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paleangels13 · 2 years ago
#<- honestly if you'd write a spatort fic I'd probably get back to actually reading fic just for that :D
Ich hasse euch alle-.-
Anyway, Ideen und WĂŒnsche können ab jetzt abgegeben werden, vielleicht wĂŒrde es mir ja mal gut tun was in Deutsch zu schreiben, ĂŒberhaupt was zu schreiben, und was Neues auszuprobieren.
Ahhh đŸ„°
@itsfandomsgalore we made it :D
Okay ich ĂŒberlege mir dann mal n Wunsch dafĂŒr 😌 der nicht die obligatorische Leo wird entfĂŒhrt fic is
Ich hab in letzter Zeit auch nur noch Sachen auf deutsch geschrieben und muss ehrlich sagen es war weird schwierig da wieder reinzufinden nach 1 1/2 Jahren... Oder eher mehr... :| also wÀre sehr interessant dann zu hören wie du dich damit schlÀgst ^^
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skyetenshi · 1 year ago
Ohne Weiteres sind wir wieder in Californien. Das habe ich nicht erwartet, aber es freut mich sehr. Instant sind die Farben wieder hĂŒbsch.
Die Jungs finden den verschwundenen Jungen, der mittlerweile ein Opa ist. Der Opa erzÀhlt von seiner traumatischen Kindheit, und ich hoffe, dass das jetzt nicht legitimieren soll, dass es Peter mit seinem Rotz-Vater ja gar nicht so schlecht geht.
Es werden noch mal ein paar offene Sachen verknĂŒpft und dann sind wir wieder bei den Jonases. Ich finde Mathilda ist ein bisschen zu herrisch. Ich meine, wir alle kennen die Rufe von ihr nach ihrem Neffen, aber ich bin daran gewöhnt, dass die eher angenervt klingen und nicht als wĂŒrde sie gleich mit der Bratpfanne drohen.
Und wieder finden wir ein paar schöne Details mit der hÀssliche schwarzen Stoffkatze und der Vodoo-Puppe.
Ahhh, das Telefonklingeln. Love it.
Okay, der Abspannsong hĂ€tte halt wirklich nicht Not getan. Ich sag nicht, dass es ein schlechter Song ist, weil das generell nicht so meine Musik ist, aber ich finde der passt thematisch da ĂŒberhaupt nicht rein. Es wird gesunden von "was am Ende von uns bleibt" und "Memories&Stories" etc. Und die Kids sind was? 13? 14? Das passt einfach nicht zu einem Haufen von Kids. Und klar kann man sagen, aber es sind ja schon alte Geschichten und Memories&Stories bezieht sich darauf, was fĂŒr die Hörspiele fĂŒr mich absolut wahr ist, aber zum Film und auch zur Story der Jungs passt es einfach nicht. Ich bin jetzt auch nicht böse darĂŒber, dass sie kein von den Kids gesungenes Lied darein gepackt haben, was in meiner Jugend gelegentlich vorkam. Aber ich hĂ€tte einfach gerne ein Lied gehabt was ein bisschen mehr diesen Californien/Mystery-Style hat. HĂ€tte ich einfach mehr gefeiert. Oder noch mal den Introsong. Den fand ich super. (What You Know - Lied von Two Door Cinema Club)
Ich hatte Spaß mit dem Film. Er hat mich jetzt nicht vom Hocker gerissen, aber er war auch nicht schlecht. (Bis auf dieses furchtbare Klischee, was man mit Peters Vater durchgezogen hat. Das fĂŒhlt sich fĂŒr mich halt nach extrem lazy writing an. Als mĂŒsste man es irgendwie legitimieren, dass die Jungs alles auf eigene Faust machen und einen Konflikt untereinander entwicklen. Ich hab mich darĂŒber auch bei @jobroedchen-blog ausgelassen und uns sind sofort mehrere Filme eingefallen, wo Eltern ziemlich genauso handeln. [Wilde Kerle, DrachenzĂ€hmen leicht gemacht, Wicki und die Starken MĂ€nner, Bibi Blocksberg, Hook] Und die Liste könnte wahrscheinlich endlos lĂ€nger sein.)
Von den Schauspielern her, muss ich sagen, ich finde die Kids haben das super gemacht. Der Schauspieler von Peter - Nevio Wendt - allen voran, weil er auch die emotional komplexeste Rolle der drei hatte und auch ĂŒberzeugend gespielt hat. FĂŒr Justus hĂ€tte ich mir etwas mehr Bravado in seinen Detektivelement gewĂŒnscht, aber das hat nicht mit dem Schauspieler und eher mit dem Skript zu tun. Bob kam etwas kĂŒrzer, weil er nicht so in den Konflikt seiner Kollegen eingebunden wurde, aber das finde ich okay. Wir durften sehen wie er recherchiert und vermittelt.
Ich finde es ein bisschen schade, dass man bei den Jungs nicht ein wenig mit den Haarfarben nachgeholfen hat, weil jetzt hatten wir drei blonde Jungs in unterschiedlcihen Abstufungen. Aber das sind so Kleinigkeiten.
Ich hĂ€tte mir auch gewĂŒnscht, dass die drei mehr zwischenmenschliches bekommen. Dass sie sich mehr gegenseitig mobben und auf den Arm nehmen. Sie sind fast den ganzen Film ĂŒber ziemlich ernst miteinander. Das kommt nich ganz nach der langjĂ€hrigen Freundschaft rĂŒber sondern eher nach dem verflixten siebten Jahr. Aber vielleicht bin ich da auch gerade falsch gepolt, weil ich die letzten Tage TKKG gehört habe und mir bis dahin nicht gewusst war, wie viel die sich frĂŒher in alle Richtungen gemobbt haben. Lieb ich ja bei Freundschaften.
Zur Story muss ich sagen, das war okay. Nicht so schwer, dass man sie gar nicht durchschauen könnte, wobei man tatsĂ€chlich wenig Hinweise auf den Koch bekommen hat. Ich fand es auch ganz gut, dass die Jungs gefĂŒhlt nach und nach mehr RĂ€ume und Orte gefunden haben. Aber ich habe die lĂ€ngste Zeit nicht wirklich geblickt wonach jetzt gesucht wird, aber ich habe darauf auch wenig geachtet und... ihr wisst. Ich und mein Weinchen.
Was soll ich sonst sagen? Ich liebe es wie Rocky Beach aussieht und ich möchte einen Film, der nur dort spielt.
Ich liebe es, wie der Schrottplatz aufgebaut ist, wie alles scheinbar die ganze Zeit in Nachmittagssonne getaucht ist.
Ich finde es auch wirklich schon, dass sie wenig super moderne EndgerÀte eingebracht haben, aber auch, dass das wenige was wir von Rocky Beach gesehen haben, halbwegs Zeitlos wirkt.
Ganz ehrlich, ich habe Hoffnung fĂŒr den nĂ€chsten Film. Wenn sich die Schauspieljungs untereinander noch besser kennenlernen und vielleicht auch mehr eine Chemie aufbauen können (vorausgesetzt die Besetztung Ă€ndert sich nicht) glaube ich könnte das sehr cool werden.
Schrottplatzkids, ich warne vor, der folgende Post und eventuele rebloggs meinerseits können seltsam werden. Ich habe vor mir "Das Erbe das Drachen" anzusehen, ich hab bereits einen halben Mojito intus und der wirkt fantastisch weil ich seit 9 Stunden praktisch nichts mehr gegessen habe. Meine Wangen sind heiß, meine Augen trĂ€nen aus mir unerfindlichen GrĂŒnden und ich bin bereit wegen dem Film komplett auszurasten (sowohl im positiven als auch im negativen, das wird sich zeigen, hauptsache keine halben Sachen.). Let's go.
Okay.... ich fĂŒhle das intro!
Und Blacky <3 Ah, und Familie Jonas. Ich mag den Vibe, aber mein mojito und ich sind hesitant. Großartig, ich habe 5 Sekunden Peter gesehen und fĂŒhle mich jetzt schon mit ihm, weil man ihm das sehr typische Daddy-kommt-nicht-zu-deinem-Sportevent-Trope verpasst hat. Und fĂŒr den Hörspiel-Peter fĂŒhle ich dieses Trope gar nicht. Bei dem fĂŒhlt es sich eher an als zöge er sseine BestĂ€tigung rein aus dem Sport, aber dann wieder rum sind die Jungs hier noch etwas jĂŒnger und das könnte sich natĂŒrlich noch entwickeln, gerade daraus, dass Vaddi immer wieder mal nicht auftaucht. Awww Bob ist sĂŒĂŸ, charming und langhaarig. Ich adoptiere ihn jetzt. *quietsch* Speedy Pete! NatĂŒrlich muss auch der Film in auf die Masse an seltsamen Spitznamen, die Peter bekommt drauflegen. Fantastisch. Und ich bin noch keine 5 Minuten im Film, aber die Background Musik und Farbgebung/Beleuchtung erinnert mich an Life is Strange, was ich nicht erwartet hĂ€tte aber nicht unwillkommen ist. Und Rocky Beach ist sehr hĂŒbsch. Die Zentrale ist deutlich zu aufgerĂ€umt fĂŒr unsere Chaoten, aber lassen wir das. Übrigends ein fantastischen Detail, den Totenkopf auf der Truhe zu zeigen. Das sorgt fĂŒr eine gewisse zeitliche Einordnung. Okay, ich muss Peter auch adoptieren. Mr Shaw bekommt noch mehr Minuspunkte in der Dadnote. Peter sieht halt in einem Facecall eine verstörte Frau, die rumkreischt und fragt seinen Vater was da los ist und der wirft ihm vor im Detektivmodus zu sein. ALTER! Als wĂ€re es nicht normal zu fragen, was los ist wenn man eine offensichtlich panische Frau sieht. Das nennt sich Menschlichkeit, du Arsch. Nebenbei absolutes Kompliment an den Schauspieler von Peter. Seltsen konnte man jemanden so sehr ansheen, wie abgefuckt und enttĂ€uscht man von den eigenen Eltern ist. Entschuldigt mal, ich glaube Peters Vater hat ihm gerade auf den Arsch gehauen. ....ich check das kurz. Ja Mr Shaw haut seinem eigenen Sohn mit einem Technik-Koffer auf den Hintern. Weil er möchte dass die Jungen ins Auto einsteigen. ...willkommen zu den Drei ??? und das misshandelte Kind. (Ach so heißt der Film nicht...? Sind wir sicher?) Ich muss gestehen, ich finds ein wenig schade, dass wir nach 10 Minuten schon in RumĂ€nien angekommen sind. Ich hĂ€tte gerne noch mehr Rocky Beach gesehen. Oh in RumĂ€nien wird Bob erst mal vom Hausmeister auf rumĂ€nisch angemotzt und angepackt. Was sind das fĂŒr Menschen die einfach Random Kinder angrabbeln? Die Drei ??? melden sich bei Hank zum Dienst als Kunstblutexperten beim Filmdreh und Peter ist verhalten glĂŒcklich, weil das Schloss natĂŒrlich angeblich bespukt wird. Dann taucht aber sein Vaddern auf und er sieht instant viel gestresster aus und blickt zu seinen Freunden, wie um Hilfe zu bitten. Ich weiß, dass der Film fĂŒr Kinder ist, aber in meinem Erwachsenengehirn eskalieren alle Alarmglocken, fĂŒr misshandelte Kinder. (Und... wirklich? Kunstblutexperten? Blut ist nun wirklich ein Novum in Hollywood. Da gibt es Experten fĂŒr ohne, dass man den eigenen Sohn und deissen Freunde mitschlept. Das kann man auch schon fertig kaufen.) NatĂŒrlich ist Mr Shaw schon wieder ein Arsch. Peter erwĂ€hnt nur kurz Spuk und schon steht er da mit "Ich dachte, wir hĂ€tten eine Abmachung?" Like what? In einem alten Schloss in Transilvanieren zu stehen einen Film ĂŒber das Vorbild von Dracula zu machen und dabei niemals das Wort Spuk zu erwĂ€hnen? WTF. Und direkt wird Peter wieder von seinem Vaddern angepfiffen, fĂŒr etwas, was er nicht wissen konnte. Na vielen Dank auch. In den Szenen mit seinem Vater hat Peter praktisch auch gar keinen Text. Das alles spricht wirklich nicht fĂŒr eine gesunde Vater-Sohn-Beziehung. Die Jungs finden die GrĂ€fin in einem Schaukelstuhl sitzend und um zu testen, ob sie noch lebt wollte Justus ihr ins Gesicht patschen. That could work, i guess. (Der Post wird fĂŒr tumblr zu lang, machen wir in einem reblogg weiter)
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rayadraws · 5 years ago
Hello this is the shitty princess squad anon. AAASHSHDHHSHHDSHSJS THANK YOU SO MUCH AHSHDHAJSDDHSSH I LOVE YOU SJSHSUSHHSSHSSBAHAHSHSHSSH. Yeah Garou as Belle 'cause he is a monsterfucker is a work of galaxy brain. Nobody want to mess with that frying pan, nor its owner. And thank you so much for that Jasmine! Garou. You make him look good in her outfit.
Hehehe you’re VERY welcome and thank YOU for giving me lots of inspiration! In fact...
(2k, SG/GS, swearing otherwise no particular warnings)
Genos looked up at the sky. Silently counted to ten.
He’d messed up - of course he had. Same as always.
The call was followed by a foot roughly prodding his side where he laid on his back, on the cracked asphalt. Monster was somewhere off to his left, very dead.
”I’m not carrying you home, get up.”
With a sigh, Genos finally pulled himself into a sitting position, looking down at his torn leg and his missing foot. It wasn’t a large injury in the grand scale of things - he’d certainly been through much worse, plenty of times - but the timing was exceptionally bad. If he’d lost an arm to that stupid sentient road sign he could have replaced it easily, he had several spare sets stuffed in his side of the closet, but a foot
 he’d need Kuseno for that, and a visit to the lab would take hours, hours he didn’t have. Not today.
”Oi. People are starting to flock, now that that thing is dead,” Garou grumbled. Crowds of civilians were still
 difficult for the former villain.
Pushing himself to his remaining foot, Genos grabbed Garou by the shoulder for support, slowly limping back towards his and Sensei’s apartment.
”I’ll just have to cancel. That’s all there is to it.”
”Oh boo-hoo. I thought you didn’t even want to go, and now you’re doing the sad cyborg eyes at us?” Badd gave him a pointed look.
It was true - he initially hadn’t been especially pleased to receive the invitation from the HA. A donation drive in the form of a masquerade - as if most heroes weren’t already dressed in questionable outfits on a daily basis! Every S- and A-ranked hero had received an invitation, as well as the B- and C-ranks most beloved by the public. Saitama-sensei was not one of them. Not that it made a difference - each invitation included a ”plus one”, and after considering his options, Genos had naturally insisted that Sensei come with him. He could count it as date night, Genos had argued, one that included free food and entertainment. And as Saitama-sensei agreed to come, Genos found himself growing cautiously optimistic about the whole affair.
Badd, probably simply to be difficult, had invited Garou. The man was still viewed with great distrust by the HA and the public alike, but Genos supposed if he did manage to behave himself, being seen along high-ranked heroes might improve his reputation. And if he didn’t... well, it’d be amusing to watch the chaos go down.
Genos hadn’t been too concerned about the dressing up part. He’d planned on wearing his trusted bunny ears and tail paired with his suit, the one with the suspenders. What he really looked forward to was spending the evening with Saitama-sensei. Maybe they could even dance together

Except now there’d be no dancing, or walking, or even standing up unaided.
”What’s the big deal? Just have your mans carry you around, I know you’d love that,” Garou snorted. Looking at him, Genos quietly wondered what he had planned to dress up as. Maybe he still had that faux wolf head stashed away somewhere

”Yeah man, that’d be romantic as shit, right? It’d be just like Cinderella!”
”Cinderella lost her shoe, not her goddamn whole ass foot!” Garou countered, throwing a pillow in Badd’s general direction.
”Yeah, well, this is the cyborg version so there!”
Genos tuned out their bickering, looking down again at his torn leg. It had stopped sparking and it wasn’t painful, but it was damned inconvenient. He didn’t have anything to stick into it to make a temporary peg-leg, did he? Doctor Kuseno would certainly not approve of that kind of repair, but on the other hand, he did often tell Genos to try to get out more and do more fun things... He wasn’t even sure if this would even qualify as fun, but the doctor did also say that he’d try to catch the drive on TV and see if he could spot Genos, and yes, Saitama-sensei too of course, and
He looked up with a start, broken from his train of thought as the door slammed from the end of the room.
”What’s happening? Where is Badd going?”
”To pick up your dress, Cinderella.”
”I told him you weren’t listening even if you were nodding!”
”This was not made with cyborgs in mind.”
”Yeah, well, I don’t think any costumes are. Just
 don’t make any sudden movements and you’ll be fine.”
Genos wasn’t wrong - the dress clearly was not made for someone of his size, nor his long legs. The skirt ended just below his knees rather than his ankles, and it strained dangerously tight over his chest. He’d put on the most slender arms he had at home and the elbow-length gloves did fit, but only very barely.
”Look at me, and hold still,” Badd continued, hairbrush in hand.
Mildly confused, Genos twisted on the chair so that he looked straight at him, then froze as Badd brushed his hair for him. With deft fingers, he tied a large bow - matching his baby blue dress - into his hair. He seemed so at ease - as if he’d done it a million times before. It wasn’t a skill set Genos would have expected S-rank hero Metal Bat to possess, but-
”Oh. You do your little sister’s hair.”
”Yuh,” Badd muttered through the bobby pins in his mouth. He put a couple into Genos’ hair to keep the bow in place, then stepped back to admire his handiwork.
”A beautiful princess,” Garou muttered from where he laid sprawled across the folded futons. ”Where’s your prince tho’?”
”Shut up,” Badd told him. “Go find a broom.”
”A broom?” Genos asked, carefully prodding the bow. He wasn’t accustomed to having something in his hair. Even though the bow weighed so little, he felt very aware of it.
”Don’t touch it!” Badd warned, then jutted his chin at Garou in a nod as thanks when he returned with the broom.
”Yeah, it’s your cane, Cinderella.”
”Fits your character and all! We put thought into this!”
Carefully Genos took the broom into hand, standing up. It looked dumb. He looked dumb in an outfit so poorly fitting but
 well, it’d have to do, he supposed.
The bag Badd had come back with didn’t look even half-empty yet and he leaned forward, trying to get a peek.
”What’s the rest?”
”Well, we decided we should all match n’ shit. That should rake in the donation money, right? They said we should divide ourselves into teams to fight over who gets the most donations, so we figured hey, team Princess!
Genos stared as Badd extracted two more dresses, one bright yellow and one in alternating pink and purple.
”Hell yeah! Time to be a monsterfucker princess!” Garou cried out happily.
”What’s your name supposed to be again?” Genos asked.
”Ra-pun-zel. Ugh, don’t you have a fancy computer brain to help you remember stuff?”
”No,” Genos huffed, feeling oddly vindicated as Garou thumped Badd on the back of his head and tsk-ed.
”Ow! Okay, so, I’m Rapunzel, Garou is Belle and you’re Cin- Deshiderella.
”Disciple-rella? Fine.”
”See, we’re all doing great.”
Genos was not accustomed to walking down the street in a dress, but despite limping along on one leg in a far too tight outfit, he seemed to be faring better than his companions.
”...the fuck you keep your balance in heels?!” Garou yelled as he once again near lost his balance on a bit of uneven asphalt.
”Just shut up and be grateful they had heels in your size!”
Their bickering continued the way it always did, sharp but well-meaning, until they finally reached their destination.
There was
 a lot of people. And paparazzi. Of course.
Genos blinked as the cameras turned to the trio of princesses. Was he imagining things, or were they going off much more rapidly than when the previous group of heroes had passed through?
”Demon Cyborg! Metal Bat!”
”...the Hero Hunter..?”
”Such glamorous costumes!”
“You look precious! Absolutely precious!”
”Demon-sama, what happened to your foot?!”
”He’s Deshiderella now!” Badd yelled as he pulled the other two through the door.
Garou and Badd found Genos a chair that could actually hold his weight, mercifully placed him near one of the snack tables, then wandered off to do who knew what. Bother someone, probably.
Slowly chewing on a small sandwich, Genos contemplated how different the evening was turning out compared to how he’d originally planned it. He was supposed to have shown up looking his most dazzling, impressing Sensei not only with his looks but with the surroundings - the music, the people, the
 everything. Who cared about donation drive competitions, that had never been what this was about, not for him anyway.
And now here he sat, in a too-short dress with a broom for a cane and no sensei at all. Where was he? Before they’d left, Badd had called Saitama as he was on his was back home, to tell him something - he wouldn’t tell Genos what. But he had promised him that Saitama would meet up with them at the party. But they’d already been here for 18, 19
 almost 20 minutes now...
He was once more startled out of his thoughts as another chair was pulled up near his, together with a pleased ”Cyborg princess!”
”Fubuki.” He crossed his arms over his chest, fabric straining over armoured shoulders.
”You look wonderful. That shade of blue suits you. It is a little short, though.”
”We didn’t have time to shop around,” Genos replied, attempting to subtly pull the skirt down. He lifted his eyes to take in all the... sparkles. ”Your dress is very
”Mhm. Is the food any good?” As she asked, Fubuki had one of the little sandwiches float through the air to herself.
”It’s fine.”
”So, where’s your prince?”
 don’t know. I came with Metal Bat and Garou.”
”Ah, yes, last I heard they were bothering Amai Mask.”
Genos smiled faintly to himself.
”Which donation team is in the lead?”
”Ah,” Fubuki grinned at him. ”Well, ’Team Princess’ has made a strong impression it seems, but so has the little joint project Sweet Blizzard, despite not being as
 coordinated as you three. It’s about evenly tied, right now, between the top A slash B ranked heroes and the three little nobles.”
”Four!” Badd happily corrected as he stepped up to them. His hair was a mess and he looked sweaty, but pleased. ”How’re doing?”
”Fine. Bored.”
”You won’t be for long,” Badd nodded towards the main entry, a ridiculously large set of double doors covered in (probably plastic) gold. There was still a steady stream of people dressed in all manners of costumes passing through, if gravitating towards sexy versions of Other Things. Genos wasn’t sure what he should be looking for, unless- oh.
As was often the case, it was the shiny bald head you noticed first. What was Saitama-sensei wearing
 a crown? How did it stay on..?
The most powerful man in the world looked almost small as he carefully stepped into the grand room, easily lost in the crowd despite his brightly coloured outfit. Somehow, he’d managed to find clothes that broadly corresponded with his hero outfit - most of it was yellow, with white accents and if Genos wasn’t mistaken he’d attached his hero cape as well. The boots were different though, and the gloves, and there was a sash across his chest.
Despite the poofy shoulders and knees and loud colours, despite clearly not feeling at ease in this new outfit, Genos was certain he was looking at the most handsome prince in the world.
Prince Saitama.
He stood up, putting his hand on the armrest for support, ready to call out to Saitama-sensei when Badd pushed him back down into the chair.
”Let him come to you!” he growled, and Genos reluctantly obeyed.
It took him a moment, but then Sensei finally spotted Genos and his whole demeanour broke out into relief. He pushed himself through the crowd until he reached the waiting trio.
”Hi,” he waved.
”My lord,” Genos bowed his head from where he sat, noting how his prince blushed at the title.
 ’borg. Wanna dance?”
Genos pointed to his leg. ”I can-ah!”
As he spoke, he felt an invisible push, and suddenly he was standing, as if held up by a great pair of invisible hands. It was familiar, but it also wasn’t. How strange to think that different espers could have their own signature
 feels. Fubuki was not Tatsumaki.
Gingerly, he took Prince Saitama’s outstretched hand into his own and walked oddly to the dance portion of the hall - he and Fubuki weren’t quite coordinated, so it was somewhat tricky to walk, but at least he could get around without the broom.
He felt Saitama’s other hand against his waist, enjoying the light squeeze he gave him. He looked even more wonderful, up this close.
”Er, Genos? I have no idea how to do this
” he muttered, beginning to sweat.
”Then, let me lead,” Genos smiled, adjusting their positions and hands accordingly. He leaned forward, whispering into the other man’s ear. ”Follow me, my prince.”
”I can’t believe we lost the donation drive challenge to, to them. To a cyborg on one leg, a ruffian and a villain. Not to even mention, Caped Baldy!” Amai Mask groaned, downing the rest of his drink. His cat ears had gone askew on his head, but he couldn’t be bothered to fix them. It was rare for him to be this chatty, especially with anyone in a class lower than himself, but that number of drinks would do that to you...
”Well,” Fubuki smiled back, taking a sip from her own. ”They did all coordinate their outfits, and they looked very cute
 especially when the prince danced with his princess
”How did he even manage that, on one leg?!”
Fubuki smiled at him. ”I haven’t the faintest idea.”
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bellafragolina · 3 years ago
Makoto's relationship with the Ginkgo Guild is surprisingly very good, you can say that she's a returning customer! Ginter often thanked her for making one of th merchant do his job well
Her with the Misfortune Sisters... Can't say that it's a whole spiky road but also not a rainbow bridge either. She still has her naivety and wanted to help the bandits countless times to change or walk in a better path but if she sees more resistance and backlash *grabs popcorn* ever seen Makoto doing a 180 degree tun?
Volo and Makoto
*clap clap*
I ship these two. She may not be a book smart but she knows how the wilds work and will let Volo slack off with his job to listen to his ramblings about myths (but she will also give him the deserved money secretly or outwardly if he's going to give her free stuffs again). Volo may not know that she came from a rift but what piques his interest is how she just fearlessly approaches Pokemons and how well she handles them sometimes he finds her in some peculiar places. Makoto gets the feeling of "he knows too much" from the merchant, that explains her keeping her secret of the plates she has and arc letter from him, anything related to the almighty might raised warning signs she's not THAT naive, but truthfully she's fascinated how he knows a lot about myths and often take breaks and let him lead the conversation.
Watch them walk into an alpha territory and look at Volo's eyes, and tell me he's not going to put a leash on her despite him jumping in front of an alpha garchomp himself, absolute idiots, but when there's someone younger than them, yeah Makoto's def sky rocketed and more cautious, Akari felt like the big sis became a protective mom and dad
They both share the love for Pokemons, see these two hiding in the tall grass only because they saw Togepis playing with each other when she's assigned to inspect an outbreak. See Makoto absolutely babying his Togepi like she's her own daughter, someone get the camera!
Storyline wise, there will be changes that I will add, like Akari's progress as a Survey Corps member and digging deeper into Makoto's character and purpose in Hisui, "Be there for who had left. Guide the lost" main mission is very vague compared to Akari's
I'll spice up the noble fights and how everyone fare in the wild, amplify the injuries because no I'm not going friendly with wild injuries because those are no jokes, I'm trying to flesh out the characters by making them interact more with others, and also try to include said myths in the main plotline ever wonder why Makoto's footsteps were in Turnback Cave?
Little tidbits about her! She uses a catapult when throwing feather balls. When not outside the settlement, she reads with her glasses. She learned how to craft medicines from Calaba despite her being low-key intimidated by the old lady. She's not scared of Pokemons considered dangerous or scary, just straight up walk to 'em as if Akari wasn't already one. Avoids conflict like a plague, maybe this might be a good trait if she learns how to fix the conflict itself. Makoto would be or is a woman that came from the equivalent of Taisho Era dimension timeline if one look at her clothing style before joining the Pearl Clan.
-🩀 anon
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God, she’s sounds so interesting!! Reckless but motherly! Curious as a cat, I suppose you could say, lolol! And a catapult!? Like a legit catapult or a slingshot kinda deal? I have to know pls
Also, I wanna see more of her relationship with Volo!! And I want to see the angsty injuries you have planned!! AHHH, it’s gonna be so good!! I’m so excited!!
Are you gonna write a fic?
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thatgirlintheaudience · 5 years ago
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Hadestown- August 8, 2019
I really enjoyed the opening of this show. The whole cast just comes on stage and Andre De Shields just commands attention with his presence. He holds the audience in the palm of his hands. The introductions of each character is really fun and the audience was really responsive. The whole cast just looks at Andre and it’s just a really unique way to begin a show, similar to Rent. 
When Orpheus was introduced and the spotlight shone on Reeve and he sang lala, my heart was like ahhh! Orpheus and Hermes’ relationship is so cute and Reeve does such a good job of displaying Orpheus’ optimism and innocence. 
I just love Orpheus and Eurydice’s relationship and Reeve and Eva so just get ready for me to gush over them, but, when Eurydice questions why she should marry Orpheus and Hermes goes “he’ll make you feel alive”, and Eurydice says, “that’s worth a lot” -that is one of my favorite lines for some reason. I just love how Eurydice has had this hard life and she’s kind of jaded because of it and doesn't see the way the world could be like Orpheus does and they’re just so cute together because of it. 
Wedding Song is so catchy and is just an amazing song that shows the contrast in Orpheus and Eurydice’s characters. Eurydice questions how they could ever have a wedding while Orpheus explains how it could be possible and once Orpheus creates the flower, Eurydice begins to believe and joins in singing with him. And then when Orpheus sings the song and he walks over these tables and then all of a sudden the carnation (I think) appears, like wow. This show just makes me believe in love. 
All the Epics are beautiful and uh yeah Reeve’s voice is otherworldly. I think that’s the one word I would use. I find his voice so unique and just so haunting and enchanting. 
Livin’ it Up on Top was so amazing. Amber Gray is such a star. Her acting and attitude and dancing was just so effortless. Plus she had the best costumes. The dancing in this number was also great and I’m so glad the ensemble of this show is getting the recognition they deserve because they really are an integral part. They were lifted up from the bottom to the top of the stage and they were all curled up in a ball and it took me a minute to realize it was actual people. And when it’s Orpheus’ turn and he goes “To the world we dream about and the one we live in now” and there’s a moment of silence and the he stomps his foot in silence and goes, “right now we’re livin it” and the chorus and band joins in, WOW. 
I could write an essay about All I’ve Ever Known. This is definitely one of my favorite Broadway love duets. It’s nice to see the transformation in Eurydice as she grapples with these feelings and grapples with having to need someone besides herself. And Eva’s handstand over Reeve, wow. When Orpheus holds Eurydice and sings “and suddenly I’m holding the world in my arms” that moment is beautiful and honestly breathtaking. 
Patrick Page’s entrance as Hades and his first line just makes me laugh because of that Live w/Kelly and Ryan performance. Anyway, when Eurydice sings “kind of makes you wonder how it feels” and Orpheus runs and wraps his arms around her. There’s also another part where Orpheus puts himself in between Hades and Eurydice. He’s just so protective of her! Then at the the end of Way Down Hadestown, Eva belts “way down” and it was great. 
Biggest shout out to the turn table and the lift and the band. I swear to god, every show should add a turn table. It just adds so much drama, I love it. I believe they use the turntable during the Chant reprise. And they use the lift for transportation to the Underworld.  
When Orpheus says “the gods have forgotten the song of their love” oh snap, that’s when stuff begins. I also did not even realize how relevant this show is to current times. I mean, Persephone complaining about the climate of Hadestown saying, “it ain’t right and it ain’t natural.” And Why We Build the Wall is pretty self explanatory. And just the power of art and music to change the ways of a powerful ruler, like wow. 
Hey, Little Songbird is creepy and Hades knows that Eurydice will appreciate the things about Hadestown that Persephone hates about it.
 THE FATES. When the Chips Are Down. These harmonies. Not to mention, they’re just so cool. Jewelle, Yvette and Kay are amazing. “You get a knife in the back” is my favorite part. 
When Orpheus sings “til the end of time, til the end of the earth” that’s love. When Hermes begins Wait For Me, I was just like ahh it’s happening, I’m not ready. I also love the backing vocals in this song and the Fates’ part is so good and just dark. The lights swinging out over the audience was amazing and the ensemble has lights on their heads. And Reeve Carney did not get Tony nominated for this role, people! Why??? Just for this number alone.
The a capella part in Why We Build the Wall is powerful. 
Act 2: 
Persephone saying, “step into my office” is amazing. “There’s a crack in the WAAAALLLL.” Enough said. 
Flowers was so sad and emotional. This song is lyrically brilliant: “Dreams are sweet until they're not/ Men are kind until they aren't/ Flowers bloom until they rot and fall apart.” Love this line. 
If it’s True is sad as Orpheus feels despaired at losing Eurydice but it’s also powerful as the workers can hear Orpheus and agree to be on his side. I think the turn table was used for this. 
Amber Gray was amazing in How Long? as her frustration builds up with Hades and she tries to fight for Orpheus. Chant reprise into Epic 3 was the highlight of the show along with Wait For Me. The use of the turn table in Chant reprise is absolutely amazing. I believe it was this part where Persephone was walking around the tun table looking exhausted and Hades looked at her, while Orpheus and Eurydice stared at each other. 
In Epic 3, Orpheus stands in the middle and gets lifted up as the music builds up. I thought “where is the treasure inside of your chest?” a brilliant line. The room is absolutely silent as Hades and Persephone sing their lalalas. Hades and Persephone's dance was beautiful and the music they play just sounds like spring beginning, it sounds like sunshine. 
Promises is so beautiful and Orpheus and Eurydice are just so trusting of each other which makes this ending so much sadder. When Eurydice says “take me home” it’s like wow, she has finally found a home where she feels happy and safe. Everything Orpheus says to Eurydice applies to her worries, especially when he says “I’ll walk beside you any way the wind blows.” 
And again the Fates are so good in Word to the Wise. 
Wait for Me reprise is amazing, especially when the Fates reprise their lines from Wait For Me to Orpheus. Eva’s belt is real and it’s brilliant. 
Doubt Comes In is really sad because unlike in Wait For Me, Orpheus is insecure and doubtful about making it out. It’s really heartbreaking when he says, “I used to see the way the world could be, but now the way it is is all I see” because we love Orpheus because of his optimistic quality he has that very few posses. And it’s really sad when he compares himself to Hades because he doubts his ability to compete against someone with that much power when Orpheus has so many valuable qualities. And when Reeve sings “is this a trap?” oof.  And it’s just a switch of personality because all of a sudden Orpheus is doubtful and Eurydice is optimistic about making it. So when Orpheus turns around it is devastating. The break and emotion in their voices as they say each others’ names is just gahhh. Eurydice literally drops to her knees and covers her face as she sobs and gets taken down to Hadestown. Orpheus drops to his knees and watches her go down and stays there with the saddest look on his face for a few minutes. 
When Hermes says, “it’s a tragedy” woah. and then he says, “but we sing it anyway.” Wow! It’s such a full circle moment, this show. I don’t know what instrument it is, I wanna say a trumpet, but the trumpet in Road to Hell reprise gives it such a hopeful quality. It gives me a new dawn/ day vibe. 
So they do curtain call and then they sing We Raise Our Cups. Amber looks straight ahead at the audience and says “good night brother” and then she raises her glass and goes “good night.” And just that moment was so good. 
So if you can’t tell I really enjoyed this show and I hope you enjoyed reading this!
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adonis-koo · 4 years ago
ahhh i agree tun is good but my fav album is my everything ajakaksks that's some very angsty album and dangerous woman album too!
Hahaha I get that! I have a special place in my heart for dangerous woman! Greedy SLAPPED and that’s on that! I’ve come to really like Sweetner too! I would also like to write a fic based on better off because WHEW probably my fav song on that album! There’s something just so underlying melocholy about letting go of someone who’s still in love with you but you’re better off without them 😭
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1989xtaylorsversion · 4 years ago
ariana grande releases “positions,” an album about finding love again. (my review)
ariana grande’s sixth studio album came and it came to serve. she details her journey to finding love again, and she looks good while doing it. the visuals are a fresh new vibe for her, and i’m here for it. i want to start doing album reviews, and i figured this would be a good place to start.
to be honest, i really didn't vibe with half of the songs on this album AT FIRST. but, the songs i hated ended up reallyyy growing on me, and now i love all of them, except for one (we’ll get there). i know people dragged her for this album, but i couldn’t care less what stan twitter says. half of stan twitter is made up of childish and delusional "fans” who have a problem with almost everything, and that goes for any artist, show, etc... it’s not just about ariana. so, if you want an honest review for anything, don’t go there or listen to what they say. people want ariana to keep making generic pop songs, and that’s just not who she is. she even admitted that she leans towards r&b more than pop, and i love that for her. i love thank u next, but “positions” might replace it as my favorite ariana grande album.
i said what i said.
lol actually idk.
it’s really hard for me to pick but my heart is telling me positions > tun, so i’m gonna listen to it.
anyways, onto the review.
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1. shut up
this song is an intro, and according to ariana, it’s meant to set the tone for the album. she wants people to pay attention to the emotions and messages, not just the adult themes. i don’t know about anyone else, but i love it. the verses are cute and get right to the point, and her vocal range doesn’t fail to impress. i love the disney vibe it gives, especially at the end. it makes you pay attention, that’s for sure.
2. 34+35
ok... don’t come for me, but this song is making me conflicted. on one hand, it’s a bop and i know it’s not meant to be deep and meaningful. i can respect that and enjoy it for what it is. but, on the other hand, it’s one of her worst songs lyrically, and when you compare it to the other songs, it’s one of the most forgettable. the remix is better than the original, so at least there’s that saving grace. the first verse is actually one of my favorite parts coz it’s so unexpected, and the music video is great. the chorus shocked me, ariana really went there. i like the song, but if i had to rank it, it wouldn’t even make it to the top 5. it’s one of the weakest songs overall.
3. motive ft. doja cat
ahhh here is the first grower. fun fact, i really didn’t like this song at first. i thought it was short and repetitive, but then something changed within me and i made me love it. i think it’s the perfect length and the perfect bop. doja was a good choice for the track, and i actually like how they sound together. something else i want to note is a lot of the songs are pretty short on this album, which is good because it doesn’t make it feel endless. ariana doesn’t have a lot of songs under 3 minutes, and while i wish some songs were longer, the length felt appropriate most of the time.
4. just like magic
y’all... this song is everything!!!
this song puts me in the best mood. it’s so sweet and catchy, and i have nothing bad to say about it. my favorite lines are 
Losing friends left and right But I just send 'em love and light (oh, whoa)
Take my pen and write some love letters to heaven
i don’t know if that line was a nod to mac (may he rest in the sweetest of peace), but i internally weep everytime i hear it. if i could have those lines on repeat for the rest of my life. i wouldn’t complain. great job ariana, you snapped on this track.
here’s a visual representation of all of my moods while listening to this song:
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5. off the table ft. the weeknd
i love ariana and i love the weeknd. it’s a perfect mix. their last collaboration, “love me harder” is still a bop to this day, so when i found out he was on this track, i knew it would be one of my favorites, and i was right. it’s one of the lengthiest and slowest songs, but honestly i’m more of a fan of ballads than upbeat songs anyway. i always look for ballads and sad songs on any album i listen to, and without fail they’re usually my favorites. so, this song served. their voices are amazing together, and the meaning behind it makes me want to cry. it’s about ariana being scared of falling in love again, and it makes me want to give her a hug. i don’t know why but i love the way ariana sings this part
'Cause I ain't her and you ain't him, thankfully (baby, don't leave) But it's gon' be hard to let someone else in again (woah) Baby, baby (Woo-hoo)
6. six thirty
sooo remember earlier when i said, “i love all of them, except for one (we’ll get there).” well, we’re here. no matter how hard i tried, i could not bring myself to like this song. i hated it when i heard it and i hate it now. i think it’s one of the most boring and forgettable songs ariana has ever made. the meaning of the song is cute, but that’s literally the only compliment i have. i wish she had excluded this from the album. i love every other song, and honestly it makes me mad knowing it could’ve been a no skip album had this not been included.
also, i’m listening to it as i write this and my opinion still stands. i don’t know what “six thirty” stans see in this song, maybe i’m missing something. but, i’ll be skipping it. as my girl ariana said, “thank u next!”
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7. safety net ft. ty dolla $ign
safety net stans, WE’VE WON!!
i. love. this. song. it is nothing short of perfection. i wanna thank ms. grande for deliveringggg! their voices blend so well together, and if they want to collaborate again in the future, i don’t think i’d mind. this song is so calming and peaceful and the meaning behind it is so adorable. i can’t relate, but i’m happy ariana can. my favorite lines are
You're making me forget my past Never thought I'd feel like that again I came to peace with my path Now you got me off track
I've never been this scared before Feelings I just can't ignore Don't know if I should fight or fly But I don't mind
the latter verse is especially my favorite. seriously, if i could have that on repeat i’d listen to it. thank u ms. grande for not disappointing on this track. she sparkled her magic all over it, and for that i’m grateful.
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8. my hair
for some foolish reason, if you ever doubted ariana’s vocal ability before, let me direct you to “my hair.” this song is so calming, beautiful, and magical. it transports me to a different realm and it’s the perfect length. this was another grower, but i’m on the “my hair” train now, and i’m never getting off.
oh also, THE HIGH NOTES. WHAT??? WHO ELSE WOULD DO THAT BESIDES ARIANA GRANDE??? SHE. DID. THAT. i’m not even ashamed to admit sometimes i skip through the whole song and listen to the last verse just to hear her sensational high notes. it’s amazing and so is ariana.
9. nasty
i don’t know what else to say except nasty is everything. it makes me feel like i’m floating on a cloud. it releases the bad b inside of you, and let’s not forget the intro in which she starts the song with MORE high notes. she spared no falsettos in this album, thank goodness. if this song isn’t in your top 5, what are you doing with your life?? it’s magical, peaceful, and sensational.
10. west side
once again, “west side” was a grower. at first, i felt the same way to this song as i did with “six thirty.” i thought it was boring, but then one day it randomly got stuck in my head, and when i went back to listen to it, i really liked it. it’s not anything spectacular, it’s a cute song, so the short length is perfect.
11. love language
add this to the list of growers. i love the vibe of this song. it’s very theatrical and gives me circus vibes in the best way. it’s something different, and very cool. the lyrics are cute and calm. i will admit when i first heard it, i didn’t get the weird ending. the song stops and after a couple of seconds it picks back up for another 30 seconds or so. it’s an interesting twist, but it was so unexpected and it caught me so off guard that i literally thought i started a new song. i don’t know why she did that, maybe ariana wanted to keep us on our toes. she really said, “pay attention, and don’t get too comfortable.” i can respect that. the last verse was a nod to her boyfriend dalton, of course. i thought the last few lyrics were really cute and fitting since he’s a real estate agent.
I ain't tryna sign no lease I'm just gon' make you my home
12. positions
here she is, the title track. not gonna lie, i go through phases with this song. i loved it at first, but then i heard the rest of the album and i thought wow she pulled a taylor and picked one of the weakest songs as the single. it’s cute and catchy, but when you compare it to the other songs, it’s not one of the strongest. i still like it and i’ll listen to it, but it’s not going to be one of my favorites. the music video was exceptional though. ariana in the white house?
she’s got my vote!
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nothing but respect for MY president!
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one more...
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ok you get it, i’ll stop.
13. obvious
i didn’t think this song was too special at first listen, but i changed my mind. i really like it now, and it’s one i’ve had on repeat. it’s cute and short, but it still makes me feel good. the lyrics are really sweet. good job ariana!
ladies and gentleman, put your phones on silent, the show is about to begin...
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14. pov
HOW do you recover from that religious experience? i feel like i went to heaven. that’s the best way to describe this sweet and emotional ballad; you went to heaven. if pov isn’t your #1 fav from this album, rethink your life decisions. i implore anyone who doesn’t want to listen to the album to at least listen to this song. it’s too beautiful and the lyrics are something else. see for yourself.
I wanna love me (ooh) The way that you love me (ooh) Ooh, for all of my pretty And all of my ugly too I'd love to see me from your point of view I wanna trust me (trust me) The way that you trust me (trust me) Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do I'd love to see me from your point of view
i mean... come on...
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and let’s not forget the bridge aka my FAVORITE PART
I couldn't believe it or see it for myself Boy, I be impatient, but now I'm out here Fallin', fallin', frozen, slowly Fallin', got me right I won't keep you waitin' (waitin') All my baggage fadin' safely (my baggage fadin') And if my eyes deceive me Won't let them stray too far away, I
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i’m still not over it. clearly.
she sounds beautiful, and i choose to believe this song was crafted by God himself. i mean, how did she expect us to feel after ending the album with a BALLAD? it’s like ariana knew what i liked. thanks for catering to my wishes, girl. i have nothing bad to say about this song. if i could listen to the bridge on repeat (and i do), i’ll be happy.
overall thoughts:
like i said, people dragged ariana for not changing up her sound, and i don’t know if it’s because i’m not some music expert or what, but i don’t really care. i like this sound, and i don’t see anything wrong with it. let’s not forget the last time she experimented with a different sound we got the mess that was half of “sweetener.” half of that album is comprised of skips, sorry sweetener stans, i won’t lie. she released an album at a time where we all needed an escape, and i’m grateful for that. also, if you listen to the album in order, it tells a story of the fear of falling in love again, but eventually letting that fear go and finding happiness with a new person. it’s incredibly fitting with ariana, and i wish her nothing but the best with everything she’s gone through. i love this album, and that’s all.
the weakest songs: six thirty, 34+35, and positions
the strongest songs: pov, safety net, just like magic, and nasty
sending ariana love and light
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0 notes
sambart93 · 8 years ago
2017.05.01 Shinsekai Romance Orchestra Review!
My wonderful friend managed to get me tickets to Ueda’s stage for my Birthday DAY! I was super excited! Especially seen as it marked ONE year since their hiatus and ONE year since I’d last seen them live. So it was three super special things in one! Although I hear some people don’t find their birthdays special... that’s a shame... anyway! Onto the stage!
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Official Website here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4
Ueda Tatsuya Shimizu Kurumi Saori Misato Aoyama Nagai Mijika Nemoto Shuko Miyazaki Tomu Nishida Naomi
Overall: This was entertaining. It was definitely comical like they promised but the story was a lot more simple and very different to what I originally was expecting. I enjoyed myself and there was a lot of meta jokes; they joke about members leaving and they sang random Johnny’s songs and one character even says KAT-TUN lyrics are normal sentences quite a few times. Ueda did amazing and I’m very proud of him carrying this entire play for two hours without a break pretty much. Rating: 6/10
Unfortunately this is going to be pretty short. I wish I’d watched this twice so I could have a better idea of what happened and such and also it’s been like two weeks since I last saw it so my brain is a little rust. Sorry but I’ll try my best!
So the MAIN STORY is:
Ueda is a composer and the main lead of his now 2 (was 4) person band, but he’s currently in a writing slump and can’t figure out their next hit single. He wants to write something rocky but the only time he’s inspired to write and the only time he can figure out the next part of his song is when he sleeps with women (and they only give him soppy love song ideas) and so he’s made a system where he has multiple girlfriends at once so he can see a different one every day, sleep with them and still be inspired while having one day a week off/rest from them. 
BUT it starts with him breaking up with the one girl who doesn’t inspire him when they’re together but at first she refuses and proposes to him. So the entire story is him getting in trouble with these multiple girlfriends while realising he‘s in the love the one he tried to break up with in the beginning and trying to accept that she is all he needs in her life.
Crazy right?!
First can I quickly talk about the actual theatre because I found it totally weird! So there’s three floors to this theatre, yes three! So you’d imagine it’s this huge theatre right? WRONG! First floor has only 15 rows and then floors 2 and 3 only have 2-3 rows each. What the actual?!?! Just put ALL 20 rows on ONE floor! It’s SUCH a weird layout. AND the platforms stretch out much more than where the seats finish so everyone has to lean forward to see the front of the stage if they’re on second or third floor. It’s so inconvenient and silly and stupid. See here.
Ueda Tatsuya: I’m so proud of this boy! For some reason, even though I’ve seen him act quite a few times (but never on stage), I was worried if he’d be able to do stage. I know he technically works on a (song) script when he does concerts but my brain was like ‘can he even do stage?!’ because naturally it’s different to TV and concerts right?! But I am so proud! He is literally on stage the entire 2 hours bar like 10 minutes and he didn’t obvious slip up and his performance was both funny but sexy but cool but his angry moments too were great! I really proved he can act! I am so so impressed at how well he delivers comedy too! ^_^ He was so cute during curtain call too. At the first one he hopped over the pool but because it was wet, he slipped forward and you heard ALL the girl (aka the entire audience) go ‘ahhh!’ but he regained his balance straight away. And then at the second curtain call he was walking off while waving but he was so focused on the audience he didn’t realise he was about to walk himself off the stage xD and we all freaked again but he just smiled and laughed at us so mischievously xD
Shimizu Kurumi: She played his one true love of his life. She was annoying and had a silly logic BUT it worked for the stage. An example of this will be the very first scene where he tries to break up with her and she doesn’t react and he’s like ‘you're not upset? You’re not going to cry?’ and she’s like ‘why would I cry? We’re not breaking up. We’re going to marry each other’ and he’s like ‘what you on about crazy bitch?’ and she’s like ‘I figured it out *pulls out paper* your only option is to marry me in the end’. So in real life; that is bad shit crazy(!) but for the story, it worked. I also really loved her outfits! And she did other crazy things like go into the pool fully clothed and always greeted him from his roof’s window after they broke up because she gave her key back to him. She was sweet but in real life would be a crazy bitch xD
Saori: If I remember correctly she was the ex-manager who he used to date. She’s still very much in love with him and still flirts with him and she’s still his bit on the side. It was her story to learn to let go of him and move on, and kinda gain some self respect for herself and her body.
Misato Aoyama: She plays the idol who Ueda’s been in love with since she was a young child star. But she’s nothing like her idol pictures and she’s very disgusting too (lots of fart sounds for her) but she always very chill and energetic. She didn’t care about the fact he was cheating on her so long as he was with her somewhat.
Nagai Mijika and Nemoto Shuko: They play Ueda’s Chinese maids and they aren’t attracted to him but they do allow him to have his way with them. Even he’s disgusted at the fact he becomes attracted to them, especially because “I don’t like foreigner girls” as he claims a few times. They’re definitely one of the main comedy reliefs and are always very straight and direct with their verbal abuse towards Ueda which is hilarious. Also Nagai’s character is able to see paranormal and supernatural beings whenever she cuts herself (which is easily cured and mended through her sisters special salt which she rubs in after) ,so the entire last 30minutes are literally spent her (and the rest of the girls) cutting themselves so they can talk to Ueda who is currently in a coma in the hospital but his spirit has come to them as a final penance. I really enjoyed the twins although couldn’t help but think its a shame they hired Japanese people to play Chinese maids but I guess that’s my White Western First World ideologies kicking in. They did great and I laughed at them a lot.
Miyazaki Tomu: The only other guy in this stage and he is so ridiculous and funny! He’s the only other member left in the band and he’s brought it upon himself to play ALL the band instruments and pose at the members who left. So in one Music video it’s Ueda singing while we transition to different shots of him on different instruments and with different coloured hair so you can see there’s a difference xD we were ALL laughing. Also at the end, unfortunately he actually dies and tries to take Ueda with him and he spent his last scene IN and AROUND the audience just spouting abuse at the girls and then he pretends to die and lies on the floor for ages and such. Very funny xD
Nishida Naomi: She’s probably the most famous actress/actor out of them all - or at least for me she is. She was great! She played a charmingly funny but somewhat crazy one. She spends a lot of time crying and with such a lack of confidence. She’s like ‘if I was a good manager then you wouldn’t always be consulting your ex-manager right?!?!’ and Ueda is like ‘no I just sleep with her... she’s not my manager, you are! You’re a great manager!’ and she’s like ‘really?! *all happy for a second* BUT! You sleep with her and not me because she’s prettier!!! *calms a little* I’M SORRY! PLEASE DON’T HATE ME! I DON’T MEAN TO BE NEGATIVE! DO YOU HATE ME?!?!?’ She’s actually hilarious xD her and Ueda were the funniest I think.
Now onto some scenes and comments and such:
So the people in the band are Ueda and Miyazaki Tomu. It was originally 4 people but very quickly into the show Ueda comments ‘well they left...*looks to the audience* you know who left!’ and everyone died laughing because he was clearly commenting on KAT-TUN losing members.
I thought it was interesting how they did the sex scenes; they would do like a duet dance around the stage while they held music notes showing that he was being inspired in his music as he slept with them. It was creative and much more visually pleasing than just seeing him ‘have sex’ with the girls on stage.
The two Chinese characters at one point started randomly singing ‘100% Yuuki’ which got everyone giggling.
Also towards the end it got pretty ridiculous and the girl would cut herself in order to see ghosts and before she did it (every time) everyone was like ‘why are you doing this to yourself?! It’s dangerous!’ and every time her only reply was ‘Giri giri de itsumo ikite itai kara’ which got laughs every time.
There’s a 5 - 10 minute sequence where all the girls want to go and watch LaLaLand at the cinema with him; at first he’s reluctant but by the end of it he ends up even inviting his band member to go and see LaLa Land with him because he’s seen it that many times and fallen in love with the movie and it’s music (xD), and the music from the show plays over during this scene too. So safe to say this stage WON’T get a DVD because of possible copyright infringement from this movie xD
The finally few minutes and final scene starts with the title (on the wall) ‘One Year Later’ and that really hit me in the feels because I went exactly one year after KAT-TUN went on Hiatus and the whole scene was about him and his lover finally getting back together and reuniting after a year of being apart. And to have that scene and for JE to NOT announce KAT-TUN’s come back one year later was really a blow to the feels; especially because JE fucking WROTE this stage. WHY would you do something like a ONE YEAR LATER scene and NOT announce KAT-TUN’s come back one year later? That’s fucking brutal and cruel JE...
All in all, I was laughing at all the meta jokes throughout this and this was entertaining, and I enjoyed myself a lot and the story is crazy and I did laugh pretty much the entire time, but underneath all that... I couldn’t help but be really hurt and sad too whenever some things were brought up, especially the ones about members leaving and the whole coincidental ‘one year later’ especially because I went on May 1st which is exactly one year since they went on hiatus and such. I definitely felt a stab in my heart. Also the making self harm a joke kinda hurt me at first but I decided to suck it up and just not take that too seriously.
It was definitely comical like they promised but the story was a lot more simple and very different to what I originally was expecting. When I saw the visual I thought we were going to be getting an actually musical orchestra university thing with Ueda as the star of the orchestra and he was like the Prince but it ended up being a lot more low budget, a lot more simple, realistic and completely different. But it was good.
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Hope you enjoy that!
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forkylepics · 7 years ago
Gabriella Valeska (HiST Trondheim) Du tickst nicht ganz richtig, Gabrielle...und ich weiß ehrlich noch nicht, wie ich damit umzugehen habe. Ich meine, hier und da sind mir schon diverse Clownsfiguren ĂŒber den Weg gelaufen...mit Joker und Harley bin ich was Entertainment betrifft im Grunde mehr als bedient...aber was du nun von dir gibst, purr. Du machst mich sprachlos und nach einem Haufen Arbeit klingt ihr, Dein Bruder und du, im Doppelpack dazu. Ihr wollt uns also enthaupten, uns unsere Gesichter stehlen? Wie gedenkst du jenes anzustellen, frage ich mich? Und wo wird die Ausstellung untergebracht? Etwas hat es ja, das sollte ich dir lassen. So mĂŒsstest du dir nie mehr einen Kopf ĂŒber Masken und die passenden GesichtszĂŒge machen. Aber, dennoch
ich bin ziemlich zufrieden mit meiner eigenen Visage, also muss ich das Angebot dankend ablehnen. 
Clyde A. RautĂȘ  Aber, nicht dafĂŒr! Magst du mir etwas von dir erzĂ€hlen, Clyde? Ein bestimmtes Zitat, das dir am Herzen liegt zB, jenes du mit einer Gesichte aus deinem Leben verknĂŒpfen kannst? 
Cornell Keller (BBK London) You just got yourself a deal, Keller. Also, welcher schönen Stadt darf ich einen Besuch abstatten? Und wessen Geldbeutel ist es, der leiden wird? (Das ruft förmlich nach aufregenden Romanen, or is it just me?)
Sloana Dreyfus (Australien) As long as you’ll be patient and still into writing with me, I’m good. I’d hate to miss the opportunity to be in touch or exchange novels! Same with me. Any special plans for the weekend?
Timothy Drake  That’s the spirit! Ich hoffe, wir tragen zu deinem angenehmen Aufenthalt hier gut bei
Jason mag es vielleicht nicht oft zugeben, doch schĂ€tzt er deine Anwesenheit sehr, da bin ich mir sicher. Ahhh, die berĂŒhmt berĂŒchtigten Gothamburger, ich seh schon. Wo du so von erzĂ€hlst, musst du mich aber schon auch einladen, Timmy, I’m waiting! You got it, derzeit besitze ich einen verdammt vollen Terminkalender, ich bin komplett ausgebucht. Sag bloß du hast dein Auge auf etwas geworfen, welches deine liebe Katze fĂŒr dich besorgen soll?
Hannah Rogers  Frag mich mal
ich lasse sie beinahe schon verwesen und meckere dann, weil ich sie ‚abarbeiten‘ muss— was totaler Schwachsinn ist, da ich nichts lieber tĂ€te, als mich mit allen konstant zu unterhalten. Why are we like this? Du sagst es, girl! Der Boyfriend-Style ist einfach zeitlos und besser könnten wir Frauen ihn wohl kaum umsetzen. Hast du gut in dein Wochenende gestartet, Han?
Damon Whickham  Ernst gemeinte Komplimente sind mir eben am liebsten. Jene, die man mitteilt, weil es schlicht und ergreifend der Wahrheit entspricht — nicht, um irgendetwas erreichen, oder irgendwo landen zu können
das ist verdammt wichtig. Wenn ich deinem Ego etwas gutes tun konnte, umso besser fĂŒr dich! Umbringen wohl kaum, nein. Kann sich ein Vampir denn auf den Geruch einer Katzenfreundin einlassen? 
Lolita Bazzoli  Von welchem Stoff ist ĂŒberhaupt die Rede? Wie kann ich wissen, dass du auch ausschließlich nur mit dem Besten vom Besten handelst?  Jeffrey ValĂ©t (IPAC Annecy) s Dann werde ich die dunklen Gassen ab jetzt besser umso aufmerksamer scannen, um auch ja keine deiner mano cornutas zu ĂŒbersehen! Now we’re talking. Das ist eine wahnsinnig geniale Idee, I’m in! Katzenohren, purr, das gefĂ€llt mir
sie könnten aus einer deiner gehörnten HĂ€nde (diese vier Worte in dem Satz= mindfuck) ragen, was meinst du? Let’s get this party started. Graciana Winchester (Paraguay) Das ist immer wieder schön zu vernehmen! Auch ich kann wirklich nicht klagen, danke der Nachfrage. Was machst du denn schönes? Anastasia R. Steele Aber gerne, Anastasia.  Basil Thimonier (McGill MontrĂ©al) Es wĂ€re doch fĂŒrchterlich dumm von mir, wĂŒrde ich deine Anwesenheit nicht Willkommen heißen, wo doch du mir die Möglichkeit bietest, an einen anderen Ort gehen zu können. Wo wĂŒrdest du gerne sein, erzĂ€hl mir von deinen WĂŒnschen, damit ich deine Vorlieben mit einberechnen kann.  Andrea Benton (AU Paris) Du schmeichelst mir, Andrea, da werde ich ja noch rot! Ja, ich bemale mein ganzes Gesicht...oft schaue ich dann aus wie ein Panda, das eine Mal hatten mir dann sogar die smokey eyes gefallen, also you never know! Aus jedem Missgeschick kann sich auch Schönheit entwickeln, man muss nur daran glauben. Nein, glĂŒcklicherweise scheint meine Hand schon automatisch darin geĂŒbt zu sein— wie aus Reflex ziehe ich inzwischen den Lidstrich, als hĂ€tte ich eine Schablone genutzt, darauf bin ich ziemlich stolz. Oh, die Outfits und das Makeup mĂŒssen immer stimmen bei meinen AuftrĂ€gen, schließlich ist das Aussehen die halbe Miete und ĂŒberzeugen muss ich auf die Weise augenblicklich. First impressions, das ist kein Mythos. Zur Zeit bin ich stolze HĂŒterin von vier liebevollen Katzenjungs (Besitzerin kann man es nicht wirklich nennen, sie sind alle ihre eigenen Herren), frech und doch verschmust. Du wirst sie lieben! Ich bin sicher, sie werden dir direkt die FĂŒĂŸe kĂŒssen. Aber hallo, du wirst jeden Tag fabelhaft aussehen, wĂ€hrend meine Babies stets einen vollen Magen genießen können. Ich kann mir nichts besseres vorstellen. Ow, das ist das sĂŒĂŸeste Geschenk, ich kann es kaum erwarten. Ich bin sicher, du findest da eine passende Brille, die auch du dir dann ab und an ausborgen kannst. Ach ja? Welche Batman-Comics hast du dir durchgelesen? Ich muss da mal wieder hinein finden, habe es wirklich viel zu lange schweifen lassen, da fĂŒhlt man sich beinahe schon schlecht. Und hey, erzĂ€hl mir wie es dir geht, ja? Und was so aufregendes in deinem Leben geschieht zur Zeit! 
Peter Parker (UoY York) Das klang jetzt aber sĂŒĂŸ. Du meinst also, die Zeit sollte Angst vor mir haben, ja? Nun, I’m always on the run, time often suffers under my pressure. Spotify Premium? Purr, consider me jealous. Officially. Magst du mir deine Uni-Emailadresse verraten? Ich schwöre auch hoch und heilig auf meine Katzen, die mir am liebsten sind, dass ich nichts verbotes anstellen werde...Meinst du? Sei nicht so sexistisch und hart zu dir selbst, Parker. Sicher liegt es einfach nur an deiner Schusseligkeit, nicht an deiner SexualitĂ€t! Aber, wenn du magst, kann ich dir hin und da ein wenig aushelfen, oder dir Nachhilfe darin geben, wie man wirklich multitaskt! Ha, can’t help it. You’re worth being a fan of. Ich meine, sieh dich an. Wer kann schon von sich behaupten Spinnennetze weben zu können und das auch noch mithilfe der coolsten Handbewegung? Sag ich ja, beeindruckend. Damn, a guy that can sew and work a sewing machine?!?! #HusbandGoalsOnFleek. Ja, oder? Was es da draußen so alles gibt, verdammt cool. Ein Freund von mir hat sich einen Fidget Spinner zugelegt, aber nicht nur irgendeinen, sondern im Batman-Symbol. Von Amazon bestellt, fĂŒr 2€ und 3 Wochen darauf gewartet. Talk about fanatic people.  Purrfect, wir sollten einen geheimen Club eröffnen und uns Codewörter erstellen, wenn wir dann an der TĂŒr unserer versteckten Garage klopfen. So sortieren wir alle ungebetenen GĂ€ste direkt aus! Was sagst du? (Omg, da will ich uns dreien direkt eine Gruppe erstellen) You’re cute af. Go ahead, frag mich, ob ich ein Hundemensch bin, macht mir nichts aus. Es sind sĂŒĂŸe Tiere, aber nichts geht vor meinen kitties. Ow, erzĂ€hl mir von ihr. Was ist ihr Name, und wie alt? Ich muss sie unbedingt mal streicheln kommen. Ich lebe fĂŒr die Schmusebabies. Hey, falls du noch Geschenke benötigst, oder irgendwelche Ideen...hit me up, ich bin sicher da lĂ€sst sich etwas finden(stehlen), das du dann weiter verschenken kannst! Na, das will ich doch aber auch hoffen. Einen Stammgast wie dich in meiner Bar dann tĂ€glich begrĂŒĂŸen zu dĂŒrfen, das wĂŒrde mir den Alltag umso mehr versĂŒĂŸen. Da gibt es so einige versteckte Ecken hier in unserem heißgeliebtem Gotham, aber du kennst es sicher...unsere Bösewichte lieben es, alles unter ihre Fittiche zu nehmen. Wie sind deine letzten Tage so gewesen, gibt es irgendwelche neuen Abenteuer, von welchen du mir erzĂ€hlen magst? Belle Kiyomasa (UniversitĂ© Francois Rabelais) Ich wĂ€re sicher am Besten in einer Bibliothek aufgehoben, da hast du wohl recht, auch wenn man mich dann nicht mehr von solch einem schönen Ort wegbekommen kann. Wie stehst du denn zu BĂŒchern? Teilst du meine Leidenschaft fĂŒr BĂŒcher? Wobei, hast du denn ĂŒberhaupt Zeit zum Lesen, da ich hier ja Catwoman vor mir habe? Hast du eigentlichen Katzen? Wie schön, dass es dir so gut geht. Mir geht es nicht anders! Trystan CezĂĄr Caprysto (London IST) Wenn, dann aber wenigstens eine Urkunde, die nicht so leicht zu bekommen ist ;) Meinetwegen können wir direkt beginnen. GaspĂĄrd Vito de Cenzo  Das kann gut sein. Auf jeden Fall kann man mit mir vorzĂŒglich in den Tod reiten ;) Gotham? Reiner Braun (Uni Nottingham) schriebam 12.10.2017 um 17:28 Danke dir. Kieran Leal van Rossouw  Ich nehme - glĂŒcklicherweise - ĂŒberhaupt keine Position mehr dort ein. Harry Lyman (University of Oxford) Ich habe das KostĂŒm mehr oder weniger von meinem Vater ĂŒbernommen, der es selbst mit anderen Mitarbeiten, wenn man so will, entworfen hat. Antiheld? Eher weniger, mehr der Böse, weil ich den Mörder meines Vaters finden wollte und mich rĂ€chen. Als Spider Man dann vor mir lag, konnte ich es nicht, weil du weißt sicherlich wie ich wer Spider Man ist. x) Isabelle Lightwood (uni palermo) schriebam 1 Aw, ehrlich? Das freut mich jetzt aber zu hören, denn ich feiere jede deiner Antworten. Besonders die mit deiner Liebe zu Schuhen. Du weißt gar nicht wie Ă€tzend es ist, wenn niemand nachvollziehen kann was ich an ihnen so liebe. Meist kommt dann immer nur sowas wie "Ugh, die sind doch total unbequem" uhm, sie sind besser als alle Hausschuhe zusammen? Wow, jetzt haust du mich wirklich um. Mich berĂŒhrt es jedesmal, wenn jemand zu mir sagt und meint irgendwas hat sie an mich erinnert. Aber hey, zu dir passt er auch perfekt! Aber um ehrlich zu sein muss ich jetzt auch jedesmal an dich denken, wenn mir eine schwarze Katze ĂŒber den Weg lĂ€uft. Normalerweise deutet sie ja UnglĂŒck voraus aber ich denke es bedeutet GlĂŒck. Du gehörst doch zu den Guten, nicht wahr? Wow, das wĂ€re perfekt. Aber ein bestimmter Hashtag wĂŒrde mir auf die Schnelle gar nicht einfallen. Entschuldige, wenn ich so viel rede. Irgendwie habe ich heute das BedĂŒrfnis mich mitteilen zu mĂŒssen. Hardin    (University of Westminster London)  They look fucking awful but since you put in so much effort looking for them, let's consider them cute. Well done Catwoman. http://cdn1.clevver.com/wp-content/uploa...gif Matteo Huntington (Scotland) Ach komm schon, ein paar alte Geschichten werden doch wohl noch drin sein, etwas ĂŒber unser Arbeit fachsimpeln da man ja nicht immer gleichgesinnte trifft. Ich glaube nicht das sowas passieren wird oder liegt dein Spezialgebiet auf alte GemĂ€lde und Skulpturen? Sagen wir es mal so in der letzten Zeit waren es nur kleine AuftrĂ€ge die ich angenommen hatte da ich mich in einer art "Vaterschaftsurlaub" befinde. Pamela L. Isley (Candi London) Ab und an muss man sich eben auch unter die Menschen mischen, auch wenn man eher scheu ist. Außerdem wollte ich Harley und dich besuchen. Geht es dir gut? IljĂĄ KazĂĄchenko (ABS Birmingham) Na, das hört sich ja interessant an, was willst du nur mit all dem Zeug? Da gebe ich dir Recht, aber immerhin ist die Woche etwas entspannter. Deine denn hoffentlich auch?
Dinah Lance (UR) You certainy know how to spend your time and save your energy, Selina, you won't get an argument from me (and the picture is so cool, omg?? Immediately saved it). I must admit... working with you is truly something else. But it annoys me that we never really know what you're exactly fighting for. Why can't you just play with open cards, kittycat? It's getting exhausting. Mit dir wĂŒrde ich aber auch gerne so schreiben, irgendwie mĂŒssen wir ja weitere Erinnerungen kreieren, was? Und wenn wir schon mal zusammen hier sind... es sei denn, du spielst schon wieder nach deinen eigenen Regeln, dann hole ich wieder meine Waffe raus http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mu21D_uUpFU/U9...jpg. Das macht einfach nicht so viel Sinn, oder? Ich habe das teilweise echt nicht verstanden, wir sollten die Schreiber wirklich mal fragen, wĂ€re sowas von dabei. Mit „The kitty Birds“ bist du auf so einen simpleren und gleichzeitig viel besseren Namen gekommen als mein + llenlanger Vorschlag, I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now, du glaubst es nicht. Ach komm, hĂ€ttest du es als Vogel denn nicht genauso spaßig wie als Katze? BACWOGAWO könnte vielleicht sogar ein Geheimcode werden, da wĂŒrde bestimmt niemand drauf kommen. Ich liebe Birds of Prey auch so sehr! Zusammen haben sie immer so klasse gekĂ€mpft, das Team ist einfach nur grandios und allgemein kann ich dir da nur zustimmen, was gibt es cooleres, als einen Zusammenschluss von weiblichen Heldinnen und Anti-Heldinnen, die MITEINANDER und nicht gegeneinander kĂ€mpfen? And we fight some men along the line, besser geht's nicht. Von Batman Rebirth habe ich auch schon gehört, kam bloß leider auch noch gar nicht dazu, es zu lesen. Ich habe bisher auch nur wenige Rebirth-Exemplare lesen können, was echt schade ist, muss ich sagen. Aber Wahnsinn, dass er der Katze tatsĂ€chlich endlich einen Antrag gemacht hat! Was hĂ€ltst du davon? Und allgemein — was sagst du zu den beiden als (mehr oder weniger) Paar? Oh Gott, ich habe die Beziehung von Dinah und Ollie geliebt. Wobei ich ja sagen muss, dass ich mir Green Arrow ohne Black Canary auch irgendwie nicht ganz vorstellen kann, aber, auf der andere Seite, ich mir Black Canary ohne ihn eben echt gut vorstellen kann, macht das Sinn? Vermutlich nicht, aber ich wollte, dass man Dinah nicht immer nur auf diese Beziehung reduziert, wenn du verstehst. Was ja letztendlich doch gut gelungen ist!
Elara Crawfield (uni palermo) Obwohl ich meinen Account nun wieder zu einem TMI Account hab werden lassen, kann ich es dir gerne erzĂ€hlen. x) Sense8 ist einfach magisch, ehrlich. Ich liebe alles an dieser Serie. Besonders fasziniert hat mich aber eben diese Verbindung zwischen den Sensates und auch, dass sie gejagt wurden. Aber eben auch, dass sie die FĂ€higkeiten der anderen "ĂŒbernommen" haben. Ich finde diese Serie ist absolute perfektion. Aber leider ist es sehr schwer, all das in einem Roman unterzubringen. Klar kann ich viel schreiben, aber es wĂŒrde die Handlung nicht voranbringen. Deshalb bin ich nun auch wieder ein Shadowhunter. x) Ivoire Thidotte (UTC CompiĂšgne) Du sprichst Französisch? Beeindruckend! Wenn ich dĂŒrfte wie ich wollte, wĂŒrde ich meine Magie stĂ€ndig anwenden. Aber solange man in der Ausbildung ist, ist es einem untersagt die Magie außerhalb des Zirkels oder des eigenen Zuhauses zu verwenden. Clarissa Fairchild (Catho Lille) Heyho, Selina! Naira Caspersen (DAA Hamburg) schriebam 17.10.2017 um 22:55 UhrHey, Selina. Jesse M. Reeves (Cataluña) s Guten Abend, Cat Woman! Gwendolyn Stacy (COU Kokkola) Hearts are wild creatures, that‘s why our ribs are cages. Bin neulich auf das Zitat auf Tumblr gestoßen und musste gleich an dich denken. Du bist bewundernswert, Kitty, und es ist mir eine Ehre, dich begleiten zu dĂŒrfen. FĂŒr dich trage ich sogar meinen Lederrock, darunter meine kniehohen Stiefel und lackiere mir die NĂ€gel Rot, obwohl ein knalliges Pink eher auf meinen Geschmack trifft. Also sag an, Kitty, wann steht unser kleines Abenteuer an? Wann darf ich das dumme Image des kleinen MĂ€dchens endlich ablegen? Ich bin schon ganz gespannt auf die vielen Diamanten. Und nur mal so nebenbei, ich vergöttere dein Bild. Blondes always do it better, don‘t they?
Marcel HermandĂšz (Prince Edward Islands) Hey, Selina.[ Joseph Goldberg (University Concordia) Woran es liegt, kann ich nicht sagen, aber ich kann meine Augen nicht von deinem Bild nehmen. Und das ist kein dummer Anmachspruch, ich finde es einfach schön. Pamela L. Isley (FLOS Sittard) s Und da ist die Zweite unseres kleinen Trio. Selina, wo treibst du dich herum? Harley jammert schon bereits nach dir. Eren JĂ€ger (Finsterwalde) Hey, du kannst mich ruhig beim Vornamen ansprechen.[ Leighla Hopkins (codarts Rotterdam) Und wie durch ein Wunder habe ich wirklich Sonne mitgebracht. x) Moran Armand Melun (Corvinus Budapest) sc Du meinst, ob ich etwas dagegen habe, die legale Grenze zu ĂŒberschreiten? Nein, ganz und gar nicht.[ Coralie Morrighan (Island) Oh, ich wĂŒrde mir an jedem Abend sofort freinehmen wenn es darum geht mit der berĂŒchtigten Catwoman eine Party unsicher zu machen, Liebes. Also sobald die nĂ€chste amĂŒsante Veranstaltung stattfindet, hit me up! Das stimmt, HĂ€ppchen zu stehlen klingt ebenfalls nach einer Menge Spaß, da werde ich auf jeden Fall meine grĂ¶ĂŸte Clutch mitnehmen! Findest du wirklich? Perfekt, dann bist du jetzt offiziell meine erste und einzige Enkelin! Ach, das war bloß ein kleines Konzert, die erste Band hieß Box and the Twins wenn ich mich recht entsinne und die andere war Lebanon Hanover. Wird dir mit Sicherheit nichts sagen, aber definitiv eine sehr gute Band!
Romeo Shaw (Newcastle University) Danke, Selina. Ruby    (UWE Bristol) Verzeih meine spÀte Antwort, ich war im Urlaub. Den freien Tag habe ich eigentlich nur rumgelegen, haha. So viel Entspannung und Ruhe unter der Woche habe ich sehr selten, da musste ich das einfach ausnutzen!
Tyrone Kinney (BA Gera) Hello, Selina!
Nathaniel Riveria (Goldsmiths London) Ich sag mal so, man muss es schon mögen eigentlich tÀglich sein Leben zu riskieren, indem man einigen DÀmonen in den Arsch tritt. Aber als anstrengend empfinde ich es nicht wirklich, es gehört einfach dazu.
Annie Leonhardt (Finsterwalde) s Ich finde deinen Tumblr Url genial, deinen Account auch, ich hatte selbst einmal, vor lÀngerer Zeit eine Selina.
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