#ALSO got a k-cup stand thing. which is cute af to me.
altruistic-meme · 6 days
i didn't get the specific one i was after, but i DID get a k-cup coffee maker!!! fuck yeah!!! and it came with a coffee filter too, so i can still make regular coffee in it :D
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auntmaydoesnotknow · 5 years
how long did we sleep?
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A/N: i know it’s not perfect but i tried and this is my first fic by the way🖖🏻
Summary: after trip to Europe,you and your friends team up to celebrate MJ’s birthday,but something between her and Peter isn’t the same
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warnings: not so massive Far From Home spoilers i guess???
You weren’t the type of girl who desired to be popular in school. You liked staying after lessons to study in a computer class or practice in labs to check some of your designs . Despite that,you were a real badass. You liked sneaking out at nights to go to the parties or hang out with your friends. You enjoyed Central Park at night time more therefore you were stargazing there almost every night. You liked staying in the hidden place in the library until the very late hours to be able to read in silence and absence of others and then exiting through the broken window.And you also really appreciated your family and loved spending time with them.
You knew you were hard to understand but you didn’t need anyone to do it or tell you compliments.
You hear the bell ring and rush towards the hall to the bathroom.
She is never late so she must be in the class already and you have some time before you meet her.the teacher will probably be annoyed at you for being late again but you decide to finish what’s more important to you right now.
You put the cup of coffee and your bag on the bathroom sink.
“I am very very very sorry” - you write on the inner side of the book cover you bought for your best friend - “Sorry i became your friend only a year ago. You’re the bestest friend i ever had. It’s a fact. And imma be late for the physics class but i’m just hoping your smile would be worth it. MJ,thank you for being glowing,smart af,genuine,indescribable and rEaL friend for me. i love you”
You take a black ink pen to add some hearts and write a post scriptum
“P.s. i was searching for this book a lot for you and i hope you love it”
you close the book,lace it with a black ribbon and write on a coffee cup “happy birthday,hmmmmMJ”
You and MJ. Your friendship started as unexpectedly as you saw her reading your favorite book at the party.You approached to her and that was the moment you both felt something new - how do they call it?oh yes - soulmates thing.
You two are literally soulmates - MJ sees you through and understands you perfectly,you do the same. You’ve changed a lot since you became MJ’s friend and you’re pretty sure this change was an improvement.
You put the book in the bag,take the coffee and catch a glimpse of your reflection - girl in the mirror smiled and was looking excited about making her friend happy.
You leave the bathroom and examine the hall in search of the principle. Your eyes didn’t find anybody so you start quickly heading to the class at the same time checking on your watch.
Well,I’m late for just 3 minutes,I can praise mysel-
The moment after you look at the time once again,you bump into someone and close your eyes as you feel like the cap from the coffee cup has fallen down.
You silently swear and pray it’s not principle. You open your eyes and see Peter’s perplexed face and chuckle.
“God damn Peter watch yourself”You smile pretending to be mad at him and raise free arm to hug him.
You and Peter. You two got very close as you started hanging out with MJ. At first,you knew Peter as a boy MJ was at one Decathlon team at,than the boy she seemed to have feelings for and only then you got to know him personally when he and mj started dating.
He appeared to be very cute and kind-hearted and you couldn’t deny he was attractive to you. But you knew he was already into SoMeOnE and SoMeOnE was also kinda attracted. Generally, you got to know him in Europe trip and generally,the same time he and Michelle confessed their feelings to each other. They started dating bu you remained good friends and so did you,Ned and Peter. Ned and you were pretty sure there was something Parker and MJ were hiding about their relationship that might have happened between them but you didn’t demand to know about it.
Oh and you knew Peter was Spiderman. To be honest,you were not surprised as you and MJ have noticed his strange behavior a long ago but when he confessed it to you everything became explainable.
Parker hugs you back and sets the coffee cap back to the cup. When he holds you close,you can feel his chest moving fast and you can tell he was in a hurry. Again.
“Is everything okay?”You ask softly as you make sure the coffee hasn’t been spilt.
“Yeah,I just missed a bus”He smiles and fixes his hair. and you wish you could run your fingers through these curls as they were the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. But there was already someone else who had the right to do it. And being aware of that made you shiver inside every time.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been running your way to school” you playfully frown
Peter imitates he rolled his eyes and asks you if your gift was ready.
“It is and it’s all cool to talk but we seem to be late” You answer with a smile on your face
“Yeah yeah sure”
His hand suddenly touches yours while you walk towards the class next to each other. You can feel your heart skip a beat and wonder why you even feel this. Peter looks at you without turning his head but you pretend to stay calm and look straight . And that’s why you can’t notice slight blush on Peter’s face and a little sparkle in his eyes.
You open the class door,apologize to the teacher and quickly take your place next to MJ. You wink to Ned and look at the birthday girl. She is sitting still but you can tell by her smile she is glad to see you. You carefully pass her the coffee and watch her eyes shimmer and smile widen as she reads the words written on the cup.
“Happy birthday, cutie” You say and blow her a kiss
She chuckles and whispers quite thank you when Peter rushes into the class according to your plan which included not to show up to the class late together.
“I-I’m sorry,Mr.Clark,I was late for the bus so I -”
“Stop excuses,Mr.Parker,and take your place,We’re all used to your lateness. As much as we are used to Y/N’s one” The teacher looks at you and you silently pray he’s not going to say what he was going to say
“I think it’s time for you both to pay for your morning sleep and stay after the lessons”He sentences
“No!” You both blurt”Please not today,maybe tomorrow?it’s very important ,we can’t stay today,please!”Mr.Clark stops Peter’s begging with shaking his head and continues the lesson.
You press your palms to your face and sigh deeply,then you look at Peter who seems to be as disappointed as you and finally,MJ.
She looks a bit worried but whispers”Don’t worry,we can figure it out”
As the lessons ends,you stand up quickly and hug Michelle. “I’m really sorry” you say pitifully “But I think Peter and I can skip today’s detention,right?” You look at Peter and he nods at once after placing Mj a kiss on her cheek.
“No,no,guys,you don’t have to”Michelle says “I wanted to tell you that my “party”(she imitates quotes) is being put off”
“What?”Ned says loudly
“Yeah,my parents want to spend time with me. I’m not saying we’re not having fun today. I’m just suggesting you to meet 2 hours later. Will you be able to?”
Three of you nod and you sigh with relief.
“Okay,I’m going to French and you boys better buy your gift already”
MJ chuckles and Peter slightly kicks your shoulder when you walk by.
When the lessons are over,you meet MJ to make sure if everything okay and then head to detention room.
Peter is already sitting there and you sit next to him. He smiles when he sees you and you smile back and feel really warm inside.
You open the bag and show him the pack of sour patch. Parker grins and tries to quietly move his desk close to yours.
There is no one else but almost sleeping teacher in the room so you two start talking loudly about your favorite movies and end up finding out that your mutual favorite film was «Men in Black».
You chuckle “Yeah and I really didn’t want J to erase K’s memory”
«I know,that was unexpected. Um,Y/N?”
“Would you like to team up this weekend and kinda rewatch the trilogy?”
“Movie night at Parker’s?Sure,sounds cool”it does sounds cool and all but you hesitate about what mj was going to say
“Sure?” He asks a bit shyly
“Sure as hell!” You smile and pretend to look at your phone to hide your excitement
Then you frown and ask like it’s not something you do care about but deep in your heart you know you do “Should i tell MJ and Ned?”
Peter keeps silence for a second and then says while running his fingers through his hair nervously
“A-Actually I thought - I thought they don’t like this movie”
You look at him and smile,then nod and check on time while the heat is rising from your toes to your head and then fills your whole body with excitement and you smile again,even wider now.
“Hey,I guess we’re free” He tells you pointing at the teacher who is already asleep. You eat the last sour patch bear and stand up quietly.
You and Peter live not really far from each other,that’s why he decided to walk you to your house. You have never been at Peter’s and he has not visited your house yet but he often walked you to the doors and hugged you and this cuddles could lift you up for the rest of the day. Today was not an exception. You agreed to meet in half an hour to go to MJ’s place together.
When you come in,you hear the smell of melting cheese and go to kitchen to kiss your mom. You warn her that tonight’s MJ’s birthday and you’re going to be late.
She nods and gives you a sandwich that you bite as you go to your room. You choose to wear something casual so youtake off your Y/F/C(your favorite color) hoodie and put on Y/P/C(your preferred color)tie-die t-shirt and jeans(idk whatever u like to imagine)
The gift for MJ is still in your bag and you take it as you go to the bathroom.
When it’s time to meet up with Peter,Ned and Betty you all get a message from MJ that the picnic you have planned is still in you schedule so you guys start heading to her house.
Betty was your another close friend,though not as close as any of the guys. She was super nice and cute and that’s why Ned extremely liked her. You could tell Ned has changed a lot to the better and that was an obvious sign of the good impact of the relationships for you.
While you’re in the subway,you teach Ned how to do the hand sign(🖖🏻) from Star Trek and once you looked at Peter,he was always looking at you. You thought to yourself you were overthinking and try to forget this. Every time you wanted to think he really felt something for you,you couldn’t help but feeling guilty for doing this to Mj’s boyfriend. So you tried to wash these thoughts away.
When you get to the destination,you see MJ waving to you with the bag full of food. She looked very happy and it made you even happier. As you see her,you run to her and hug her and everyone else does the same as they approach.
When you settle down your picnic rug on the grass under the tree next to Michelle’s apartment and set all the beverages and snacks,Betty clears her throat and says enthusiastically “Time for presents”
MJ stands up and you beat your knees with your hands. “Should I start?” You ask everyone and when they nod,you go on
“Michelle,it’s my first your birthday and I’m glad I’m here with unbelievable you and you guys. Um, I’ve never had a friend like you,yeah,and speeches are definitely not my cup of tea,but i know for sure, that you are great,beautiful and kind person and you deserve everything you think you don’t and more”
You see her smiling and lean closer to hug her and whisper in her ear quite “I love you” and she nods with the happiness in your eyes and it’s the best thing you have ever seen.
Everyone else congratulated MJ with their gifts and hugged her and everyone was joyful. But there was one thing that bothered you - when Peter and Ned were embracing Michelle,you could notice that Parker hugged her differently. Not the way he hugged you. When you two were hugging,he was holding you tight and for a long time. His hug with MJ seemed way shorter but you decided not to overthink again. But it kept bothering you throughout the night.
During the party,you were eating fruits,listening to music and talking about some stupid things. You saw MJ happy and you felt admired by how happiness suits her face.
Somebody suggested taking polaroids so you all were changing poses while some tourist was making photos. He made about 20 different polaroids and you decided that MJ is going to take them home to choose and then give some of them to her friends.
When the sun set,you started packing things to go up at MJ’s apartment and have a movie night.
You discussed everyone’s wishes and decided to binge-watch first season of Stranger Things.
You settled blankets,pillows and snacks on the floor and Ned put on the show.
You were sitting between Betty and MJ,Peter was sitting on the left side to MJ.
You loved the atmosphere that was in the room and looked down to pick up another nacho and expected to witness MJ and Peter holding hands as they did as often as possible. But to your surprise they weren’t. Moreover,they were not even leaning closer to each other which made you wonder.
In 15 minutes,Ned saw Betty yawning and suggested changing positions for her to lay down comfortably. You appeared to sit next to Peter and MJ which made your nerves tingle. Michelle took the polaroids from her pocket and started checking which of them were good. Parker offered you the last nacho in the bag and when you perplexedly accepted it he got up and approached the trash can in the corner of the room to throw the empty packs.
Suddenly, you feel MJ grab your wrist and pulling you with her
“Don’t pause the episode,we’ll be right back” she said happily while taking you with her out of the room and closing the door.
“Um,is everything okay?” You ask looking puzzled
“Even better! Let me tell you something” Michelle took you to the kitchen and you sat on the counter still wondering what on earth made MJ leave her favorite show playing.
“So”she started excitedly “I was browsing through polaroids we took and found this”
She handed you the picture of five of you standing in front of MJ’s house while hugging each other. It was taken the moment you noticed Ned’s hat wasn’t his,but Mr.Harrington’s and he changed them by incident so all of you were laughing. It was really pure but you still didn’t get what MJ so head over heels
And then
You laid your eyes on Peter. He wasn’t standing next to you,but he was looking at you. When everyone was looking at camera,he was looking at you. The wind was playing with his curly wonderful hair,the warm smile lit his face and his eyes were directed at you. Was it affection inside them? Love? You didn’t know
But was eager to.
“MJ,this pic is awesome and I look less gross than always here but what is it supposed to mean?”
“Look,things weren’t good for me and Pete lately” she joined you on the counter and put her hand on your lap “We both don’t think we should continue pretending to be a couple when we’re not anymore.”
“What? Uh,does it mean...?”
“Yeah,it’s over” she said with no drop of disappointment on her face,but joy
“But...but why? What happened? Did he hurt you?”
“No,no calm down” MJ chuckled “I’m just not that into him anymore. And when i talked to him,he confessed the same. I mean”she continued seeing your perplexed face “we mean a lot to each other but it doesn’t work the same way it did. It’s fine,really,we both moved on.”
“Wait-You too?”
“Yeah,i got someone,but,nevermind,it’s not what we are talking about”
“And while you’re thinking it over” she leaned closer to you “ I don’t see a point in hiding your feelings for him anymore”
“No way we’re talking about this again” you raised your hands in your defense “You broke up and how can you know he’s not hurt and doesn’t want you back and- and how can you know he wants someone else? Someone else but you?” You asked more seriously
“Because the eyes,Y/N. They never lie” she winked at you and told to keep the polaroid to yourself
You wanted to stop her but she was already gone with a wide smile on her face.
You covered your face with your hands and smiled inside them like in a pillow. Then you jumped off the counter and headed to the room with Michelle’s words pulsing in your temples.
You opened the door and saw Betty and Ned snoring on each other’s shoulders. MJ was telling something to Peter as his eyes widened and a wide smile appeared on his face.
You took a deep breath and squeezed your eyes which you used to erase the blush from your cheeks.
You walked in and Peter stood up the moment you closed the door.
“I-I,ugh-I remember we planned spending the night in here and I’m sticking to the plan,I just need to go out for a second or two to buy coffee,I don’t feel so good(*) and I guess fresh air and coffee is the only thing I need right now,huh” You tried to look calm and even tried to chuckle but ended up having a flimsy grin on your face. “Do-do you mind?” You asked,more to MJ,not trying to look Peter straight in his eyes. “I can buy coffee for every one so we can survive the night?”
Pathetic. Your main rule was to never look pathetic and that was exactly how you looked. At least you thought so
“Yeah,sure,no problem. I’ll text you then which coffee guys would want to.” Michelle saw you through. She knew you just wanted to leave for a minute to calm your nerves and she understood you.
You smiled to her and forced yourself to smile to Parker,then left the apartment with nothing but your phone and hoodie Peter gave you as it was cold outside.
You were sitting in front of the coffee shop for 10 minutes now,trying to analyze everything. You didn’t know what made you so nervous but you felt like it was bursting inside of you and you couldn’t help it. You felt even more pathetic for leaving although your motto was to never run from the problems but face them. But tonight you felt like it was necessary for you to take a break from being powerful and independent.
You took a sip of the night air,looked up at the stars and realized how small and shitty your problems were and suddenly you calmed down.
If Peter likes you,then he will do something himself. You like him for forever but never noticed any signs of mutual attention. You craved him for so long and he always craved someone else. You told yourself that if you feel like it tonight,you will tell him. Tell him about it and then probably jump out of the window and disappear. Or lock yourself in the bathroom. Yes. The latter would work.
You chuckled and walked into the shop with joy on your face.
“Um,I’ll have two capuccinos,two lattes and one iced coffee with double ice,please”
“Double ice?” Barista grinned
“Yeah,I kinda like the cold”
“Twenty four fifty” the barista claimed
“I’ll pay” you hear the voice behind your back
“Pete?” You frown and smile to the awesome cute hot curly chocolate boy in front of you
“Hey” he rubs the back of his neck,while he’s in a black t-shirt that shows his muscles “Do you feel better?”
“I think so. I like to think this happened because i had too much fun today”
“Then this should happen to me every time I’m with you”
You blinked and felt the burning desire to hug him really hard.
Instead,you smiled and with hesitations ran your fingers through his hair.
He looked at you with admiration and gently grabbed your wrist.
“I- I really think we need to talk”
“Yeah-yeah, we do”you burst out laughing
You walked out of the coffeeshop and he stopped you by tapping your shoulder.
“I like you,Pete” you interrupted and was brave enough to look into his eyes “I’ve been acting so pathetic lately but it’s just because I couldn’t keep it from you any longer.You’re the sweetest boy I ever met. I like your crazy hair that you hate. I love our hugs because they make my days.Your smile is like actually the best smile ever” you laughed and continued “You’re a genius,you’re so smart,you’re kind-hearted,you help people and you’re just you. That’s why I like you. Yes, I like you. And it doesn’t mean you should tell me you like me back as i don’t want your words to be fake. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same way and I would gladly stay your friend for the rest of my life” you finished and took a sip of coffee to regain bravery.
Peter looked at you with sparks in his brown eyes and smile on his lips and started
“I like you too,Y/N, a lot. Thank you for telling me all of this but- You’re not pathetic,being yourself and having emotions and feelings isn’t pathetic,alright? ”
You nodded
“I extremely like you and I’m being 100% genuine to you. I’ve never met anyone like you”
and before you could understand it,he kissed you
Peter Parker kissed you and you never knew you needed it that much.
You came to MJ’s apartment holding hands and none of you ever wanted to let this moment slip away.
When MJ saw you two she smiled and made an impression of fainting. You laughed and hugged her whispering “thank you so much for making me do this step”
“Me? yes,it was me,will you make me your bridesmaid?”
You continued watching the episode laying on Peter’s shoulder and holding his hand. He seemed carried away by the joy of finally being with someone he truly loved.
He kissed your temple right when sleeping couple of Ned and Betty on the right stood up
“Wait,how much did we sleep?”
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kaikookie · 7 years
something’s fishy.
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Found a fluff generator by @dolleye and I thought is prompt was too cute to pass up!
Member: Kim Namjoon
Genre: pure fluff
Word Count: 2670
Premise: Namjoon and you go grocery shopping together for the first time. You excitedly fills the cart with various snacks and Namjoon wonders how to break it to you that we can't afford all this. (Warning: slight cursing)
Bonus: Mermaid AU (inspiration from the k-drama Legend of the Blue Sea)
Author’s Note: ahem...yes, wow, an update that’s not Echoes...I promise to the bottom of my heart that it is coming, but for now, enjoy this fanfic from inspiration I stumbled upon while browsing tumblr!!!
“Oh, and this one! This one looks good....yes and that one right there! Perfect! That’s going to taste so good,” you exclaim. You’re jumping up and down on your newly acquired legs at the supermarket. Your baggy clothes that may fit Namjoon are knotted at the bottom with sleeves pushed up on your limbs. Namjoon stands on the side of the aisle, a shopping car to his right filled to the brim with various snacks and drinks, as well as a pile of clothes. His only thought in his head was how in the world did the situation turn like this?
It all started one morning, when the sunny weather prompted a quick phohtoshoot. When Namjoon went out to take his KimDaily outfits and found you on the beach passed out behind a rock, he generously provided his thin army green jacket for you to cover up with, and through a quick conversation, ultimately concluded that you had lost your memory after suffering a head injury out in the ocean. 
Taking you in without further questions, Namjoon was later reprimanded by his group of friends for making such a rash decision. 
“How could you just bring a stranger here? What if she is being tracked down by the government?” Taehyung whispered harshly, not letting his eyes off you for a second. 
“Don’t be crazy, Tae. She looked like she was really lost, okay? I just gave her my jacket like a gentleman and decided to help her,” Namjoon replied quietly. Little did Taehyung know, the situation was very different than what he was saying. 
In fact, your surprise nudity had made Namjoon extremely flustered on the beach, scrambling to cover his eyes, and stripping his jacket off to give to you. His continuous stammering led him to eventually talk himself into taking you in without you even saying a word. Not wanting other bystanders to get the wrong idea, he rushed back to the dorm as fast as he could with you sitting in the passenger seat of his car. Never once did he think about stopping by the police station to let the officers take care of this problem, an idea that popped into his mind way too late. 
“Just help me figure out what to do...” Namjoon trailed off quietly. It felt like they were hiding a fugitive.
Jin sauntered in, exasperated, “Namjoon, I don’t know where you got this person, but never in my life has someone rejected the food that I made!” 
Namjoon looked up at you, watching you calmly sit on the couch, eyes wide open trying to take in your current situation. You looked comical, wrapped in the layers of clothing, courtesy of Jimin and Jungkook. 
When Namjoon brought you in through the door, clothed in only his jacket, the dorm turned into chaos. The youngest members had turned beat red. Jimin’s perfectly held high note during the game of karaoke cracked at the sight of you. Suga cursed to the gods, asking why in the hell was Namjoon like this. As Namjoon shouted orders to find some warm clothes for you, Jungkook had already sprinted away to his room to find the biggest and baggiest clothes he could find while Jimin ushered you into the recording room for you to change, using the microphone he was holding to nudge you across the threshold. 
It was the least to say that they were very much traumatized and confused at their own reactions. Meanwhile, Taehyung had been out for most of the day, walking his dog and having a day to himself. However, he was not exempt from the drama of the unexpected guest. Plopping down next to you thinking it was Jungkook acting like a dumbass once again, he leaned over and asked you to pick which picture of his puppy he should post. 
When he was responded with silence, only then did he take a look at the figure he was speaking to and in that response, let out a scream that would put the high note he did in “Butterfly” to shame. 
Hoseok, who was engrossed in composing his new mix tape before you intruded, had already found a locked room for hiding, holding onto his favorite snacks and drinks to “survive” the night.
Namjoon could only watch and thank the gods that he managed to not break a single thing in the process of this whole ordeal. Namjoon maneuvered around the counter and cautiously made his way to you. 
“Are you okay? I’m Namjoon, what’s your name?” he asks calmly, bending down to talk to you at eye level. His eyes mirror your wide ones, waiting to hear what your voice sounded like. You kept the silence, and the rest of the boys stared at you, waiting for something to happen. 
You maintain eye contact with Namjoon, the nice person that helped you. You thought, “My name is Y/N. Thank you for helping me.” 
He continued to stare at you. For some reason, it almost seemed like he couldn’t hear you thinking to him. You think again, “Hello? Can you hear me?” Your eyebrows furrow at his blank stare. 
Namjoon straightened, and turned to the only person left in the room, Jin. He chuckled nervously, and to Jin, communicated through mouthing empty words and hand gestures. When he looked back at you, you think once again to him, “Well, that was rude. You can talk to them without talking, but you don’t want to with me?” 
Namjoon asked you once again, “Hello? Do you speak Korean?” His palms were sweaty from nervousness. He could almost hear the lecture he would later receive from Jin if he didn’t fix this. 
Jin sighed out loud. Grabbing the remote that fell down to the carpet, he casually flipped through the channels. With the TV on, Jin pointed to the screen while looking at you, “Stay here and watch this okay?” 
You follow the direction of his finger to the TV. You were immediately fascinated by the tiny humans with in the rectangle. Next to the TV, one of the doors to the room were cracked open, squinted eyes peering through the slits.
Jin nearly shouted, “For fuck’s sake, Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook, come out here and take care of the guest while I talk to Namjoon! Hoseok, I also know where you are hiding! You better be out of there by the time we’re done!” 
Slowly the door swung open and the boys reluctantly shuffled out. However, your attention was long gone, completely absorbed in the action scene of the two actors. 
You smiled excitedly as a fight scene ensues, staring at Jungkook and thinking, “Wow, how are these little people doing that in the thin box!?” Jungkook only responded with a weak smile. Turning back to the screen, you’re drawn to the TV. 
Namjoon returned a little while later, phone in his hand and a stern looking Jin following in suit. The movie you were watching was confusing, and the language was hard to comprehend, but you managed to decipher some of the English language in the short fifteen minutes of screen time you saw. 
You looked up at Namjoon,deciding that speaking by thoughts was not going to work for him and asked aloud in English, “What is shit?” Namjoon had a look of disbelief written on his face. 
“W-W-What?” he stammered incoherantly. You had taken him by surprise. 
Repeating your question, you said, “What does shit mean? They keep saying that word.” Innocently, you point to the screen. The movie, Deadpool, was playing on the screen, with Ryan Renolds in the midst of a profanity insult. 
“So you speak English?,” Namjoon questioned in English. You nod and quickly interjected, “And Korean too, but it’s much harder to talk.”
Namjoon clarified you, “Much harder to speak, not much harder to talk,” 
You nodded and continued watching the screen, Namjoon quickly turned off the TV, wanting to protect you from any more profanities in the movie. His attention snapped to you when he could hear the rumbling of your stomach.
“I need eat,” you pouted quietly. The members smiled wearily and looked at Namjoon. 
“You’re suppose to say, I need food. Plus, we did give you some food to eat, but you didn’t want it.” Namjoon reasoned with you.
“Not good,” you snapped. Jin looked at the bowl of rice and the few side dishes he gave you. Namjoon knew he was going to burst in anger.
Namjoon quickly stood up and proclaimed to the members, “I’ll go to the supermarket with her to get some things that she will like to eat, okay?”
“Y/N,” you pointed out, “my name is Y/N, not her.” 
Yoongi finally spoke up ever since the start of this ordeal and asked, “If you don’t mind Y/N, where did you go to learn Korean and who in the world taught you.”
You laughed, finding it silly that they didn’t know, “I learned it just now from you guys.”
Taehyung burst out from the corner of the living room, “That’s it, she’s crazy, you called the police, right Namjoon!?” 
Jimin cupped a hand over Taehyung’s mouth, preventing him from further interjections. Namjoon quickly pushed you up from your seat, and ushered you to the door, telling you to slip on one of Taehyung’s slippers.
You could see Taehyung struggle from the grasp of Jimin, “Hey!! Not those! They’re Gucci! Gucci! HYUNG!” 
Before he could complete saying the honorific, You were already dragged out the door by Namjoon in the direction of the closet supermarket. He forgot to bring his car keys in the midst of the chaos, and was definately not going back to face the craziness happening in the dorms. 
You looked ridiculous waddling down the street, and as the heat radiated onto you, you slowly peeled away the layers of clothes, leaving Namjoon to try and catch all the clothes you shed trailing behind you. You simply followed the sidewalk, with Namjoon guiding you to make a turn every once in a while. After a few minutes, and halfway to the market, you complained about your feet hurting. When Namjoon looked down at your bare feet, he nearly fainted.
“Y/N... where are your slippers?” Namjoon asked quietly, turning around, hoping that they were somewhere behind you. 
You looked up, “I took them off because they hurt my feet. Don’t worry, I put them outside someone’s door. Like how you all take off your shoes when you walk inside and leave them by the door.” You turned around and continued walking, but Namjoon wasn’t following you. 
Namjoon was frantically running back with a pile of clothes in his embrace. 
Your stomach was hurting like crazy, and the sun made you more and more thirsty as time passed.
Exasperated, you cried out, “Namjoon, please, I’m hungry for eat!” 
Namjoon skidded to a stop, and looked between you and the rows of houses that the both of you passed before. Defeated, he slouched back to you and sighed, “I’m hungry for food, not hungry for eat, hungry for food.” 
You nodded excitedly, and grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the bustle of people outside the supermarket. Namjoon yells in protest and pulls you to the side, grabbing an abandoned shopping cart, and piling the clothes inside. 
When you walk in, you can immediately smell the seafood in the air. The mackerel were fresh, but not the sea bass. The smell of the salmon were okay, but could be better. However, the crabs and the shrimp smelled the best. You shoved Namjoon off the handles of the cart, and pushed it towards the source of your happiness.
Namjoon tumbled to the ground, astonished that a person like you could manhandle him. He bounced back to his feet, chasing after you. 
However, as you rushed past the aisles, your sense of smell was overwhelmed with a waft off salty and sugary snacks. You grabbed a big bag, and examined its outside. You shook the contents, sniffed the wrapper, and even licked the picture of the food on the label. Confused, you pulled the seal apart, and the chips fell out like snow on a winter’s day, but not as gracefully. 
Namjoon face palmed in exasperation. He could not keep his eyes off you for one second. Sighing, he grabbed the bag that you had put back on the shelf after tasting the chips and deciding that it wasn’t your taste.
“Y/N, please, don’t-” Namjoon began to speak.
“Oh this one looks good!” you interjected, “What is this?” Namjoon grabbed the bag from your hands before you could do anymore damage. Nevertheless, you continued to throw bags of chips and various snacks into the shopping cart. Moving from the snack aisle, you spotted the fresh seafood in vats of water. You turned around excitedly, and when Namjoon saw the puppy smile on your face, he knew he couldn’t refuse what you were about to ask him.
This was how Namjoon ended up standing on the end of an aisle, trying to figure out a way on how to tell you that he wouldn't be able to afford 13 pounds of fish, as well as the mountain of snacks stacked in the shopping cart. 
“Hey Y/N,” Namjoon interjects while thumbing through his wallet. You’re too busy wandering the aisle looking for more food. After minutes of you ignoring Namjoon, he decides that for the sake of his wallet and the team budget, he would have to secretly place back a food items every time you tried to place one in the cart. 
After you and Namjoon finish going through the check out, you walk out with three grocery bags filled with snacks and Namjoon has another two bags also filled to the brim. The walk home is a little better once Namjoon convinces you to wear back all the loose clothing that you had taken off during the walk to the market.
Back at the dorm, the members watch as you scarf down bag after bag of chips while instructing Jin and Jungkook exactly how you want your seafood cooked. The others boys sit around the kitchen, loitering from a distance to watch this strange person slowly turn into a dictator in their own dorm. 
“So... where are you from,” asks Jimin, out of the blue. You pause from inhaling the seafood pasta in front of you. 
“Two corals seas north from the south bay of here,” you reply quickly. You can feel the boys exchange glances again. Namjoon finishes organizing the uneaten snacks within the cupboards and throwing the wrappers away. Namjoon waves his arms towards the other members, an action everyone understood as, just let her be.
Surprisingly, Namjoon is used to your strange antics and replies, and his only concern is on getting you back home, wherever that is. Your innocence seems to ooze from your actions, and he feels the need to make sure you return safe. 
Namjoon thinks to himself, “Maybe she can stay here for the night while I try to figure out her backstory.” He already has a mental list prepared of the items you would need to stay the night as well as making a note to ask around the police station for any information 
He looks at Jin first, then slowly gauges the rest of the members attitude towards you. 
“I’m pretty sure the rest of the members won’t mind. They can tell that she means no harm,” Namjoon concludes mentally. His lips part, ready to ask if you would like to stay the night when a loud cry from the door catches everyone’s attention.
“HYUNG! Where are my Gucci slippers!?!?” interjects Taehyung. 
You spin around in your seat confused, while the blood from Namjoon faces drains. 
Namjoon groans mentally, “On second thought...” 
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People were interested in me doing a thing like this, so here we go! I figured I’d do a short little blurb about each writer, including one or two of my favorite works by them. So, in no real order (like, I literally randomized the list) here are some of the most talented people* whose art I’ve had the pleasure of reading:
*Please note that some of these people haven’t written for bellarke in a while! That doesn’t mean you should pester them about it! Appreciate the heck out of what they have written instead. Cool? Cool.
1. Maria @rebelprincebell AO3
Maria’s written a good variety of longer and shorter fics, and each of them is excellent. (She’s also an amazing human/friend, but that’s more of a side perk.) She’s currently writing Things We Shouldn’t Do which is what everyone wants out of a multi-chap, fake-dating, actors AU. Or for something shorter, check out T.O.P. S.E.C.R.E.T. for some friends-with-benefits/feelings-reveal goodness. And maybe if she loves me she’ll finish Let’s Go to the Mall but it’s nbd.
2. Steph @ofhobbitsandwomen AO3
I read The Squire (multi-chap, medieval AU) when I was pretty new to the fandom, and I’m still completely in awe of it. Steph’s also written a million other amazing bellarke fics, like this fluffy-af youtubers AU (and, recently, some fucking amazing Jyn/Cassian stuff, if you’re into that) so make sure to check out all of her incredible writing.
3. M @ahmren AO3
M’s writing is magical. At the risk of sounding cliche, it wraps you up and carries you to another world. I could survive on nothing but her collection of soulmate AUs for years to come. 
4. Chash @ponyregrets AO3
Chash has written a million and one amazing fics, so obvs read everything she’s written, but one of my particular faves is Some Cheese With That Whine. It gives me all the best-friends-to-lovers feelings. Amazing. Plus she likes all my posts when I’m flailing about ffx <3
5. Katelyn @nathenmiller AO3
Secrets is the only arranged marriage fic you ever need to read. Period. I also love this fluffy lil childhood-friends-meet-up-ten-years-later AU. Plus, on top of all the fantastic writing, K’s one of the incredibly hardworking ladies behind bff. What a girl??
6. Lana @marauders-groupie AO3
Lana’s another one of those writers where I know I’ll like everything she publishes. She’s like, the queen a soulmate AU’s. Her most recent one is here--a cool iteration where you feel whatever pain your soulmate feels. As with all the other authors here, don’t forget to check out all her other stories!
7. Kacka @katchyalater AO3
I discovered Kacka this summer, and her stories saved me from boredom on the countless train rides I was taking across Europe. By which I mean you should just read through everything on her AO3 page, like I did. Everyone loves a good coffee-shop AU, right? Check out Got to Find Those Extra Cups to Fill. She’s a fantastic, inspiring writer and an even lovelier human being.
8. Emily @prosciuttoe AO3
Emily had the nerve to make me cry by posting a canonverse fic, Hold This Heart Steady, today. So do yourself a favor and read that. Other Emily faves include: Your Heart Is Your Own (So Build Me A Home) and Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (for all your Hogwarts AU needs).
9. Brianna @jvnscass AO3
Bri’s another one of the authors I first read when I joined the fandom! She doesn’t write much bellarke anymore, but it’s all still up on her AO3 along with a ton of quality Jyn/Cassian fics, if that’s your jam!
10. Nai @hiddenpolkadots AO3
Want canon-verse smut? Nai’s got u covered: Mouth Like Heaven, Kisses Like Stars. Or for something on the fluffier/hurtcomfort side, try the light that sits at the bottom of your chest. You literally can’t go wrong. She writes Jily too!
11. Kayla @kay-emm-gee AO3
Kayla’s the first person I ever considered my “favorite fanfic author” and the title still fits, even if I do have about a million “favorite” authors now. Full Circle is an older, post s2, fic of hers, but it’s undeniably still one of my faves. A more recent fave is: this is your heart (can you feel it). These are both canonverse, but she writes amazing modern AUs as well. <3
12. Meghan @bellamyfrecklefaceblake AO3
I feel like Meghan writes the best epic-feelings-reveal scenes?? Some faves are: A Drunk Mind Speaks A Sober Heart and You Won’t Get Rid of Me Without a Fight. I want to live in the feelings at the end of these fics pls and thx. (Also, hope your hand is doing better!!)
13. Mel @caramelkru AO3
Is it getting old for me to keep saying I like everything insert-name-here writes?? I’d stop, except that it’s TRUE. Mel is fantastic. Her last installment in Good Times Gonna Come is so cute I can’t actually stand it. Something In The Air (That Night) is also super good. (She also writes Sethkate and Jyn/Cassian!)
(Okay I’m running out of time for these last few--gotta get to class--so I’ll just do one fic rec from each writer, BUT they’re all such fucking talented authors. Everything they write is amazing.)
14. Katie @dreamingundone AO3
take a running start
15. Jazz @hooksandheroics  AO3
Out of All the Gin Joints
16. S @kinetic-elaboration  AO3
Since There’s No Place To Go
17. Amber @bilexualclarke  AO3
asleep in the bathtub (also, like... her blog title doesn’t lie)
18. Emily @kieraknighted  AO3
Walk With Me
19. Annie @clarkescrusade  AO3
those broken and delicate things
20. Julia @enoughtotemptme  AO3
Aurora Borealis
21. @queenofchildren  AO3
But We Fight For Roses Too
I also asked for some lesser known fic recs, so check these out!
Lay It All On Me by @peetaspikelets
The Thing About Pre-Med by theprincessandtheking
In My Dreams We Are Always Together by andsowemeetagain
OKAY PHEW. I think that’s everything. As a last note, don’t forget to appreciate your favorite authors! A comment or reblog here and there goes a long way. Kudos and likes are lovely, but not quite as tangible as comments and tags.
Happy Reading!
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