friccafracc · 4 years
Ayoo, finally wrote a continuation. Even included @cookienerdzzz​’s Polaroid… hope you like it<3
Alright. Line of sight’s clear, weather’s good, and Optimus is completely unaware of their presence. They’ve got this in the bag. Gearshift maneuvers themself along the dropoff along the hillside, obscured by the bushes and trees as they make their way closer to their quarry. Almost inexplicably, Optimus had transformed into rootmode somewhere along his usual patrol route and wandered into the nearby woods, apparently not learning his lesson that he really shouldn’t patrol all on his own. Ducking behind some thick foliage, Gearshift watches as Optimus wanders seemingly aimlessly through the thicket of trees, stopping briefly to stare off into the middle distance. They take this moment to get a little closer, ducking behind a large boulder when Optimus turns around to look at more of the forest. When Gearshift looks back out in the open, they see Optimus turning a corner so he’s completely hidden by the tall dropoff and they curse. As quickly and quietly as they can, Gearshift sneaks to the rough surface of the dropoff and peak around it to find… nothing. Cursing again, they turn their helm this way and that to find any sign of where Optimus might’ve gone but fin nothing. They creep into the clearing, still looking around for their quarry and listening for any sign of him but find nothing.
  “Damn, where could ‘e ‘ave gone?” Gearshift mutters, hands planted on their hips.
  Before they know it, they’re landing flat on their back with a loud “clang” into the dirt below in a complete daze.
  “I had a feeling I’d see you again,” Optimus’ steely voice rings in their audials.
   After the initial shock wheres off somewhat, they open their optics back up to see Optimus looming over them with his optics narrowed into slits, glaring daggers into them that send a chill down their spinal strut. Gearshift digs their hands into the ground as their sparks whirls quickly in their chest.
  “I’m not gonna go down so easy this time,” Optimus grits his denta together keeping Gearshift’s optics on his face.
  Gearshift’s processor comes to a quick halt as their fuel lines burn with the rapid rush of energon quickly flooding their faceplate and all they can think is, “Dear Primus help me-”
  “Heh,” Gearshift’s mouth works faster than they can think and they say, “Pretty n’ smart. Ah was right. Yer a real catch, Optimus Prime.”
Thankfully, that’s enough to give Optimus pause, leaving Gearshift enough room to kick back out of Optimus’ reach and land as best as they can on their pedes with one hand resting on the cable at their hip. Not missing a beat, Optimus lets his faceplate snap shut and antes up for a fight, his servos tightening into fists and his optics pierce into Gearshift’s very core, watching for the first sign of movement. Gearshift swallows down their nerves and tightens their servo on the cable as they widen their stance. This, already, is not going how they planned but they know that they at least have a good few minutes before Optimus’ team rolls onto the scene. Even when they do finally show up, Gearshift has a plan ready for them.
  With a quick vent, they whip out the cable towards Optimus who predictably leaps out of the way towards the high dropoff. Gearshift lets the cable fall as they rush into Optimus’ space while his optics are still on the cable and knocks into him, sending them careening into the dirt. A large cloud of dust engulfs them as they struggle against each other, Optimus getting a few blows in against Gearshift’s chassis making them grunt in pain. They reach above Optimus’ helm and snag the cable, bringing it up to wrap it around Optimus’ wrist while leaving themself wide open for a blow to their chest that knocks the air from their vents. Tugging back on the cable, Gearshift manages to immobilize one Optimus’ caught hand as they push him to the ground. A flash of blue lights up in their peripheral and they manage to dodge just in time as an energy ax sweeps through the air at them, making them let go of the cable as they leap back. Optimus quickly rises to his pedes and almost casually twirls his ax in one hand that has Gearshift ignoring the jump in their spark. They laugh nervously with a small shrug which gets a curious look from Optimus before they dive back into the fray.
  This time, Optimus is more than ready for them and Gearshift learns just how dangerous he can be. As Optimus bears down on them, blow after the blow blazing through the air with vicious speed and laser-like precision, Gearshift can’t get a single shot in as they become overwhelmed with the task of just dodging Optimus’ ruthless attack. Gearshift tries to reach for the cable only for Optimus to kick it out of the way and swing his ax back up to get them far away from it and that’s what does it. A very clear realization strikes Gearshift, on that had been forming during this entire fight that boils down simply to that Optimus isn’t trying to kill them. Every time he swings his ax, even when it’s just to get Gearshift away, it’s aimed at non-vital parts of their body, staying well away from their head and spark. It takes not just training but serious effort and consideration to fight a bot like that, so much so Gearshift almost feels flattered. Optimus isn’t so much treating this as a life or death fight, but a high-stakes sparring match.
  Getting their second wind, Gearshift rolls their shoulders and puts up their fists just as the sound of approaching engines rumble through the air. In no time at all, Optimus’ squad is breaking through the trees and flanking Optimus on either side ready for a fight. Gearshift, more than expecting this, reaches to their hips to get… nothing. They pat their body for a moment to find it but come up empty so they look down briefly just to confirm that it really is gone then look back up to see a very smug Prime.
  “Looking for something?” Optimus quirks his hips and pulls out Gearshift EMP grenade and tosses it casually in his hand.
  Out of nonlethals, now in a five to one fight, and without a clear escape, Gearshift was starting to run out of options.
  “Ha, Ya definitely know how ta keep a bot on their pedes, that’s fer sure.” Gearshift puts their servos up, wracking their processor for something they can do, “T’aint over yet though.”
  That puts them all on edge, tensing in preparation for the next attack.
  “Ya think I wouldn’t’ve prepared for somethin’ like this?” Opening a panel in their arm, they hover a servo over the exposed panel while looking Optimus right in the optics as they drawl out, “Yer right where ah want ya, Optimus.”
  Optimus and his team all begin to look around for the unknown threat and when all optics are off of them, Gearshift turns tail and runs as fast and far as they can until they hit a clearing and transform into their altmode. They make it all the way back to their ship when they hear the sound of engines giving chase behind them. Gearshift leaps into their transformation sequence and runs as soon as they hit the ground into their ship. Without hesitating, they hop into the pilot’s seat and prepare to lift off. Just as the jets rocket them up into the sky, they see Optimus’ team rushing towards their ship but they won’t be catching Gearshift today. Stars explode around them as their ship breaks through the atmosphere and they fall back into their seat with a heavy sigh to stare out the viewport. Another day, another failure.
  With heavy pedes, Gearshift walks in sluggishly and slumps into a chair then puts their helm on the table. A cube of actual energon gets set in front of them and they look up to find Smokebox smiling that masked smile of his, looking far too amused for his own good. They pick up the cube and take a long drink of the energon quickly, the familiar warmth that comes from real energon brings them some comfort and they nod their thanks to Smokebox, feeling a little better. A weight suddenly rocks the table, startling them out of their stupor and Gearshift looks to see the familiar white paint job with rainbow stripes of Polaroid, a far too round and friendly mech for these parts.
  “Heya, Gears,” Polaroid greets them with his usual upbeat attitude, “Why so glum?”
  Gearshift groans and plants their face back on the table as Smokebox chuckles off to the side.
  “Gearshift is havin’ themself a bit o’ trouble with that quarry a’ theirs,” Smokebox explains with a knowing look shot at Gearshift.
  Gearshift glares at him which only succeeds in making Smokebox laugh and shake his helm as he sets his tray off to the side before pulling up a seat to join them.
  “A quarry?” Polaroid perks up at that and with a bit of concern adds, “Who’s it this time ‘round?”
  “Optimus Prime,” Gearshift mutters, taking another sip of the energon, savoring the taste.
  Polaroid stiffens at that which is odd to Gearshift but never one to pry they let it go.
  “What’s got ya so invested in ‘im?” Polaroid continues.
  “Probably quite a few things ah reckin’,” Smokebox teases with a nudge of his elbow against Gearshift’s arm.
  With a pointed glare at Smokebox, Gearshift says to Polaroid, “T’aint like that, Poly, ah swear. That Prime’s jus’ worth a good deal o’ credits.”
  “Right,” Smokebox drawls while leaning back with his arms crossed, looking no less amused.
  “Not like…”  Polaroid takes a moment to consider what they mean then smacks his servos on the table, startling Gearshift all the while beaming brightly at them with a shine of understanding to his optics.
Gearshift, realizing the conclusion he’s come to, puts their servos up and shakes their helm as they frantically insist, “Ah said it wasn’t like that! Cuz it ain’t.”
  “Ya got a crush!” Polaroid declares loud enough to rouse the sleeping mech in the corner, “Ya got a crush on Optimus Prime!”
  “No!” Gearshift stands up, pointing sternly at Polaroid, “‘e’s got a bounty on ‘is helm the size of Luna 2. That’s it. Plain n’ simple.”
  Polaroid just puts a servo over his mouth and snickers. Smokebox pats their arm, getting them to look at him.
  “Settle down n’ drink yer energon, kiddo,” Smokebox sighs and leans against the table, “Ya have t’ admit that there’s at least a ‘lil somethin’ more goin’ on here than a regular ol’ bounty.”
  Gearshift clams up and sits down, feeling the heat rise on their face as energon floods their faceplates. They try to hide it behind the cube of energon, but it’s too late, the damage has been done.
  Smokebox studies Gearshift for a moment then clicks his glossa, “Maybe ya should take a break from catchin’ this Prime. Take on another job n’ clear yer head.”
  Slumping in their seat, Gearshift swirls the energon in its cube before downing the rest of it and setting the empty cube on the table.
  Polaroid pipes up, “Ya shouldn’t beat yerself up too much, Gears. Y’know yer a pit of a bounty hunter but this one’s jus’ gettin’ away from ya cuz yer invested in other ways.”
  Gearshift slams the table with one servo and shouts, “Ah told ya ah’m not-”
  They cut themself off cold and lean on their elbows on the table and put their face in their hands. Sucking in a deep vent, Gearshift lets it out slowly and pushes back off the table to get up. When they start to get out the credits to pay for the energon, Smokebox puts a servo up and shakes his helm.
  “Y’ve had a rough day, kiddo,” Smokebox offers them a kinder smile and cleans of the table before getting up himself, “This one’s on tha house.”
Gearshift nods and offers Polaroid an apologetic look who waves them off.
  “Ah’m headin’ upstairs,” Gearshift calls over their shoulder, “Ah’ll see ya ‘round, Poly.”
  “Rest up, Gears,” Polaroid calls back before heading out.
  They lay on their berth and shut their optics tight, trying to put the day out of mind but no matter how hard they try, they keep coming back to those blue optics staring them down without speck of fear. Deep down they know they’ve lost but they’re not about to admit it, not just yet. In the darkness of their room, they fall into a fitful recharge.
  The next morning, while Gearshift is still groggy from a bad recharge cycle and Smokebox hasn’t even opened his doors for business yet, Polaroid comes in looking frantic. Polaroid vents heavily as he recovers from driving hard over here while leaning against the bar. Gearshift can tell he drove hard from the smell of burning rubber lingering around his frame. Before Gearshift can get a word out, Polaroid has them by the shoulders with a very troubled look on his face. Gearshift embraces him back, worry rising in their spark and waits for Polaroid to gain back enough ventilation to speak.
  “Yer crush is in trouble!” Polaroid spouts when he finally can, still a little breathless.
  Gearshift tenses and on reflex says, “Ah told ya, ‘e’s not-”
  “Don’t matta’ which way that credit falls, Gears,” Polaroid cuts them off as his expression turns almost apologetic as he says then next thing in a much more gentle tone, “Lockdown’s got ‘im.”
  Gearshift’s optics go wide and without thinking, they’re out the door running to their ship. ------------------------- BITCH IM!!!!!!!! OKAY HEART EYES, MOTHERFUCKER AAAAAAAAAAAA
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