#AHH i need to return smooches right now immediately
dtk-imagines · 7 years
*sneaks in* Smooch. *Runs*
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Kakyoin - Fateful Day
Kakyoin x Jotaro's sister reader
I freaking love the Joot-sister prompt
You were always used to Jotaro and you walking separatedly from and to school. The guy had way longer legs than you and would rather not be seen with you in public and near school, for reasons mysterious to you.
At first you felt offended that he would be ashamed of you, or just not bear your presence.
You did not know, in fact, that the reasons he kept his distance from you as much as he could when on schoolgrounds or when going to school, was to protect you from danger.
Not only was Jotaro constantly surrounded by crazy girls who would probably harass you for existing in his world, but he also had troubles, to understate, with local delinquents and other gangsters who wanted to throw some hands at him.
Furthermore, with the new discovery of that bizarre, seemingly evil spirit that started following him around, you were really the last person he wanted to hurt.
Unfortunately, being distant from his little sister wasn't near enough to protect her this time.
One fateful day, soon after your grandfather arrived in Japan and Jotaro got out of holding, you were walking home from school as usual.
Jotaro was already a solid five minutes away in front of you, which meant you were all alone.
You didn't mind the lone walk, the town was peaceful and you were used to it. But something irked you when you felt an insistant presence behind you.
You turned around, checking, but no one was there. You shrugged the feeling off, feeling a bit stupid for thinking the worse and kept walking, telling yourself it must have been a cat or an innocent someone who got home.
"Jotaro~! Welcome back- hm? Where is your sister?" Holly asked as she welcomed her son who just came home.
The boy grunted, reluctantly accepting his 'welcome home' smooch. "She's coming. She's just slow."
After a long while of waiting for your return, Holly started to worry, stress and anxiety clouding her mind. Panicked, she barged in Jotaro's bedroom. You weren't usually this late.
"Jotaro, are you sure Y/N was behind you? It's been almost thirty minutes and she's still not back…"
Jotaro huffed in annoyance as he got up from his laid down position on his bed.
"Yare yare daze, quit worrying over nothing, she's probably fine."
" 'Probably'?!"
"What's going on, Holly?" Joseph joined in after hearing the commotion.
"Y/N's not back from school yet… I'm scared something might have happened to her…" Holly explained to her father, dread even more evident in her voice as she worded her worries.
Joseph rubbed her shoulder in reassurance, "It's okay, Holly, I'm sure she's not that far. Jotaro! Get up and go look for your sister! You're supposed to keep an eye on her, that's your role as a big brother!"
The old man scolded as the teenager stood up and got on his way, as if he had been asked an annoying chore.
"Yare yare, you're all so noisy over nothing." He put his shoes back on and took his leave.
Stopping every once in a while and unable to shake off your uneasy feeling truly delayed you. You were sure you'd never hear the end of this if your father knew how late you were today.
"Kujo..." A sudden deep voice called right behind you, and you turned around, meeting with a complete stranger. "…Am I correct?"
"Yes?" You replied a bit shyly as you turned fully to him. "And you are...?"
As you now had a better look at him, you realised how handsome he actually looked. Not at all how you imagined a potential creep following you.
He wore your school's uniform but you didn't recognize his face. He must be a new student, you told yourself. He had beautiful red hair and a white shawl that flew gracefully in the wind. He was also strongly and elegantly built. Just who was he?
But all that charm quickly shifted as he smirked eerily in response. He approached you, his eyes glaring into your soul and you stepped backwards as fear built up inside you. Why was he looking at you like that so suddenly?
The uneasiness from before came up tenfold, this time completely justified. You spoke up as he came uncomfortably close to you, towering over your much smaller form.
"U-um… Did you need something…?" You hesitantly stuttered as he now stood arm-length away from you.
"Yes I do." He spoke confidently, his goal like set in stone. "I need you to lead me to your brother."
"What? My brother? If it's a fight you want with him, I won't let you." You protested with more confidence, now that you started to understand where he came from.
You were used to people trying to pick fights with Jotaro. You knew your brother had way too many enemies for his own good, and surely you wouldn't let anyone get to him and filter them out if you had the occasion.
"Who even are you? I don't recognize you from school…" You squinted your eyes warily. This boy arised too many questions in your mind.
Kakyoin smiled softly at you, which you didn't trust at all. He was fishy and there was something in his eyes that you quite couldn't put you finger on.
"My name is Kakyoin Noriaki." He sighed. "I didn't want to use force on a lady, but you don't leave me any choices..."
Before you could even react, green tentacle-like appendices appeared from behind him and lunged at you. You gasped and bolted away as fast as you could.
You knew it. It was bad. Real bad. You had no chance against a Stand user like him, you couldn't manage your own newly found Stand just yet. It was exactly like your grandfather said.
You tried to run, but not even 2 meters far and his green vectors wrapped around your ankles.
As you were about to trip and land on the floor, more of the tentacles wrapped around your legs, waist, arms and wrists, preventing you from falling, keeping you still in mid-air.
You couldn't move. Kakyoin came up behind you as you struggled in Hierophant Green's grip.
"Well that was easy." He snickered over your tied up and desperate form.
"LET ME GO!! LET ME- HMMFF!" He put a large hand over your mouth, effectively silencing your now muffled screams.
"Shhh! Don't make this harder for us, I'll just borrow your body real quick. It'll be over before you even know it. I'll make this painless, I'm a gentleman."
He released your mouth and Hierophant green squeezed itself around your neck, choking you, your mouth agape for you desperately needed air.
He took this advantage to grab your wrists and lock you against his chest as his Stand released you to nest itself inside your opened mouth.
Your body tensed up at the foreign and disgusting feeling of the spirit slipping down your throat and you violently squirmed in Kakyoin's grip as he forced your mouth closed, keeping the Stand inside to own your will and possess you. Just as Dio had taught him.
"Good. That's good. Jotaro would never kill his own sister, now would he? Even though his own sister will kill him. How tragically ironic."
He wrapped his arms back to your midsection as you stopped squirming, tired and breathless from fighting against him in vain. He held you against him as he knew you would surely collapse if he let go.
"Haaah… Ahh… Haaaa… Haaahh…" You panted shakily, scared and exhausted as your head hung low and your cold hands rested upon his own, barely able to swat them away from you with how shakey you were.
You were weak and alone, which was perfect for him to use. He chuckled and you felt the rumble of his chest against your back as he did. You felt like crying.
"It's too bad that you have to die. You're so cute, I would have loved to bring you to Master Dio with me."
You suddenly felt nauseous. You felt his stand inside you, trying to slide itself into every part of you and take control of your body.
You tried to resist, your arms and legs were shaking, your arched your back and writhed in pain, you knew your own Stand was fighting against it.
To Kakyoin's utter shock, Hierophant Green was violently pushed out of you by your own Stand as you let out lung-piercing coughs. Spitting the enemy out like some flesh-eating parasyte.
"WHAT-?!" Kakyoin yelped at the scene, but was then forced to let go of you as your Stand punched Hierophant Green in the face, the red-head owner feeling the hit full-force as well.
Kakyoin fell down, knocked down by the impact as you collapsed to your knees, coughing up and vomiting spit and blood.
Adrenaline pushing you through, you didn't let yourself any time to recover and took this chance to run away as fast as you could, taking sharp turns and passing through narrow paths that you prayed he wouldn't fit through or have the idea of searching.
You eventually lost track of him, gasping desperately for air as your lungs hurt in a dry and sharp pain, fed by the ceaseless pounding of your heart. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, you couldn't take it anymore.
Right as you passed the Torii gate of the temple nearest to your neighborhood, one you walked through every day, you passed out cold onto the paved holy ground.
Jotaro slowly walked his way back to the path you usually both took to come home after school. He walked and walked, but still no trace of you on the way.
Although he would never admit it, his anxiety grew inside him and his heartbeat quickened as he realised that you were way too far from home for his own liking. You were right behind him, how could this happen?
He started to feel guilty that he didn't even check if you were still following him or not. Especially when he realized that so many people, people who yearned to get under Jotaro Kujo's skin, could easily do so by taking you down and harming you, his own sister.
His train of thoughts were interrupted when he found something, or rather someone on the stoned floor of the local temple. And as he approached the figure, sure enough, his eyes widened and his heart jumped in his chest. No...
He immediately kneeled down next to you and lifted you to his lap. He checked you up and down for injuries and noticed you had fresh bruises forming on your wrists and neck and you were bleeding from your mouth. He could not believe what he was seeing.
"Aah… Jojo…" you whimpered in a wheeze as you recognized your brother's voice and his smokey scent.
"Who did this to you? What's the name of that fucking asshole?!" He growled, his gruff voice contrasting with the care he held you with.
"H-he's a stand user like you… Kakyoin… He's after you, don't go to school tomorrow…" You croaked and coughed out while looking up at his worried eyes and your brother scoffed.
"Yare yare, you're stupid to think I won't go to school and drum his ass."
He lifted you up and carried you back home to get your injuries treated. As to be expected, Holly freaked out at your state and Jotaro received a earful from Joseph who told him to never let a young girl walk all by herself, let alone his little sister and especially with all the trouble he gets into.
The next day, you stayed home to rest for the day, making you feel much better. Thankfully you had no major injuries and the Speedwagon foundation doctors knew about Stand inflicted wounds.
You had interesting chats with the guest Abdul and Joseph spoiled you all day like you were his baby which, to be fair, you were in his eyes.
In the mean time, Jotaro had met with Kakyoin and had an inevitable fight. Unfortunately, what Kakyoin had going on was much deeper than just wanted to bully Jotaro. When Jotaro came back home, he brought Kakyoin's unconscious body and you learned about what happened to him, about Dio, the fleshbud, and why he aimed at killing Jotaro.
Knowing what had transpired and with you doing much better, you decided to go check on the boy. You felt it was important to start allover with him.
You knocked gently on the guest room's door and slid it open, revealing Kakyoin in his injured state. Your brother truly did not hold back, you thought.
"Hello Kakyoin…" You greeted a bit shyly as you walked through the door. The red head looked at you with wide eyes as he recognized you.
"Y-...you're the girl I attacked yesterday?" You nodded and he sighed sadly. "I'm deeply sorry for what I did… That was.... Despicable of me..."
"Don't worry," You approached him and knelt down at his side. "My grandfather explained what happened to you. I'm not mad. You weren't yourself."
Kakyoin then glanced at your bruised neck and looked away in shame.
"I can't believe I harmed a girl… in such a low, awful way…" You chuckled lightly at his exaggerated worry.
"Hey, I'm fine! Look, you're in an even worse state than I am. Stop fretting and let us take care of you, okay?" You gently smiled at him.
He looked at you with a soft gaze. He bit his lip and blinked back the tears that prickled in his eyes. Were all members of this family pure redempting angels of sympathy and goodness?
"Thank you, Kujo, you're very kind..."
"Just call me Y/N." You smiled as you leaned in to move out some hairs that were stuck to his frontal bandage.
"Y/N…" He softly repeated, a blush rising to his face. Even your name was beautiful, he thought to himself, never daring to say it out loud.
His heart fluttered in his chest at your feathery touch and he felt suddenly much shier. He wanted to hold that soft hand in his own, but before he could even do anything, Holly called your name from afar.
"Y/N! Can you please come here for a second?"
"I'm coming!" You replied before looking back at the boy. "Sorry, I have to go. I'll let you rest until dinner is ready."
Kakyoin nodded and laid back down on the mattress. He let out a soft 'oh' of surprise when you gripped the blanket and tucked him in sweetly before getting up and leaving, sliding the door close behind you.
He sighed, unable to fight his little goofy grin.
"Damn it… I'm falling in love…"
Old writing again. I'm really just putting the dusty stuff I should have posted a year ago. I apologize for the poor litterature.
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costellos · 4 years
❥ ┋ ❝ bucci gang & how they kiss you!
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anonymous said: ahh i know you havent been writing jojo much but maaaybe lips + bucci gang?🥺
a/n: friend, I always got time for jojos. I just needed to expand my horizons a lil bit so I don’t get burnt out!! thank you for your patience; here are some bucci boys givin u some smooches in return. (side note, I wrote this while listening to i <3 u by Boy Pablo... I feel like it captures the dorky yet sweet vibe I was trying to go for here! I recommend you give it a listen while reading these.)
tw: none.
ask game: 💌 15 valentine’s day questions (closed!)
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bruno bucciarati.
Bucciarati's kisses are familiar.
he kisses you and it feels like that’s where he’d always meant to be. finger under your chin, lifting your face so you can meet his gaze. he looks at you so lovingly, with his eyes that remind you so vividly of the ocean he was raised by. waves are a terrifying thing, you’d reasoned. it takes and it takes, forcing whatever it grabs beneath the water.
that’s all you can think of when you peer into his eyes. jesus, how can he take your breath away with just one look?
your lungs feel so small when he kisses you. is this what it feels like to drown? to accept your fate and feel so whole? he hums whenever you kiss him. maybe he feels the same. whatever the case, he makes this second in the universe feel infinite. ↳ “I want you to know that I will never leave you. all this, everything that we have? it’ll always be like this, as long as you’ll let me have it.”
leone abbacchio.
Abbacchio’s kisses are hesitant.
it’s funny. he’s kissed so many people, many of which after his partner died. kissing away his regrets, trying to say goodbye to all his sorrows with every smack of his lips. it never worked, of course. but something about the way you kiss him makes him feel a little better (just a little).
he always leans in slowly. enough to show you that he wants to be close to you, that he’s dying to have you press his lips against his... but he won’t go closer than a few millimeters. he rests his forehead against yours, leaving it up to you to close the gap. and if you do, Abbacchio takes that as his cue to pull you closer. hands in your hair, mouth gasping for air. he needs you. he wants you to know that.
he’d never directly ask for a kiss. he knows he doesn’t have to. you know him like the back of his hand, and... admittedly, it’s an uncomfortable fact. but all the little parts of himself he’s shared with you are because he knows you wouldn’t hurt him. ↳ “I don’t think I’ve ever been truly happy. but when I’m with you, I get pretty damn close to it.”
giorno giovanna.
Giorno’s kisses are slow.
despite his popularity amongst Naples’s socialites, Giorno is horribly inexperienced. you’d never be able to tell until you share your first kiss with him. he holds his head so high, his stance so open and yet... he can’t seem to find a comfortable place to place his hand when he kisses you.
you have to guide him. “here, hold me like this,” you tell him, putting his hand on your cheek. Giorno wouldn’t say anything, though he loves how intimate the gesture is. 
he holds your face every time he kisses you now. he’s got you wrapped around your finger; you know he’s about to bring your face to his every damn time he clasps your cheek. but you don’t mind. he knows you don’t. it’s evident enough in the way he feels your smile.  ↳ “sometimes when you smile at me, all I can see is the sun. I know that’s... ah... a little much, but it’s true.”
guido mista.
Mista’s kisses are goofy.
you’re holding hands and Mista catches your glance. he grins at you, and bending down to kiss you, you know that as your cue to close your eyes and pucker up. but instead of a cute peck on the lips, what you find instead is his blowing a raspberry on your mouth.
Mista’s kisses are often like this. he loves catching you off-guard. that cute, pouty expression? your whiny “Miiiiistaaaa!” that rivals the Pistols’? priceless.
he always feels bad afterwards, though. in those moments he likes to grab the sides of your face, squish your cheeks, and kiss those puckered lips. he finds those kisses much more enjoyable. he loves how you melt into his touch every time. you grab his wrists, tilting your head just the tiniest bit to kiss him deeper, and the gunslinger’s going wild. ↳ “I know I say dumb stuff in front of you all the time, and it’s honestly because you make me feel dumb! n-not in a bad way, though!! my brain kinda short-circuits whenever I see you. it’s... it’s really nice...”
narancia ghirga.
Narancia’s kisses are unpolished.
he can never catch a break. the first time he tried kissing you, he tried doing it while you were looking forward. he called your name, though, and you turned your head too quickly — quickly enough to bonk foreheads with him. the second time, Fugo disrupted the moment by calling you on your phone. the third, you both tilted your heads to the right.
needless to say, Narancia gets horribly flustered any time he wants to kiss you. all those blunders only to embarrass himself...
so when he does feel comfortable enough to kiss you, he takes it slow. he calls your name in that tone you’re so familiar with and you just know. his kisses are stiff and shaky, yet excited all the same. he wants to do so much with you and nothing at all, to sit here and enjoy the moment but somehow take it to the next level. for now, though, he’ll do the former. ↳ “my chest feels like it’s blowing off a million fireworks whenever I’m with you! it’s so bright n’ loud, n’ that’s all I ever want with you!!”
pannacotta fugo.
Fugo’s kisses are nervous.
he’s always second guessing himself. he can’t tell if he’s reading the signs wrong, or maybe his technique isn’t good, or... or... the list goes on. it’s frustrating and you’re able to tell immediately.
“just ask,” you tell him. although he tries protesting, you shush him and continue. “if I want it, then I want it. if I don’t, then no big deal.”
so he asks you every time he kisses you. sometimes it’s before a mission, but most of the time it’s in bed. he always takes you by your shoulder — the face is far too intimate — before he presses his lips on yours. he’s rigid, motionless, as if he’d move too suddenly he’d break you. but then your fingers are in his hair, and he can feel his nerves relax. this is good. this is warm. this is home. ↳ “sometimes when you kiss me, I think about all the times I’d laid here thinking about how badly I wanted you... how stupid is that now, huh?”
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like this piece? here are some similar works! 🌑 🌒 🌓
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gravesightings · 4 years
May I request all the slashers with an s/o who throws temper tantrums when they mess up on something simple? Like they're trying to carry laundry but drop a sock so they throw it all to the ground and cry and yell how they an never do anything right. I just need some fluff bc it happens to me all the time. Also bonus points if theres something extra for brahms cause hes my favorite slasher
Thank you for your time! Have a nice day! :)
slashers with a s/o that has temper tantrums
Asa Emory / The Collector
startled the first time it happens but he’ll lend a hand if he’s able to.
thinks it’s... childish.
asa himself is quite aloof, so he’s amused at how quickly you can get upset over mundane things.
at the very least he’ll help you up on your feet again and give you an encouraging pat on the head before returning to his work.
condescending but he’s not about to insult you for it. if it keeps happening too often for his liking, he’ll just start ignoring you.
Billy Lenz
OH! same hat!
billy is admittedly not the best at comforting others but he’s willing to try for your sake.
gives very very tight hugs. ...almost feels like he’s trying to smother you in his chest.
turns out he was trying to suffocate you! whoopsie! (he’s trying his best.)
but he’s snapped out of it, see? proceeds to apologize in the form of many smooches on your face.
Bo Sinclair
also same hat!
but there’s only room for one in the temper tantrum boat and he’ll make sure you're aware of it.
denies he has problems with his own temper though. no he’s not losing his shit, YOU’RE losing your shit!!!!
don’t expect him to comfort you at all.
also thinks it’s childish but says it to your face and expects you to toughen up.
Brahms Heelshire
have you met him? brahms is the king of temper tantrums.
prone to meltdowns and not shy about it either.
whether or not he’ll comfort you depends on his bratiness level for the day.
no, no, no! this isn’t about you. you’re supposed to take care of him! not the other way around!
though he admits it does feel a little nice sometimes that he can give you some form of emotional support.
if you happen to catch him in a good mood then it’s his turn to spoil you! usually what he does is just try to cuddle your worries away.
if he’s feeling extra generous (or if you’re sick) he’ll even do the chores for you without needing to be asked.
but don’t forget to reward him afterwards. no, really. he’ll even remind you. remember when he spoiled you for an entire day? okay now do him too but for the rest of his life!
Bubba Sawyer
gold star! very resilient and knows exactly what to do.
bubby is very good at comforting people. especially if it’s his favorite person in the world! he can’t talk but he mumbles in a very reassuring manner.
gives the. best. hugs. so he’ll cradle you like a little baby if he feels that he must. (which is all the time.)
once you’re feeling a little better he’ll pull you right up and give you a firm pat on the shoulder. you’re okay! we got this!
very mindful after the first time it happened. makes sure to keep an eye on you from then on.
Jason Voorhees
once he realizes the situation, he’ll be a little puzzled at first. very understanding overall though.
you know what his momma did whenever he felt bad? that’s right! big bear hugs from jason! but you’re fortunate enough to not be crushed to death, he’ll make sure of it!
cages you in a very tight embrace - humming lowly as he rubs your back. just because he can’t talk doesn’t mean he can’t comfort you.
you might not have to lift a finger after this ordeal. jason’s gonna want to do everything for you at this point. there’s no room to be upset about doing something wrong when you’re not doing it at all, right?
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
doesn’t have the time nor patience for this even on his best days so boo hoo.
clearly you have a problem so he needs to fix that somehow. (but he’s not about to do it himself.)
why are you scowling at him for bringing a therapist? you’re supposed to be thanking him!
probably has the most logical approach, albeit too blunt. get that “we can fix each other” bs out of his face. he has a more realistic approach to these kinds of things.
Michael Myers
then perish.
your misery is his form of entertainment.
whenever you’re having one of your breakdowns you might spot him if you look hard enough. he’s there in a corner somewhere watching - motionless.
sometimes he sees it as mildly annoying but he’s not going to be an asshole about it unless it’s a repetitive thing.
oh what’s this? he’s picked you up? perhaps to comfort you? hah, that’s funny. proceeds to drop you on the couch and raids the fridge shortly after. turns out you were in the way.
Thomas Hewitt
knows immediately whenever you’re upset and won’t hesitate to come to your aid if he’s not too busy.
while normally very shy about physical contact, he’ll actually initiate himself this time just to comfort you.
makes him feel needed and it’s nice. except the part where you get angry though.
not very good at all that emotional stuff though. feel free to rant to him but he’s not gonna know what else to do.
if it’s a constant thing then he’ll take over your daily tasks for you without another word.
Vincent Sinclair
super dramatic every time. acts like you’ve been shot and rushes to your side immediately.
mother-hen override! vincent would drop everything in a blink of an eye just to comfort you.
literally won’t leave you alone unless he’s sure that you’re okay again.
would finish your chores for you unprompted.
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sinisterlyhan · 4 years
01. lee felix / 2834 words
some fluff here and there, soft sex, unprotected sex, established relationship, female reader, kind of dom!felix
a/n: alright, i have one more minho drabble to write and i think my brain will be fried for the remaining times. 
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felix was sulking when he walked into your shared apartment. you could see from the arch of his lips and how his eyes were dimmer than usual that he was upset, and the way he kicked his shoes off and had to fumble with the doorknob to lock the door told you he was not in his mind as well.
setting your laptop aside, your brows raised when he didn't greet you the way he always would when he gets home from classes and work, instead he sighed and headed straight inside for your shared bedroom, one that still needed heavy renovating ever since you two got together and impulsively decided to turn his bedroom into a storage room instead.
you got off the couch and headed inside as well, wanting nothing more than to ask if felix was doing okay. he rarely sulks like this, he had always been such a bright and cheerful person that seeing him so quiet all of a sudden made you feel uneasy.
the door to your room was opened and you pushed it open carefully before poking your head inside. you saw that his school bag was discarded at the corner of your messy desk and, and felix was standing by the bed, looking down at the blanket with a stoic gaze.
he jumped a little when he felt your arms wrapping around him from behind, one over and the other under his shoulders, your hands meeting each other in front of his chest. you leaned your chin on his shoulder, rocking him from side to side before you helped him relax by planting a muffled kiss to the nape of his neck.
"hello, love," he finally mumbled, turning slightly to the side before opting to lean his head against yours instead. he was smiling now, appreciating the surprise back hug that lingered as a form of silent support.
"hey," you greeted back, your voice soft. tilting your head to the side of look at him better, sympathy flooded into your eyes at his exhausted features before you asked, your pinky finger reaching up to brush at his blond bangs. "rough day today, huh?"
felix hummed sadly, his voice low but childish upon being asked to vent about his day. he has been waiting for all the pent-up negativity to explode from inside, and he was only ever comfortable with venting in front of you since he knew you wouldn't look at him any differently from it.
"remember the semester project i told you about? no one has done anything so i'm going to have to do half the work, and it's due this weekend so i need to rush it," he said. "and even though i want to tell our professor about it, i know i wouldn't at the end because i don't want my group mates to not get at least some credit."
you listened to him vent about his day. all the people who frustrated him along the way, an occasional slip-in of a funny incident with his friends, and then more terrible people he didn't know how to be mean to. listening to felix talk had always been a joy due to how nice his voice was, but now that you have fallen so madly in love with him, hearing about his day just became part of daily activity you could never miss.
"aww, i'm sorry your day went like this," you said as you pulled away to turn him around. felix was pouting down at you, his hands moving down to your waist to pull you closer to him. you laughed, knowing what he was asking for, and you quickly cupped his cheeks to plant a kiss on his lips.
he immediately smiled. he could never get tired of kissing you—it was like you applied some type of addictive candy to your lips, they were always so sweet and he could never get enough of them.
"i'm feeling much better now," he mused, his eyes sparkling at you with their tender lights.
you rolled your eyes, feigning a dramatic shiver as you squeezed his cheek. "cheesy," you mumbled before leaning in to kiss him again. "just the way i like it."
and felix didn't let you go this time around, his grip on your waist tightening with each smooch of your lips, unable to remove himself from your sweetness. you complied with his request, holding his jaw and tilting your head for a better angle.
just as the kiss got much needier, he suddenly pulled away, earning a whine from you. but when he caught your eyes by searching for him and you realized how much hooded they have become, you clamped your mouth shut to keep the verbal complaint from surfacing. his eyes were brown as the breaking soil, and they impacted you as nature would—beautiful, powerful, and very desirable.
you have seen them like that a few times before, sometimes after midnight and sometimes in the early morning but all of them had been warm, passionate occasions.
"can we have sex?" he asked, a surprise, little pout appearing on his face as he played with your shirt. "i really need you right now."
oh, how dare he look so pretty when he spilled such sinful words with such lustful voices.
"my baby needs helping to unwind?" you asked despite knowing the answer, once again swiping his bangs away from his eyes. he gave you an eager nod then, and you grinned before leaning in to kiss him yet again.
it was much more aggressive this time because this kiss would be leading to something bigger than just a hot makeout session.
besides, felix has been wanting you for the whole day. his only way of releasing his accumulating stress was by daydreaming about being able to be inside you when he gets home, to pound into your hot heat, and to hear your lovely voice whimper his name as your eyes squeeze in bliss because he makes you feel so, so good.
he pulled you onto the bed with him, pulling you by your hands and impatiently tugging you down to his side. you had to break away for a moment to take your shirt off, your heart eagerly punching your chest as you scrambled on top of his legs and straddled his this abdomen.
your hands flew back to his face and you brought your lips back to his, kissing and biting him until you could feel his lips swollen under yours. the tingling sensation of his hands danced across the skin of your back and your stomach, feeling your curve up, and the featherlight realization of your bra straps hanging loosely off your shoulders, waiting for him to rip it off of you was none other than exciting.
you squealed out a laugh when, without you knowing, felix unhooked your bra and it fell in between the two of you. he pulled away to swat the garment away, then he returned his attention to your glorious breasts. he sighed in admiration—it seemed he loved every part of them, from their size to their perkiness.
taking your bud in his mouth, he moaned at the soft roundness of your boob as you squirmed at the way his tongue kept flicking across your nipple. your arms went behind his head, hugging him to your chest at the feeling of your breasts being fondled so softly with his hand and mouth. it was the kind of attention you loved and deserved, and felix had always been giving it to you to the fullest extent.
as he paid his attention to your chest, he could feel blood rush to his hardening member the more you huffed and puffed at the feeling. soon enough, he was poking at your shorts, and you, after gasping at the feeling, ground down on him just to feel some friction.
"ah–fuck–" felix groaned at the pleasant feeling, his eyes closing for a moment before they opened to look at you. he was begging at this point, his cock twitching just at the thought of being able to pound into you senselessly, leaving all the problems in the world at the entrance of you heat. "please let me fuck you, (name)."
"what do you think we've been doing, lix," you said with a faint chuckle, sitting up and taking off your pajama shorts.
seeing that, felix quickly went ahead to untie the strings of his pants and shook it off his legs. you barely caught sight of his hardened member under his boxers before he slipped it off as well, letting his dick spring free. you gulped with a faint smile, knowing he would fit well inside you but anticipating the pleasurable stretch anyway.
he hissed when you grabbed his tip, your thumb running over to spread his pre-cum all over before you got back to your original spot. you casually sucked at your thumb as you positioned yourself, tasting the bitterness of his cum and smiling seductively at him as you sucked your thumb dry.
"god, that's hot," he said through clenched teeth, his head falling back against the headboard and his mouth agape.
the giggle on your face didn't last too long. when you sunk on his length, your eyes widened and your lips parted at the incredible stretch you really should get used to by now. felix had his hands on your hips, guiding you down on him with deep, raspy groans leaving his lips.
when you were finally seated with him slug inside of you, felix reached up to wipe at your eyes, and you huffed out a burst of soft laughter in appreciation of his concern. he smiled at you, utterly in love with the way you leaned against his hand for many reasons, before he kissed you with a hand traveling behind your neck.
without breaking away, you decided to put your thighs to work and started to bring your heat up and down on his cock.
you gasped into his mouth at the first stroke, and the second, the third. and you kept going at a slow pace, both to adjust to his length and to take the feeling to the fullest amount. and every fire that ignited in your chest as his shaft rubbed along your walls made you and felix whine ecstatically.
you looked down at him, finding his careful yet endeared gaze staring up at you. and felix seemed to fall in love with you again, right now with your hair fallen beautifully all over your face and you riding him so sensually, making him feel nothing but pure goodness.
"gosh, i love you so much." he had to say it, his voice hitching suddenly as you clenched around him. "ahh, you feel so good!"
you giggled, your hands going to his cheek and stroking it with your thumb. you went down to kiss his face, starting from his forehead to his eyes, and you moaned contently against his skin when your lips landed on his freckles because felix had thrust up against you.
the wetness kept building, your juices slick around his cock making you feel every inch of it. then you started to rush to feel it more, moving faster to give both you and felix as much friction as you could. his tip was venturing within you deeply, brushing and pressing repeatedly until it finally hit your favorite spot.
you broke away from his mouth to let out a pornographic moan, your head threw back and your hands gripping his shoulders tightly. knowing he had found the sensitive spot within you, felix brought his hands down to your ass and helped you maintain your position just so you could feel the same surge of electricity with each fallen thrust.
you were leaning on him for support, your head pressed against the side of his head as you moaned your delightful pleasures away. and felix took the chance to press his face against your breasts, feeling the pillowy surface but not letting that drown out the way you were taking his cock like your hole was practically made for him.
your thighs desperately going against your exhausted muscles as you chased the orgasm building at your core. "fuck–lix, i can't, i'm close," you whispered next to his ear, your hot breaths fanning against the sensitive skin and making him shiver.
something stirred within him, and he remembered once again his strong desire to fuck you. not like this where you rode him and he occasionally thrusts up to your cunt because he couldn't control himself, but as in him pinning you down and just sexually ramming into you, just hitting your spot again and again so he could get an ample amount of you screaming his name.
you squealed in surprise when he lifted you off of him and flipped you on your back. your hands went up to your head, his small hand just enough to pin your wrists above it. you couldn't move, felix was much stronger than you thought. before you could even comment anything about this sudden action, he inserted himself back into you harshly, causing you to let out a choked gasp.
"felix! i can't take mor–oh fuck," your voice kept being rendered breathless the more his hips snapped against yours, meeting you to the hilt before he dragged it out and going back in again.
he had this concentrated, rapturous expression on his face, indicating that you were doing extremely well in helping him forget his shitty day because now all that filled his mind was you, you, you. your pussy, your sounds, your body, your essence—felix could only care about you and how great you were making him feel.
and he was losing control over himself. you tightness clenching around his senses, blocking him from any sane thoughts that weren't about this exact moment. felix looked down, his hand still pinning yours above your head while his other hand kept your thighs separated for him.
you were loving it, he could tell; you were loving the restrictions just as much as he was enjoying how obedient you were being, just letting him fuck you open like this and still not being able to shut up despite how overwhelming you felt.
"fuck, lix–ahhh—" your vocabularies were reduced; if you knew words before, you didn't. all that managed to come out of your mouth have only been curses, a string of moans, and his name.
felix was enjoying himself way too much, as he should. your fucked out expression and your hoarse voice left a permanent mark in his head; something he had been and will be thinking about whenever he needed.
"shh, we're almost there," he whispered after leaning down to your face. his hand removed from your wrists, and, upon being released, they were quick to play down to his shoulders, going across to hug him to you.
your eyes were faintly teary, causing him to soften, so when he leaned down it was to kiss you instead of simply burying his face at your chest. you kept humming against his mouth, your breath quickening with each snap of his hips until he pulled away just enough for you to let your noises out properly.
"are you close?" he asked, grunting with his lips barely ghosting over yours and his droopy lids covering most of his eyes.
"y–yeah–" you nodded, your eyes shut tight when he went faster to chase your orgasms.
the balloon popped unannounced, leaking and coating your cum all around him, making his dick warm and covered. felix growled out loud, still fucking against you until he hit his own release, hot liquids squeezed out of his tip and mixing in with yours inside your used hole.
he collapsed on top of you when he was done, not pulling out just yet because he wanted to keep his cum—and his dick—inside where it was warm. your arms went tightly around his back to pull his clothed torso close, chest heaving with his. 
"was that okay? that was good, right?" felix asked after a brief moment of rest, still panting rather heavily.
you laughed with his ear pressed against your heart, stroking his hair. "yes, yes that was."
"thank you for making me feel so nice all the time," he pouted, turning his head so his chin poked at your skin. he turned childish again, back to the usual self you loved so much.
"of course," you said. "thank you for making me feel the same as well."
"do you want me to clean you up or should we stay like this for a little?" he asked then, hissing a bit when you tightened around him. he looked up at your grinning face, triumph littered all over the crinkle of your eyes and quirk of your lips, and he gave you a small, lustful glare.
oh, it seemed somebody was asking for round two.
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arcanadreams · 4 years
If you’ve played Chapter 12 of Sweet Elite, then you know what went down. Today I am here to humbly attempt to give us what we all want: A MISTLETOE SCENE WITH THE RIGHT PERSON!! WOO!
ANYWAY, here you go!! I hope you guys enjoy. I’ve only romanced Alistair so some others may be ooc but let’s hope not. Putting these under a cut because I’m assuming this is gonna get long!
As soon as he got back with your punch, the crowd around you guys started giggling and pointing. You two just looked at each other and shrugged. That was when they started yelling to kiss.
“What? Why?- Oh.” You finally spotted the mistletoe above the two of you. “There’s a mistletoe, Al! I couldn’t see it behind your head. You’re too tall.” That made both of you laugh.
“Really? Sorry,” he rubbed the back of his neck. The crowd had gotten bored of you both by that point. You took too long, and high schoolers have the attention span of a pigeon.
Having noticed no one was looking anymore, you quickly planted a kiss on Al’s cheek. He turned bright red immediately, holding a hand to his cheek. “What was that for? I mean, I really liked it-”
“The mistletoe!” You beamed at him and he felt like his heart could’ve exploded. He smiled back at you, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze. He was very glad he asked you to the party.
If you think this man would kiss you in front of a crowd, I’m afraid you are sorely mistaken. I think the most PDA you’d get from Mr. Professional would be him jumping off a bridge after you if you happened to fall off.
So when the crowd starts yelling for him to kiss, he simply rolls his eyes. “That’s not going to happen! Stop shouting, you’ll get us all caught.” A few people called him lame, but no one really had an argument. If y’all didn’t want to kiss, so be it!
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t disappointed. You were, like, super disappointed. You had been wanting to kiss this man since Halloween night! That’s two whole months of staring at his lips! And for what!
You were a bit bummed, but the excitement of spending the rest of the party with Tadashi brought your mood back up. You had almost forgotten about the mistletoe incident entirely until he walked you back to your dorm.
“I had a really great time tonight,” you smiled at him. He blushed, returning your happy expression. “So did I...” And then he did something you didn’t expect. He took your hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing your knuckles. “I apologize for the mistletoe incident...I’d rather kiss you at a time more special than that.”
OH. OKAY COOL. THANKS. You two said goodnight and you blushed all the way until you fell asleep. Nerd.
She catches on to the hype of the crowd, but she doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or move too fast. She’s about to tell you just that, but when she turns to you she sees that you’re not as hesitant as she assumed you’d be.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for months,” you’re nervous, but so giddy at the prospect of getting to kiss your crush that your feelings just rush out. You didn’t know what you expected Raquel’s response to be, but the huge smile that spread across her face was clearly the best option.
This girl absolutely dips you to give you a kiss. The crowd goes wild. She is milking it. She has spent way too much time with Axel. It’s a really good kiss, though. So good you barely even register the crowd noise. 
When you’re both back upright and you pull away, you’ve got stars in your eyes. You’re so happy you feel like your heart could explode right out of your chest. 
“Definitely the best party I’ve ever thrown,” Raquel winks at you, and smiles to herself when you burst into flattered laughter. “Agreed.”
Also starts yelling “kiss! kiss!” before realizing that it is, in fact, you two being told to do that. Oh. Well, in that case...
Gives you a really cheesy wink, one that makes you snort, before taking both your hands in his. His expression changes to be really serious. “If you want to kiss, that’s fine by me. More than fine. Awesome, even. But if you don’t want to kiss right now, that’s also cool. Kissing in front of people isn’t for everybody.”
He’s. So. Sweet! Oh my God! “A consent king,” you joke, and the two of you snicker. “But, seriously, I would love to kiss you.” “Really?” He looks absolutely giddy at the prospect. “Really.”
And so you two kissed. It was short, but super sweet. You both smiled through the whole thing. Ahh, you’re too cute! You get a few cheers and hollers from the crowd as you pull away. Tyler has a mind to scream “Thank you!” to both them and the heavens for letting him finally be able to smooch you, but he restrains himself.
“Would you want to do that again?” You ask him when the two of you go back to dancing. “Anytime, anywhere.”
Mmm no. This would just not do. A bunch of people yelling at Claire will never do, even if they aren’t being mean. And based on the panicked look on her face, all that commotion is deemed illegal under the “everyone must be nice to Claire at all times” law. You leap into action quickly.
“Hey, hey! Leave us alone! If it’s so important someone kiss, do it yourselves!” You shout over everyone. You get a few boos, but you just roll your eyes and take Claire’s hand, leading her out of the room.
You take her back to your dorm, away from all noise. “How about we just stay here for a while?” You offer. She nods, smiling at you. “Thank you. That was very brave of you to stand up for us like that. I froze up.” 
“And that’s perfectly okay. Anyone would have. I just hated seeing you like that; I knew I had to do something.” You sat down next to her, on the edge of your bed. She leaned over and unexpectedly kissed your cheek.
“We may not have had a mistletoe kiss, but I hope that shows my gratitude.” NO ONE PERSON IS ALLOWED TO BE THIS CUTE. You blush and smile, giving her a nod, before the two of you start talking about how excited you are for the group vacation the next day.
More annoyed than anything. Since it’s him, there’s even more excitement than there would be if literally anyone else was under the mistletoe. Shuts that shit down immediately.
He glares at the crowd before telling them to calm down and leave you two alone. You’re torn between sad you didn’t get to kiss him and happy all the peer pressure to do so is gone. 
Honestly, after that Axel doesn’t seem that into the party. You feel bad. Was it your fault? I mean, probably not...but maybe you could’ve handled it better? Hm...
“You wanna get out of here?” He offers, knocking you out of your thoughts. You agree, and you both head to his dorm. “You seemed out of it back there,” he observes.
“I was just...worried I did something wrong and upset you,” you twiddled your thumbs, looking at the floor. Suddenly his shoes were in your view, and he was standing right in front of you. 
“I don’t think you could ever upset me,” he puts a hand on your shoulder as you look up, squeezing gently. “I was just mad at everyone there for pressuring you. I didn’t want to be in the same room as them anymore. I never want you to be uncomfortable like that. I’m used to large crowds screaming at me, but I don’t want you to have to be.”
“So it wasn’t me? Or that you didn’t want to kiss me?” “God, no,” he replied instantly, no hesitation needed. “I’d love to kiss you. Just not with all those people around.” “Well...what about right now?”
Take a guess what happens sjdssgffkdsfj
Completely immune to peer pressure from anyone she doesn’t respect. All the shouting has practically no effect on her. Her reaction is similar to Axel’s, except far more subdued.
“Oh, stop it. It’s not happening,” she pinches the bridge of her nose in a move that kind of reminds you of Tadashi. Those two do tend to have similar body language. Not wanting to deal with the ice queen’s wrath, as well as seeing that no kiss was coming, people lose interest.
“Sorry about that,” Karol says, when you two move to chat in the corner over punch. “It’s no problem! You handled it just as gracefully as I assumed you would.” If there is one compliment she wasn’t expecting, it was to be called “graceful” for dispersing a crowd. She loved it. She was blushing before she even realized it.
“What? It’s true,” you smirked as you took a sip of punch. She looked away, trying futilely to hid her burning cheeks. “Plus, I think first kisses are better when they’re in a more romantic setting. Maybe we’ll get to do that someday?”
Karol lifts her punch to her mouth, seemingly trying to hide in a dignified way, before locking eyes with you. “If you’re lucky,” she replied, smiling despite herself.
Ew. Not a fan of all the peer pressure going on here. Glared at the gathering crowd. “Stop that. Leave us alone.” He was a whole lot more stern than usual! You knew he could be like that when he was especially upset or passionate, especially after what happened at Faxion. 
“Why don’t we go?” You suggested, voice soft. He sighed and agreed. You took his hand in yours, and he quickly intertwined you guys’ fingers as you left the room. You both decided to head to his dorm to get away from the chaos.
“Sorry,” he looked a bit skittish when you arrived. “What are you saying sorry for? You handled that well! You showed major guts out there!” You smiled at him, sitting down on one of the bean bags. He sat down next to you on the carpet, blushing at your praise.
“Thanks. I just...I really wanted everything to go perfectly at that party. It’s important to me that tonight goes well.” He looked into your eyes, clearly worried he had ruined your night.
“Tegan, literally any time spent with you is perfect. We could be doing math homework right now and I’d still be ecstatic. As long as I get to spend it with you, no matter where, tonight will be my favorite I’ve spent on campus.”
Oop- was that too much? You couldn’t tell. You were about to apologize when Tegan surged forward and hugged you. Oh. Looks like it wasn’t. “You’re the best, Y/N.”
Freezes up when everyone starts demanding you two kiss. It’s not like she doesn’t want to, just...not now! She gives you a bit of a deer in the headlights look while you both desperately look for a way out of the situation. 
Spending a night with your crush has absolutely fried your brain, so you do the first thing that comes to mind. Point at something shiny. “Whoa! Look at that!” You point towards the window, at nothing in particular, in hopes your peers will think you actually saw something. To your surprise, the majority of people fell for it! Maybe their brains were fried, too. Probably from finals.
Neha can’t stop herself from laughing at your awful plan, continuing to giggle as the both of you make your escape. You guys go back to her room, closing the door behind you before collapsing into another fit of laughter.
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t think of anything else! I just wanted to get you out of there!” You wipe a tear from your eye as you both begin to recover your breath.
“I don’t know how that worked,” the girl next to you rolled her eyes. “But I’m very happy it did.” She lifted your still-joined hands, kissing the back of yours. You blushed beet-red. “Thank you, Y/N.”
Making Y/N uncomfortable is illegal. And the crowd yelling at you sure as hell seemed to be making you uncomfortable. So Ellie put her foot down. “Alright, alright! Stop it!” She’d brandish her screwdriver as a weapon if she weren’t still on Arlington property.
But, luckily for her, the crowd dispersed quickly after her outburst. You let out a sigh of relief, and she wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You could feel her concerned eyes looking you over.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” “Yeah. That just made me really nervous. Do you think we could go somewhere quiet?” “Absolutely!” She agreed immediately. “How about we play some Honeydew Valley? Tegan will totally let me borrow his Swatch.” (ajsgaksjdgsj i love coming up with weird names for stuff like they do in-game)
“That sounds great.” God, she always knew just what to do. You loved that about her. After asking Tegan for permission and getting set up in her dorm, you two settled down. You had a whole lot of fun playing together. You mar or may not have even married your farmers in co-op ohohoho...
“Thank you for changing your plans so last minute,” you mumbled as the night got later, your head having rested itself on her shoulder at some unknown point in the gaming session. “No worries, Y/N! Anything is fun when I do it with you.” 
“Really?” You lifted your head. “Bet,” she replied, and kissed your nose. You nearly died. “Next time let’s make it a real one, hm?” Okay, then you did die, all while she laughed and beat your farmer at the egg hunt.
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poisonlock · 5 years
love you [smooches]
       There was something so familiar about this, but Marx couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He hummed slightly in thought, simply letting him take control of the situation. Lips pressed against his, with each second that came to pass, it became increasingly difficult for the male to concentrate. A sharp chill rand down Marx’s body, as Kaiden’s hand came to rest against the back of his head, keeping him from moving away——
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          ( Not that he had any planned on doing so. )
      Arms found themselves lazily wrapping around his shoulder, deepening the kiss together further. Tongues intertwined and rubbed against each other, which only made it difficult to bite back the moan that threatened to sound from him in response to their actions.
          ( Ahh, If he did not stop himself. He’s only going to end up taking this further… )
      It had taken every fiber of his being to pull away, but he manages nevertheless. Cheeks flustered deeply with a dark shade of red, a little embarrassed but nothing that he minded much. After all, he was the one that wanted it. And there was something else, something else that he hasn’t felt in a very long time…
      He felt at ease in his presence. Like he could let his guard down around him, without fearing any sort of punishment for doing so ( was it really okay, for him to let his guard down like this? ) ❛ Are you in a good mood—? I don’t believe I’ve seen you like this before… ❜ At least, that was what he believed. Either that or he has hardly noticed much of how Kaiden acts around him, although he supposed that wasn’t an awful thing now was it? 
          And then it hit him.
    He hasn’t returned back the confess of love now, didn’t he?
       ❛ Ah, right, right, I love you too~ More than anything in the world— ❜ He replied, finally realizing the error of his mistake. He didn’t even attempt on letting the other speak, instead, unwrapping his arms as he pulled immediately away from him, the usual smile present on his face and then he said something.
       ‘ Please don’t hurt me, I won’t mess up again, please, please ‘ is what he wanted to say but instead, he found something say something else entirely. 
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       ❛ If I mess up again, you can hurt me~ I can’t feel anything, after all, it’s alright. No need to hold back on me, alright? ❜
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smilingformoney · 6 years
America’s Most Eligible 2 Diamond Scene: Encourage Eden to teach Kiana
You: If you’re done stretching, Eden, maybe you could show Kiana the ropes. You: I’d make for great footage, right, Jen? You shoot Jen a wink, and she starts to grin. Jen: A scene like that would fit perfectly with both your arcs. Eden: Oh! I mean… I could do that! If Kiana wants me to— Kiana: Are you kidding? I’d love that! Let’s go right now!
Wrenn brings over a single-rider bike, and Eden wheels it towards a path at the waterfront edge of the park. Eden: Riding a bike is easy. Once you learn, you’ll never forget it! Eden: Just throw your leg over, push your foot against the pedal, and keep your balance. Eden demonstrates, riding in a small circle. Despite Eden’s confident start, the bike wobbles slightly during the dismount. Eden: Now you should give it a try. Kiana: I don’t know…
You: Kiana… -I’m sure Eden’s a great teacher!
You: Eden once taught her sorority to sew costumes for a mixer. Eden: We had the best togas on the row. You: If anyone can teach you to ride a bike, it’s her.
-Just focus on how cute Eden is!
Eden’s cheeks immediately flush beneath her makeup. Eden: Jamie! I-- Kiana: That, I can do. She pretends to very seriously study a flustered but clearly giddy Eden. Then Kiana turns to the bike and takes a deep breath.
Kiana: Okay… Here goes nothing. Kiana swings her leg over the frame of the bike and pushes hard against the pedals. Kiana: Whoaaaa! Eden reaches around to steady the handlebars, and the two are less than a breath away. Kiana: You might be a pretty good teacher after all. Eden: Only one way to know for sure. Eden removes one hand from the handlebars… then the other… Kiana: I’m doing it! Suddenly, she loses her balance, and the bike races toward the bushes! Kiana: Ahh!
You: Kiana needs… -The brakes! Eden +2, Kiana +2
You: We didn’t teach her to stop! Eden: Kiana, squeeze the hand brakes! Just before she crashes, Kiana grabs the brakes, and the bike skids to a stop. Eden: That was close.
-To bail! Eden +2, Kiana +2
You: If she doesn’t she’s gonna crash! Eden: Kiana, jump! Just before the crash, Kiana jumps off into Eden’s waiting arms. The bake hits the bushes and falls over. Eden: That was close.
Kiana: The ending could’ve gone better-- Kiana: But did you see me? I was flying! I’ve gotta do that again. Eden helps Kiana reset the bike, and in no time, she’s speeding down the boardwalk. You: If you ride like that during the race, Slater and I are in trouble. Kiana: Well, get your checkered flag ready, cause I’m comin’ in hot. Eden: We’d better get back before they miss us. Kiana hops off of the bike, and Wrenn swoops in to return it. Kiana turns away from you toward Eden, smiling. Kiana: I know teaching me can’t have been good for your game, but… thanks, Eden.
You: … -Mime a high five. Eden +2, Kiana +2
You separate your hands and bring them together over your head. Eden reaches out for a high five. Eden: To be the best, you have to beat the best. And I play to win. Kiana: Just make sure you leave it all on the track.
-Mime puckering up. Eden +2, Kiana +2
You close your eyes and purse your lips into a smooch. Eden blushes, but gently presses a kiss to Kiana’s cheek. Eden: Some things are more important than competition. Kiana: That’s true… Kiana: But it doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you win!
Eden beams happily at you as Kiana leads you both back to the group.
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