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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 44
Professors Layton and Sycamore’s Lecture Course
Why is Professor Sycamore’s name so frequently mistaken?
On our trip, there were a lot of people who would get Professor Sycamore’s name wrong. Wondering why that was, I conducted my own investigation. If there is key characteristic to a researcher, it is that they can’t neglect when something is weighing on their mind. To begin, let us consider the mistakes that were made.
Each time they make the mistake, the professor will stop and correct them, so they surely know his correct name.
Investigation I: The Mistaken Name
Harald: A Froenborg resident (the things he calls Sycamore in Japanese): Salmon, sardine (a small type of pilchard), sirloin, sayori (stickleback), sasagarei (halibut). It seems he often mixes up the name with items of food. He also calls him suspenders and Summer-festival.
Mascha: A Froenborg resident This might be an example of her picking up her husband Harald’s error.
Amanita: A Phong-Gi resident Haamaisan, Maasaihan. Amanita often gets the syllables of his name the wrong way around.
“Now I think about it, the people who get his name incorrect are the ones who seem to have a fondness for the professor.”
Investigation II: The Cause
People’s reactions to Sycamore
(Screenshot of him telling the ‘Never judge a buck by its mother’ joke, except in Japanese its a completely different story about boiling eggs. I have a horrible translation of it here. )
Morel, the Chief The first time that he heard the professor’s joke, he didn’t understand its meaning, then he said clearly that he was bored.
Lepidella, Morel’s husband She’s been worried about her husband, so she is grateful to the professor. She doesn’t say anything about the joke, though.
Sycamore’s Response
To get a well-rounded perspective, a second investigation was conducted to see if the cause lay on the professor’s side. Somehow, he also manages to misread the feelings of others. Harald and the others feel a sense of closeness and at ease with him. Perhaps the fact that they make mistakes is a sign of their trust towards him.
研究講座 ~なぜサ ー ハイマン博をは名前を間違われるか~
今回の旅ではサ ー 八イマン博士の名前を間違う人があまりに多くてね。なんでだろうと私なりに検証してみることにした。気になることがあれば放っておけない人間がいるとしたら、それこそが研究者なのだからね。ますは間違われた結果から整理してみよう。
検証 I: 違われた名前
ハラーケさん スノーラ在住 サーモン、サーディン(マイワシ類の小魚)、サーロイン、サヨリ、ササガレイ。食べ物名と間違うことが多いのかな。サスペンダー やサマーフェス工イバルもあったね。
ママンヌさん こちらは夫の八ラ ー ケさんの間違いをそのまま受け入れてしまった例かな。
ヒトヨさん ムスロッホ在住 八一マイサン、マ ー サイ八ン。ヒトヨさんは発音の順番を間違うことが多いようだ。
ムスロッホ長老シメジイさん 博士のジョークを聞いた長老は、最初は意味がわからずに聞き返し、ニ度目は「シラケたわい」とはっきり口にしている。
シメジイさんのアミガサさん 夫のことで心痛があったせいか、奥さんは博士に感謝している。だがよく聞くとジョ ー クについては何も言っていない。
博士の対応 検証Ⅱは博士側にも原因がないかを多角的に探るために行ったものだよ。どうやら博士��相手の態度を読み違えることがあるようだね。ハラ ーケさんたちはそこに親近感を覚え、安心して気が緩むのだろう。間違うのは信頼の証なのかもしれない。
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