alias-b · 4 years
Tell us about Clara 💋💋
Clara Mason is my redheaded baby and is about to be 2 pounds of whoopass. I’m still playing around with a lot of deets for her character & story, but she’s on par to have some anger issues same as Billy. She’s v intelligent, snippy, loner type. Very logic first before anything else. Don’t try to control her, she will scratch you. Very resting B-face, too cool for this bull, everyone needs to fuck off her. Including Billy boy but we all know he’s not gonna. But, she has a huge conscious.
She’s also deaf & I’m still working on the details of that and how her speech is going to be! I figure her character is going to take lots of insp from my goddess Lisbeth Salander in the Millennium series with big dashes of my 3 fav Gillian Flynn heroines in her novels.
With what I have now, she’s coming from a rich family in the city of Chicago with lots of old tragedy & family issues that split her parents up in the past that are all gonna bubble up!! Naturally. She had four other siblings growing up. And yeah, I said Had!!! They’re basically the Anti-Crains lol She recedes a big family penthouse with a roof garden & her famous writer dad who is sorta overbearing for his own reasons but good. I’m excited for their relationship. Still deciding her occupation bc I’m back & forth on two that suit her.
She & Billy sorta come together strangely and he’s a hard boy to shake. Hoping for a drama-mystery to even murder mystery type plot if I play my cards right. Her mom left & remarried in a smaller town and she is.....Something !! We love mama issues around these parts!! Clara likes to people watch & fight when they get in her way which Billy can respect that lol
But, I’m excited to shape a new fic different from my others with new relationships and dynamics to come!!! She & Billy are also in mid 20s so I FINALLY get to write my older Billy away from Neil-o. Excited for a cold city back drop, I feel Billy left home and just got stuck due to money in a grey city lol sorry no Hawkins, but no Cali either for him. He will thank me later.
But, yissssss, those are my bullet points XOXO TYYYY FOR ASKING & LETTING ME SHOUT!!!
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