#ALSO i'm not editing this bc i value my peace
ruegarding · 19 hours
Wait what's the tea on Wotg makin' Percabeth even worse? /gen /nf
tldr; rick is continuing his trend of having annabeth imply that she thinks her bf is stupid (u can see what i mean by trend here). this is coupled w a lot of ableism: acting like percy is too stupid to function and removing annabeth's disabilities so she can be a girl boss while refusing to address their mental health. this is supposed to make percabeth look cute, somehow, but instead comes off as mean-spirited at best.
first, to establish context, percy's incredibly overworked,
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(he's also on the swim team) and bc of this percy is falling asleep in class and waking up in a panic. this is never addressed seriously despite being a series abt disability. as if that wasn't enough, percy also is never shown to enjoy any of his classes and is frequently written to be stuggling w his grades, just in case u forgot he was stupid (he also is written w the ableist stereotype of being lazy abt school work, too, instead of, you know, disabled). his main motivation is that annabeth will be successful with or without him so he better not be a stupid failure.
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completely ignoring percy was the one who wanted to go to nru. also, zero mentions for the accommodation percy is receiving for his disabilities (nor annabeth's, but she's written like they don't exist so).
and then percy says that annabeth's friend, hana, doesn't like him bc she doesn't think he's good enough for annabeth, going on to think yeah that's fair. this is never addressed bc it's supposed to be a cute percabeth and #girl boss annabeth moment. then percy makes a joke (?) that annabeth's friends are gossiping abt how annabeth can stand to date him when he's too stupid to understand architecture when percabeth walks away to talk. this is not a percabeth win and i'm genuinely not sure how anyone on rick's team thought it was.
then there's this:
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just in case u forgot, percy is the stupid one and annabeth is the smart one. teehee.
and, in relation to ignoring their mental health, annabeth talks abt putting spider webs all over hecate's mansion (bc she wants to make a haunted house), which rick says is ok bc it's not spiders. except part of annabeth's huge traumatic fight w arachne was being covered in spiderwebs that literally pulled her into tartarus. so. weird plotline. similarly, percy has a bit abt having nightmares abt cereberus, which is equally stupid. i talked abt it here. not necessarily percabeth but worth mentioning for context. oh, and percy also bodily-fluid-bends later in the book w no comment except annabeth's shocked expression. correction: while percy does bodily-fluid-bend w no fanfare, annabeth is not there. percy poison-bends in front of annabeth w no comment.
rick then keeps poking fun at how percy and annabeth would make great parents. which. they're seventeen. btw. but yeah anyway percy would make a great dad bc he's got the funny dad jokes (bc he's stupid. haha get it). annabeth would make a great mom bc she's soooooo nurturing what w taking care of a puppy who decides to call her mom and taking care of her stupid idiot useless boyfriend. i wish this was a joke. more on this later.
the line "[annabeth] looked surprised—me comforting her, kind of switching things up" is self explanatory and written specifically to piss me off.
this passage,
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which sucks for many reasons, but especially bc this is rick trying to rewrite book canon w show canon despite very easy ways to include this without acting like percy is an idiot who just didn't notice for the past THREE BOOK SERIES (like a war that took place recently where chiron was injured idk just an idea). instead, percy has to take the fall for rick's error and annabeth has to act like her bf is the stupidest person on earth.
btw, did i mention that annabeth is ahead in her classes and percy sucks at school? teehee.
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wow, it's like annabeth's dyslexia isn't even there!
now, it may seem that i'm exaggerating percy's incompetence.
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this is a real quote from the book.
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so is this!
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and this.
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and—u get the point. rick is acting like percy hasn't outsmarted his opponents bc his personality is stupid and annabeth's personality is reduced down to having the brain cell.
then, percy has a moment where his empathy shines thru and he's allowed to succeed at something (for the first time in the book), except he has to put himself down to make annabeth feel better. bc we can't have percy feeling good abt himself since it makes annabeth look bad. or something. idk.
again, there is no exploration of percy's self-esteem or their myriad of trauma.
to make up for all the times percy was treated like an idiot, annabeth says percy is "a pretty smart guy,"
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which is a surprise to her despite them having known each other for five years.
furthermore, rick is writing percy w a sort of incompetence towards household tasks that is, quite frankly, sexist. here is a good post on how it mirrors weaponized incompetence and here is another one abt the disturbing nature of mom-ifying annabeth. i should make it clear annabeth provides percy food in multiple scenes while percy does adjacent to nothing. she also tucks him into bed like a child in one scene and gets nicknamed "mom" by a dog that pees on her (AND she cleans up the pee while percy does nothing).
so, wottg is essentially 300 pages of mean-spirited bullying from all sides. none of the humor shines through these jokes, none of the facetiousness, like hey isn't it funny that percy is really smart but sometimes completely oblivious, is there. there is no comedic disparity between percy's power and skill and his ability to trip over his feet bc there are no impressive feats of power and skill (anything that would count are immediately brushed off). comments abt percy learning to tie his own shoes w his newfound octopus tentacles don't land in a book where he's acting like he cannot have thoughts without annabeth. and there's no grace to be given bc at no point in any of this handled as a serious exploration of percy's insecurities despite the ample opportunity to do so.
then, when percy isn't being hounded w vitriol, annabeth is being reduced to a sexist caricature of a woman. it does not make percabeth look good in any way.
finally, i need to make it clear that however bad this breakdown makes the books seem, it is worse. i summarized and skipped over a ton of stuff for my own sanity.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
It was one interview, their answers change in half the interviews they do, I bet if they were asked about their editing in a different interview we'd probably get a different answer, so basing your whole opinion on the livestream interview (where Sam was letting Colby so most of the talking, I guess cos he's socially awkward) seems a bit weak. Sure if they gave the same answer in countless interviews maybe I'd see your point of view more.
I would also say a lot of your response to me was talking about how Colby seemingly has nothing going on compared to Sam but truth is we simply don't know what Colby has going on because he simply does not choose to share it with the general public. He could be re-learning an instrument as well, he could be writing songs, he could be becoming a fortnite champion for all we know. Just cos he's not talking about it does not mean he's not doing it, that's his private life he doesn't need to tell us that stuff.
The only reason we know about Sam's stuff is cos he's chosen to tell us, if he didn't tell us then would you assume he was doing nothing but editing his life away as well? And even if he's not doing big things like Sam does he even want to? he's an introvert after all and most introverts prefer to spend their free time at home doing whatever their heart desires. Why does he have to be doing big things like Sam for you to consider him having a fulfilled life? Not everyone is like that, some people are happy with a quieter more peaceful life (I'm very much into not doing any of the things Sam is doing, that's all big extrovert energy to me)
You consistently point out that Colby gets less credit but that's not what I've seen especially in the fandom of this time, of the two of them Colby is usually the one getting most of the love and most of the credit in most of the corners of the internet while Sam is just there or getting hate. The only places I've seen people claim that Colby is not getting credit has been here on tumblr and tbf you guys are older than other areas so I will concede that maybe that's how it used to be in the fandom, but it's not how it is now.
I'm sorry, but your attacks on the man do seem very justified and mostly based on assumptions given we don't know what Colby's doing in his personal life and one interview. But you are allowed your opinion, just as I'm allowed mine so I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm probably going to block you now though as lately your asks have been very spiteful and negative, I love your fanfictions though so do please keep writing even if I no longer get to enjoy them.
i guess it's a little pointless of me to answer this since apparently you're blocking me, but i feel like talking so…. it's whatever.
first and foremost, if we're gonna say "we can't take their own words into consideration bc their answers always change" then what is the point in listening to them? what is the point in getting upset at me for going off an assumption if apparently i can't take their word at face value? i'm not disagreeing that their answers change - bc they do from one livestream to the next, but that doesn't negate what they said currently, which is jc's livestream. if they do some other interview or whatever and their answer says that sam does most of the editing, then i'll gladly eat my words. but based off the fact they hired an editor that does sam's part, one that he gave 20 pages of notes to, and that SAM AGREED WITH WHAT COLBY SAID, i'm gonna assume it's correct bc why else what they have said that? they wouldn't randomly lie.
also for the longest time the both of them did edit their content, it's only recently that things have changed; pretty much within this past year. so their answers from years ago are gonna be different than what they say now.
and about colby's free time - he doesn't share with us what he does, that's true. but he also has SPOKE about what he does - which is literally editing and that's about it. he has outwardly expressed that he doesn't really have free time. all he does is hike, mostly edit, and go out to the same parties that sam does. and to me, personally, that's not a lot of free time.
and i'm not expecting him to go crazy like sam and tell us everything or do the same as him and relearn instruments or whatever. that's not the point. my point is that sam all of sudden weirdly has a lot of time to do things, to have hobbies - which is not something colby has outwardly expressed is something he has - and my GUESS is bc sam isn't spending hours on end editing. and my reason for thinking that is bc colby explained their editing setup, and sam doesn't edit all that much anymore. he gives notes, he supervises. but physically editing is not something he does all that often anymore.
but again, i never said he doesn't edit AT ALL. just not as much as he once did before, when it was a 50/50 split.
if we're talking about across the board who gets more love, sure; colby gets more than sam. however, if you're trying to argue that sam gets hate in space of that, you are incorrect. ppl either ignore sam or like him. he gets hate, don't get me wrong. i would be dumb to say he doesn't hate. but compared to colby??? apples to oranges. as someone who has been in this fandom since 2018, i can tell you first hand that colby, while getting a lot of love, also gets a RIDICULOUS amount of hate. borderline on a level that is unheard of. here, i'll spitball some of the random hate colby has received over the years: wished happy international women's day on twitter and was called misogynistic, literally any single time he's around a girl there's drama, constantly being slut shamed even tho we don't even know how often he hooks up (and also that doesn't matter anyway), getting made fun of for his face getting puffy, liked a pic of a fan in merch that didn't have a fan account, talked about his diet and exercise and didn't take into account that not everyone should follow that same regime even tho that's not what he was saying, anytime he grows facial hair he loses followers, literally was so concerned with how fans would react to him possibly not having hair bc of chemo he CONSIDERED NOT TELLING US ABOUT HIS CANCER DIAGNOSIS. need i go on?
colby got a death threat so severe and dark and gross that he removed himself for over a week off of twitter and from that point forward barely goes on that site bc of it. the equivalent for sam? nonexistent. and i don't wish that for sam. no one deserves that level of vitriol thrown their way. but while sam may not get as much love as colby, he also certainly doesn't get as much hate as him either. sam has also said in a video (i wish i could remember what one) that he doesn't care if ppl like colby over him. and vice versa. so this is such a non-issue. the hate in general needs to stop, that's the only thing that matters.
also when i'm talking about colby getting credit, i mean in terms of editing. bc again, tons of fans have said sam's a great editor for years now, but no one has ever truly said it about colby who has ALWAYS done the editing.
and yeah, i guess we gotta just agree to disagree. i don't agree with you that my asks have been spiteful or negative, just bc i made one or two comments about sam. but if that's how you feel, so be it. bye ✌️
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eunjidrabbles · 3 years
Ok so Sua might've also captured my heart 👉👈 May I request another scenario but this time with her? Also 8th member reader. Sua in Boca era was just absolutely e t h e r e a l (ngl she always looks ethereal) so maybe the girls are also in like another show or just a vlive and reader cant help but stare at Sua bc 🥰😍💞 she gets called out and goes "i'm admiring art" or smthing smoother than that djebdksn then Sua gets flustered? Thanks again for your time, feel free to change anything ✌
(Honestly Sua is soft af even though she puts on this tough and loud act. I didn’t exactly write this in Boca era because I kinda wanna bring a bit more comedy so who better to add than Savage Handong? Anyways, this is in reference to that one Handong and Sua Vlive. This was a really short and fun (Get it? Since Bora is short and fun?) one to write tbh hence ya’ll are getting this early even though I said I was gonna be resting.
Edit: I love the fact that the few requests that I got are just chances for me to throw pickup lines and be as cheesy as I want to be.)
Word count: About 1.2k
Huffing loudly in frustration, you held your head in your hand and let out a long whine only to cut it off when you catch a head turn sharply to face you from the corner of your eye. Looking up and away from your homework to meet the other’s gaze, you gave a sheepish smile and mouthed out a sorry before going back to your notes. “What was that?” You hear a hum before a hand gestured for you to sit next to her. “That... is our cute (y/n)!” Pouting when you realized that you have to make an appearance, you picked up your notes and sat next to Handong as the camera was turned to you. Winking as you gave a little two fingered salute, you gave a quick greeting to the fans watching the live. Now with another person in the live, Handong easily kept the flow of the vlive by bothering you with questions until you pouted to her and gave a soft shove. “Unnie! I’m trying to finish my homework, you promised that you would help me with it too!” Whining yet again, you laid your head on Handong’s arm and looked to the camera again to entertain the chat. “Somnias, Korean language is really hard.” Picking up your open notebook, you covered your face with it fully knowing Handong was staring at you and your antics, silently judging.
Hearing the door open, you jolt up and turned to the door in fear that it was your manager coming in to reprimand you for your lax posture while your notebook slid off your face and onto the ground. Seeing a familiar face, you relaxed and bent down to pick up your book while the figure made her way into the room, closing the door behind her. Seeing the confused look on Bora’s face, Handong chuckled as the other girl greeted the stream. You set your book back on the table before focusing on what the other two women were talking about.
“I was studying.”
“Yeah, upstairs.”
Picking up your pen, you directed your attention back to your work and begin working on it taking advantage that there is one more added member to entertain the audience. Every now and again, you would give quick glances to Bora who while talking, rested a free hand on your shoulder. Feeling more pressure on your shoulder as the woman leaned down a little to come into view of the camera, you turned your attention away from your work to look at Bora as she laughed.
“Ah, I look like a thief.” Hearing Bora whine right next to you, you casually turned back to your work and chipped in on her comment. “Unnie, I think you are one.” There was a pause of silence before Bora’s voice rang out loudly in the small room and both you and Handong flinched from the volume. “What?!”
Daringly turning and looking at Bora right in the eye, you winked. “You stole my heart, unnie.” There was an awkward silence as you feel both your elder’s eyes staring right at you while you held your breath and gave the camera another wink. A shrill screech started right next to your ear as you flinched once again and tried to escape while Bora started laughing and shaking you in your seat to cover her embarrassment from being flustered by your sudden pickup line. Hiding behind her books and avoiding the camera from seeing her face that was slowly turning red, she started playfully hitting your arms and back. Fully knowing that Handong was just sitting and watching the whole scene happen, you pretend to try crawl into her lap to run away and as expected, Bora followed you and pulled the Chinese woman into her hug.
Relaxing only after the eldest released both of you, you slinked back into your seat and attempted once again to try to answer the questions on your homework. You knew what it meant when you were called by Handong into the livestream while you were doing your homework but this was a nice distraction to get your mind off the confusing assignments. Halfheartedly rereading through the same question over and over again, your attention was directed towards Bora whenever she talks. It got to the point where you were just staring at Bora as she animatedly converses with Handong, and the comments were starting to fill up about the fact that you were strangely silent and just observing. When Handong turned back to read the comments, she flicked her gaze onto you before voicing it out teasingly. Unaware of it, both Bora and you started looking between one another, Handong and the camera.
Opening and closing your mouth, you tried to find an excuse for your staring but the truth was the only reason to speak your mind. “Dongie unnie is right, you look beautiful. I’m just merely admiring art.” Confidently, you looked Bora in her widened eyes once again with a little smirk this time and shrugged. Raising both her eyebrows while her mouth hung open, Handong blanched at the scene before her, silently wondering what she did in life to have to be put through playing third wheel in the little games you played. Handong’s reaction was expected to you, but what you didn’t expect was narrowly dodging a book to your face and taking the hit with your shoulder.
“You’re being weird!” Bora’s shout was the only warning you got to raise your hands to block before a rain of hits of the book came down upon you. Flinching, chuckling and letting out a series of “ow!” whenever a hit landed, you shoved yourself out of the chair to dodge her wrath. There was a standoff moment but the second you saw Bora take a menacing step towards you, you playfully screamed and started running out of frame and towards the door. Taking a risk to stop and turn behind you, there was only a short few seconds where you caught Handong staring judgingly towards you before Bora came barreling into you. Reaching blindly behind you to open the door as the woman continued to land her hits, a loud yelp escaped both of you as the door opened and gave way, causing you to fall backwards and Bora to fall onto you.
Sighing as the both of you let out another series of yells and laughter, Handong shook her head and gave her attention back to the livestream. It was to be expected, when an unstoppable force like Bora came into contact with yet another unstoppable force like you. In fact Handong believed that the dynamics that you both have, pushed one another along to go faster, further and longer. It wasn’t bad per say, but for someone that valued her peace, having the both of your together would just end in her having a headache. Speaking of which, she could feel the beginning of the ache starting at the back of her head as she was reading out a comment and was interrupted by shouts from outside the room. After it happened a few times, Handong decided that it was enough of an attempt for today and would probably do everyone good, specifically their managers if she went to break you two apart before you get another noise complaint.
As the chinese woman was giving her goodbye greetings, yet another shrill shriek echoed in the background as she sighed once again and glared out the open door. “Really... these two.”
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I'm pretty certain that I'm an XNTP but not sure which one. I can't tell if I use Ne first or Ti. its like my internal thought process is always chewing on a piece of information looking for what makes sense, and when something doesn't make sense I can get stuck thinking about it over and over trying to find a way for it to make sense, I do this a lot with past social interaction, trying to figure out what the other person "objectively" must be thinking. but i think ENTP maybe makes more sense bc I think my Si is much worse than my Fe, and I feel like this past year(I'm 22) I've developed my Fe a lot more, I'm more likely to ask people about themselves in conversation, and stop to consider if something im saying could offset the peace, which I used to struggle with only when I think people aren't making sense(for example when ppl talk about astrology I used to get annoyed and talk about how astrology doesn't make sense, now I just listen and find value in it as a cultural thing even if it doesn't make sense), this doesn't happen so much with disagreements that are opinion based, I don't usually tell people I disagree unless their opinions are actively harmful to others(even then I'm kind of a coward, I don't like confrontation). But I also am extremely introverted in the sense that I'm always living in my head, I feel like my world is directed inwards, I am literally a hermit, I am almost never in the moment, so it would follow that my dom function is introverted. is this a contradiction, or is it common at all for ENTPs to be hermits?
Hi anon,
Most Ne-doms are pretty extroverted, in my experience, even when they say they’re not. They definitely spend a lot of time internally focused, because they are intuitives, but they also usually line up with extroverted patterns, ie, energized by being around lots of other people and stimulation. I would not under any circumstances call even the quieter ENxPs I’ve known hermits.
II would also note that living in the moment is not an extrovert trait; that’s a high Se trait. ExxJs tend to be planners, ENxPs tend to be living in whatever stream of consciousness they’re onto at the moment, and ISxPs are great at living in the moment despite being introverts.
I would if possible set aside whether you think Si or Fe is stronger since neither will be great and it will be hard at your point in life to assess what’s Si development vs. basic adulthood necessary skills, or Fe development and...basic adulthood necessary skills: people skills edition. I would just focus on which of your top two functions of Ti and Ne seems stronger to you, if that’s possible. Unless you really feel Ne is more prevalent than Ti I think INTP is probably more likely, given what you’ve said.
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