#ALSO i really love whenever gladstone is in blue or red like he has the rangeee
mrgladstonegander · 3 months
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there are other gladstone designs that i love but didnt include but know that im thinking of them too
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myselfinserts · 4 years
I still remember the day I met you…
Odette was frustrated. She’d had to drop three clients in a single month because they kept cancelling mere seconds before their appointments were meant to start. She was struggling with getting a new version of the Atelier’s multi-tool to work properly in time for the testing phase. 
And now, she had a three week long job starting that day at ten, and because of her summer temp, she had no idea what the real name of the client was. The only reason she had accepted this client in the first place was because Harper said Kasumi needed a favor for a friend. And for whatever reason, they'd neglected to put a reasonable name on the lists.
Were it not for the fact that Harper chased off an attempted thief just a week ago, she’d have sent them back to Ena without a second thought. 
“Alberi,” she said firmly. “You will tell me who it is that I’m seeing today right now.”
Harper shrugged, taking a swig of their coffee. “It’s on the memo, boss. I already gave it to you.”
“'Battler Jewels' is not a name! It's a pseudonym based on a video game character and fancy rocks!"
"Say it three times fast before the 10 o'clock shows up, Allard. You're smarter than this."
Odette rolled her eyes, letting out a long groan. "You think saying 'Battler Jewels, Battler Jewels, Battler Jewels' is going to do anything-" She paused, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "I hate you so fucking much. A shitty pop culture reference on top of pop culture references? How juvenile. I should defenestrate you right now for this bullshit."
"Oh, you're feisty," Harper teased. "I like that in a goddess."
"Just who is this Beetlejuice imposter you're having me work with? Because I'm about ready to cancel their appointment."
They set down their drink with a sigh, leaning back in their desk chair with their hands behind their head. "I can't legally tell you, because this is supposed to be hush hush, but I can give you a hint. I almost put the fake name as 'Even Hansen'."
Odette felt her stomach drop. But not unpleasantly so. Just hearing the character name invoked the image of unruly, dark black hair and a red beanie. Lovely eyes bordering between amethysts and tanzanite. The star struck smile on that stupid face whenever she would walk into a room. She could almost hear the singing voice now.
"I'm going to make Kasumi pay me double for this," was all she said.
Harper burst into laughter. "Send the bill to Eira! She'll gladly pay triple!"
Odette ignored that comment and went to her work station to prepare. She only had half an hour left until the client walked in. 
This was strictly professional. 
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Right away, Odette knew this wouldn’t be an easy job. 
Granted, it was far easier than her usual fair these days. She wouldn’t be doing anything extreme like redesign an entire hero ensemble or prepare new coding for whatever computer system needed it. But it wasn’t going to be easy on her quirk. She could tell just by watching as the client walked in dragging a garment rack filled with clothes and a small carry on bag behind him. He was clearly uncomfortable in that black cable knit sweater. And the way he moved in those pants screamed agony. He looked nice, save for the iconic red beanie, but in no way was he happy in those garments. 
“Hello Gladstone,” Odette greeted as pleasantly as possible. “It’s been a while.”
“Like, far too long, Clem,” Harper added, putting a long drone on the ‘far’.
“It sure has. Thank you so much for squeezing me in.” Clement smiled as best he could. “I brought a spare set of clothes to change into, but I came in this to, uh...hehe...” 
“You’re clearly uncomfortable.” Without waiting a second, Odette had Harper take the clothing to the back and took Clement to the fitting room. He insisted on keeping the carry on. “So you’re what exactly was so hush hush that it required a fake name?”
Clement blushed slightly. “Ah, that. It’s not technically a legal thing yet, but it kind of is?” He chuckled nervously. “I asked Kasumi that if she managed to get me an appointment with you, she put a fake name down so I could surprise you. And also keep my cover.”
“See, no one is supposed to know I’m here until the official production starts.”
Ah. It’s an actual job that brings him to Paris. How quaint. “Am I allowed to ask what kind?”
He smiled. “A TV show. I’ve got a role as part of the main cast. We’re only booked for one season at the moment.”
She nodded in understanding. “And I’m guessing that these garments you’re wearing and brought with are your character’s typical attire?”
“Yes, and I hate it,” Clement whined. “The person in charge of costume design refuses to tell us what’s in the fabrics, but whatever it is, I’m the only one allergic to it. We don’t have time to fire them and find another designer and I’m at risk of being replaced if I don’t get this fixed.”
Odette narrowed her eyes. “There’s at least half a dozen labor laws being violated here.” Her gaze slowly turned soft. “Take off the sweater and let’s see the damage. I’m guessing you have Mither’s healing water with you?”
“Never go anywhere without it.” Slowly, Clement set his hat aside, and carefully removed the sweater. 
It took all her restraint not to gasp at the red blisters and rashes forming all over his back, shoulders, arms. The way his chest moved tightly as though it were hard to breathe. Odette carefully examined the damage, slipping on a pair of gloves so she could get a better look safely. “What the fuck did those bastards do to you?”
“I don’t know, but I’m already putting together a case to take to court, since they refused to fix this when I asked. They threatened to fire me until I said I’d fix it myself.” His smile had completely vanished now, replaced with absolute dejection. “Kasumi and Ena said they’d take care of getting me an appointment and finding a lawyer. I just need to make sure I keep this job until we’re ready to submit the case.”
Everything was starting to make a little more sense now. Odette’s job was to find out what the materials were made of and make sure Clement didn’t lose his job. 
This wasn’t just a favor. This was another one of Ena’s little schemes. 
“I suppose I could help provide a bit of leverage,” Odette said. “There’s a shower just past the breakroom for employees. Let’s get you out of these horrid things and washed up. Then I’ll take your measurements. You’ll be coming in daily so we can make sure the replica wardrobe fits and is comfortable.” She wrinkled her nose. “I just hope I don’t have to touch these things too much.”
“You and me both,” Clem agreed. “If these are miserable on me, I hate to think what it’ll feel like for you. No one deserves this torture.”
“Abolutely agreed.” She took him by the arm and dragged him to the showers, leaving him alone to get cleaned up and to prepare for the measuring. 
Harper was just coming in to refill their coffee when they saw her come out of the showers. “Not gonna stay and watch him?” they teased. “He grew up nice, didn’t ‘e?
“Shut the fuck up, Alberi,” Odette hissed. She absolutely refused to agree with them, no matter how true the statement may or may not be.
She had a job to do.
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When Clem came back for the fitting, he was dressed in a very nice navy blue suit that felt like heaven under her hands. Odette wanted to keep it so that she’d have something nice on hand to touch in order to reset between the hell fabrics. But she kept herself under control and kept to her work, measuring out every seam and stretch in preparation for the task at hand. 
Clem smiled softly, watching her work through the reflection in the mirror. “I still remember the day I met you… On the roof of U.A.”
“Your cat was startled by me until you assured him I was a much better cuddle companion than yourself.” She smirked. “How is that cat doing?”
“Mr. Pickles is fantastic. Thanks for asking.” He hummed softly. “He’s currently at my apartment. Probably napping.”
“You have an apartment?”
“Yeah, production’s going to last a year. Figured it was cheaper than renting out a hotel room and eating out every night.”
“Smart move.” She relaxed a little. She wasn’t sure why she’d been so tense. Probably the stress. She’d have to go to bed early to make sure it didn’t affect her work further. “It’ll certainly make it easier to have Harper stalk you.”
“Oh god,” he laughed. “I wouldn’t mind though. It’s nice to see you both again.” His face flushed pink. “It’s really good to see you. I...missed you.”
Odette stopped for just a second. She hadn’t been expecting that. “I...suppose I also might have missed having you around. It was nice having someone worship the ground I walk on.”
His laughter grew, and Odette swore she heard him snort. “Glad to see your confidence matches your height now. You used to be shorter than me. You’re what now, 6′ 2″?”
“6′ 3″,” she corrected. “Renegade was none too happy about it at first, but then burst into the whole ‘our little babies are growing up’ charade. Papa was quite annoyed, though I feel he agreed with the sentiment in concept.” Odette smiled playfully. “What about you, petit idiot?”
“5′ 11″. Stopped growing a year into college.”
“A pity. You missed out on the Gladstone Giant Gene.”
“I guess I did.” His face grew bright red. “But...I don’t mind. I’d rather look up at the stars than tower over them, you know?”
Odette scoffed, her smile never disappearing. He wasn’t being subtle. But he wasn’t overstepping any boundaries either. No, this felt like their initial conversations. Simple banter and playful chit chat, with a little added boost to her ego thrown in for good measure. It was simple. It was comfortable. It felt natural. 
When did I start missing these little jabs?
“All done,” she said finally, writing down the last of the measurements. “I think that’s all for today. I’ll be working on the first few garments for the rest of the afternoon. Come in tomorrow and I should have at least one outfit prepared.” 
Clement nodded, slipping his beanie into his carry on. “Thanks Odette. I really appreciate this.”
“Not at all. Anything for an old friend.”
“Yeah. Right. Of course. Uh...” Nervously, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper with his name, address, and contact info on it. “I know that you probably will get it from Harper already but...if you need to contact me...or if you ever just wanna stop by and say hi-”
Odette snatched the paper immediately. “As if I’d pass up another chance to kick your ass at poker.”
Clement’s eyes lit up. “Yeah. Yeah, sounds great. And I can make us dinner. If, uh, if you like.”
She nodded. “I’d like that.”
“Great! Great. I’ll, uh...I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“Ten sharp.”
“I’ll be here early. And I can pick you up something on the way if you want?”
“I have plenty, but thank you for the offer.” Without another word, she lead him to the front, checked him out, and sent him on his way. 
Harper peeked up from behind her computer, wiggling their eyebrows. “So? How’d it go~?”
Odette rolled her eyes. “He’s still an idiot.”
“...But I suppose he’s still my idiot as well.” She headed toward the back room. “Now get back to work. Ena’s got a job for us.”
“Perfect!” Harper cheered. 
Odette just sighed and went back to work. 
Never a quiet day at the Atelier. 
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myselfinserts · 5 years
“You ought to be more careful. People may think you’re… up to something.”
A week until the sports festival. Ena stood in the commons of the teacher’s dorm in her favorite day dress, bouncing on her toes as she waited for their guests. The Gladstone-Adaire family had managed to get two weeks off just for this and would be staying in the cabin Regi had commissioned so many years ago. 
And Ena was taking her cousins to the theme park while the parents were chatting. 
“LESLIE!!!” Ena ran forward and threw her arms around Les tightly, nearly sending him falling backwards as he came through the door. 
“H-hey Ena!” he chuckled, glancing at the sofa.  “Hey Atsuko.”
Atsuko didn’t look up from her book, simply shooting him a peace sign in response.
“Where’s Eira?” Ena asked. 
Luci stepped in, smiling brightly as they held up a new cat plush. “She had princess lessons. She’ll be here by the time the sports festival approaches. She sends her love and this new toy for you though.”
Ena’s smile widened. “Thank you!”
Regi popped up, tossing a golden crab plush over to Atsuko. “And she sends this for you.”
Atsuko caught it without looking, smiling and hugging it tightly. 
“We also got a teddy for Clem,” Les added. “Is he here?”
“It’s Friday,” Atsuko said.
“Right. Sorry.”
Aizawa poked his head out of the kitchen. “Marianne and L should be back in a bit. There was a bit of an accident with the support class so they’re taking care of it.”
Ena did a quick headcount. “So it’s just me, Les, and Atsuko then?”
Aizawa nodded. “Just be back before the trains stop.”
Les raised an eyebrow. “Be back?”
Atsuko set down her book and plush, skipping over to her coat on the rack. “Ena has passes to the theme park so we’re going together.”
“Go,” Luci chuckled. “Have fun.”
Leslie nodded. “Okay.”
Regi paused, pouting slightly. “Is it really okay? I mean-”
“Deku is at the park today,” Atsuko said. “If we’re going to be in danger, might as well be near the number one hero, right?”
“I suppose.”
Ena let go of Les, walking up and taking Regi’s hand tightly in hers. “Please, Uncle Regi. I promise, we’ll be very careful. And we’ll text you every time we switch locations. We’ll let you know when we’re at the park and when we’re coming home. Promise.”
Regi stared at her in silence before finally breaking into a grin. “Okay. Just be careful, alright?”
“We will!”
The kids smiled and said their goodbyes, hurrying off the grounds before they could be stopped. Ena took their hands, her smile weakening slightly. She looked between the two of them apologetically. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m afraid I have an ulterior motive for hanging out today.”
Atsuko pouted. “Seriously? I thought we were gonna have fun.”
“Oh, we are. But we’re making a friend along the way.” She reached into her pocket and showing them a photo. 
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“Tomiko Fujisaki, age sixteen. Heiress to Fujisaki Tavel Inc. Born from a quirk marriage and trapped in a similar arrangement with the heir to a dark-horse retail mogul in the U.S.A. Currently a student at Izanami Girl’s Academy, she is known in the elite circles as the Queen of Spades and runs an underground gambling ring.”
Atsuko’s eyes went wide. “She’s what?!”
“That’s sad,” Les said softly. “Quirk Marriages are terrible.”
Ena nodded. “Her quirk lets her increase her luck on any high stakes gamble from a simple game of black jack to stock markets. Her mother had an analytics quirk and her father a luck based one. She’s engaged to a boy with the power to persuade others into doing minor tasks, such as signing papers or drinking water.”
“Not impressive compared to Heroes but in the business world-”
“They’d be unstoppable.”
Les looked at Ena, a tight knot forming in his stomach. “What are you planning?”
“You’ll see when we get to the park.”
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It took no time at all to find the gambling ring at the amusement park. Hidden in an abandoned haunted hotel attraction that was due for a remodel at the start of next year, the basement was a well lit, beautifully decorated bar with various tables of ongoing games. Roulette, poker, mahjong, chess. Various games from different countries and cultures across the world over were in motion. Everyone was dressed nicely, in various shades of black and red on their suits. Ena, Les, and Atsuko stood out with their pastel casual attire. 
Stood out enough that one of the bouncers wasn’t having it.
“You need to leave,” he said. “This place is for serious gamblers only.”
Ena smirked, holding up her purse and opening it for everyone to see. “We are serious gamblers. And I’m here to challenge the Queen of Spades.”
Les and Atsuko couldn’t believe their eyes. There had to be nearly a million yen in there. How did Ena get so much money? 
The bouncer narrowed his gaze. “I don’t think so.”
“If you won’t let us gamble,” Ena said, “I suppose I could just go find Deku and tell him you’re all down here. He’s in the park today, you know.”
“That won’t be necessary.”
The three looked past the bouncer, and Les nearly fell back in awe. The girl from the photo was more radiant in person. Clad in navy blue, she held her sheer shawl close, smiling as she slowly approached. Her visible eye was a delightful jewel. And in her hand was the card that gave her her moniker. 
“You’re Tomiko Fujisaki,” Atsuko said. “The Queen of Spades?”
“I am.” Tomiko tilted her head slightly. “And you are?”
“We are no one,” Ena assured. “Just some kids wanting to have a bit of fun…though…” She brushed her hair back. “I was hoping to take you on with my friends in a personal match? With stakes that aren’t usual?”
This seemed to catch Tomiko’s attention. The heiress looked to the bouncer and then motioned for the kids to follow her. Ena skipped ahead, with Atsuko giving Les a little shove to get him moving. They were lead to the back, behind a curtain to a small room with beverages and snacks. Tomiko took a seat in the dealer’s chair, nodding to the places across from her. Ena took the left, Les center, and Atsuko the right. 
“So,” Tomiko sighed. “What could a child such as yourself want want with a gambling queen?”
“A deal.”
Tomiko raised a brow. “A deal?”
Ena nodded, her face melting into the same expression as her mother when she had the upper hand. “I want full control over your future.”
Les stared at her. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What the hell was Ena thinking?!
Tomiko seemed genuinely surprised. “My future? What do you know about that?”
“I know it’s not of your choosing and is based in archaic practices that should have been done away with decades ago. And I know you’d love the chance to start over. So I’m going to make this deal. We play a game of your choosing. If we win, you give us full control over your assets and let us fly freely whenever, wherever. “
“Interesting.” Tomiko smiled. “And if I win?”
“Name your price.”
Tomiko leveled her gaze on Les, a glimmer of hunger in her eyes. “A little young for my tastes, but I recognize you from a few news articles. A prince?”
“Adopted,” Les said. “But technically yes.”
“If I win, you and I become engaged. That way I can break off my engagement to the Fredrick boy.”
Ena narrowed her eyes. “Out of the question.”
Tomiko shrugged. “Then no deal. Either you accept my terms or we’re done here.”
“That’s insane,” Atsuko muttered. “You can’t just-”
“I accept the terms.”
This caught Atsuko and Ena by surprised. Ena looked at Les, concern present but perfectly masked. “Are you sure, Les?”
“The engagement only happens if we lose, right?” He looked at the girls, smiling confidently. “I trust you. I know you’ll win.”
Ena smiled, pulling her hair up into a ponytail and setting her purse on the table. “Then I suppose this would be your dowry.”
Tomiko giggled. “A dowry and a new fiance if I win, and you get full control of my company if I lose. Sounds like more than a fair trade.” She snapped her fingers, and a nearby dealer brought a game-board over to the table, setting it up with a variety of shining gemstones. “Mancala Four is the game. I assume you all know how to play?” The trio nodded. “Good. And since I’m the one who was challenged, to make it more interesting, let’s allow for Quirks to be in use.”
Ena nodded in agreement, but the way her jaw clenched gave away her anger at the proposal. This was a game of luck and skill. Even if she canceled everyone’s quirks, there was no guarantee that she’d be able to win. 
She just hoped her plan would work. 
“We’ll go for ten rounds,” Tomiko said. “Whoever wins the most rounds claims the victory.”
“Wait.” Les looked between Ena and Atsuko. “This isn’t a fair fight. We have three on our side and she has only herself. I think we should allow her an extra. I’ll sit out for it.”
Atsuko’s expression nearly faltered. “But-”
“That’s fine,” Ena said. She winked at her. “Just play your best. I promise, we’ll win.”
Tomiko nodded to one of the other dealers and had him sit in. Once the players were set, the game began. It took no time at all for Tomiko to rack up the first win. Then Atsuko took the victory. Then Tomiko. Tomiko. Ena. The air filled with jazz, stress, and the gentle clacking of brightly colored stones. Round and round they went, until it came to a draw. 
“One more round,” Ena said. “Winner take all.”
“You’re on.” Tomiko smiled. “To be honest, this is the most fun I’ve had in a while.”
“Glad we can make it enjoyable for you.”
“I hope this tension will last.”
Sadly, the game didn’t last long.
Tomiko’s Team  | 5Ena’s Team       | 6
The kids all let out a sigh of relief. It was a close call. Far too close. But they won. Ena stood up and walked over to Tomiko, holding out her hand. “I believe that’s match. It certainly was a nail biter.”
“It was.’ Tomiko accepted her hand. “So. What is it exactly you meant by ‘control over your future’. Assets and airlines surely aren’t what you’re truly after.”
Ena simply smiled. “Let’s just say that, if what I’m planning goes through, Quirk Marriages will no longer even be considered to be an option.”
A bit of life seemed to return to Tomiko’s eyes. “Whatever you’re planning…I hope it works.” She slipped a playing card into Ena’s hand. “My private contact info is on the card. Decode it and you can call me any time you need favors. I’m counting on you to make good on that little declaration. Although, you ought to be more careful. People may think you’re… up to something.”
“Thank you.” Ena walked back to the others, grabbign her purse and hugging them tightly. “Now let’s go enjoy the park before it gets dark.”
Icon made with this maker and with photoshop
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