#AHY 'Squad'
irisahivt · 10 months
🔴Now Live!🔴
It's Day 16 of my Spookathon, and we're back again with XCOM: Enemy Within! I hope you'll join me and consider joining the squad, I'd love to have you~!
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werewolfcave · 3 years
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They're both talking to Miriam
Ramriel belongs to @gayaruakise post 1
Ahi belongs to @umbreix post 2
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umbreix · 3 years
Oh? Whose Ahi?
Okay, Ahi is my member of @werewolfcave's group of OCs (along with @gayaruakise's Ramriel and @luna-mistrunner's Moss). As Cath explained in their post on Ramriel the group revolves around Miriam to the point that we call them the Murder Squad.
Ahi is a fire themed magical girl with a predilection for Arson and a determined drive that pushes her to fight Witches head on with her claws. Her initial goal is to find the girl she loves, her Beloved, who she was separated from in the past but after encountering the Murder Squad things start to change. She grows fond of them all, considering Moss family and developing varying feelings for both Miriam and Ram. She's incredibly caring with a love of cooking, guitar and especially any and all things related to fire. She's always seeking her next adrenaline rush: Whether it be a Witch, dealing with other magical girls, or helping Miriam with a target (or simply helping her hone her skills).
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Picrew Credit: https://picrew.me/image_maker/582810
I absolutely adore her! And as such this ended up REALLY being a long post so I'll put her backstory under a read-more! I didn't even actually get to her meeting the rest of the Murder Squad, lol.
(warnings for transphobia, parental abuse, smoking and burnout due to the school system)
Ahi grew up under very controlling and abusive parents, especially her father who was the town's mayor. So as the years went by she felt more and more disconnected from her self and her heritage (her mother is Māori while her father is white) unable to relate to her peers for a multitude of reasons. Not least of which is the fact that Ahi is a closeted trans woman forced to attend catholic school and slowly buckling under the stress of having to meet so many unattainable goals set by everyone around her.
As a kid she managed to make one friend though, a girl named Harper. Over the time they knew each other they both became inseparable and Ahi starts being allowed to invite Harper to her house. Or at least, until Harper helps Ahi realise she's a girl and Ahi's parents catch her wearing a borrowed dress. She doesn't get to see her much after that, even less so when Harper's family move away.
The years passed, Ahi stretching herself thinner and thinner in an attempt to be her family's perfect son. She took on more and more projects, tutors people in need, she even gets a position on her high school's student council. And then she sees Harper again.
Her childhood friend is different now: her hair is shaved into an undercut and dyed pink, she has a lot of piercings and tattoos that she sport's proudly with her ripped jeans and letterman jacket. But the way she smiles, the way she reaches to take her hand, the way she sits Ahi down and asks how she's feeling... It's undoubtedly Harper. And if she hadn't had a puppy crush on Harper before, she's most definitely smitten seeing her new look.
Harper talks about her life now, how she's left home and become an artist. How she's made friends and one of them (Nia) is going to be performing in a festival the town is having later that month. She knows it's dangerous to sneak back in to see her, that Ahi's parents would be outraged, but she couldn't help but see the girl with eyes so full of longing again. Harper asks how Ahi has been and she's so close to breaking, to bursting into tears and telling her how terribly life has been. But she can't, not yet. So she smiles and tells her it's better now that she's here.
That month is one of the happiest Ahi has had in her entire life. Constantly sneaking around with her best friend in the world, getting to know more about the person that Harper has become... and the person Ahi has never been able to let herself be.
On the last day they sit together on a hill, Harper taking a drag from a cigarette as they both watch the setting sun. It's in those glowing embers of the sky, in the glowing embers between Harper's fingers, that Ahi finds love. The smoke that curls from her lips seems to wrap around Ahi's heart. When she offers out the cigarette, Ahi leans in, but doesn't take it. Her lips brushing against Harper's fingers as she breathes in, truly herself for the first time.
Her parents find out, because of course they do, and once more Harper is run out of town. Ahi wants to run, to go with her... but she can't. Not yet. She still has hope. She still thinks she just needs to work a little harder and then she will be worthy of all the love that fills her entire being.
It takes one year for the cracks in her heart to shatter.
But before it all goes up in flames, Ahi gets one more moment, one true moment. A family emergency leads to a visit back home. And it's then, standing on a marae with cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents and family friends around her, that the timer in her heart is set. She can be loved. She can be accepted. She can have a home.
Her grandfather placed the carved stone around her neck before she left. Pounamu, he called it, something to be gifted and to keep her safe. Hei matau, the design of a fish-hook, that promised to always represent good luck and safe travel across the water back to her home.
For the first time in her life Ahi felt that family could be a thing of strength and safety. And though she heads back to her life and it's burdens, there is a tiny light that will grow into an inferno in her.
School was the straw that broke the camel's back in the end. She had already been spending every moment of her free time frantically studying to keep up with the class, to be the smart girl that her parents insist that she is, but it was one particular project that pushed her to a breaking point. She doesn't even really remember what it was about all these years later, when at the time it seemed like the biggest thing in her entire world.
The due date was a week away when she asked her father to look over this draft, one of many she had been revising and perfecting. But when he dismissively glanced over it and stated that she should start over, that it wasn't up to the usual Ryan family standard... She forgot how to breathe.
Frantically she asked her mother, she asked her teachers, she asked anyone she felt she could trust. And each and everyone one could only point out the flaws. Flaws, that was all she had. That was all she had spent the year working on. All she had spent her LIFE working on. All that she was. Ahi was nothing but failure and disgrace buried beneath a cracked mask that she couldn't paper over anymore. She'd failed.
It's a strange thing to watch the time count down until your life is ruined. That was all Ahi could think, tinged with bitterness that echoed through the hollowness that consumed her, as she sat on a park bench. Across from her was an old clock, vines creeping along it and rust eating away at it's base. She'd asked her mother once why nobody cared for it and she had told her that some things were best left to rot.
Ahi had been rotting for longer than she could remember.
The clock struck 12.
She let the papers fall from her hand, scattering across the ground.
Her eyes closed.
The due date had passed.
Her life was ruined.
"You seem to be quite distressed."
The creature's tail curled like the smoke that haunted Ahi's dreams, it's eyes glowing the red that she saw when she closed her eyes, and it's words worming through the cracks in her heart.
A wish, it offered, a contract to be made. To fight creatures born of curses in exchange for a miracle.
Ahi laughed, the sound deep and choked as tears rolled down her cheeks. It wanted a miracle? She'd give it a miracle.
Fire had been a part of her life, a part of her self, since she took her first breath. Her first memory is of a candle being lit on her birthday. She watches the logs crackle and pop in their family cabin's fireplace every winter vacation. She is besotted by the trace of flame from her beloved's lips. All that she has held close to her heart has been fire all along and as her entire being is alight with the burning pain of an alien tearing out her soul, Ahi makes her wish.
"I wish to be the spark that sets this town ablaze."
Did you hear? Did someone tell you? He's the talk of the town! He's all anyone can talk about!
The mayor's kid? He ran away!
I heard he burned down the school.
No that was an accident, bad wiring or something, right?
Must have been, but then why did he disappear?
My mom says he had a fight with the principal-
Well MY mom says he had a fight with the mayor himself!
I heard it was a priest-
I swear I saw him in the flames! He was just walking through them like it was nothing!
No you idiot that was a girl!
Why would there be a girl in the fire?!
1. (noun) fire - according to most creation narratives, Māui obtained fire from Mahuika. The power of fire was recognised and sacred fires were associated with the tohunga and the tapu of the tūāhu and with rituals.
The story spreads throughout the town as Ahi, now finally Ahi, watches the smouldering wreck of her terrible school from atop a hill on the town's outskirts. There is more to her story, events that lead from that park and into the inferno, but that isn't truly important. Not anymore. She reaches into her shirt and pulls out the greenstone around her neck. A sign that will always lead her home, if only she can find it.
Maybe some day, if she makes a pyre big enough, she can find Harper again. She can apologise for not being ready to come with her then. But that's for the future. For now she tucks the pounamu away and turns her back on the hell she's lived her entire life in.
She has a life to forge, and she'll be the fire to do it.
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To the anon asking what are favourites videos are that Trevor is in: boi, that’s difficult, it’s going to be interesting trying to put favourites together when I personally enjoy every video he’s in, they’re all fantastic, he brings a great amount of humour to each of them but later we will try to put a list together. 💜 - T
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jesyblack · 5 years
Apreciación personal
wtFOCK temporada 3
Para mi ha sido un sube y baja de emociones contantes y no puedo describir lo triste que estoy que haya terminado y lo feliz que me siento por haber compartido esta experiencia con todos los demás fans. 
Como llegué a wtFOCK: Realmente tenía la esperanza que SKAM NL se hiciera realidad. WtFOCK ni siquiera era mi plan B. Había visto algo sobre Robbe pero no me terminaba de convencer (seguramente porque solo miraba fotos) me parecía un chico tan delgadito y fragil, que no le encontraba una esencia de Isak. Por lo que decidí hacer lo que hice en SKAM ESPAÑA, mirarlo cuando tuviera ganas y ya, sabía que la serie empezaría a el día 12 de octubre.
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La cuestión es que apenas vi el primer clip en el momento que salió, supe que no podía vivir sin esta serie. Robbe se robó inmediatamente mi corazón, él no solamente era un chico frágil y perdido, sino increíblemente depresivo, con una autoestima muy baja y sin querer contar sus graves problemas a nadie, intentando hacer una vida de ilusiones solo para pertenecer a su grupo, tratando de ocultar su homosexualidad.
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Cabe rescatar la INCREIBLE actuación de Willem Herbots, quien a sus 19/20 años no solamente nos ha traído a un “Robbe/Isak” sensible, lleno de sentimientos y perturbaciones psicológicas, aterrado por la vida y por el mundo, incapaz de afrontar su sexualidad y angustiado por ese amor que no puede ser. Willem fue la estrellita de esta temporada y creo que se ha ganado al mundo desde el primer segundo que apareció en S1, pero el trabajo que hicieron en S3 fue EXTRAORDINARIO, creo que incluso, supera al mismísimo Tarjei Sandvik Moe (apreciación personal). Willem H ha logrado conmover con su mirada, solamente eso fue suficiente para que nos llegara el sentimiento de angustia y desazón del personaje. 
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El llanto, la angustia, la depresión, Willem Herbots ha logrado poner muy alto a Robbe dentro de los Isak, y aunque gane enemigos con esto, realmente creo que superó a Isak en muchos aspectos (al igual que en otros, Isak lo superó con creces), pero nadie puede decir que Willem Herbots no es una estrella en ascenso. 
Los Willems:
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Si wtFOCK ha logrado algo es encontrar dos personas que se complementan completamente, no solo porque son dos excelentes actores que han interpretado de forma impecable (aunque uno mejor que otro, según mi opinión) a sus personajes, sino también la energía que emanan como personas. Probablemente a Willem Herbots y Willem de Schryver les sirvió conocerse desde años anteriores como para tener la suficiente confianza de sentarse y decir “hasta acá estoy dispuesto a llegar y hasta acá es mi límite”. Los Willems (como lo llamamos el fandom) son dos jovenes adolescentes que han estudiado y trabajado juntos en teatro estudiantil, qué han compartido una vida actoral en comun y que se conocen lo suficiente como para poder lograr todo lo que lograron.
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Creo que ninguno de nosotros podría hacerlo (aunque quisiera) de desnudarse con el otro y hacer una escena de amor sino te sientes lo suficientemente cómodo y compenetrado. En caso de Tarjei y Henrik, estaban vestidos (semi vestidos) en las escenas de amor. Axel y Maxence se animaron a más y la escena de la pintura y el barco lo hicieron también al desnudo. En el caso de Willem H y Willem DS aumentaron aun más la intensidad, dado que son más jóvenes que los franceses y decidieron (tal vez por confianza suficiente) hacer la escena de la ducha desnudos (claro, seguramente usaron protector de genitales jajaja pero aun asi, esa escena la hicieron con el trasero al aire los dos jajajaja). Con su corta edad pudieron comprenetrarse y regalarnos amor puro, darnos la sensación de estar viendo una pareja real que se ama.
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Y no nos olvidemos de la lengua de DE SCHRYVER que se ha puesto al mismo nivel que Henrik Holm, dado que en este caso, Herbots abría más la boca que Sandvik Moe.
Willem de Schryver: Tengo sentimientos encontrados con De Schryver, es un actor que aun le falta pulir a sus personajes, tratar de despegarse de ellos, porque en ocasiones he visto la misma personalidad de De Schryver en Sander, lo cual puede ser agradable, pero incluso, en ocasiones, se notaba que estaba sobreactuando (esto tb lo vi en varios momentos en OG, sobre todo con Vilde, Noora y Sana). La sobreactuación es graciosa, pero hay momentos donde no queda bien y Willem DS ha podido con eso. Los momentos donde menos actua es en las escenas de amor (que casualidad), allí es donde sientes que está siendo más él que su personaje, pero en otras escenas donde le enfocan la cara, se ven sus gestos sobreactuados y es bastante incómodo. Pero dejando eso de lado, él es INCREIBLE, él pudo convencer a todos que tenía bipolaridad cuando actuó su trastorno mental y ciertamente te daba miedo pensar que estaba teniendo un ataque ahi mismo (como su movimiento de ojos o cuando se abraza a si mismo), te deja la piel de gallina. Los momentos románticos con Robbe son algo que atesoraré el resto de mi vida. GRACIAS DE SCHRYVER por tan hermoso personaje.
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-La escena de la ducha: mi morbo persona. -El primer beso en la piscina. -El episodio maníaco de Sander. -Wildfire de o helga natt. -Fuck Chernobyl. -Ellos en la cama haciendo cucharita. -Aunque suene raro, el ataque homofóbico me pareció realista y con sentido. Hay gente asi en el mundo. -Zoë mamá y Senne papá. -Los squad boys y su evolución. -Aaron es amor. -Como empieza y como termina. -Fotografía, hermosa, maravillosa. -Paisajes excelentes, buen montaje de cámara y luz, sonido. todo es perfecto. -Excelentes actores.
-No se disculpó con su papá por dejarlo plantado. -No recibió respuesta a de su mamá. -Pocos mensajes de textos entre ellos. -Sander abusador? ;_; eso fue duro. -Nunca dejaron en claro porque Sander no quería ir con la policía. -Nunca dejaron claro porque Sander volvió con Britt, aunque se puede intuir que el mensaje de Sander “soy toxico y rompo todo lo que toco” puede ser un motivo. -Senne no estuvo en la fiesta de navidad.
Le doy a esta temporada ***** CINCO ESTRELLAS EN BOOKING.COM
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gosulsel · 7 years
Haidar Majid Pimpin AHY Squad Kampanye Hidup Sehat - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, Gosulsel.com - AHY 'Squad' kembali mengunjungi warga di kelurahan Pai kecamatan Biringkanaya kota Makassar, Sabtu (21/10/17).Mereka turun ke masyarakat untuk mengampanyekan gerakan hidup sehat dengan rutin melakukan olah raga. Hal tersebut dilakukan karena melihat fenomena kehidupan kota...
#AHYSquad #Biringkanaya #HaidarMajid #HidupSehat
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formulaonebaby · 8 years
So Rooney got injured cause of Jones and now Jones got injured at England training cause of a clash with Mike ..... Is competition so fierce you guys are taking each other out 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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sbunshine-archive · 6 years
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yyyy llego la hora de Flor de hacer su primer follow forever ( *aplaude y empieza a sonar Hi High de Loona ahre… o no* ) aunque no soy muy buena con las palabras realmente quería hacer algo para agradecerles a todos los que me ayudaron a hacer mi 2018 menos horrible y a sentirme menos sola…
En julio de este año active por primera vez mi indie realmente así que realmente no conocía a muchas personas pero por suerte hubo un par que me aceptaron junto a mis niños y me dieron plots hermosos ( aunque yo tarde siempre tanto en contestarlos ). Por eso @singvlcrity , @illcgal , @saranghacs , @emptywallcty @volaitil tienen todo mi amor, que tienen que aguantarme cuando aparezco en sus asks o mensajes pidiendo por sus hermosos niños o por plots y siempre se prenden y dan maravillosas ideas para hacerlos más tristes, sexys ( *eye emoji* ) o mas dramáticos y realmente estoy agradecida por eso y porque se que puedo ir en cualquier momento a hablar con ustedes con toda la confianza.
Quiero hacerle una mención especial a @hywngwon, mi futura esposa lol, porque gracias a tu starter call nos conocimos y al día siguiente parecía que fuéramos amigas desde que nacimos. Ahora que recuerdo nunca hicimos el aniversario de una semana de conocernos. Aunque te lo digo siempre te amo y este último mes te extrañe que andas desaparecida así que espero que vuelvas pronto que mis niños y yo los extrañamos mucho muchooo muchooooo.
Creo que la mención mas especial es para @diasjuntos ( hasta me apareces primera cuando pongo solo el @ , no me sorprende ). Cuando te empecé a seguir realmente no espere que las cosas terminaron como terminaron u know, hablamos casi todos los días demasiado para que no sea insane perooo bueno, ahi estas siempre aguantándome mientras te molesto o viendo lo clueless que sos con todo. Pero bueno idk gracias por estar ahí…
Y ahora, último pero no menos importante THE MAFIA SQUAD WOOOOOOW ! ! ! ! *aplausos*  *aplausos* *aplausos* *aplausos* *aplausos* *aplausos* *aplausos* *aplausos* Este ya es el segundo año que las conozco a todas y ( aunque suene algo tonto ) gracias a ustedes pude darme cuenta que realmente podes conocer gente maravillosa en esta comunidad y que no todos son tóxicos o malos como dicen idk. Pero lo que si se, es que ustedes fueron una parte realmente muy importante de mi año porque al la mayoría de el fueron casi todo lo que tuve para que todo sea mejor y mas divertido. No se si se los dije pero gracias, gracias por entrar y crear a La Cosa Nostra y por dejarme conocerlas. @scstole @attxntion-whorx @outcrspaces @completemessx @sirivss @vvitches-rp @teen4gedre4mers*Levanta su copa* ¡Por un año sin tanta ansiedad y más amor para #SavePia2k18!  CHEERS
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pepper-mint · 6 years
Quien es design?
Ahi ahi está(?
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justoverseas · 6 years
Louie Watches Haikyuu!! German Dub: Season 1 Episode 12
Alright, I’m avoiding my responsibilities, I made myself some instant ramen, and I’m ready to fucking party.
I still can’t believe they willingly went with ‘battle of the garbage heap’. That’s like the least flashiest name out there, who wants to be known for that?
@Tora you can’t just say “Hey, hey, hey!” That’s plagiarism! 
Kenma: *talks to a stranger* Kenma protection squad: *is activated*
Damn, Yaku’s voice fits him so well I straight up didn’t recognize that it was supposed to be a dub...
(honestly, that minor change had really bugged me about the English dub, so I’m glad its back to normal here).
So I’m still laughing about how Kuroo’s voice is straining when he’s trying to act nice when Kageyama calls Hinata embarrassing in the background! I legit almost spilled my noodles over my laptop!
I legit get so hyped every time I see a Nekoma member on screen. It’s not good for my heart.
(but its good for my soul)
I’m finding more and more translations that this dub is doing correctly that the English dub did wrong and I am so proud... *sniff*
God, these people can’t say ‘thanks’ like you normally would, they all say ‘many loving thanks’ literally whenever they are even a little grateful for something. It’s honestly so precious.
Omg, the way the describe Kenma’s social anxiety makes it sound like he deliberately tried to not make friends and that he was annoyed by people.
Like, no, he was scared, put on the spot, paranoid.
The person you’re describing there is Tsukishima.
“Even if you don’t believe it, but everybody in the team knows how good you are. You’re gonna lead our team back to the top. No pressure though.”
“And the lost points will be won back by our Ace Ace-ahi.”
Or as my sister called him: Aßahi.
Fun fact: The “Small Giant” is the same height as my roommate who considers herself uncomfortably tall #justvolleyballthings
Alright, end of episode, I have to say it’s been a blast. Tune in next time to hear my sarcastic commentary as Karsuno gets hyped for inter-high where I already that they don’t make it. Have a lovely day, stay safe, pick a flower, wave at your local crows ✨🐦✨
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irisahivt · 11 months
🔴Now Live!🔴
Live now! It's Day 10 of my Spookathon, and we're back into XCOM Enemy Within! I hope you'll join me, and in doing so, I hope you'll join the squad, too~!
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werewolfcave · 3 years
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Full Murder Squad Icons set!
Ramriel belongs to @gayaruakise
Miriam belongs to me
Ahi belongs to @umbreix
Moss belongs to @luna-mistrunner
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umbreix · 3 years
tell more about harper!
Okay!! Here comes ya requested wall of text <3
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Picrew Credit: https://picrew.me/image_maker/582810 (Though it was recently removed by the creator)
Harper Leonie (She/Her). Her parents emigrated from Italy when she was three and she befriended Ahi when she was eight (though she turned nine soon after). The pair were childhood friends thought circumstances caused them to split apart before reuniting years later.
Harper is best described someone who is completely and unashamedly themself. She's proud of who she is and vocal about her opinions. This comes across most of all in her art, in whatever form she's currently expressing herself with.
Never contracting, she is nonetheless dragged into the world of Magical Girls via both the Murder Squad and by one of her other partners ALSO being a Magical Girl (the girlfriend in question has a fear of Miriam after she tried to play a prank on her and promptly got demolished in the resulting fight).
While her relationship with Ahi takes a lot of time at first, with Ahi having to work to overcome the ways she's idealised Harper in their time apart, they eventually settle into something healthy and good for the both of them.
That said, Miriam has at times viewed Harper as a rival since the devil has started dating Ahi in the meantime. Harper, however, doesn't take the rivalry seriously at all. In fact she tends to be extremely amused by the whole thing.
When it comes to the others, she's on friendly terms with Ramriel, Moss, and Yubin. With the later two being adjacent to in-laws for her and Ramriel being someone she can commiserate with when Miriam and Ahi inevitably create a new buckwild dynamic or get into a situation the two really should not be getting into.
I'll go more in depth about her backstory after the read more, though some of it will re-tread old ground from the Ahi post I made a bit ago.
Harper and Ahi met when they were both around eight, the two being paired up for a year long school project. Their teacher is new to the school and his decision to set up this project is technically the domino effect that sets everything in motion.
Ahi's parents absolutely suck for a multitude of reasons, but one is that they don't allow her to have any real friends... but the project gives Ahi an exception. Over that year they spend a ton of time together, even discovering that they are practically neighbours. For the first time ever, Ahi has someone who truly cares about her.
They end up getting the best grade in the class which allows them to go on a school trip to present their project. This lets them get even closer and, away from her parents, Ahi starts to let herself be herself.
Unfortunately this backfires in that Ahi starts to have actual realisations, and by the end of it all (with help and support from Harper) Ahi realises she's trans.
Another thing to note about Ahi's parents are that her father is the mayor of the small town they live in. And also that both of them are obsessed with protecting their reputation and respectability. Meaning that when they find out about this whole situation, they promptly lever everything they can to force Harper's family out of town.
Afterwards things were sort of normal for Harper. Though it sucked to have to leave everything behind, she adapted and made new friends. She'd always had an interest in the arts (she did a lot of the graphics design work on their project while Ahi handled a lot of the written content) and that only grows over time. She ends up getting a few local awards and getting her art in an exhibition or two.
While Ahi struggled with her identity, Harper has both support and doesn't go to catholic school, so she experiments with her identity and self. She gets an undercut, a bunch of piercings, just generally looking cool as hell. She decides to drop out and commit fully to her art career, traveling around with her parents to various exhibits and submitting a variety of pieces in a ton of competitions.
Along the way she befriends Marie-Antonia "Nia" Riley, the two working together on various projects and keeping in touch. Eventually the two would become roommates after Harper started traveling on her own and Nia finally manages to run away from home, needing a place to stay. Along with Nia comes her girlfriend Alexis and her partner Cy, which often causes Harper's RV to become incredibly cramped. But they make it work. In fact they make it work brilliantly, but that's for a later time.
Cy is on the trail for another of his cases and Alex is following to keep him out of trouble, leaving just Nia with Harper when it happens. You see their teacher had managed to start a art competition, based on the success of Harper and Ahi's project, as a part of a local culture festival. Their old teacher reaches out to Harper and asks her if she'd like to compete again. As a result she becomes determined to enter and win. Though she's moved on from back then, the chance at having her work proudly shown off all over the town of David and Aroha Ryan... Well, she can't pass that up.
Nia comes along as moral support and also to perform in the festival.
That's when she comes crashing back into Ahi's life. The two spend a week bonding as a result, learning just how much has changed for Harper over the years and how much that Ahi's been forced to stay the same.
They get one week, then it's over once again.
Mayor David Ryan finds out about everything and lays out an ultimatum, either Harper leaves town immediately or Nia will be removed from the competition. You see, she's about to go on stage and perform a song she's been working really hard on. It sure would be a shame if they had to cut her performance for time, so that they could fit in an address from the mayor congratulating all the participants before the award ceremony. So Harper is forced to swallow down her anger and agree.
Nia gets the award for first place in her performance while Harper's submission is mysteriously lost, so she has to stand there (with the mayor's wife beside her to keep an eye on her) and watch the others get their awards. Afterwards the mayor insists that he personally escorts the two girls out of town, so that they "don't get lost in all the traffic from the festival".
Ahi stands atop a nearby hill waiting for Harper to arrive so that they can watch the fireworks together (with Nia too). She ends up waiting there until her father arrives, a few hours later, to tell her to go home.
This prompts Ahi to attempt to win the competition singlehandedly the next year, burning herself out under the pressure of trying to complete the 'unsubmitted' sections of Harper's project to an impossible standard. She would have asked her old teacher for help but he was "offered a new job out of town" and left his position at the beginning of the year. So she has nobody but herself and the few notes that Harper left with her.
Harper, in turn, does the same... But in reverse. She's going to send her submission in under a fake name and starts recreating her work by collating what bits she has left with the revisions that Ahi made for her when she showed her the presentation.
Of course, when the school mysteriously burns to the ground, that plan changes. With support from Cy, Alex, and Nia, Harper moves on from the whole event. Though she wishes she could have said goodbye to her friend one last time.
Over the next year she ends up spending a lot more time with the three of them, resulting in a polycule forming between them. (She also ends up venting a lot of her feelings about the whole situation into an art piece that Ahi sees later on during her time trying to find her.)
And in time, she moves on. She continues to do what she loves with the people that she loves... until Cy finds a new case to get obsessed with.
A string of murders, connected only in their brutality. He's convinced that they've found something more there. And so their little quartet follows the trail right to that town once more. That's when Harper learns that the Mayor's son, Aiden Ryan, went missing last year.
But regardless of that fact, Cy is right. Mayor David Ryan is soon found dead in his home... though found isn't exactly the right word. Discovered, in pieces, many many pieces. And when the group sneak over to investigate they find his house ablaze. Silhouetted in the flames are four figures, but only one can be made out clearly. And it's the one she's been hoping she'd see.
Through the inferno, the figure of a devil standing behind her, Ahi and Harper lock eyes once more.
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patrick-ch · 6 years
Ch.1 Valor Academy
In order to fully grasp the current situation, I have to take to you back to the beginning. Before we became Spartans..
The Year is 2568, a little over a decade after Fire Team Osiris retrieved Master Chief and his team. The 6 of us just graduated from Neo Los Angeles Prerequisite Academy and got accepted into Valor Academy of UNSC. Where are my manners;
my name is Will “Zero” Martinez Age: 21 Height:5′5 Weight: 160lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle, DMR, and Sniper Rifle, Specialty: Thinking Outside The Box, I’ve never been a fan of conventional thinking, always looking for new ways to come up with a solution. 
The tall islander looking one next to me is Pj “Sachi” Hidalgo Age: 20 Height:6′0 Weight: 156lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle and Sniper Rifle and the occasional Rocket Launcher, Specialty: God Hand, He can tell how much bullets have been shot based on the vibration of each shot, which also allows him the perfect time to reload.
To his right we have Bernard “Relentless” Cabrera Age: 20  Height:5′5 Weight: 150lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle and any Sniper Rifle, Specialty: God Eye, give him a scope and target and he will automatically know how high to aim and how much to lead his shot within seconds.
And then we have Nathan “Lucky” Nobleza Age: 19 Height: 5′7 Weight: 170lbs  , Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle, DMR, and his all time favorite Dual SMG, Specialty: Perfect Angles, he’s always finding new ways to use grenades or even off angles to shoot from. 
Next we have Deneb “Mizu” Arillaga and Ray “X-Ray” Esperanza, these two are the... “HEY MAKE SURE YOU DON’T GET KICKED OUT AND WATCH OUT FOR THOSE TWO!!” a woman screamed from a nearby van. “ YEAH WE GOT IT! NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO THEM! I hope...” Pj says with heavy sigh. “PHILLIP! I mean it, if anything were to happen to them I swear on my grave I will enlist myself and beat all of you in front of everyone! LOVE YOU LITTLE BROTHER!” Sher yells out loud. That’s Auntie Sher, after we lost all of our parents in the Invasion of New Los Angeles, we all moved in with her and her husband Nelson. 
We all head to the gate to check in, we are then greeted with an A.I. “Please Scan Your Identification Card.” *Scans ID* “William Martinez, Code Name: Zero, Welcome to Valor Academy” After the rest of us sign in we head to the field for Orientation, as we get to the field we see more and more Fire Teams. Some newbies, and some teams that have been there from the semester before. Pj notices the all female Fire Team. “YOOO! Who is that beautiful piece of everything?!” Pj says with a big smile on his face. 
Deneb stops Pj from approaching and tells him “DUDE! That’s Fire Team Demon Rose, Lead by Alexis Shon, call sign “Mercy”, next to her is Kayleen “Shadow” Kamimura, Alice “Rose” Chan, and Logan “Logistx” Edra. They’re called Demon Rose, because they are not only beautiful but they’re also very lethal. Also they are Ranked #2 in the Elite Class, but rumor has it they could have been #1 but Mercy threw the match because she felt sorry for Team Oblivion.
 As they’re talking two figures start making their way towards Zero and Company. “DO YOU PUSSIES HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY THEN COME AND SAY IT! And for the record, we won fair in square. Mercy just couldn’t finish that’s her problem, SHE’S TOO SOFT AND DOESN’T BELONG IN THE SPARTAN PROGRAM!”
At that time the Head Master walks to the podium. *Clears Throat* “Welcome to those of you joining us for the first time and those of you that have returned. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kenneth “Sanctifyed” Obrique and I am the Head Master here at Valor Academy, We at Valor Academy expect the very best of you, as you do the same for the staff and instructors. Today I welcome all of you to a new year, and  with something new that myself and a couple of the Instructors here have come up with ourselves, to make sure you do your best. At any time you are allowed to challenge any of the Elite Teams for their spot in the Elite Class . The current rankings are as followed,
Oblivion: Jasen “HB/Steezee” Lau, Ralph “Samurai” Rumbaoa 
Demon Rose: Alexis “Mercy” Shon, Alice “Rose” Chan, Kayleen “Shadow” Kamimura, Logan “Logistx” Edra 
 Atlantic: Ken “Ziggy” Dela Cruz, Bryan “Ah Hell Yeah(AHY)” Gutierrez, Andrew (T-Eyez) pronounce as Ties, Moses “Dandy” Galvan
Gamma : Jordan “BreezY” Barnachea, Gerald “Trigun” Barnachea, Jimmy “Uncreated” Baton, Bernard “Influent’ Credo
Elements: Kathleen “Ice” Tran, Jackie “Fire” Tran, Eric “EXT” Cordova
Fire Teams can have a minimum of 3 Members and a maximum of 4. Seeing how Fire Team Oblivion has two members, they will be demoted to the regular class and will have find one or two more members to make a squad. After this you will locate your quarters and fit yourself with an AI.  With this being said, I wish you all the best of luck and Welcome again to Valor Academy.”
“Excuse me sir, but does this mean we are allowed to challenge an Elite Team right now?” Someone says from the crowd. “Yes that is correct, who may I ask is asking?” the Head Master questions while squinting into the crowd of students. “Sorry for my rude behavior Sir, that would be I, Pj “Sachi” HIidalgo, First Year, of Fire Team Hayabusa.” Pj says as he stands and saultes. “Well cadet, what did you have in mind?” the Head Master asks in wonder. “I would like to challenge Fire Team Oblivion, Sir!” Pj says confidently. “Alright, well do you accept the challenge Fire Team Oblivion?” the Head Master asks. “ Yee we accept, easy claps! Am I right Samurai? We not gonna lose to a team that barely made it through the qualifying test” says HB as he high fives his only team mate. “Okay well that settles it we have our first challenge of the year, Fire Team Oblivion vs. Fire Team Haybusa. But before we can finalize the match we will need Oblivion to find two more team mates to fill in their squad.” “No need for that sir, we’ll take those the one with the big mouth and the one next to him.” HB says confidently. “And what are your names cadets?” Head Master questions. “My name is Deneb “Mizu” Arillaga, First Year of Fire Team Hayabusa B, and I am Ray “X-Ray” Esperanza also a First Year of Fire Team Hayabusa B.” the both of them said. 
“Okay, well as of now both of you are now a part of Fire Team Oblivion. The match well be a single match. To win the match you must immobilize the whole enemy squadron. You will be fitted with Mk4 Training armor once you are fitted with an AI, These Mk4 Armor can only handle one armor ability. Active Camo will not be available but Armor Lock, Evade, Bubble Shield, and Dash will be available. Also these Armors can only handle one ability, so choose wisely. Each of you will be given 2 Grenades, a weapon of choice, and pistol. All weapons are loaded with a Armor Locking Agent, that once it comes into contact with a surface and or air, it instantly hardens. As long as you can still move you can fight, so a headshot will only impair the vision. This will test your teams trust in one another. After receiving your AI, you will head to the armory, suit up, and choose your weapons. The best of luck to both teams.”
“YES SIR!” Both Teams yell.
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iosjoint91 · 2 years
Poki city
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Poke City Delivery & Takeout | 2221 Peachtree Road Atlanta - DoorDash.
Poke Bowl Tropical Cafe - Japanese Restaurant in Atlantic City.
JUEGOS POKI GRATIS - Juegos Gratis en Pais de Los Juegos.
Poki Tako, Food Truck, Santa Fe - Santa Fe City Different Foodie.
Juegos Gratis en Poki - Vamos a jugar.
2 PLAYER CITY RACING - Play 2 Player City Racing on Poki.
The Poke City.
City Car Driving: Stunt Master - Poki.
Car games poki.
Poki - Game - TypingGames.Zone.
POKE CITY - 229 Photos & 156 Reviews - Hawaiian - 11720.
POKE CITY - 94 Photos & 53 Reviews - Hawaiian - 2221.
Poke City Delivery & Takeout | 2221 Peachtree Road Atlanta - DoorDash.
Like the competition, Poke City offers loyalty reward cards. If you buy 10 bowls of poke, you get one medium bowl for free. TL;DR - Poke City is a more than serviceable poke restaurant for South Buckhead. It's worth checking out if like poke. Try the Waikiki burrito. Specialties: Poké is a raw fish salad served as an appetizer in Hawaiian cuisine. Poké is the Hawaiian verb for "section" or "to slice or cut". Ahi poke is made with yellowfin tuna. The modern poke typically consists of cubed raw ahi (yellowfin tuna). The traditional Hawaiian poke consists of fish that has been gutted, skinned, and deboned. It is sliced across the backbone as fillet, then.
Poke Bowl Tropical Cafe - Japanese Restaurant in Atlantic City.
Real Cars in City is a 3D simulation game where you must prove your driving skills in various unique race tracks. Go against artificial intelligence or friends, and collect stars for successfully completing races. You can use your stars to unlock cool new cars. In addition to your stars, you can earn money to spend on customizing and enhancing. Poki Tako, Food Truck, Santa Fe. I am always on the lookout for a new food truck. I read about Poki Tako in The Bite Newsletter Number 24 on Jan 8, 2022. Poki Tako is right next to the Harley Davidson Dealership off of Rodeo Road at Zaferano. Poki Tako -What you immediately see in the Harley-Davidson Parking Lot.
JUEGOS POKI GRATIS - Juegos Gratis en Pais de Los Juegos.
2 Player City Racing. 2 Player City Racing is a car racing simulator game in which you drive all around town to your heart's desire. You can play it alone in the single-player mode, but you can also enjoy driving with your friends if you choose the two-player mode. If you're excited by the thought of driving at high speeds through the city. THE POKECITY (303) 862-9941 Welcome to THE POKECITY Poké bowls made your way—and served fast—with fresh ingredients, bold flavors, and unbeatable taste. View Our Menu Welcome to THE POKECITY Poké bowls made your way—and served fast—with fresh ingredients, bold flavors, and unbeatable taste. Learn More. Juega Pais de Los Juegos Poki Gratis Online. En Pais de Los Juegos Poki, acabamos de actualizar los mejores juegos nuevos, incluidos: Sonic html5, Rodeo Stampede - Sky Zoo, Squad Tower, Piano Master, Zuma's Revenge, Slingshot Jetpack - Air Joyride, JumpDude, 2048 Billiards 3D, Retro Defenders: Towers War, Five Nights at Freddy's, Encuentra Pais.
Poki Tako, Food Truck, Santa Fe - Santa Fe City Different Foodie.
White tuna, green and red onion, mango, cucumber, seaweed salad, sesame seed with spicy ginger sauce. Spicy. $12.99. Sweet Chili Shrimp Bowl. Shrimp, green and red onion, cucumber, mango, seaweed salad, sesame seed wuth sweet chili sauce. $12.99. Online ordering menu for POKE CITY. Come try our poké bowls here at Poké City such as the Cajun Bowl, Dancing Shrimp, and Spicy Shaka. We also serve soups, salads, and bubble tea! We're located north of I-12 on Palace Drive. Order online for carryout!. Specialties: Poke City is an emerging concept that draws inspiration from traditional Hawaiian Dish called POKE BOWL. It's a personal customizable simple salad bowl that is combines your choice of either cooked chicken , seafood or fresh raw fish, such as tuna, Salmon, white tuna,served over lettuce or rice as a base with a choice of fresh unlimited vegetable toppings and house-made flavorful.
Juegos Gratis en Poki - Vamos a jugar.
Oferecemos jogo instantâneo para todos os nossos jogos sem downloads, login, popups ou outras distrações. Nossos jogos podem ser jogados no desktop, tablet e celular para que você possa aproveitá-los na escola, em casa ou na estrada. Todos os meses, mais de 30 milhões de jogadores de todo o mundo jogam seus jogos favoritos no Poki. The City and County of Honolulu Expand Foodland in Waipi'o 94-1040 Waipio Uka St. Open 6am-12am Safeway in Honolulu 1234 S Beretania St. Open 24 hours Safeway in Honolulu 888 Kapahulu Ave. Open 24 hours.... Share. Report Save Follow. level 1 · 4 yr. ago. On the Big Island, Foodland poke seems just fine and $12/lb is pretty standard. 2. Reply.
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The Poke City.
Japanese Restaurant in Atlantic City. Opening at 11:00 AM. Place Order Call (609) 541-2297 Get directions Get Quote WhatsApp (609)... Poke burrito. Dancing dragon burrito. $10.95. Eel, cucumber, mango, avocado, crabmeat salad with yuzu miso sauce& sweet sauce. Snow White burrito. $10.95.
City Car Driving: Stunt Master - Poki.
Kami menawarkan kepada Anda permainan gratis yang paling baik dan yang dapat dimainkan di semua perangkat. Anda bisa menemukan permainan yang paling baru di Poki setiap harinya untuk dimainkan di komputer, ponsel, atau tablet. Gunakan papan tombol, mouse, atau layar sentuh untuk mengontrol teka-teki, jagoan, dan mobil balap!.
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Chicken, shrimp, seaweed salad, pineapple salsa, cucumber, sweet corn, cilantro scallions and sesame seeds in savory teriyaki sauce. $16.95+. Green Salad Bowl. Lettuce, red cabbage, pineapple salsa, sweet corn, mango and onion crisps in sesame ginger sauce. $12.50+.
Poki - Game - TypingGames.Zone.
En Juegos Poki, acabamos de actualizar los mejores juegos nuevos, incluidos: Sonic html5, BFF Summer Shine Look, Help imposter escape, Solitaire Mahjong Classic, Ship Invaders, Command Strike FPS, 4WD Off-Road Driving Sim, ZUMAR DELUXE, Squad Tower, Pop Balloon, Juegos Poki gratis para todos. Crowded City (Crowd City IO) 4.2 170,387 votes. Crowded City is a game about a city full of blank people. You have to convert them to your own color and form the largest group. If you come across other groups that are smaller, you can convert them to join your group! In the end you want to have the largest group so beware that you don't get. Poke City Special, Sesame Ginger Aioli, Wasabi Shoyu, Sriracha Aioli, Sweet Chili, Spicy Miso, Savory Teriyaki, Spicy Citrus, Yuzu Ponzu, Chili Lime. Makirrito Handheld sushi rolls, one complimentary side of sauce per roll.
POKE CITY - 229 Photos & 156 Reviews - Hawaiian - 11720.
Poki is one of the most popular sites with free online games. The games on Poki are for boys and for girls, but the games for boys are more interesting, and among them are games with football, Minecraft, dress up, cooking, zombies, or even lego. The Poki Kids section is specially created on the site and includes the most interesting games for. Want to play City Rider? Play this game online for free on Poki. Lots of fun to play when bored at home or at school. City Rider is one of our favorite car games.
POKE CITY - 94 Photos & 53 Reviews - Hawaiian - 2221.
City Poké updated their cover photo. 📣 ¡Valencia! Buscamos personal para nuestros locales de Valencia.... Si estás interesado y cumples los requisitos que encontrarás en la imagen, ¡no dudes en escribirnos!.
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Jesus Hokie Pokie
Beverly Hillbillies Online Pokie
Twoplayergames Poki
Township Poki
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gosulsel · 7 years
AHY 'Squad' Ajak Warga Makassar Rutin Olah Raga - Gosulsel
Makassar, GoSulsel.com - Puluhan pemuda yang mengatas namakan AHY 'Squad' memadati 'Car Free Day' jalan Boulevard, Makassar, Minggu (15/10/2017). Mereka turun langsung untuk mengajak masyarakat agar bisa hidup sehat dengan rutin berolah raga. Inisiator AHY 'Squad' Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan,...
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