twilightarcade · 1 year
some assorted oc fun facts while I procracinate on everything ever (also im sleepy(
Evie is scared of needles which is a bit silly considering xyr position and she isn't actually sure why
Evie's pronouns mysteriously changed from (presumably) ze/zir to xe/she and I have NO idea how or why or when and only found out when reading an old doc
I MAY have a favorite. You would never notice though. Never ever.
Evie's eye prescription is probably -6.4 or so while iris' is probably around +0.7. These numbers mean absolutely nothing and I just thought it would be silly to professionally diagnose them for funzies. Only frame of reference is Evie's prescription being around mine, and Iris' not being bad enough that he needs glasses.
completely baseless assumption, iris drives a Honda one in specific but I can't think of it right now. I also know nothing about cars.
there's an overpopulation problem
I sort of want to make it two games that follow different people but take place at the same time. Yk.
On the same topic I am not. Sure. Who to put as the player character. First choice is evie because that makes the most logical sense both knowledge wise and story wise but hrng
other people DO exist within this story I pinky promise but. Evie and iris, ok?
Also they're the only people with actually finished. Designs. Except for the boss dude but they're not important (trust)
speaking of boss dude I need to change her name to something else. And I've been siting on this for a WHILE but currently her name is bunsen as a semi placeholder
Iris likes sodas, while evie generally drinks whatever caffinated beverage is available (typically coffee)
Evie's room is a wreck. Girlie has not put any effort into keeping it clean
I was going to say whether they were more like a dog or cat but everyone's a cat. In my heart. Iris would probably like big dogs though, maybe a pit bull or something
the government is involved
I don't think either of them have like. Social lives. It's hardly the kind of job that you would have an extensive social life in but yk. Evie's on relatively good terms with everyone, and xyr somewhat respected
Iris probably gets evie little things whenever it goes out. A shiny rock or something.
They both eat plain bagels and this is another thing I gave no rational for. Untoasted.
I STARTEF THEIR REFS TODAY. who knows when it's getting done though
ummm nothing ellse that I can think of for now
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