gnomeyflamingo · 1 year
✮ The Skill Hack Lot ✮
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It's been a couple of days and Alejandro is trying to gain his weight back by compulsively eating cake. It’s working, kind of.
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Alejandro: *yawns* “I feel so exhausted all the time. Stupid Summer. Stupid insta-lean. Well off to work I go."
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We have two new cat visitors. Brenda with a jawline to die for and Zoe, who looks suspiciously like a mountain lynx?
Brenda: “I will rule this place someday. Just you wait.”
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Zoe: “RAW- uh I mean- Meow?”
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Riku: “Need. To keep. Running. From. My. Life.”
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Brielle: “What a nice tiny eco- lot the Watcher made us visit. And the lady who owns it  just told us to make ourselves at home before immediately leaving. Hopefully eating this burger stops me from feeling so dizzy."
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This lot has everything a toddler needs to max their skills as fast as possible.
Acco: “Skill. Must skill. Hug. Slide. Play. So tired. Tent nap then more skill.”
It’s hard being a potential heir.
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Atreo: “AH this place is amazing! I’m having the time of my life!"
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"MUM! Come see the sand sculpture I made. It’s a gnome getting eaten by a shark. It’s so awesome it’s made me super confident.”
Brielle:(off screen) "Sorry mummy's too dizzy to walk atm. I'm sure it great sweetie."
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Acco: “Blocks! Then communication!”
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Atreo: “Why didn’t we come here earlier? I could’ve been a top notch toddler in no time.”
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Brielle: “The Watcher probably didn’t think of it and it doesn't matter, you'll always be top notch to me."
Atreo: "Aw thanks mum I feel so supported!"
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Brielle tries to knit but the effects of Summer’s black market insta-lean is making her too dizzy to keep going. So she naps whilst the children continue to skill gain like crazy.
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Atreo: “I love that we're doing this together but are you sure the lady is okay with us building a treehouse in her garden?”
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Brielle: “It’s fine. I'm sure she’ll understand when I tell her our garden is too small for this lovely new family activity… if she ever comes back.”
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Atreo: “I’m going to make the smelliest, foulest stink bomb and ruin somebody’s life forever." *evil cackle*
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Acco: *sings* "And we sit on the potty to go pee.”
Brielle: “Well done Acco- Ugh I don’t feel good. Malnourishment is the literal worst.”
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We'll end today on Acco sleeping in a stranger’s play tent having maxed out all his toddler skills within like a day. I love this hack!
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