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canmom · 2 months ago
I've been watching Star Trek, and also been learning about boats. Like, a big boat is more stable in the water, so you don't get tossed and turned so much when it's rocked by waves or turning.
Now, on Star Trek, they do the dramatic tilt-y cam and actors flinging themselves around. This makes sense when the ship is hit by weapons, but sometimes they do it when they are navigating asteroid fields and such. The original Enterprise (from the 60s) is 288m long, similar to a modern cruise liner, 127m wide, 73m wide, and 190,000 tonnes. Surely even a high-speed jaunt through an asteroid field would be barely felt on the bridge (which is the tiny raised part in the centre of the saucer)?
Hello anon! You're not wrong that like, there is a lot of artistic license in Star Trek's treatment of astrophysics.
The 'asteroid fields' seen in Wars and Trek are presumably inspired by the asteroid belt in our solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is true that there are a lot more big space rocks in the asteroid belt than there are in much of the rest of the solar system. However, space is really very big so there's a lot of room for big rocks. Spacecraft are routinely able to pass through the asteroid belt without coming anywhere near an asteroid (which is good, because at space velocities, collisions are really catastrophic).
The largest asteroids such as Ceres are nowadays classified as 'dwarf planets'; they might be as big as around 1000 kilometres in diameter, which is about 1/12 the diameter of the Earth. Many other asteroids are also hundreds of kilometres big. With the dimensions you've given me, if the Enterprise collided with such an asteroid, it would be a 'bug on a windscreen' kind of situation and the Enterprise would certainly not come off better for the experience.
However, most asteroids aren't quite so big. Here's a log-linear graph of the size distribution of asteroids:
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There's about a million asteroids a kilometre big, and about ten million a hundred metres across; at some point the asteroids become too small for us to track, but I assume this approximately power-law distribution holds down to some small size.
Now, that sounds like a lot of asteroids, but the thing is they're spread across an absolutely enormous region of space. They cover a range of orbital radii of about 1 AU, which is to say the distance between the Earth and the sun, and a range of orbital inclinations about 20 degrees:
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So, assuming we had about 10 million asteroids of 100m or bigger, that turns out to be about 1E-27 asteroids of that size per cubic metre of space. Which is to say you'd need to explore a cube of about 900,000km on a side to find even one asteroid that big. Space is really, truly, extremely very big. So, far from this kind of scene (src)...
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...you'd be lucky to see even one rock outside the window. As Wikipedia puts it:
Contrary to popular imagery, the asteroid belt is mostly empty. The asteroids are spread over such a large volume that reaching an asteroid without aiming carefully would be improbable.
Now, OK, that's our solar system's asteroid belt. What about in deeper space? The thing is, big space rocks don't tend to just hang out. Our solar system's asteroid belt is presently thought to be a result of Jupiter disrupting the coalescence of planetesimals into a planet during the formation of the solar system. So in general, without a Jupiter, either your big bundle of space rocks has enough kinetic energy to spread out into space like a gas, or it doesn't and their mutual gravity causes them to collapse into a big clump, forming something planetish.
The Star Trek/Wars picture of a bunch of space rocks just kind of floating around doesn't make any sense on astrophysical timescales; about the only way you might see that is if some kind of much bigger rock has very recently exploded, and especially if you're in orbit around something or other which can keep the particles reasonably close together. The rings of Saturn are a great example, consisting mainly of bits of ice smaller than 10m. Saturn's rings are probably the closest place we know to a scifi asteroid field, but they are also incredibly thin, in many parts only tens of metres across.
So in short 'asteroid fields' in the depths of space are kind of not a thing. But what if they were?
On a boat, you are held against the water by gravity; you have various restoring forces, e.g. if the boat dips under water, it gets pushed back out by buoyancy. This causes, in physics-speak, oscillations on various timescales. The dynamics of ships are very complicated, but it has a lot to do with the buoyancy of water rather than collisions with solid objects. Here's Casual Navigation, pretty much my go-to source for any questions about how boats work, explaining the physics of ships rolling, and ways we mitigate that:
Water buoyancy applies a kind of 'soft' force spread relatively evenly across the surface of a ship, so the ship responds mostly rigidly by rolling around, maybe flexing a bit. But when ships actually hit something hard, even something like a sandbank, it tends to go very poorly for them.
In general, a spaceship is not very much like a boat. Space is, notably, a place where there aren't any fluids. Most of the ways that vehicles move on Earth don't really apply in space.
On the ocean, land or even air, objects in motion tend to stop (or at least fall downwards) due to friction and drag, and you need a constant supply of energy to stay moving in a straight line. In space, the opposite is true - you keep moving along your orbit unless you provide energy to change direction. Rocket acceleration is very limited and you try to do as little as possible. With real spacecraft, you mostly move along a ballistic trajectory, applying 'burns' with your rocket at just the right moment to push you onto a new trajectory - or you have a very weak but efficient engine like an ion drive which very gradually nudges you onto the trajectory you want.
In hardish scifi, we can handwave a lot of this complexity away by imagining amazing futuristic technologies like fusion torches and antimatter drives, which allow us to follow 'brachistochrone' trajectories, where you accelerate at something like 1g all the way up to the midpoint of your trajectory and then flip around and slow down. These have their own worldbuilding implications (which is to say the difference between a really fast spaceship and a weapon of mass destruction is basically which way you point it), but it allows you to get on with your plot without having your characters spending years in transit.
Star Trek is not hard scifi, although it sometimes likes to cosplay as it, so trying to apply this kind of standard is a fool's errand. Still, let's consider it. In Star Trek, spaceships move around in two ways. They have something called a warp drive, which allows FTL by distorting spacetime - it is presumably inspired by the Alcubierre metric (edit: no it isn't, it actually predates Alcubierre and he took inspiration from star trek in naming his solution a 'warp drive'), a solution to the field equations of general relativity that allows you to move a 'bubble' of spacetime at FTL speeds. There are many reasons to think the Alcubierre metric wouldn't actually work, or be survivable inside the bubble if it did; how it would interact with matter in the path of the bubble is unclear, but it seems quite likely it would scrape it all up at the front of the bubble and then perhaps release it at the destination in a blast of ultra-high-energy radiation. At least getting hit by asteroids is not a concern...
For slower-than-light travel, Star Trek ships apparently move around with something called an 'impulse drive', which is just a fusion rocket. (We shouldn't ask questions like 'where do you keep the reaction mass' or 'why doesn't the spaceship spin when the force vector is off-axis').
So, as far as space rocks, the big concern is that at high velocities, collisions with any tiny meteorites on your path have more and more energy, much like being shot with a bullet. It's less about shaking the ship around and more about damaging it, because at this kind of scale and energy, rigid things don't tend to stay rigid when they collide. Real solutions to this problem include things like layers of thin 'whipple shields' which break up the meteorite into small fragments before they hit the spacecraft. There's some crazier ideas out there, like spraying hot droplets from your engine's cooling system ahead of the ship to intercept dust grains and catching them with magnetic fields as you accelerate forwards.
I don't know that much Trek lore, but my understanding is they have some kind of magic 'shield' that prevents damage when they git hit by weapons. This presumably stops any space rocks from smashing right through the decks. But as you observe, the rapid camera shaking doesn't make a lot of sense either: it suggests some kind of shock going through the structure of the vessel. The ship is somehow getting hit by something with enough momentum to shake it violently but not throw it off course or severely damage it. That's not really how structures on this kind of scale work.
Of course, the main purpose of the screen shake is dramatic: you need to convey the characters are in a dangerous situation, and if they're all just sitting calmly in the set watching things play out on the screen, that doesn't really 'sell' it. Just like a wrestler pretending to be injured, you need your actors to convey the stakes of the space battle, and throwing themselves around the set is a very cheap way to do it. The asteroid field serves as a scifi version of a choppy sea or ice floe, adding an extra element of constant tension; it doesn't really matter that it doesn't make sense.
Much the same dramatic techniques are still used in more recent scifi, even relatively hard scifi such as The Expanse - observe the use of camera shake (though milder than in Star Trek), reaction shots, characters helpfully providing commentary ('they were expecting that', 'I'm putting us into a spin'). Or this scene; we link the action 'outside' (the full 3DCG space scenes) to the action 'inside' by changes of lighting (there's no real reason for turning the lights blue during combat except that it looks cool), bullets punching through the ship (so scary), and characters getting pushed around by g-forces. The plot contrives for the ships to do a close flyby while strafing each other with machine guns. This is a thrilling scene, and it relies on much later iterations of the 'shake the camera' concept - to link what is happening 'outside' to the characters we care about 'inside'.
Here is a breakdown of what is apparently the first, iconic Star Trek battle scene from which everything else follows:
This sequence is essentially taking most of its cues from submarine movies such as The Enemy Below: the two ships are attempting to figure out where the other is and get in an advantageous position. It is mostly a prediction battle between the two captains, both presented as honourable gentlemen types in what is essentially a duel. The mechanics of the ships is largely based on thin scifi skins over boat stuff.
In general, Star Trek takes various measures to make the captain and bridge crew the main people who 'matter' to a story, which keeps the cast and sets to a manageable size. The thing is, of course, that modern ships are much bigger than the sort of historical ships that could be imagined to be led by a charismatic captain having heroic exploits. There are thousands of people supposedly on board the Enterprise, but you wouldn't know it from the way the characters act.
It's notable that the inspiration here is a WWII movie, pretty much the last time big ships fought big ships. (Star Wars also takes most of its cues from WWII). The principle activity of modern warships seems mostly to be making a political gesture by floating around somewhere, maybe launching some missiles or planes. It's been a long time since we've seen ships having battles with other ships, and ships were a lot smaller then. A military officer is, as I understand it, someone who's a lot more like a politician or company manager, whose job is to keep a large and complex organisation running smoothly. (No doubt you remember the old saying about logistics and tactics.)
So more than the dubious engineering of having the bridge rattle around, I think 'the bridge crew are all charismatic geniuses from whom all the action flows' is the really big liberty that Star Trek takes with its storytelling, from which a lot of other things follow.
Everything in the sequence from Balance of Terror is designed to ratchet up tension for the bridge officers as much as possible - and we see the screen shake and actors getting thrown about here too. In a naval battle, this makes sense: a big explosion near your ship will cause a wave in the water which will rock the ship. In space... not so much. For example, a big shake happens when a nuclear weapon goes off near the Enterprise. A nuclear weapon deployed in space is mainly there to cause heating, not to push things around. But the big moves of the battle are punctuated by everyone getting thrown about: it's a way of saying 'something important just happened'. If the nuke went off and we didn't hear anything, but Kirk was just like 'ok cool, that missed us, good job' it would feel less significant.
Over time I'm sure this device got diluted down until nearly anything would result in people flopping about! But yeah, tl;dr: it is purely a dramatic convention leaning hard on WWII movies, not something that makes a lot of within-the-fiction sense if you think about it at all.
What would space battles look like in real life? We can only speculate, of course, it may never come to pass at all. But if it does, probably it's going to be more a story of shooting expensive missiles at extremely long range to hit things that are too far away to see without a telescope, rather than thrilling close-range dogfights or tense naval mind games. And with humans being very squishy and not taking well to extreme acceleration, you probably want to avoid having them on your ships if you can help it. Which is a bit of an obstacle for a dramatic presentation, unless you want to focus on the disconnect between the comfy air-conditioned drone control room and the horrible destruction being wrought on the ground - and honestly that is a very relevant thing to want to do in the present era.
Plenty of people would still presumably be in harm's way in the space war. But the problem is that in general, the story that people want to tell with military fiction is about heroic characters whose individual efforts make a difference to the course of The War. Not just someone having a bunch of meetings full of incomprehensible acronyms and then randomly dying to a missile that was launched from the other side of the solar system that their side's interceptor system failed to catch.
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kiraastro · 7 months ago
Hi! So I was trying to get more description of my FS through nakshatras. I'm Saturn dominant. My Dk also happens to be Saturn conjunct with Jupiter in 11H Taurus , ruled by Krittika nakshatra. I wanted to know whether this is significant in describing my spouse or should I look into some other placements? Thanks.
Hello Anon ☆ミ
Darakaraka, as you already know, is excellent for predicting what kind of spouse you will get. Some other ways to see spouse include:
D1 chart 7th house and 7th house lord
D1 chart 7th house lord in the D9 chart
any planets aspecting the placements above are also super important
Darakaraka rashi lord and nakshatra lord
Darakaraka's placement in the D9 chart
lastly, the entire navamsa chart!
Generally speaking:
Saturn as DK is associated with an older partner. If not old, they could have an old soul and be someone who has "been through it all". Could be the kind of person to be calm even in the midst of chaos. They may also be lanky, skinny, and tall. Might also be considered strange by others and may be an outcaste.
Krittika nakshatra is associated with strong leadership skills and determination (axe is the symbol of this nakshatra). Perhaps the spouse could be highly motivated and ambitious about a certain goal? Also, the person could be very masculine or warrior-like on the outside, but actually be a very soft and tender person on the inside (krittika has mixed sharp and soft qualities). The placement of venus and sun should also be checked, for further detail.
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phoebosacerales · 10 months ago
hello! I'm the celeb anon. Since you said you were okay with it, what stands out the most from Jeon Jungkook's chart? He was born on September 1st, 1997 at 15:25 in Busan, South Korea.
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Okay, well, the Moon with Regulus in the 9th house obviously indicates international fame. I know nothing about BTS but if this chart is right then I'm guessing this is the most famous member. Not only because of the Moon with Regulus, but the Sun with the north node adds to that. I havent seen the other members charts, but it's hard to look better than Venus in Libra in the 10th ruling the 5th, so his popularity might also be because he's very talented, creative and probably gets put as the frontman the most.
He's really pushed towards the 9th house and internationality. Mars in the 11th indicates the very competitive industry he's in, some issues and impediments with money, and can possibly also show a tricky and conflict ridden relationship with fans in a way. He's Saturn in fall in the 4th opposing Venus: he could feel like a stranger in his own home and probably likes working more. His private life may conflict a lot with his public image, and he's very different from what the public knows of him, but I'm not getting into that.
edit: okay, so I just found out the fandom is called "army" lol mars in scorpio in the 11th
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jwirecs · 2 years ago
hello, hello! here are my royal au - bts, nct, svt & txt recs! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers💝
requested by anon (unfortunately, i wasnt able to find a lot. so far i havent read any skz or atz royal fics. but these are the ones that i’ve enjoyed so far and are either already reblogged or in my drafts!)
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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The Crown That Is Ours || @taeshobipop​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (taehyung x reader)
↳ You never wished for it, but it was inevitable — an arranged marriage to a royal stranger. The Crown Prince Kim Taehyung. A year into your marriage and life still holds you firmly in its grip. How do you plan to steer through this mess when the public suddenly comes knocking at your door, pitchforks and torches in hand, threatening: “death to all who commit fraud!”
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It’s A Royal Order || @alluringjae​​🔞💕✅ (jaehyun x reader)
↳ one of your royal campaigns became a success, and your bodyguard jaehyun was there to see it all happen. it’s only fair to celebrate, right?
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Asks || recommended fics✅ (various x reader)
↳ (just an ask that was asking for royal recs and @eliphant​ was blessing us with some of their fav royal fics!)
Heir || @smileysuh​​​🔞✅ (mingyu x reader)
↳ As a princess, you’d grown up knowing you’d marry a prince and help him sire a number of adorable little royals. Truth be told, one of the things that had drawn you to Mingyu had been the way he’d interacted with his young cousins, children that would run up to him- and despite his princely stature, Mingyu always had time to entertain them, with a glint of adoration in his eye that had convinced you he was the one to marry- moreso than any of his older brothers.
I Found Love In Your Smile || @wonlouvre​​💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader, also arranged marriage au)
↳ falling in love with wonwoo never felt so easy. however, when unforgivable truths test your relationship, you can’t help but think that maybe you were betrothed for all the wrong reasons.
Pomegranates || @idyllic-ghost​​ 🔞💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader, also arranged marriage au)
↳ you, a princess from a doomed kingdom, have been arranged to be married to an heir of a much more prosperous kingdom. however, when you first visit them, you realize that you would much rather be with the heir's younger brother.
Saturn Without Rings || @dropsofletters​​​​ 💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader, also arranged marriage au)
↳ wonwoo has had kingdoms, romances, endless studies, recognition and yet, with as much knowledge he has learned from life and books, he can’t figure out what it is that grows in his chest whenever he looks at soonyoung’s fiancé. the marriage is arranged, close to happening but not disclosed, and he knows the best and worst parts of her. she doesn’t like reading books, can’t speak in public and…how had the queen thought that it would be a great idea for a news reporter and a prince to get married? maybe, if that ring didn’t rest on her finger, things would be easier. for now, wonwoo will have to pretend life is easier with a new friend.
The Dark Prince || @etherealyoungk​​​​​✅ (dino x reader)
↳ The Dark Prince. That’s what everyone calls him. And every time I say it out loud, “The Dark Prince”, a shivers runs down my spine. It’s such a powerful name.
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Disguise || @jjuxii​​ 💕💔✅ (yeonjun x reader, smau)
↳ the royal family never reveals their heir before they turn 20, they always wanted their princess to experience a normal life before they face royal duties. Y/N, a heir to the throne was sent to collage but in one condition, to never reveal her true identity. she was living her best life until she met choi yeonjun.
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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saturndigital · 29 days ago
on anon so i dont doxx myself. @ other art school anon: if going into an art career is really what you want, and you have the means, art school can be beneficial in terms of skill development and industry connections. with that said, research and consider what school you're going to CAREFULLY, because its a huge money sink if it doesnt work out. my best recommendation is to talk to students there. not admissions staff anybody trying to sell you on it-- just average students. if you're physically touring, find someone that looks friendly and ask them to give it to you straight. a lot of college admissions (not just art school) straight up lie to you about a Lot.
i go to SCAD, and while i love my professors and have enjoyed parts of it, the administration is kind of a nightmare and the whole system is designed to squeeze 99% of its students dry of every money and then hoist the 1% that claw their way out as "proof that it works". i would not recommend it unless you have a very specific reason to go.
not to discourage you from art school ! i've heard of people having great experiences. just saying what i wish someone had told me.
also hi saturn! you definitely do not remember me but we talked a few times back in 2020 on twitter. good to see you doing well.
Yes, I agree 100% talk to students not admission staff. I'm glad anon you asked me about it because admissions (for any college really) will lie to your face with the biggest smile. They only want what's best for the college, not you or your career.
AND HELLO!! Hope u are doing well as well!! :]
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vee-i-guess · 2 months ago
Hello! Um, I'm kinda... new to playing Dandy's world (or better known as to suck at playing it..) Do you have any, like, tips? For me to play better? You're also one of my favourite characters😊
-Saturn Anon
"(im gonna break the fourth walls for this..) Well, as a new person to play that game is simple. You have to survive in the game where you have to extract 4 machines at the time. Playing with 8 more people can toughen up the next floors and making it harder. Now the tips, For common twisteds such as Poppy, boxten, or tisha. You can simply avoid them by hiding behind the near object that can make them lose a sight of you. Toodles might be fast, but her attention spam are much shorter. And for Shrimpo are larger so you have to move a bit around the object since he still can detect you somehow. Some twisteds Attention spam art LARGE like Dandy, so you have to move further away and hide the farthest object and move a bit out of their way so hey won't hit you. Remember, Dandy is an instant kill. so you have to move away from him at all cost."
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in-memoriam-tgwk · 7 months ago
Here's a Health to the Company as a Colony wide song (I do the Longest Johns version but to each their own I think the Chieftains also did one),
Arctic by Sleeping at Last for the Cats with Fate,
Learning to Fly by the Foo Fighters for Almondlight
Weight of Us by Sanders Bohlke for Amberfuzz
Saturn for Holly with his kids and grandkids
Twinkling Lights by Annalise Emerick could also be a Colony wide song but I was specifically thinking of Ferret, Needle, and Almond as they get older
The Crossing by Ben Ottewell for Iceciclestalk perhaps? I associate it with siblings due to being from the game Blackwoods Crossing but could work well for him about his family.
Waking up Slow by Gabrielle Aplin for Rain/Heather
The Horror and the Wild by The Amazing Devil for the tyrant mentioned in the prophecy
I like making playlists - Hornet Anon (I forgot to sign but I sent in Cold by the Oh Hellos and Mountains by Message to Bears)
definitely recognize a few here but i will work through them all at some point ^^ thank you for the suggestions!!! especially fond of ‘the horror and the wild’ i will be cementing that into my brain posthaste
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ring-of-galactic · 9 months ago
Greetings, I am Pluto, otherwise (formerly?) known as Saturn. I've grown to like my new name, perhaps even more than the original. Still, both are applicable for me. I've decided to give myself purpose in my absence... I am fourteen years old. He/Him, if you don't mind.
My name and titles, aswell as my team, as of now:
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[Toxicroak - Atlas]
[Golbat - Neptune]
[Porygon - Janus]
[Ariados - Trill]
[Gallade - Perion]
Content/Trigger warnings for this blog: Suicidal thoughts, mentions of abuse/child abuse, self harm, blood, scars, injuries, self destructive behavior, crohn's disease, IBS, torture, unethical experimentation, self degradation, manipulation, obsession, pokémon abuse/violence, and unreality. If asked to tag something that I forgot, I will!
Linked with @rockets--ire! Family!
Hello! Solar here! Did a little timeskip just to make things easier for myself. No exact specified time, but.. less than a year. Not sure how older stuff fits in here at all soooo I'm giving myself a minor excuse to not bring it up at all lol
Basic info on this Saturn, as he is heavily headcanon and AU based: He's fourteen, and was raised by Team Galactic for all his life, mostly by the other Commanders and Cyrus, (by technicality alone for that asshole) so he viewed Cyrus as a father, and once upon a time, Mars wnd Jupiter as older siblings. He's still attached to their memories, even if they've went their separate ways. He's immature and young, reckless, impulsive, and unfortunately, since his entire life was in service to Cyrus and his abuse, he doesn't know how to be a regular kid, and is still struggling to learn. He's still all too used to the abuse he's been through, warping his perception of what he thinks he deserves, and what will happen to him if he gets in trouble. ..Things get pretty heavy very often.
He's also a Luxio/Wattrel/Zapdos hybrid now, and is still struggling to control the rampant electricity inside him, along with the new instincts he's developing.
No NSFW, or proship stuff. If you're proship then DNI.
Pelipper mail/malice, musharna mail/malice, in character anon hate, magic anons, are all accepted and encouraged! Very much want all the engagement I can get! Don't feel shy if you wanna send an ask! It's always appreciated! Have fun, everybody!
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timetraveltodystopia · 3 months ago
Hello! Thank you very much for your blog, it’s so useful ❤ Can I ask you a question, please? The cuspid of my eighth house is in Capricorn, and its ruler Saturn is in Taurus 25° in the 12th house. Saturn has a square to Uranus (the only aspect). As far as I know, the eighth house is associated with intimacy, sex, relationships, and interpretations of the 12th house are often sad. Are there any positive interpretations of this placement? Thanks!
Hii Anon of course <3
So Capricorn and Saturn in Taurus helps you harvest the nature to cope lets say or deal your 8th house in such a grounded energy. Because yes, 8th house touches themes like intimacy and transformation with so much potential. Also your square in Uranus will help transform in such special ways, like a star in the sky.
Thank you to your Saturn in the 12th house will give you or better it gives you the ability to go and do deep inner work in yourself. This gives you control to confront your shadow self. On the other side Uranus gives you the psyche and intuition that you have to go through transitions.
At the end 8th house in Capricorn will lead you to intense personal transformation, resilience, and a lot intuition.
So, while Saturn in the 12th house and its square to Uranus might present some difficulties, there are powerful opportunities for personal evolution, resilience, and even spiritual awakening within this setup. You’re likely to emerge stronger, more compassionate, and more innovative by working with these energies in a balanced way.
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evansblues · 1 year ago
Hello again. I am the vedic insight poster from earlier. I’ve thought of a few other things:
Chris's moon in Scorpio translates to Anuradha in Vedic astrology, pointing to a Saturn dominance. The importance of the moon in Vedic astrology cannot be overstated—it is paramount.
Interestingly, Chris also has Mrigashira (taurus in vedic-which is his sun sign), ruled by Mars, even though it's categorized under Taurus. When converted directly from tropical to nakshatra, this placement corresponds to the "Beauty and the Beast" archetype discussed by Claire Nakti. In this narrative, it's crucial for the "beauty" to recognize and love the "beast" unconditionally, accepting even his darkest aspects.
Chris seems to be drawn to a Mula woman, typically associated with Sagittarius. This inclination suggests he might be attracted to someone with a dominant Sagittarius presence, whether in their sun sign or a significant Sagittarius stellium. Claire notes that Mula is perceived as an "angel" to Mrigashira, acting as a savior from self-destruction.
Converting to his tropical sun sign of Gemini, the equivalent Vedic sign is Punarvasu, which spans from Gemini to Cancer. Margot Robbie, a Punarvasu sun, notably played in a Punarvasu-themed movie, "Barbie," reinforcing the trope of this placement.
Lastly, Chris's tropical Scorpio rising, Anuradha, is ruled by Saturn in Vedic astrology. This aligns with the "Cinderella" narrative, where Chris embodies Cinderella, seeking his "princess charming" with a Swati (Libra) influence.
Did you say Beauty and the Beast?
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Thank you for sharing anon, I love this. 🌷🧡🧡🧡🖤
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months ago
hello~~~ i'm your secret saturn for the jeffffffffest event!
i have a couple of ideas for your gift, but first i want to ask a couple of clarifying questions so i can be sure we're on the same page:
In the Ghost MV, the Jeff we see as the soldier - in my head i've always called him the General, and have him marked as such in my notes. Is there a name you prefer for him, or will i stick with the General?
I know you left the DNW section blank, has anything come up that you think you would *not* want in it? if you do think of anything even after this, feel free to just sort of throw a post on the dash and i'll keep an eye out for it 😆
(btw in the middle of writing this i had a sudden lightbulb moment and now im so freaking excited to write this!!!!!!!!)
ANON DARLING IM SO SORRY I FORGOT!!! I got this while I was in class and I kept trying to answer, but I was afraid of someone looking over my shoulder :' ) It got eaten by my drafts
I don't have any particular name for that character; I think I tend to call him Commander bc I like the sound of it, but honestly? I have no idea what his actual position is supposed to be?? I've also used Scientist, Officer, and straight up just Husband lmao, so whatever works for you, works for me!
I have no idea what to put for a broad DNW @_@ Honestly, I can be into anything if the writing is convincing enough/makes sense within the universe! I know that's not particularly helpful, but if you had specific concerns you could always ask about those? I also haven't formed too strong of opinions about the characters yet, the way I do for ships like KimChay. So I would say skim my ao3 for the kinds of things I tend to write, and that might give you a better idea? I will say I don't love first person PoV, unless it's an epistolary-style sections, like a letter or a diary.
I'm so excited to see whatever it is you've come up with, and again, I'm so sorry for not responding!!
Edit: actually, since you specifically mentioned the Ghost MV - don't make the Wife a jealous harpy? I'm fine with her being cold/morally gray/straight up evil, given she is a seemingly willing participant of the unethical experimentation going on. And I love playing with the dynamics that could exist between all three of them, jealousy included. But I guess I don't want to see her as an obstacle to the ship/made into a caricature. Idk how to explain it, but just. The thing that tends to happen to female characters when they "get in the way" of a ship, y'know? Whatever else happens between them all, she loved them, and they loved her. It was just ComplicatedTM
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youremyheaven · 8 months ago
so i have ketu (anuradha) and moon (jyestha) in the 3rd house
venus (swati), sun (vishaka), mercury (swati) in 2nd house. hasta rising/mars!
as for the elder sibling, im not! unfortunately the youngest one but ive always complained about wanting to be the older one as a child,,, as for the ketu mahadasha and the negative experiences,,, since last sept to now it’s just been terrible (i think the last 8 months is the hardest) and yes, all that u mentioned is true, near death experiences and all too, betrayals and all everything is true i didn’t even know it correlated to that 😭😭
thank you for your insight truly 😭😭 ive never understood it properly till now!!!! 💗
tysm for telling me!!
i asked about u being the elder sibling bc Jyeshta means 'the elder' and is very common among first born daughters and this is kind of a superstition associated with Jyeshta nak in India (or from what I've heard) since Jyeshta is associated with Alakshmi and poverty, it's effect will be mitigated (??) if the person is first born and it will be adverse if they're the younger one 🤔 and that Jyeshtas can directly or indirectly negatively impact their elder siblings lives 🤔keep in mind this is a superstition and I'm not suggesting you're that way ,,, I think in some cases the whole family would've benefited if the Jyeshta native was the elder one instead.
Ketu dasha is not for the faint of heart 🥲 Ketu will forcefully make you detach from everything. There is an energy of being uprooted. But it's a great time to turn inward and explore spirituality because you'll realise it's the only valuable thing in life.
I think with Ketu in 3h, you're going to be unable to benefit from other people's help or support??? 3h = what we gain from our efforts, Ketu = detachment , so I think you're going to have to work really hard because nobody else can give you a leg up the ladder. You could also feel like you're unable to enjoy your success. the whole "have your cake and eat it too" moment. It's probably bc youll never have time to stop and enjoy yourself, you have to power through and keep going but tbh by the end of this dasha, you'll be such a boss babe, it'll be amazinggg
and you're welcome sweetie 😘🥰
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shotanzz · 8 months ago
Hello 💗 I’m here for the game can I request one with riize wonbin?
May 4, 2003
Time: 7:54pm
Place: Queens, New York
And placidus please
Thank you!!
-🐛 anon
There's a stellium in the 5th house and the northnode falls into the 7th house so this looks like the typical movement of the relationship goes from more playful and juvenile into something more serious and stable.
With sun conjunct venus, you guys would be a more openly affectionate couple or the relationship wouldn't necessarily be a secret or behind closed doors also with sun trine pluto you both may seem more "powerful" together or seem like a dynamic that's strong and flexible during change/transformations within it. Mercury conjunct venus also hint's that there's a lot of words of affirmation and affection discussed through words and communication.
Since the sun is in aries, you may push or challenge each other to do better or become efficient versions of yourself, the type of dynamic where you both take care of your personal business because of your s/o motivating you. With the sun, mercury, venus, and lilith being in aries the theme of "new love" and the pushing to be better and "competitiveness" of each other is a very influential theme
With mars in the 4th house squaring saturn and uranus being in the 4th house as well ANDD mars trine jupiter in the 9th house (also moon in the 9th) this may be a couple that moves a lot or moves across the country especially for the sake of the relationship and those involved around it.
HOWEVERRR with mars square pluto (pluto in the 2nd house) and saturn opposite pluto there might be STRICT and volatile events/arguing regarding finances especially the personal finances within the relationship, things regarding money and personal assets might make or break the relationship, also this could be a relationship eluding to stability but failing to fully execute it.
I grade this a
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jwirecs · 2 years ago
hello, hello! here are my seventeen 12k+ fic recs! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers💝
requested by anon (i will try to separate it by members, so if there isnt a member on here, that just means i havent come across any 12k+ fics yet!!!! leaving out the summaries, cause i dont want this post to be tooooooo long. also i didnt know if you just wanted like oneshot or like a series thats 12k+...but for now, its just oneshots!)
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
Tumblr media
Sapiosexual || @smileysuh​​​​​ 🔞💕✅ (sugar daddy au, ~18.6k)
KIDULT || @hvae​​​​💕💔✅ (strangers to lovers au, ~26.9k)
My Guardian Demon Sucks At His Job (Not Clickbait) || @shuaflix​​ 🔞💕💔✅ (supernatural au, ~23.6k)
Anonymously Yours || @joonsytip​​💕💔✅ (enemies to lovers au, ~18.6k)
By The Moon || @wonwoonlight​​​💕💔✅ (werewolf au, ~18k)
Pomegranates || @idyllic-ghost​​💕💔✅ (royal au, ~13.8k)
Saturn Without Rings || @dropsofletters​​💕💔✅ (modern royal au, ~22.2k)
Let Me Try Again || @papermatisse​​💕💔✅ (exes to lovers au, ~30k)
Vampire Kisses || @horanghaejamjam​​💕💔✅ (vampire au, ~16.3k)
Again and Again || @lovelyhan​​🔞💕💔✅ (fake dating au, ~15.7k)
His Smile || @angelwonie​​🔞💕✅ (fake dating au, ~20.5k)
Love Me Out Loud || @twogyuu​​💕💔✅ (established relationship au, ~14.6k)
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the-kr8tor · 1 year ago
Hello lovie! ❤️
hear me out,
If this hasn't been said already, listen. Reader is sick and Hobie just shows up to take care of them like, AAAA. I MEAN- LISTENLISTEN
Overworked Reader who refuses to take a single break but then they catch a cold and Hobie immediately spawns at their apartment with a basket of stuff to take care of them. And reader is being stubborn like "nooo I gotta do homework" and Hobie is making them lay down and care for them so they get back to health safely and in the comfort of ✨love✨
Also is 🍄 or 🪐 anon taken?
~ Love
Hi, angel! The saturn one i think is already taken but the mushroom one isn't!
Good news, lovely I've got a few fics just like that! Feel free to give them a read, here, here and here!
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emily-mooon · 1 year ago
I could def see Robin as Uranus and maybe Vickie as Neptune, since they're a couple in SM? Kali as Pluto would make sense too (which could make El Saturn)? Mars and Jupiter are tricky tho.
Hello Anon!
Yeah thats what I was thinking! Rovickie as Uranus and Neptune. Also the more I think about it, Robin being Uranus is great as they canonically wear more masc clothing which is something that suits Robin well.
Oooo I love the idea of Kali being Pluto and El being Saturn it’s perfect!
Mars and Jupiter are very tricky. Maybe I could instead combine some the guardians? I could also make Max one of them but I’m not sure who she should be.
Thank you for the ask!
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