#ALSO idk what I did but I've started feeling genuine hunger for the first time in years
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no-one-hears-me · 2 years ago
I don't understand how people get excited to start college
#even as a freshman I didn't wanna go#i knew it was gonna be rough#and I enjoyed hs ngl. I just knew college was gonna be bad#and it was! hate that place#it literally ruined my personality and I actually am upset about that#I used to be soooo funny and cool. but being absolutely exhausted and miserable constantly drained the life outta me#then I also got very deep into ed behavior which also drains all the energy and personality away#it's weird to talk about ed things bc like. I think of that as a relapse but I never recovered#I have had this for years now and have never stopped. it's still very present#it just doesn't consume me as much at certain times ig. so when it becomes a very big focus I think of it as a relapse#when in reality. my behavior hasnt really changed. I just spend way more time thinking about things#honestly my current situation is worse than it was before. now I'm running more than before while eating less most days#I'm gonna be honest. idk how my body does this#the amount of energy I expend vs the amount I consume. very disproportionate#I also have been sleeping less recently and I normally don't sleep much sooooo that's not great#where is my energy and ability to function coming from? I don't have much to burn up realistically#ALSO idk what I did but I've started feeling genuine hunger for the first time in years#usually what I consider hunger is actually just some sort of sickness/weakness/nausea and pain that lets me know to eat#but a few days ago I actually got hungry. which I did not enjoy but it went away after a little while#idk why that happened#Sera
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thecoolerliauditore · 6 months ago
What are your thoughts on SL Gem? I’m genuinely interested to hear your take on her character.
So first off I haven't fully watched Gem's SL POV, nor do I feel totally confident talking about her in a traffic series sense since she's lacking screentime even more than Ren. So this one's gonna be less grain of salt and more. salt mines. do not take it seriously
Gem's character to me is defined by her bravado and natural affinity for leadership but also by her pseudo-crush on not Pearl, but Scarlet Pearl specifically.
I feel like I've made too many cynical jokes about gempearl being evil to me, I don't think they're like. Bad for eachother necessarily in fact incorporating HC into things they're one of the pairs in the series I personally headcanon as hanging out post-horrors (not necessarily in a fully fledged capital r Relationship just. they're hanging out).
But I do think there's something very fangirl-ish about the way Gem idolizes Scarlet Pearl and encourages Pearl to lean more into the character, when Scarlet Pearl has always been more of a coping mechanism. Like, whoa that thing you did to protect yourself and only made things worse is SO COOL. Which is both what is really genuinely awesome about gempearl and what is really scary about it. To me at least. Gem takes all the things Pearl hates about herself and thinks they're Awesome, Actually but doesn't understand why Pearl hates those things in the first place and how they hurt both her and the people around her.
It's all bookended really well too, since Gem despite all her efforts still ends up on the other end of Pearl's knife in the final episode and suddenly it's not so awesome anymore.
On the non-pearl-related side of things, Gem kinda lands in the same hunger games career-esque personality that I box people like Scott, Joel and Martyn into in that she's very much in her element in the death games (until she's not).
I've seen people say she reminds them of how the cast acted back in 3L and SL being her introductory season i.e. her having not quite yet experienced The Horrors would make that make a lot of sense. Especially when she takes death very lightly until her allies start permadying (e.g. her happily accepting Scott's sacrifice and even hitting him around for fun at one point and leading the zombie apocalypse task but being a mess when Scott asks her to kill him the last time). There's this great contrast with her being incredibly confident and capable yet very naive.
The misogynist in me wants to see her knocked down a few more pegs but at the same time she already kind of has. Idk I hope the asuka-coded behaviour rears full-blast next season instead of kind of being in the background. It would be awesome. character arcs and whatnot.
As for like. more miscellaneous headcanons. I think there's pretty much a bit of boy inside every girl but Gem especially I like to think over-performs aspects of femininity to "make up for" her uber-competitive personality. Everything she does is underlined with insecurity to me, apparently. She's also a lesbian.
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notebookmusical · 2 years ago
Aww that's so nice that you were watching a livestream while I was there. I'm so happy that I got to experience that and happy I got to go at all. It was really amazing and I already miss it. The thing with surprise songs is that it's really subjective..like a coworkers daughter apparently said she would have rather seen All of the Girls..which is also cool. I would've liked that too but it was better for me that Aaron was there cuz that doesn't happen every show. The only thing that could've possibly made it better is if she brought Hayley out too..lol. Anyway loved it so much and she did also wear the pink Folklore dress which is one I was hoping for. It was just so cool to even see the Folklore cabin in person too and the Vigilante chair dance.
Anyway..for my other ask..I usually don't read sequels or series. The only time I did was with HP or Twilight and that was when all the sequels were already out. But I totally get what you mean about cash grab and spinoffs. I'm interested in the new Hunger Games movie spinoff though! I think sometimes it's natural or it might be because readers want more. Like with this one, I think the book is like 10 years old and people have discovered it and seeing people like it inspired her to write more maybe? Also it works sometimes when you are writing a different characters perspective too..which is the case here apparently. If I did read series regularly, I would probably forget about it too though lol. Also..I loved the first season of Crazy Ex Girlfriend!!! I never got to finish it though cuz I stopped having Netflix..but I do like when a show is able to wrap up the story. I feel like that happens more often now actually..like when a show is based on a book so there is only one season. Then there's something like the new Sex and the City reboot show which seems kinda unnecessary but you still wanna watch for the characters lol. I did like how they updated part of it..like what it would be like for them now and in their 50s though..which made it seem a little fresh at least but it was just okay. I know people were unhappy with Gilmore Girls too..which idk how to feel about either. So I'm usually up for having more to a story or characters I love but sometimes it messes with what you already imagined in your head I guess. These two books do stand on their own though and you probably don't need to read the sequel either unless you want to and that's if you like it lol. I probably will though cuz I get curious and then I could let you know how it is. Also if you do end up reading Some Mistakes Were Made..you could let me know how it is, or I could start reading it again..or together maybe? I've taken a break from reading too this week since I was focused on Taylor but excited to get back to it. I hope you have an awesome trip in Chicago this week! 🩷
hi 🩷 friend!!!! i missed you while i was out of town 🤍 i hope you've been doin well! what have you been up to? have you read anything good lately? it is so, so interesting how people feel about surprise songs!! because to me i think they're just a bonus to the 43 songs that we're already incredibly lucky to hear, but i've seen people on tiktok/twitter/etc. genuinely upset and angry and claiming that their surprise songs like, ruined their experience or whatever and i'm like ... really? i just feel like the relationship "swifties" talk about taylor is ... very ... interesting, to say the least! my friends and i were so hopeful that hayley would be a surprise guest in seattle night 2, and they'd sing castles crumbling (we were also convinced that she'd acknowledge folklore though, and she didn't) because paramore was supposed to play in seattle the day after seattle night two but had to reschedule. and i'm SO happy you got the dress you wanted for folklore! i think the folklore outfits are just so, so pretty — they might be my favorite set of costumes for the whole show. i'm quite intrigued with the new hunger games prequel! i haven't read it yet (and i've actually only ever seen the first hunger games movie), but i really loved the trilogy when i was younger and have been thinking about finally sitting down and watching them (or maybe rereading, once i'm done with my current rereads). i do agree a prequel like this feels more natural, rather than say, shadowhunters, which has like 50 million books! if you ever get a chance to finish watching crazy ex girlfriend, i highly recommend it!! i also just love all the musical theatre references and i just think it's really well done. i haven't rewatched it since it aired, actually, but i do want to rewatch it soon! i am just very, very bad at watching tv! i'm currently watching the summer i turned pretty, and then when i'm caught up with that (or when i have a little more breathing room), i think i'll watch the second season of heartstopper! i was really excited about the new gossip girl (especially since a couple of theatre people are in it), but it just did not … work for me at all. and yes!! i would definitely be down for a buddy read of some mistakes were made if you'd like? i could start it next week if that works for you!! i just need to get my life together and hopefully finish one or two of my current reads first! i had a lovely time in chicago, thank you my dear 🤍 definitely dreading being back at work tomorrow!
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theaveragepsychoticbitch · 3 years ago
I'm considering making a sideblog for thirsts and the like, also considering making it male/gn reader only. Idk, idk.
Anyways, Bunny Hybrid anon, I've lost your ask but I remember the base of it! So hopefully this makes up for the false post and lost time🙃
GN!Bunny Hybrid Reader x Buddha || SFW || Headcanons || Warnings: Some cursing, but this is otherwise pretty fluffy!
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You've got these fluffy, giant, soft floppy ears on the top of your head that twitch and turn and bend and are just overall TOO adorable-
And you thought he wouldn't touch them?
The first time you guys meet you're shrieking in surprise, because you were simply chilling with friends when you feel two hands just GRIPPING your ears! What the hell man?!
Slightly intimidated once you realize the perpetrator is an absolute beef cake of a man, you direct him on how to gently handle your ears. You've been stuck with him ever since.
Genuinely though, he'll come up behind you whenever, wherever, and just have his fun. You've gotten used to it as this point, even enjoy it. It's relaxing.
Fuzzy bunny tail. He didn't even know you had one until you grumbled about "them" not making cute clothes with tail holes. "...Why would you need a tail hole?"
You kinda look at each other stupid until you go "Cuz I have a tail???"
Immediately you are bombarded with questions, "Can I touch it?!" Coming up several notable times. The most notable having teary puppy eyes, a stuck out and quivering bottom lip, and a whole lotta pleases.
At first, he thinks you need a special rabbit diet. He looks up "what do bunnies eat" on Google and makes food centered around that. THEN he sees you eating meat and goes berserk thinking you're gonna die or something. Very cute seeing the way he visibly calms down when you tell him otherwise.
You're... fast. Like, really fast. Not as fast as a literal god obviously, but he does enjoy racing you around open fields. You've never played tag so much in your damn life. Sometimes, you'll snatch candy out of his mouth and run off with it, bursting into giggles and accelerating when you see how serious he is about catching you.
The little nose wiggles bunnies do? Yeah, you do that. And he's absolutely in love with it. He'll boop your nose to make it happen, purposely say something confusing, waft a certain scent throughout the house, anything he thinks will get him to see it. You've done it out of confusion, hunger, pleasure, anger even. Do it during an argument and all of a sudden you're right and he was a fool to question you.
BONUS lmao
Binkies. When rabbits are happy, they'll jump and do little tricks in the air. The first time he saw you do it was after he gave you flowers and candy (probably as an apology for not just asking about your diet lmao) You jumped rather high and did a full flip in the air, AND managed to land on your feet. Shocked? Flabbergasted? Intrigued? Deeply pleased? He was all that and more. Really wants to see you do it again lol, will probably brag about it to the other gods.
"Yeah, but does your lover do a midair front flip and land on their feet when they're happy? Didn't think so shut the fuck up."
A/N: Life's been so fucking busy these past few months, as I'm pretty sure it was months ago I got this. It feels like it got dammit. I'm so energized and free right now though, I've got a few things I wanna try and iron out and get done/started. Hope you enjoy, Odin requester I'm coming for you next<3
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