heung-mins · 3 years
hello geneva physics death anon here <3 so i guess this is storytime huh so anyway lets go imagine u are me (18, only woman in ur class, old horrible smartphone) and after going out for a meal with the entire group your teacher gets wayyy too drunk and decides to let the older class (mine) leave the restaurant early if we all leave as a group. I decide to go because i just wanted to go back to the hotel to charge my dead phone but what i DIDNT realise was the boys in my class had all planned a detour to the red light district on the way back.
So we got there and originally its fine right like we do a little walk around and the workers in the area can all see were a bunch of hs student tourists so they wave and like dont really care about it. then after we did this one loop around some of the boys decided they wanted to go back and film these workers in the window (which i REALLY didnt want to do but my phone was dead and i wasnt about to spend 15 minutes standing alone in this place at night) so we start going back around and like the boys whip their phones out and im walking a few metres behind them trying not to look like im with the group.
Then this huge man starts shouting (idk if he was like a bodyguard/owner but... he was very tall and big) and i was like oh god hes angry. really angry. (sidenote: i was the only one who knew french and i could understand a bit of what he was screaming and it wasnt good!!! lots of swearwords lmao) but they continue because they're twats and so then this guy starts crossing the street still shouting so were like fast walking now and a few other men from the establishment start coming towards us and then they start to RUN at us so the guys in my class all run like forward but i turned back and ran the other way (thank god i was a few metres behind them so i could do this because im not a fast runner lmao) and just sprint towards the main road and like hide around the corner by this bus stop.
so i stand there in this city dead phone no money for like 20 minutes unsure if any of them are alive if its safe for me to go look for them what i should do and eventually they return and turns out they had to run like the entire area and lost the guards(?) when they turned a corner or something so yeah then we went back to the hotel told our teacher and he laughed and made a joke about "imagine the paperwork i would have to write about this" which ?!?!? and then we went to bed i guess xxx i blocked all of this class on social media the second i graduated lmaooo hope you enjoyed this
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