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ornithic · 1 year ago
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WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phoenix and choco ball doodles Jumpscare O.o
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janeelyakiri · 2 years ago
Was listening to a song and had a Thought
So skelly’s kid (or kids) are in school. They come home one day and they want to join sports! (or maybe a club, if that’s more the kids’ speed). I think I know the answer, but who’s all in, cheering at every game? Who’s got the team’s colors painted on their face? Who wishes the kid would rather stay home? Or at least do something a bit quieter and (in the case of football) less dangerous?
Macaw- Honestly wants nothing to do with sports. He'd be like 'don't you mean chess club? or debate?? maybe... stamp collecting??? PLEASE???'
Lupo- ALL FOR IT. He doesn't care for football but would encourage soccer or basketball! He's cheering loudly at every game! He is his child's MASCOT
Falcon- Thinks they should get into wrestling. Finds it a damn shame boxing isn't allowed. Encourages them to cheat smartly ie don't get caught.
Jackal- If that's what his little royal wants... But he can't be mad. Exercise is good for kids! But not football. Stars that sport is a crime against nature. He shows up completely unpainted, but then unfurls a GIANT banner cheering his little one on.
Jay- YES go for it! Any sport! All the sport! He's as bad as Lupo in the 'obnoxious cheering' part.
Fox- Track and Field, MAYBE. But he can't go to games, his anxieties would hit too hard with all the sounds.
Crow- His competitive spark flares back to life and he helps his child train as much as they want. He provides the whole team training and snacks and water. He can and will curse out other parents and probably be banned from games.
Hound- Supports, sure. But uuugghhh he doesn't wanna goooo. The games are so LOUD and they get on his case for smoking. Can't he support his pup from home? Though if anyone tries to say a WORD about his kid's playing he's growling and looming.
Vulture- Archery. They can take Archery, and Track and Field. If he goes to games he's wearing noise cancelling earmuffs.
Hyena- Same as Vulture. But he'd start fights with other parents... or INSTIGATE fights between people while somehow not being in it.
Robin- Yes but if his child loses he's... taking them out for pizza after disposing of their FAILURE teammates.
Dingo- Must not chase the ball must not chase the ball MUST NOT-- Also brings lots of snacks and water for his pup, supporting them with sweet words and helping them feel better if they lose... somehow gets hit on a lot by the soccer moms there.
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cometofjustice · 2 years ago
It had been quite the wild morning. It was 1 in the afternoon, and Poetry Woman was taking care of her dove, Erin, before putting him gently back into his birdcage and walking over to the window to stare out at the distant Taiga. She lived in an apartment with her two younger brothers, and typically spent her time in her private library and writing room, writing poetry alongside her bird. She specifically bought furniture to match her 1600s theme writing style of old English. Meanwhile as she stared out the window, a bright scarlet streak of black and red that looked like a comet, and fell from the sky into the taiga. She didn’t think much of it, and simply sat back down at her desk.
Taiga Man and Podzol Man, on the other hand, heard this loud bang. Podzol Man only heard it faintly because of his earmuff headphones, but both rushed over to see what madd that sound. Bird and animals scattered and fled from the scene, leaving only something that cannot be described…
The fallen object had left a smouldering crater in the forest floor, and gave off a toxic-smelling black smoke rose into the air.
Up close, the object appeared to be a strange hunk of machinery, which was nearly charred and twisted beyond recognition.
Strange, purple skull-shaped particles began to escape from a metal chambers that had broken open. Each one varied greatly in size, the smallest being the size of a golf ball, and the biggest being the size of a soccer ball. They all flickered and shifted in unison like flames.
Once each one had emerged, the particles began to swirl around eachother like a swarm. However, the newly-formed cluster remained in place.
There was something about these particles that exuded a certain 'wrongness' about them, but the feeling seemed to come from more than just their morbid appearance...
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