prince-liest · 8 months
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darkicedragon · 2 years
Onto Steven Universe: Future. I thought I was starting completely new, but turns out I’ve watched more than I realised, haha. I guess I’m pretty certain I didn’t watch the ending of it though, but we’ll find out. XD
Up to episode 11.
Ep1 Yessss, a new intro finally! :D
Oooooh, he’s healing the gems with....the Diamonds’ tears, I guess? And he drives!
This is just ‘what everyone’s doing now’ montage, huh. I wouldn’t have thought Lars would have stayed on Earth though.
Oooooh, yesssss, teaching the gems how to be a person!
Yeah, it’d make sense Jasper didn’t want to join with everyone.
Daaang, Steven’s angry.
Awww, Jasper just wanted to fight someone! She was super happy doing that!
ep2 Integrated gemmms, yesss.
Yeah, okay, Smilie really needed as much help as he could get. 8′)
......Yeah, fine, it’s all the jobs they were made to do and are comfortable with.
l;skdfjldkfj They just want to hear screams, oh my god, ahahahah.
They’re so adorable!!
The zoo people are back! And hate Greg, ahahaha, awww.
Oooooh, boy the third Rose Quartz.
The reaction to the ‘Rose’ Rose quartz are just great, aaahaha.
Yeah, understandable where the picture ended up. 8′)
Pink’s previous Pearl, and healing the gem! :D
But the gem’s not damaged though... Ah, yeah.
Refurbishment doesn’t sound good...
Recent!Pearl, no, don’t take other people’s stuff. >8(
Ouuuch, that crack...
‘I was just standing in the wrong place.’ Ouch. 8(
Thaaat’s a temper, Steven.
‘How did you stop hurting?’ ‘I didn’t.’ Ouuuuuuch.
Attacking with the ribbon though! Wasn’t expecting that. Nice. :D
Ep5. Garnet episode when. :(
Ooooh, pranking! Not very good, but they’re trying their best!
A fusion! :D
I mean, everyone’s tried to kill Steven at this point anyway.
Bluebird is still fake though.
Yeeeep, ahahah.
I did expect he could survive the fall, but yeah, wasn’t expecting the haircut, damn.
The ice swords are cool.
lj;sldkfjasdf Oh my god, the Alexandrite fusion was just so quick and squashed them, ahaha.
Ep6 Playing with Onion, awww.
Oh! Rainbow! :D
Ooooh, noooo, don’t gieve Union the umbrella...
Awww, Onion’s so happy. 8′) And. So destructive.
Ep7 That’s a super precise alarm time, Steven.
Whoooof, Steven is just so uncommunicative with the others.
Pearl transformation! :D
OH, OKAY, this is just all the fusion cameos, ahaha.
Yessss, Sapphire!
Updated tag. :D At least he’s sort of relaxing now.
Ep8 Lapis episode finally!
Adorable plants!
:o More Lapises.
‘Terraforming is what we like’ Yeeeah, fair.
Wow, Lapis is so green now. 
Yeeah, the twins are going to make a weapon ins - yep.
Lapis and Steven dancing together is cute though. And awww, Lapis’ song.
‘Like Pearls’ Whoof.
The twins work really well together, and learn super fast too. I was kinda hoping they’d fuse, but at least one of them decided to go the Homeschool.
Ep9 Sadddiiieee! :D Is dating! :o
Yeeah, everyone’s leaving. 8′)
Awwww, the Off Colours graduated together. 8′)
Steven is so out of the loop now, dang. Too busy with running the Homeschool?
Awww, Sadie’s song was sweet. She’s less angry now. :)
That was way too understanding from everyone after they nearly died. It felt a little rushed.
Just. Give the Homeschool to Amythst.
Ep10 No safety rails on the greenhouse. D: Not that it matters to anyone who goes up there, but what if they’re fully human. DD:
Ooooooh boy. Steven still isn’t letting go of everyone...
Welp, there goes/comes the cactus.
The pot’s too small for them n - oh NO it can speak. 8′))))
Noooo! Don’t hide the cactus!
Steven, I think you could figure out what happened with the SMASHED WINDOW NEXT TO THE DOOR.
Shouldn’t the cactus die with too much water?
Ooooh noooo, a hug. XDDD
-- Hmmm, typing out the reaction to the episodes, it does feel pretty bitty and monster/issue of the week, rather than something overarching. Or just a very gentle epilogue, and the overarching issue is Steven’s anger and finding a place for himself that isn’t connected to his mum.
But I guess I’ll find out, pfft.
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Hi! Congratulations on 600! You deserve it!
Can I get a 👁️👄👁️ for my fic a beautiful dream?
OMG HI YES ABSOLUTELY thank you so much for joining my sleepover! 🌹❤️
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A Beautiful Dream by @missmulti
Summary: none
Personally, I don't mind if you don't have any summaries but not everyone is like me, so I would suggest having a short summary to let people know what they're diving into! Also I love love love Remus so I'm gonna enjoy this ehehehehhe.
Magic had made many things possible. It made many things easier as well. But there were some stupid things that in my opinion were stupid. One of those things was the idea of soulmates. Who gave the ministry of magic the right to decide who i was meant for? Well, if i’m being honest at first the thought of having a soulmate fascinated  me. I was so happy to know i had someone out there for me. Well, that was until i developed a crush on none other than Remus Lupin.
Oooh, i've never encountered a first person pov before here, this is interesting. Also the opening words are so perfect fjsjfhsjd
I’m getting off track. Where was i? Ah, yes. The whole soulmate thing. Basically on your 16th birthday you develop a connection with your soulmate and can hear their thoughts and feel their emotions. Isn’t that like an invasion of privacy?My friends say that I’m just being difficult because i have a crush on someone else and cannot accept the prospect of him dating another person. I hate to admit it but they are right.
"you deserve the world" Thank you soulmate I appreciate that. But that comment made my suspicion that my soulmate was one of the marauders stronger. I was determined to find out who it was.
I really love their banters, JFKSJJF that's enough proof theyre soulmates
"So soulmate when will I know who you are?" "You won't like me if you know me." "Don't be so pessimistic, you're just like my friend... REMUS? IS THIS YOU?" Shit shit shit "no it's not Remus." "I don't believe it. Remus, what are you so scared of?" "Look I'm not Remus and i dont have time for this right now. Goodbye."  How could i be so stupid? Before i could think anything else, the boys had gotten dressed and were ready to head downstairs.
I had to cut some words so i won't spoil anything but I LOVE THIS PART SO MUCH AHAHAHA it's comical, refreshing and just ugh love it
"take a picture it will last longer" "what? I wasn't staring at you. I don't even know where you are." "Don't lie Remus we both know it's you."
Just as the words escaped my lips I heard wolf whistles and cheering in the background. "Our moony has finally grown up." Said James wiping a fame tear and sirius laughed. I looked at y/n and she hugged me. "Im still pissed at you for earlier but I can't stay mad at you for long can I?" I laughed and pecked her lips. I was finally happy.
"If y/n is our mother does that mean you are our father?" Marlene and James burst out laughing and y/n looked like she wanted to strangle Sirius. "SIRIUS BLACK FOR THE LAST TIME I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER IN SCHOOL!"
okay I LOVE THIS CONVER so much, Sirius is one sneaky little bastard JDJSKJFJD i love him
"Marry me." "What?" "You heard me. Let's get married. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I felt various emotions wash over me. Shock , fear, love and finally pity.
Things started to look up again. Y/n started to laugh again. She spent most of her time with Sirius (who temporarily moved in with us) Harry and me.
Ooh i really love thissss, you twisted the story to fit your own GAH YESSSS I LOVE THIS VERSION
She started breathing heavily. "Remus.." "No no you can't die." I sobbed. "Im not worth dying for."
Everything felt around him felt like a blur because all that was left of his beloved was a beautiful dream.
is this a let's break syaf session? is this what yall wanna do now?
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Overall: I love the first perspective, it's fresh and you handled the monologue very very well, I really love the storytelling too, it's smooth and it doesn't seem rushed at all.
Try not to make the paragraphs as lengthy next time, you can make them shorter, but never too long.
Also, you have to have a consistent style of writing. If you want to do your story in lowercaps, then you can but make sure ALL of them are in lowercaps. It is never good to mix them up, it will only confuse the readers.
Punctuation marks and the placements of periods are very important to make the story look tidy, the readers would appreciate this very very much even if they don't say it. It would look as if you worked hard to create it; not just create something in a span of an hour without proofreading anything.
Overall would give this fic 8.5/10, you already have the basics perfected, just need a little bit more of polishing and you're all set! Just keep writing and writing and writing! It took me 5 years to get to where I am now, experience makes you better.
Also I'm sorry if I'm too honest, when I first started, I had to learn these the hard way so I really hope you take no offence! I only want the best for you, and I want you to keep growing beautifully! I really really love your work 🥺 <3
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brainy-storm · 6 years
S415 - Where you at, bro? (½)
General Thoughts:
ahahaha I knew Eve was bad but dang she had no regrets, wow. Unapologetically a bad guy. Nice.
I found the storyline with Manchester a bit odd, hmm. And the way he died was very...unceremonious. I’m hoping he’s not actually dead, hm.
LEX LUTHOR. But I’ll have a section on him later.
I think that the CW writes family dynamics, really well in this episode. Especially all the sibling dynamics, just good.  (which is why my next sections will be split in families)
The Danvers:
I like how Alex is so concerned over James, because yeah they’re all friends and she’s also just like ‘where are you’ Kara because she’s worried their friend is about to die and Kara isn’t around
And it just shows ooooof this mind wipe thing is even more painful
But Kara is also trying to help J’onn, who is torn over his family
And he can’t bear to lose Kara or Alex because that would be like losing his family all over again i cri
And then Kara telling J’onn he’s important to her and Alex no matter what
And then Alex and Kara hugging it out
J’onn and Manchester:
Just before moving onto the other families, I just find it very weird for J’onn to go from 0 of no violence to the 100 of killing.
There must have been a way to apprehend Manchester. unless, again he’s not actually dead which would be good
But I am glad that if he did kill Manchester, he’s already reflecting on it and there might be repercussions.
why do I also feel like idk...Manchester might have recorded the whole thing to see an ‘alien’ kill a ‘human’ and then it would cause more tension and have a war. But maybe I just watch too many dramatic shows haha
The OIsens:
I mean James was mostly asleep but it was interesting to learn a bit more about him. Like how he had to run away from home before. And how he’s been to the hospital like 12 times cause of stuff like wow James. So this must date pre-Guardian stuff, like dang.
Anyway, I liked Kelly’s introduction
I give her my good-sister stamp of approval for not agreeing to go with Lena’s solution right away because yeah, she didn’t know Lena through anyone but James, and they hadn’t met so it makes sense. It seems like a realistic kind of reaction and I can see myself doing the same in that situation 
But she also wanted to take the chance to save her brother when things seemed bleak and saw that she should trust in her brother’s friends (or chosen family, as she called it which got meeee)
Oof she needs
Also leaving James with the phone to talk to his mum - YEP. SIBLINGS. 
The Luthors:
The whole time I was screaming LENA HE TRYIN TO TRICK YOU.
I mean she kinda knew but also kinda fell for it a bit.
I feel bad for her cause she thought her brother was dying, even though he’s an evil person, she still cares for him as a brother. And then he told her about her mother which is WOW but  yeah after getting her whole backstory with her mother, I see why he got to her like that
And his acknowledgement of her achievements was good too. She deserved that, at the very least from her family.
The Luthor dynamic was really good, like just how I wanted it to be. Excellent.
ALSO OTIS. WAs alive daNG. Mate. I thought maybe Mercy might have been alive but it was Otis wowow. That reveal also got me cause I was like good that guard can drop that water cause he knows Lex is a SHIT. But it was Otis like well done dude I actually 0% saw that coming.
Eve just changing her outfit to be typical bad-guy was lol but also perfect.
Poor Lena’s face, though when she saw Eve betrayed her.
Lex freakin Luthor:
YESSSS. I like it. I love that they just made him like ‘I’m a bad guy, and I know it.’ Like he knows people see him as a villain and he’s like ‘yeah I do what I want’
Straight up just murders everyone.
Idk I just like villains where it’s a clear cut ‘aha, yes, BAD MAN IS BAD’. But also smart. so like Supergirl can just try and fight him without constraint, cause he’s LEX LUTHOR who murders people seemingly for fun (or at least just with complete disregard)
Also, I love how he calls James ‘Jimmy’ to mock him, and like I bet he already disapproved of the relationship with Lena because he’s like public friends with Superman (signal watch ahem), and then ofc got him shot like yeaaah.
They probs won’t try and get Supes down cause it’s Supergirl’s show but I hope that someone tells him all about this later.
Or we get like a space-text with a ‘Good job Kara :) ‘( I missed those cute texts from season 1)
I like how Nia is shown to be integrated to their group, like even though she hasn’t been part of it for long, she has been there for the game nights and James is her first boss (yes?) (or one of her first boss’), and he’s given her advice and actually she came out to James before she did to Kara so I feel like the emotional bond is there for her to be really upset over this. 
I also see why she jumps to saying she should have predicted this, because she already predicted and failed to save her mother, and - though the show doesn’t say this - maybe she thought that since becoming a superhero and getting her powers she should’ve been able to predict things like this. Maybe the show will say it later (hopefully)
In a way, she’s also with her chosen family, after what happened with her sister. which hopefully we’ll follow up on, one day
Okay so, like you know how I love Brainy? (whaat? brainy-storm? You love BRAINY? REALLY? ok ok shh)
Firstly, him blaming himself was on point for this, because he has so much pride and expectation on himself and feels responsible, he thought he should have been able to predict this all and should have been able to fly into CatCo and do this before it happened arghhh.
It’s also in line with his character from s3 where he was frustrated about not being able to get the signal to space, or in 4x04 where he was upset he couldn’t think of anything to help Supergirl --- which he does bring up
I mean, poor Brainy.
But seriously, so from that I’m taking O.G Brainy [which hasn’t happened yet because if Brainiac came to Earth I feel like they would knowww  soo...future storyline?] But also Brainy’s evil mum from reboot so yessss. And more too probs.
And Mon-El being dismissive - I wonder if this is in like a general sometimes the legion is harsh/dismissive or is this in a threeboot like leadership battle with Cosmic Boy kind of way. 
Both the ancestry and the Mon-El mention I feel deserve to have longer explanations and I wishhhhh he could have elaborated.
And then him saying he had to move his whole existence MY POOR BRAINY
Anyway, I just want to say Jesse Rath freaking smashed it. Like seriously, his scenes were not going to affect the main storyline of this episode but he was like THIS IS MY CHARACTER PIECE AND I WILL PERFORM THE HELL OUT OF IT.
If you click on this link you can see a tweet that shows that Jesse Rath bled after punching that vending machine. 1. I hope he takes care of himself 2. but I appreciate this effort like wow 
Era? I think a mix of all eras were channelled here well.   
shipper thoughts, as usual, will be on 2/2 but yeah I ship kara x brainy so pfft this episode was not great for me in that aspect but that, firmly  aside I thought it was very good 
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mossflowermouse · 4 years
this has been buried in my drafts since january. where did all those months go
[Some context for this one: I finished WCaHSS a few months ago and then vanished from Tumblr for a while as life got a bit chaotic. Everything in this post was written while I was reading the novel for the first time - I’ve reread parts of it since then and had more thoughts, but those will go in another post.]
Part three! In which I accidentally read the entire second half of this book in two days. (The first two posts, by comparison, were made up of things I’d written over the course of a couple of weeks.) The rest of the book can be divided neatly into “more or less happy, with some particular standout moments” and “emotionally devastating”, which is how I’m splitting up this part of the review. That way, at least there’s one post where (almost) everything is happy and (almost) nothing hurts.
In this part, various people narrowly escape danger, I realise exactly how much I don’t want Robert to die, and the shipping continues.
Chapter XXI
Like Maude, I don't know who to be most afraid for during the flight from Winchester. Everyone, probably. 
Okay so there's been a very brief battle and Maude's side have lost very badly. Where is Robert. @ the narration and also history please let him be safe. I've become very attached. (Less worried for Ranulf because he was the point-of-view character for that bit, whereas Robert's rearguard was in the thick of the fighting and there was no mention of him. I'm genuinely reluctant to keep reading in case he's dead.) 
...then I actually did end up taking a break for a few hours in an attempt to avoid confronting Schrodinger’s Robert, because if I don’t read the rest of the chapter then everyone is still okay.
Continuing to read and I can't even take comfort in the little Maude/Brien moment. Too much worry for Robert.
"[Adelina] gave Maude no time to dwell upon Winchester's fall and the men who might be dying even now on her behalf" the tension is killing me
Captured or slain. Brien's right, though, they probably would have preferred to take Robert alive. Fingers crossed.
And it sounds like Matilda's planning to exchange him for Stephen. This really does seem to be the best case scenario.
Chapter XXII
Okay, now I can enjoy the Maude/Brien moments (and also feel sympathy for Maude's worry that Robert and co are dead)
Poor Amabel.
Awww, and Robert's negotiating for the freedom of the other prisoners. Have I mentioned how much I like Robert?
Miles is alive and safe! I'm glad. David's still missing, though.
Ranulf's back too!
So Robert's spent about a month refusing to be ransomed unless the other prisoners are released too. Also David's back in Scotland.
Amabel's contacted Matilda directly to make sure no harm comes to Robert (by threatening Stephen). I can't say this surprises me, though if Matilda plans to negotiate with her for Stephen's release it'll be interesting to see what's decided.
Chapter XXIII
Wow, that was quick. Immediate timeskip to the planned exchange.
Matilda and Stephen's reunion is really sweet.
Oh wow and William de Ypres being awkward seeing Stephen again because he's not sure if he's ever apologised in his life.
This entire scene is painful (Robert's return, his quarrel with Maude, her thoughts out on the battlements, and then the confirmation that neither of them believes she'll ever be queen)
I like Maud. Her willingness to become Ranulf's co-conspirator/wingman is great.
Stephen's rumoured to be dying but I know his reign goes on for another ten years or thereabouts, so this isn't too worrying.
Yep, he's recovering.
This doesn't look good for Maude and Robert. Stephen's realised Robert's gone to Normandy and is planning various attacks to win the war.
As Stephen hoped, some of Maude's allies have left to protect their own lands.
And he's on his way to besiege Oxford. I genuinely have no idea how this will play out - Maude and co. seem to be fighting primarily for her son's right to rule now, so her capture wouldn't necessarily end the war, plus there's only...twelve?...years left of Stephen's kingship. On the other hand, even with the change of plans, Maude being captured could still be a major enough setback for her side that they'd lose completely. But they've got to come to some sort of an agreement eventually or Henry wouldn't succeed Stephen. Right?
Okay, they're in the city. This might actually work.
Wow. Oxford's been captured by Stephen. Now it's just the castle left.
Oooh, the chapter's set in Normandy! Robert?
Not immediately Robert, but Henry! It's been a while since he's showed up.
Nice to hear about some of the drama in France too. I wonder if this is how Eleanor and Henry will end up meeting?
Robert's just found out from Brien, via letter, about the Oxford siege. Go and help, Robert. I trust you.
So everyone except Ranulf and Brien left Maude to go and defend their own lands. That did seem to be the case, but it's helpful (also frustrating) to get direct confirmation. I'm not surprised those two were the ones to stay.
Henry's saying he'll go to England and he's giving some pretty thoughtful reasoning (and is worried about Maude, my heart)
They're letting him travel with Robert!
Apparently the siege has gone on for three months. I'm now picturing Maude and Ranulf being endlessly frustrated by being effectively trapped with nothing they can do about it, Brien likewise being driven slowly mad by the fact that they're under siege so close by, and Stephen knowing Maude will absolutely refuse to surrender, but still spending the entire siege halfheartedly hoping that today will be the day it ends.
At least Brien's managed to get word to Maude and Ranulf about the hoped-for Robert Ex Machina.
Maude's planning to escape! So that's what all the sewing was about.
I love all of this escape scene.
Hugh freely admitting that he thought they'd have no chance of escape makes it kind of heartwarming that he didn't hesitate to go with Maude.
They've made it to Wallingford! The guard's shock at Ranulf saying the Empress is there reminded me that nobody outside Oxford Castle knows about this - Brien's going to have some unexpected guests (I’m hyped to see him realise this), and I expect Robert and Henry will be relieved to hear what's happened too.
This entire scene is absolutely fantastic, where do I begin? This page in particular made me smile so much so just have the whole thing:
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1. Maude actually gets to be happy for once, I’m so glad for her
2. YESSS MY SHIP. Cuddles? (ssshh yes I’m counting that as a cuddle, it’s ambiguous enough) Laughing? Smiling? Openly? YESSSS this is more than I could possibly have hoped for
Ah. I was so caught up in the joy of Maude's escape, I forgot she wasn't the only married half of this ship.
Ahahaha, Alexander's taking so much pleasure in telling Stephen Maude's escaped
Awww, Stephen not only let Minna go but gave back Ranulf's dyrehunds. I suppose even years of war haven’t been able to completely stop him being kind to his little cousin.
Robert? Robert!
Robert and Maude's hug :) 
Maude and Henry :)
Brien :)
Aww, I'm really enjoying getting to see more of little Henry (or maybe that should be Harry).
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Robert!!! Again, I'm so glad he didn't die at Winchester.
Also “that misbegotten hellspawn, Gloucester” is my new favourite phrase
Close escape for Stephen.
Has he really only been king eight years? It feels like more.
Aww, Ranulf and Annora
Wait, was Monmouth's book on the kings of Britain actually dedicated to Robert? That's so cool.
I love that Ranulf has gone from helping these kids escape bandits to finding them a meal to escorting them to Cambridge to just bringing them with him. Also, I would like to state for the record that Geoffrey de Mandeville is terrible.
Wait. Maude just said she'd thought Ranulf was dead too. Who died. Oh god.
Miles. I'll miss him.
0 notes
blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 11 (Epilogue 2 Page 3)
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bwicblog · 7 years
AA: fun facts!
AA: no one can drnive and vans do N Ö T float if they fall off the brnidge. AA: like, at A L L. the curntains did tho. >:}
ID: ahahah what.
AA: what, you soak so much yrn eyes fell out??
LC: [ Are YYou still high from last night, AA. ]
LC: [ I hope that's not the case, but I'd rather ask. ]
AA: none of you have any fucking idea of how mind honey wornks and it's, like, sornt of endearning! like talking to a bunch of six sweep olds. AA: six sweep olds w v borning lusii and no telly, bc they'rne locked in theirn hives all night. >:}
AA: dd on wtf yrn whatting, hads.
LC: [ I never indulged mYYself in trYYing it and nor do I have anYY plans of trYYing it in the future, so feel free to enlighten me. ]
ID: sorry for not trying something that would either freak my psi out of do nothing. =:P
AA: dnw, dnw, I formgive you forn being hells lame.
LC: [ Well I'd rather saYY it's not up in mYY alleYY of interests. ]
AA: lmao. AA: say it eight morne times, mb it'll stick. >:}
ID: also what is whatting sip send deets if you want me deets.
ID: unless you're asking why i'm whatting over floating vans and shit.
ID: because that should y'know. explain itself.
AA: let me diagrnam this forn you.
AA: me, innocently drniving, with Lal shrnieking in my flaps. AA: van: bad at changing lanes, orn, like, evernything evern. AA: rnivern, rnight the fuck therne.
AA: rnivern / (brnidge)-(van-rnoad) = rnivern/van.
AA: which does not float.
AA: that help??
ID: woowwww. uh. sorry?
AA: haha, what. no. omg, it's supposed to be funny, dude.
AA: like, it ain't M Y van.
ID: oh. well as long as it isn't yours. =:P
AA: y, exactly. >:}
LC: [ Well that sounds quite eventful. ]
LC: [ So are YYou alright? I hope YYou didn't lose anYY limbs.* ]
AA: just forn rnef, btw, lal scrneams like a pupa.
ID: i am not surprised by this news.
AA: y, y, jfc. wasn't even nearn me. AA: ow we'd totes be telling a diff storny abt someone getting drnagged out of the rnivern and fed theirn rnotating wheel device.
ID: get that half-drowned squeakbeast something to eat and he'll be fiiine.
LC: [ Well... Who is Lal, if I maYY ask. ] LC: [ Are theYY the jadeblood who talks in brackets? The rounded brackets, that is. ]
AA: he's the one w the least stupid quirnk. >:} l
LC: [ I am positive mYY quirk is quite understandable. ] LC: [ Compared to some others I have seen around here. ]
AA: and why I gotta feed him?? AA: if I keep feeding him, he's totes gonna E X P E C T it. and then I'll have two dunpsterns to thrnow fish at. >:{
AA: y, but it's still stupid. soz, do not make the rnules, I only, like, tell 'em.
ID: i mean fiiine don't feed him. if it means i don't get fed.
LC: [ ... Can I raise mYY virtual hand in giving aid to YYou guYYs? ] LC: [ I usuallYY have spare meat that I just tend to put awaYY into storage and I usuallYY trYY to help out others where I can so... ]
AA: hahaha. AA: n. AA: just bought a bag of frnied flowerns, srny2say, ourn rnoadsnack fest is S E T.
ID: i'm busy putting my tent up but hey thanks for the offer.
ID: riding my lusus around this fair is like. totes a thing i can do and look normal.
AA: but did you unbrnaid yrn hairn and put those glitternwings on firnst??
AA: bc I am like, 99% surne that's how you rnly fit in.
LC: [ Ah, gotcha. I am still keeping an eYYe out on this... phenomenon. ProbablYY will for the entire week... ]
ID: ...i mean i could make wings.
ID: but my hair unbraided is just asking it to get all tangled and shit.
AA: no fairn forn you, bluedude?
AA: and then brnush it firnst, duh. AA: orn pourn oil in it. AA: just, like, the entirne bottle.
ID: fuck that. my hair is a hassle down. it's like. ass-length.
LC: [ I am not reallYY fond of big crowds - and those are part of faires. ] LC: [ I prefer more quiet events when it comes to it - and well, given the current on-goings YYou won't reallYY get anYY of that, unless YYou are going for a hive visit. ] LC: [ And mYY neighbourhood has been buzzing even more since this asteroid came to our vision, on top of all of this. ]
SA: Round brackets. did you mean parenthenses, LC.
ID: heyyy prisma. you on your way to the faire?
SA: I am waiting at the station now.
ID: sweeetttt.
AA: omg, yessss.
ID: i need to figure out where pheres is. he better be thankful, i drummed up business for him.
AA: arne you hanging w us, prnisma?? orn did I, like, not buy enough pizza 2 rnaise yrn hrnt lvls?
SA: my... what levels?
SA: am I a dating sim character.
AA: lmfao, he's same place as always. lame ass rnust cirncle.
ID: please sip, he only eats sushi and fancy thin- ahahaha
ID: prisma confirmed for playing sims.
AA: omg, you got the rnef, but not lowbie slang!!
SA: I will come see you all. But right now I am looking forward to lying in my hotel room.
AA: y, you arne. >:}
SA: I play games.
ID: you don't play games in the sims pris, you play god.
SA: Are you talking about convincing WC to visit?
ID: yes! and you.
ID: sip on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a chance is it that pheres is gonna put me in a stripper outfit.
AA: uhhh.
ID: because apparently that sight will offend pris' sensitivie ganderbulbs.
AA: gimme a pic of you again.
invertedDissident has sent imafairyprincewithabraid.png!
SA: I would rather not see the torso and bare chest of someone i've only known for 24 hours.
LC: [ Oh, uhm, YYes Prisma, YYes. ] LC: [ I assume most of YYou are going to attend the faire? ]
AA: lmfao, totes 8, soz. AA: even w the long hairn. AA: but dnw, I'll give you my coat, dude. >:} save prni's delicate bulbs.
ID: live a little prisma. =:P you're probs gonna see a lot of chests at this place, no shirts is historic.
ID: well fuck, sorry pris. i'm a stripper now.
AA: yrn only a strnippern if yrn taking it off, dude m
AA: dude.*
ID: i have a lil more class than that.
ID: also sip do you really expect me to wear your coat.
ID: that won't fit for shit.
AA: good!! I'm p surne that doesn't match the shop aesthetic. >:}
SA: yes, LC. does that frighten you?
AA: omfg. AA: how do you know until you trny?? I'm like. at least half as wide as you, dude, you ain't exactly swole.
ID: pris ofered me his coat, how tall are you pris.
ID: like half my fronds will be uncovered.
SA: 5'9.
AA: >:{
SA: More in heels.
ID: see pris is closer. i can wear his coat better.
AA: see, he's still shorntern.
SA: I will avert my eyes accordingly at this "historic dress"
ID: by a lot less!
ID: sorry we aren't all daytables sip. =:P
AA: omfg. my coat is bettern, but, like, 'kay, whatevern.
AA: srny we arnen't all S T Ö RN K S. >:}
ID: besides i guess the stripper costume will be nice. it's fucking hot with that fucking fireball in the sky.
SA: storks?
SA: My coat is rather nice despite the heat.
ID: because we're tall.
AA: big birnds! wait, n, let me keep this in theme.
ID: i run hot pris, it's a thing i have to worry about more.
AA: hat holding devicesn
AA: !
SA: ...?
SA: make sure you have water.
ID: i do, don't worry! but yeah i get fucking heat exhaustion or whatever it's called easy.
AA: huh. that a psi thing, too?
ID: since like. too much heat fries your pan and shit.
SA: No, that is a biological trait.
ID: yeah. don't worry, i know i'm a fucking mess.
ID: no pris, i run. hot.
SA: But don't all low bloods?
AA: lmao, prniiiii.
AA: not flatscans. ain't you evern hearnd of burn out?
ID: you'll see pris. i make other rusts seem nippy.
AA: it's sornta fucking liternal. >:}
SA: 😫
SA: I need coffee.
ID: get some then you nerd. unless you can't.
SA: I'm boarding, I'll have to wait for the steward.
SA: Are you not very warm, Sipara?
WA: |>|>| What's the haps dudes!! And gals!! |<|<| WA: |>|>| Í heard there was some faíre and that the world was ending? :D |<|<|
SA: superstition.
ID: there's a fair and definitely a meteor that wants to murder us all.
WA: |>|>| Of course ít ís!! Others just looove freakín out about ít!! |<|<|
SA: You are awfully excited for so early.
ID: some trolls are evening trolls. the fucking monsters.
WA: |>|>| Well thís líght ís rad but could tone down the party a líl |<|<| WA: |>|>| Well that's how Í roll |<|<| WA: |>|>| And you are happy íf you see me excíted ís all Í can say ;D |<|<|
SA: I am not happy seeing you excited. But I am happy you are excited.
SA: ?
AA: eeeh, I'm rnusty wnarm. like, not 'melt a goddamn carnbonatorn' psi warnm. you evern thought abt, like, installing a coolant, hads? AA: .. wait shit arnen't you sparnky too?
SA: it's disgusting.
ID: i ain't installing shit. i'm perfect the way i am. =:P
SA: I see, AA.
WA: |>|>| Haha, ísn't that what everyone loves to call "contradíctory"? |<|<| WA: |>|>| But works! |<|<|
ID: pris is totes sparky.
SA: I am not electrokinetic.
ID: sparkplug is slang for having psi pris.
SA: It isn't contradictory at all.
SA: that's awful.
SA: I dont like being compared to an engine piece.
ID: well that's how a lot of trolls see us. so.
ID: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SA: I am not anymore and i will take issue with anyone who thinks so.
SA: i'm too tired to be this salty.
ID: just don't get huffy when other lowbloods use it. we use it as a. 'hahahah we're all clearly engine pieces to the highbloods aren't we.'
ID: highbloods use it as. 'yeah you're totes going in my ship and there's nothing you can do about it'.
SA: 😦
SA: alright.
SA sends TheMostTiredPsioninTheWorld.png
ID: D:= you okay there bud?
AA: haha, yeah, don't sweat it, brno. I wasn't trnying to yank yrn chain, shit's just the way ppl talk. unless they'rne, like, above yellow, then dd and I'll brneak theirn fangs forn you. >:}
AA: jfc.
ID: also yeah, if they're too cold for psi they're too cold to clal us sparkplugs.
AA: go get some coffee.
LC: [ Well it's good that YYou don't need to deal with that anYYmore Prisma. ] LC: [ ... Can't saYY much other than I hope most others won't just get reduced to such levels. ]
SA: I will keep this in mind, Sipara, Hadean. Don't worry about cracking them. I will do.
SA: I'm alright. I ordered a cappuccino.
ID: well hopefully that helps. lc you got a name?
AA: put sugarn in!! it'll totes help.
AA: ain't lc yern?? orn was that anothern blue. >:?
SA: LC, the reality is more upsetting thinking i am not there and yet i still am.
LC: [ YYes Hadean, it's still YYerman. ]
SA: but i will protect other psions if I can.
SA: yern.
ID: riight i meant wa. sorry, steering a lusus and typing!
LC: [ I guess that works, since... Sipara? Gave me that nickname. ]
AA: lmao, texting and drniving?
AA: shame on fucking you. don'tcha know that shit's illegal? >:}
ID: that's me! my lusus won't just dumbly drive in to a pole or anything stfu. =:P
SA: Is your lusus a draft animal?
ID: uh he's a horned hoofbeast. not really draft but. he looks cool.
ID: one sec i'll take a pic.
invertedDissident has sent mylususiscool.png!
SA: a gemsbok.
SA: we had them near my home city.
AA: .. you should make him a crnown to match yrn fakey fake wings. >:}
ID: don't tell me you ate them pris.
WA: |>|>| So who else ís goíng to thís faír? |<|<| WA: |>|>| Heard ít wíll be more fun and that there wíll be fíghtíng? Í am totally down for that ;D |<|<|
SA: No. They simply roamed.
SA: I am. Are you going to fight Hadean too?
ID: totes fighting! i'm fighting.
SA: I will fight anyone. but it won't be in a ring.
ID: you don't win money outside of the ring pris.
WA: |>|>| Í totally could! Ít's a good practíce ;D |<|<|
SA: oh i don't need the money. I just eant to kick their ass
SA: I'm joking.
WA: |>|>| Haha luckíly Í am good! But Í tend to go to the ríngs when needed |<|<|
AA: omg, prni.
AA: fight me!!
AA: it'll be wicked fun.
SA: Okay.
WA: |>|>| Fíght círcle?? |<|<|
AA: omg omg yesss. AA: only if you pay, WA.
WA: |>|>| Pay for fíghtíng ya? |<|<| WA: |>|>| Maybe Í wíll! >:) |<|<| WA: |>|>| But you guys keep talkíng about fíghtíng and hypíng me up! |<|<|
LC: [ All this talk about fighting. ] LC: [ Just don't break eachother's limbs if YYou are not planning to fight for YYour life. ] LC: [ Which doesn't seem to be the case. ]
SA: 😃 no promises.
LC: [ Well I have nothing else to saYY in that case. ] WA: |>|>| Dude you are not our lusus!! |<|<| WA: |>|>| We can handle ourselves ;D |<|<| LC: [ YYeah well, caution is never a bad thing. ]
ID: sorry i got distracted looking at things.
SA: I was napping.
ID: well nap if you need it dude.
AA: did you get coffee??
SA: Yes, I got cappuccino
AA: >:?
SA: why >:?
AA: idk what that is, dude. is that, like, rneal orn fake coffee?
SA: It's sort of like sweet coffee.
SA: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/Cappuccino_at_Lund.jpg
AA: !!! AA: wtf, that's qt.
SA: It's also hazelnutflavored.
AA: that looks way bettern than phern's shit, negl.
ID: does it taste nice? =:?
SA: What do they drink?
SA: Yes, it does. It's very nice, considering it has been raining nonstop in Provenance for a few days.
SA: It's sweet and sort of nutty, but also sharp.
SA: i wish i had a pillow.
SA: How far are you all from Cascara?
WA: |>|>| Ha! Around another níght's travel! |<|<| WA: |>|>| Then Í wíll be present >:) |<|<|
ID: i'm in cascara. eyeing up all these stalls.
AA: like. uhhh.
AA: fourn hourns, p much.
AA: also damn, that doesn't sound bad. and IDK. he just, like, stews beans.
AA: and is like. B'L U H B'L U H, crneam ruins the flavourn. >:}
SA: what a bitter person.
0 notes
darkicedragon · 6 years
Aaaall caught up with The Magnus Archives now. :D Some 700~ words.
'What is this place?' Omfg, John, please.
'Sarah... Daniel' HMMMM, Sarah Baldwin came back?
'Everything is going to be okay.' This is the point you pipe this person, because it's CLEARLY not Tim. >_>
'Stop what?' OOOOOH BOY, YEP
Burn them burn them burn them, I'm sure you've still got your lighter with you.
Welp, there goes the detonator 8')
Ehehehe, Daisy gets it straight away.
Awwww, Basira and Tim are together.
'Doesn't matter. Names...don't matter' Eeeeeee yessss
Goddammit, no, Tim XD;
'Sasha...whatever her name was!' PFFT
Omggggg, gertrude's voice! ...Because her skin's here? Hmhm
'And you didn't even know what you were fighting' Okay but he's only been here a year while you've been doing this for 50 :(
Theeere we go, leitner.
'Why didn't you warn me it'd be like this?' He kinda died too fast to tell you everything, pfft.
And yep, they say so, haha.
'I guess you should have remembered that //smoking kills//' Okay, I laughed XD
Baaasssiiiraaaaa, talking with hersellff to get herself to focus, aaaah.
'I see you...’ HNNNNNG
'Oh just let me ENJOY myself' Big bad's fatal flaw, ahaha
Axe death!
'I see my asshole boss!' XDD
YESSSS, John trying get tim to understand again! OOOOOH RIGHT, he's probably compelling Tim with his questions!
'Do you think the world will be better with the WATCHER' Yeeeep, next ritual to disrupt. Time to destroy the archives. >8D
muse muse. Had been wondering why Elias had been so pissed when Martin had been destroying statements since they can just redo them, but I guess gathering knowledge is a major part.
muse muse. So a beholder world would be things under constant surveillance, your every move and thought recorded into neat little stories?
'You can't even save HIM' 'But I can hurt YOU' Eeeeeeheheheh
Elias, no, no poking about in other people's dreams >8l
'Whose eye watches him, and cannot close' HNNNG
'I am for you' Hnnnnnng
Aaaaaaall the caaaaallbaaaacks
'He. Is. Whole' HNNNNG
'I only hope you can continue your growth without my guidance' ??????
So did Melanie and Martin figure out how to kill him then?
Or are they getting him arrested for like, keeping human bones in his office?
'You didn't tell her' Ahahaha yeah. She'd have wanted him dead. 8')
Why does no-one think Martin can stand up for himself and actually do stuff? XD;; Awwww!
'Let the others know I shall be thinking of them' HAHA. HA. HAHAHA..... And watching, of course. >_>;
'Please, call me Peter' 'No... No I'm okay' XDDD Awwww, Martin
...........Does this mean Peter's going to be the new boss? 8');;;;
'Give you all a couple of weeks of paid leave' Ahaha, nice canon way to give the actors and writer a break too, heh
Noooo, daisy and tim are gone :(
Ooooh, right, because Martin doesn't like change
MUUUUSE. So was John actually physically dead?
"When Jon takes a statement directly from a victim, he causes them to have recurring nightmares, and enters their dreams to watch them suffer over and over again." Thaaat would explain Basira and Daisy's conversation. but yeah, hadn't quite twigged since it was a dreamscape, so anything can happen in dreams anyway haha
Meaningful Name: Martin's surname, Blackwood, translates to "Schwarzwald" — the location where Jonah Magnus first encountered the supernatural. Excuse me
Hmmm, wasn’t quite so hyped up for this finale, but yeah, damn, the penultimate episode was a lot of work for them, haha. Maybe I wasn’t as interested because Mass Confusion is hard for me to follow and there were So Many Groups.
And it’s also hard to know exactly what’s going on since the format is on the tapes, (which would have been destroyed) so I was a little :( when we had to have a summary of what happened after from Elias. Which is a good use of his power, and it’s not like we would have known about John’s dream walking power for a whiiile without it.
But also yeah! Looks like John’s going to be tumbling further into non-humanness if he’s met with the Eye now. 8D Can’t wait to see the changes, ahahah.
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