doctorwyvern · 9 months
You and I sit patiently
Cross-legged on the floor
A pomegranate in my palms.
Carefully quartered and ripe,
I rip it to pieces to share.
I dig my claws in to carefully
And meticulously
Separate the seeds from
Its bitter white flesh.
My hands stain burgundy
And yours remain clean.
Sickly sweet blood drips
Onto my neat
Pressed brown slacks
And the grass leaves marks
On your old blue jeans.
I feed you handfuls
Of juicy red arils.
You suck off the flesh
And spit out the seeds.
My brother,
I will always love you,
I proclaim
As I wipe
Your face away of stain.
I pray you never see
The cruelty
Of the world.
And when you
Are much older
I hope you peel
My nectarine
And separate its
Bitter white flesh
From its ripe fruit.
When you are
Much wiser
I hope you kiss me
On both my cheeks
And swallow the seeds
Of your fruit.
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aroacesetitoff · 8 months
Class Swap AU-Bard Kyborg
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So basically:
-the Laywood-Hook is half-elf family that lived in Everwinter until their youngest daughter (Violet) was born and they moved down to Ürbloom. Hyacinth is the dad, Aster is the mom. Their oldest daughter (Marigold) and their twins (Rosemary + Hawthorn) grew up with Kydelius & Karynanna beforehand
-Quadron attacks Everwinter (Kyborg ~8 [ignore DND elf aging rules]) and Kyborg finds the robot arm
-Hyacinth (human witch) gets a vision and Aster (elf barbarian) goes to Everwinter to try and help. Shes too late to fight but takes Kyborg w/ her to Ürbloom
-Kyborg grows up w/ four adoptive half elf siblings and goes to the College of Valor and eventually becomes a travelling bard
-meets the other three Infinights also going to Boulderay
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