#ALSO I got to do a lot of killing babyyyyy
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til-f · 1 year ago
Episode 3 Thoughts
I was literally terrified that they weren't going to give us the whole prophecy. Breathed a sigh of relief when they did.
the prophecy scene with only gabe saying it felt super forced lol
I really missed the line "The real world is where the monsters are. that's where you learn if you're any good or not." Like, I wanted that. I also think it describes annabeth's character, and a lot of the reason why she wants to go on the quest.
some good angst when percy got mad on thalia's behalf. again, why do we have to change the tiniest lines to be different. JUST KEEP THEM THE SAME UGHHGHLJ
I don't mind that annabeth is like, a badass, but she isn't the leader of the quest. and i think her anal leader vibe is kinda not the best way to portray her. I don't know. This is percy's only quest. and I could see rick in the film studio being all like, "nah, we can't let percy be the star of the show. he needs to learn to relinquish control" and that is driving me CRAZY. the whole bit where alecto tells annabeth that she might be the most formidable demigod alive? WHY RICK. WHY. WHY MUST YOU NOT LET PERCY JUST BE THE FUCKING MAIN CHARACTER. WHY MUST YOU CHANGE THINGS. WHY WASN'T PERCY THE ONE TO KILL THE FURIES ON THE BUS AND WHY DOESN'T HE FEEL LIKE THE PROTAGONIST. WHYYYY
this book is so near and dear to my heart yall, I should not be making these posts LOL. But I love the show so please read on.
I loved grover's song, lmao. so cute. and when percy goes "our voting system's broken." i'm cracking up.
WHY WAS THE MEDUSA SCENE SO BAD AND SO WEIRD ??!!!!!???? WHAAT ???? WHAT THE FUCK. SERIOUSLY. WHAT?????????????? And again, why are the mosnters so fixated on annabeth? It's kinda weird?!!?!? Um. and I feel like just putting the invisible cap on medusa wouldn't have stopped her powers. also, the fight scene should have been more epic. whats with all the psychology. Just let the children eat burgers and kill medusa. jesus christ.
I don't quite get why percy is having trust issues in the show. in teh books, he's loyal to a fault. he doesn't even think to question that annabeth or grover would betray him. and that he only brought annabeth because he thought they wouldn't be friends? Sigh. Rick, if you're reading this, grrr
the last bit of the episode where percy ships the head to the gods (very impertinent!!!) (same font and same message as the book ahhhh!!!!!!!) and hermes delivering it to the 600th floor almost made up for the other nonsense. almost.
New York City babyyyyy I like it!
WHEW. overall, this episode drove me a little crazy, so I don't really know what to say. Hopefully next episode is better.
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echodrops · 1 year ago
The Promises I Made (2023)
Oh man. Oh man.
At the end of last year, I said that I had really struggled through 2022 and hoped that 2023 would be an easier year, but also that I didn't want to count any chickens. Which was... ultimately the right mindset to have, because 2023 was even worse for me than 2022. Between the stressors of work, money, and things just falling apart on me left and right (car is still in need of $3000 worth of work...), I couldn't be more glad that 2023 is over.
Consequently, it was a very bad year for promises. Possibly the worst year I've ever had since I started, actually. Oof, icing on the cake after all the disappointment I dealt with this year.
Still, a tradition is a tradition. Here are the promises I made for this last year!
2023 Promises
1) Work on the Texas house yard. It’s still never really recovered from the frost that killed everything in 2021 and it looks pretty shabby right now.
Status: Broken, mostly. I did have the gardener come and do a lot of trimming as well as take out one dead tree, but still, one dead tree remains, and the tree in the backyard has grown roots so big now that they've exposed a underground wire, so uhhhh... gonna have to deal with that this year...
2) Get both bedroom floors sanded in the Utah house upstairs.
Status: Broken. This just didn't happen. No money. But it really, really needs to happen soon though... Oof...
3) Get the Utah house sprinklers up and working ALL the way for this summer.
Status: Broken. This is the hardest promise on this list, I swear to god. This city in Utah has NO ONE who is willing to work on normal residential sprinklers. Please someone save me.
4) Actually get the back fence fixed up and the greenery back there trimmed and managed.
Status: Broken. Well, one day...
4) Put a new sink/vanity in the downstairs bathroom of the Utah house.
Status: Broken. I sure... made a lot of promises about the Utah house, didn't I... Where did I think all this money would come from...
5) Related to that, lose at least 20 pounds. 2020-2022 was not kind to me and the stress eating was real.
Status: Broken. I didn't gain weight this year but I didn't lose any either. RIP.
6) Take my mom on a road trip to one of the U.S. states that she has not been to before.
Status: Broken. I was busy all summer and we just didn't do this.
7) Get back in touch with the allergy specialist to continue working on my allergy/inflammation issues.
Status: Broken. Yikes, seven in a row without a single kept promise. Anyway, I did want to do this, but again, the surgery they want me to have will take all my insurance and then $2000 out of pocket. It's just... not going to happen...
8) Go through my closets and donate or throw away clothes that I know I will not wear.
Status: KEPT. Oh my god, one I actually did. I ended up donating SO MANY shirts to Goodwill.
9) Finish at least five books this year.
Status: Broken. I finished two I believe. But... maybe the 50+ 100k word fanfics I read this year could count instead?
10) Organize my documents (especially student papers)—my desktop and documents folders give me nightmares just looking at them. 
Status: Broken. Jesus, why am I so allergic to this promise? I think it's been on the list for like three years running now.
11) Help Kacchan through her first semester as a teacher! Exciting!!
Status: According to Kacchan herself, this promise has been kept. Go me.
12) Get a decent paper shredder to shred old mail. 
Status: Kept! I finally got a shredder!!
13) Clean off my back patio/car port area so I can park my car there again.
Status: Broken. Literally there's not that much stuff out there other than my coworker's old bikes she dumped on me. Why have I not done this...
14) Get the Texas house dishwasher fixed… I’m so tired of washing dishes by hand… How do people do this, oof.
Status: Kept! I got a newwww dishwasherrrrrr. I am so happy...
15) 100% complete FF16 babyyyyy!!
Status: Broken. I played it, but did not 100%. Too busy. TvT
16) Talk to an HR rep about my retirement savings so that I can consolidate my retirement accounts. I have been putting this off for like five years now.
Status: Broken. I think this has been on the list for years too. And given the current uncertainty of my workplace, I honestly think at this point I might be better off not asking anyone who works there for any financial advice...
17) Do at least one artwork to actually use that new paint program I bought. 
Status: Broken. Well, I THOUGHT about it. Does that count?
18) Pay my credit debt down by at least $2000. I’m still paying off the hell year but I hope I can make progress on this.
Status: Broken. The hell year of last year became Hell Year 2.0, Economic Boogaloo this year. So many things went wrong and had to be paid for. My wallet is C R Y I N G.
19) Finish making changes to master courses. No more major revisions!
Status: You know what, I'm going to count this as kept, because we're now down to the really specific courses that only one or two professors teach. So, close enough!!
20) See a zone-tailed hawk. This is another rare-but-possible bird for my area.
Status: Kept! Conveniently, one flew over my car one day?? I got only a terrible cellphone photo, but I did see it. Yay!
21) Attend the FFXIV Fanfest in Las Vegas!
Status: Broken. I tried!! But I did not win the lottery for a ticket, so I was not able to go. This one was pretty much out of my hands, though.
22) Update HaaH at least once. Please, Echo???
Status: ...I'm sorry, forgive meeee. OTL
23) Get the small leak fixed in the side bathroom of the Texas house and have the faucets replaced.
Status: Plumbers are... so expensive... Broken.
24) Look into the cost of light housekeeping services to give myself a little more time to do things that aren’t work.
Status: Technically kept... in that I did look into the costs... But ultimately, I chickened out of contacting anyone. I don't know why, but I feel like even if I got a housekeeper, I would be so embarrassed by my house being messy, I would frantically clean it the day before the housekeeper arrived anyway...
25) Catch up with hanging up all the charms/pins I’ve gotten recently on my corkboards; these are just sitting in boxes/bags around the house. D;
Status: Broken. My god, I thought about doing this so many times this year but I just never did it... I even both MORE charms and then didn't hang them.
26) Use Spotify more often or cancel my Spotify Premium subscription; it’s not worth it if I don’t use it.
Status: Kept. I cancelled it when they decided to raise the price. Cancelled Amazon Prime and Netflix this year too. Honestly way too tired of companies raising the prices of subscription services while offering LESS quality than in prior years.
27) Get an art display book to preserve my great grandfather’s artworks.
Status: Kept. They are safeeeee now.
28) Fix the screens on the Texas house.
Status: Broken. Probably for the best I didn't do this though, since the dog developed a habit of scratching at the office WINDOW to be let back into the house...
29) Bird watch at a specific location in Texas. It’s my secret where since I’d rather not share my specific location on social media, but let’s hope I can finally make it to this place!
Status: Kept. I didn't see many birds there though, RIP.
30) Finally get rid of the dirt pile in the front of the Utah house.
Status: Broken. I feel like the dirt pile is getting smaller and smaller over time as erosion takes its natural course, but I didn't really do anything to decrease the pile this year.
31) Sign NeNe (my puppy) up for the intermediate dog training course.
Status: Broken. I thought about this several times, but decided not to in the end. I wasn't massively impressed by the trainer she had for her puppy class, and honestly she's pretty decent at learning things at home anyway.
32) This is super nerdy, but my bro got me the FFXIV cookbook and made me promise to actually use it, so I guess I’d better at least try to make something from it.
Status: Broken. I keep making this promise and continually forget it, over and over.
33) Take down the remains of the wooden fence posts at the Utah house.
Status: Broken. This one I could have done and just... did not do. I'm pretty useless.
34) Take part in the fitness challenge at work this coming semester.
Status: Broken. To be fair to me though, in August I fractured my pelvis and basically couldn't do anything past basic walking all the way until December so I kind of have a semi-reasonable excuse for this one.
35) I will remember to take my medicine on time, all the time. Taking them late is messing things up quite a bit.
Status: Mostly kept. There was a night or two where I did forget, but since I literally require this medicine to live, I can basically immediately tell when I need to take it again, so most nights I do take it on time.
36) Get a stand for the toaster oven in the break room so we can finally use it!
Status: I'm going to count this as kept even though we did not get a new stand. Instead, we rearranged the order of the room to make it possible to fit both the toaster over and the microwave on the same countertop. So the toaster oven can indeed be used now!
37) Get my car detailed because the inside really needs to be vacuumed.
Status: Broken. My god, the car needs this so desperately now. But... money...
38) Go horseback riding on the island. I’ve never ridden on a beach before!
Status: Broken. Nobody really seemed that interested in going with me, and I thought it would be weird to go alone...
39) Eat healthier. Maybe cutting out snacks is too much to ask, but at least replace some average meals with salads, etc. and overall make an effort to actually eat better. Sometimes the fact that I feel like garbage is my own fault.
Status: Broken. The stress eating was extreme this last year. Please save me.
40) Wait, I should probably acquire a Playstation 5 so I can actually play my new copy of FF16, lol.
Status: Kept.
41) Help make sure the new tutoring requirement for the English classes goes over well.
Status: Kept, in that I did the best I could with a very, very weird plan. We immediately abandoned this plan the moment the grant expired anyway, since no one liked what admin had wanted us to do.
42) Finish decorating the main office. I’ll feel better if my workplace reflects the level of professionalism and school spirit that I envisioned it having this year.
Status: Broken, and I'm not going to roll this one over to the next year because I am 100% stepping down from my current administrative position and going back to being a full-time instructor again, so I will not need to decorate the main office anymore! Whoo!
43) Catch every variant of Vivillon in Pokemon Go. I’m currently missing Icy Snow, Marine, Meadow, Monsoon, Ocean, Polar, River, Sandstorm, Savanna, Sun, and Tundra, if anyone would like to be friends!
Status: Broken. I caught some of the ones I was missing but I really didn't play as much Pokemon Go this year. Broken pelvis decreasing walking ability but also just got tired of the game pushing more and more microtransactions, so I kinda took a longggg break.
44) Try to be more comprehensive with giving feedback to students. I’m always good at providing detailed comments on essays, but I’d like to spend more time commenting on smaller assignments too this year.
Status: Broken. Every year I try, every year I feel like I still haven't given enough. Maybe the issue with this promise is that I don't really know what is "enough" for the students compared to what I personally think I should give...
45) Make sure the retirement party for my coworkers who retired this year goes off without a hitch and honors them well.
Status: Kept. Oh, this was so nice and so much fun. It was really great seeing the retiring faculty members so emotional over how much we were able to honor them and their contributions to the school.
46) Take part in more activities on campus; I have a tendency to not attend many events because they’re in the evening when I’m tired, but I should really stay more often.
Status: Kept, though mostly by necessity. I kept constantly getting called in to help on things, even in other departments.
47) Write some Chainsaw Man fanfic for @mistystarshine!
Status: Broken. I'm so sorry, this just did not happen. I wish my work schedule was manageable instead of actually insane. There are so many things I want to write and do for myself, rather than for work...
48) Help my parents tear out the carpet in my old childhood bedroom.
Status: Broken. My mom talked about it a lot, but it never ended up happening.
49) Do something to destress (massage, pedicure, something?) at least once per month. I gotta take better care of myself…
Status: Broken. So broken. I only got more stressed this year. More and more and more and more...
50) I will keep my promises! 
Status: Oof, mostly broken. Next year I'm going to set a reminder for myself so that I remember to check my promises every few weeks or something...
Kept promises: 15
Broken promises: 35
Another year, another chance, I guess. See you all in 2024!
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peyoso · 6 months ago
In accordance to the principles of pure self-indulgence, I shall now detail the xmen/outsiders au that I have been concocting. Idea sparked by this post
The basic premise is that Ponyboy is a mutant that joins the xmen after the (modified) events of the book.
Okay so Im thinking for Pony's mutant ability something with fire and powerful. I just like the idea of him being really powerful. theres something there. It would also give him an interesting relationship to the church fire and johnnys death. Also like the idea that his power manifests when Darry hits Pony. burning Darry's hand and leaving burn scars. #symbolism
Johnny also was a mutant with vast telekinetic power that put a psionic strain on him and was a part of the reason he died.
Im in the fence about Dallas. im thinking a more subtle ability like hyper-intelligence/instincts with an animalistic secondary mutation. Like a Sage/Sabertooth hybrid. OR like a fear manipulation type thing: he can sense and amplify fears and gets more powerful the more people are afraid, maybe even at a certain threshold he starts transforming into basically a werewolf and also can cause fear hallucinations.
Anyway this au is divided into eras:
The Beginning Era
the events of the book more or less play out the same just with the added mutant layer and a different ending. Dally survives and goes to jail. Pony gets separated from his brothers and put in a boys home
X timeline-wise, Cerebro picks up Pony at the same time as Dazzler and Kitty
Charles finds Pony and he gets sent to the school. maybe the professor makes up something about a scholarship/outreach program. anyway going from dirt poor to living in a mansion with an allowance thats more than his family earned in a year is jarring and at first Pony is very abrasive.
There's also the fact that Pony has already hurt people with his power and believes he started the church fire that ultimately killed Johnny (😏)
I think he would bond with Logan and Kurt and just not like Kitty
Eventually Dally gets out of jail (maybe a year at most) and decides to track down Pony bc he needs something to live for and it might as well be not failing Pony the way he failed to protect Johnny
Tracks him down to the school, gets into a fight and joins the xmen once things are cleared up
The ??? Era
listen. idk the whole of xmen history okay but yk as i read and learn ill expand this section. just know Pony and Dally are doing shenanigans. Pony discovers that hes actually Darry and Soda's half brother and his biological father is a mutant crime lord and he has mutant siblings. Darry gets mutant racist. Dally gets sent to hell and Pony fights the devil about it. Pony hosts the Phoenix for a bit and maybe learns hes got a magical heritage and Dally has weapon x connection idk. stuff just happens. theyre doing things. dont worry about it
The Krakoa Era
Johnny's back babyyyyy and with him a whole can of worms
Pony's in his 20s and has been a xmen for years. He and Dally are dating (surprise! this is a Dalpony au) and he has mutant siblings hes close to etc etc
basically a lot has changed and Johnny is thrown right in it. from an abandoned lot to a lush island paradise. his best friends are superheroes/basically mutant celebrities and crazy shit happens on the daily. its overwhelming to say the least
Pony asks Jean to help Johnny control his powers
Maybe Pony and Dally are also helping Kate with her Marauders. finding and freeing mutants and getting them to Krakoa
A few other things:
Im bad at coming up with superheroes names but im thinking Wildfire for Pony then later as he grows into his powers people start calling him the Dawnbringer. For Dallas maybe something like Grim or Blood Hound...Bugbear...
Pony's relationship to his brothers kinda falls through bc Darry begins to see Pony's mutation as something wrong that needs to be fixed and associates it with everything he perceives as wrong with Pony (think Evelyn from EEAAO or like any homophobic relative) which really destroys their relationship and causes Pony to distant himself from Darry
I dont have a clear idea on Soda yet. maybe something like a part of Soda being afraid of Pony/his fire? like Soda accidentally flinched when Pony gets to close once and things just went downhill from there. something something a relationship becoming defined by guilt something something idk
Here is Pony's mutant family:
Black Market dealer and supplier
Control the temperature and brightness of his surroundings. making it really dark/hot/bright/cold/etc
Manipulative and scheming; a businessman through and through
Does genuinely care for his kids and very supportive of them
His goals? run a successful business thank you
Eldest (late 20s) and the only one raised by their father
Hecatomnus' right hand man
Controls stability of things. Can make a building crumble or prevent a person's condition from worsening. Has to keep constant concentration tho
Very mindful, very demure.
Really cares for his siblings and takes his responsibilities as eldest very seriously
Come across as cold/apathetic but is in fact a deeply unserious person
Second eldest (late 20s)
Channels heat into objects around her. Usually focuses heat into her weapons for 1000° hot blades that explode stuff on contact.
Warrior Princess type vibe
Chaotic in general but has a strong warrior code
Regularly mails pipe bombs to her dad (its their father-daughter bonding)
Youngest (in her teens)
Hyper-aware of her surroundings and can focus her awareness on something to gain knowledge about its history, characteristics, properties, etc.
Very sweet and kind but not naive. her power means that she often knows more than others
She also tends to passively pick up random details about people around her
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doodle17 · 1 year ago
Just got back from the fnaf movie
Please remember if you reblog go tag with every fnaf spoiler tag you can think of btw!
Was so... godamn...
First of all: absolutely loved how it wasn't overly violent. I'm not a prude, but when it comes to gore and violence, I'm very particular. Everyone who follows me knows I'm not a fan of gore, and luckily this movie had none!
It was still pretty gruesome. Like the guy getting his face eaten by Mr. Cupcake and that one girl who got bitten in half by Freddy. But even then, all you could see was the silhouette and her lower half fall to the floor. And 90% of the other scenes you do see, but they kind of let the sounds of what's happening fill in the gaps as the camera goes somewhere else, like with Mr. Cupcake.
Even when you see their bodies later on in the parts and services, the end results of what happened earlier aren't even that bad! Tbh it's almost too dark to even see anything
I loved that! It made it perfectly fine for me to watch and not squirm uncomfortably or feel sick. It actually shocked me! Most gore just makes me roll my eyes and want to gag but this stuff literally made me say "WOAH that's MESSED UP" (enthusiastically) out loud a few times!
Also the parts with the animatronics playing with Abby.... GOD that really filled a void in me that I never knew I had... Watching them play and build a fort and be goofy... Really made me smile so hard!... Uh, as if they didn't kill a bunch of dudes earlier.... Hmm..
All the little references made me point at the screen and squeal! That MatPat cameo my goodness! It made me laugh too lol, which I was pretty surprised about! I wasn't expecting to laugh, smile and cry in a scary movie but here we are!
Every Balloon Boy jumpscare got me, because even though it was, as all those video game critics say, "a cheap spook with a loud noise" I can guarantee a lot of other people did too
I think I was pretty pleased with how they did the springlocks. The reveal... The way Abby said "They can see you now." As they turn to William... Their real Killer... HOT DAMNNNNN AND THEN HE SAYS THE FUCKING LINE AND PUTS ON THE HEAD JUST- CHILLS DUDE (I should probably mention how loud this movie made me btw)
And that part legitimately made my eyes water too! When they dragged him away, the music and him twitching... All I could think was "JUSTICE!"
And I love that they made William a horrible father from what we saw when he talked with Vanessa. It always irks me the wrong way when people try to portray him as a sad parent who lost his daughter and that's why he did what he did. Like- no. He wasn't okay in the head you guys, he was NOT a good father, EVER. I'm sorry but no, he literally neglected, emotionally, and possibly, physically abused his kids.
And I love what they did with characters too! I like how the movie just did its own thing that to me, felt like What fnaf REALLY is.
I never like fnaf lore as it is now. I like when the premise was simply: "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him." Before all that sci-fi stuff got involved. And the Movie is just that! "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him."!! It was awesome!
And I like how it explains that there's the possibility that while the kids posses them, they also have somewhat minds of their own. At least that's what I got from some stuff revealed. There's ways been a part of me that thought the animtronics themselves had minds of their own, so to see that it could be a possibility (in the movies canon at least) was really cool!
Also... Living tombstone fnaf 1 song :) in end credits!
And to end this off, sadly there wasn't a post credit scene sadly (unless you count that CoryxKensin getting jumpscared by the BB toy after the fancy credits)
But!!!! Did anyone else notice the fnaf 2 music box playing in the end credits? And the one noise that says the letters and stuff during the secret fnaf 2 minigames...?
I mean, Matthew did say he signed for 2 more movies... So who's to say we won't get a Fnaf 2 movie based off the evidence of what we heard there, huh? Just a little thought I decided to leave here before we end things off :)
FORGOT TO MENTION that both me and Cherri SCREAMED the lyrics for the fnaf song at the end lol,and two girls next to us started recording us lol (not in a mean way we all talked and ranted for a good 3 minutes afterward it was fun!)
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linagram · 2 years ago
[ 𝚙𝚛𝚎-𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟸 ] 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕
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IT'S OFFICIAL THE SECOND TRIAL IS HERE BABYYYYY oh god now they're going to suffer even more
(Warnings: mentions of attempted suicide, physical violence (prisoners get injured and beaten up and also Eiji and Kei's relationship gets mentioned), toxic relationship dynamics and heavy implications of self-harm)
Miki: Eiji-san?..
Miki: Eiji-san, can you hear me?
Eiji: .. Ah, sorry.
Eiji: I just.. I was too deep in thought, I guess.
Miki: I-it's okay! I just didn't expect you to be the one getting distracted this time, haha..
Eiji: What was that?
Miki: N-nothing! 
Miki: B-but seriously, a-are you okay? You've been acting a bit weird lately..
Miki: Did something happen? Y-you can tell me!
Eiji: I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
Miki: .. If you say so.
Miki: So.. You know why we're here, right?
Eiji: .. Yeah. Because of the second trial.
Miki: *nods* I.. I thought it would be a good idea to talk about everything that happened after the first trial.
Miki: Would you be okay with that? I-if you're too tired, I completely understand-
Eiji: No, you're right. We do have to talk about it.
Eiji: There's.. a lot of things we have to discuss. 
Miki: Ah, do you want me to do most of the talking? I can do that-
Eiji: NO! 
Miki: *screams*
Eiji: .. Sorry.
Eiji: I will do it. You can just sit here.
Miki: U-um..
Miki: O-okay then..
*sounds of Eiji getting up*
*sounds of Eiji's footsteps*
Eiji: So.. Many of the prisoners feel like completely different people now. 
Eiji: Some of them are acting like the complete opposite of their past selves and some of them are acting like.. if you took their personality traits, even the good ones, and made them much worse.
Eiji: It doesn't even matter if they were voted guilty or innocent. All of them are equally bad. 
Miki: Eiji-san..
Miki: Are you saying our judgement was incorrect?
Eiji: .. I don't know.
Eiji: Maybe. 
Eiji: No, it would definitely be better if we just voted all of them guilty-
Miki: So that they could suffer even more?
Miki: Eiji-san, I respect you a lot.. 
Miki: But I think a lot of prisoners finally got the confidence they needed this way. They feel so much safer now too!
Miki: Who knows what they would do if all of them were voted guilty..
Eiji: I'm not just talking about their personalities, but their relationships too. 
Eiji: Those who were friends are basically enemies now or their relationships are just much more toxic now. 
Eiji: You know who I'm talking about, don't you?
Eiji: I mean, our relationships with the prisoners are different too now. 
Eiji: .. Let's begin.
Eiji: Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio.
Eiji: He got the well-deserved guilty verdict last time and his ideas and thoughts were rejected. Serves him right, honestly..
Eiji: I wish I could say that without feeling worried, but.. I can't do that because of what happened. 
Miki: .. So you are worried about him.
Eiji: Because he was voted guilty, I knew that I will have to punish him for his sins. At first I just wanted to beat him up, but..
Eiji: I-I guess I underestimated how passionate I am about that kind of stuff.
Miki: He got a head injury because of you, Eiji-san.
Miki: A really.. bad one.
Eiji: Guard 002, with all respect I have for you, you think it was bad just because there was a lot of blood-
Miki: Miyagawa-san.. He got traumatized both physically and mentally after that.
Miki: If it wasn't for me.. If I didn't manage to stop you before it was too late..
Miki: I think you would have ended up killing him, Eiji-san.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: S-so what? He deserves to die anyway.
Miki: He's only 16 years old-
Eiji: Anyway, about his personality. Akio definitely feels like a different person now, but he still has many personality traits he had before all of this.
Eiji: As I said, his ideas were rejected. Which means we have basically told him.. 
Eiji:"You're not a king nor a god that you think you are".
Eiji: And considering that because of his head injury, it's much more difficult for him to do most things, now he feels like he actually isn't as smart and talented as he thought. 
Eiji: It's hard for him to walk without feeling dizzy and feeling like his head is spinning, so he often needs help when he has to go somewhere. 
Eiji: He's also a bit more quiet now, though he's still very loud whenever we try to talk to him. 
Miki: And for a good reason. You're the reason why he's like this now.
Eiji: Stop blaming me. I wasn't the only person who decided to vote him guilty. 
Eiji: If it really was the wrong decision, then it's our fault, not just mine.
Eiji: He's more quiet now mostly because it's harder for him to talk now. I also almost never see him reading or studying anymore. 
Eiji: .. I-I guess it really was a fitting punishment for a "genius" like him-
Miki: How can you say that?!
Miki: What if that injury really is serious? You know I can't take proper care of him, right? 
Miki: What if his life will get worse because of it? What if..
Miki: .. What if he will die if he doesn't get any help?
Eiji: All of them are going to be executed by me anyway, so-
Eiji: ...
Miki: .. You wanted to talk about everyone's relationships too, right?
Miki: Do it. Tell me more about them.
Eiji: .. Well, Akio never really had any friends in this place, though he could often be seen with Aimi and Riku. I assume it's because of them being high school students, so they got along well, since they all are almost the same age.
Eiji: But if Akio's verdict was "Guilty", Aimi and Riku, on the other hand, were forgiven. 
Eiji: And that has changed their relationship dynamic a lot. 
Eiji: You see, after being voted guilty, Akio started becoming more and more.. unstable. He claims that he hears someone's voice sometimes and he can even see that person. There was a time when Naomi told me that Akio couldn't sleep because he felt like he was being choked by that person. 
Eiji: Some prisoners also say that they can often hear Akio mumbling to himself and Aimi thinks that he's actually saying someone's name repeatedly. 
Miki: .. I-I think I know what's going on here.
Miki: I'm not sure about that voice he hears and that person who has tried to choke him, but.. What if he's actually saying the name of his accomplice?
Miki: That would also explain.. well, that incident.
Eiji: .. I'll ask Aimi to pay more attention to what he says. That information could be useful for us.
Eiji: Anyway, because Akio's hallucinations have started getting worse and worse, he couldn't take it anymore and ended up having a breakdown in front of all the other prisoners.
Eiji: And he tried to ask Riku for help and grabbed his hand and I don't know what exactly he said, since we arrived when it was too late, but Riku did not like it.
Eiji: I'll talk more about it later, but.. After that, Akio slowly walked back to his cell, even though it was still hard because of his condition and..
Eiji: *sighs*
Eiji: I'm assuming he tried to make his injury even worse by beating his head against the wall. 
Miki: .. You know that he had a reason to do that. And it wasn't just about "trying to make it worse". 
Eiji: Fine, what else do you want me to say? This guy is not doing well. That's it.
Eiji: Now, let's talk about the person who stopped him from doing that to himself when we weren't there. And also, the only person he can trust right now.
Eiji: Prisoner 002, Hanasaki Aimi.
Eiji: Ah, the poor girl who was bullied by her entire class. 
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: .. I still don't trust her.
Eiji: As I said, her ideas were affirmed, so I assumed that she will try even harder to make friends after this and she won't be so shy anymore..
Eiji: .. But she is actually much more quiet now.
Eiji: She still acts nice and she's still very polite, but now she doesn't really try to become friends with anyone in this prison.. except one person.
Eiji: And that person is Akio.
Eiji: She was the one who stopped him from basically killing himself and she's also the one who takes care of him, holds his hand when he's having trouble walking and I think I also heard her read a book out loud for him once. 
Miki: Isn't she so nice? I still don't understand how such a kind person like her can be a murderer-
Eiji: I wouldn't trust her so easily if I were you. Sure, she's nice to Akio now, but she stopped talking to Riku after she found out what he said to Akio.
Eiji: Just so you understand, she completely ignores Riku now. She doesn't even look at him.
Eiji: She's acting like this with some other prisoners too now: she tries to avoid Yurika and she has also called Asahi out once for his behavior.
Miki: But I think that's understandable?..
Eiji: What I'm trying to say is.. It's kind of interesting, don't you think? Aimi already knew that all prisoners are murderers and she already knew that they are not good people and they obviously have flaws, but when it was the first trial, she still insisted that she likes them all and wants to be friends with them.
Eiji: But now, she doesn't try to become friends with any of them except Akio, who also can't really do anything without her help anymore.
Eiji: .. I feel like I'm starting to see a connection here.
Eiji: Anyway.
Eiji: Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun.
Eiji: Sadly, he was voted innocent, so his ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Come on, I know you regret voting him innocent.
Miki: .. W-what else was I supposed to do?..
Miki: If we voted him guilty, who knows what he would do and how he would act! 
Eiji: So you admit it? You admit that this guy is unpredictable? 
Eiji: So you admit that this guy is dangerous?
Miki: .. Ishizu-san is just.. 
Miki: .. He's just very hard to understand..
Eiji: He sure is more confident now thanks to his thoughts being affirmed. It's not a good kind of confidence, it's a very annoying kind.
Eiji: Also, is it just me or he doesn't care about his ex anymore?
Eiji: I mean, he openly flirts with both Kei and Eiko now, even though when Eiko herself said that she's interested in him, he rejected her since he's "taken".
Eiji: He also rarely mentions being in love with his ex and now he doesn't even say stuff like "I did this for her! I just wanted her back! I just loved her so much I had to kill her new boyfriend for her sake!"
Miki: Maybe he just.. forgot about it?
Eiji: I doubt it. Though I can't say that him being in love with her was an act, this guy's video showed that he really did care about her in his own twisted way.
Eiji: Although..
Eiji: We haven't actually seen her face. We've only seen her new boyfriend's face and that's it.
Eiji: Maybe we should make him talk more about that guy this time.
Eiji: And also.. now that he's more confident, he refuses to take no for an answer.
Eiji: .. Especially when it comes to Kei.
Miki: ...
Miki: Eiji-san..
Miki: Are you worried about-
Eiji: I'm not.
Eiji: I just find it disgusting how he started to take more and more advantage of Kei now that the guy can barely move. I don't remember him being so "dominant" before Kei got punished. 
Miki: .. So you are worried-
Eiji: I'M NOT!
Eiji: A-anyway, Shun and Eiko are much closer now since both of them were forgiven unlike Kei.
Eiji: .. And they sure like to remind Kei about them being "superior" to him all the time.
Eiji: .. I don't want to talk about him anymore.
Eiji: Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi.
Eiji: She was forgiven and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: I guess she's mostly fine, but still.. I feel like something is wrong here.
Miki: Why? Chiba-san is so nice and understanding and she always helps me out when I need advice.. 
Eiji: Just like Shun, she's much more confident now. And why would she start acting like that if she's truly sorry for her sins?
Eiji: She wanted us to vote her guilty, remember? I thought that she would ask us to rethink our decision, but no, she just accepted it and moved on. 
Miki: W-well, maybe she just.. you know, started to see her crime differently? Like, maybe she doesn't think it was that bad anymore?
Eiji: If she's not lying, her victim really was a child. Do you think it's okay to just go "Oh, maybe me killing that kid actually wasn't a big deal"?
Miki: But what if she had her reasons-
Eiji: I don't care about her reasons. She's a child murderer and her victim most likely was one of her students. And now she thinks that her crime wasn't even that bad and doesn't try to make us change our mind. 
Eiji: She says that she simply doesn't try to do it because "we're the guards, so we know what we're doing", but I know she's secretly happy that she got voted innocent.
Miki: .. Again, you're saying my decision was wrong?
Eiji: .. Um-
Eiji: I'm just saying that now we can see that Prisoner 004 actually wouldn't try to become a better person and she actually doesn't think that her crime was that serious. Voting her innocent helped us realize it, so.. 
Eiji: Maybe you were right in some way.
Eiji: Ah, and even though she's still acting like everyone's.. uh, mom, basically, her ideas were affirmed, so now she's more strict with the younger prisoners.
Eiji: If she sees someone misbehaving, she will tell them to stop it and if they don't, she might actually get angry at them. 
Eiji: Though she's mostly nice to all prisoners who are still kids.. except one of them. 
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. Yeah, I'm talking about Asahi.
Eiji: And even though I would gladly vote Naomi guilty this time, I support the way she treats Asahi. 
Eiji: Yes, I know that he's most likely your brother, but you have to admit-
Miki: I-I will talk to him about it, okay? I will.
Miki: I'll prove his innocence to you, Eiji-san. I'll prove that he really deserves to be forgiven.
Eiji: The next prisoner is-
Eiji: .. Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei.
Eiji: He was voted guilty and his ideas and thoughts were rejected.
Miki: .. I still have no idea how you just.. can be so cruel to him without feeling anything.
Miki: He's your brother! If I had to vote Yano-san guilty-
Eiji: Are you telling me someone like him deserves forgiveness?..
Eiji: Guard 002, he's the one who turned my life into a living hell. 
Eiji: He.. He always was weird. And I had to protect him from other kids and people in general because of that. 
Eiji: .. I remember him thanking me for that once. 
Eiji: But then something happened and.. He started beating me for no reason every single day after that.
Eiji: He actually almost killed me once, no, twice! Maybe even more times!
Eiji: He's literally the reason why my whole body hurts all the time, why don't you get it, Miki?! Who cares about him when my body will never truly heal and it's all his fault!
Miki: .. *sobs*
Miki: I'm sorry.. I really.. I didn't mean to..
Miki: It's just.. I'm used to trying to see the good in all people and..
Miki: I thought that maybe Kei-san still deserves forgiveness..
Eiji: *sighs* Listen, I can't deny that I kind of admire that trait of yours. 
Eiji: But Kei doesn't deserve any of your forgiveness and kindness. Trust me.
Eiji: .. He refused to believe that all of this was real and that he really is going to be punished until I actually came and.. well, gave him what he deserves.
Miki: I still remember his cries and how loud he screamed from all that pain.
Miki: But that's.. weird. I thought Kei-san was a much more..
Eiji: Same. Remember him saying that he's not afraid of pain and that he can handle it all or something like that?
Eiji: .. It turned out to be another lie of his. 
Eiji: He's so used to being the one who hurts people that he has no idea what to do when someone hurts him.
Eiji: "More pain means more love"? Sure, whatever you say, Kei. You agree with what our mother used to say only when you're the one who's inflicting all that pain.
Eiji: .. Something is bothering- um, I just find something very confusing though.
Miki: Really? What?
Eiji: For some reason, I noticed that Kei already had a lot of scars on his body even before his punishment. 
Miki: Wait, what?? W-were they bad? Why didn't you tell me?
Eiji: If I did, you would never let me punish him. 
Eiji: Even I got scared, but only a little bit.
Miki: .. Don't you feel at least a little worried for your brother?
Eiji: W-why should I care? Maybe someone just got "a bit too rough" with him or something, I don't want to think about it. It's none of my business.
Eiji: Anyway, Kei still hangs out with Shun and Eiko very often, but now it's not because he wants to. He can't even leave his cell without anyone's help because of how much pain he's in, haha..
Eiji: Ahem, so Shun and Eiko are the ones who drag him out of it and they just make him follow them around. Actually, I feel like now they spend even more time together compared to the first trial.
Eiji: But don't you even think that this guy is just a poor victim and we absolutely have to forgive him this time-
Miki: Should I remind you that he almost got beaten up because of Maruyama-san?
Eiji: I have no idea who I should believe, but she told us that he was acting creepy again and she wanted to defend herself.
Eiji: I don't trust her most of the time, but since it's Kei.. I can see him saying something and Yurika getting mad at him for that.
Eiji: If that was the case, I can't blame her.
Eiji: .. I still can't believe that he actually got saved by someone though.
Eiji: Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko.
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Well, she did thank us for forgiving her, but I'm sure she didn't actually care about her verdict. She's just not that kind of person.
Miki: She is.. very affectionate with you now because of you agreeing to vote her innocent.
Eiji: Yes, and I hate it.
Miki: "Do you though?.."
Eiji: However, I feel like she actually did change as a person.
Eiji: She openly admits that she likes Kei and Shun only because of their appearance, but still keeps them close because she likes the attention she gets from them. 
Eiji: So it's like.. She said that she knows Kei will never "truly" love her and she also said that it would be easy to forgive her because of her looks, but now she agrees that she and Kei aren't actually that different.
Eiji: Also, even though she was one of those prisoners who refused to accept that all of this is a real thing, she has recently started asking me more questions about Milgram.
Eiji: Like, how it works, who created this place, why we were chosen as the guards, all of that..
Eiji: I have no idea why she's so curious about it now.
Miki: Maybe after the first trial was over, she started to realize that this isn't just a game and our verdicts really do have consequences?..
Eiji: Or maybe she just wants to spend more time with me.
Eiji: I don't get it though. I'm not that, uh.. "attractive" and I never give her any attention, so.. why me? Is it just her trying to make me forgive her again?
Eiji: .. No, she's not like most prisoners here.
Miki: But I think you're very pretty, Eiji-san!
Eiji: Um, thank you?..
Miki: Still not my type though.
Eiji: I wasn't even trying to.. never mind.
Eiji: Prisoner 007, Yano Asahi.
Eiji: He was voted innocent and his ideas and thoughts were affirmed. 
Eiji: And, well, he reacted to it just like a spoiled kid his age would.
Eiji: He thought that it was going to happen anyway and now he's sure that no matter what he does, he will still be forgiven, because.. you know, he's a child.
Miki: But isn't he right-
Eiji: Well, that's not gonna happen.
Eiji: I never judge anyone only based on their age. No matter how young or how old they are, I will make sure they will get the verdict that they deserve.
Eiji: And because all of them are murderers, all of them deserve to be-
Miki: I know, you don't have to say that again.
Eiji: .. Huh?
Eiji: U-um, okay, let's talk about how he acts now. 
Eiji: Prisoner 007 is much more confident now and I rarely see him cry or throw a tantrum, though he still likes to use his.. uh, "cuteness" to get what he wants. 
Eiji: However, he's now surprisingly good at controlling his emotions. I have no idea what happened to him, but he's much more polite now and I almost never hear him swear anymore. 
Eiji: Eh, he's probably just trying to manipulate us into voting him innocent again.
Miki: But what if he actually did change? What if he's trying to become a better person?
Eiji: I doubt it. He always has this.. weird smile on his face. Like I want to punch him whenever I see him smile like that.
Eiji: He keeps ordering other prisoners around too, again, he's just more polite about it now and it's harder to tell that he really is just using them.
Eiji: I should mention something about his personality and his relationship with other prisoners. Now that Akio is no longer as narcissistic as he used to be, Kei can't even leave his cell without anyone's help and.. we'll talk about Riku later, Asahi and Shun are basically the most "powerful" male prisoners now. 
Eiji: However, Shun is still disliked by mostly everyone and they don't really like Asahi either, but it's hard to deny that this kid is much better at making everyone believe that he has "changed" and that he really is more nice now.
Eiji: It's like.. this kid has all the power now. 
Eiji: "Andou siblings really rule this prison now, don't they?.."
Miki: W-well, I wouldn't say that.
Miki: True, he is much.. uh, "nicer" now and people are starting to like him a bit more, but he's still just as vulnerable. 
Miki: Like.. For some reason I'm starting to feel like he wants more attention from me now? Like now he requests even more things, but he always asks me to get him something and not you.
Eiji: "I think it's because the prisoners don't like me that much in general."
Miki: But when you don't count all the food, toys, clothes and other things, he just.. wants to spend time with me. Like he actually wants to know more about me and he keeps asking me so many questions..
Miki: .. It's still hard for me to get used to him calling me "Miki-nee" though.
Miki: He doesn't even know that we're most likely related..
Miki: And speaking of him still being one of the most vulnerable prisoners, Kei-san wasn't the only prisoner Maruyama-san has attacked.
Miki: Yano-san was her victim as well.
Eiji: Again, it's kind of justified. Naomi said that she saw everything with her own eyes and I usually don't trust her, but I will do so this time. 
Eiji: Basically, Asahi's been taking full advantage of Yurika's status as a guilty prisoner and her punishment and he eventually got tired of his "good boy" act and he spilled some really hot tea that she made for him on her. He claimed that it was an accident but both Naomi and Yurika could tell that it wasn't one. 
Eiji: Yurika had enough and, well.. decided to take her anger out on him. 
Eiji: I stopped her before she could actually injure him though. He only got a cut on his cheek from her nails and that's all.
Miki: Thank you, I appreciate it. 
Eiji: .. I-It's not because he's your brother. I would do the same thing even if it wasn't Asahi. I can't let those prisoners fight each other like that.
Eiji: *laughs* Though of course they would try to do that. They are murderers after all.
Eiji: Speaking of Yurika..
Eiji: Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika.
Eiji: She was voted guilty and her ideas and thoughts were rejected.
Miki: I'm still finding it so hard to believe.. I mean, I thought she seemed like a nice person when I first met her.. 
Eiji: Is it just me or you voted her guilty only because of what she said about you that time?
Miki: .. I really do want to save everyone here.
Miki: And I will do anything to achieve my goal. 
Miki: *gets up* Who does she think she is to go and say that I'm just doing this to make everyone trust me?!
Eiji: Okay, okay, calm down.
Eiji: Fine, let's not talk about it. You have your reasons to vote her guilty and I have mine.
Miki: .. Y-you're right. Sorry.. *sits down*
Eiji: Her punishment was a bit different from Akio and Kei's punishments. It wasn't a physical one, it was more about.. mental pain, I guess? 
Eiji: Since her thoughts were rejected, she lost all the potential freedom she could get and now she's back to doing what she hates the most.
Eiji: She has to act as everyone's maid now.
Eiji: We don't have to bring anything to prisoners personally, we can just ask her or, you know, make her do that. She can also serve them food now.
Eiji: I know, that was very smart of me. Less work for us~
Eiji: .. I wish I could say that, but her temper is.. something.
Eiji: When I first told her about her punishment, she cried. Loudly. She cried like a little baby. 
Eiji: And when I tried to make her stop, she almost punched me, but oh well, she obviously wasn't able to do that.
Eiji: And now, whenever she refuses to listen to my orders, I just remind her that I can make her punishment even worse and she listens to me.
Eiji: But now her relationship with the prisoners is much worse. People either see her only as their maid, they think she's scary or they even find her annoying.
Eiji: She's used to be close with all the female prisoners, but now Aimi is one of the prisoners who thinks she's too dangerous, Eiko just makes her do everything for her and even though Naomi actually tried to be nice to her at first, Yurika wasn't as nice. Her relationship with Reina is.. complicated now.
Eiji: Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku.
Eiji: He was voted innocent and his ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: .. I still have no idea how you could have forgiven someone like him.
Eiji: He obviously just wanted to make us feel bad for him. 
Miki: Even if he did, he still was in pain and he needed help. If we voted him guilty, I think he would start acting even worse.
Miki: Just imagine what he would do if he found out that he was going to be punished!..
Eiji: But guess what? Now that his thoughts were affirmed, Akio almost killed himself because of him, Aimi left him and pretty much all prisoners don't want to do anything with him anymore.
Eiji: Because I remind you, this guy actually wanted his childhood friend to die. 
Eiji: Let's go back to his fight with Akio. Again, I still have no idea what Akio said to him, but I do know what Riku told him and what made Akio.. do what he did.
Eiji: After Akio said something that made Riku angry, Riku, just like a normal boy his age, said this:
Eiji: "Go and die then."
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. We shouldn't find Akio's suicide attempt surprising after this considering his mental state and how much he liked Riku. 
Eiji: So? Are you going to defend him this time too?
Miki: .. I will talk to him about it. Of course, he can't just say things like that, but I want to understand why he did it. 
Eiji: Well, I'm sure he will appreciate you still trying to defend his actions, because I remind you that this happened while all other prisoners were watching.
Eiji: And yeah, Aimi stopped seeing Riku as her friend after this. 
Miki: "She's a victim of bullying, of course she would leave him.."
Eiji: And all other prisoners kinda stopped talking to him after that. Their conversations are just really awkward now, especially because Riku still refuses to apologize for what he said and claims that it's all Akio's fault.
Eiji: He has no one to talk to anymore. Akio and Aimi are doing great without him, Shun is having way too much fun with Kei and Eiko, Naomi and Reina have no idea how to help him, Kei simply can't do anything for him right now, Eiko and Yurika don't care about what happens to him and Asahi says that he's "bad" so he doesn't want to spend time with him, though I'm sure he's doing it just to make him suffer.
Eiji: .. It's kinda interesting, actually. They know that every single prisoner here is a murderer, but they were mostly fine with that fact until now, when one of them has almost killed the other prisoner with his words.
Eiji: And.. he went back to his unhealthy coping mechanisms because of all of this.
Eiji: He's okay with doing literally anything to make people look at him, including hurting himself in different ways.
Eiji: I literally can't even leave him alone with a fork and a knife anymore and I have to watch him while he eats.
Miki: .. Again, I will talk to him about it. 
Miki: I want to save everyone in this prison. Especially Yan- 
Miki: .. I mean, my brother and Riku.
Eiji: And finally, the last one.
Eiji: Prisoner 010, Himura Reina.
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Honestly, I think she's one of those prisoners who have changed the most.
Eiji: She's like a completely different person now.
Eiji: She's no longer pretending to be someone she's not. She almost never mentions the whole "I'm actually the most dangerous murderer in this prison" thing anymore. 
Eiji: She's also very.. calm now. To the point of showing almost no emotions.
Eiji: She doesn't make dumb jokes anymore, she doesn't say things like "Oh, I actually have more than 50 victims", she isn't that loud anymore.
Eiji: .. And she also was the one who protected Kei from being attacked by Yurika.
Eiji: If that doesn't prove that she has changed, I don't know what will.
Miki: .. What if she actually always was capable of that? What if she always could protect someone like that and we just didn't know?
Eiji: Well, I can't say anything about that.
Eiji: She and Kei are actually surprisingly close now. She's the only person here who isn't afraid of him and doesn't take advantage of his condition.
Eiji: I was shocked at first, but now that I think about it..
Eiji: It makes sense. Their personalities are actually very similar.
Miki: So that's why she's been asking me to take care of him so often lately.. 
Eiji: .. What surprises me the most is that Kei never flirts with her or tries to impress her. I guess it has an obvious explanation, but if we trust Yurika's words, he's still more than capable of being annoying in that way.
Miki: Well, maybe he just sees her as a friend? Isn't that nice?
Eiji: Don't say that. I can't imagine this guy having friends that actually like him.  
Eiji: She isn't that close with Yurika anymore and when I asked her about it, she sounded like she was.. disappointed in her? I guess she wasn't prepared to see the real Yurika.
Eiji: .. That's all I have to say.
Eiji: *sighs*
Miki: So.. Do you still want to vote all of them guilty?
Eiji: Why are you even asking me that? Of course I do. Actually, I want to punish them even more now that I've seen what kind of people they become after being forgiven.
Miki: But isn't it natural to start acting more calm or confident after being forgiven? 
Miki: Just like you said, their ideas and thoughts were affirmed. Of course, they think that they were the ones in the right now.
Eiji: .. I wanted to talk to you about something.
Eiji: You don't have to think too hard to notice that all, or at least, most prisoners like you much more than me.
Eiji: Most of those who were voted innocent are thankful to you for saving them and they're hoping to be forgiven this time again.
Eiji: And those who were voted guilty are this close to begging you to save them from me and forgive them.
Eiji: It's like..
Eiji: It's like you're a goddess of this place, haha..
Miki: .. Hehe, come on, I-I'm just doing my job..
Eiji: Don't try to forgive all of them this time though. Be more careful. They're obviously going to try and take advantage of your kindness.
Eiji: Now, let's go and interrogate-
Eiji: !
*sounds of Eiji falling on the floor*
Miki: Eiji-san!
Miki: A-are you okay?!
Miki: Are you hurt? What happened?
Eiji: .. W-why..
Eiji: Why is everything so.. blurry now?
Miki: Please, tell me if you're not feeling okay! We can just interrogate everyone tomorrow-
*sounds of Eiji trying to get up*
Eiji: I'm fine. I'm fine, I can do this. 
Eiji: H-huh?..
Eiji: "Why am I feeling so weak?.."
Miki: Eiji-san, your body is shaking. A-are you feeling any pain? Maybe discomfort?..
Eiji: I told you I'm fine! Let's just go and begin the second trial already-
Eiji: Ah-
Eiji: .. T-thank you.
Miki: If it wasn't for me, you would fall again!
Miki:*sobs* Eiji-san.. Please, just tell me what's going on..
Miki: I just want to help you!
Eiji: Guard 002, let me go.
Miki: I can't do that when you look like you're about to-
Eiji: ...
Miki: .. Eiji-san? Eiji-san, can you hear me?
Miki: "I should let him have some rest.."
Miki: "What did he mean by me ruining everything though? Was he talking about everyone's verdicts?"
Miki: "I doubt that he's jealous of me being more respected by the prisoners or something like that.."
Miki: ".. I'm a goddess of this place.. What did he mean by that?"
Miki: "It doesn't sound bad though, hehe.."
Miki: "Trust me, Eiji-san, I will save everyone in this prison. I will forgive them for all their sins and I will guide them."
Miki: "I will save everyone, Eiji-san.."
Miki: ".. Including you."
???: Hm? 
???: What is going on with that screen?.. 
???: Ah, it's you!.. Sorry, I forgot your name again.
Jackalope: .. Maybe we should have chosen someone else. 
???: *laughs* You're right, you're right. 
???: No, seriously, I still don't understand why I was chosen. I mean.. 
???: Look at me. Why would you make someone like me the guard of this prison?
Jackalope: You're asking way too many questions for someone like you. By the way, I left your guard uniform at the door. You can go and get it, I'll open the door just this once.
???: Really? Okay..
*sounds of slow footsteps*
[ ??? opens the door ] 
???: Wow!..
???: .. I-it doesn't look that comfortable. 
[ ??? closes the door ]
???: And why would I even wear it? Didn't you say that I'm not allowed to leave this room?
Jackalope: True, but now you'll actually be able to participate in the trials. 
Jackalope: As always, you'll be able to see everything from here. You don't even have to leave.
???: .. Does that mean I can participate in the voting process too now?
Jackalope: Absolutely! You can even say hi to the other guards if you want. 
Jackalope: That girl is very cute, by the way, so I doubt that you'd want to lose your chance-
Jackalope: Wait, or are you-
???: Hmm, I think it will be too hard for them to accept the fact that there's a third guard hiding somewhere. 
???: .. I think I have an idea. You already did that thing to the first guard, right?
???: I think I know how I can interrogate the prisoners without letting the other guards know anything.
Jackalope: You remember that you still have to vote though, right?
???: I do, I do. Don't worry, I won't disappoint you~
???: *yawns* Sorry, looks like I've spent all my energy for today.
???: Hehe, I wish I had a stuffed animal that looked like you-
Jackalope: Don't even think about it. Cuddling with a guy? No thank you. 
???: Calm down.. You know I can't even be in the same room as you anyway.
???: But before I go to sleep, can you answer my question already?
???: Why was I chosen?
???: I mean, I can't even participate in this trial properly. I just spend all my time in this room. 
???: I'm also not that interested in "saving" or "punishing" those prisoners..
Jackalope: .. Well, let's just say that all guards have their reasons to be here.
Jackalope: That guy wants to see his brother in pain and he wants to get his revenge on him. The girl is harder to figure out, but I'm sure she has her goal too.
Jackalope: You also have a reason to be here. Why don't you think about it yourself?
???: Hm... 
???: Maybe you're right. 
???: Either way, I don't think I'll lose much if I participate in this thing.
???: I have nothing to lose anyway. 
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sunshine-and-feathers · 2 years ago
You can call me Rook
(like the bird, not the chess piece)
First things first, this is an 18+ blog! Minors and ageless blogs will be blocked!
▪︎ My name is Rook, I'm 20, bi ftm, 1 year on hrt
▪︎ AUDHD asf im terrible at social interaction and don't know how to respond to anything ever
▪︎ Bottom and completely subby, I can't dom or top for the life of me, and the closest I've ever come to doing so was bullying a fwb with the help of his bf lmao
▪︎ Very open to asks and dms! I love talking to people but I am terrible at remembering to message people back so if I don't respond I promise I don't hate you I just got distracted by the doomscroll
▪︎ T4T BABYYYYY (my taste is generally women who could kill me and tiny men who could also kill me)
My not nsfw account is @illryiannightmare a lot of political stuff is reblogged there nowadays because the country I live in is going to hell, but I post funny things sometimes.
Also I totalled my car like a week ago and my car insurance when I get a new vehicle is going to go way up! Which is bad! Because I don't even make a dollar more than minimum wage! If you send me proof you sent money to my kofi I will give you free nudes!
My Kofi
Kinks n' Stuff under the cut!
▪︎ Bondage
▪︎ Breeding (no pregnancy)
▪︎ Praise and Degradation
▪︎ Pet Play
▪︎ Biting/Marking
▪︎ CNC and Somno
▪︎ Forcemasc
▪︎ Knifeplay
▪︎ also interested in intox but haven't really tried it
▪︎ Monsters
THINGS I AM NOT INTO (and please dont add it to my stuff):
▪︎ Incest/fauxcest
▪︎ Scat
▪︎ Vomit
▪︎ Feederism
▪︎ Feet
▪︎ Tickling
▪︎ Ageplay
▪︎ Detrans. Keep that shit away from me
▪︎ Sissification
PET NAMES: Puppy, Princeling, Pup, Pet, Slut, and a good boy!!!
Please dont refer to me as daddy. or master. or sir.
You may refer to my parts as: chest, tdick, dick, cock, cunt, hole/s, and boypussy in certain circumstances.
You may not refer to my parts as: Tits, boobs, pussy, clit.
All original content will be under #rook rambles
Idr use it anymore but stuff that feels like me is under #me shaped
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just-1-scorpio · 2 months ago
Reading Asterion by Alessa Thron, so you don't have to. Chapter 23, 24, and the epilogue.
This is a shared review, and discusion/dissing by me, and @wordsmithic
Finally we got to the end of this book. Finally. This review will include comments about the book as a whole.
The other positive beside that the book ended, is that this Ariadne, is not The Ariadne. My girl is somewhere drinking with her husbend, and not involved in the plot. :)
So chapter 23 starts after chapter 22. Ariadne went to the tample to inact her revenge. First she kills Lynx, then Belladona. Then she goas to Minos's bedroom, that for some reason doas not have any guards before it. We also learn that Minos have raped Lia in the past. She grabs Minos, who forget how to defend himself and doas not have any weapons in his room, takes him to the training arena. The other assasins come out from they rooms. Then Ariadne anti climacticly quickly kills him. After this the priest and the boys from the orphenige in chapter 4 come, and move in to the tample.
wordsmithic: The first paragraphs are going to fast on the plot, with Ariadne killing her enemy assassins and going after Minos. I usually don't like when the plot suddenly goes too fast, but here I'm just happy to be done one hour sooner with this book. Not a specific screenshot to show here, but getting to Minos' bedroom should be a hell of a task. Instead, we are not told of guards or other assassins in his house or outside his bedroom. Another time when Alessa didn't think shit out
scorpio: I agree. It's fast. Minos's death shouldn't be this fast, and easy.
wordsmithic: yes, I agree, Minos' death should not be just a few paragraphs
scorpio: he should have fought back too.
wordsmithic: true!! Isn't he larger, powerful and also trained? And why doesn't he have any guns or knives around him just in case?
scorpio: YES!
wordsmithic: no guards, no weapons... very realistic :P
scorpio: Logicaly speaking Minos should have one or more in his bedroom, with guards outside. He is powerfull, and has a lot of enemies.
wordsmithic: Ariadne was such a good assassin that the guards and the weapons magically disappeared as she walked past :P
scorpio: XD So good that Minos forget how to defend himself.
wordsmithic: 😂😂😂
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wordsmithic: There must be some loyal assassins in the bunch. Why is nobody shooting Ariadne in the head? It's not that her gun is on his head. He's not in imminent danger if she gets shot. So anyone can shoot her!
scorpio: I have this question too. Why did she had to take him there?
wordsmithic: I don't know!! For the aesthetics, I guess? Also... For all these years Minos was surrounded by people who hated him and absolutely NO ONE thought to just shoot Ariadne? That makes no sense!
scorpio: I guest the only loyal ones were Lynx and Belladona
wordsmithic: speaking about this part:
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wordsmithic: yeah he had just two people xD
wordsmithic: trueeee!! I also have a comment later about the Temple, which.... we don't know why we call a Temple
scorpio: I don't get this eather.
wordsmithic: But for now Ariadne does sth even more stupid
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scorpio: Wait! I don't get this eather. Was the temple originaly an orphenige?
wordsmithic: Ah the screenshot came late. Okay so where she says "this place is going to become what it is meant to be" I was thinking "so... it isn't a temple??" Yeah I think it's Just A Building xD
wordsmithic: We are in the final chapter and we still don't understand why they ever called this "Temple"!! Good job, Alessa xD
scorpio: I don't get why was this ever called a Temple. Why is Alessa so sceard to tell us anything?
wordsmithic: aesthetics babyyyyy
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wordsmithic: That's such a stupid argument. I think I have no words for it. Trained or not, children deserve to live in a good environment and be protected. It was not their choice to learn those skills. And they didn't do any crimes!!
scorpio: Yes. It's a stupid argument. Those are just children, who did not even commit any crimes.
wordsmithic: The writer is not... that intelligent, if those are her thoughts :P Also, another scene: 1) why is Charon the bus driver...?? 2) Wh-why not letting the girls just stay there? Why do you bring new kids there, and take those girls elsewhere? That's so weird. The girls didn't say they wanted to leave!
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wordsmithic: "let's swap those kids with other kids" xD
Then Ariadne goas to a garden that Asterion made for her at the top of a roof top. Here she spreads Lia's ashes. Who is finally free from this book. Honestly. Good for her.
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wordsmithic: These words are said while Ariadne is prepared to throw Lia's ashes. I don't know how would Lia be in peace after she witnessed the stupidity of this book tbh . Fly away, Lia! Be free of this plot!!!
scorpio: Goodbye Lia! Your are free from this badly writen plot! Fly!
wordsmithic: 😂😂😂
scorpio: I know that this chapter is supposed to be emotional, and climactic. But it fails. Everything is too fast. And we just learn about stuff as we go.
wordsmithic: Yes :/ there are ways to incorporate info as you go, but in this book this incorporation felt clanky and empty
scorpio: It feels as if Alessa forget to write this down, so instead of going back, she just puts it here.
wordsmithic: This is worse-than-a-first-draft work >.<
scorpio: The news that Minos raped Lia (the reason why he summed her to his room in the night) come out of nowhere, and just feels like it's there to shock value.
wordsmithic: ooooh yes! that was another detail out of nowhere!! we just get sad details and rapes for the shock value. I hate that
And chapter 23 ends, whaile failing being both emotional, and climectic.
Chapter 24 starts with a meeting. Medusa is happy that Ariadne joind. They talk a bit. And happy ending, especially for us, but then we rememberd this book has 6 sequalls.
wordsmithic: So, in chapter 24, not much happens. Asterion, Medusa and Ariadne discuss Ariadne's prospects. I have a sole comment because once again we see Alessa's flawed logic
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wordsmithic: Another weird conversation. The whole point of women working is to be able to have their own money and be independent. Ariadne, though, I suspect has lots of money already OR she will get her hands on money if she continues living with Asterion and then save it or use to expand her wealth. She could even work for a little bit but it WOULD be absurd for her to work in order to survive while brushing shoulders with billionaires. Now, if she LIKES doing the assassin/mercenary job and cannot imagine her life without it, that's another discussion. But the argument here was "if she doesn't work for Medusa she would end up being an agreeable wife whose only role would be to fuck Asterion." Again, someone tell Alessa reality doesn't work like that.
scorpio: YES! She is buddy buddy with billionaires, 4 of wich are literall gods. She doas not have to work to survive.
wordsmithic: The book tells us all the time "Ariadne is cool and badass, she's not like the OTHER GIRLS who are meek and never argue and want to be doormats! She's so special!" The author will make her work even when she doesn't need to xD and the reason is "but she's just so badass!"
scorpio: YES! Ariadne just screams "I'm not like other girls".
wordsmithic: The book is so full with it I didn't bother with screenshots etc
scorpio: It's full of it.
wordsmithic: she always has this attitude of "I am a WOMAN but I'm still capable and I will do better than MEN" ARIADNE, SHHHHHHHHH
scorpio: I'm sorry for saying this. But Ariadne is a Marry Sue
wordsmithic: 100% She always knows everything, she's scared of nothing, and nothing goes wrong for her except one time she was abducted
wordsmithic: OH! also we should mention that Ariadne is not The Ariadne. Thank fuck. Imagine Asterion being like "hey.. my sister had the same name as you" xDD
scorpio: YEs.
wordsmithic: we have a word for that in Greek "synonomatos", means sth like "co-named"
scorpio: I'm just glad she is not that Ariadne. Asterion saying "Hey... my sister had the same name as you" would have been funny. Similarly Hades saying "My nephew's wife has the same name as you".
wordsmithic: ahahahahah yess! I'll write a whole Asterion AU just to make it awkward with this information 😂😂😂
scorpio: Reading this book just makes me want to fix it.
wordsmithic: Yesss Who heard the story of Ariadne and the Minotaur and was like "hey...what if they fucked??" Alessa Thorn, apparently
scorpio: She defenetly did
wordsmithic: Dionysus is RIGHT THERE in the myths! Why would she end up with the Minotaur??
So chapter 24 ends. Then the epilouge starts.
In the epilouge we see Pithos's leader going into a cave and meeting with an old man who is making stomething. They talk a bit, then we get a teaser for a sequal.
wordsmithic: I don't have much to comment for the Epilogue. The crafter could be Daidalos and the premise looks kinda interesting but, like this book, I think it's all going to go downhill.
scorpio: It's defently going downhill.
wordsmithic: I don't believe the book got worse as it went on :'( Usually they're getting better as the stakes raise but here it was a disaster
scorpio: This book is like a trainwrack, that we can't look away from. Even when we want to.
wordsmithic: We're god's bravest soldiers for finishing it 💪 I'm so proud of us 😂
So over all the book is really bad.
-It's to rushed, and too short for it's own good.
-A lot of things, and concepts that needed explonetion are not given. Why was it called a Temple? Why was Ariadne a high pristess? What doas being the high priestess mean? What is Theseus's backstory? Ect.
-Dou to this the characters feel flat, or just easily forgetable.
-Because of how short, and rushed it is emotonally impactfull, or climectic moments faild being what they supposed to be.
-The romanc is severly rushed, and the two don't have any chemistry.
-Explotion is badly placed.
-Ariadne, and Asterion are just bad characters. One of them comes of as an idiot, whaile the other one doas not have any fears, and flaws. This just makes them boring any annyoing, which doas not help the case of they romanc.
-Alessa bearly done any reaserch
-The world building is not well thought out.
-Beta readers would have been needed
-Alessa had some good ideas, but rushed and bad execution ruind it.
And I'm confused about who is this book's target audienc. For those who want smut, there is just 4 sex screens. And for those who want the plot, it's badly writen.
This book feels like a trainwrack that you can't look away from, no matter how hard you want to, and somehow makes you feel like you want to fix the train, the rail, or both.
0 notes
dicktat · 2 years ago
Okay my thoughts on the renegades ending.
Turns out Juan isn’t as much of a bastard as I give him credit for. I was expecting full blown chaotic evil dictatorship (akin to Vass Montenegro/Rais) but…he’s decent. At least compared to them. He’s still a tyrant but not like a “I’m building a pit and sending men to fight because I enjoy gore” evil but more like a “lolz people are dying on the street but I got all the good whiskey so let’s party” evil. And throughout the story you can tell his intentions weren’t that bad (at least that’s what he tells Aiden). He did want to uncover Matt’s conspiracy and is honestly the first character to openly lay out the shitiness of that guy (besides the unnamed officer form a collectible tape). And provided decent evidence that Jack Matt was the culprit for Black Monday, and therefore a power hungry fascist leader who’s willing to gamble millions of life for his own goal. So in a way. What he said during his public execution on my first playthrough was kinda true. And he ordered a court martial, an official trail. Perhaps that’s the reason Jack Matt didn’t show up during the X-13 mission. I guess he was overthrown. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that he kinda became something worse LMAO. I’m not cutting this guy any slack he’s still a prick but he’s also pathetic and gay and whimpers because he hates seeing his own blood. (But you could also argue that, the renegades that took over Villedor weren’t the cardboard cutout evil henchmen commanded by Waltz but a separate group lead by colonel Williams which could be seen as less amoral). But the ending is also kinda spicy cuz if you look closely they are protesting on the STREETS at NIGHT without UV meaning the renegades either got rid of all the zombies or made the place much safer to walk around without dying. Which is a W imo. And I’d like to argue food shortage is better than water shortage in the PK ending. And if we are REALLY going that way I could also argue this ending at least let’s you protest unlike the fascist PK supreme. But yeah he’s still a funny loser prick too afraid to step out of his floating castle because he knows the people are mad at him. Over all the missions were fun too, there were a LOT of stealth/spying missions which weren’t exactly my strong suit. I failed a mission 3 times because I kept alerting the guards (that I can’t just fucking kill). My favorite was probably the cathedral demolisher fight. And strangely enough, the side quest where you fight Hakon is a main quest for this one. It’s essentially the same but something you can’t skip and plays a part in the story. Only difference: Even if you chose to spare Hakon, your relationship with him isn’t exactly fixed. EVEN if you get to the homoerotic I don’t want to fight you let’s see the ocean together part. If you convinced Lawan to spare him. Instead of Lawan letting him go he just BONKED HER ON THE HEAD while her back was turned. Also later on he showed up with the renegades, had the exact conversation I posted yesterday, and gross failed ex relationship ensued. Which leads me to believe my save file was corrupted, the game registered me as somehow taking the Juan route and therefore gave me that cutscene. The rest of the game is pretty much the same, the ending- Aiden leaves alone anyway but I think there’s NO reason he can’t leave with anyone? The city has gone to shit and what’s the point in staying. Or alternatively techland could have given us a renegades officer Aiden or co-rule ending if they weren’t COWARDS. Like cmon this would be such a cool idea. Aiden going full evil mode lol. Overall I think it was fun and I got to spend some time with my boy Juan and holy shit he talks so much and panics whenever something goes wrong (which working with him, means all the fucking time). Him almost losing it every time he thought something was wrong was hilarious. Feral rat man. And they have some good chemistry too. Like actual “Aiden going on some death trip to impress some boy” relationship. Then again I feel like we’ve been robbed. Like I said where’s my evil Aiden route lol.
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woodsfae · 2 years ago
Babylon 5 s02e07: A Race Through Dark Places
s02 Table of Contents • previous episode
Station budget relies on the civilian traffic, but the military traffic has been higher than usual, so they’re running on a deficit, since the military doesn’t reimburse the station for funds lost by the mandatory re-routing of civilian business. And they want want to charge Sheridan and Ivanova 30 credits a week to stay in their current quarters, which are a whole 7 square feet bigger than the next size down which would remain free. All this sounds exactly some some bs the USA would pull and is completely believable.
My!!! guy!!!! Bester is back! And on a day when I’ve found a totally legal and normal way to screencap for some gifs again. hell to the yeah. Prediction: I’m gonna like this one. He’s got a new, scary sidekick.
Oh I love him, he’s so terrifying and perfect.
Telepath: “He’s dead.” Bester: “It doesn’t matter. I caught it, just before he died. Betrayed by his final thoughts.”
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He’s my special little guy. But does this mean Talia is involved with the underground telepaths?? She was really not down with whatsherface not going to PsiCorps.
Sheridan is just down to fight whenever anyone squares up even a little. What is 30 credits? I have nothing to compare it against. Is it like, a nice meal for two? A month’s wages for a dock worker? I feel like this is the first hard number for a price I’ve seen so far.
Going for the easy questions I see, Delenn! Just quickly, explain humanity. Awww she’s so cute. Dinner date with Sinclair! He was dtf (down to fight) 2 seconds ago and now he’s dtf (down to flee) and figure out if this is a date or not.
Sheridan: “One day they’re shooting at you, the next they’re taking you out to dinner. Hah! What a universe.”
He looks bemused and delighted. I’m delighted. This episode will have everything if only Susan and Talia will be allowed to be onscreen at the same time.
OMFG they’re in the same room at the same time!!!
Sheridan: “I’d like to talk to my people for a moment.” Bester and Talia: *leaves the room* Me: “Talia where the fuck are you goin...oh. Telepath. well frag that.”
Garibaldi: “Want, agree, that has nothing to do with it. The law is the law.”
And that’s ACAB baby. When the law is unjust, those that uphold the law are unjust.
Garibaldi: “That’s damn ironic, isn’t it? That the corps got started because we were afraid of telepaths? Now we’re victims of our own fears. And we took away every right they had and shoved them into a big, black box called Psi Corps. Now look at em. Black uniforms, jackboots, giving orders. Some days they scare the hell out of me.“ Sheridan: “Yeah If you ask me, we created our own monster. And maybe we deserve it.“
Good advice by Ivanova. Read the logs about the Jason Ironheart Incident.
Lots of good background info being dropped. Talia wouldn’t notice a surface scan, she keeps walls up to block out the background noise, but Bester wasn’t and heard someone calling him a murderer.
“Bester will try to stop up, so we don’t have any choice. We have to kill him.”
I agree, but also, oh man my special guy. :(
DELENN YOU BABE. Well no wonder Sheridan falls for her. She’s humaning it up like a bossbabe for this date.
It’s genuinely astonishing that Ivanova has nothing whatsoever to do with the underground (that she’ll admit to). I think odds are relatively good that she actually does. Perhaps Dr Franklin is? He’s been a little revolutionary.
Date’s going well. Humor is an excellent bonding point.
Bester reaching out to Talia civilly. We love to see it, only for the drama.
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Love to see the return of Jason Ironheart CGI Ascended!
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Also love the lingering, artful shots of Talia being angsty in profile.
The penny!! Is she or isn’t she a telekinetic?? I am once again asking for Talia Telekinesis Skills. AND YES THERE IT IS BABYYYYY. Now that’s some self defense.
Earthforce locked them out of their rooms! Those asshats. It’s so sweet how willing Susan is to go along with all Sheridan’s schemes.
Mary Had A Little Lamb has never been so ominous.
OK, so now that they’re sleeping in Sheridan’s office she’s quite a bit more disgruntled.
Ivanova: “Were you like this when you were married?” Sheridan: “Yeah!” Ivanova: “That woman was a saint.”
John you have a huge crush. Repeating all the jokes you heard from your dinner date and practically blushing over thinking about it is peak crush behavior.
DS9 nod? Those are raktajino mugs that Bester and Talia are using.
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Fishing for info, fishing for informants, and unfortunately not so distracted that he missed the assassins. Who should really learn to shield their thoughts if they’re gonna be assassinating level 15 telepaths. And throwing Talia in a closet. A literal closet. lol.
This is the one and only anger fit Garibaldi can throw that I support.
Oh well, not really a closet I guess. Man, she gets manhandled a lot.
I agree, wake up girlie. The Corps are not benign and you don’t even believe what you’re saying.
Dun dun dun! Franklin does have connections. Called it.
Oh, the gloves are a PsiCorps requirement! Continuing yikes. Excellent control mechanism. They’re a high control cult. What you wear, where you live, who you talk to, who you touch, how you live, where and how you work, who you marry. About as high control as you get.
oooof, and forced pregnancy. I wonder if the baby got a guide for a year and then it was on its own as soon as it could walk.
“You’re asking me to take everything I believe and turn it upside-down.”
yeah, that’s hard to do when you’re ready to deconstruct from cult life, let alone when you’re kidnapped by kindly telepaths who insistently tell you horror stories of PsiCorps as some kind of guided deconstruction.
Invoking Jason Ironheart is absolutely the way to get Talia to help. I’m rooting so hard for them! And for Bester to survive and continue to commit atrocities for my viewing pleasure. I’m a simple person.
DOCTOR STEPHEN FRANKLIN YOU DUPLICITOUS BADASS! This episode is everything. I’m vibrating. Generally I like to feel good about predicting things even partially correctly but I only said maybe Dr Franklin has connections, not that he’s running the whole operation, and I’m gonna own that being only very partial. This is baller.
He’s a conspiracy theories that are real guy like Sheridan is, but only for telepathy! Secret doctor network!! The unofficial clinic!!
Alas, Sheridan, but “I agree but the laws“ is not moral best practice.
Bester! My evil little fellow.
Talia grew a hell of a spine in the last ten minutes.
Collective telepathy!!!
“The corps is Mother. The corps is Father. I know where my loyalties lie.”
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I don’t see how this could play out any way but that these people are dead, but that would also be totally bonkers considering she just planned something with Dr Franklin and Sheridan.
LITERALLY all faked? d a m n
I am extremely into collectivist telepathy. It’s super tragic that they are discouraged from touching even each other. All of them must be just so touch starved.
Doctor Franklin has just shot up a mile in my estimation of him as a person. He got a lot of points for treating Poor Murdered Child, but I also don’t like thinking about that episode. (0/1 stars, will never watch again)
Ah, so Sheridan also has a way with pedantry. Is this a commentary on how rigid military regulations makes for twisting-the-hell-out-of-the-rules geniuses?
Insert incoherent babble here about gloves-off Talia smiling at be-robed Susan smiling at her! Oh this episode is everything I could have wanted. Definitely a 5/5 star one for me! And certainly my favorite of the season so far!
next episode
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moon-ursidae · 2 years ago
SESSION #3 BABYYY (last one of 2022! happy new year ya’ll!)
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as always, SPOILERS for BOTH of the last of us games are below!
okay so i didn’t get to play yesterday bc i played dnd for 8 hours and didn’t get home until 3AM LMAOOO
as always, notes are scattered, as are my thoughts. so apologies for that haha but let us begin!
total play time: about 5 hours
alrighty so the last time i quite literally did basically nothing LMAO
so the goal is to actually get some story goin this time
i’m gonna go to the nutrition center first bc the courthouse also sounded like bad news bears but hella worse
this looks like a religious place on the outside?there’s stain glass windows
one of my favorite ways to stealth in games haha
assassin’s creed 3 was sooooooooooo good for that bro
oh shit! this is a synagogue! hell yea!
i like how dina sees herself as coming from a long line of survivors. the fact that those events even happened is tragic, but i like that she can see it in that way.
i really like ellie and dina’s dialogue here. while educating ellie (& the player) about jewish traditions and religion, it’s also showcasing the care that ellie and dina have for each other. you can tell that dina really cares about the synagogue and the religion bc that’s what she grew up with. and it’s bringing up fond memories of her and her sister. she feels comfortable telling ellie about her past, deepening their connection as she shares more with ellie. and ellie’s showing that she cares for dina by asking questions and engaing in conversation with her. she wants to know more about dina. and she’s genuinely interested in what dina has to say.
i fucking live writing. damn.
NO GAS >:(
new journal entry👀
oh. this is hella sad. she’s crossed out joel’s name in a lot of places and wrote ‘him’ instead.
her questioning if she made it harder for joel by being there UGGGHHHH🥺
i wonder if when she writes “did she die alone?” if she’s referring to sarah? or maybe Dina’s sister? since she was religious? i dunno
and how she wrote “i want faith from pain” but crossed it out and wrote “i want faith through pain” like she has a somewhat better understanding of it from hearing dina talk about it. GOD it’s the little stuff man. this isn’t even main story dialogue.
on a completely different note. i also love the detail of being able to see the gas can in ellie’s bag and how it sticks out. that’s super fuckin awesome
okay dina’s thorough-bread joke was good lmao
and ellie’s “i’ve created a monster” LMAO
okay i think i’ve explored all that i can for right now, so i need to bite the bullet and go to the courthouse
when do i get a fuckin bow bro this would make stealthing so much easier
i have this whole ass courthouse to go through WITH NO BOW
oh shit! i just got and achievement for visiting every location in downtown! FUCK YEA
“let’s find that gas” i keep thinkin of the GATOR NEEDS HIS GAT. PUNK ASS BITCH. bc i thought it was “gas” for the longest time
i don’t wanna go down this elevator shaft. only bad things have happened in elevator shafts in this game series.
i did all of that, for like a shot of gas?
“good job, babe.” I LOVE THEM
“these old generators are pretty finicky so y-“ DINA STARTS IT LIKE IMMEDIATELY “sorry, go on?” I LOVE HER
FUCK i meant to upgrade my weapons before i left that area. SHIT.
ellie getting pissed at the thought of the group that killed joel getting killed by infected and dina saying “then they’d still be dead ellie” is SO GOOD. SO GOOD. it’s a little glimpse at ellie’s determination to get her revenge. and how it’s beginning to consume her the closer they get
it’s too quiet in this hotel and i am extremely suspicious
damn either someone was feeling destructive or just did NOT wanna look at themselves bc a lot of these mirrors are busted to shit
jesus fucking christ the LIGHTING is fucking phenomenal in this game
i don’t like that this door is ajar at ALL
oh fuck there’s a guy tied to a chair
“he was using them against each other.” DAMN TOMMY
wait joel lowkey did that same shit in the winter when he was looking for ellie. interesting
“joel told me about this” YUUUUUP YUUUUP
“it better be the same spot your buddy points to.” FUUUUCK BRO i didn’t know she was literally gonna mention how joel did this LMAO
oh shit tommy’s CLOSE then
i do have to wonder if ellie is jealous of tommy for taking out the one guy that was there when they killed joel. she kinda stood there for a while looking at the floor before saying much. and then at the end of the cutscene she stares at him. so it makes me wonder if she wishes that she’d gotten here before tommy?
ellie asking if dina was okay after seeing that ugh i love them
oh shit it’s raining! we’re REALLY in seattle now
i also like that one of ellie’s idle animations is her checking for her knife in her back pocket
A BOMB?????? SHIMMER!!!!!!! DINA!!!!!!! FUCK DUDE!!!!!! WHAT?!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!
wait SIDE NOTE this is the guy that played young sam from uncharted 4 ANYWAY
“i asked about a dude with a bitch scar across his face” I LOVE THIS ABOUT ELLIE BRO SHE DOES NOT TAKE SHIT WITHOUT ATTITUDE
“gotcha motherfucker” DAMN.
also watching dina fight him on the floor was brutal i was M A S H I N G square
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the way the lighting comes in through the blinds and you can see the dust particles? INSANE
i just saw a truck of wlfs pull up with dogs.
this is something i’ve been horrified of, and that’s the dogs
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i JUST had to use this EXACT calculator for my stats class a few weeks ago what the fuck like i literally own this calculator
JESUS CHRIST MAN the transition from cutscene to gameplay is flawless. there’s little to no graphic transition holy shit.
this is really nice. just walking through this quiet neighborhood. a nice break up in the intensity
A POOL! marco polo uncharted 2 reference maybe????
nada. DAMN. i was hella hoping haha
there’s a fresh blood trail going upstairs and i know for a fact i’m gonna get fucking jumpscared again
okay i take it back some shit is gonna go down it’s too open and there’s some tall grass
alright i’m gonna stop here to go attend new year’s events ugh haha
EDIT: i stopped playing a few hours ago haha i just forgot to post this so i totally forget where i stopped but it was in the neighborhood after the school full of wlfs where jordan gets killed
i still feel like i didn’t do much story wise, but that’s probably bc i spend so much time looking for secrets and stuffs
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alelathedragon · 27 days ago
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" huh?? "
The little creature was startled by the sudden question by the tall male with duel pistols as if they were zoned out in their own little world... Shifting nervously
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" oh... I'm okay... Thank you,,, I am a bit worried!! This is my first time being in a big group that isn't the Boos!!! I don't know a lot about customs or or... Uh- how people talk out here away from the woods- its so big and intimidating "
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" I'm just.... Going to mostly hang in the back... Draw on my tablet..... I hope that's okay... "
[some yummy context for Loyboo in RTV's universe below]
Loyboo lived out in the darkest point of the woods since she materialized into existence like all the other boos do- following King Boo from day 1 but that doesn't mean her interests don't expand!!! Shes sweet, nervous, a drawer, though she has a bit of a dark side- will torture and kill for the thrill of it. Loves pranks and dark humor. Her upbringing in King Boos house led her existence to feed off more negative emotions so if shes hungry- someones going to suffer for it.
Shes a mixed media. Not always evil but not necessarily good either.... Though living out in the middle of nowhere he didn't find out about RTV like everyone else did via the mass brain washing (they didn't have a tv out there lol!)
Loyboo went out of the forest for a good ol' prank on some random stranger! When his interest was suddenly drawn to one of the televisions violently integrated into one of the structures near by- as there was a cartoon playing! Loyboo loved cartoons when he came into town and had a chance to watch them!! So he sat down and watched.
Eventually the puzzlevision logo appeared and RTV right after promoting something as usual- the natural brainwashing tried to manipulate Loyboos brain.... But living with King Boo and all his tricks made her heavily resistant to it and she didn't get brainwashed. In fact. She could recognize what was happening and pulled herself away from the television to not lose her brain privileges.
While wondering around. That's how she figured out that the world was under RTV's finger tips... All the televisions, odd behavior, the sound of static.
COOOOOOOOOL >:D this is awesome
Loyboos eyes got stars in them as he wondered around and began to follow RTVs advances in the world by his own merit. Always pulling himself away before being brainwashed because he didn't want to become a zombie! He wanted to continue to enjoy himself and the content RTV was handing out as himself. And maybe eventually meet the famous fellow. Ask for pointers.... Loyboo fancies themself a good artist but no one will buy their work.... Maybe she could get pointers from someone who has an understanding of artistic vision and is also so powerful!
Worth a shot.......
1st Group!
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The first people have arrived at Puzzlevision Studios for the tour!
@alex-dolmatescu2-0 @alelathedragon @liliththequeenofdemon @runrabitrunrunrun @lunatic-artz @mrtophat518 @mylifeisfakeenjoy @theghostinthestudio @just-j3ster
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rikalovesrice · 4 years ago
PART ONE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oipklztKzFg
PART TWO : Wizard Train Battle of Fire & Ice 🔥❄️ Trollhunters: Rise of the Tit...
The Magical Siblings all sitting on a subway💙💚🖤
Nari’s humming whilst Douxie excudes Anxious Big Bro energy
Nari’s little squeak when she slipped on the ice daww
T H E  A N I M A T I O N  
The way Douxie, Claire, and Nari all fired their magic at the same time was absolute *chef’s kiss* PEAK (and of course Douxie had to do a little spin like I love you so much but why lol)
Also Nari has a murder plant?👀 
Yooooooooo that magic cancelling thing is RAD, way ta go Krel!!
Douxie straight up smacking Skrael in the face with his staff is hands down the best scene in this entire franchise change my mind
Me after watching Bellroc torment Jim : Ah, so this is what murderous rage feels like :)
I love you so much Jim Lake Jr.. With or without the Amulet or a suit of armor or a fancy weapon, you’re an extraordinary young lad who’s been through too much, through hell and back, and you your heart of gold still shines and you’re so, so strong and you didn’t deserve that and can we please stop hurting him and BELLROC’S GONNA HANG I SWEAR --
Ah, so he wasn’t driving. Just...landing the plane :’)
Is that a comic book store
You know what kills me even more? This is supposedly the just OPENING SEQUENCE. 
So. If this is indeed the beginning of the movie, will we see how Jim and the others got to New York?
From the looks of it, Nari has willingly decided to confront Bellroc and Skrael. It could be that Douxie contacted his friends in Arcadia to help with this throwdown. So they all met together to talk about the plan. But it’s heavily implied, I want to say almost confirmed, that this plan will fail and Nari will be captured (that Forest Titans gotta rise somehow T__T). And while I’ll love the found family hurt/comfort to result from this.... ouch.
Phew, man I just....Just wow. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for a film, God bless this franchise UwU
It looks gorgeous, I’m emotionally invested and in love with all these characters, and I’m going to get lots of snacks and I should go cause all I wanna do is gush about this and --
RoTT Countdown : 7
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gashousegables · 3 years ago
Hi! I was wondering for a long time now, but do you, as a Writer, should be in sync with your writing and real life values and views? Or it can contradict?
For example, if we talk about real life, MY personal life, I am all for healthy romantic relationship (although I, as multi-linguistic person, kinda yuck about this word. Very generalized for me. But I digress,) and all, but as a writer? I LOVE ambiguous characters, I love “You are my reason for existence” type of love, I love bloodsuckers or killers who find their redemption. Or people with toxic patterns who grow to be better people. Like, all this dark staff, you know? For example, there is this one woman, Maya Mehrotra, from an Indian thriller, who was super obsessive due to her traumatic life, and she was manipulative and a killer no less, and still I cried when she killed herself, because she lost everything, and I still remember her. What Im asking your opinion of, is, do your moral values as a person have to align with your “morals” as a media consumer/a writer? Or is it ok when they dont? Do you ever have had this dilemma as a writer?
FIRST of all - thank you for calling me a writer! <3333
Second of all, I don't know how to answer this question fully ... in my own opinion, I think fiction is fiction is fiction is fiction, yknow? You can write about almost whatever you want, morally. In fact, write about really fucked up stuff! A lot of literary sickos got branded for heresy so you can enjoy a little immoral bullshittery. I'm right there with you on the obsessive love part - it is almost a given that you can be ENTERTAINED by things you wouldn't necessarily WANT in reality - that's exactly why fiction exists babyyyyy
It's a lack of nuance that has people acting like you ARE what you write, and if you don't condemn explicitly every wrong or grey area of your characters it's pRoBlEmAtIc
There are always personal lines that you won't cross for yourself - I couldn't read Flowers in the Attic or Lolita or much of V. C Andrews because I have my own problems with sexual violence and CSA. So I also wouldn't write about it. But that doesn't mean that those novels aren't important. BUT it also means that CP doesn't exist in a special 'it's ART' bubble either. Nuance nuance nuance I'm 3 years into a Sociology degree gimme another three and I'll write you a thesis LMAO.
But there are moral lines I definitely think are a lot more important - like I'll never read Eleanor and Park because I hate racial fetishism ... but I still read Twilight, didn't I.
Ultimately, free will means you get to create and enjoy whatever art you please. Just means it doesn't exist in a vacuum and some puritans are gonna hate on you.
To me, my fiction isn't self-reflection (and if it is that never getting posted anywhere). Fiction is for telling stories - any stories you want!
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shania-twain · 4 years ago
What’s your top 5 favorite Rollisi moments?
I apologize, as this ask was sent days ago and I'm just now getting around to it because ya know, life, and because I took my sweet time thinking over these scenes.
It's a long one, under the cut!
1. The Scene (the kiss). This kiss has everything. It’s unexpected yet long overdue. It’s tender, it’s loving. There’s swaying. There’s standing on tip toes to reach Tol and there’s bending down to reach Smol. There’s water, city lights, a romantic atmosphere. There's tears (barely) but it's an excuse to touch faces! There's cheek caressing, there's longing, lingering stares, there's hesitance in transitioning from best friends to lovers. Light banter, nervous laughter. THE UNFINISHED SPEECH. I know I'm all over the place with this but SO ARE MY FEELINGS. So much has led up to this moment and I must say, the payoff was excellent. Perfect first kiss.
2. The Fight. Dare I name the one fight they got in that caused them to be labeled “toxic” by haters? I do dare. Why, one may ask? *shakes out piece of paper* Though they are fueled by their lack of sleep and unsaid feelings for each other at the time, there’s still some bite to Amanda’s bark on her part. She’s clearly upset over him leaving her, feels abandoned. Perhaps this is a feeling she’s used to from her own family trauma, but Carisi leaving the precinct particularly hurt not only because she has strong feelings for him at this point, but because he was the only one that ever was there for her in a way no one else was. I think she came to rely on him more than she may have even realized and that all spilled out in that small fight in the squad room. And he was so taken aback, obviously thought she was happy for him but of course she’s going to tell him she is because she doesn’t want to hurt him. The fight is so natural, happens unexpectedly but develops organically. The main reason it’s my number two? Giddish and Scanavino’s best acting, imo. And I’ve only seen the actual scene about three times because it makes me semi uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable watching people argue. It was so intimate and clearly turned personal, it almost feels wrong to be watching them go at it (in a bad way. Heh). But I think that’s a testament to the acting! A+++ scene! I dream of writing a fight scene as well as this one!
3. The Hospital. Truly, this episode was packed with Rollisi moments from start to finish. I love every moment we get with them individually (hand grab, anyone? Or when he makes her LAUGH at such an emotional moment in the hospital. I could go on about this scene in detail but I’ll stop). My favorite moment of the episode is actually the last scene of them. After Rollins gets rid of her father's (ex) wife, she’s so proud of herself for doing what she feels is right and that reflects in her face when she smiles at Carisi. It’s so simple and subtle, but there’s so much love in that look. Kelli is a master at giving these loving looks and perfect expressions. It’s also a wonderful contrast to how she used to look at Carisi in the beginning - from season 16, when she thought he was a bit of a goof. Now she looks at him like he hung the got damn moon. We don't get to see Carisi's face here, but I imagine he's looking quite amused at her, maybe even charmed by her a little bit. I'm also obsessed with the way Amanda's eyelashes flutter down when he moves closer to her. Flirting over Amanda's bedridden father? The ✨romance!✨ Swoon!
4. The Elevator. This used to be number one for me, until we got the goodness in season 22. There’s something very special about this hug. It’s not even a hug, really. It’s clinging, desperate, need that one particular person and only this person kind of thing. It’s, of course, devastating that Rollins had to go through the whole thing with Bucci and possibly leaving her children without a mother, but like I said, something special about the way this led to letting the audience see who she really trusts as she let’s herself fall apart and into Carisi’s arms. Sure, she trusts her squad, but she also wants them to know she’s ok at all times. Even tells her own therapist this once or twice. She even *begins* to tell Carisi she’s fine, her usual response when asked if she’s alright, but then the second he says her name, it’s like a switch is flicked and she’s sobbing into him. DON’T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT SCANAVINO. He’s always there when she needs it. He’s patient with her, kind, takes her into him with absolutely no hesitation. This scene happens episodes after their fight in the squad room. It’s clear there is no more lingering tension between them in the elevator scene. It’s the way he says “I got you” not once but TWICE, as if he needs her to hear it. Needs to make sure she understands that he’s there not just in the moment, but he’s got her always. No matter what happens between them or with their jobs — and this comes back around in his wedding speech, as well. 🤧 But also, fave part of that scene? When he holds her tighter, leans his head against hers many times, and then closes his eyes. Cannot stand to hear her sobs, or see her in any kind of pain. Oh, my heart. My heaaaaaaart.
5. Rain check. Lots of great acting here. Is anyone surprised? No, but there’s a bit of a range of emotions in this particular scene and it’s acted so beautifully, I could write a whole paper. I’ll try and keep it brief (ha, yeah right). I don’t think Amanda would ever have a problem getting a man anytime anywhere, but I do think it was a big deal for her to ask this man out. I think maybe her intentions at the time may have been less than trying for a relationship, but she was open to trying something with him. I also think it was a big deal because it felt very planned. The outfit felt planned, the way she made him laugh, the hair toss an attempt to flirt. Though she also had this vulnerability about her that only exists with him. She’s putting herself out there, she’s saying that she’s willing to try and I think that is a big step for her, even if she was only open to a FWB situation (that totally 100% wouldn’t have worked bc *feelings*). Carisi, however, rejects her. You can see in his face that he’s so reluctant to do this but he does. Obviously, he’s had feelings for the woman for so long but is protecting himself. Almost like he knows she may think she’s ready to try something with him, but he also knew it wasn’t their time yet. Also, after he tells her he can’t, the immediate disappointment Amanda has? Heart-wrenching, tbh. She looks so upset and gets off from sitting on the edge of his desk so fast. Like. BABYYYYY.
Honorable Mentions: Threats! I’m kind of cheating here, but there’s nothing like an OTP that will kill for the other. I’m -of course- talking about Carisi’s “if Rollins gets shot over this, I’m gonna take ALL of them out.” And also Amanda’s message to Mesner: “if you go after Counselor Carisi or anyone in my family again, it will be your last day on earth. I’ll kill you myself.” Ooh, there’s something so secks see about being violently protective over your significant other. I don’t condone it irl, but let me have the ✨drama✨on tv.
Thank you for this question! I had fun going over some great scenes!
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banned-for-horny · 3 years ago
@dolconfessions well hi there you lil icon you thank you for this and, at the same time, if anyone wants to do it too check out the blank form on their blog :D
What got you into dol?
awww I used to play it a BUNCH on comdotgame.com with my nook tablet, then when I got my android I realized I could play it on mobile and have been ever since
Pc gender?
i think it's an even tie between crossdressing male/female and just flat out herm!pc
Gender ratio in town?
100% male babyyyy
Npc genders?
100% MALE BABYYYYY and they're all packing size 8s for my poor tiny pc
Favorite love interest?
r-robin...baby boy....sweet baby.......Or Whitney when I'm feelin a lil spicy
Least favorite love interest?
controversial opinion but kylar (i do love him but i want the option to kick his ass)
Favorite npc?
darryl! dude deserves the world and at also pc's hand
Least favorite npc?
leighton but at the same time the amount of screenshots i took when the new detention events happened does not help my case.
i take it back, morgan the ratman. they definitely need to add more to them content-wise.
Favorite teacher?
Mason absolutely let me SQUEEZE
Least favorite teacher?
none off the top of my head. I want to say Doren but thats only bc ive yet to visit their flat
Favoriete play style? (Sub/def/mix)
leans pretty heavily on defiant. the idea of a PC kicking ass so much that the underground sees you as a threat is Ideal
Favoriete transformation?
Least favorite transformation?
Cat, I've never gotten it in my normal playthroughs and I've been playing this game for years
Favoriete job?
Briar's brothel helps boost a lot of stats that I use in most of my games but god does the orgy thing kill me
Least favorite job?
i will pay vrel to let me destroy sam's cafe
Favoriete bad end?
fun fact the asylum made me realize i have a medical kink
Least favorite bad end?
the UB and i dont know why but it fills me with genuine fear sometimes (especially if whitney's there 😭)
Do you collect feats?
haha no. not after....the Incident (i got most of them and then immediately lost it when my phone crashed. Never Again).
Do you use cheats?
hell yes i need my pc to be cute and fashionable and i cant do that when theyre Poor
Reasonably debauched, Vanilla, everything goes or no beasts?
Everything goes because unlike yall I'm not a LOSER
Anything else you wanna confess?
it blows my mind just how quickly this fandom's grown since i started this blog. i only did it because i thought "hm maybe i should keep my dol ideas off my main" and then it got bigger and bigger and now here we are
also sometimes when i play without cheats i pretend im a speedrunner at GDQ and have routes planned for the quickest/easiest ways to farm stats
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hermit-god-au-pog · 4 years ago
[OLD AND MAY BECOME NON-CANON LATER ON] Hermit-Gods and their Bio’s pt.2
Part 2 babyyyyy’s! 5 more hermit Bios done! Pog!
I hope you guys like these haha, any feedback is appreciated! Also, Joe and Cleo are in this and im still frightened by the fact both of them have tumblr lol But im 70% sure they’ll never find this place, if they do I hope they enjoy the au involving their characters lol!
All the bios under the cut
Xisuma- God of Masks/forms
Real Godly name?; TBD
Pronouns; They/them/Ze/Zem
Extra Domains?; n/a or TBD
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Honestly? A more chill masquerade ball. Probably starting early evening, the part goes on for a while, everyone has some sort of mask and fun or fancy outfit, and they have a big ol fun party. And later in the night, everyone gathers around, Xisuma puts on a little admin magic show and they probably have a little bond fire, everyone switching outfits with others to see what they’d look like, often causing shenanigans.
Myth?; He always wanted to make others happy, knowing the ones around him had hard lives. He had struggles of his own but he could tell others were less in control of their demons, so using voice changers, costumes, masks, anything, he tried to help the ones he so desperately wanted to laugh or smile. If he didn’t succeed, he tried again even harder. The day he got his dad to laugh and calm down while being in a fit of rage, was one of his happiest moments. Now after someone is able to make someone genuinely happy, laugh, or cheer up using a funny face, prop, or disguise, a little voice says.
What one would hear after? ‘Well isn’t that just splendid, it feels so nice to see them smile, doesn’t it?’
ZombieCleo- Goddess of Puppetry
Real Godly name?; TBD
Pronouns; She/Her/any
Extra Domains?; sculpting & necromancy
Event(s) that would make them happy?; People reacting to her armor stands in general. + She’ll ask for a little help and set on a full-on show in a makeshift theater using her armor stands and some magical help. Every hermit who isn’t helping gathers in the audience to watch the show and after marvel and gush over Cleo’s hard work and planning she did. Cause like it is truly amazing though.
Myth?; She wasn’t always so guarded and slightly ruthless. She once has faith in the world and who lived in it. But after her death and multiple witnesses’ not saying anything, she would soon grow cold. After waking up in a bed, she was met with the watcher symbol, to be told she was now a god, but instead of going out for revenge, she used her newfound power to manipulate and puppet the ones who had hurt her into ruining their own lives, sabotage themselves, and when they were at their lowest, she left them to deal with it themselves. After she let out her rage she went on to use her magic for good, using her power to lead people in the right directions in their life, help newly reanimated corpses(the sentient ones) to understand life and how to work with their new bodies. Now, whenever someone helps a sentient undead being or uses their bigger power to genuinely help others below them, they’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘Yaknow, you could have done a really bad thing right there, but you did the opposite. Maybe there is more good in this world than we may think. You did good pal, you did good’
Joehills- God of Wisdom
Real Godly name?; TBD
Pronouns; he/him
Extra Domains?; glitched or unjust deaths
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Storytime. Either he or Ren will sit on a chair and the hermits will gather in front of them like they’re back in grade school to hear the stories. Sometimes it’ll be true, fiction, realistic fiction, or even myths or legends! Everyone gets snacks and drinks and get to listen to them reading
Myth?; He had a good life, and made an amazing friend, who he didn’t care was immortal and stronger than he was. And for years he lived his mortal lives surrounded by immortals, seeming to be blending in somehow. Probably due to his vast vocabulary and knowledge he had on hand at all times, and his desire to learn new things. But after an unfortunate death and soon revival, he learned to appreciate life so much more than he had. Now when someone is revived, comes close to death, or uses their knowledge to help keep them or someone else alive, they’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘Life is such a precious thing, and you never know when you might lose it, it’s a fragile and random thing. Yet you’re here to see another day. Please treasure that feeling and keep your head up. It’s gonna be ok.’
Rendog- God of Fables&Legends
Real Godly name?; TBD
Pronouns; He/Him/ Any
Extra Domains?; Dogs 
Event(s) that would make them happy?; The same as Joe’s actually, that makes him very happy + huge cuddle pile, doesn’t have to be the whole server just a big cuddle pile cause yes
Myth?; He grew up with a decent life, it had pros and cons. He became a god around the time he was a teen. Due to his current obsessions with the past and myths and legends, he had quite a lot of knowledge on hand. And when he noticed the signs of a previous legend coming to be, he was able to convince the ones he loved to leave the area. But he secretly stayed behind. Tho he died killing this legendary beast, his sacrifice was not in vain. Due to his sacrifice and such kind heart, he was brought back with unspeakable power. Though his life got so much more difficult after that moment, he never regretted a moment of it. Now when someone uses a legend or myth to solve a problem or save someone, they’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘Great job Cyber-Dog! That was amazing what you just did, now why don’t you go out and learn a few more to keep in your back pocket~’
Welsknight- God of the knights/protectors
Real Godly name?; Elex
Pronouns; They/Them/Ze/Zem
Extra Domains?; Armor
Event(s) that would make them happy?; Big ol slumber party, kinda like bdubs but less extreme + Sparring matches + Concerts! They like to sing sea shanties to the hermits
Myth?; Actually being born in the medieval time, ze grew up and always wanted to be a knight, it was their dream for all their life. And when zey were old enough, their dream came true, zey had become a knight. And due to their strength and intelligence in training, they quickly rose in the ranks. One day, when the kingdom was attacked, Ze disobeyed orders and went to check on the princess to see her being attacked. Ze lost their life that day, but it was a worthy sacrifice, and the kingdom did not forget their sacrifice either. They had a statue dedicated after them and everything. When they were revived as a god, instead of going home, Zey decided to explore the world, see what else was out there and aims to protect others. Now when someone intends to sacrifice themselves for another/a group of people or swears on their life to protect someone or something, they’ll hear a soft voice.
What one would hear after? ‘That’s a mighty big promise you made. But in your heart, I can see what you say is true. There are ones watching over you, you are a worthy knight young one’
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