and the streets. Well until you step on somwthign sharp.
They disrupt an entire building just to fuck woth me.
Theres a lot of glass on this dtreet.
Guess it doens matter to them. To disruot eveyone. Beyond me. Theres inly a couple high functioning peripek there. Everyone elde is on welfare.
There soemthign jsut olain worn i. The sensarion of walking on asphalt. Once you step on dirt. Or grass its a healthier vibe. Which is why i always walk the curb. The sensation isnt as depressing.
They really want me to make that Oo card as fore and brinstone dint they. Yeah im
Not doing that. Male female male female pope
Devil. Blow me.
Get attacked on thr pope card get attacked on the devi wyeha ill say it again blow me.
May i go
Back now and mind my own bussiness instea sof you? Ya, no? Im i not
Allowed experience lif
At all without any interfernece fuck cocksuwkrs
Been alive for 39 fucken years. Still dont know what rhat feels liek.
But as that turns out its mostly in the Об, where the associstions and connections are related to doom and fire, clothing and lack. This means that thid is s combinations of card О with card Б, which as been shown to be the tower card. Though letter О is a big letter and when it passes from letter Об to that of Ор for example. The scene changes. Like the word Орган. Which is not a tv celebrity. But yet fits her image. Loosely enough to warrant curiosity.
And ywt as об starts with fire and doom and clothing and absence. Its is also cold and ice. Smallville playing the thing perfectly with the raining down of fire and clark finding himself in a frozen wasteland i. His fortress of solitude.
Does t seem like america is at war with russia at all. If this dialogue is deeply embedded in pop culture. And the war serves a different purpose. Entirely. If i could only put words to what i already know would be fantastic. In this fake mock reality. Where i dont have a say in life and never have and know nothing about being on my own, in my solitude surrounded by this bs. Stealing everything ive ever known from my first memory to now. Its the same story robbing me of everything. Always in a position of a minority serrounded by degenerate influences perverting my existance. 39 straight fucken years comprising everythign ive ever seen. Wake me out of this fucken hell. There no point doing anythign in life. Burn the world down. To cinders.
0 notes
sktt1-things · 4 years
Mended (Faker x Reader)
You've been a part of a T1 for a long time, spending your time with Sanghyeok, known as Faker, you met him when you're new and you're getting along with other team players like Cuzz, Canna and Teddy, who became your close friends right after starting being best friends with Sanghyeok, it was a moment that you start falling for him couple of months later.
Ratings: Angst / Super Fluff
Cuzz (Woochan)
Canna (Changdong)
Teddy (Jinseong)
LS (Nick)
Effort (Sangho)
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"(y/n)-noona" Changdong walked over to you "have you seen my jacket?" he asked.
You turned around and looked for the jacket that he asked and found it on his gaming chair "Changdong, have you seen Sanghyeok lately? he was so busy with interviews and stuff. You understand him but I've more concerned that he might out of focus when he was playing" said with a worry as you gave Changdong his jacket.
"Relax noona, he's getting used to it. It looks like you look concerned for Sanghyeok-hyung" he started chuckle when you mentioned about the part-owner.
"Changdong-ah, he was my best friend..." I stopped when my felt something that associate with him "more than that?"
"I KNEW IT" He giggled, it looks like he found out, but this Solo-killing machine is always keeping secrets because he might believed that it will ruined and getting more awkward.
"Hey what's going on here?" LS walked over to the practice room. "Hey Nick, we're just talking about Faker's interviews” you answered.
“Oh yeah, he might be done with that in a few, can we talk to him?" LS informed before we walked up to the main room of HQ and saw Faker already done with that "Sanghyeok-hyung, how is it?" Changdong
"It was good but I think I have to focus on League, and hey (y/n)" Sanghyeok smiled as he saw you appeared.
"Annyeong Sanghyeok, you're working too much, you need some rest" Faker has a tons of doing things like these, he deserves to rest and play League "I know (y/n), but can we talk in private?”
Wait... is he going to confess or what???
“uhm sure why not?” you replied as we’re going to the hallway, pretty much around here in silence but don’t know what’s going to happen, maybe it was the thought that you have about him.
“What’s up with you anyways?” you said in mature manner.
“There’s something that I can tell you” Sanghyeok said as he was trying to breath and telling about it “I’ve heard you’re talking to Changdong few weeks ago” he said.
“Wait, you know?” you said in kinda shock, it might be he have heard that you’ve told Changdong that you have feelings for Sanghyeok.
“Ne” he nodded “I was just flattered but...”
You expect the heartbreak though.
“I... just don’t feel the same” the heart broken into pieces as he said to you with words. You have to hold back your tears as the words already stuck in your head with a nod “It’s okay, I understand that”
“(y/n), joesonghamnida” Sanghyeok bowed with apology but he didn’t notice your little tears.
“It’s alright, we’re still friends right? I understand that you’re too busy with everything, I don’t want to be the cause of your career will jeopardized” you gave him a fake smile, never know what exactly would the next step after all of this “I have to go, goodnight Sanghyeok-oppa”
“yeah, goodnight (y/n)” he said in deep voice, you bowed a bit and walked out with the starts rolling down from your eyes, thinking of him never know that you’re crying right now.
You’ve rushed to your room, broke down by sitting on your bed, covering your face with hand as the tears more fell down, how it feels that you have been rejected by Sanghyeok.
It never been interrupted when Teddy and Cuzz walked over to your room “(y/n)-noona”, you saw them went over to your room but your face are full of tears.
“eotteohge doen geoyeyo? (what happened?)” They rushed over to her while Cuzz putting her head on arms wrapping around his shoulder for comfort "Sanghyeok-hyung?"
"He rejected me Woochan-ah" you said with a sniff.
"What? he must be a selfish punk right now!" Teddy said with the slight anger, you never seen him being angry at this.
"I'm so sorry to hear that noona" Cuzz hugged you tight like a sibling figure, he must be worried about your situation "Woochan-ah, I need to go somewhere for a while-" it was interruped when Canna walked over too "Noona?"
"She got rejected by that punk" Teddy said to Canna. Cuzz wiping your tears with the handkerchief while Canna "(y/n), you can stay to my sister for a while"
"Kamsamnida, Changdong maybe I could stay there just to let it pass this" you said while the sniff continues.
Few weeks later...
You already stayed in Canna's sister, it all happen you became close with as you're helping her "How's Changdong?"
"He's doing fine actually, but thank you for letting me stay here in your home"
"No worries (y/n), also thank you for taking care of my brother while staying in the HQ" she smiled as she gave me a food after we finished cooking "no problem, he's doing good nowadays"
"What happened anyway since you're staying at the building before?" Canna's noona said after biting her food.
"Sang-oppa rejected me few weeks ago, we've been close until it all happened" you frowned as she noticed that you've seemed to be bothered by the moment.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry to hear that, I bet my brother can give him some advice" she pointed it out because she knows her brother's intelligence and being open minded. You didn't answered at her question, continuing on eating a lot of food.
Meanwhile at HQ...
Faker seems to be bothered by your disappearance, all of his fellow players know about this situation but didn't inform him about you staying at Canna's sister.
"Sanghyeok-hyung, what's up?" Effort walked over, he came up to the headquarters after a week of vacation "Sangho-ah, have you seen (y/n) lately?" Faker asked, he felt something that it will might be a regret for him for a while.
"Ani, she left few weeks ago, Changdong-ah just informed me yesterday" Effort said, seems to be sad about what happened between both of you, about what Effort said about you leaving the building which made Faker without saying a word.
The flashback appeared: the moment he met you during the All Star Event as his opponent during the 1v1, the heads of Faker's org where he was sees the potential of you that it lead on signing with them as a streamer and content creator. You and him became more bestfriends when you both at the rooftop having a heart to heart talk, it made a lot more of both of you hanging out everyday along with his teammates which you become close also, but Faker didn't expect that he wanted more to be with you alone
The flashback ended when he pointed it out "I guess I've missed her".
"Why don't you make things right with her, because you know she felt that it was her fault for falling for a hyung like you" Effort said with an advice for his hyung.
Teddy walks in "Sanghyeok-hyung, you had one job for hurting her" he was lowkey mad at the team captain for hurting the noona of this circle "Anyway, she was staying in Changdong's province, you can make it up to her and we don't want you to be affected by our future matches with other teams"
"You're right Jinseong, since-" *phone buzzed on Faker's phone*
Sanghyeok-hyung, her train arrival here in Seoul will be in few minutes, go! - Changdong
Teddy tap his hand on Faker's shoulder "Get her hyung".
Faker smiled then run off from the HQ with his keys and car as he drove off to the Seoul train station but he have to do slowly because of the snow until he arrived at the parking lot.
Meanwhile, you walked off from the station forgot the cover for your neck because it was freezing "I don't know why I came back here although I really want to."
You keep standing there as you're waiting for the taxi to get you but you saw the car that Faker drove with and walked over to it "wait, why his car here"
You felt the warm scarf wrapped around your neck before the arms also wrapping around you
"(y/n)" he said with a mutter in his voice "I'm glad you came back"
You turn around as you saw him standing infront of you, still his arms around you "Sanghyeok, wha-" her words interrupted when his lips landed on yours deeply, felt he had waiting to do this for so long before he pulled it away "I was waiting for and make it up to you, I'm sorry for took so long to realize" he still muttered as he said to you with his forehead landed on yours “will you ever forgive me and be my girlfriend?”
“Of course Sanghyeok-ah, and I’ll stay with you” you smiled as he felt his heart rejoiced for you being back in Seoul, wanting to be with you longer. You didn’t expect much happier with this.
you can send some request thru ask because I was so busy with streaming and stuff, but will still gonna do it if I’m free lmao :D if you would like to revise this fanfic, let me know thru dms :D
And also CONGRATS TO T1 for winning the first game in LCK Spring! let’s support them even hoping of making it to Worlds this year <3
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kimhargreeves · 4 years
Funeral 2-Bruce Wayne x Reader x Edward Nashton
A/N:As the title says this is part 2. Who will you choose when you begin to find out who the man is behind the kills. Bruce your childhoos friend of keeps pushing you, or Edward a man you met earlier?  This was fun to write and took inspiration from the telltale game. If you want a part 3 choosing either of them let me know. Also credits to rhe perosn who created the fanart below.
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"Stay safe my ass..ugh I hate that guyl" I angrily began talking to myself and carefully climbed down the rope. I freaked out when I reached down and saw Alfred with his back facing me from the clear kitchen window. I hurriedly reached up and cut the rope and winced when I fell down on the bushes and remained still when Alfred opened up the window and began looking around.
Alfred hummed and began preparing a meal. I hid the small dagger inside my boot and carefully stepped out of the bushes and climbed up the gates out to the Wayne manor.
How dare Bruce tell me what to do when it's clear that we dislike each other. He constantly avoids me and only talks to Alfred from time to time, since Alfred talks to him strictly something Bruce has hated even more recently.
Bruce likes to spend time alone, locked up wherever he does at the mansion. He reminds me of a vampire constantly hiding on the dark to not be seen by daylight..or as I also teased him..an emo with how gloomy he is.
I confidently walked down the streets and no one spotted me. It's like my family perished and never existed due to the Wayne and their fame for being the rich and how they were murdered of course.
Bruce thinks I don't relate to him at all, from the pain of losing both parents, I go through that pain everyday but I learn to let them go and become the person I am.
The streets were as busy as ever with many weird faces along the way. Up ahead I spotted a multitude of people, I passed through the crowd and saw few dead bodies on the pavement and another one that was covered up and being taken into an ambulance.
"Miss you can't come-" a police officer told me when I walked closer to the crime scene. I pulled out my fake police I.D and the man stayed shut and let me pass.
"Hold on." I told the two men who were covered from head to toe who were also covered in a mask and gloves. They stopped and my blood ran cold when I saw the body of the mayor.
He had blood on his suit and his entire head was wrapped in duct tape. It was an awful scene to witness. I stepped back and watched them take his body. Next I looked doen the rest of the bodies, they must've been the bodyguards.
I knelt down and saw them lying on a large amount of blood, their hands were tied behind their backs. "(Y/N)?" I raised my head up and saw Edward, using the same outfits are the previous men.
"Ed!" I stood up and walked closer to him. "I didn't know you worked for the GCPD." "And neither did I." He said looking down at my fake badge.
"I like things to be a secret..speaking of secrets what happened here?" We both look down at the bodies.
"Apparently yesterday around midnight someone found their way into the mayors' office and killed him. It's messed up isn't it? The way the man got killed..who would do such a thing?"
I nodded my head and glanced over to Ed who fixed his glasses and kept his dark eyes on the men and placed some evidence on a small bag.
"I agree. No More Lies..why would the killer write that and with blood. Also why are these men tied up? It makes no sense."
"How so?"
I point at their clothes and their posture. "It is clear by the blood that they weren't fighting against the killer, yet they were tied up for some reason. This killer is playing a sick game..maybe this is some sort of riddle?"
I look at Ed confused to why this killer would do this. Ed glared down and slowly nodded his head deep in thought, "You're a smart one."  I felt my face go slightly red at the compliment I got.
"Hey. I know this isn't an appropiate time but would you like to have some coffee? I just need to head back to the department and hand the evidence."
"Is this a date, Nashton?" I ask an raise an eyebrow.
Ed just hummed and walked back to the officers. We arrived at the GCPD and I stood outside waiting for Ed. He came out and in no time we were at a small nice diner.
Ed handed me a few files I asked him if he could get for me. The pictures his team took at the crime scene. I got my own files out and placed my bag on the table and began to re-read them and look at the pictures.
"What do you think the killer is up to?" Ed asked while moving closer to me and looking down at the images. I shook my head not understanding.
"I don't get it..what with these strange symbols?" I ask pointing at one of the pictures.
"I'm not quite sure.."
"This is a message it has to be...can I have these?" I hold onto the pictures and Ed nods his head. "Sure, just don't tell anyone I printed them for you."
I smile and placed the pictures in my bag and took a sip of my coffee. Once I get home I'll decipher these and maybe we'll know what it says. "Thank you so mucu for this and the coffee."
Ed gives me a small smile but seems a bit distracted. I can now also fully appreciate how good looking he is..I quickly look away too flustered to say anything, but I decide to be direct.
"Ed..do you have a girl?"
Ed almost choked on his drink and looked at me confused. "What?" "...A girlfriend..do you have one?" He stares at me for a couple seconds but then shrugs his shoulder and shakes his head.
"I'm not the romantic type, i'm too focused on my job to have a partner." He simply tells me and I can sense I shouldn't have asked him that. I looked down at my lap and felt ashamed for asking him that.
"Do you have someone special?" He instead asks and I lift my face and see him curious of what my answer may be.
I take a deep breathe and feel my hands shaking. "I do..or did..I'm not even sure..i always loved him but he doesnt return the feelings and just pushes me away.."
Ed reached forward and took my shaking hands.  Then that person doesn't deserve you..." tears started to involuntarily fall down my face and right when Ed was about to reach forward I moved back and excused myself and headed to the bathroom.
He is right about what he said. My heart still skips a beat whenever I see Bruce but I'm also beginning to feel something for Ed, despite being the second time we meet.
I splashed my face with some water and fixed myself up. "I'm sorry for running out..Ed?" I reached our table but he wasn't there in his seat.
"Edward?!" I called out his name and looked around the diner. Nothing. Did I do something wrong? I probably did I always do...
I felt disappointed in myself and slowly I made it back home. I climbed up the gates to the Wayne estate and slowly reached up the stairs and by entrance there stood Bruce and Alfred.
Alfred looked at me like a disappointed father, and Bruce was furious. "B-Bruce I can explain-" but before I could explain myself he angrily walked over to me and grabbed my arm tight and pulled me inside.
"How many times are you going to keep doing this?" He began telling me while still holding onto me as we walked down the halls. "Is this some joke to you? The mayor has just been brutally killed and its clear that this sick killer is after the rich."
I winced from his sharp grasp and tried pushing him away. "You don't understand, Bruce! I was trying to help I went to the crime scene and-"
"You what?!" He shouted and pushed me into another room and he tiredly ran his hands over his face. "What else did you do while I was gone?"
"Don't worry nobody dangerous recognized me-" "Still that doesnt't mean anything. If you continue this, your funeral will be next. Trust no one." He bitterly said.
I looked up at him and began taking the pictures out of my purse. "I-I did this because I love you." I finally admitted and saw him surprised.
Bruce stayed silent and I reached for his hands but before I could he stopped me. "Well I don't..You only do because our parents made you believe that. You can't keep lying to yourself." He lowly whispered.
I felt my hesrt break so I began to cry. Bruce took a step back and turned to Alfred, "Keep a close eye on, (Y/N), will you?" Bruce said walking past him and locked the doors once more.
I ran over to the windows but these had bars blocking me from going out. I went to the bed and continued to cry..I just wanted to help Bruce..Edward gave me these pictures for a reason.
I hurriedy reached my purse and began searching for the printed images, but they werent inside.
I swear I folded them and placed them inside. I checked deper and saw something hiding inside, a white piece of paper with a something written on it. I cursed to myself and ran over to the drawers and started to sketch out the weird symbols I remembered from one of the pictures.
I stared at the paper and ran over to pick one of the few many books on a shelf. I hurriedly began to write what they meant and my blood ran cold.
'I Hope You're Enjoying My Game, Until We Meet Again (Y/N)'
Edward...Why is he doing this? I held onto my pen tightly until it broke. Should I tell Bruce about this or follow on and figure why Ed did this?
Should I choose the man I just met who listened to me, or my childhood friend keeps pushing me away?....
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just-my-fandom · 5 years
Telling the Paladins Your Pregnant Preference
Request; Can I be your first Voltron request? Reader being pregnant with the paladins baby and revealing to them?
They start getting shorter towards the end :/ sorry
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"What're you gonna name him?"
Your eyes watch as Pidge pulls the small chip from the computer, grinning at her older brother and jogging up to him and the robot next to him,
"How about Chip?" She teases, holding up the chip between her fingers and handing it to Matt,
"You and your puns," Matt shakes his head, Pidge shrugging sheepishly and placing her glasses on the robots nose,
"Sorry, I just cant wait for someone else around the house," She hops on her toes, looking over at you when you stand from her desk,
"Maybe we wont have to," Chest tightening, you watch Pidge tilt her head in confusion, before she follows your hands placed at your stomach,
It takes her mind a full half minute to process your gesture, before she gasps, loudly, "Oh my God! It worked!?"
You nod, tearily, hand coming to your cheek as you sniffle,
"It worked!" Pidge turns to Matt sharply, grin hurting her face, "Oh my gosh, Im gonna be a momma!" She turns back to you, "You're going to be a momma!"
You laugh, Pidge running up to you, hands at your face, "This is amazing," She pecks your lips, "This small piece of tech could help millions of women wanting to be mothers," Pidge takes your hand, tugging you outside of the shed, "Mom! Dad! You're going to be grandparents!"
"It worked?" Samuel turns to the two teenagers, your eye's already red from tears of excitement,
"Oh that's great!" Colleen embraces you, your eyes pinching shut as your arms slide to her back, "Congratulations! If you need any help during the pregnancy dont be afraid to ask!"
Colleen leans back, hand wiping your leaked tears, "Now that means no more skipping meals and sleep to work all night, both of you, understood?"
She eyes Pidge,
"But Im not the one pregnant," Pidge reminds, Colleen rolling her eye's,
"Yes but Y/N is also going to become very moody and very touch starved. We dont need you out of her reach or snapping at her from being too tired," Colleen demands, your eyes looking at the ex paladin next to you,
Pidge crosses her arms, faking a pout, "Yes mother,"
Keith was easy to find. If he wasnt in his lion or with the team, he was either asleep, with you, or training,
He hasn't been in his room all day, and he hasnt seen you since lunch, so that only meant one place,
The training deck
Watching him clash bayards with the training bot, you lean against the thick wall behind you, twirling the small device in your hand behind your back,
You had woken up sick for the past week. Asking Coran and being placed in the healing pod for two minutes, Coran revealed you were in fact pregnant,
He had transfered the reveal to a smaller device, claiming it would be easier to show Keith that way, and calmly pressured you to talk to the Red Paladin
So here you were, face flushed with terror and stomach tightening as if threatening to puke again for the second time that day,
Keith watches as the bot vanishes in defeat, before his gaze finally catches you and his smile is back on his face,
"Hey," He pants, clasping his bayard on his belt and walking up to you, "Want to train?"
"I think I enjoy just watching you," You smile, placing your lips over his slowly, "I need to show you something,"
"Sure," He heaves, brushing black hair from his face and looking down at your extended hand, "Whats this?"
He lifts the small device, two pink lines visible,
"Coran gave it to me after I was put in the healing pod," You speak quietly, Keiths eyes snapping up to yours,
"Why were you in the healing pod?" His hand presses to your forehead, "You okay?"
"Im fine," You smile, "Keith, Im pregnant,"
"You're-" Keith inhales, looking back down to the lines, "You're pregnant? And its mine?"
"No its Zarkons," You shoot, rolling your eye's, "Yes its yours,"
"I'm going to be a dad?" Keith slides his hand into his hair, stepping back, "What if I become just like my father? Abandon you and the baby?"
"You won't," You grasp his shirt, pulling him back to you and placing his large hand at your stomach, "Because you aren't your father, you're Keith Kogane, the father to my baby,"
"This is the worse timing ever," Keith groans, head falling back, "You're not allowed to leave the ship, understood?"
"Yes sir," You grin, Keith dropping the device to cup your face and pull your lips back onto his,
"I'm what?"
You step out of the healing pod, eyes wide on the red head in front of you,
"Pregnant!" Coran smiles, twirling his mustache in his finger, "And I hope its Shiros, no?"
"Of course its Shiros! Whose else would it be?" You grasp your hair, eyes watering,
"What's going on?" Shiro steps into the medic bay with Allura on his tail, catching you covering your face, "Is everything okay?"
"Wonderful, actually," Coran raises an eyebrow, "Congratulations,"
"On what?" Shiro furrows his eyebrows together, looking at you, "Y/N, are you okay?"
You slide your hands from your now stained cheeks, sniffling, "I-I dont know," You shake your head, Shiro looking at Coran before pulling you against him, "Coran, whats going on?"
"Well you see," Coran clears his throat, "Have You noticed Y/N getting sick lately?"
"Yes," Shiro nods, "But I thought it was just from the food goo. Maybe eating it too much,"
"Im pregnant," You pull back before Coran could reveal, looking up at the man, "Its yours,"
"Oh Y/N, thats great!" Allura smiles, Shiro blinking, his hands tightening at your waist,
"Pregnant? In the middle of war?" Shiro swallows, and you hug yourself, looking down,
"Y/N will be safe here in the castle with us, of course," Coran nods once, Shiro tilting your chin up so your eyes were forced to meet his,
"We'll work it out," His thumb drags over your cheek,
"You're not mad?" You whisper, Shiro smiling weakly and pulling you closer, lips bonding to yours,
"How could I be mad? Im going to be a dad,"
"No wonder the bed was cold,"
You glance up and over your shoulder at a voice, eyes landing on Lance standing in his plad blue pjs, "You're in here by yourself and not in bed with me,"
"Couldnt sleep," You force your lips together, turning back to the tea Coran had made you,
"Everything okay?" Lance pulls a stool next to you, sitting down and resting a hand at your upper back, "You look pale,"
"Im pregnant," You pinch your eyes shut, before turning to face Lance. His hand had retracted, eyes staring at your face for what seems like hours but its only a minute,
"Please say something," You squeak, eyes brinming with tears Lance instantly notices,
"No no no!" Lance quickly remembers it late at night, lowering his voice, "Dont cry," His hands slide to your face, laugh weak, "This is amazing,"
"It is?" You swallow, "But we're in the middle of battling Honvera, our reality could be destroyed,"
"All of that doesnt matter," Lance stands up, raising you to your feet and pulling you into his chest, "Because I know once we go back to earth, my family is going to be thrilled,"
"They're going to flip," You choke out a laugh, looking up at the boy, "I cant believe this is happening,"
Lance flashes you his famous grin, kneeling doen and placing his hands at your stomach, softly speaking a flurry of Spanish you dont understand,
Putting a hand in his hair, you sniff, Lance standing back up and pressing his lips against yours, eyes shutting,
"Too bad its night time and everyones asleep,"
"Whys that?"
"Because I really want to yell in Shiros face that theres a new Space Dad in town,"
You hadnt meant to wake him up. He looked so peaceful in the three seconds you got to look at his face, before your body forced itself to the bathroom to kneel at the toilet,
You thought you were quiet, but the hair pulling itself from your face was an answer alone that Hunk had followed you to check up on you,
"Thats the third time this week youve thrown up," Hunk frowns, grabbing a hair band to pull your hair into a messy bun, "And its only Tuesday,"
"Guess I just have the jitters," You force a laugh, coughing into the toilet and groaning, Hunks hand running up your back, "Or the stomach bug,"
"I can make you some green tea," Hunk suggests, your watery eyes looking at him and catching his soft smile, "Itll help ease your stomach,"
You nod, wiping your mouth and flushing the toilet, taking Hunks hand to stand on your own two feet, "I'll go see if Coran can give me a check up," You put a hand on your stomach, Hunk wrapping his arm at your waist to help you out of your shared bedroom,
"You two alright?"
You look over, Pidge standing just outside her door and staring, "I heard someone running,"
"Sorry I woke you up Pidge," You say genuinely, Pidge waving you off,
"Can you make sure she gets to Coran okay? Im going to make her tea," Hunk steps back from you, Pidge taking his spot by grasping your arm,
"You know, I dont want to spook you," Pidge looks up at you, "But weird food cravings? Sudden tiredness? Sickness? I think you might be pregnant,"
"What?" You dont notice your knees buckle until Pidge has her arms at your torso, and Keith is running up to throw your arm around his shoulder and lead you to the medic bay,
"Oh quiznack!" Coran starts up a healing pod, waving you inside, "What happened?"
"Coran, I think Y/N's pregnant," Pidge admits her theory, the shatter of a cup making the three turn to face Hunk, his eyes wide and face pale,
"She's what?" Hunk squeaks, Coran looking over in time for the pod to ding,
"Yep," He leans back, your body stepping out, "Y/Ns pregnant. Three weeks exact,"
Your wide eyes look at Hunk, before you yelp when his arms wrap around you, lifting you up,
"Holy- this is amazing!" Hunk sets you down, grin wide, "I mean, Im not ready to be a dad yet but no dad ever is,"
"I'm pregnant?" You murmur, hand running through your hair, "Oh God, I need to sit down," You pinch your eyes shut, Hunk lifting you and placing you on the table nearest to the pods,
"Its always a shock at first to new mothers," Coran explains, Pidge bringing in a new cup of tea, "But you will both be great parents, I can reassure,"
"Im not ready to be a mom!" You cry out, "I'm only nineteen, I was wanting to go to college and get married first- you know if our reality doesnt get destroyed, which, how the hell am I supposed to fight Honvera if Im pregnant!?"
"Well of course you wont be fighting," Coran clicks his tongue,
"But we'll need Voltron, shes the white lion," Keith reminds,
"Can we focus on the bigger picture here?" Pidge snaps, "Theres a baby Y/N or Hunk in here," She grins, hand at your stomach, "Maybe she'll inherit Hunks cooking skills,"
"That would be amazing!" Hunk cheers, your tears visible in his eye's, "Y/N, you have nothing to be afraid of," Hunk places a hand at your cheek, wiping away a tear,
"But what if something happens? I lost my father to the military and my mom struggled to raise me alone," You grasp at his yellow shirt, sniffling into his chest,
"Hunk is going to be there for your baby," Pidge declares, "And thats a promise Im making myself,"
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Some nights I stay up, cashing in my bad luck || Self
Victor picked Violet up into his shoulders making her laugh as she reached up into the tree. She picked the flower she had been reaching for and stuck it behind his ear, kissing his temple cutely as he grinned from ear to ear. He had an amazing best friend in Ava, he had a loving aunt to take care of him and he had Violet at the center of his life.
Never had he even known this was something to wish for but he knew now it was a dream come true.
He swung her around and hugged her close, kissing her temple as she had done his.
"I'm going to get a tattoo right there." He poked her temple,"Its going to be of a flower called the Halo Violet."
She clapped her hands. She was so much older than when they had met, but they both were still practically infants considering the time they had been on earth. They had the bodies and minds of older beings, he was full grown and she was barely still a kid, but she gave him the childhood he had missed and craved.
He had been tough and he had been cold. He had been fake and he had believed he was happy. Now he knew better. Asmo had abused him.
He shuddered as he remembered being chained in dark rooms and being told this was how incubus lived. Told to be grateful to Asmo for saving him and giving him a chance. Being shamed for wasting his chance as he was. He didnt even want to think about what was done to him by the other incubus in the dark room.
He didnt want to think what Asmo would do to him in purgatory if he died right now.
"Look 'Tor." Violet was the only one who called him this name and it made his heart swell. He barely knew the grandmother he shared a name with but for Violet to give him a similar nickname to Tori made him feel like a person and not just an incubus.
"What is it, honey?" He asked, lowering her to the ground, turning to see Alphie headed their way. He didnt look happy. He looked furious.
"Daddy?" She asked, catching onto Alphies demeanor.
"Come here, Violet. Get away from him." Alphie snarled, making Violets lip quiver," Now, Vi."
"Okay." She pulled out of Victor's grasp and walked over to Alphie who scooped her up on his hip and turned her slightly away from Victor, protectively.
"Dad, what's going on?" Victor asked. As he took a step closer, Alphie hit the center of his chest hard enough to knock the air our of him,"Dad!?"
"Victor, why did you take my mark off of Lacy?" Alphie hissed.
"I... I was sick, Dad. Asmo was in my fucking head and kept telling me he was going to mess me up. I was such a failure that he would show me how pampered I was. How incubus really live. I was scared." He swallowed thickly.
"It would have taken you /Hours/ to exhaust her enough to take that mark off. Then the pain you put her through. This... I cant have you around Violet anymore." Alphie turned her more away as she started to cry loudly.
"Why!?" Victor took a desperate step, feeling the force push him off his feet. He sat hard and got to his knees,"Dad, why!?"
"You're still making moves for the throne. I cant risk you hurting Violet for the throne. I wont risk it. If I see you near her again-..." Victor cut him off.
"NO! You cant take her away from me. Please. I'm bound to her. I'm her knight." Victor pleaded.
"You love your Aunt Sio and still killed her. Taking that mark shows you're still trying. Love her or not, I cant trust you wont do the same to her." He adjusted Violet, hushing her harshly as she squirmed in his arms.
"Dad..." Victor moaned in agony.
"Stop calling me that, and stay away from my daughter." Alphie put her doen and held her hand tightly as she reached for Victor.
"I never once actually made a move against you! Not once. I made us equals but that was because if we werent, Asmo made me feel like a failure. He used to lock me in dark rooms and let other Incubus have me if I failed. You dismissed me every time you saw me. You still sometimes do. You would never fight me, you would just brush me aside like I was nothing to you. I love your daughter and I adore your sister, but you've made my life hell. My parents are the worst. Now let Violet come to me, or we are bringing our queen into this." He put his hand out for hers.
Alphie grabbed it instead and took them all to hell,"You ungrateful, I was protecting you! I couldnt love you because I knew you were created and raised to kill me by Asmo, but I brushed you aside instead of slaughtering you."
A chain clasped around Victor's neck and two more on his wrists, pulling taught, forcing him to his knees. He started to thrash as a cage started to close around him. Violet broke free of Alphie and ran to the cage, shaking the bars. She turned and tried to squeeze through them sideways, reaching, but Victor's hands were pulled tight. Incubus started appearing in the cage with him as Victor's eyes grew wider.
"Father! Dont do this! I'm begging! I'll make a deal! Please! You saw the deal I made with Aunt Sio! Please!" But Alphie didnt listen. He grabbed Violet by the hand and they returned to the asylum.
The incubus and Succubus started to paw him as he thrashed in the chains, crying for Violet.
@siobhan-thompson @the-raphael @marleykingston
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