#AHAHAHA. somebody get me help expeditiously
munamania · 1 year
SO. gonna be so real with you guys and this is embarrassing bc i do have a real life mutual that just watched me spiral over this. yeah so this is one year to the day since i found out film girl had a boyfriend and this is a pathetic thing to remember but also it’s 4/20 right anyway so fuckin i was already just thinking about shit bc me and a few friends and my bestie prof were reminiscing abt last year and ANYWAY long story short i ran into fucking film girl and boyfriend and it’s just. the fact that i know she saw me and made an awkward little face and looked away. i, being me and stupid, was willing to do a polite little smile and move on but just something about That feels so! like! UGH you know it was just a reflexive response on my part but i wish i was more of an asshole or just aloof and i wish it didn’t affect me but it soooooo did like it’s bad guys i got so fucking livid and mopey and that’s like life and i need to just remind myself that she was not worth it and she’s an asshole but the way i want to cry! like! jesus fuck. christ alive.
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