#ALSO. the ghoulettes might as well be a separate species from the ghouls with how they dont spend any time together outside of sex
aweisz · 4 months
i have bad things to say about this fandom's portrayal of women tbh
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 3 years
New ghouls (and older ones) reacting to werewolves in the clergy?
Oooooh perfect since it's almost October!! I went ahead and did all of Era IV and then just added the older ghouls I love writing for the most. Hope that is ok!
Era IV and Older Ghouls Reacting to Werewolves in The Clergy
Special: Special is an odd ghoul who always values the out of the ordinary and unique. He’s always delighted when a non-human joins, because there is so much possibility! You never know how the other humans are going to react, or how the werewolves will find clergy life. But he has been around for a couple of centuries, so he’s seen his good handful of were-siblings. Always finds them a delightful conversation.
Omega: He, like Special, has been around so long that Werewolves don’t surprise him anymore. Omega is more concerned about the other ghouls and humans acting like idiots and either being terrified of the werewolves or trying to pick fights. A lot of younger ghouls can be protective and territorial with predatory species, so it’s instinct to protect their home. Omega as the head aether ghoul has had to mediate a LOT of ghoul started fights. That, and Omega has had to use his powers to calm down humans who immediately start to panic.
Alpha: As head fire ghoul Alpha considers himself just that- the Alpha of almost everyone in the clergy. Werewolves typically have their own pack statuses and politics, but Alpha doesn’t care. He wants any werewolves to follow HIS lead and respect HIM as the one in charge. Alpha has a history of having to physically assert his dominance over other fire summoned ghouls (which is just typical fire ghoul behavior, nothing unusual). Alpha will GLADLY do the same thing if a werewolf wants to challenge him for position. OTher than that? Indifferent unless they become friends.
Ifrit: Actually LOVES werewolves! He ends up always getting along with them the best. A lot of werewolves have the same type of mentality and social etiquette that Ifrit’s particular fire tribe has. So for him it’s like having a very furry fellow ghoul cousin that transforms. Ifrit is one of the ghouls who will happily mediate between any werewolves and other fire ghouls (who are notoriously stand offish). You’ll usually see him bridge the gap between any species, as he is always super friendly!
Air: As the oldest ghoul in the world (™) Air remembers a century where werewolves flocked to the Ministry for protection. It was around the time of the witch hunts and other human fear driven mobs. Many werewolves came to the clergy for safety and in turn served the Emeritus bloodline. He’s not particularly phased by them, as his curiosity died a long time ago. So long as they don’t try to challenge him, Air doesn’t care.
Aether: Like Omega, Aether is more worried that other people (and Ember) might freak out when they find out a new member is a werewolf. Aether is a very accepting ghoul, so a part of him would feel awful if someone was turned away from Lucifer because they are different. That, and he doesn’t want anyone picking fights for no reason (mostly, again, Ember.) Aether likes to be welcoming and help everyone get settled in.
Cirrus: The air ghoulette is always weary around any new members- regardless of species. But she is low key a very VERY protective ghoul. Cirrus grew up in a part of Hell where you had to be cautious of every other living thing outside of your tribe to survive. So she carries this with her on Earth. She is much more open to regular humans now, especially crowds since she has been in the band. But anything that can fight a ghoul and win? On her radar. Cirrus will still be very polite and talk if needed, but she won’t take her eyes off of the werewolf.
Cumulus: Cumulus has never met a werewolf, so would be eager to introduce herself! She’s polite enough to not bombard them with too many questions. But the ghoulette won’t say no to a good story or two! She will be the first one to apologize if any of the other band ghouls come off weird or combative (mostly Ember and Swiss.) Cumulus will try to not be overbearing in her attempts at friendship, should that be possible and they both mesh well. She’s very quick to remind others that they need to treat their new werewolf friend with respect.
Swiss: Aside from fighting the irresistible urge to make furry jokes? Not much reaction! He’s just happy to see more new faces and get to know other people. Swiss has always been laid back for a fire ghoul, so he never understood the whole territorial fight thing. So long as the werewolf isn’t hurting anyone and their transformations aren’t going to kill anyone, who cares? Lucifer is about loving everyone and embracing the social outcasts. It’d be hypocritical to look at other non-humans that way!
Rain: Curious, but is friendly nonetheless. Rain is a very easy going ghoul that isn’t intimidated or scared by new species if they give him no reason to be! The way he sees things, that if someone is invited to the clergy for whatever reason they are friends and allies. Human, fae, werewolf, or eldritch? Doesn’t matter. Lucifer accepts everyone so long as they mean no harm to those in the congregation. Rain, if allowed, might ask a few questions. He’s only seen werewolves in human movies and doesn’t want to make assumptions.
Mountain: More curious than anything. There aren’t many other creatures in Hell as intelligent as ghoul, save for demons and the occasional spirit. Mountain is keen to ask many questions, should the werewolf be ok with it. The ghoul will then ask if the werewolf needs help adjusting to human cultural norms and if he can be assistance! Everyone in the band is shocked that Mountain makes a friend so fast!
Ember: It really depends on what the individual werewolf is like and how territorial or hostile they can be. Ember has always been protective of his homes and friends, so he can easily be set off by the presence of a predatory typed non-human. If the werewolf in question is very chill, Ember doesn’t mind after the initial shock of seeing a not-human around. If the werewolf is also aggressive and territorial? Well, they both have to be immediately separated and monitored for now on if they HAVE to cross paths. Ember tends to get obnoxious when he is defending his home.
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headcanons-ghost-bc · 6 years
Nameless Ghouls: Heat Season
Aight y’all! I’ma gonna try my hand at writing ghoul headcanons! YAY! 
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Alright, to set this straight, I am also one of those people who headcanon that ghouls (and Papas) have heat seasons. However I also headcanon that ghouls can sire (or bear) kits too, as well as have the same energy and mannerisms as cats, (For less serious headcanoning) and they originated by means of being turned, rather than being their own species. (which is a story for another time) But I’m going to write how the ghouls are, in heat...
For this, I’m gonna go with Era 4 ghouls (mostly because I know next to shit about any previous era ghouls, aside from Special... F--- it, I’ma include him anyways) Alrighty, here goes nothing folks!
For ghouls in general: Both Papas and Nameless ghouls have a heat season. At first glance, one would not think so, but you never know what goes behind closed doors. This is the period where they are at the peak of their strength. When unrestrained, they can wreak absolute havoc upon any and every poor unfortunate soul that dares cross paths, unprotected. 
For that reason, the Clergy took it upon themselves to construct a security center where the dungeons used to be. Lined internally with the strongest metals and inscribed with the most powerful and protective symbols and inscriptions. These headcanons will tell you why these ghouls are locked up when in heat and why you should watch out...
Specific ghouls under the read more link below...
Special (’cuz I want to...): This ghoul is one of the eldest turned ghouls and has existed since the early generations of the church. As such, he knows the exact time when he’s gonna be in heat, so he enters confinement a couple days ahead of time. Once the heat kicks in however, expect all Hell to break loose (literally speaking)...
He will screech, howl, hiss like a half-madman, half-beast! He will also bang, scratch, claw, anything at the walls around him. (Not that it would do much good, as the etched writing on the walls basically render the ghouls’ power and strength totally useless) He screams in medieval tongue. His ranting and raving is the stuff of nightmares...
Aether: This ghoul was the first to be turned during Era 4, so he, like Swiss, Rain, and Mountain, are practically trouble.
When in heat, he likes to taunt the clergyguards with things like obscene gestures, name-calling, mother insults, etc. If you are a guard in that place, you will have to have a turn-the-other-cheek mentality ‘cause he will go personal...
Dewdrop: Since he was turned during the Meliora Era, he doesn’t have as much trouble as his ghoul brethren. (and sistren) Unfortunately, that is only saying a lot. Like Special, he enters his chambers a little early until heat season comes.
This one will weaponize his own body fluids, waste and gasses to attempt to get a guard’s attention. (Do not fall for it!) He would even spit pre-chewed food in your face if you gave him access. When heat season is all said and done, Dew’s confinement is basically a mess to be cleaned up...
Rain: This ghoul can, will, and does play on your bleeding heart sympathy to try to lure you in. He will try anything and everything smart from crying, to making noises like a scared cat, to faking injuries. He. Plays. Dirty. Every. Time.
For this reason, the Clergy prefers to hire a guard who’s a hardass minded individual. Unfortunately, even then, that’s no guarantee...
Swiss: Unlike Aether, Rain and Mountain, Swiss doesn’t lose his intelligence during his bouts of being in heat. If anything, it amplifies it even more! 
He lives up to his nickname because he actually succeeded in escaping his heat prison many times! He will use whatever is available to him and turn it into a tool for escapement. You might as well call him McGuyver Ghoul...
Mountain: This ghoul is the most troublesome of all in heat. (Aside from the ghoulettes) That’s because he likes to taunt his guards in a rather... Strange way.
He will set up a pattern where he makes irritating noises and singing out of tune on purpose. Then all of a sudden, he goes quiet. Too quiet. Once someone goes to see what’s wrong, that’s when Mountain strikes the hardest. The fact that he’s unpredictable is what makes guarding him all the more dangerous.
Ghoulettes in general: For the longest time, creating ghulehs was unheard of, and even fewer wanted to even try. While there were many reasons, this was the main reason. The females are even more dangerous in heat than their male counterparts. The reason for this is they are looking for a mate to sate their desires and give them young. 
These ghoulettes were the last to be turned, so that makes it a double whammy. If you are a straight male, don’t even bother with guarding them. The Clergy had to figure out the hard way that the only way the ghoulettes could do minimal damage during heat is to not separate them. Ever...
Cirrus: Aside from all the moaning and noises they make together, this ghuleh is more active in attempting to get a guard’s attention. She can literally smell when a guard is aroused so she will play on that.
There was also that one time she and Cumulus seduced a female guard and snatched the keys from her person and actually escaped.
Cumulus: Like Cirrus, she is also a maestra of seduce and escape. The difference being that while Cirrus is assertive in making trouble, Cumulus waits for the right time to strike and destroy.
This has resulted in many a casualty if one tries to separate the duo. So if you don’t want any maiming, don’t even try to piss her off! Remember clergyguards, a happy Cumulus in heat is minimal damage from the ghoulettes....
Hope you all enjoyed my first Nameless Ghoul headcanon! I’ll be making a Papas (and Copia) one next time. 
I will be reblogging this from my main...
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