brainbesplit · 1 year
with the amount of uses copper is getting in this update i just want to say if they add the copper "golem" into the game and it has that ungodly fucking nose i'm going to personally march to jens bergenstein himsefl and shave him completely bald EVERYWHERE. i will douse this man in fucking flaming nair hair remover
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I can't stop thinking about the mangle weed trio so I'm just gonna say shit about them here :
If they play Minecraft Mike has no clue what's going on ever and Jack has to save him from mobs all the time (Mike is completely oblivious to the mobs) and Michael is either lost or making their house pretty. They basically all have roles Jack Hunt's and saves both Michael and Mike from mobs (Michael just sucks at fighting) Mike gets materials and stuff and Michael builds and farms. Michael built their house in a lush cave Mike found while fucking around. Mike has somehow never died once in their Minecraft world dispite being the only one who hasn't played before. They have to have keep inventory on because Michael always forgets fall damage is a thing and also just in case Mike dies at some point.
They all express love in different ways Mike likes to give gifts and do stuff for people Michael likes physical touch Jack loves words of affirmation and physical touch (semi due to his dependency on touch to believe things are real)
They actually have three kids! Gregory was adopted by Michael before he even met Mike and Jack then one day they just woke up to see two eggs on the floor in front of Michaels bed and they named one nebula and the other goober (Michael named em)
Their wedding rings have stones made of their own blood (they have weird looking blood so the stones are very pretty)
Michael likes to bake and he always gives at least one treat to Mike and Jack (he usually gives some to his mom too but he has to go to heaven for that)
The original story of how they became good friends was that they smoked some weed and stole mangle from Freddy's and then Michael fixed it up but I ended up forgetting about mangle after a while
Jesus and god have this bit where they show up when they say "oh my god" or "Jesus Christ" and sometimes god will just call Michael baby girl to fuck with him and Michael does tend to call her a whore (she does not care when Michael insults her cause she can't even really do anything if she was bothered by it)
They're only gods because the old gods that were in their place wanted to retire and so picked them as their successors and just kind of left the responsibility of all the universes in the 3 dumbasses hands (they're pretty powerful but rarely use the full extent of their powers because they don't like to seem egotistical like some other gods are)
Jacks "true form" (basically a form a god takes in the afterlife) actually has two heads the other head is named Jackie and she's essentially a gender bent version of Jack and when Jack uses his usual form she's basically just in the back of his mind hanging out
Michael has done Mike and jacks makeup before and Mike didn't like it very much
Only Mike and Jack have pet names and they started out as Michael teasing them for something (Mike's is princess and it's because Abby forced him to go a whole day wearing a princess outfit and Jack's is puppy for obvious reasons)
Michael is an alcoholic Jack smokes weed a lot and Mike only sometimes gets drunk/high so he has to deal with British man and giggly idiot a lot (when Michael is drunk his fake American accent drops and he sounds very British)
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Because I can,...thoughts on who would dress as what for Halloween.
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Vampire, whether pastel or not, who even knows. Probably similar to this outfit, save she'd also get contacts, some fake blood splatters near her mouth, and just have fun hissing at people. For those who can't see the outfit- think 'victorian vampire' with a dash of detective.
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Semi-sexy pirate costume, probably a mix of a man's and a woman's outfit, since they'd want the feminine proportions but the masculine attire itself. Probably had to commission it, thank stars for making funds as a construction worker and protector of the city.
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Fire captain. Mate doesn't really trust that any outfit they wore would look 'nice'. Would let the cats they look after at the cafe tear holes in it throughout their shift, no doubt. Mate doesn't mind or care.
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Middle right. She'd claim it was a 'healer', no doubt. Honestly, Fin just strikes me as the type to wear witch-hunter outfits despite being a self-proclaimed witch.
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Enderman from Minecraft. Absolutely just uses the whole 'stare at and they go wild' to disappear the moment he's spotted. Claims it's just 'really good visual affects'.
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Hilariously, wine god costume. Even though the mate definitely has a low alcohol tolerance. However, it would semi-match with Bless, so they'd be happy.
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Forced to wear a costume by some of his 'coworkers' (fellow agents). They somehow managed to convince him to wear a sexy cop costume, though Rust doesn't really get the intent behind it.. Xey're mostly in this to get its fellow agents to shut it.
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A couples' costume with Tempest. He'd be the frozen king to Tempest's burning queen.
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Sexy valhalla prince. Of course, he'd save that for later in the night....at the start, the top is replaced with a chain-link chestplate, though he does keep the cape (and gains a sword + scabbard- no not that sword, mind outta the gutter).
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Wants to wear a costume, but he's afraid of being spotted by anyone. Wouldn't dare to wear one at the temple or anywhere near it while in disguise, either.
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A couples' costume with Azure. She'd be the blazing queen to Azure's freezing king.
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Good luck, she can change her form at will, so if she wants any costume change throughout the night, she'll get it instantly. Defaults, however, to a lizard witch.
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