miztiw · 23 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Men’s Ainiel Ouma Kokichi Cosplay Costume. New. Size: Large.
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444names · 2 years
altmer names from tes + the same thing but with "a" placed in the middle of every consonant+vowel pair
Adino Aicaa Ainiel Alaalie Alaanre Alaar Alanaa Alcaryaa Alcunde Aldaaril Aldaume Aldhe Aldmaume Alinwe Alion Allen Allorao Almaar Almaen Almailmo Almaon Alten Amael Amaetail Amire Amirneda Ancaa Ancaar Ancalyen Andaar Andahlin Andllon Andmo Andrail Angaanwe Angainel Anion Annen Anulf Arangon Ardewe Ardilan Areor Areraile Arkaan Armircil Arnanin Arnaulmo Arndil Arrurtaa Artain Arteran Arundhe Arwaen Aryao Astail Astaor Astawe Astimire Atonwe Auril Aurwe Avion Badaonde Baremo Caacaos Caale Caanden Caanwe Caarne Caawe Caelor Caelydil Caerye Caialaa Cailaar Cainay Cainus Caion Calair Calcil Caldael Calde Caldil Camair Camaon Camianwe Caorel Caraen Carain Carlan Carumde Catail Cauar Caullia Caullil Cauraa Caurail Cauror Cauur Cavaan Cerrael Cimaenil Cincaar Ciraon Cirwaed Conir Coraer Coril Corna Corne Culime Cullme Cumde Cumelde Curil Cymaore Cymil Cyraen Daowe Dundairy Dupaeur Earaiano Earaie Elaandir Elacaa Elaia Elail Elaire Elaon Eldail Eldil Ellail Elsaore Elsia Elsis Emdaando Enaar Endaer Endil Engin Eraele Erldail Erraee Erraos Errion Esail Esmaie Estaar Estewe Esurgaen Faailain Faanil Faarael Faare Faerlaon Failaion Faintil Fainus Fainyde Fandaura Faoraa Faraal Faraie Farerion Fastar Fedarurg Felaie Fenaite Fenwe Fiinyer Fiisdao Finuil Firae Firail Firilaia Fogwe Fraimo Gaarrath Gaebaron Gandil Gaorme Gauur Glain Glaock Grail Graire Graisea Graorie Haaalia Haahius Haaimil Haallar Haenad Haetaar Haeth Haion Hairail Hanao Hande Hanwe Hatur Helval Helyaaa Henael Henil Henwe Hesain Highao Highil Highlola Hilaack Hiraie Hirim Hyaus Iirwe Ilaaie Ilain Ilinwe Illon Inaon Inarion Inbomair Indwe Ingaine Inquere Inwenaen Iryaee Jaoren Jaorim Jesys Kaestaa Karion Kelaius Knoran Koraur Laadil Laaie Laalen Laalion Laandinn Laano Laarnar Laayne Laeraia Laicain Lainldaa Lainyon Laire Lanaanya Laomaar Larao Larie Larmaa Larna Latim Lelainle Lilia Lingail Lisao Litaatch Logie Loraian Lorair Lordair Lorwe Maalke Maanaion Maandaa Maare Maaullan Maawe Maefaair Maerne Maiin Mainyaon Maion Malail Manon Maodele Maorril Marail Meandore Melmaang Meraus Merne Minauer Moraemaa Mormaos Morneran Morwaen Mulcaa Mulnore Naaldaen Naalon Naanaira Naaranwy Naelrie Naendil Naiil Nairiir Nairwe Naite Naldaock Naldil Nanwenao Narae Narion Naron Narwo Naumail Nelcaar Nelenis Nendur Nesse Nirailwe Nirel Nonire Nuldilel Nuudil Oblael Ocaaele Ohair Ohmaeem Ondel Onifwe Oraetaa Orair Outae Paenaia Paenwe Paeraen Painde Panawe Qauar Qaulde Qauraure Qauvonwe Raante Raelarye Raianael Raion Rairmaa Ramth Ranaion Raulaal Rauraire Rinaar Roliaril Rulle Saalde Saaldra Saalion Saanaaa Saare Saarriel Saire Sairion Sairmbar Salaas Salaimo Sarao Sardaen Sarfail Sarnest Saualock Saumaor Seldaar Sirmo Skyre Sofarion Soraee Sortaen Spele Stolmo Storne Sucaal Taaldil Taanwy Taaraa Taarail Taelaer Taelwe Taemfail Taeminos Taendil Taenllat Tailael Taistare Taivaus Taleque Talion Tamme Tanar Tanta Tanyaa Taraanil Taril Tarnaee Tarnya Tasse Tauar Tauril Telair Telaorie Telmaon Tenyael Thaiire Thrairon Throsse Tirion Tuillion Tungaos Unail Ungael Unothar Unwen Uryar Vaaelail Vaafin Vaainde Vaalaa Vaalwe Vaanaen Vaarion Vaelmo Vailaie Vainaion Vairauma Vaire Vallil Vallis Valmor Vantaua Vardaal Vatch Vinarel Vorion Waien Wairil Yaatch Yakemmen Yancaand
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elles-writing · 4 years
The Sounds of Home - Kili x reader
Kili x reader
Requested: Yes, by @terri205​
Request:  Hello there - I read one of your previous posts about taking requests so here i am asking for a drabble or oneshot with some domestic life / husband x wife with children with Kili even though his character died I really cannot get over him. Hope you are still writing for him . ( dwarf x human if that helps .. also can the height difference be erased for now ? Yk Aidan is a tall boy 😁🙃 ) wish you having a great day!
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Word count: around 3k
A/N: Of course!! I write a lot for Kili, because I feel like there’s not a lot of fanfics for him, that people actually think more of Fili and Thorin, but hey, this little cute pup needs love too! (Just like Lindir. He’s also adorable.) And I’ve red somewhere on Pinterest that Thorin is actually tall 5′2 ft, which is like only solid 2 inches smaller than me (okay, I’m barely 5′4 ft)!! And Kili’s only a bit smaller than Thorin!! I’ll look for that picture and if I find it, i’ll put it here.
A/N II: I feel like my writting sucks at most of this one, I’m so sorry! I wanted it to be much, much better, but I just somehow don’t really know how to rewrite it, so I’m posting it anyways. I want to write something similar in the future, so I’ll tag you to it.
A/N III: I wrote some extra part and edited it, so now I can say I’m quite happy with it!
Tw: pregnancy, mentions of sex
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Okay, so here it is. I found it on pinterest, but it’s from tumblr @richardarmitagequotes​ . Here is the link to it.
Playlist you don’t have to listen, but I was writting during listening to these songs: Taylor Swift - cartigan, Taylor Swift - exile, The Chainsmokers - Paris, Porcelain Black - One Woman Army, Taylor Swift - august, 
It was such a long time ago when did this happened...
This was how you started your children’s bedtime story, which was their favourite - it was the story of how did their parents - you and Kili - have met and long adventure that was avaiting behind them to reclaim Erebor. About you, a young human girl, who was curious and wanted to see the world, and him, young dwarf prince, who wanted to help to reclaim his home again. And surely wasn’t counting on finding love, but yet you were here - Kili, you and your children - living in a cottage a bit aside from Erebor and Dale.
It was a sunny day, you and your children working at the garden. You were in the middle of placing tomatoes to your handbasket, when a loud scream came to your ears. You looked up and sighed at the sight of your son scaring your daughter with earthworm on a stick, which was moving around.
“Vili, stop scaring Ainiel with that earthworm. Go back to taking out the carrots out, alright? And let Ainiel to pick the berries.” Your son shook his head and went back to taking out the carrots, putting the earthworm to his hand and mumbling something to it before putting it back to the hole, where was one big carrot before.
You looked at him by the corner of your eye. He has the same hair as his father, face features, very similar personality, the only thing was his eyes - they were brown with slight e/c in them. Your daughter has gotten her father’s hair texture, face shape and a bit of his joking personality, but from you she’ve gotten her bookworm-self, able to read all day, and thinking carefully about things. Otherwise, she would be your dupe.
You looked over to your youngest child - your second daughter, who was sitting in the grass and creating a flower tiara from daisies. When she was done, she jumped up and with squealing runned to her sister and putted the tiara on her head. She let out a bubbly laugh, as toddlers do, and runned to you.
“Mama, Ainiel is a princess! I am a princess! Mama is a princess!” And placed flowery tiara she finished earlier in your hair. You smiled and she sat down to you, looking up to sky.
“Is there going to be a storm?” You looked up and noticed the dark clouds, quickly approaching. You took your youngest daughter to your arms, your basket hanging from your forearm.
“Vili, take the carrots, Ainiel, take the basket with berries, Lila...” you looked in the toddler’s eyes.
“Hold your tiara, dearie.” You looked over the garden and noticed movement on the other side of the garden on your backyard. Then someting let out a ‘meow’.
It’s probably just some cat, you thought when a typical little furry tale glimpsed through the grass. It wasn’t unusual for cats to be wondering around your house, since in a Dale many people were having cats as pets.
When you were inside, a hard rain started. You sighed out, placed Lila and the basket with tomatoes down in the kitchen, and went over to fireplace to start a fire.
Once the room was filled with warm light and sound of cracking wood, your children started with washing and clearing the vegetables. Vili and Ainiel only, because Lila was sitting on the chair cuddled in blanket. She was afraid of thunders and storms, and even though there was no thunder, there was sometimes a lightning across the sky and she squealed and jumped up.
You made a luke-warm tea for Lila and while she was sipping it, you were cutting the vegetables and meat and cooking stew.
Once the meal was done, you looked out through the window. It was raining really hard still, so you decided to take your children and cuddle behind the fireplace with tea and either read to them or tell them some story.
Once you and your children sat down, blankets were all over the place and Vili and Lila fighting over one of them.
“Lila, give it to me, you have it all the time!”
“No, I want it! Give it to me!” Vili teared out the blanket from her hands and she squealed when she fell down. She started sobbing and then vailing. Vili’s eyebrows furrowed and he kneeled down to her.
“I’m so sorry, Lila, I didn’t wanted to hurt you! Look, you can take the bla-” She teared the blanket from his hands and stick out her tongue on him. He was surprised and inhaled, but Lila jumped on him and started beating his chest by her little fists.
“I’m as strong as you!” Vili squealed when she took his hair and started to pulling them. You quickly took her off of him, careful not to pull his hair more, but a few of them stayed in your daughter’s grasp.
“You’re getting way too energetic, young lady. What’s all this about?” You sat down and she was sitting in your lap.
“He wanted to take my blanket and I fell down.” She didn’t dared to look up at you.
“It’s because the two men in Dale two weeks ago were doing this?” She mumbled a response and you shook your head.
“Lila, that’s not how you are supposed to solve problems. First, you need to talk about it. Don’t be that-” then a loud thunder and sharp lightning scrossed the sky and Lila squeaked.
“M-momma, I’m so afraid!” She nuzzled to your chest and you wrapped a blanket around the two of you. Vili and Ainiel sat next to you, wrapped in blankets.
“Will you tell us the story, momma?” Ainiel asked you, breaking the silence. A slight smile stretched your lips.
“You already know that one backwards.”
“That’s not true, I cannot say it backwards!” Vili protested and Ainiel shook her head.
“That means we already know it really well, you dumb dwarf.” Lila let out a laugh.
“Will you tell us the part with Master Baggin’s home? The beginning?” Vili made a pleading puppy look, that he surely got from his father, and you sighed.
“And that one when you confessed your love?” Ainiel asked. You smiled and nodded.
“I will. So, I came here with Balin, and I didn’t wanted to be rude, because, as you know, hobbits are peaceful beings and they don’t like when someone is rude, so I just sat aside. Then, there was another knock on the door, and I told him I will open. I opened the door, and there were two young dwarves, one with blonde hair and blue eyes and the other one with dark hair and brown eyes. Me and the younger one froze in spot and the whole Shire must’ve hear us, because we both screamed: ‘YOU?!’. It was that dwarf I saved from two orcs and kicked his butt before, calling him very...spicy names for doing such a stupid thing.”
“How did you called him?” Vili pleated. You’ve never told them, that first words adressed from you to their father were ‘What were you thinking, you fucking fool?! Two big orcs twice your size?! If I wouldn’t save you, you would be dead by now!’.
It was a few days since you’ve left your home for an adventure, where Gandalf invited you. 
You were thankful to the few of dwarves that lived near the village you’ve lived in, whom teached your father how to fight, which he teached you. You could get a few nice hours of sleep at night, because you didn’t have to worry about not being able to defend yourself.
The next day, around a down, settling down your things to prepare for a camp, a loud scream cutted the silence. You looked up. It sounded as if somebody needed a help.
You quickly and as quietly as you could, runned to that spot. You looked through the bushes and noticed somebody - a male - trying to fight with two orcs double size of him. One of them was holding his leg, the other one his arm and he was trying to fight with them, but you assumed they took his weapons, since he had nothing but a dagger. You quickly let out an arrow, which went straight through orc’s head, and he fell dead. You jumped out of your hiding spot and the other one chuckled darkly in black speech. You growled and jumped aside when he was trying to catch you. He tried to stab you with his sword, but you were way too quick. You jumped up at tree stump and stabbed him by your sword in it’s back. The orc fell dead, down to the ground.
You looked over to that male - a dwarf, you thought, because of his ears and he was as tall as you - and he was staring at you with awe in his eyes. Adrenalin was still in you from the fight in your veins and you got angry.
“What were you thinking, you fucking fool?! Two big orcs twice your size?! If I wouldn’t save you, you would be dead by now!” He snapped from his expression and quickly started gathering his weapons.
“I didn’t needed help, you know?! I could-I would be able to win over them!” You snorted in very un-lady like way while taking out your sword and arrow.
“Of course, but before that, you would be their dinner.” You looked over your shoulder and shook your head. No. He has just stupid brown puppy eyes.
“That’s not true!” He got angry, slightely offended. You smirked.
“All right then. You’d be their midnight snack.” You chuckled when noticed his face to redden and looked away to get to your place where you wanted to camp.
You couldn’t stop thinking about that man since then. And your angry behaviour, which you were quite sorry for.
“That’s not appropiate for your ears, children. So, where did I ended? Oh, I know!” Vili and Ainiel shimmed closer to you.
“Then, the blonde one looked at both of us and asked: ‘Where do you know each other from?’. The brown-haired muttered something under his breath and I sighed. ‘I didn’t wanted to be so rude, you know?’ He looked up at me, eyes wide, mouth slightely open and cheeks red. I got into house and...who do you think was that?” You asked your children and Ainiel, the quick thinker, was first one to answer that.
“Uncle Fili and Adad, mommy!” She grinned and you stroke her hair.
“Excellent. Now-” You inhaled to talk again, but Ainiel interrupted you.
“Now the wedding, mommy! How was the wedding? Was it big? Was it beautiful?” Her face lighted up in happiness, that was her favourite part. Vili just snorted.
“Girls. Why the wedding? It’s so boring!” You chuckled.
“One day you will find your own significant other and you won’t be snorting at the mention of weddings, because you will be the eager one to plan it all out.” Said voice behind you. You and your children turned around and found your soaking-wet, but madly-grinning husband. Vili squealed, excited, and while trying to get to him, be tripped over his own legs and blanket and landed at the floor. Lila’s fluttered open and she yawned as she woke up from her slumber, and once she noticed her father, she squealed in joy and tried to get to him, her arms opened for a hug.
“Adad! You’re home!” He picked Vili up from the floor and with a grin on his face, he picked up Lila too and spun them around. The sight of him with your children, his face lighted up with joy and absolute adoration for them was a thing that made you to appreciate every single moment like that you had.
Kili placed his two children to the ground, and even if all three of them were wet now, they didn’t really cared. You stood up.
“Now, I see, you are ready to change in something dry.” Kili looked over to Vili and Lila.
“Who’s going to be the first one changed, gets the most cookies!” Before you could even blink, Vili and Lila were already rushing to their rooms to change, and Kili went to your bedroom to change, too.
Ainiel turned to you.
“What about the wedding, mommy? How was it?” You sat down to her.
“So, at first, it was before the battle of five armies. Me and your father, your uncle, nobody knew if we will survive, so we decided to do it without unnecessary formalities. We just changed vows, gifts, kissed and braided each other’s hair.” And lost our virginities that night.
“After the battle and when Dale and Erebor was rebuilded, we got married with all of the formalities that are necessary in royal family. It was a big and eventful wedding, very loud, too. Something like celebration on Durin’s Day, but three times louder, with more dancing.” She nodded with a serious expression.
* Extra *
After the dinner (and promised cookies, which got Vili and Lila) and when your children went to sleep, you and Kili stayed together in the living room, cuddled under a blanket.
„How was your day, amralime?“ You asked him while making circles inside his palm. Kili softly kissed the top of your head.
„Uneventful and boring, givanshel. Meeting got longer today, and thanks to the storm, I was even more late than I would be. How was today for you, my precious queen?“ You felt his hand lazily making circles over the fabric on your stomach and smiled.
„Just like any other day, my dear husband. Two out of our three children took their personality after you, making every day an adventure,“ He softly chuckled and kissed your temple from the back.
„It all started with one adventure,“ He said in a low voice. You sighed softly.
„Yes, indeed it did. But I saved your butt before that adventure,“ His fingers started to make way to your hips and sides.
„Of course, my dear wife,“ He started tickling you, and you tried to giggle as quietly as possible to not to wake the children. You turned around, so you now faced Kili and sat on his lap. You kissed his nose, then his lips, and he smiled to the kiss. He pulled you closer.
„Mhmm, amralime,“ He whispered when you pulled away for air. You pushed a few strands of his hair out of his face, looking deep to his loving brown eyes
„You should go to sleep. You are tired,“ You said. He raised a brow.
„I can stay awake as long as you’d like me to.“ His eyes got that mischievous spark you knew way too well.
„I may be in love with you, but you cannot fool me, my precious prince.“ You kissed his cheek softly.
„So you want to say you’d turn down an opportunity for making love on the floor, or just right here, right now?“ You gasped and punched his shoulder softly.
„Kili!“ His sparkling eyes were watching you, while his lips tugged up into a smirk.
„You didn’t minded that when we moved in,“ He winked at you and your cheeks burned red.
„You’re right,“ You muttered and he laughed.
„But I wanted to talk to you about something...something else,“ You nervously rubbed your hands together. He furrowed his brows and cupped your cheek in his palm, making you to look at him.
„What’s wrong, Amralime?“ You felt his body tense. He was fully awake, and you just shook your head with a small smile.
„Nothing is wrong.“
„What is it, then?“ You placed his palm to your stomach. Kili’s eyes widened in realization, experiencing this for the fourth time.
„Are you-are you really-do you mean-?“ You slowly nodded.
„Around a week,“ A grin stretched across his lips and he took you to his arms, kissing your whole face, dancing around your living room.
„We’re going to have another baby, I cannot-oh Mahal, I can’t believe that!“ He kissed your lips with a smile.
„You need to rest, givanshel.“ He started walking towards your bedroom.
„I can walk on my own, Kili.“ You laughed and he kissed your temple as he kicked the door to your bedroom open.
„Well, you need to rest a lot now, so no walking for you, my love.“ He placed you down to your shared bed and you giggled.
„I need to walk at some point. Who will cook?“ Kili kicked off his boots and laid to you, placing you to his chest and resting his palm on your still flat belly. He kissed your temple and blinked, so he wouldn’t start crying out of pure happiness.
„You know how it ended up every time you ever tried to cook,“ You reminded him and he grimaced.
„Oh, c’mon amralime, I’m not that bad at cooking!“
„You cutted yourself while cutting the vegetables and then burned the soup.“
„Oh hush amralime,“ He muttered and you laughed.
„Amad was giving me a cooking lessons,“ He blurted out suddenly. You raised a brow and turned to him.
„When we were over for Durin’s day last year. Well, rather Amad was teaching me, while Lila and Ainiel were watching over the kitchens in general, and Vili, well,“ He looked sleepishly down on you.
„Vili was messing around with Fili,“ You rolled your eyes.
„I’ve noticed them, of course. I’m glad Erebor is still standing,“ You both chuckled and he started rubbing small circles on your belly. You sighed and hugged your husband closer. He kissed your forehead.
„Sleep, Amralime. You need to rest.“
„You too, Amralime. Good night.“
„Good night, my princess.“
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fraterstn · 3 years
Some demons and their tarot cards assignment.
With tarot cards you can do much more than just see into the future. You can place tarot cards in combination on your altar or in the ritual room if you want to call a certain demon, for example. But of course you can simply draw two or three tarot cards with the intention of getting a demon name and then see which demon the card combination matches. In the following I give a small list:
Naamah: princess of the wands + 10 of the wands
Ainiel: the devil + king of wands
Nobrexiel: 5 of the disks + the righteousness + 4 of the swords + king of the wands
Heteriel: 5 of the cups + princess of the cups + 9 of the swords king of the wands
Thauhetriel: 10 of the discs + the tower + princess of the swords + king of the wands
Molidiel: The stars + the sun
Dagdagiron: 3 of the staves +10 of the swords + 5 of the discs
Bahimiron: As of staves + 4 of swords + 6 of swords + 5 of disks
Nashimiron: Princess of Wands + The Ruler +6 of Swords + 5 of Disks
Barion: ace of sticks + 5 of discs
Admiron: 3 of the staffs + 6 of the swords + 5 of the discs
Talamiron: 3 of swords + 9 of staves + 6 of swords + 5 of disks
Shiron: The ruler + 5 of the discs
Shareon: The lovers + 5 of the discs
Zaphirion: ace of swords + 4 of swords + 5 of discs
Vabirion: 5 of swords + knight of swords + 9 of swords + 5 of disks
Neheshiron: 10 of the cups + 5 of the cups + the ruler + 5 of the discs
Nashiron: Princess of the Wands + The Ruler + 5 of the Disks
Samael: ace of swords + 10 of staves + king of staves
Satan: ace of swords +3 of swords
Lilith: King of Swords + Knight of Discs
Elohim Acherim: King of Staffs + 4 of Swords + King of Disks +6 of Swords
Numbers of demons
Every demon has a numerical value which indicates certain basic attributes of the demon. The respective basic attributes are put in brackets. These attributes can be important for evocations or other rituals when it comes to which demon is suitable for which project.
Naamah: 62 (Trust in the material world and people. Material wealth)
Ainiel: 50 (Harmonic Changes in Accordance with the Thoughtless Lich and the Qliphotic Powers)
Nobrexiel: 177 (Keeper of the Left Handed Path / Demon of Courage, Devotion and Inspiration)
Straight: 171 (hard work on behalf of the thoughtless light)
Thauhetriel: 181 (helps with prosperity)
Molidiel: 135 (healing of femininity)
Dagdagiron: 166 (necromancy)
Bahimiron: 218 (wealth through self-confidence)
Nashimiron: 264 (ruler of the demon host / demon of trust, protection and help)
Barion: 100 (Thought of Thoughtless Light)
Admiron: 162 (Leader of the Adepts)
Talamiron: 224 (ability to expand through demons)
Shiron: 178 (ruler of money)
Shareon: 334 (leader of demons, ruler demons and the ascended dark adepts / demon of communication)
Zaphirion: 186 (Thought of Life)
Vabirion: 247 (Demon of the Soul Plan)
Neheshiron: 273 (confidante of the ascended dark adepts)
Nashiron: 204 (demon of patience)
Samael: 114 (ruler of the mental plane / demon of thoughts)
Satan: 111 (ruler of the gates / guardian of the threshold)
Lilith: 118 (ruler of balance in the material world)
Elohim Acherim: 206 (gods of guidance, faith, knowledge and trust)
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lanuestratierra · 7 years
Lecturas recomendadas: La lluvia amarilla
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    Este año pasado leí dos libros ‘Fantamas de Piedra’ de Mauro Corona y ‘La España Vacía’ de Sergio del Molino y ambos autores confiesan tener como referente a la ‘Lluvia amarilla’. Es por ello que me animé a leer, o quizá a releer, la obra hoy recomendada.
‘La lluvia amarilla’ del escritor leonés Julio Llamazares es ya un clásico de la literatura. Como el lector sabe, o imagino que debería…
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jak-london-me-blog · 8 years
POR EL CAMINO DE AINIELLE Al reencuentro de los tiempos remotos
  Hoy, padre, me acerco a tu territorio y recorro las sendas pedregosas por las que tantas veces caminaste  con tus pies enfundados en aquellos calcetines de lana basta que tu madre, mi abuela, hilaba sentada junto al fuego en las eternas noches del invierno y tus humildes y gastadas abarcas. Me acompaña (more…)
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Star The Rise of Skywalker Kylo Ren Jedi Killer Set Ben Solo Cloak Cosplay Helmet Wars Halloween Costumes for Men Adult
Star The Rise of Skywalker Kylo Ren Jedi Killer Set Ben Solo Cloak Cosplay Helmet Wars Halloween Costumes for Men Adult
Brand Name: Ainiel Origin: CN(Origin) Components: Top Components: Pants Components: Vest Components: Cloak Components: Shoes, belt, gloves Source Type: Movie & TV Gender: Unisex Department Name: Adult Item Type: Sets Characters: Shoes, belt, gloves Model Number: Ainiel-1000 Material: Faux Leather Characters 1: Kylo Ren Characters 2: Ben Solo Characters 3: Jedi Killer Model…
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thefashionnewyork · 4 years
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Ainiel Women’s Cosplay Costume Princess Dress Yellow Satin (M, Style 1) https://ift.tt/3kzgblA
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miztiw · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ainiel Ouma Kokichi Costume.
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bestdressusa · 4 years
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Ainiel Women’s Cosplay Costume Princess Dress Yellow Satin (M, Style 1) https://ift.tt/3iK9VY7
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kawaicorner · 4 years
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Ainiel New Captain America Cosplay Costume 3D Print Spandex Lycra Spider Suit Man Bodysuit Halloween Cosplay Superhero
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menactivewears · 5 years
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@#^ ^ ^ Ainiel Men's/Boys Hoodie Casual Size XXXL https://ift.tt/2xqsVrp
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kozeys · 5 years
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Klozey.com: Klozey.com: : : Ainiel Star Jedi Costume Wars Cosplay Obi Wan Kenobi Uniform Anakin Skywalker Cloak Ahsoka Tano War Halloween Men Mandalorian: Vendor: Klozey Type: Price: 63.99 - 69.99 (36 variants) 1.Material:… https://t.co/ot2j1Qkkdv Trending https://t.co/jTALCghBd6 http://dlvr.it/RNPgPX Trending http://dlvr.it/RNPgPX
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soidaragon · 5 years
RT @ChabierMiguel: Chamineras que ya no fumían: Susín, Casbas, Berbusa, Ainielle, Otal, Basarán, Escartín, Cillas, Cortillas, Sasa y Ayerbe de Broto. Pueblos abandonados en el pequeño triángulo que forman Sabiñánigo, Biescas y Broto. La vida arrancada por un modelo que no perdona #EspañaVaciada https://t.co/IQVFg9F0mW
Chamineras que ya no fumían: Susín, Casbas, Berbusa, Ainielle, Otal, Basarán, Escartín, Cillas, Cortillas, Sasa y Ayerbe de Broto. Pueblos abandonados en el pequeño triángulo que forman Sabiñánigo, Biescas y Broto. La vida arrancada por un modelo que no perdona #EspañaVaciada pic.twitter.com/IQVFg9F0mW
— Chabier Miguel (@ChabierMiguel) March 31, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/SoiDAragon March 31, 2019 at 10:33PM
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wixxdwishlist · 6 years
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que-noticias · 6 years
La Senda Amarilla será espacio de creación artística para que el pueblo de Ainielle no caiga en el olvido
La Senda Amarilla será espacio de creación artística para que el pueblo de Ainielle no caiga en el olvido
La Asociación O Cumo celebra a principios de otoño, y desde hace doce años, la marcha senderista que recorre el camino entre Oliván y Ainielle y que se conoce como ‘La senda amarilla’. El nombre proviene del libro de Julio Llamazares, ‘La lluvia amarilla’, en el que narra el abandono de este pueblo del Sobrepuerto. Este año la Diputación Provincial de Huesca (DPH) se une con el…
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