sunshinejinx · 6 months
polin promo so good its got me on my knees … really solidifies the fact penelope has fully knocked him off the pedestal she created. so good when u consider how it leads to him being the “imperfect man of her dreams” meanwhile colin (who is NOT giving broody) but is deeply confused. because what the hell happened in the span of a year … what’s happened to HIS PEN !!! this is soooo not very “you’ve always been so… constant” of her!! the dynamic switch is soo powerful and so important to me. the foundation that’s been set for them!! the realization that they are truly maturing and growing together 🥺
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mouwrites · 10 months
HI POOKIEE IM BACKK WITH ANOTHER SILLY IDEA😋😋😍(lets ignore the fact that all my requests have been ninjago related)
Basically hc's with the ninja who have a little sibling(the reader) and they have these like witch powers that they're trying to control. The ninja of that scenario try to help the reader with various training sessions, leading them to be a mentor for them. When the reader gets the hang of their powers the ninja are reminded of a memory of their childhood where the reader helped the ninja as children in a really dark time and the ninja see the training sessions as repayment for the readers help all those years ago.
YAY you’re back!! Always good to hear from u <33
Ninjago - Being the Ninjas’ Little Witch Sister
When you first ask him to train you, he’s a bit surprised
Of course he agrees though
He proves to be a very patient teacher, both with you and himself as you both continue to learn
He reads up on magic extensively to better know how to help you
He also frequently consults master Wu
If there’s something he doesn’t know, he’ll just tell you to do something else while he researches it
He doesn’t want you doing anything he isn’t able to predict/help you with
Both for your safety and for the sake of your surroundings
As you master concepts, he moves on to progressively harder ones until you’re a skilled witch
His meticulous teaching would have rubbed off on you, so you rarely make mistakes, doing things by the book
Or should I say grimoire?
One day, when he’s watching you perform a healing spell on an old man, he remembers the first time you used your powers
It was when Dr. Julien fell down the stairs
Zane remembers hearing him cry out in pain; the sound still haunts him to this day
He was terrified that his father was fatally wounded
But when he rushed to his side, you were already there, holding his wrinkled hands with yours, which were glowing
You had unintentionally used a healing spell
If you hadn’t, Dr. Julien might have actually been seriously hurt
Zane’s forever thankful for that, and this forever thankful for you
He’s stoked that you want him to teach you
He always thought your powers were cool, and he’s excited to test their limits with you
He always pushes you hard, which can get a little exhausting
Eventually he’ll ease up a little as he realizes that you need rest
If there’s something he doesn’t know, he encourages you to try it anyway
Meanwhile he’s hiding behind a metal shield in the corner
You learn through experimentation, which leads to many, many failures
But Kai never stops encouraging you to keep trying, and eventually you master your powers
You start joining the ninjas on missions, and one time you used a spell that knocked an entire posse of attackers on their backs
Kai stared at you with wide eyes, flashing back to the time you used a similar spell
It was back at the blacksmith shop; a particularly obnoxious customer was insisting that he “test” a sword
He ended up snatching it and running at Nya with the clear intention of nabbing her
It was then that you used the spell, downing the assailant
Kai had stared at you with the same wide eyes back then
But now he smiled, feeling grateful that you were always there to help protect those closest to you
Much like Kai, he’s more than thrilled to mentor you
Most of his teaching consists of him insisting you try things he’s seen in movies and comics
Which makes lessons fun, but disappointing at times when you can’t figure things out
In his excitement sometimes he’ll insist you try your spells on him
This has led to the both of you getting hurt many times
Yet neither of you seem to learn your lesson
He’s quick in getting you out on the field
He wants you to be able to test more dangerous things, and he sees the battlefield as the perfect spot to do so
So he’ll take you along on missions pretty early on, making sure you stick to his side so he can protect you
But when your moment comes, he yanks you forward and pushes you towards the enemy like a rag doll
The slight panic this induces in you amplifies your spells
Once you used a spell that released a bright flash of light at the enemy, blinding them
Jay recognizes the spell
It was much smaller at the time, but you had used it when you were both kids
The power was out at the junkyard, and you were both alone while Ed and Edna went to fix the fuse
Jay was terrified in the dark; he was literally about to have a panic attack when your little cupped hands summoned a ball of light
Mesmerized, he forgot his panic, instead smiling hugely at you
He claps you on the back when he remembers that moment, silently beaming with pride at all the progress you’ve made
He thinks being a magic mentor sounds pretty cool, so of course he agrees when you ask for some lessons
He’s a really chill teacher; almost to an annoying extent
If there’s something he doesn’t know, he just shrugs and asks what you think
(Which happens more often than you’d like)
He won’t encourage you to try more dangerous things until you’re ready though
He always reminds you to be careful and not overwork yourself
Progress is slow, partly because you’re pretty much guiding your own training
He’s just there to support you
Eventually he decides that you’re ready for some real action
Well. Long story short you ended up falling off a cliff with him
But you used a spell that froze you midair right before you hit the ground
You both planted your feet safely on the ground, quaking from the adrenaline
Cole is reminded of a strikingly similar moment from your childhood
You were rehearsing a dance routine on stage
He wasn’t paying attention, and he ended up twirling right off the stage
But luckily you were there, and you froze him in the air when his face was mere inches from the floor
He had hugged and thanked you profusely that day, and he did the same now, lifting you off your shaky feet and kissing your cheek endlessly
He has some experience with magic, but not enough to make him a very competent teacher
He’s humble when he teaches you, always admitting when he isn’t sure
He’ll go with you to find out more when there’s something he doesn’t know
You always learn together :)
He makes sure you don’t push yourself too hard; he knows what that’s like, and it isn’t fun
So your training is a little slow but very steady
He lets you decide when you’re ready to go on missions
He trusts you to know your own capabilities, so if you think you can hold your own, then you can hold your own
That doesn’t mean he’s any less impressed when you turn your opponent into a ferret
He remembers when you pulled a similar move several years ago
You were both cornered by bullies, with Lloyd in front, trying to protect you
Suddenly you pushed past him, pointing your finger at the main culprit and turning him into a mouse
The effect only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough for you both to get away
Lloyd laughed aloud at the memory, ruffling your hair proudly
At first she readily agrees to help train you
But as time progresses, it becomes obvious how incompetent you both are in magical knowledge
She knows a bit, but not nearly enough to coach a fledgling witch
She gets almost as frustrated as you when you try and fail to learn spells
But she calls on her knowledge from her own training, and she realizes that first she needs to fix your attitudes
So you both adopt a more “go with the flow”-esque style, and the spells start clicking
You both glow with excitement at each new mastered concept
High fives all around!! :D
She’s eager to get you on the battlefield; she knows how much it sucks to have to wait
You come to a massive gorge on your first mission, one too big to jump across
You use your magic to create a bridge, allowing everyone to cross safely
As she crosses, Nya recalls seeing a similar miracle performed by you in the past
You had both gone out to pick flowers in the woods
There was a flash flood while you were out, and the little creek you had to cross to get home had become a raging cascade of impassable muddy water
But you had used your little bridge spell, and you both made it safely home
Nya remembers that day fondly, and takes much pride in knowing how far you’ve come since then
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Thank you for your request my love!! And thanks for reading, take care little squirrels <33
(divider by saradika)
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murizepng · 2 years
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the investigation team with a s/o who appeared on the midnight channel (all members, headcannons, seperate! + spoilers included.)
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dududu, inspector gang is here!
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#yosuke hanamura
losing his mind
hes expecting like a classmate or his batchmate he dint really know
and then you appear on the tv showing you twirling around the area and he drops his mouth open 💀💀
around you 24/7 doesnt wanna let u go 🥺
going to get groceries? he’s coming with you. going to buy tofu? he’s coming with with you. going to the bathroom? …he’ll wait outside.
if you tell him you need space, he’ll watch you from a safe distance.
invites you to places that dont have a tv with them. suspicous of everyone except the investigation gang
he fails his job when he gets you a shake he turns for one sec and ur now gone 💀💀💀 he is so shocked he dropped the shake.
the shake dint spill (thankfully)
he’s rushing the investigation gang to find his s/o even teddie is sick of his ushering
and when he does he IMMEDIATELY hugs you or like pinches your cheek to make sure you arent the shadow
that or he would punch you.
depends on his mood wether hes silly or not.
"Thank god you're back..I was so worried. Don't go missing again, please. got that?"
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#naoto shirogane
worried but keeps calm
they dont necessarily follow you where you go
but they do try to keep a track on where you go, stay and come to.
constantly messages you !!! formal as HELL though like dawg..
"Good morning/evening. I'm just checking up on you, how are you doing? Anything going on lately?"
TBF they get to know where you are + HOW you are so its a win win in their book they love listening to you
gets really disappointed in themselves if you do end up getting caught.
"I could have done better.." "I should have done better."
poor bb its ok its not ur fault :((
not really obvious at it btw, its REALLY subtle.
Like the ocassional, "I made extras for dinner. Mind joining in?"
"I need someone to help me with these files. You're the perfect help."
"My bed needs someone to sleep in it. Care to?"
... Okay maybe not really obvious. They're trying though
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#yu narukami
Everything was going so good.
He spent time with you and nanako, no one in the town collapsed and he got some money.
It was doing so good.
His world came crushing down when he opened the tv.
Greeted with your apperance, smiling mischeviously and telling the investigation crew to come find him.
bro is enough w this bs . who even decided to kidnap YOU dawg
hed be very invested in finding you instantly
And before you kenw it this was by far the fastest case he ever oslved with the imvestigation gang
He treats u like a gentleman afyer eveyrthing !!<3
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#rise kijikawa
"huhhh?? is that who i think it is?"
shed call you once the clip ended.
shes so worried :((( she doesnt want you to be in danger!!
rise does actively try to make sure youre with her at all time like yosuke. she walks with you, has frequent hangs out with you, and lots more!!
Whenever she sees someone/something sketchy she INSTANTLY makes a beeline and makes you go towards the other direction.
"Ohhh, look here!! Look at this cute keychain<3 Its cuter than that fox."
"But Rise! You don't normally see such a cute fox!"
She keeps INSISTING that she fights in the battle knowing damn well her persona isnt up for that kind of thing.
"Let me at them senpai! I need to fight these shadows!-"
"Rise we need you to guide us for gods sake PLEASE"
When u get back she gets all giddy and excited!! <3<3
"Ahh!!~ You're back, you're back! You're for real backk!"
She kisses ur cheek in happiness mwa mwa
"Dude, are we all technically the third wheel?"
"... Yeah. Definetly."
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dawg i gotta be fr with you on this one i think he might be the most calmest 🤷🤷
like yeah hes worried and stuff but
you are like...
where he was born.
I dont think hes worried that much haha!!
He finds out when hes like, "Oh where are you s/o!!!<;3"
and yosukes like "dude did you not watch the midnight channel? uh yeah so aum ur s/o got kidnapped"
his mouth is dropped
Oh 🧍🧍🧍🧍
Anyways after the fight hed cling unto you
Like he clutches unto your arms, hugs you from behind, etc. etc.
its going to be a while for him to stop LMAOOO
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sirspud · 3 years
The Daring Ducks Part 3: Eyes in the Dark
Previous, Next
With the illusory orcs behind them, the ducks continue on their merry way. Pulling out the trail map pieces given to them by the mayor, the route becomes clear. The crypt lies within the Serpent's Gorge, about twenty miles north, past the mysterious Grey Lake and the Broken Glade. The party hold no illusions that they'll be able to get there in one day, and Louie groans upon realising he'll be travelling two whole days with this stupidly heavy rucksack hanging from his backk.
Their travel takes another six hours through the forest, stopping briefly at midday for lunch and rest. Huey guides them through the forest, his training in survival allowing him to easily follow the simple directions of the map (Survival Check, taking 10 = 16). But soon, the sun begins to fade, and the party realise that they have to set up camp soon.
Huey quickly searches for a spot to set up camp (Survival Check, taking 10 = 16). Webby tries to help, but not knowing exactly what she's looking for, all she can do is point out spots that look nice (Survival Check = 7). Eventually, Huey finds a nice, level spot to set up camp, surrounded on three sides by thicket bushes, and everyone gets to work setting up the tents.
Nervousness sets into the party as night fades and a cold wind sweeps through the leafless trees. This is the first real test. No illusions this time. They were miles away from home, and nobody was coming to their aid if they get in trouble.
The odd one out, as usual, is Webby. She brightly chats with the boys, enthusiastically recalling the tale of Silas McDuck (Knowledge [History] Check = 11) and how he fought back those mercenaries with naught but a dagger and a small band of fellow villagers! Dramatically, she speaks of how he slew the mercenary leader in glorious combat, but tragically fell to poison - the last cruel trick of the mercenary before his final breath. Silas was interred in the Crypt of the Everflame, alongside the men he had fought with and against, and the tomb laden with traps and trickery to fool any would-be tomb robbers.
Louie stops her right there. It's all an act, he tells her. If the illusionary orcs were anything to go by, this whole thing is probably just some kind of overhyped obstacle course. She pouts, and tells him that she chooses to believe otherwise. Dewey doesn't want to believe it either, still in the mindset of a conquering hero, and quickly disregards his brother's cynicism.
Firewood is easy enough to find, and a quick use of a tindertwig sets up a nice, warm campfire, countering the cold of the night somewhat. Huey uses the party's rations to cook up a good stew to try and raise people's spirits. Louie takes a swig of the party's brandy to try and calm his nerves, coughing and spluttering as the strong alcohol burns at his throat.
Then, a sound is heard. A sound that sends a chill through the party.
A howl, echoing through the trees.
Everyone freezes in fear, with the exception of Dewey, lost in his heroic fantasy. Louie sits bolt upright, keenly aware of how close that howling sounded. Huey quickly reassures him not to panic, there's no way that a pack of wolves would come this way, that'd require a tremendous stroke of bad luck!
...Incidentally, he asks, would you mind, Webby, to keep a look out?
Webby steps out, peering into the shadows, though everyone is watching the surrounding shrubbery with renewed fear. The howling seems to grow louder over the course of the next hour, as if the creature's responsible for it are getting closer.
Then, it goes silent. All is quiet for the next thirty minutes - although that just makes the party even more nervous.
Louie gulps, going to take another swig of the brandy. His eyes sweep over the bushes on the other side of the camp, away from where Webby is looking.
He sees a pair of yellow eyes staring back at him and he freezes.
Almost as if it knows, the eyes disappear. A rustling of bushes and the crunch of leaves alerts the rest of the party.
Louie immediately panics, jumping up and backing away from the bush. Webby, conversely, immediately goes to try and chase the fleeing beast, greatsword in hand. Huey and Dewey have to quickly convince them to stop. Huey tells Webby there's no way she can catch up to the wolf, despite her... freakishly enhanced speed. If she pursued the creature, she could get lost or hurt, and the party needed her.
Because chances were pretty good that the wolf would be coming back.
Louie is not happy to hear that, instantly curling up into the fetal position. Dewey and Huey are quick to comfort him, reassuring him that they were the Duck Triplets. They can take on any wolf so long as they stuck together, no ifs or buts about it! Louie isn't exactly convinced, but the reminder that his brothers are here to protect him is enough to get him back onto his feet.
First things first - they needed to get ready for a fight. It's common knowledge that wolves travel in packs. The team immediately forms a formation, with Webby and Dewey taking up the front, and Huey and Louie taking up the back. The team draw their weapons, Louie shakily nocking an arrow into his shortbow, and Huey getting to bless the party with his divine magic.
Almost thirty minutes pass, everyone's eyes darting everywhere. Neither Huey nor Webby let their nervousness show, though their hearts are hammering inside their chests. Dewey's trying to put on a brave face, but even he can't disguise the fear on his face. Louie doesn't even try to hide how scared he is, his aim shaking and his breathing erratic.
Then, they come. Three pairs of bright yellow eyes show themselves from the dark of the woods, and the wolves slink out of the shadows, all coarse grey fur and aggressive growling. They move slowly, deliberately, two of the wolves moving around the party. The ducks don't move, unwilling to make the first move.
Then, Huey notices the condition of the wolves (Knowledge [nature] Check = 16). Ribs exposed, their actions betraying their starving nature. Dewey notices too (Knowledge [nature] Check = 14), whispering, "They're just hungry."
"Of course, they're hungry!" Louie hisses, partly in anger, partly in fear. "They're here to eat us!"
Huey remembers one of the Laws of Nature imparted upon him by that old druid - "Nature cares not whether it feasts on carrion or caviar." Slowly, very slowly, he reaches into his backpack and pulls out one of his rations, taking out the dried meats within, and he instructs his party members to do the same. Louie thinks he's crazy, but he agrees to do so when Webby promises to back him up. Each of the brothers slowly put their weapons aside, taking rations from their backpacks and taking out the meat. The growling of the wolves grows louder.
Huey throws a scrap of meat towards one of the wolves - and with that sudden movement, the wolves attack.
The first wolf is immediately distracted by the meat, leaping up and catching it out of the air. The other two immediately charge towards Dewey and Webby, snapping and trying to bite, but the two ducks are nimble enough to evade their blows.
Huey immediately casts a virtue spell on Dewey, granting him a temporary hit point. He shouts at the two of them to throw their meat scraps as soon as they can.
Webby defends herself against the wolf, using her sword to keep the beast at bay. The creature snarls at her, and she snarls right back.
Dewey and Louie quickly chuck their meat scraps as far away as they can, hoping the wolves will forget about them and focus on the meat.
Consumed with hunger, they do. Abandoning their armed prey, the wolves dart towards the meat upon the ground, snatching it up in their jaws and quickly fleeing the scene without so much as a glance behind them, leaving the party to watch them disappear into the bushes.
The party take a moment to collect themselves, adrenaline still whirring through their systems. Then, they begin laughing in exhilaration. They did it! They won! Sure, it wasn't a traditional method of victory, but hey! They were alive, weren't they?
Still, the prospect of the wolves coming back gets them back into a more cautious mood. They remain alert for another half-hour or so, then merely wary for another half-hour. Eventually, satisfied that the beasts have left, they relax. They sit down to eat the stew, slightly burned now from inattention but nonetheless edible, laughing about how quickly they thwarted the wolves and how easily it could've gone horribly wrong. Louie offers the bottle of brandy to the others, each of them taking a sip to celebrate the victory.
+300 XP.
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sirrriusblack · 4 years
Your Royal Highness - Part 3
Part 1, Part 2
* * *
I recognised him the minute the door opened. My head had been snapping toward the entrance every time the bell chimed, waiting for him to walk in. He’d looked radiant in that club, with the blues and purples dancing across his face. But bloody hell, he was just as hot in sunlight. He must have recognised me too because he winked at me and stood in line. Thank the lucky stars I was up the front of the shop.
“Hi, what can I get for you?” I asked the next person in line. She was a short, blonde lady and she smiled at me. I smiled back.
“Hi, can I please get a flat white?” she asked. I started typing it in.
“And what size?” She replied a large and handed me the money. Her name was Amanda. I looked up at the clock. 12:01pm. I was technically off work. “Frank!” I called out and smiled at Fabian. He stepped forward.
“Your Royal Highness,” he grinned. I frowned like I didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Hi, what can I get for you?” I asked, causing Fabian to look hurt. Frank came around from the back to start making Amanda’s coffee.
“Oh, just my heart back please,” he laughed. I laughed too, but he continued. “Uh, just a... large iced coffee please.” His eyes sparkled. I looked away and started cashing it in. He handed over the money and I handed him backk too much change, then told him to take a seat. There was no one in line behind him, so I turned and started making his iced coffee. I made a chocolate milkshake for myself, too. When I was done, I carried the two glasses to Fabian’s table and smiled at him.
“I’ll be right back,” I promised and went out back.
“Hey Alice, my shift’s over, Frank’s out front,” I called out from the locker room. She yelled something back and I heard a box hit the ground. I took that as my cue to leave and, grabbing my phone and keys and taking my apron off, I walked to the front of the shop. Fabian was scrolling through his phone so I walked up to him, but stayed out of his view.
* * *
Kingsley: Hey :)
* * *
Fabian’s phone chimed and his head snapped up toward me as he smiled. I sat across from him. Alice came around the corner and gave me an odd look; I tried not to pull a face at her.
“So, how are you?” I asked. Fabian raised his perfect eyebrows at me and I felt my cheeks heat. I was wearing a plain black shirt and black jeans. If I’d have known I’d be going on a date, I would have been more dressed up. Was this a date? Or was it just coffee? He took a sip from the straw in his glass and looked at me.
“I’m good, how was work?” he asked. I almost laughed. But instead I nodded.
“It was alright. Busy.” I bit my lip and Fabian cracked a smile.
“It’s not a job interview, you don’t have to be nervous,” he laughed, pointedly looking at my fingers drumming my legs. I smiled.
“You’re right, sorry, I just don’t usually...” I trailed off, unsure what to say. Fabian ran a hand through his hair and leaned forward.
“You don’t usually go on dates with handsome strangers after you get off work? Who would have guessed?” he joked, running his tongue along his teeth. 
Holy shit, I was utterly fucked.
I cleared my throat. “Oh, so that’s what this is? A date?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. Fabian glanced up from his drink suggestively, but didn’t answer. “Do you often go on dates with handsome strangers?” I asked. Fabian grinned.
“Not often, no. Though I’d be more than happy to make a habit of it,” he flirted, looking me up and down. I smiled. “So, engagement party. Tell me all about it,” he said, laying his linked hands on the table between us like this was a business transaction. I bit my lip.
“Why?” I asked. Fabian looked confused.
“What do you mean why? I’m gonna need some sort of outline on who these people are,”“ he explained. I sighed.
“No, why are you helping? Why are you pretending to...” he knew what. I wasn’t going to say it out loud. Why are you pretending to date me? That probably wasn’t coffee shop appropriate. That probably wasn’t appropriate at all. Fabian shrugged and sat back, the light from the window filtering onto his face and casting beautiful shadows all over. The sound around me returned and I hadn’t even realised that I’d tuned out the coffee machines or the chatter of customers around us. I looked up and realised, for the first time since I’d sat down, that we weren’t alone. I shook my head.
“Why am I pretending to be your boyfriend?” he finished for me. I smiled and nodded.
“That’s the one,” I replied, physically willing my hand to stay by my side and not brush away the maple curl in his eyes. He rolled his eyes like I was being stupid and awkward. Granted, I was being stupid and awkward. I drank more of my milkshake and let him speak. He shrugged.
“I don’t really know. Because I’m bored,” he admitted. Frankly, I shouldn’t have expected anything more, but still, my gut dropped a little at his words. “Because a cute stranger in a bar kissed me and I liked it,” he kept talking. “Because it’ll be a good story to tell one day,” he finally settled on. I nodded. That was fair. That was a reasonable answer. So why did it make me uneasy? Fabian finished the rest of his iced coffee. The only other person I knew that could consume that much caffeine that quickly was Remus the night before a test. Or James before his first date with Lily. I smiled to myself.
“So anyway, as I was saying, I’m going to need some details, he said again and I looked up.
“Uh, right,” I said, standing up. “Wanna go for a walk?” I asked. Fabian smiled at me. 
“Are you going to lure me to a cave to murder me?” he joked. I batted my eyelashes.
“That’s the plan, pretty boy,” I said, grabbing the two glasses. Mine was still half full. Fabian chuckled and walked to the door, waiting as I took the glasses up to the checkout. Alice, who had replaced Frank up the front (no doubt to watch Fabian and I) tutted at me. 
“You don’t need to bring the glasses up every time, Kingsley,” she reminded me, smiling fondly. I shrugged it off and Alice grinned. “And who, may I ask, is that?” she asked, taking the glasses and looking toward the door. I smiled back at her. 
“You may not ask,” I replied. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I turned toward the door.
“Kingsley,” she called out. I spun back around to see Alice tucking a strand of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. “He’s cute,” she whispered, just a little loudly. I rolled my eyes at her and walked to Freckles- I mean, Fabian.
* * *
“So the girl at the counter, she’s my boss, Alice. The other guy you saw is my other boss, Frank. They’re together and in love its sickening, but sweet.” We were walking along the bridge, too long and boring if you ask me, and I was filling Fabian in on all of my friends. And all of their relationships. He nodded.
“How long have they been together?” he asked, his shoulder brushing mine as he walked beside me, on the side closest to the road. 
“Since the start of 6th year, which was 7th year for them, they’re a year older than the rest of us,” I told him. “So, five years roughly. They got married after their graduation.” Fabian raised his eyebrows.
“After a year of being together?” he asked. I chuckled and nodded.
“Yeah, like I said. Sickly in love.” I smiled at him. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone but you don’t know Alice so I’m going to tell you... She’s pregnant,” I blurted out, smiling. Alice had called me right after she’d told Frank, ecstatic and hyperventilating at the same time. Fabian loosed a breath.
“Wow,” he said, “I’m definitely going to tell her you told me at this party,” he said, smirking. “I can’t believe you would betray your friend like that,” he joked. I nudged his shoulder, smiling.
“Ha ha. Very funny,” I spat, looking forward. I liked this. I hated to admit it, but I liked this. The way we fell into place on the pavement, walking side by side, arms brushing, steps synchronised, looking ahead to hide just how much we wanted to study each other’s faces. Okay, that last part was probably just me, but whatever. Fabian broke the silence with a glance in my direction.
“So, tell me about the others,” he said. I smiled and thought about just how to describe The Marauders. there was a lot to say.
“Well, we’re obviously all really close, but we kind of have groups. People that are closer to some than others,” I began. Fabian nodded. “Like, there’s Alice, Frank, Mary, Lily and I and we all work at the coffee shop with some other juniors, except for Lily. And then there’s Marlene who’s probably closer with the other guys or just Lily specifically, and Dorcas who’s closer to us, but those two are dating and they are literally each other’s best friends. They are always together and quite frankly they are always at my house for some damned reason,” I complained, though I wasn’t particularly fussed by it. Marls and Dorcas were like my crazy, partying, raging gay children and I was more than okay with that. Fabian smiled at my excuse of a joke. “Then there’s The Marauders,” I said. Fabian furrowed his brow and stifled a laugh.
“What?” he asked, I chuckled again.
“I know, they force us to call them that, at least James and Sirius do, and the four of them are complete and total nerds. James and Sirius are quite literally brothers,” I explained. “I won’t go into details, but Sirius had a crappy childhood, basically and James’ parents took him in as their own. A lot of people think they’re dating actually, but James is, single-handedly, the straightest person I know.” Fabian snorted and ran a hand through his hair, letting all of his loose curls fall back into his eyes. I looked away. “The other two Marauders are Pete and Remus. Pete is quiet, but holy hell he is the funniest git I’ve ever met. You don’t expect it either because he generally doesn’t have much to say but then he’ll just come out with an absolute cracker of a joke and the whole room will simultaneously turn to look at him for a moment before they all crack up.” Fabian glanced my way and I let my hands fall, not realising I’d been moving them around as I spoke. the corner of his mouth lifted. We were nearly at the end of the bridge now. 
“You seem to really love your friends” Fabian said. I nodded.
“I do,” I said. Fabian looked up at me.
“And Remus?” he asked, cautiously. I shrugged.
“You don’t have to say his name like that, I’m not all heartbroken,” I assured him. Fabian laughed.
“You could have fooled me,” he said, smirking. I rolled my eyes. We had reached the end of the bridge and when Fabian kept walking, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him around the bridge with me. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said. I kept walking. “Your date spot is under a bridge?” he asked. “Wait, are you going to kill me?” he joked. I laughed.
“You still haven’t clarified whether this is a date yet, last I recall.” I ducked under a steel beam and Fabian followed suit. I heard him murmur something under his breath but I didn’t quite catch it.
“If I say it’s a date do we have to stay under here?” he asked. I laughed and stopped in front of a bolted door. Fabian cringed.
“Do you have an irrational fear of being under bridges?” I asked. Fabian looked at me like I was mad, his green eyes glancing around.
“No but-”
“Good, now hold on,” I said, pulling a bobby pin out of my wallet and picking the lock open. Fabian’s mouth dropped to the ground.
“Why do you know how to do that? Are you sure you’re not going to murder me?” he asked. I smirked at him.
“I forgot to mention the school we all went to was a boarding school and I happened to be lucky enough to share a dorm with The Marauders. The name is dorky, but it’s pretty accurate,” I explained. Fabian once again tried not to laugh at the name. “And I never actually said I wasn’t going to kill you,” I added, which wiped the smile off his face. I opened the door and walked inside. Fabian, quite stupidly if you ask me, followed me in. It was supposed to be a power shed for when roadworks and the like took place on the bridge, but Alice and I had gone walking one day and found it. And we’d found that behind the all the machines, there was an empty room. Literally empty. So we... re-vamped it. 
* * *
“Holy. Shit.” Fabian leaned against the wall and took in the room. It was kind of cramped, but it was dry and and warm and it was all round, nice. Alice and I had parked the car on the bridge a few days after we’d found it and brought down some cushions, some bean bags and a radio. Over time, as we’d brought everyone to the bridge, the walls had acquired some posters, string lights had been hung on the roof and the radio now sat next to a second-hand speaker and an old record player (thanks to Sirius). I fell into one of the bean bags and Fabian, still shocked, did too. Once he regained his composure, he smirked at me.
“Is this where you take all the boys you date?” His voice was thick with awe as he kept looking around the room. I shook my head, laughing.
“Definitely. Every time I want to impress boys with my lock picking skills and my eye for interior designing, I take them here.” I drummed my fingers on my leg and watched Fabian drag his eyes from me to the record player. Then to the pile of records stacked in one of the corners. He moved over to the stack and sifted through it.
“So you were talking about Remus,” he prompted, carefully pulling out an album. I winced.
“Great first date conversation material,” I remarked. Fabian only hummed as he tried to drop the tonearm in the right place. I sighed. “It’s complicated,” I said, Fabian, happy with the placement, came back over and fell into the other beanbag. Crazy Little Thing Called Love started playing quietly and I rolled my eyes at Fabian’s amused smirk. “It’s not my story to tell, but Remus has a condition and basically he has to visit the hospital for a few days every month. He hates it, hates himself for it. And that was made worse by how much shit his dad gave him for it.” Fabian sucked in a breath. “He believed he wasn’t worthy of love, and so, he never quite told Sirius how he felt for him. Everyone kind of knew they were pining after each other, too. At least, everyone but them. So anyway, Remus didn’t think he was worthy of love, necessarily, but he was a teenage boy and he wanted to get some.” Fabian snorted. “I had a bit of a crush on Remus but, I wasn’t even out yet and I couldn’t imagine him paying attention to me in that way. But then there was a party in our common room one night and Remus was staring at me a lot. We played spin the bottle and my spin landed on Remus and one thing led to another and that’s how we both lost our virginity. Young and tipsy.” Fabian nodded.
“Very poetic,” he teased. I flicked him and shifted positions so I was facing him more.
“Anyway, that went on for a while and we weren’t in a relationship but everyone kind of knew we were...” I trailed off.
“Fucking?” Fabian finished for me. I laughed. 
“Yeah. Long story short, Remus eventually felt shit for leading me on and broke it off because he was in love with Sirius. Don’t worry he didn’t tell me that, he’s not a dick,” I said, reading the look on Fabian’s face. The song was starting to fade off.
“So that’s it? You wanted to make your ex from what...”
“Fifth year.”
You wanted to make your ex from fifth year jealous?” He asked. I shook my head.
“No, I said it was complicated. Over the year, Remus and Sirius kind of started dating without actually dating. As in they’d lie all over each other, spend all their time together, hold hands walking down the corridor, they’d basically do everything someone would do in a relationship, without the label or the sex. At the end of fifth year, Sirius got pissed off at this one kid that was a bit of a prick at school and, in anger, happened to tell him about Remus’ condition. Which was a bad thing because the school we went to is really pretentious and they don’t generally let ‘different’ kids in there. So anyway, Remus got really pissed at Sirius and they didn’t talk for months.” Fabian looked up.
“Don’t tell me he went back to you and you let him,” he said, leaning his head on his arm. I smiled.
“Nah, I was dating some other guy from school. Good bloke, really,” I explained. “Sirius and Remus made up a few months later and all was well and they were still mad for each other, except they’d gone back to level 1, acting like they didn’t know they were in love. So anyway, this lasted years, years of them pining and dating other people to try and get over each other, until the year after graduation. There was another party and Remus and I kissed again, but this time without the game and without the alcohol.” Play The Game slowly started to play, ironically. “Basically, we got together and dated for almost a year before it just didn’t feel right anymore. I wasn’t mad for Remus and he clearly wasn’t mad for me and although I love him, and although I really love hanging out with him, It was just so painfully platonic.” I huffed a laugh.” So we broke up. And seeing Remus dating one of his mates was, I guess, Sirius’ point of realisation and last year, they got together officially and I have never seen either of them happier,” I finished.
“Wow,” Fabian said. I huffed a laugh.
“Yeah, wow,” I agreed.
“And you’re not pissed that a year of your life was kind of just wasted?” he asked. I looked up at the ceiling.
“I wouldn’t say it was wasted,” I said. “I don’t regret dating him, necessarily, it made realise so many things, made me into a different person. And we didn’t end on bad terms. And we had plenty of good moments and not many bad. So really, it was a year of fun and love and that’s over now and Remus had found someone else and I’m sitting under a bridge with a stranger who has agreed to be my fake boyfriend. And I guess I’m okay with that,” I said, struggling to keep the smile from my face. Fabian broke first. His laugh filtered out of his throat with such raw amusement yet elegance at the same time. The sound echoed through the room and soon enough I was laughing too and this was nice. This was good and I locked eyes with Fabian. And for the first time since we left the coffee shop, neither of us looked away.
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
"Is it because they don't deserve him?" haHAA YESSSS, thank you!!! No spoilers in the way of being an accidental spill, I was almost about to ask if you wanted to see some draft dialogue? I like talking about fics, and I'm sorry to kill off best birb, but AFO makes sure to let All Might know just what that means. Catch me trying to connect far-fetched logic strings to say 'AFO knows the future and made sure to get rid of Hawks cause of it.' Joy, can't wait for the liberation war arc.
(Continue) Let's spin the wheel~ which heroes should I kill off at the mansion raid? I wonder if the kids will need to abandon their post to save their hero mentor. Was Kaminari with Edgeshot or Kamui? You know how ShinKami = EraserCloud? He's Shirakumo, and unlike the latest manga chapter, I'm gonna make this crushing final :) So the League will be able to escape easy this time, Tokoyami's reaction would be interesting. He'll never learn how to fly.
(+) And didn't enjoy the first Hawks mentorship experience, but he's a good bird who will mourn. Hood + rankings is a unique situation, will Dabi try to test the Nomu's strength, and not in Fukuoka this time, another city? Lmao, imagine I have him sic the Nomu in Kamino AGAIN, that poor city. But nah, too many top heroes that can reach there. Which brings me back to Fukuoka! Hawks was the highest ranked hero there! The Commission got rid of his agency!
(+) Nighteye's looked like they work together, Hawks' sidekicks I feel can't handle running an agency. They always just chased after him. Or maybe I can have a hero move their agency there, or just remodel Hawks' for themselves. Now who would be a good pick? I considered Edgeshot for 0.2 seconds, but he needs to stay with the Lurkers. And if he goes, then so does everyone else. Mt. Lady would still be in a city. And with Kyushu's rising crime rate she'll get plenty of work.
(+) Which was her reasoning for her in-canon location. So I'm using that here, but in reality she did want to stick with the other two, but used that excuse to hide it XD and its very interesting to see how they handle High-End. Kamui's branches to hold up a building and catch rubble, citizens jumping into Mt. Lady's hands, but not for this fic. I can't see Edgeshot moving, Crust fits better! He's that kinda nice guy to keep a fellow hero's agency in business, and wouldn't mind moving to Kyushu.
(+) Since they srsly need a top pro located there. He'd understand that, no problems here! Lmao, 'cept that Aizawa is a dead man if I kill Crust early. Well I thank you, Hawks is happy that the shield hero shielded his city in his absence~ I'm gonna have so much fun watching society fall apart with Hawks gone, loving how the dominos fell since Kamino ;D heh, you know when he said the HPSC didn't know about PLF? Ain't a lie this time! People wanted Hawks to die so bad? Very well then.
...Wow you’re evil and I love it!
Having Crust, who’s all about honor and empathy move to Kyuushu to help with the crime rates and then bite the bullet with the Nomu would eventually have a devastating impact in the future because they would end up losing Aizawa to the other Nomu and Decay... Man, it’s so interesting to look at how the pieces fall in such a different way if you push it minutely in a different direction.
Will you have someone doing the infiltration mission then? If yes, who will fill Hawks shoes? And if not then how does the raid come to be?
What about Endeavor? If he doesn’t end up facing the Nomu at Kyuushu, what happens to his ratings? Will they suffer?
And Best Jeanist, will he be around and kicking or do you have other plans for him?
This is really interesting anon! And I love how spiteful your last sentence is too.
FANFIC ANON I TAKE IT BACK I TAKE IT BACKK, KAMINARI IS NOT OKAY WHERE IS HE???? I think the crushing might have been final oh dear, let's hope he's okay, I mistook him for Kuroiro and thought he brushed it off and landed on two feet on the ground. You better have gotten off your phone! Try putting cold tissues/rags/whatever ppl use on your forehead?
Lol, getting worried in canon when you were all the more happy to leave him crushed in fanon. And don’t worry I did, and went for another nap (though I didn’t put anything on my head because I couldn’t get up and go into the bright light of the bathroom :p At least I’m better now)
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crybabycounselor · 5 years
Dear diary...
July 29th
I am. Very tired.
I won’t admit it out loud, but CHRIST are those boys exhausting.
“Why, Elise, who are these boys you speak of??” Future me may be asking, well, let me tell you.
Some more of that Magic Anon mumbo jumbo happened, so now Mr David and Mr Daniel are, like, 10. And GUESS who just spent the entire night looking for them across the lake!!!
It’s like?? I deal with the campers all the time, but they’re nothing compared to those two!! And I can’t even go to Mr David for guidance because news flash!! THAT IS MR DAVID!!!
And I... got mad at them both... Admittedly, I was very tired, but that didn’t mean I should’ve been mean to them... I feel like a total Cody :(( Even though Mr Daniel scares me, he’s only 10 and kinda confused right now, he has no clue what he did/what he’ll do, I should go apologize to them in the morning when I’m more awake. Til then, I’m gonna go have a breakdown in my bunk 
(Mr Daniel sleeps over me, and since he’s gonna be sleeping in a spare tent with David, I’ll be alone. Perfect crying opportunity!!)
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I feel like this happened at such a bad time, too!! I was all sad because of my crush on Otis (but we’ll get back to that in a bit), and he wasn’t “there” to comfort me :((( I’m his (very unofficial) camp daughter, this blows!!!
And the fact that a lot of the older counselors went to the Arcade kinda sucked, too!! I was alone!! With those two!! (I’ll get back on this one, too)
But Charlie was there to comfort me at least, she’s the best :D!! She has these big ol soft arms and her hugs are really warm and comforting, 10/10 camp mom, 10/10 hugs
...At some point I’ll need to give everyone (maybe even Mr Daniel... with supervision...) so I can rate those... Weekend plans MADE!!
\\ page two below //
Alright, back to the arcade story:
So, basically, the boys decided to go “steal back” some peanut butter from Gwen at the flower scouts. You may already see how this is impossible, seeing as that was 14 years ago and Ms Gwen is, like, 25.
But they were dead set on getting that peanut butter back that they took a boat across the lake to Troop #789.
Now, the thing is, this was also around the time the counselors left to the arcade (I wasn’t invited, it only hurts a little), meaning I was a l o n e
So me, being the almost 15 year old counselor in training, panicked, because that’s my (mini) boss!!! If he found out I lost him I could get fired!!
So I had to go find them, and it was SUPER late by the time I found out about the missing boat (it was great searching the hiking trails in the pitch black dark forest at night). I was so mad, I actually wanted to cry a little.
By this time, the counselors got back, and a few of them helped me out to find them.
When I caught them... I yelled at them. You read about that earlier. I hate yelling at people so much, especially kids, but... I had to let my foot down, because Mr David wouldn’t listen to me... It felt... weird...
Like... I’m used to adult figures ignoring me (I mean, look at Cody), but... Mr David treated me with respect... He was so nice... He felt like a dad to me...
So when “he” yelled at me (even though... he had no clue who I was...) it... kinda hurt... He was cussing me off like Cody would if I messed up big time... I kinda snapped... He couldn’t fight back, he couldn’t threaten me, he couldn’t do anything to me... It’s like I was his Cody...
I feel... legit aw f u l.. . ii wanna crcr y. . .  i aant him backk.. . 
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... i ll g et   b ack tt o the o t is stor yy la t er... gg iht
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theriseofimagines · 8 years
Delicate {Kylo Ren}
Not Romantic
imagineherbrightskies asked: Imagine kylo walking along the street with some storm troopers and group of homeless kids run through them giving them flowers and the reader being the eldest out of them and giving flowers to kylo and yeah being all awesome
A/N: This is cute and spoiler free, also unedited as heck. It’s a year old. Geeze, I’m really sorry!! BTW the real reason Rigo wanted to hide flowers on the Stormtroopers was for the ~aesthetic~ but he couldn’t just say that. Set 5-10 years pre-TFA.
You were shaking, or, maybe you weren’t, it felt like you should be shaking. You had been living on the streets of Theed on Naboo for the past few years, and in that time you had managed to surround yourself with an adventurous pack of kids in the same situation as you. Naboo was fairly nice, the shop owners had seen your group grow up, doting upon you and giving you any food they could spare, and the generally summery climate meant that nights never got too cold.
On this particular day, you and your friends had decided to amuse yourselves with a game of truth or dare - “Nobody pick truth, truth is for wimps!” - and it had turned into a series of escalating challenges. It was your turn, and you were rather terrified as your best friend, a gungan boy named Rigo Baurs pondered his options.
“You’ve seen those Stormtropers, right?” There was a terrifying glint of mischief in his eyes. You nodded, nervous. The whole marketplace bad been buzzing with the news that a squad of Stormtroopers, as well as an honest-to-maker Knight of Ren, were visiting. No-one really knew why they were here, but apparently the Knight was connected to the Queen, but no-one knew how or why. “Well, I have a challenge for you; you pick flowers from the Amidala Memorial Garden, and then you have to hide as many as you can on the Stormtroopers.” He said.
“What? No!” You cried, “That’s so strange, why?” You spluttered. Rigo shrugged.
“I guess being the oldest means being the most boring.” He sneered, and the other kids jeered you on, “It’s not even that hard.” He said, airily.
“Fine, if it’s not so hard, you have to do it too.” You told him, poking him in the chest. He huffed.
“Easy.” He grinned, but his expression turned soft as one of the youngest, a little girl named Ji-Ryu, who was about five, tugged on his shirt.
“Can we help give the Stormies flowers?” She asked, and a few kids who were also very small nodded vigorously. Rigo paused, torn between looking amused and endeared.
“That’s not what we’re-”
“Please, Rigo , we’ll be nice and we won’t pick the bad flowers.” The girl interrupted, her eyes going wide as she quivered her bottom lip; the kids in your group could do the best puppy-dog eyes, which was great when asking for food, less good when it interrupted a heated match of truth dare or dare. Rigo looked at you, helplessly and you knelt down beside Ji-Ryu.
“Can you help us on a secret mission?” You asked, and her eyes lit up. “When we ask, you have to run in and give the Stormies flowers, be as cute as you can, that goes for all of you-” you pointed at the little kids behind her, “while Rigo and me give them secret flowers, OK?” The little kids began cheering, running off to gather flowers.
“Good call.” Rigo mused, and you smirked.
“Thanks.” You paused, “What if we’re caught? Stormtroopers aren’t exactly known for their leniency.” Rigo snorted.
“They’re also not known for their great aim, so I think if you run in a zig-zag you’ll be fine.” He said, smiling as one of the kids brought you both a bouquet of flowers. Rigo looked from the flowers to you. “First to five?”
“You’re on.” 
You and Rigo spent the rest of the day directing and coordinating your squads of children, intercepting the Stormtroopers while the two of yhou swooped in to place your flowers. The rules were simple; the flower had to stay in contact with the Stormtrooper for a full minute, if it falls off, you don’t get the point. You can sabotage one another, but not violently, and when one person gets to five points, the other person only gets one turn to match them, and the game continues until someone fails.
It was close to the end of the day and you were pretty disappointed, waiting with Rigo to watch the Stormtrooper for the minute where he was securely lodged in between two plates of armour. He had called out to the Stormtrooper during your last go, making the trooper turn and spot you behind him, where you were trying to wedge a flower into the gap between his helmet and bodysuit. You scarpered, running out of them and dropping the flower, terrified, while Rigo simply laughed.
“I said I’m sorry!” He argued after the minute was up. He had officially gained five points and you were stuck on three, with seemingly no hope of return. “Look, I’ve got a final challenge. If you complete it, we call it even and I drop the dare.” He said, ad you narrowed your eyes suspiciously. “The Knight of Ren.” He said and your eyes flew open.
“No. No way. Too far, too far even for you.” You snapped, taking a step back.
“All right, I’m suggesting this because I’m your friend and it’s hilarious; what if we went in all the kids at once, so you’re not going in alone.”
“I’m not going in at all; he’ll literally kill me, Ri.”
“Fine!” He threw his hands in the air, “You flank them and chuck a flower in his hood, like a stealth grenade.”
“Why are you so interested in this?” You asked.
“Mostly boredom,” he admitted, “but also, we’ll never have this opportunity again, don’t throw it away.” You took a deep breath.
“Make sure all the kids get out before I do.” Your voice was even but you were a mess of sudden nerves inside.
“You talk like you’re about to die-” Rigo chuckled.
“Promise me.” You said, jabbing him until he promised. “Give me a flower.” You grumbled, and he did. You waited for him to orginise the children, before he turned to you.
“Alright, they’re going to run in from the front, yelling and throwing flower petals, you’re going to come through the back, going straight through the middle. Toss the flower into the guy’s hood and keep running, OK?” He clapped his hand on your shoulder and you nodded, despite your uncertainty. You slipped through the backk alleies until you were able to see Rigo waiting for your signal. You gave him the thumbs up and the children began to run out through the street, laughing and shouting and distracting the Stormtroopers as you raced through. Your heart was in your throat as the flower in your hand was all but crushed in your grip, but you could see the Knight of Ren in the middle coming up fast and you shoved all thoughts from your mind, throwing the flower at him and continuing on.
You heard Rigo call out for the kids to move out, but a hand grabbed the back of your shirt, and you were yanked backwards. You let out a yelp as you were dragged back by the cold hand of a Stormtrooper, and suddenly you found yourself staring up at The Knight of Ren, a wilted, crushed flower sitting atop his head. It would be funny if it wasn’t terrifying.
“What is your name?” His voice was deep and cold, making you flinch. You were silent. “What is your name?” he repeated.
“[Y/N].” You whispered. He thought for a long moment.
“And what-” he picked the flower off his head with a delicate hand, “is this?”
“A flower.” You whimpered.
“What?” He asked, voice loud.
“A flower, Sir, from the Amidala Memorial Garden.” You yelped, shying away as best you could in the Stormtrooper’s iron grip. “Please, don’t hurt me! It was just a game! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You pleaded, bracing yourself for anything. There was a long moment of silence and curious, you opened your eyes just a fraction. The Knight of Ren’s mask was terrifying up close; he was squatting down to be at eye level with you, and in one movement, he removed the helmet. 
You were expecting some horrible creature, a monster that would haunt your dreams, instead, there was just a man. He looked older than you, but not by more than ten years.
“I’m not a monster,” he assured you,, before looking at the flower in his hand, “Who is the memorial for?”
“I don’t know- some Queen who died a long time ago.” You mumbled, “There’s a sign there, I think.” You told him. He looked to the Stormtrooper holding you, before waving him away.
“Can you show me the way?” He voice was surprisingly soft, and you nodded, shakily, squirming nervously. He straightened up, gesturing in front of himself for you to lead the way. You didn’t look behind yourself, simply weaving through the well known streets, trusting that the Stormtroopers would keep up. 
The park was beautiful, with a bronze statue of a beautiful woman surrounded by flowers. You turned to see the Knight of Ren gazing up at the statue with awe in his gaze.
“Did you know her?” You asked, it was a stupid question, he was fairly young, but there was an knowing glint in his eye. There was regret in his voice when he answered.
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