looselucy · 6 years
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Fifty Seven - Baby I’m Yours
Louis and Eleanor were the last two to leave, the atmosphere seeming incredibly tense as soon as Harry’s dad arrived. It wasn’t long before excuses were made, and everyone exited the property. Harry was speaking with his dad in the garden, their voices blocked as they spoke between one another. As far as the eyes could see, the conversation didn’t look too positive, in fact it looked quite the opposite. I could tell mainly from his father’s over-sized hand gestures, and Harry’s solemn face. “Good luck.” Louis placed a kiss on my cheek before stepping out of the door. “Do I need it?” I asked worriedly.
Eleanor moved to Louis’ little red car, giving me a sympathetic wave goodbye as she clambered inside, leaving me and Louis to continue our farewell in private. I knew I wasn’t going to like what I was about to hear. Louis let out a deep breath, not really fond of the idea that he was going to have to be the one to break this news to me, but he did have the decency, of course he did! Louis was one the most decent human beings I had ever met. “He’s just… not easy to please.” He spoke. “Okay...” “He’s ridiculously protective of Harry. Seems to think all of Harry’s friends are fake. Only there cause of the money.” “So he’ll think I’m what? A gold-digger?” The idea was laughable. “I’m not saying that outright.” Louis told me. “But if I know Des at all, that’s probably somewhere in his train of thought.” The thing that ran through my head in that moment was, how do I prove him wrong? Thanks to our indoor relationship over the past year or so, Harry had never really gone all out for me, our relationship was the furthest thing from being based around money, because we practically never had the opportunities to do so. There were small gifts from time to time, but other than that, I couldn’t think of anything. Also, thanks to the videos I was earning more than enough money all by myself. But I didn’t think that was the point. I think his dad feared about it future wise, that I might just be stringing him along and pretending I wasn’t there for money, when I could have been eventually, given time. It obviously wasn’t the case, of course not, but how do you prove that to a protective father who doesn’t see his son as often as he’d like? “Why would he think that of all his friends? Harry’s such a nice guy. How can he accuse all his friends of being like that?” I questioned. “Because at one point, they were.” Louis simply said. “What?” I hated the story before he even began. The idea of people using Harry sent me into overdrive and my blood boil, anger and vexation pumping my body rather than its usual feel. How shallow people could be. “It wasn’t long before he met you. Bunch of… really awful people, who me and the boys hated from the get go. Harry was just... blind to it. Too nice to realise they were just using him. Some shit happened, and… I dunno. His guard went up even more after that.” I didn’t even question why he hadn’t told me about it, and I didn’t want to delve into the matter further than that. That was enough information for me. I hated what that may have done to him, his view of people and life skewered because selfish wankers felt as though they could take him for a ride. I hated it, and I hated the thought that his dad might think that I was out to do the same, that those were my intentions. It couldn’t have been further from the truth, the mere idea of it knocked me sick. I could see Louis studying me, kind of waiting for a reaction to reveal what I was thinking, waiting for me to maybe speak and ask him about it, but I wasn’t going to, it depressed me enough without fine-detail. “You okay?” He asked me. “I don’t know.” I sighed. “You’ll be fine. Honestly. It’s clear you love Harry.” “Maybe to you.” Louis couldn’t find anything to say to that, he just gave me a sorry hug, then went on his way, he and Eleanor both shooting me looks of sorrow and sympathy through the car window as it backed out of Harry’s drive, making me feel even worse about my upcoming meeting with Harry’s father. I wearily closed the door, and began questioning what I should even do with myself. Avoid them? Go into the garden and introduce myself, pretending I wasn’t aware of the serious discussion they were in the middle of? I had no idea, so for a few moments, I just stood there and concentrated on my breathing. Heavy puffs. In. Out. In. Out. I tried not to think about anything, I tried to clear my mind of every single matter and feelings that overwhelmed it and just stand there empty for a few moments, but I only began to question who I was. I was so scared of being judged by him, scared of what his thoughts would be of me. Because even if he realised I wasn’t there for the money, would he like me? There was a possibility of him disliking me anyway. That’s why I was questioning who I was. That’s why I was questioning everything, really. I decided to just suck it up, and approach him, knowing it would happen at some point no matter how much I was dreading it. I moved through the house and didn’t even concentrate on my footsteps, soon in the garden with the two of them, causing their conversation to come to an abrupt halt. Harry just stared at me, an unreadable expression on his face. I literally cannot put an emotion to it, not even the slightest hint or inkling to his inner feelings read on his features, it was just an empty gaze. Des gave me an awkward smile, like he didn’t really know what to do or say. I think at that point I became a little irritated, frustrated with the fact he could be thinking so lowly of me. I think another thing was, myself and Harry had finally found ourselves in the scenario where we had nothing to worry about, nothing to hide. We could just be ourselves. I wasn’t willing to let someone take that from us so soon after we had gained it, even if it was his father. I wasn’t willing to just fall down and accept that. And the thought of that happening, unfortunately, did make me angry. I took my gaze to Harry before speaking. “Do you mind if we have a minute in private?” I asked him. His face dropped, obviously not quite expecting me to want a private conversation with his father, but I was ready to stand my ground and prove my point. “Wh-what?” Harry stuttered. My eyes flicked to his dad just for a second, and I could see a similar look of shock create the image of his current face. All I had to do was nod to Harry, firm and steady and he knew I meant what I had said. He slowly stood himself up, leaning in and whispering softly to my ear before he took himself inside. “I’m sorry. Don’t pay him attention, okay? We know what this is.” I occupied myself in the seat Harry had previously been sat in, silently preparing myself for the fast-coming conversation, looking Des straight in the eyes, still confident, still stern, ready to fight my own ground. He sat there in silence, I think he was still slightly bewildered by my forthgoing attitude towards him. To be honest, I would be lying if I was to say I wasn’t pretty surprised by it too, but me and Harry had fought vicious battles in attempts to be together. This, for me, was just another battle. “I’m just gunna come right out and say it,” I exhaled, calming myself. “Do you think I’m here for the money?” I saw it right away, a sense of shame within himself, questioning that of me when this was literally the only thing I had ever said to him. It meant I’d been warned, and he knew that, and he didn’t like it. It spoke through his heavy sigh, like he was silently saying, shit, maybe I shouldn’t be jumping to such intense conclusions so quickly. But still, he had to make sure, for himself. I understood that, in some ways. “I can’t help but question it.” He simply said. “Do you realise that’s a little offensive?” I bit back quickly. “I don’t mean to offend you but-” “No, not offensive to me.” I cut him short. “Offensive to Harry!” From the new expression on his face I could tell he had no idea what I was talking about, not a clue what I meant by that statement, he couldn’t even muster any words to reply to it. So I explained myself. “Your son, is one the most kind, genuine, funny, incredible people I have ever met in my life. He is incredible, and you must know that more than anyone!” I pointed out, and he slowly exhaled. “If you make him feel like all his friends are after one thing, he’s going to doubt himself, and he doesn’t deserve that! He’s such an amazing person. And you know he is. It’s offensive to say no one is there for him and what he’s like, when he’s a fucking incredible person.” I had tried my very best not to swear but I couldn’t help it, the word just flew from my mouth so naturally it was unavoidable. It always was with me. Once more, I had rendered him speechless, which to be honest I was quite glad of. He had no idea what to say to that, obviously never having viewed his actions in that way. I couldn’t help but think of what his words may have done to Harry. If this was a conversation he’d had with his son before, I knew full well that would have affected Harry. He would have felt so low, questioning if he was nice enough to deserve the friends he did have or if they were just there for one reason, and Harry kept his distance from people enough as it was without someone breathing down his neck that they could be there for the wrong reasons. Also, since Louis had told me it had actually happened previously, I was sure Harry questioned it enough all by himself, without his own father making him feel badly about it. Sometimes, I would learn new things about Harry and it would put into perspective just how difficult so many parts of his life were. “Do you see what I mean?” I asked after the silence dragged on too long. “I... I suppose.” He spoke quietly. “I’m in love with your son. There isn’t an ounce of me that doesn’t love him. And that’s all there is. I couldn’t give a fuck about his money.” Did I just swear again? For fuck sake. “I can tell he loves you.” Des couldn’t look me in the eye as he spoke. “And it just worries me. You have to understand why I’m paranoid about my son.” “Of course I understand. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to shun that. But... you didn’t even say hello to me.” More shame, reddening his skin now, making him run a hand through his hair as he tried to look me in the eye, only managing for a split second before they dropped back to the floor. “I’m sorry.” He spoke. “I just... He’s my boy. I don’t see him. I don’t know how to deal with it, sometimes.” I was glad I hadn’t shouted, or been rude to him, despite my anger, because I realised then that the man ahead of me genuinely just missed his son. He didn’t see him as much as he’d like, and I imagined that was the case already when he divorced Anne, never mind when Harry took on the world at the tender age of sixteen. I had to feel sorry for him in a way, though his intentions were true, they weren’t best executed. Maybe, I had even helped him a little. “Well I think I see him enough for the both of us.” I joked. That earnt me a shy little smile, sniffed through his nose with a slight shake to his head. Maybe I was already in his good books, more so than I thought I was. “I’m sorry if I was a bit... hostile.” I said. “I’m pretty protective of our relationship. I hope you don’t think I’m rude...” “No. Not at all.” He smiled. “I kind of like that you put me in my place. At least you’re not a push-over.” Oh shit. He has warmed to me. Shit. “So... you don’t think I’m...” “Not from what I can see right now. You hold yourself pretty well. I like to think I’d be able to tell if you were after his money. You don’t seem that way.” Well. Looks like I’ve warmed to him, too. I put my hand to him, seeing him glance at my straightened fingers as I waited for him to shake my hand, giving him a cheeky smile as I did. “Let’s do this properly.” I grinned. “I’m Anna.” His grin was wide and real. He leant forward, rolling his shoulders as though rolling away the previous feel of our conversation and welcoming this new one, welcoming this new interaction. “Des.” He shook my hand. “And according to my son, I’m your future father-in-law.” “Did he really say that to you? That’s… a little scary.” I faked a grimaced, with a hint of real grimace. “You’re telling me.” He chuckled. “He keeps talking about bloody marriage! He’s… such a romantic.” That weight that had landed firm on my shoulders the very second we opened the door to him, had been lifted so quickly it almost left me with a bit of a headache, my head almost feeling as though it was compressing but it was such a good thing, such an amazing feeling. I had no idea when things became so incredibly easy for myself and Harry. Everything changed so quickly, and we went from feeling as though we were fighting tooth and nail to everything just feeling so weightless, like we were drifting together in calm waters, past the tides and deadly waterfalls. Just drifting. Simple. Clean. That’s how it felt. “So,” I spoke again. “How much do you reckon we can freak Harry out?” “What do you mean?” He smirked, already amused. “I think we go in there all guns blazing, pretending that we’re in the middle of a giant argument. Just to freak him out. That could be fun.” A belly laugh hollowed his body, making his neck snap backwards and his hand slam to the bottom of his stomach, more than amused by my mischievous plan. Still mid chuckle, he extended his hand out to me once more, waiting until I grabbed hold of it in a firm shake before he spoke. “Welcome to the family, Anna.” - March 29th The sight that only a year ago had been so uncomfortable for me was now something I found myself warming to. Looking out to the bare fields, darkness shrouding them with only slight twinkles of light radiating in the distance like dotted stars was something I found myself warming to. Only a year ago, the emptiness made me feel incredibly uncomfortable, and I begged to get back into the city. I couldn’t even believe how different I felt now. I felt it was spurred by all the changes in my life over the past year. Solitude now felt like safety, which truly was something I craved. It was nice to be in places that felt so far from London. The car moved slowly as we neared the building where the private events were held, the cars beginning to line as we slowly neared the incredible building. Harry sat on the other side of the car to me in the back, our fingers linked in the centre of the seats. “Strange isn’t it?” He grabbed my attention. “How much things can change in a year?” I smiled shyly to him, my eyelashes fluttering down as I cast my mind to how incredibly eventful our year had been. We had been together, then apart, then together, then apart, and on the spiral. We were finally happy. Even the thought of the event last year was astonishing. We weren’t even speaking, too scared of the feelings we had developed for one another, Harry didn’t even glance to me once, though I knew he had seen me. I remembered him being angry, hating how sexual me and Alex were in the ‘I Wanna Be Yours’ video. It had been a year since he fucked me to that song. I began blushing at the memory. It was so surreal, thinking of him dragging me to his car, so worked up, so angry and frustrated and threatened by the way he felt. I guess it had officially been a year now, since we decided to really make a go of things, after that night everything seemed to fall into place. Harry squeezed my hand, seemingly thinking of the same things I was as he smiled out of the window, the beautiful building glowing under lights that beamed up to it. “I love you.” Harry mumbled. I knew I didn’t even need to return the words, he knew. I just smiled to him, admiring him dressed as he was. His black jeans were incredibly tight, but thanks to the deep red shirt and the black blazer he still looked incredibly formal, and incredibly beautiful. I was wearing a tight dress, relatively short, up to my neck at the front but backless, long floating sleeves that seemed to make even the slightest hand gesture dramatic. And of course, killer heels. It felt nice being there with Harry, meeting everyone else there but it was nice arriving with him, still gripping his hand as we finally pulled up outside the building, my mind continuing to flash back to the previous year and the emotions I felt at that time. Harry turned and looked at me, giving me an encouraging smile, which he somehow knew I needed before I was even aware of it. “Ready, Honey?” “Yeah. Good luck.” I wished. “Thank you.” Harry and the boys were up for an award that marked growth in artists, which apparently at that very event, had once been won by The Beatles. My fingers were firmly crossed. I was thankful, yet again, for exactly how private those awards were. I needn’t worry of pictures or articles or anything of the sort. I was fine to just be myself and breathe a heavy sigh of comfort. I was more at ease this year than the previous, I just felt like there was less to be nervous about. No video previews. I didn’t need to fear bumping into Harry. There was nothing like that. It was a nice relief. We wandered inside, still hand in hand, and my eyes once more fell to incredible chandelier that glimmered heavy above our heads, and much to my joy, I found Harry doing the same thing, just as mesmerized by it as I was. When we walked past it and neared the stairs, Harry lazily leaned down to my ear, brushing his lips tenderly to my lobe. “You look incredible tonight, Honey.” ----- The evening was going well, as expected, the event full of class and just an incredible atmosphere to it. It wasn’t often I found myself in places like that, dressed that way, feeling that way, so I was making the very most of it whilst it lasted. It was the interval part stage to the night, giving the opportunity for drinks to flow a little more freely and for conversations to flow freely. I stood away from the table slightly, talking to Alex one on one for the first time in what felt like forever. “I missed having you silently encourage me before we won.” He said. “Oh really?” I giggled. “Yeah. It was nice having you on our table last year. Feels a bit empty without you there. Damn Styles practically stole you off me.” He joked. I gave him a playful tap on the arm, giggling at him as he smirked to himself. With every memory and every interaction, it seemed to prove to me more and more exactly how much things had changed. “Well I hope Rachel is good company.” I smiled. “Of course she is.” He almost blushed. “She always is.” I loved their relationship so much I just prayed every day that it would last. They weren’t even very similar, but they just worked, for some reason they fit, they suited each other and brought out the best in one another, which is always admirable. “Anna?” “Yeah?” “Will you be in the videos? For the next album? When it’s done?” I appreciated him asking me, in fact I think I was flattered, the fact they still wanted me around, still wanted me to be a part of their incredible band in some way. I loved that. But still. “I think... maybe I need to make my own career. Something that will last.” I spoke quite sadly. “Do you have any ideas?” He quizzed. “Nope.” I laughed at myself. “I have no idea.” “Until then, be in the videos. Please, Anna. It probably won’t happen for another few years, so… just see how you feel at the time. If you’re… quiet, you can be AM Girl again. If you want.” I moved and hugged him tight, his body easing to mine in seconds, which never used to happen with Alex but he had softened so much over a year. He seemed more real, and I liked him plenty before that. Now, somehow, he was even better. “I’m so glad I bumped into you in Leeds that night!” I breathed. “Me too, Love.” The conversation came to an end and we moved back to our own tables. I really loved that boy. I sat down next to Harry, just smiling to myself, feeling so overwhelmingly happy. I could see him grinning at me from the chair beside me, his mind having left the conversation he was part way through with the rest of the lads I just smiled to the floor, seeing him stare from the very corner of my eye. He moved closer, his lips hot against my ear, his chest practically pushing against my shoulder. “Are you happy?” His deep voice vibrated my chest. I turned so that my lips were close to his, smiling still, feeling the heat radiate from him. I nodded. “Are you?” I questioned. “Of course. I’m here with you.” He pressed a momentary kiss to my lips, before pulling from me, leaving my skin a brand new shade of pink. Which was just about to increase even further. He turned and continued to become a part of the conversation with the boys, his hand giving the top of my thigh a slight squeeze under the table and then resting there, casually speaking to the boys as his palm and long fingers on my bare thigh made me boil over, loving whenever his skin met mine. His hand lay there still for a short while, before he almost started to kneed his palm into me, like he was massaging my skin, his fingers digging into me with almost a harsh force. I couldn’t help myself as I cleared my throat and pulled my chair a little further under the table, relaxing under his touches. He liked my reaction. And he wanted to spur me further. Slowly, with hot skin on skin, he began trailing his hand a little higher, edging up and up my thigh, everyone at the table blissfully unaware of what was going on as we both tried to remain as casual as possible, trying to keep our appearances nonchalant. Upwards he moved, speaking a few uninteresting words to Louis but I could barely even make out what anyone was saying at this point as I widened my legs just slightly, giving him access to me, if he wanted. Which, apparently, he did. He moved that final distance, and found me, already wet and wanting. He bit his lip and inhaled heavily, faltering slightly before he leaned and whispered to me, his voice low and grunted. “No knickers? Such a dirty girl.” He moved away from me once more, leaving me even more speechless than I already was as two fingers tickled at my entrance, playing with the wet area a little, lifting some of the juices and rubbing them across my clit. I was trying my very best, and nobody seemed to have noticed a thing, but it came so incredibly difficult as Harry began rubbing sweet circles to me, making me quiver in appreciation. I closed my eyes for a second, almost letting out a moan until I remembered where we were, what situation we were in. Harry had a smirk in the corner of his lips, so pleased with himself. I imagined he was hard under the table to, just waiting for me to reach out and touch him. You’re not the only person who can tease, Styles. So I didn’t reach for him, that could be his own punishment. He kept pushing, taking me close, so close, desperately close as my breathing became so stupidly hot and uneven, it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide the encounter. Harry moved down, slotting two fingers into me, making me squeal and flinch a little, but thankfully no one seemed to notice. Other than Harry of course. He curved his fingers inside me, chuckling deeply to himself, leaning back to my ear. I turned my head slightly, his breath hitting my neck before his words stimulated my skin. “You’re going to make a mess of that chair, Honey.” Without any more warning than that, he took himself from my insides, leaving me feeling completely bare now that he wasn’t touched to me, now there was zero contact between us. I literally hated it. My instinct was to shut my legs, feeling my orgasm could still possibly take me. So I gripped my legs shut and bit my lip, trying to calm myself. I glanced Harry’s way and he was looking back to me. He took the two fingers that had just left me, and slid them into his mouth, licking off everything I had left there. I think my mouth may have dropped a little, just watching him do that, wondering if I tasted good to him, wondering how much he wanted me. He smirked, impressed with our private playtime that had gone completely unrecognized by the group, who continued talking to each other and laughing around. Harry moved and placed an innocent kiss to my lips, giving my thigh a tight squeeze one last time. “I’ll finish you later, Gorgeous.”
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