minkyutie · 2 years
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abra-ka-dammit · 6 months
tumblrs the unique kinda place where you can be surprised about niche facts like the different breeds of chickens that exist and have a self-righteous twat tell you to "educate yourself" over it
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quinloki · 8 months
\lol/ ahmygawd dats too many! You’re entirely too sweet
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Thank you! Bringing back THE GLOMP!! \o/
Send me some hearts
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emystic-a · 2 years
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    “FREE GELATO AHMYGAWD---I’m so good at this ‘talking to supernatural beings thing’ now. Big sis is gonna be so friggin’ proud, hurrah for me.”
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roguescarlett · 3 years
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Drift | Deadlock.
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sushismo · 2 years
Ahmygawd I can't stand this weather anymore!!! Hot!!
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checkurwindow · 4 years
Things my mom said while watching the HamilFilm aka Hamilton
(quotes are out of order)
- [“Whats your name man?” “ALEXANDER HAMILTON!”] What’s his name? George Hamilton? Yeah I know him!
- [I know him] Oh look it’s a song!
- [every 4 songs] Why do all these songs sound the same
- [helpless] oh wow look it’s the shoo-lier sisters
- [right hand man] The guy who plays Chris Jackson is so hot let me just search him on google reallyyy quickly-
- [satisfied] nooo, that’s so sad!
- [Battle of Yorktown (The world turns upside down)]Aiyah, all they’re doing is singing about a war, I’m going to go sleep first, wake me up when it gets exciting.
- [What’d I miss] Wait why does the french man look different now?
- [Take a break] HE’S NINE?!?
- [many scenes] Well that’s dumb (x20)
- [ Say no to this] Wowwwwww Alexander Hamilton you’re such a hoe- *turns to me* -rrible person...
- [ Reynolds pamphlet] Why did he tell everyone he had an affair? He’s so dumb.
- [ Non stop] 51 only? *scoffs* my English is so much better, I could easily have done more.
- [Cabinet battle #1] eh wait isn’t that guy his friend? [me confused and clueless if she’s talking about a Jefferson or Madison]
- [What’d I miss] Ya like jazz?
- [Guns and ships] why is he moving so weird?
- [start] so he wrote the musical and cast himself as the lead? ......okay...
- [Story of tonight, Laurens, Laf and Herc swaying their hips] ...what are they doing
- [Aaron Burr, Sir] That’s the burn guy!
- [You’ll be back] ahmygawd that’s a lot of spit I feel like I need to go wipe my mouth now
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folklore--13 · 4 years
the cardigan music video is the most magical beautiful poetic whimsical video to ever exist and i just feel so happy it exists ahmygawd
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crosbyce · 5 years
Dark Riku: So you're the father now?
Riku: I have no regrets.
Sora: He's my daddy!
Aqua: You shouldn't ask me about raising a child.
Kairi: But Master Aqua! I know you're a great mother! Please help me!
Sora: Help mommy!
Namine: Don't worry. I'll take care of Sora.
Riku: Thank you for being our babysitter.
Sora: I wanna draw mermaid!
Ventus: Hehe. He looks just like when I met him.
Kairi: Wait, you met Sora before?
Sora: Venty-Wenty!
Roxas & Axel: ???
Riku: Look, you can make fun of this "DAD" t-shirt, but I'm not ashamed of it!
Sora: ?
Kairi: Haha. I think he likes you, too.
Sora: Second mommy!
Vanitas: Uh... Hi?
Sora: ???
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love-takes-work · 5 years
Okay, um... 1, 8, 14, 21, 59, 60, 76? (Someone already asked 2.)
Cool, thanks for prompting me!
[From Weird Asks that Say a Lot]
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? 
The only one of those I use every day is a coffee mug, so I’ll pick coffee mugs.
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8. movies or tv shows? 
I usually have an easier time sitting through a movie than watching an entire TV series, but to be honest, most of my most favorite things in the world ended up being TV shows, so it’s really hard to say. If I truly had to pick one over the other, I guess I’d say TV shows even though it is much easier to get me to watch a movie than to watch an entire TV show with multiple seasons. I do very little binge-watching and subscribe to no television subscription services whatsoever.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? 
Black licorice.
21. obsession from childhood? 
I was obsessed with fairies and mermaids and the Smurfs when I was very little. As I got somewhat older I was obsessed with my Madonna cassette tapes and was super into the TV show Popples. It’s one of the few things I can’t see the appeal of when I revisited it as an adult, so … yikes, little me. I still have all my Popples toys though. And when I was in elementary school the original She-Ra was my jam. I pretended to turn into She-Ra in my closet. (”Shira” is also my Hebrew name, so bonus.)
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? 
I don’t know how to answer this really because I don’t play video games. :o
Am I supposed to taunt someone, or have a victory phrase, or what?
Maybe I’ll just be weird and have it be me singing a high C accompanied by a glass-breaking sound.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? 
Definitely a magical girl show. And I’d be the one who has some kind of silly cooking theme and very long blond pigtails.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? 
ahmygawd I seriously love pretty much all potatoes
I eat fries almost every time I go out, but my very favorite thing with potatoes in it is probably vegetarian shepherd’s pie with lots of textured vegetable protein in it. Gimme gimme.
But I can’t ignore the glory of The Bits™
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angerdruid · 6 years
Ahmygawd I love you. Fucking stormrage.
FUCK STORMRAGE (not fuck stormrage but FUCK STORMRAGE)
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simplysaiyanlicious · 7 years
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Give-away prices, aaaayyyy! That... didn’t take me nearly as long as I thought it would! :D
Okay so, first one for @bejitapridenoou who asked for their RP!Vegeta in a gothic-esque outfit and with the bangs Vegeta has as a kid, and piercings. I really hope it’s close to how you imagined it because I only had your description to work with sooooo... 0__0 Hope I didn’t screw it up lol. It was fun though! I love me sum edgy saiyans. How to even shade leather ahmygawd.
Second one is for @rob212 who asked for a cute Goku in a suggestive pose which is totally up my alley and I had a lot of fun with this! I think it’s my favorite of the three. ^_^ *pinches his cheek*
And the third one is for @superstition-ghost. Goku in his upcoming Limit Breaker form which I’m super excited for btw. The hair was a pain though. By the time I got to sketching that part out I realized that the angle made it more difficult, and with the lack of good reference out there I was regretting all of my life’s choice at that point lol. But I’m happy with it. Also, Goku tiddies :D
ANYWAY, again congrats to you three for winning the give-away. I hope the end result is to your liking ;A; And now I need a break from art! @_@ Haha who am I kidding I’ll be arting again tomorrow, what even is life.
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apolllonia · 9 years
when your RA comes over unexpectedly and youre star and heart struck you nervously try to funny and dont expect him to laugh and its so fucking beautiful like!!! 😍😅😩😭
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crosbyce · 5 years
Lea: Oh, guys look.
Sora: What?
Lea: Looks like the girls are having night-outs, we better go investigate.
Roxas: WHAT?
Sora: Are you telling us to spy on Kairi and Xion?
Lea: Well... Yeah.
Roxas: I swear to god, I’ll f-
Sora: Let’s do it.
Roxas: NO!!
Lea: Yeah, that’s the spirit.
Sora: If I only spy on Kairi, it’s okay, right?
Roxas: Well, they’re together!
Lea: Nah, you’ll be fine.
...Few minutes later...
(Sora and Roxas peaks on girls through the door)
Kairi, Xion, other KH girls: (giggling and laughing)
Sora: Oh, they’re all together.
Roxas: I TOLD YOU...
Sora: Keep it down, you’ll expose us.
Kairi: Do you think our boys are spying on us sometimes?
Xion: Nah, Rox isn’t that kind. I bet Sora is.
Larxene: Hahaha. That’s so true.
Kairi: Well, maybe I should take out my plushies just in case Sora sees me.
(Kairi takes out Sora and Kairi plushies)
Sora: What are they doing?
Roxas: What do I know?
(Kairi holds her plushies with both of her hands)
Kairi: (voicing Sora.) Kairi. I’ll keep you safe. (Voicing herself.) Ahmygawd, Sora. You’re my hero!
Larxene: Do the hug, do the hug!
(Kairi makes two plushies hug together)
Roxas: Eww.
Sora: Oh my god...
Kairi: And we live together happily.
Xion: I gotta make one for myself and Roxy!
Larxene: Oh, make an angry face Rox!
Sora: I can’t hear anything.
Roxas: Don’t push!
(The door opens and two boys collapse in the girl’s room.)
Sora: Uh oh.
Xion: *gasp* Roxy!!
Kairi: Oh wow.
Larxene: Ayyyyy! GOTCHA!
Roxas: I-I-I can explain!
Kairi: Well well Well. Look who we found. Two naughty boys.
Sora: Lea made us do it.
Kairi: I bet you peaked at my “doll play”.
Sora: Yup... Can we do that in person now?
Kairi: Yeah, sure.
Larxene: And what is ROXY doing here.
Xion: Oh, I didn’t know you were this kind of man!
Roxas: I had no choice!
Sora: You agreed on it.
Roxas: SHUT UP!!
Kairi: Sora, the hug?
Sora: Oh right. (Hugging Kairi.) Hehe.
Xion: As for the punishment, you’ll do EXACTLY what they’re doing. For ETERNITY.
Roxas: No, that’s too cringy!!!
Sora: No, you’re just a weirdo.
Larxene: I’m taking out my cam.
Roxas: Please don’t.
Xion: Roxy Woxy...
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Hey just a head's up: same sex marriage is now legal in Utah.
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