karamell-sweetz · 1 year
@stelterna suggested the number 53 for my oc challenge! thanks for playing along with me!
my oc no. 53 is Uruki Mazari from my unfinished project “alliura magicademy!”
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i haven’t talked about alliura at length… ever… so i’ll ramble about it under the cut:
alliura magicademy was a thing that i started at the tail end of 2019, mostly as an explanation for one of the several incarnations of my sona. as you might be able to gauge from the title, it was centred around a school called -- you guessed it -- alliura. (it was one of three sister schools, just as a lore note) the main gimmick of the school was that it was a magical girl school, 'magical girl' used loosely as it also included idols with magical powers and citizens who could harness magic in everyday activity. think about it like yumenosaki academy but for magical girls instead of idols ><
uruki was part of the idol course along with a handful of other girls in the main story. her strength was her dramatics: think kind of like tsukasa tenma but slightly more whiny lmao. i never got around to fleshing her out properly since i never finished alliura's storyline but assume that she grows as the plot progresses! (also as you might be able to tell by the initial concepts below, i think she was meant to be one of the fashionable ones in the school haha!)
as i was planning the story in 2020 i actually intended to kill her off in a really dramatic main battle... but obviously i never got around to actually doing it lol
her original concept designs are below:
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the first three were made in pastel friends (which is where i drafted most of the character designs for alliura) and the fourth one was drawn at the start of 2020 when i was really getting into the project… as you can see it sort of fizzled out quickly ><
now that i think about it she kind of looks like haruna kasuga... oh well! i guess that's why i like haruna so much haha
(edit: forgot to say that this particular game is in my pinned post!)
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bladedalchemistreplica · 10 months
Just alfor and Kolivan's logs of anything that relates to them((at least anything key or hc, so not just art and other! --below i added other asks related to other muses
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Alfor Headcanon___Alfor has a tendency to become chaoticlly organized
Alfor Headcanon___Alfor is daring, before mellowing out when Allura was born, he was one to have one set of eyes on him at all times.
Hey, so...this probably isn't for here but what WOULD be the reality where alfor isn't with melendor? Do they have good terms? How exists? Also is alliura there or she get snapped? [[AU related]
Wait- is alfor always gonna have a kit? In all or most threads? [to mun]
《《《▪︎▪︎▪︎☆ Pizza bagels
Alfor is an extremely skilled swordsman
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Antok and ____
Kolivan Headcanon___Has a strong tendency to ignore or forget his own needs
_______{{||The blade's leader practices [[Kolivn mention
[[CHARACTER FLAWS__[[Alfor [[Kolivan
[[SLEEPING HABITS__[[Alfor, [[Kolivan
[[MUSE GREETINGS__[[Alfor [[Kolivan
CUTBELOW___Various headcanon/Asks/e.t.c
[[Not every ask is here but most of the important/longer ones here!
Have a Protection Squad: Which muse(s) seem the most sheltered and/or naive? Are there other characters who look out for them? Is so, who are they?
❣️ - What are their love languages? 💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection? 💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them? For anyone muse needs your attention and love~
So have you tried earth candy yet
Is your muse difficult to ship with? [mun directed
Care to give us any silly things?
Psst mun, can you bestow us HCs aside from Alfor and Kolvian???
Okay, which muse would enjoy peppermint, and who would think it takes like medicine/toothpaste?
🥃 - Alcohol! The stronger, the better, or do they have a low tolerance for those types of things? Do they drink alcohol by itself, or do they commonly have it with a meal?
Valentine's Day is coming? Are there any plans for dates, romantic or platonic?
Hey Olia- are you and Ozar orphaned? You seem to be since you and him call te-osh mama or something like data
The shoebox's first mentions [ghost-thread related]
Kova is stronger than a Mlade of Mormoa. Kova is more the top kitty.
Matt, did you teach Phantasma about furries? Or did she find out that herself?
Fluffy boi___Tavo's first ask
So question, if I have a laser point and turn it on, who would chase the light? And this includes if those lions do it too.
Thace, how much do you adore alfor? I think you might be spoiling alfor in the future@
Freedom guys! What's the options on the galra? Do you hte them, want them to die? They took a lot from ye.
How many tall ladies? (Regris)
Why do you have scars on your arms?
Alfor you sure you won't wanna go back? I mean you kinda have someone or commanders kiddo on the way
So how are you going to tell Thace about the kitt? Like after you get the courage to meet him?
So how many kits do you get?
How are you going to raise the baby? Also fluffy Kova
Juniberry... It's a flower... I thought it was a fruit. I feel bamboozled
Wow. Alfor gets a nice new wardrobe... while Thace only gets jammies.
You know, Halo forms are cool. I wonder what they can and can't do with it. Could they eat and digest? Could they use their original strength in such a tiny body?
Alfor, you've done a lot of harm for thousands of years. Ya know that right?
So...Alfor, what entertainment do you have with the galra? Or what have you had with entertainment with the galra? I mean they gotta have something since Zarkon's an emperor and that.
[[[experiences__Alfor's time with the empire's fleets
Alfor, what happens when sendak comes back? Will he try and take tavo or just bring you back since your kinda zarkons trophy
Tavo is gonna be sendaks spitting imagine when he grows up. Sucks.
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dfghdfhdhfggh · 7 years
1, 2, 4, & 20 for the dc/marvel ask game ☺️
1; x-men evolution or young justice (cartoon)? definitely young justice my guy 👏
2; x-men the animated series or batman the animated series? that’s a tough one; i grew up loving both.. gonna have to say x-men tho
4; steve rogers/peggy carter or steve trevor/diana prince? ive never been a big fan of steggy myself & ive got nothing against anyone who does but i mean wondertrev is where it’s at
20; pietro maximoff or wally west? aw fucc don’t make me choose btwn my bois uuuuh im gonna have to go with wallman tbfh
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overboss · 7 years
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto 💛
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? I do! I have a little brother who is now getting taller than me which is distressing :on
Saturn: Any pets? A black cat called Midnight and a cocker spaniel called sam. (They’re getting pretty old now at 11 and 9 )
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 09:22 and I just woke up (i meant to wake up at 7:30 oops)
thank you 🖤
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eledritch · 7 years
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This is Kalvac, My baby. His brother was the previous blue Paladin (idk if that is over used or not..) and alliuras knight, his father being kinda Alfred’s knight. He’s half altean half Galra, (his mother was pure galra and his father pure altean although his older brother is also pure altean. And yet another thing idk is over used) he’s really sweet and caring. He has a altean form he fan shift into but I don’t have art for that, he can’t shift other then that. So that’s my Kalvac, and thanks I will drop a link if I get the courge to write his story if you want me too
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wlwocprincess · 7 years
i think u should watch voltron. the fandom, ill acknowledge, is a nightmare, but s1's pretty good and there's a actual woc princess in the main cast. sorry if you've already watched it or like, decided that you'll Never; ive just been watching it lately & alliura made me think of ur url
Ooooo You know, I've never really gotten into the hype and I originally decided against it bc of the male dominance in the main cast (since there are only two girl characters I have heard of) But this really makes me revaluate my decision in the past! Thank you! What do you guys think? Should I give it a go?
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
42 for the oc game? :DD
oc. number 42 is odessia from the alliura extended universe!
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sorry i do NOT feel like colouring her in rn
the previous two posts from this game have been about the alliura universe so all you really have to know is that not everyone in the universe is a magical girl... including odessia, who works as a maid! i made her in 2018 as a result of fiddling with the gachaverse randomiser feature lol
i tend to not flesh out a lot of my characters so unfortunately odessia is victim to this as well >< the one key thing i have about her is that she's good at sewing!
original designs below:
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you got a lucky number actually, i really like odessia and i've been meaning to rework her for a while haha!
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
@sakisekai / @sakisekaicomments suggested the number 72 for my drawing game! thanks for playing along with me <3
oc. no 72 is vivienne from my unfinished project 'usagi magicademy!'
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so 'usagi magicademy' (which i will lovingly abbreviate to 'usamagi') is the 2018 sister project to alliura (mentioned in uruki's post) and is basically the same concept except, as you can guess, all the students are rabbit hybrids. there is absolutely no lore explanation for this except convenience and character cohesion, but my last revision of the storyline has scrapped the all-rabbit-hybrid thing.
the magicademy itself is the elite branch of alliura (in-universe) for all the attendees who really excelled in their classes in alliura. think of it like an extension/night school kind of thing. the course structure is the same as alliura as well, although i imagine there are other things it offers as well.
vivienne was part of the first concept for usamagi so she never got any development past her design >< i kinda feel bad because she was really cute! based on what i named her i imagine her powers are based on sound and stuff
her first and only concept design is pictured below:
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yes its gachaverse. what are you gonna do about it
as context the only characters who survived concept one are tsuki (slot 1), seivie (slot 4) and floris (slot 6). the rest of them went into my screenshot vault
ty sakisekai for playing along! if anyone else wants to see more feel free to pop one in under my pinned post or in my inbox <3
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Hey, so...this probably isn't for here but what WOULD be the reality where alfor isn't with melendor? Do they have good terms? How exists? Also is alliura there or she get snapped?
It's a sneak peek I suppose. But that's what the Royalblade au is for.[@cyberghost-scout for the help with that name]An au where everyone is present, but things are adjusted and mostly focused on thace and alfor.
《《Main rundown/points for relations of melenor/alfor
In most realities, it was an arranged marriage after alfor was found to be of sarced blood. He also was one of the few to be considered a well enough candidate for marriage to the princess of Altean (Melenor)
During his young adult years the galra and alteans had built a bridge between one another, though it was more like a worn and torn bridge on the verge of snapping.
He and Melenor did we'd and eventually have a child, though no one exactly knew who the father was since when she was born, she held a resemblance to one of Melenors servants. However, that was a hush hush and Alfor loved her the same.
He tried to make it work even before they wedded, but Melenor made it clear she held no if any feeling towards him as he did for her. Eventually, his love was smothered out.
Coran is still his right-hand [best friend] man. Even if he serves under Melenors family. Coran is extremely supportive of the upcoming young king, they also had met a little before he was found to be viable candidate.
Melenor has a certain distaste for the falra, raised in the uppers of society, and raised with a silver spoon. Though she hides most of this to keep the populist under the false face of peace towards the supposed bloodlusted society.
Zarkon has better terms and building a relation with the alteans with Alfor being the major Diplomatic of the two.
Alfor does steal the limelight from melenor. Which just strengthens her resentment of him. But divorces are very much seen as shameful and a bad omen...so no easy way out. [[Her eye candy of a husband just stole it like nothing]]
Thace pops in [[skipping around but keeping major events ✨️
Zarkon vists with one of his top commanders, Kolivan, and a few of the galra's soldiers. One of which is a lieutenant, Thace, who immediately catches Alfor's attention.
Alfor doesn't use his power for leverage. He just approaches and speaks with Thace as with any other soldier. Though over time, it becomes apparent, he favors this one over the rest.
Thace begins to fall for the king as time passes. Resulting in a few private meetings of the two.
Later on, melenor discovers this little affair from one of the castles servants. Resulting in a pivate outlashing of her. This is where alfor points out her affair, which resulted in their daughter. ((Who was mostly raised by the said servant and forcing a rift between him and her as time grew)
《《Divorced melenor or eloping
Alfor just abandons the wedding to be with Thace, which results in a many rescue or hunt for the betrayal.
Melenor has a public freakout and alfor is seen as the villain, ruining any chance of him speaking his part. He flees with Thaces and a few of his forces aid before he can be properly punished for the affair.
Alfor tosses aside the stigma of divorce and goes through with it.
《《Daughter of purple or white
Allura is born to Melenor and Alfor. She is closest to her father, and when things begin to go down, she begins to seek out why. Resulting in a huge rift between her mother. Later on, she elopes to marry the prince of the galra Empire after having numerous encounters during diplomatic meetings.
Thace and Alfor wed and eventually have Allura. The princess of the second known Galra, Altean, marriage.
She is either the half-sister or sister of the altean princess, Faye, in most cases they have a rough or nonexistent relationship due to their parents cracking marriage.
《《Just us
Alfor is a noble who meets Thace during an annual meeting of the galra emperor, Zarkon, which is to continue a faltering alliance.
Thace and Alfor meet up when able to and eventually alfor disguises himself to visit Thace. Who is very much encouraging Alfor to visit more and more. As well helping him come to galra customs.
When they are found, ou4 Alfor is seen as a traitor and almost imprisoned for his reckless' behavior of trusting a Galra.
Thace helps Alfor escape and as well convince one of their top members he could be of great help in fixing and running the diplomatics between the two planets.
After some time and close calls, Thace takes alfor as his mate. Resulting in some tensions growing between both sides. Seeing how no one, besides Zarkon and Honerva, had done such before. And seeing how that was going..
Alfor and Thace have a daughter who they call, Allura, both of whom love her deeply.
Just notes here and there. A lot I didn't put because... lots of stuff and details. So... it may be incomplete, but I'll probably post more in the future.
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overboss · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @casino-lights , @galadrielkenobi and @maxcaulficlds ! Thank you guys! sorry it took so long rip Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. Nickname: Mykie! Gender: female Star Sign: Sagittarius Height: 5′9 Time right now: 09:53am Last thing I googled: 'Radio Garden' So I can listen to radio stations from around the world :o Favorite Bands: Marina& The Diamonds, (used to like Arctic Monkeys, Panic! At The Disco and Imagine Dragons but the end of a toxic friendship ruined those for me so now I got nothing scoob :/) Favorite Solo Artists: Lana Del Rey, Sky Ferreira, Rag 'n' Bone man. Song stuck in your head: I feel like I say this same song every got damn time but rn it's 'Seagulls (Stop it now) by Bad Lip Reading lmaooo Last movie I watched: Guardians of the galaxy 2 Last TV show I watched: Riverdale When did you create your blog: Valentines Day last year 🖤 (feb 14 2016) is that even valentines day aaa What kind of stuff do you post: Mostly video games! I sometimes post my art here but I usually chicken out and post it on my art blog instead rip When did your blog reach its peak: Hmmm maybe now? I dont get as many followers as I used to - maybe one or two a week if I'm lucky. But I'm okay with that, I've met a lot of wonderful people through tungle and couldnt be happier. D o you have any other blogs: Ya my art only blog @felleyan-art Do you get asks regularly: Not really unless I reblog ask games or oc questions. Adsjsfg SAME GRACE I take ages filling them out and forget... i still have asks from last year...im a bad person lol Why you chose your URL: ??? I dunno i used a random name generator and it sounded nice.?? Following: 200! On the dot Posts: Honestly it's something ridiculous like 5,000?? 10,000 idek help Hogwarts House: Slytherin! But i'm not evil tho i promise. Pokémon Team: I don’t even go to this school but pokemon Go i was instinct. The yellow meme dream team. Favorite colors: Burgundy/ Green / Yellow/ Navy/ Red / black Average hours of sleep: I find it really hard to get to sleep so from 2-12 hours tbh it really depends Lucky Numbers: 7 ! Favorite (manga) characters: I've never read manga or watched anime sorry :/ but some of my all time fave characters are * Jack, Mass Effect * Miranda, Mass Effect * Deacon, Fallout * Zevran, Dragon Age * Isabela, Dragon Age How many blankets do you sleep with: Three bed blankets but like I also sleep with a fourth blanket completely covering my face?? Dream job: rn probs homicide detective/ forensic scientist / criminal psychologist i dunno i need to get my shit together tbh Dream trip: Me n my Best friend are planning to do the whole road trip around america thing (mostly New york and California so far). I also really want to go see Pompeii and mount Vesuvius :0 (Also Grace if you ever come to Europe me, you n emily should go on a tiny weeny roadtrip ) [Tagging:] @louminx, @alliura, @everyoursvincent, @carriecomehome and @bewearr (if you haven't done this already Em come join the party.) only do this if you wanna of course!
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