ashleysgonnatri · 7 years
I am slightly freaking out. I am a list maker and a master avoider, and my goodness I am running out of time before the big day! 
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Rain, and slight flooding off and on today led to my 3:15 bike and 15 minute brick being done indoors (EECK!). And since I don’t yet have a trainer stand... I was resigned to going to the gym and using the spin studio and treadmill! I didn’t want to do it, but I saw everyone’s racing posts from this weekend (Thanks #Athenas!), and then I remembered that I don’t wanna feel terrible after IMAC so I got off my rump and did it! Got motivational texts from my training partner/friend, and passed the time with a documentary on Showtime that kept me fired up! 
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Tomorrow is “New Bike Day!!”, and that is causing me to freak out even more! What if I don’t like it? What if it’s too small? What if it feels too strange?! What if something happens to it in travel?! What if, what if, what if!?!! 
I need to just LET IT GOOOOO LET IT GOOOOO! lol
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Today’s Doughnut Count: 1 Days Until IMAC 70.3: 21 (HOLYWOW) 
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ashleysgonnatri · 8 years
‘Twas the Night Before the Night Before!!
I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve or something! I am so excited for my first half marathon! I don’t know if it’s the fact that I get to jump out of an airplane before I embark on this milestone
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or that I rented a vintage VW Van to camp in at the race,
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 or the fact that I am running my first half marathon! 
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But I am excited! 
I was telling a friend just today that I am more nervous to run 14.4 miles (it’s a 7.2 mile loop) than I am to jump out of an airplane! I have completed 7 tandem jumps all over the world, and would love to one day have my AFF license so that I can jump alone! I haven’t trained as much as I should (read: barely at all), and the last time I tried to run 7 miles I felt AWFUL 4 hours later, but I have a plan in place. And anything over the 15k distance is a PR! 
I have heard that due to the fact there are people running up to 200 miles while I’m out there, the weekend is like a big family running party! I have a friend running 100 miles, and I’m planning to chill with his wife, ride my bike alongside some people, and maybe even get in some miles on Sunday before heading home! I’ve packed up some yummy treats, and made my signature sangria, and now I’m going to try to calm the nerves and go to sleep!
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Maybe this weekend will act as a defibrillator on my motivation and love for tri-ing. I do kinda miss my bike and the pool. 
Today’s Doughnut Count: .5 (They were NOT good! Pictured below)
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Days Until IMAC 70.3: 233
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ashleysgonnatri · 7 years
144,000 Minutes.
100 Days to go. ONE HUNDRED DAYS TO GO! 
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OK, that’s better. LOL.
After postponing this morning’s bike ride, I went about my day and my goodness does the time go by fast! The “Summer afternoon storms” are here already, so when the sun is out, you gotta take it. Not taking it, and receiving a text from your accountability partner with a picture of her riding in Toms (because she forgot her sneakers), AND in the rain (because she misjudged the storm) during her lunch break means you ride in the bedtime moonlight. 
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Photographic proof sent by my accountability/training partner/friend.
A few bugs, but it was actually pretty peaceful! I’m not sure if I love working out at night, but I don’t necessarily love getting up so dang early either! Something’s gotta give, eh?
I have my first swim workout of this plan tomorrow morning, so let’s see how happy I am after that! For now though, I’m good.
Today’s Doughnut Count: 0 Days Until IMAC 70.3: 100 
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ashleysgonnatri · 7 years
And Then it Got Real!
I did it! I started reading IronFit Secrets for Half Iron-Distance Triathlon Success! and planned out my workout for IMAC 70.3! 16 week training plan, and I CANNOT believe that I only have 16ish weeks left until I actually do this! I’m still a bit nervous, but looking over the “just finish” plan, I think I am going to be ok.  I’m excited to do the work, and nervous! Good nervous, not bad nervous!
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My training partner and I did the first workout today: a 30 minute run. For some reason, I REALLY enjoyed it! Even at 6 am, in the 1000% humidity! Maybe because this was really the start of this journey! Or maybe because I knew I was going to have a yummy doughnut after : ) 
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Let’s do this!!!
Today’s Doughnut Count: 1 (and 6 holes lol) Days Until IMAC 70.3: 102 
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ashleysgonnatri · 7 years
Forgive Me Readers, for I have Abandoned...
Sheesh it has been awhile since I’ve written! A lot has happened in the past three months, but now is not the time, but maybe my next post. Maybe.
A friend asked how my blog was coming along, and when I explained to her that it was BARELY coming along (because I had so much to write and I felt like every entry needed to be a novel), she told me to just write. Short, quick recap of a workout, or a long venting post about a race. It didn’t matter, just write. So here we are!
After bailing on a 5 mile run this morning (hey! It was kind of raining a little, and I would’ve had to walk around in wet clothes with my dad!), I did some major adulting around my house, then did a 1/2 mile swim TT in our local long course pool. All alone, with a pool and a lifeguard to myself. AND overcast skies, so I didn’t have to wear my rash guard! 
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I was pleasantly surprised with my time, and my swim, and I’m excited to keep training. Don’t confuse my excitement for confidence, because I am still super nervous! I had my first IMAC 70.3 dream the other night, and it was not a happy one. But another friend told me today to be calm; i’ll be ready by September.
One thing that was not great about my swim was my cap! I’ve had trouble with my cap sliding up while swimming, and I don’t like that one bit, so yesterday I bought a Speedo cap for swimmers with long hair. It was great during the first 100m, but then once I started swimming the 800 main set, I could feel it starting to slide back. By the end of my swim, you could see my hairline : (
Anyone have any suggestions?!
Today’s Doughnut Count: 0 Days Until IMAC 70.3: 104 (OMG)
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