#AK plays DA:O
simpingforaymeric · 3 years
dumb shit I need to file away before my brain sucks the idea into the void
I keep coming back to this story idea that’s not really a story idea, just a vague excuse to get my Warden, Hawke and Inquisitor to go on a mission together.
Like idk *what* they’d actually end up doing, just that it would include the subplot of Catriona trying to find the cure for the Blight and that becoming the resolution. It would also necessitate Inquisitor MagicHandsMcGee.
But the idea that shot into my head completely unprompted is that Zevran is involved in assembling the squad and maybe even with them on this dumbass mission and at one point the Gang finds out he’s carrying a particularly lethal poison with no application in combat that’s supposed to instill a quiet, painless death and while it’s not outlandish for an antivan crow to possess it, it raises suspicions among the Gang that Zevran has his own goals or needs to ensure one of them does not in fact return from this quest.
But finally confronted, Catriona realizes that the poison is for *her*, specifically in case she fails to find a cure and has to answer her Calling. Like Alistair asked Zevran to swear he wouldn’t let her just go to her Calling (”I’m fairly certain he didn’t mean for you to kill me in my sleep, Zev!”) but Zevran, knowing what awaits Wardens in the deep roads, knows what a brood mother is and how one is made, kept this as a back up plan (”You and I both know that you’d do anything not to have to go back there. And you and I both know you are too honorable to take care of it yourself. If I go to the void for this, then they better get me a drink because this is one kill I will not be sorry for.”) and the second, slightly implied plot twist is that Zev had carried a torch for the Warden for a very long time (”Righteous indignation always was a good look on you dear.”) and what seems like a betrayal is in truth a testament to absolute loyalty, to do whatever it may take to spare his friend and companion the bitter end she dreads so much. 
When they do find the cure and they have to part ways, Zev expects to be killed or abandoned for what he almost did and was in fact very willing to do, with no guilt whatsoever, but instead is wrapped into the tightest hug of his life.
Anyways I just have fee fees. 
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