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haii!! so um not sure what to post but like all i can think of right now is um the correlations between Dakara Boku wa Ongaku wo Yameta and Elma so um here! have a list of the different ways Elma (the album) references the diary, letters and the album it responds to
(if i miss some let me know please)
and dearest mobile users i will spare you so have a cut
edit: so @just-nonsense-bungaku said some stuff in the replies (thank you so much!) and all the songs after 8/27 (or the Nautilus MV) were written by Elma when her anger lost steam and she started to process her grief. explaining why Ame to, Yuu, Kokoro and Amy sound so different from the style she used (or copied off of Amy) from pre-8/27
and another edit: @teamsavingmyles said some stuff in the rbs, thank you thank you thank you!!! i've been thinking about Yuunagi's references recently cuz i've been working on translating both albums but i never really got around to it so yeah thanks!
edit: i just changed the order of stuff because i forgot well. each song would be written on different days, so for example Koe wouldn't refer to Kokoro, more like Kokoro was inspired by Koe and Yuunagi's metaphor for a hole in the heart
1. 8/31 & 車窓 (Shasou/Train Window)
...they're instrumentals :P (seriously i find no connection)
2. 藍二乗 (Ai Nijou/Deep Indigo) & 憂一乗 (Yuu Ichijou/Only Sorrow)
the concept of i to the power of 2 (and however that relates to Amy's feelings about Elma)
also the first kanji of both titles sound like "i" and "you"
edit: so Ai's chorus' motif is about how blurred the world is, because of Amy's tears, while Yuu's chorus motif is how transparent the world feels to Elma, now that Amy's gone
edit: Yuu takes the phrase "I don't need anything" from Hachigatsu, but for a completely different reason. i think in Hachigatsu, Amy says he doesn't need anything to show his life will ends soon, so like what's the point of anything. in Yuu, Elma says she doesn't need anything besides Amy. she just wants to hear him sing, just one more time (or something)
i mean other than that there isn't much, they sound so different
3. 八月、某、月明かり (Hachigatsu, Bou, Tsukiakari/August, A Certain Place, Moonlight) & 夕凪、某、花惑い (Yuunagi, Bou, Hana Madoi/Evening Calm, A Certain Place, Fireworks)
so first of all both seem to stem from one memory of watching fireworks in the summer (according to a summary of Letters and Diary i read some time ago)
edit: re-reading Diary and it was Memory 17
Yuunagi was the first song Elma wrote, which is why it sounds so similar to Hachigatsu (INTENSE electric guitar, softer at the verses, picks up at the chorus, drops again)
also unrelated note but Hachigatsu is by far the angriest song i can think of. at least by Yorushika
edit: one of the last lines of Yuunagi may be what inspired Kokoro, "In my heart, a hole opens"
Yuunagi also references Ai, in the line "this song has about ___ characters" and the phrase "drowning in flowers" is seen again in Ame to
4. 詩書とコーヒー (Shikaki to Koohii/Songwriting and Coffee) & 雨とカプチーノ (Ame to Kapuchiino/Rain and Cappucino)
okay seriously though, both also sound somewhat similar to each other (but from here on out, Elma's developing her own style :DDD)
in both songs they do struggle to keep up with memories of each other, in Shikaki Amy states he forgets things like dreams, things like Elma's mouth and eyes and in Ame to Elma tries not to let anything, literally all of her memories of Amy fade away. (reminds me of the reason why Elma kept a diary for her trip to Sweden)
5. 7/13 & 湖の街 (Mizumi no Machi/Lakeside Town)
...they're also instrumentals
6. 躍ろうぜ (Odorouze/Let's Dance) & 神様のダンス (Kamisama no Dansu/Dance of the Gods)
um the titles have "dance" in them???
not sure really. in Odorouze, Amy pretends everything's fine when he's still struggling with his memories of Elma and depression and whatever and in Kamisama no Dansu Elma is PISSED OFF about the fact that she decided to follow Amy's footsteps considering his values. i mean i don't blame her i don't feel like being told i'd have about a year left to live and just LIVE AND GO DO STUFF and go to Sweden before realizing "dang. i screwed up. can't talk it back now--" *oofs self on some random dock*
oh also a discussion i had w/ nonsense-bungaku on Kamisama has changed my beliefs slightly; Elma is still mad at Amy (and herself) for following his path and beliefs but she's also kind of done trying to create music with "value" and "purpose", just creating music because it's fun, because the process of creating music is something one can derive joy from
edit: Kamisama does take a line, "名もない花が綺麗とか" ("Nameless flowers are beautiful") and a slightly altered version of the line "そんなのどうでもいいから" ("I couldn't care any less about that", being "どうでもいいことばっかだ" meaning the same thing) from Yoru Magai
Kamisama also references Yoru Magai in the lines "I keep my head down, like I'm scared" because in the verses of Yoru, in the fifth lines, Amy talks about keeping his head down, so he can't see how blue the sky is or so he doesn't understand everyone's feelings.
another unrelated note, Kamisama no Dansu is still freaking good. not that it wasn't good before but like there's something about it that i really like and would talk about until i fainted from loss of oxygen.
7. 六月和雨上がりの街を書く (Rokugatsu wa Ameagari no Machi wo Kaku/In June, I'll Write About the Town After the Rain) & 雨晴るる (Ame Haruru/After The Rain)
first of all, both of them are about rain (astute observation. round of applause.)
i do think it's really cool how Amy says he'd write about the rain in the town he stayed at but never stayed long enough to write about it, so Elma does it for him. also Elma's style has changed from where she was before, like say, Yuunagi or Koe
also Rokugatsu references Ai Nijou and may be what inspired the creation of Parade
edit: both Ame and Rokugatsu talk about this "ultramarine" which, at least to me, in Rokugatsu refers to the whole memories and the window and in Ame Ha it refers to tears
Ame Ha also references Gogatsu with the swaying curtains, and *potentially* references Hachigatsu in the line "my heartbeat rung out". potentially. if i'm looking too deep and they aren't related don't yell at me
8. 五月は花緑青の窓辺から (Gogatsu wa Hana Rokushou no Madobe Kara/In May, from the Emerald Green Window) & 歩く (Aruku/Walk)
again, not sure how these correlate. though i like how Aruku's chorus is a slowed down version of Gogatsu's chorus.
edit: ...how i didn't notice this i will never know. the frikking Emerald Green/tears metaphor.
Aruku also talks about feeling "asleep", where Elma (as she said in Ame Ha) plays dumb and pretends not to know Amy would die early cuz chronic illness and moveth to foreign country (though Amy did grow up there) and unhealthy mental state. this song and Koe also talk about Elma hating herself for doing so, but Elma and Nautilus think that her playing dumb was pretty endearing
both songs also have this feeling of being "trapped", where Amy feels trapped in this life, and the only way out is Emerald Green, while Elma got left behind and is now stuck looking for at least scraps of the person she loves through these streets
Aruku also potentially references Yoru Magai in the way Elma imitates Amy by keeping her head down, the same way as Kamisama
9. 夜紛い (Yoru Magai/False Night) & 心に穴が空いた (Kokoro ni Ana ga Aita/A Hole Opened Up in My Heart)
i think it's cool how Yoru's main and last line is "I want to open up a hole in you" and then Kokoro's is like "That's why a hole has opened up in my heart" like HOWWWWW HOW MUST YOU HURT ME LIKE THAT
also Kokoro's third line references the song it responds to, as well as Letters 6/26, "a false night, like twilight, painted the town"
edit: how none of you said this gets me. um the line "君だけが僕の音楽なんだよ"、 エイミー ("You alone were my music", Amy) is literally from Ai Nijou (i mean i guess it was too obvious but whatever i'll put that in)
10. 5/6 & 森の教会 (Mori no Kyoukai/Church in the Forest)
more. instrumental.
11. パレード (Parade) & 声 (Koe/Voice)
both incorporate the concept of the God of Art which i think is cool
both are lyrically short
Koe references Yoru in the line "this heavy life is like a machine gun" and may have alluded to the metaphor from Yuunagi - in the line "what I want to draw/picture is the time that hollowed my heart" (and maybe a part of a line got re-used in Ame to Kapuchiino?? does the line "when I cry, it overflows” count???)
Koe also sounds like Parade, just in the key C#, not D
edit: in Letters 7/13, Amy said Parade was Koe
another edit: Parade is the song about the God of Art, right??? well i read @saikisser 's post on how FREAKING SAD PARADE IS AND LISTENING TO IT WITH CONTEXT MAKES IS EVEN SADDER and well Amy also thinks Elma is divine to him (because she's the one that sings the lyrics the God of Art managed to find in his fingers)
also another unrelated note but listen to Parade it's such a beautiful song i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee ittttttttttttttttt
12. エルマ (Elma) & エイミー (Amy)
awwwwww the non-depressing songs!!! i love them sm
um they're messages directly to each other
both were the last songs each other wrote in the story
they both sound sweet and Kumo to Yuurei-esque, but slightly more upbeat (basically just similar to each other)
yeah i love those songs they're the only happy ones by Yorushika i can think of besides Haru Dorobou (which is just SPRING :DDD oooo flowers!!! they're pretty!!!)
13. 4/10 & 海底、月明かり (Kaitei, Tsukiakari/Seabed, Moonlight)
another. instrumental. (dw this is the last instrumental)
aaaaaaaand the last one. the one we've been waiting for.
14. だから僕は音楽をやめた (Dakara Boku wa Ongaku wo Yameta/That's Why I Gave Up On Music) & ノーチラス (Nautilus)
so they were both featured at the end of their journeys. (Amy oofs himself on the dock, Elma finds his stuff a year later and cries before going home on a ship like a month later but in that month there's like no lore whatsoever so it's kind of an epilogue???)
Dakara Boku mainly is just. looking at whatever happened back then and how much Amy regrets whatever he did in Letters. he wishes he stayed with Elma cuz then he'd have a bit longer to live but well i guess he really isn't going to make it past the summer. also screaming. aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--
i will say Nautilus was also written by Amy, because at the literal end (just before he wrote Elma, i think. he doesn't write when he says goodbye in Letters and Diary obviously doesn't state when it was written because well Elma doesn't know) he was going about his day before realizing the day he runs out of ink draws nearer and nearer. and he hasn't even considered how Elma felt/would feel after he's gone so he wrote Nautilus as a way to say "it will be hard, but turn away from me and lift your head to the future" and that makes me cry even harder like NOOOO I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU HERE BUT ALSO I CAN'T TAKE YOU WITH ME CUZ YOU TOOK THE BUS TO THE OTHER WORLD CYA
and that's it for the albums! =w=
*pathetic bowing*
#yorushika#ヨルシカ#that's why i gave up on music#だから僕は音楽をやめた#elma#エルマ#oh also also also! not related to yorushika but a few months ago i discovered tuyu#from yappari ame wa furunda ne#now i sometimes type daKEDO YAPPARI AME WA FURUNDA NEEEE randomly cuz i can#but about the song Compared Child#it escalates. like really bad.#like it starts off#ah compared child. compared child. you don't have to tell me. i know i won't ever be as good as her. please don't and leave me alone.#<- mildly irritated. she knows. you can stop comparing her. *some time in the song later*#AH. COMPARED CHILD. COMPARED CHILD. YES I ALREADY KNOW. I WILL *NEVER* BE AS GOOD. I KNOW NO MATTER WHAT I DO I WON'T GET REWARDED.#DON'T EVEN BOTHER TALKING TO ME. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. I WISH I KNEW HOW MUCH I WOULD HATE YOU.#<- VERY VERY PISSED. on the verge of a breakdown (if said breakdown hasn't yet occurred)#anyways have a nice existenceeeeee
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A Rainy Wandering
Inc: Reader/Malleus (99% platonic but we had to sneak those subtle feelings in there at the end. Love me some two oblivious clowns) Second person POV Warnings: None WC: 1.8k Summary: Er so that new Malleus card, yeah? (Or: hey your bff scheduled in a 4 hour gargoyle tour, are you coming, orrrr...?) Also s.o to Alexandra with her literal Field Guide to Gargoyles and founding of the Gargoyle Appreciation Society. My hero rn for this hope they are thriving.
The campus is shrouded in grey as the rain falls at a steady rate around you. You grip your umbrella with both hands to combat against the gentle tug of the wind as you stand at the end of your dorms long walkway, shifting from side to side on occasion to look at both ends of the road. Behind you, the orange glow of Ramshackles cozy inside beckons to you, promising an escape from the rain in the form of wool blankets and terrible reality television. You’re half tempted to go back, but you staunchly remind yourself that you had made a promise, and you were not someone to fall back on your word.
That being said, your friend is about five minutes late, but you can forgive him. He’s never been good at keeping track of time.
You shift on your heels again as you tilt the umbrella back to look at the grey sky. You last all of two seconds before too many raindrops fall on your face and you look back down, blinking the water out of your eye. The motion lets you take note of a pair of boots standing to your right.
“Oh!” You splutter, moving your umbrella again to look at to whom those boots belong. Malleus stands in a very casual, unassuming manner, his own umbrella in hand and his brow quirked in amusement. “How long have you been standing here for?”
You know the answer to that already—probably just seconds—but Malleus’ lips curl into a secretive smile as he shrugs a shoulder. “Long enough to observe you taking a makeshift wash.”
A sour look is what he gets in turn, although yours always lack venom when it comes to him. A quick glance over his form shows you that he’s come prepared for the weather as well. In addition to his umbrella (which is decorated with gargoyles, to your amusement), he wears a black and purple raincoat, gloves, and has tied his hair back in a looped knot you think you've never seen him wear before. Compared to your yellow rubber boots and yellow raincoat, he looks like he stepped out of a high-fashion shoot.
To serve and observe, apparently, is the agenda for today. You missed that memo.
“I need to tie a bell to your wrist so I know when you’re coming.” You grumble as he steps back to the road, leaving you to fall in line with him. His warm laughter fills the air as you begin the first few legs of the tour he’s been talking about for ages.
“Now, I do think I recall you saying that once before,” he muses, tapping his fingers against the metal gargoyle at his umbrella's base. “You have yet to follow through.”
“I think your students would mob my dorm if I were to try and tie anything to you. Maybe I should just put an alarm on your phone instead—as long as you don’t break it again.”
Often this would earn you a look of mock hurt, but Malleus seems far too jubilant at the moment to care about the subtle read you’re giving him. He’s smiling away, as happy as can be as he walks by your side. He even has a little bounce in his step. It almost makes you want to laugh at the sight; how can anyone call him intimidating when he’s looking like a child about to get a present?
“Ah, yes, yes. I have been diligent in keeping my devices in check. Shroud has been of much help in that.” His gaze darts around the campus until he loops his arm with yours and pulls you swiftly to the right. You’re pliant to his guidance, only sighing in response as you let him pull you wherever he sees fit. This is something you’ve come to realize about the nature of your relationship with the prince. Malleus is a chronic wanderer, tending to just go off wherever he wishes, but he’s also mildly codependent. Since you two had firmly established that you are friends—hell, you gave the man a friendsgiving card—everywhere Malleus drifts off to, he takes you like a tether.
“Ah! Our first stop on our tour,” he begins, still brimming with energy. He tries to move his umbrella, only to have it collide with yours in the process. “Actually, before we begin, would you be so kind as to close your umbrella? We can use mine.”
You lean back to look up at your friend incredulously. At well over 6 feet, horns excluded, you doubt that you will remain dry for long should Malleus shield you both with his umbrella. He stares back both unwavering and with expectation in his look. You purse your lips. He raises an eyebrow. You lean back a bit, he replicates the action, his gaze looking you up and down. Daring you.
Oh, girl.
After a second of silent staring with a dash of attitude that the man rarely shows anyone else, you huff a sigh and close your umbrella, scooting closer to him once you do. His expression lights up as you roll your eyes, and he resumes his tangent.
“Thank you, my dear friend. Now, as I was saying, our first stop on our tour! If you direct your attention upwards you will see what is aptly called a screamer gargoyle. The positioning of its body—with hands behind its head and its mouth agape—is meant to remind those who witness it that torment lay ahead if they fail to fulfill a particular purpose. You may see these on the cathedrals in numerous nations, as they were quite popular to evoke terror in worshippers.”
You scoot forward to look past the edge of the umbrella at the gargoyle in particular. True to Malleus’ word, the carved figure looks as though it’s screaming in agony, its eyes directed upwards, and its body bent at an angle. You smirk a little.
“Kind of looks like Ace and Deuce during exams.”
Malleus hums thoughtfully. “Perhaps that is why they put one on a school ground. To remind students of the torment they will endure should they neglect studying and strike deals for grades instead.”
“So mean,” you chastise, even though you were the one to start this train of thought. The two of you continue your trail along the main road. Malleus keeps your arms firmly linked together as he chatters on, stopping on occasion to point out a particularly significant gargoyle, or a grotesque lined against the wall. You reckon this is the most your friend has talked in a while, considering his need to stop and clear his throat with an apology.
You also consider that this is probably one of few times that he’s managed to rope someone into a walk with him like this. Out of the joy his joy seems to bring you, you prompt him with several questions as you tour about, doing your best to remember the info dumping you’re being subjected to. A slip up of calling a grotesque a gargoyle by mistake, which earned you a verbal berating in the gentlest of manners, was enough to make you pay closer attention.
As the rain begins to lighten and the sun valiantly fights to break free, the two of you come to a stop in one of the courtyard areas of the main building. You fish out a granola bar from your pocket as Malleus holds the umbrella, offering him half of it before you look around at the building. There aren’t as many gargoyles here as the other areas, save for one impressive dragon carving looming over the courtyard entrance. You gesture to it in silence, your mouth too full of chocolate and granola to speak. Fortunately, Malleus has become more then attuned to your gestures to know what you’re saying—another reward of your friendship.
“That is one of the older gargoyles present on the campus. Considering that the courtyard we are standing in served as part of the original residence, I would wager that the initial owner of the lands commissioned this.” Malleus taps the base of the umbrella again as he tilts it back to look upwards. A few stray raindrops hit his cheek, making his brow furrow as he inspects the moss-covered structure. He’s looking at the gargoyle, while you’re looking at the expressions he’s pulling. “Most people surmise that the selection of a dragon was done to evoke fear in opponents who may try to take these lands, but I’m of the mindset that it was done to symbolize the wisdom and guardianship the owners held over their subjects. Dragons are, after all, quite wise.”
“So the dragon says.” You reply teasingly as you look at the statue. He’s right to guess that it’s certainly the oldest one you’ve seen. The stone is aged and slightly cracked along the edges. You know that Malleus has a habit of carving statues himself, and you wonder if he’s ever considered trying to repair it. Given his love for all things crumbling and ancient, however, you also wager that the thought of rebuilding something that time has claimed is well against his personal morals.
“My assessment is free of bias, Prefect.” He counters with a mockingly scolding tone to his voice. You know it to be in jest by the way his eyes remain alight with joy. He really is infectious when he’s in a good mood, dangerously so, and a part of you wishes he could stay this way consistently instead of sliding back to the quiet, brooding form he can be when he’s feeling temperamental.
You scrunch up the granola wrapper before shoving it in your pocket with a shake of your head. “Oh yes, definitely no projecting going on here.”
“I will leave you out in this rain.” He warns, tilting the umbrella so that you’re out of its cover. You yelp in protest and duck back underneath, practically squishing yourself against him to keep from doing that again.
“You like me too much to do that!” You argue back as you grip the umbrella handle yourself. He breaks his facade of sternness to laugh as his arm comes around you to rest on your back. The act feels far too natural for the first time he’s ever done it, yet you acquiesce regardless. “Besides, who else will finish this loop with you? Silver is training with Sebek and Lilia is off… well. Doing whatever he pleases.”
Another thoughtful hum vibrates in Malleus’ chest, which you can feel considering the proximity of your bodies in this moment. A sudden awareness strikes you that makes you feel a bit awkward about it all. Out of reflex you nudge his waist with your arm, prompting him to give you some more space.
“I suppose you have me there,” he notes, granting you a half smile as he looks down to your irate expression. He offers you the crook of his arm, and you silently oblige by linking it with yours. He tugs you a bit closer this time around as he beckons to the courtyard exit. “Let us continue, then. I would say we have another hour at least. Oh, I do hope you’re as excited as I am for what’s to come.”
#twst#malleus draconia#twst malleus#he pulls up while ur looking like a duck asking if ur ready for a 4 hr hike wyd#anyway total vomit on this page i just got hyper locked in over his card sorryyyy#twst fanfiction#twst x reader#malleus x reader
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It was deep into the night..
...and not a single noise peeped, keeping both you and your husband peacefully asleep. The moon was full and bright, giving light to the outside critters that stirred outside and the wind gently brushed up against the trees, making small movements but not big enough to knock down even a leaf. This was you and your husband's first peaceful night ever since that big day you both had and you were going to soak it up as much as you can.
It was then that a ear piercing cry immediately awoken you from your slumber on instinct.
"Shit." You mumble, struggling to get out of bed until a big pair of arms stopped you.
Feeling the prickle of his arm hairs and big muscular arms immediately made you recognize who it was.
"Si.." You groan, feeling his weight on you, "I gotta go get her."
"I got her, love. Stay here." Simon told you.
"Okay." You didn't argue back as your husband, who only wore boxers to bed, got out of bed and stumbled out of y'alls bedroom.
You could hear your child's cries die down a little bit as Simon entered into the nursery room.
"'Ello love."
You could hear Simon greet y'alls fussy daughter. It was only for a second that y'alls daughter was calm but she picked right back up on fussing.
"'Ey, 'ey there, there, love. What's got you up this late, huh?" Simon cooed to her.
You could only imagine that he was rocking her and gently bouncing her in his arms but that didn't do much to suffice her cries.
"What is it? Tell me, love." Simon said to her.
Your daughter fussed and cried some more.
"Ah, I know what you want. You want the bloody titty."
You choked back laughter hearing that come out of Simon's mouth. He wasn't exactly wrong, your daughter was hungry and a bottle would just be asking for a all night fussing war. Your husband appeared in the doorway with y'alls baby engulfed in his arms. Your baby was so tiny compared to how physically big your husband was. With a smile on his face, Simon came and sat next to you in bed, handing you his daughter to you.
"She hungry?" You ask, already knowing what the answer would be.
"Worse than you." Simon remarked, making you both laugh as you began feeding your daughter.
This was most of y'alls nights together. You both hope to get some shut eye, but then y'alls daughter starts crying, whether it be she needs a change or wants a midnight snack, Simon is always the one to get her. You had a rough pregnancy but despite being away from home for his work, he always made sure you were in good health and doing good, both physically and mentally. Simon never thought he would have another chance at life nor happiness until he met you and when y'alls daughter was born. The second he saw her face, her little, beautiful face, he had fallen in love all over again, but for a different reason. He saw another reason and person to protect and love for the rest of his life. You and his daughter.
"You okay, Simon?" You knock Simon out of his daydream.
Simon smiled at you, feeling content with this being his life right now.
"Yes, love. I am." He told you.
Simon then leaned on your shoulder so not only could he relax but keep his eyes on his beautiful daughter.
"She looks like you, Si." You say, admiring her beauty.
"Sucks for 'hem." Simon joked, making you elbow him in response.
It was no question that your daughter got most of Simon's looks. When she was born, she had a whole head of blonde hair, which would explain all of the heartburn you had during your pregnancy, and you blown away when she first opened her eyes to peer at the two of y'all. Bright blue eyes accompanied y'alls daughter and while there's a chance the color could change as she gets older, you valued the fact that she got the better genes between the two of y'all.
"Ah." You winced, feeling your daughter bite down too hard.
"Be nice to your Mum." Simon jokingly scolded her.
"She's fine, Simon. She's just hungry." You reassure him.
"I know." Simon said, sinking into the bed more.
Once your daughter was full, you pulled her away from your breast and were about to put her on your shoulder to burp her.
"Let me do it, love." Simon begged.
Without hesitation, you handed your daughter to Simon, and he gently took her into his arms. Your daughter cooed and babbled as Simon began patting her back to burp her. A big belch erupted into Simon's ear, making you nearly die from laughter.
"Bloody lovely." Simon mumbled, making you laugh some more.
Simon rose his legs up and planted them up, resting y'alls daughter onto his big, thick legs. Your daughter gazed between both of y'all.
"She's beautiful, Si." You say.
Simon then leaned in and planted a deep but passionate kiss on your lips, feeling his entire love get poured into this kiss.
"You're the reason why she is, my love."
A/N: Another little drabble I came up with! Hope y'all enjoyed it :)
#cod#callofduty#simon ghost riley#call of duty#cod modern warfare#ghostofthemost141#cod x reader#modern warfare x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#ghost x reader#cod ghost x reader#simon riley x reader#simon ghost x reader#simon ghost riley x you
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Part 5 - So Above As Is Below
꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊❅.☃︎⋆⁺₊❅.⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆⋆꙳
Wayne did not awake in his comfortable chair as he had both times prior. This time, he was laying with his back upon the snow staring up at the night sky, cold seeping into his skin through his night clothes.
“I know,” he said louder than he ought to, “that I am not alone, spectre. I have met your compatriots already. The ghosts of Christmas Past and Present. You are… What did Allen say? Ah yes. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.”
With this, a skeletal hand appeared above him, half covered in dark cloth, pointing to something.
At this, Wayne stood up to look at whatever figure had arrived this time with so little theatrics. Above him was a ghost with long pink hair and a face which you could see the bone through. The ghost did not look at him either, only kept pointing at something in the distance, cloaked in black and emotionless.
“You are,” Wayne said, “Rather quiet compared to your coworkers.”
The ghost did not reply.
Wayne stood up and brushed the snow off of himself with a sigh. “Well, lead on spirit.”
The ghost did not move.
And so he looked to where the ghost was pointing and came to the striking realization that he had awoken in a graveyard. Snow covered carved stones around him as a chill began to overtake his spine.
“Why are we here, spirit?” Wayne whispered, “This is… The future, yes?”
The ghost still pointed silently.
“Then, I have a guess.” He began to slowly walk in the direction the ghost pointed, the spectre following close behind and slowly lowering their hand.
As they drew closer they came upon a grave. A rather paltry one. In front of a wooden slat was Alden, holding a small patchwork doll that was much worse than the one his daughter had made.
“I… I tried to make one you would like, kiddo. I’m not the best with the needle. Too clumsy.”
Wayne stared as he walked closer and the ghost followed close behind. He did not say anything as his mouth hung ever so slightly open and his brows clenched together.
Alden continued, tears beginning to stream down his face, “But your mom… Your mom is beside herself right now. And I wanted to make sure you had a good Christmas present… Merry Christmas, kiddo. I’m sorry that I couldn’t… That we…” He lowered his head to the wooden grave and cried.
Wayne looked at the spectre. “The child? She died?”
The ghost only stared at him.
“I knew… She was sick. But it could have been treated. It was expensive, sure, but… Alden could never have afforded it, but I could have… I didn’t do it… I should have. I could…”
There was so much to say and yet he was speechless. This child did not deserve death, indeed none did. Wayne’s heart ached in his chest and his own eyes began to tear up.
The ghost showed no sign of a reaction and only pointed in another direction.
“What could be worse? What could you have to show me that would change me beyond this?” Wayne tried to ask, but the ghost was not moved. And so, he began to trudge in the direction of where the The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come pointed.
A funeral. As he drew closer he saw two men lowering a coffin into a grave with drunken abandon as a priest read final rights. No one else was there.
“Poor bastard,” Wayne whispered.
The men dropped the coffin carelessly on the final foot or so and the priest jumped, scolding them.
“Father,” one of them said, “Good man. We are just helping him speed up his journey to Hell. Reaping. Sowing. You know how it is.”
They both laughed and brushed off the dirt and snow as the priest finished the rights.
“The nicest thing that man ever did,” the other man said, “Was die. How kind of him to make his last moments his best. How grand!”
The spectre moved closer as they all grabbed a shovel and Wayne watched in horror as they all withered away like dead leaves in winter, fluttering away in the wind. This left him standing there, alone, with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come and whoever was in the coffin below.
“What an awful scene…” Wayne mumbled. “Who could deserve such a funeral?”
The ghost looked at him, bright red eyes sending fear up through his neck and into his face. The spectre pointed at the gravestone.
“Ah, so you can hear me. I was wondering,” Wayne said as he turned to look at whoever had been so hated in life to be treated with such disrespect in death. The words on his tongue grew to lead, though, as he saw the stone above the grave.
‘WAYNE STRICKLAND’ was carved carelessly into the memorial before him.
“This was my funeral,” he whispered, “No one came… Though, who would. My only family… My niece I am unkind to. My workers, I don’t pay well. I have no friends or love. I am… Alone.”
The ghost did not mock or comfort or say anything. Just lingered and watched.
“Tell me, spectre. Is this future my destiny? Or can it be changed? Am I doomed to be unremembered, even scorned, in death as in life?”
No answer. Again. It was starting to grate on him.
“If… If I am not to be saved, so be it. But the child can be saved. I have the ability to help her. I always did, I see that now, but I can go back to the present and I can begin to act! I understand I was wrong! Please!”
And the ghost was suddenly and quite terribly fast. Their hand shot out at Wayne’s neck and lifted him into the air as he struggled.
“Please!” Was all he could say as he clawed at a hand that lacked flesh.
The ghost looked at him, dead eyes.
And something changed.
The melted wicks upon their shoulders lit with fire and the sound of laughter, maniacal and familiar filled the air. A bell chimed four times.
The ghost smiled. And dropped Wayne into the grave as all went dark.
꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊❅.☃︎⋆⁺₊❅.⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆⋆꙳
[1 Character Unlocked!]
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Alright, since I can’t seem to come up with anything good to write, I’ve decided to let an AI generate random dialogue prompts. If you are interested in any of them being part of a fanfic, please send an ask with said prompt. Also, if you have an idea of what you want me to do with the prompt, feel free to include it in the ask. Angst? Happy? Funny? Only writing for Kaz Brekker at the moment, but might do it again for more characters.
(I’ll be crossing out the ones that have already been done.)
1. "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
2. "Am I supposed to be scared now?"
3. "Could you be happy here with me?"
4. "But this- this is the only thing that's made the last three years bearable."
5. "Perhaps you'll take me out one day - or do I have to make an appointment?"
6. "I've forgotten what it's like to feel young."
7. "She's been missing since Friday and you're not worried?"
8. "I daren't stay long. I just had to see you."
9. "It looks like you're in trouble there. Can I help?"
10. "He/she was unconscious when I found him/her”
11. "You came back!"
12. "You stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?"
13. "You were meant to be watching him/her!”
14. "I'll find her and bring her home, I promise."
15. "Have you read the newspaper stories about my wife?"
16. "Tell me what you saw, for her/his sake!"
17. "H-how long have you been standing there?"
18. "You haven't called me that in years."
19. She was beginning to realise how far down in his memory he’d buried his childhood
20. "I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I'm going to marry her."
21. "You did a bad thing for a good reason."
22. "If you do this, you will be dead to me."
23. "You have her/his eyes."
24. "I just want a nice, easy life. What's wrong with that?"
25. "You're paying a small price compared with what she's going through."
26. "Are you kidding me? We're not 'fine'!"
27. "What do you remember about your mother?"
28. "Where does a child hide in a town like this?"
29. "If only I'd just gone over when she called."
30. “If you’re not going to let me help, I’m not staying to watch you burn.”
31. “You shot me!” “Oh, don’t pretend to be surprised. It’s unbecoming.”
32. “We were friends.”
33. “You seem tired.”
34. “You talk like we’ve already lost.” “Look around you, dumbass! We already have!”
35. “Was I just not enough for you?”
36. “It’s easy to hate someone when you don’t look them in the eyes.”
37. “Ah, yes. I am delighted to exist as a pawn in your power-plays.”
38. “How am I supposed to go on?”
39. “Aren’t you tired? Can we stop this and give our hearts rest?”
40. “We started this together and we should end it together.”
41. “You bring the best out of me but I’m the worst for you.”
42. “What I mean is, I’m going to stop watering a dead flower, expecting it to grow again.”
43. “But you make me feel like home! You are my home.”
44. “I just need this one moment. This last one.”
45. “I was not ready to lose both a lover and a friend in one night.”
46. Because that’s all we are now, right? A memory, a faded picture, a failed potential.
47. “Please, just stay a little longer.”
48. “Am I going to die?”
49. “I know exactly how this ends.”
50. “You were never one of us.”
51. “I would’ve died for you.”
52. “You almost died! And for what?”
53. “If I leave now, I won’t come back.”
54. “Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want pity.”
55. “And then he left.”
56. “I wish I could fix this.”
57. “You hurt me and I still trusted you.”
58. “Can we have this conversation when you’re not upset.”
59. “You really were my first and last.”
60. “I hope you got what you wanted.”
#angst#fanfiction#six of crows fanfic#six of crows x reader#kazzle dazzle#kaz brekker x reader#kaz brekker
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Hey, Brother do you still believe in one another?
06. Love sick
Heiji Hattori x Male Reader | Platonic! Shinichi Kudo x Brother Reader
Fandom -> Detective Conan/Case Closed
Masterlist | Previous / Next |

'Cause you know that, baby, I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Tokyos streets are covered in snow, decorated with christmas decorations and filled with people—doing their last minute Christmas shopping, as the holiday was only one week away.
Through amidst the people, Daiki was observing you, his darling. Watching how you were walking through the shopping district, holding hands with a Child and stopping ever so often by a Window to look at the offers and goods.
It was love at first sight, destined fate, when Daiki had seen you in the Disco. He had gone there all by himself, on that lonesome saturday, to blow off some pent-up anger and when you passed by him—Daiki had been in complete and utterly awe.
Your breathtaking beauty, was beyond compare to any woman, putting them to shame. Such graceful, ravishing like feature, you were truly a angel—sent by God themself for the sole reason of being Daiki's destined Soulmate.
Pretty so fucking pretty you were, with your (h/c) hair and those (e/c) eyes, a colour so hypnotic and the gentleness in them. Pretty boy. So pretty.
So Daiki had asked you for a dance and when you told him your name and said yes, he never had felt so helpless as on that day. One lucky man he was.
Afterwards, he hadn't gotten the change to get your number since your friend, this pesky girl, had dragged you away at some point—Daiki had tried to gather as much information about you as he could. Daiki had visited your school, a fancy private one, a few times already. Finding your locker and leaving little messages for you and one time.
He had your home address, but didn't found the right time to give you a visit. Perhaps tonight.
Anyways, his thoughts were drifting way too far. He was losing sight of you.
Daiki didn't knew who that Child with you was, but the brat seemed important to you. Once your both married, he would find ways to give you as many children as you want—you would make a good Dad and oh the imagine of you being a househusband was tempting his mind agonising.
Conan turned his head back again, he had doing it quite often ever since he had accompanied you to your shopping spree. The feeling of being observed had following him, leaving a bitter taste. It wasn't this certain feeling he got, with the Man in Black around—this was more of something unhinged.
Gripping your hand tighter, Conan begun to pull a bit more into the mass of people and towards the other side of the road. Wanting to get you away from the perverse gaze of a stranger who was following you. He was far but at same time near.
«Slow down Conan, we aren't in a rush,» you told him, halting your walking to slow his movements.
«Sorry sorry, but uh there is this one shop I wanted to show you!» Conan told you sheepishly and thank god he remembers there being a new shop
«We can go there later, there some shops first I need to go though.»
Truly delicate you were and so lovely caring when it comes to Children. Daiki got shivers down his spine, imagines and thoughts flashing through his mind—of you being a goodie submissive husband, doing housework and tending to his needs.
Daiki should approach you, causally. Perhaps he could ask you out for a Coffee. Or maybe he could even tag along with you two, getting to know more about the Child—who seemed a tad bit too aware and warily about his surroundings.
When you had stopped at a shop window, looking at whatever there was being showcased, Daiki took this chance to walk up to you.
«Nice to meet you here,» Daiki tapped your shoulder, when you turned around he gave you his signature boyish smile. For a moment or so you had squinted your eyes at him.
«Ah! You're Daiki from the Disco! Sorry, I didn't recognise you a minute. Are you doing some shopping too?»
«Yes, still need some presents. And who might that little boy be?» Daiki crouched down to Conan, still smiling. Both giving each other a long scrutinised hard stare. Conan, to maintain his act, hide a bit behind you.
«That's Conan, my sort of distant Cousin. Usually he isn't that shy tho,» you chuckled, ruffling Conans hair.
Daiki noted, mentally taking notes of this new found information. He only knew the basic about your, quite famous, family—so any other infos are sacred for him. The more he knows about you, the more he could make you his.
«Since we're both here, how about we three go and something, my treat.»
Conan had to do something, anything. This Daiki guy, his whole presence, attitude and overall vibe—just screamed out danger. Daiki was like the predator and you were his prey.
So when you were in the middle of your reply, Conan took your hand and pulling at your arm. Mustering up all his mental strength, to act like fussy child now.
«Ne ne [Name]! I'm tired! Carry me carry me, pretty please! I wanna be carried! And I'm hungry and I really need to pee!» Conan was about to start wailing, as his last resort to get your full and undivided attention, though lucky he didn't had to.
You picked Conan up, balance the few bags you had in your other hand more at your arm. You found it concerning alarming as you had never seen Conan act so fussy before at all. Sure, when he got tired he would be a bit snappy but this was something completely different now. You tried to shush him gently, swaying your body a bit side to side to calm him down as Conan was still repeating his requests. Honestly, Conan was feeling more than just embarrassed, but what wouldn't he all do for you to get you safely away from any sort of danger.
You gave Daiki an apologetic smile,
«I'm sorry, I would've liked to but perhaps another time would be better.» you told him, giving a quick goodbye and walking, practically rushing to the next store—where you knew had a restroom.
You had submerged into the crowd so quickly, that Daiki couldn't utter a goodbye or had the chance to ask for your number. Your whole attention had went to your Cousin—to this annoying brat. And Daiki saw how Conan had showed him the tongue afterwards, childishly. And the audacity to even give him a mockingly triumphantly grin.
Daiki clenched his fists, jaw tensing. He already hated this cousin of yours, just as he hated your brother—this wannabe high schooler detective. He wanted them to be gone, to kill them. But he couldn't, not now at least.
Once you deemed Conan had calmed down enough, you had asked him if he wanted to go back home and when he simply shook his head telling you no, you continued the shopping. Not without checking every so often on Conan.
Conan sighed out in relief under his breath. This time he was able to bring you away, but how it would go next time—when he couldn't be around or with you, Conan wasn't sure. Also he couldn't always do the; overly fussy child act.
When you and Conan had returned to the shop, Conan didn't saw Daiki anywhere nearby nor did he feel his unsettling presence anymore. A good sign.
«Ne [Nickname] can I sleep at your house tonight? Please?» asked Conan.
It was something Conan would do occasionally now, staying over at your, but also his, house. Ever since his Mother had told a quick lie to Ran—after she had confronted Conan about her suspicions of his true identity, and afterwards to you, about him being a distant relative to them. Ran had still her suspicions, but you had believed it instantly, beaming even because you were certain that Conan was actually part of your family, because he looked a bit like a younger version of Shinichi.
«Of course you can, but call Ran before and tell her, I don't want her to get worried,»
Conan knew that this wouldn't be the last time he would see Daiki lurking around you.
I will kill your friends and family
to remind you of my love
#male reader#anime#x male reader#case closed#detective conan/case closed#hattori heiji#heiji hattori x male reader#shinichi kudo#kudo shinichi#heiji hattori#heiji x male reader#malexmale#male!reader#detective conan
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Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 13
Little chapter as we are Sunday and I am lazy. I hope you all have a wonderful day !
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Later that evening, Ace and Deuce came to do a little sleep over. Before the fun began, she asked them to clean a room so everyone could sleep on a bed. They cleaned a room with four beds, corresponding to a room for the first year from what the woman understood.
Kidding, the woman asked if they needed to be tucked in, to which Yuu laughed, Deuce was flustered and Ace answered “Get out !!”. Ah la la, teenagers Imma right ?
When Victoria was back in her room, she couldn’t help but feel anxious. She didn’t know what was the proper reaction to have when a kid witnesses an overblot. Overblots didn’t exist in her world. Was she supposed to smother them with love ? To leave them a little bit so they can digest their emotions ? To cry with them because everything was a traumatic event ? Everything at once ?
She was lost.
She just hoped that the night would help her in her dilemma.
The morning was like always but with more teenagers, arguing about how they will make Riddle apologize. Victoria looked at them over her mug of hot tea, chatting happily. It wasn’t long since they were here, but a kind of routine was already in place.
She got up, prepared the table, Yuu and Grim got down, still sleepy in their PJs. Then they ate, they dressed up and they went to school.
The woman was happy. Despite everything that would happen, they at least had a warm home in the making. Maybe… Maybe Victoria could do a GikTok chain on ‘how to renovate your old busted home’ ? That was… Quite a good idea. She would ask Yuu later. Maybe the Child would love to be a part of it ?
The day at school began quietly. Today her janitor work brought her to the gym. She was impressed, amazed and surprised by seeing the brooms in action. They were flying !! Like really flying ! Without ropes or any kind of help ! Damn, so cool !
She was welcomed by a mountain of muscles clothed in a red track suit. “Hello, Mrs Devi ! I was expecting you ! We have a bit of a situation in the locker room !”
[I don’t like where this is going…]
Aaaand like she thought, the showers were broken. She pinched her nose en sighed. From the look of the pipes, someone was playing roughly next to it and kicked it. How was she going to repair this… Time to bust out the good old WeTube.
After an hour long of research, watching multiple tutorials and reassuring Vargas that yes, the repairs were going along well, she finally had an idea on how to do that. With the help of a good old wench, she bent back the pipe with a lot of tears, curse and effort.
At the end of the class, Vargas came to congratulate her. “It wasn’t easy to bend back the pipe, you could have asked for my help !” Flexing his muscles at the end.
Victoria laughed, cleaning her tears full of mascara. “Yes but you were occupied with teaching. It is a dangerous sport, you need to watch them as much as you can to ensure minimal accidents.”
Vargas smiled. “It is dangerous indeed, but it is worth the effort. The feeling of being free and the wind against your skin is exhilarating !”
Victoria blinked. “Like wearing a skirt or a dress ? You feel the wind like this too.”
The man didn’t know what to answer. After a few seconds, he pulled himself together. “How can you compare such an honorable sport to wearing a dress ?”
She shrugged. “The nerve. And the fact that I never flew except thanks to a plane.”
Vargas huffed. “We need to fix that right now ! Come with me, we will fly on my broom.”
Victoria smiled widely. “REALLY ? Damn, life is GOOD.”
Tag : @boba-tea-fish @hipsterteller
#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland#twst#disney twst#twst lmsyy#twst fanfic#twst yuu#twst wonderland#twst vargas#ashton vargas
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Hello again, haha :)
Good luck and good work to you! I haven't read Eris's yet, just the reader's and Tarquin's (which I loved). Let's modernize it! Cass😳🙀 ah, I'm fine! It's been a bit of a slog, but today is Sunday and I've taken the opportunity to rest a bit (sleep😂).
I've never read a manwha, but it sounds good. An inspiring manwha! LOL. A recommendation of your favorite?
It's a wonder she's not dead yet. She needs to go to the police station and report him for abandoning a child🤣🤣
Maybe you need to see if the books on your to-read list are also discounted (just to check). Lmao. Well, I'm helping, since you said you have a goal of reading more!
The Narnia books give me the impression that they're much better than the movies! I'll read them one day!
A tag just for me? I feel so adorable! An emoji tag? I love ducks 🦆, or could it be a name? Emerald, because I love green things. So undecided. I could be a parrot soon, since I talk more than I should because my thoughts are always racing and I'm also racing to keep up with them so I don't forget. Make up your mind!
Don't worry, I know how working as a nurse takes up a lot of time and I'd be in bed until I had to go back to work too. I understand😹 I'm studying for today's lesson and I've jumped at the chance to come here hehe. Thank you! I love expressing my opinion, especially if it's about something I like. YES! Ms. SJM should explain a bit more about the other courts. I confess I'd like to see a bit more of the Autumnal Court(?) I don't know why, but I'd like to see more about Eris and the place my dear Lucien had to leave. I also confess that part of my curiosity is to get to know more about Eris, because, amazingly, I have a crush on him after reading a few things here! (Even though I know the poor guy barely has any screen time. Judge me) LMAO. I think a lot of fans were expecting this🤣🤣 let's make a protest for Tarquin to appear more. Maybe Helion too! Bring them all!!!😂😳 Note: Before I felt more mysterious without emoji, but I love it. I feel mysterious with a brand now😘 🦆
Sorry for the broken responses though! And I decided to just put together both of your asks~ It might be easier for me to reply to both!
And thank you! I do hope you enjoy the Eris one! It's very angsty~ Yup! I am having a difficult time with the Modern!Cassian one though~ More like always having difficulty starting it but that's a me problem.
And that's me the past few days. It was my weekend at work and all I did was lay in bed attempting to get some sleep. As usual. And then yesterday I had dinner with coworkers it was fun, that's why I haven't been able to reply to anything the last few days.
My favorite manwha reads (some are finished, some are on hiatus and some are ongoing):
Who Made Me a Princess (this is a must to read)
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
The First Night with the Duke
Flirting with the Villain's Dad
Villains Are Destined to Die
A Stemother's Marchen
How to Win My Husband Over
The Siren: Becoming the Villain's Family
I Married the Male Lead's Dad
The Dark Lord's Confession
Secret Lady
Roxana (How to Protect the Main Lead's Older Brother)
The Villainess is a Marionette
Into the Light, Once Again
The Archduke's Adopted Saint
I can't list all of them because it'd be so much! There are many manwha's I have dropped over the years because it got really boring or I lost interest.
But I actually own already LOTR and Narnia books! The Narnia was a behemoth of a book since it was the compilation of all the books. So I have to lug that thing around when I have to read it 🤣🤣 And they are! I did just love the actors for the movie version of Narnia.
Well, I think it has been touched on here on Tumblr that Autumn Court has so many hidden secrets and the betrayal and all that stuff, the secret affairs. It sounds so spicy compared to everywhere else. And SAME! I was in love with Eris even though he barely had any scenes. And our boi, Lucien~
Oh my god. If Rhysand wasn't Feyre's mate I would have so petitioned for Tarquin to be with her. LMAO.
Mysterious with a brand~ my duckie nonnie~
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Oneshot: Story Time
Read on A03.
The night air wisped through the window as Eula Stein settled herself down in her son’s reading nook, a thick tome in her hands. The boy in question poked his head into the room, his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth at an awkward angle. “I’m ready!” he said with a lopsided grin reminiscent of his father.
Eula sighed and shook her head. This boy, her baby boy. “Julian, you have to finish brushing your teeth before I start the story,” she said, laughing softly. He opened his mouth, clearly about to offer some sort of solution involving brushing his teeth and the story at the same time, so she added: “And no, brushing your teeth on my lap doesn’t count.”
The young boy pouted. “But moooooom!”
“It’s not worth it to argue with your mother when she’s set on something, Little Monster,” her husband said, poking his head out of his computer room. “Trust me, I’ve tried!” The stitched doctor laughed, standing up and moving towards his son. He ruffled the boy's hair, earning a string of giggles from the younger one. “Besides, after this it’s time for you to go to bed, so you need to have everything ready.”
“Exactly right,” the witch said with a nod. “You can’t learn magic tomorrow if you haven’t slept at least ten hours. So if you want a story before bed, you have to finish brushing your teeth in…”
Julian was already running off for the bathroom again before she had a chance to finish. Eula found herself laughing at his energy. “I’m going, I’m going! You’ve gotta make this story a good one though!” he called.
Stein chuckled, leaning against the door frame. “He’s got your energy, you know,” he said. And she knew this. She had been the same way as a child, always trying to get her sisters to play with her. It never worked, they were more interested in helping their mother, but she tried!
“And your eagerness to learn,” Eula shot back with a knowing smirk. It wasn’t a secret that her husband helped Julian with anything he wanted to learn about when it came to science. She was honestly debating on letting him take over the seven-year-old’s science and math classes at this rate. “Will you be joining us for story time, Stitches?”
He shook his head. “Not tonight, I’m afraid. I have a few more calculations to run through before you try and drag me to bed.”
“Ah, darn, my plot to get you to sleep early was foiled again,” she joked with a warm smile. Shaking her head, she added, “I’ll take care of wrangling him for the night, you go get what you need done.”
As Stein moved back to his lair, Eula closed her eyes and smiled. So much had changed in the past seven years. She had been an agent at the DWMA Intelligence Agency, but now she was a wife, a mother. A teacher. She never thought she would get this far in life, she had honestly never imagined herself with a husband or a child. Not after the way she had grown up.
But what a wonderful family she had.
Her husband, one Doctor Franken Stein, was one of the best men she had met in her centuries in existence. He was kind in his own way, clever, and didn't care if she was a witch. He was a breath of fresh air compared to the men who had tried to gain her hand in marriage in the past, and he saw her as an equal.
Then there was their son…
“I’m ready now, mom!”
Acacius Julian Stein, aged seven years and three months (yes, she was counting). Her precious baby boy, her silver haired son. There were… so many things about him she loved, too many to list. He was her whole world. She loved her husband, but she didn’t know if she could love anyone more than she loved her little boy.
Curling up against his mother, Julian looked up at her, breaking Eula out of her thoughts. “What’s today’s story?” he asked softly. He pulled her arm out from behind him, putting it around his shoulders instead.
Eula loved moments like this. Moments when her son wasn’t working himself to the bone trying to make himself a meister like his father. If she had her way, Julian would be at a normal school, learning normal things and making normal friends. He wouldn’t be worrying about serial killers, souls, making death scythes… But they had tried a regular elementary school when he turned five.
That… hadn’t been a good experience. He managed to scare his teacher—her husband had gotten a stern lecture about how he taught Julian to effectively get out of handcuffs by dislocating his thumb was not something age-appropriate for the then-five-year-old—and then his classmates. And then the principal. They tried a gifted school the next year, but once Julian had mentioned watching his father do dissections… Eula had decided homeschooling was the better option after that.
And he did flourish after that. He was currently getting so close to the end of all the science and math materials she had for his grade level. He struggled more with his language classes, but his reading grades were still stellar. Eula just wished that he was able to make friends his own age… or any age, really. His social skills were sorely lacking and it hurt Eula to watch her baby boy get rejected by his peers.
Next year, he’d finally start attending the DWMA. Of course, he wasn’t allowed anywhere near a weapon partner for two years. He was too young for that! Lord Death was only allowing him to take classes right now because of his grades. Eula was afraid his new classmates would find him too different.
But the moment she got to see him let his guard down and be himself, around his immediate family… Those were the times Eula cherished greatly.
“We’re learning about someone very powerful today, Owlet,” Eula whispered, telekinetically pulling a book from his bookshelf. Opening it to a page she knew well, she began her tale. “Her name was Athena Gorgon, and she was the first witch, a great old one.”
Julian had a look of wonder on his face. Eula loved how expressive her son could be, even if she knew that Athena deserved none of the awe in her son’s eyes. “The first witch? Does that mean she was super strong?” he whispered.
Eula nodded. “She was. But she didn’t use her magic for the right reasons.” Pointing at a picture that showed Athena with three children, she continued. “Athena had at least three children that we know of, but their names have been lost to time,” no they hadn’t, she just refused to let Julian know… any of that part of her family, “and she’s known as the mother of all witches because she gave magic to the first humans.”
Turning the page, Eula heard her son hum to himself.
“Why did she give magic to humans?” he asked. “We… People don’t like us because we have magic and they don’t. Wouldn’t it be better if everyone was the same?”
Eula frowned, rubbing Julian’s arm. She didn’t mind having to hide her magic, but she knew that her son just wanted to be himself—magic and all. “Owlet, I can’t tell you why she decided to give humans magic,” she wanted to make the normal humans scared of witches so that they could be easily controlled, she would have said had he been older, “but if everyone was the same, nothing would change in the world. Humans don’t understand us now, but one day they will, and I hope you and I get to see that day together.”
Julian cuddled closer to his mother, trying to look at the pages of the book that were written in a script he couldn’t yet read. “What else does the book say?”
“It talks about how Athena created other creatures, like werewolves and bloodsuckers,” Eula replied, giving her son a slight smile. “Humans haven’t seen either in a very long time, but I think they’re still around.” She gave her son a knowing wink, knowing who he would think of at the mention of werewolves.
Julian grinned. “Yeah, because of Uncle Conri!” The boy, had he been a puppy, would’ve been wagging his tail and Eula knew it. He looked up at his mother with wide eyes. “Is he gonna call soon? I wanna hear what he’s been doing!”
“You’ll have to wait for tomorrow to see,” Eula whispered as she picked Julian up. “Do you want to continue your story, or do you want to lay in bed?”
Julian yawned. “Is there more to the story? I wanna hear what happened to Athena. You said she wasn’t using her magic nicely, what happened?”
Eula pulled the covers of Julian’s bed back so she could tuck her son in. “Well, Lord Death didn’t like how she used her magic, or how her children did, so he sealed her away in the tallest mountain in Japan. One of her children was sealed in Europe, while the other two went into hiding,” she regaled. “We haven’t seen any of them in centuries.”
Julian gave another yawn. “If she wakes up…” he mumbled tiredly, “then ‘ll ���tect you from ‘er, mom…” He started to drift off, not fighting Eula as she pulled his covers over him.
The mother sighed, brushing a strand of hair out of Julian’s face. “I truly hope that never has to happen, Owlet… But it will and I hate it so much.”
0 notes
Tá, mas imagina só, Peter tem uma filha, Miguel tbm, Jess tá grávida (todos eles sabem como uma gravidez funciona), e se a leitora vêm se sentindo mal e não sabe o que é (ela sente enjoos leves, um pouco mais de fome, cansaço, mas nada mto “WOW YOU’RE PREGNANT”) , e os três desconfiam que ela está grávida só que ninguém tem coragem de realmente falar isso. Se for Miguel x Reader ele não quer acreditar nisso, se for Hobie x Reader os três ficam só 🤨 “you bang?”
˚‧⁺.-"You're what?!"
↳ summary: Miguel never saw himself having another child, especially after that day.
↳ characters: Miguel O'Hara
↳ Fem! Pregnant Reader
↳ notes: It's good to be finding Brazilians here. I'm not good at writing this kind of stuff ☠ I hope you like it. Maybe it looks a little skewed compared to the ask, but I hope it's good.
Miguel was definitely not ready for this. He already proved himself a bad father when he lost his daughter, now you're pregnant? This can not be happening. Surely it was spoiled food you ate and now you're feeling sick. Yes, that was it. That could only be it.
"Stop trying to convince yourself, we both know she must be pregnant, Miguel." Jessica said looking at Miguel's conflicted face.
"No way. It can't be. It can't be." Miguel retorted with a sigh, as he placed his hand over his forehead creased in disbelief.
Peter B. Parker smiled as he carried Mayday in his arms when he saw Miguel sigh. "Ah, man, there's no use denying it. She's probably pregnant and you know very well what you've done. Now, go help her. She is over there throwing up in the toilet in the bathroom and you're standing there."
"Go help her, dammit." Peter put an arm around Miguel's shoulders and led him to the bathroom door as he spoke. When they arrived in front of the closed bathroom door, Peter quickly opened it, throwing Miguel inside, and closed it while shouting something about 'getting it over with soon'.
You looked at Miguel, who also looked surprised, in surprise at the sudden entrance, before he cleared his throat and spoke awkwardly staring at your bent figure over the toilet. "Uh....so, how are you feeling?"
"Dizziness and nausea. Overall, I feel awful." You creased your forehead as you braced your hands on the sides of the toilet. He looked away and came a little closer and knelt beside you, while resting his hand on your back.
"Well, I was talking to Jessica and Peter and they said that... you must be pregnant."
You just turned your head towards him and looked at him like an owl, blinking rapidly as you cocked your head to the side. "I know, I know. It's a pretty dumb theory and I doubted it to-" Miguel let out a little 'oof' when you lunged at him and hugged him, burying your head in his defined chest.
You hugged him tightly, while he was paralyzed for a few moments, unresponsive, before slowly wrapping his arms around you. He held you against his chest and buried his face in your head, as he closed his eyes and kissed the top of your head. You spoke in a muffled tone, after letting out a light chuckle. "Funny, I didn't think of that. The strange cravings, the drowsiness, the nausea. It actually makes sense."
Without letting him start talking, you continued your speech, pulling away a little to face him. "You... you're not going to leave me, are you? I know how skeptical you are about this topic. I know you are scared."
He looked away and let out a long sigh before giving his answer. "I... I promise, okay? I won't leave you."
On the other side of the door, Peter could be seen with a wide smile on his face as he glared at Jess. "I said it would work."
#across the spiderverse#into the spiderverse#spiderverse x reader#miguel o'hara#atsv#atsv x y/n#atsv x you#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara x y/n#miguel o'hara x gender neutral reader#miguel o'hara x you#miguel x reader#gwen stacy#miles morales#hobie brown#pavitr prabhakar#atsv x reader#atsv x black reader
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about you
pairing: aemond targayren x niece!reader summary: after returning to kings landing after six years, you are welcomed back by intense feelings from your uncle a/n: yall i gave up with this fic, it was not going anywhere but i still like what i did end up writing so i will post it even though it's sorta of unfinished ah
Aemond wouldn’t keep his eyes off you for most of the dinner, you must admit you felt a bit uncomfortable under his watchful gaze. You hadn’t see him since you were both children and now that you were both a man and woman grown, there were other feelings emerging - feelings you weren’t sure how to feel about yet.
Aemond on the other hand, knew exactly how he felt about you. He had since he was a child, you defend him in front of his brother and nephews, you would train with him in the yard laughing as you both fell in mud and together you study the histories. After Driftmark, Aemond despised his older half-sister for taking you away. You were one of the only things in his life that brought him happiness and then you were gone. Until now.
There was nothing he could to prepare himself for seeing you again. All his fantasies about what you would look like now could never compare to seeing you in person. You we’re prefect, your smile was still the same and your laugh was still the most beautiful song to his ears.
“To my beautiful niece Y/N Valyron. Through the years that kept us apart, my love for you has not withered and I would be overjoyed if you would accept my hand in marriage.” The room fell silence for moment. Your heart was spinning, nowhere in your mind could you imagine Aemond wanting to marry you, let alone have the nerve to ask in front of everyone after just insulting your brothers.
Aemond looked at you, the pure love and adoration in his eyes for you made you stomach erupt in butterflies. He wasn’t looking at anyone else, gauging anyone else’s reaction. He only cared about yours, to him no one else mattered.
You stared back at him still mostly in shock. You could see in his eyes he was starting to worry about your answer so you pushed out your chair to walk over to him but your mother stood up first.
“Thank you for the offer, Aemond but I must decline. My daughter is already betrothed to a lord from house Stark.” Rhaenrya said.
“Good thing I’m asking Y/N and not you, sweet sister.” Aemond spat at her, his fist tensing around his cup.
You quickly stood up from your seat and walked over to Aemond, grabbing his hand in yours, rubbing your hand over his. “I had no idea about this until now, please believe me.”
Aemond smiled at you, squeezing your hand. “I know, my perfect girl.” He then looked up to his half-sister and the love in his eyes was completely gone. “Y/N will be my bride.” He moved his hand to the small of your back, you moved closer into him. “If you see through her bethroment to the Stark lord, I will feed him to my dragon before the wedding feast is over.” Rhaenrya tried to keep her gaze steady though her younger brother’s threats did not fall silent on her ears.
“It’s okay mother, I want to marry him.” You spoke. You weren’t quite sure anyone could hear you but Aemond, your voice so small. He knew that it was hard for you to stand up for yourself, let alone to Rhaenrya.
“You have to speak up, my love. They can’t hear you.” He spoke softly in your ear. You were nervous under everyone’s gaze. You took a deep breath, “Mother I want to marry Aemond.”
Everyone heard you this time. “Well that’s great news isn’t it?” Your grandsire, Viserys said. In his old age, he couldn’t sense the tension floating around the room.
“I think before we make it offical we should talk it over.” Alicent suggested, standing up as well.
“Yes, I think that would be best.” Rhaenyra agreed, if the two old friends could find common ground on one thing - it was not wanting their children to be wed.
Aemond only sighed, “Talk it over all you must, it will not stop us.”
He took your hand back in his, “Let us take our leave, my beautiful.” You walked out of the hall with him, avoiding the eyes of everyone. Especially your mother who was burning holes into the back of your head.
As soon as you reached his chambers, Aemond closed the door. “Y/N, my perfect bride-“
“Aemond what the hell was that?” You yelled at him.
He was caught off guard by your outburst. “Darling, what are you talking about?” He moved closer to you and flinched when you moved away from him.
“You proposed to me in front of our estranged families, why couldn’t you have given me warning? Or talked to our mothers beforehand.” You paced in front of him.
“You said you wanted to marry me in front of everyone. Were you lying?” His voice dropped and the look in his eye stopped you in your tracks.
“Then I don’t see the issue. Would you like some wine? You barely drank anything all evening.” He walked over to the table. It didn’t cross your thoughts that he was on the other side of the room yet had a perfectly good idea of how much you had drank.
“Aemond, please just tell me why you didn’t bring this up with me beforehand?” You walked to stand in front of him.
He didn’t look at you as he replied, “I was afraid you would say no. I thought if I did it at dinner, you would feel compelled to say yes. Tell me, my niece would you say yes if I asked you here, alone in my chambers?”
“Yes.” You breathed.
He looked up at you and you slowly moved your hands to remove his eyepatch. He tensed a little but made no effort to stop you. You looked into his eyes, “I want to be you wife, Aemond.”
He brought your mouth into a kiss, you melted into it instantly. “I feared you would moved on from our childhood companionship.” He said to you, though his lips were still just a breath away from yours.
“I could never forget you, my prince.” You told him earnestly, running your hand down his hair. “I still don’t appreciate what you did tonight.”
He sighed and pulled further away from you, “What bothers you so my flower? That our mothers don’t approve of our engagement? Even if I had done what you had wished and asked them in private, they still wouldn’t have said yes. You know that, yes?”
“Yes, I know. What are we going to do?” You asked him as you sipped on the wine he gave you. He stared to remove his outerwear. You put the wine down to help him.
“We are going to wed, of course.” Aemond replied not missing the way your hands lingered around his waist. He relished in the feeling, his desire growing stronger every moment he was with you. “I will be counting the hours until I can finally lay with you as husband, princess.”
“You do not care about the rumours about my parentage?” You wondered as you folded his clothes over the chair.
“Hmm, it does not matter much to me. Once you are my wife, you will be a Targaryen.” He said.
You turned around sharply, “I am a Targaryen with or without you, uncle.”
“My love,” He spoke gently, cupping your face in his hands. “You are a bastard but when you are my wife, no one will dare question your parentage. If they do, I’ll cut off their head.”
You smiled sadly at his words, he truly thought he was proving words of comfort. “Taking inspiration from my step-father, I see?” You teased.
He laughed at your comment and was about to reply with a snide remark when the was a knock at the door. He sighed and kissed your head before walking to answer the door.
At the door stood Alicent, she peered behind him to see you standing further in the room. “Aemond, can we talk about this please, alone?”
“Anything you want to say, you can say in front of my bride.” He stated stepping aside letting his mother into the room.
“It’s okay, Aemond. The hour is late, I should return to my chambers.” You said. After tonight, you weren’t sure you could handle the argument that was about to occur between Aemond and his mother. The comforts of your own space is what you needed right now.
Aemond didn’t want you to go but didn’t put a fight instead he planted a chase kiss on your cheek, “Sleep well my love. I will come see you in the morrow.” He promised.
Alicent smiled at you as you walked past her, you returned it. You understood she was only doing the polite thing but it still felt nice. Alicent waited a few moments before turning to her son, “Son, I wish you would’ve talked to me about this beforehand.”
“Why? So you could tell me not to go through with it?” Aemond questioned.
Alicent nodded. “It was rash for you to make that announcement in front of everyone, have you even through it through? What it means for our families? Are you absolute sure you want her to be your wife?”
Aemond never liked to take a tone with his mother but really did not appreciate having to explain himself when it came to you, he believe the feelings you shared to be only for the two of you. He took a deep breath before replaying, “I’ve always known my love for her, mother and I meant it when I said I would feed that Stark lord to my dragon.”
“Those intense feelings aren’t healthy, my son. It might be best for you to entertain some other ladies at court, perhaps you will find a better match.” Alicent suggested. She had never been afraid of her second son until this moment, seeing the fire in his eyes.
“I will be marrying Y/N before the next moon, with or without your support. Rhaenrya took her away from me for six fucking years and I will not let her do it again!” He yelled, his composure leaving him the further his mother pressed her concerns.
Alicent flinched, not used to hearing her son raise his voice in front of her. It made her even more against this wedding but she knew her son wouldn’t change his mind, at least tonight. She could admit to herself she was afraid of what he might do if she kept pressing the matter.
After a few moments, Aemond apologised. “I did not mean to raise my voice at you, mother. I’m sorry. I just,” He paused trying to gather the words, “It’s so frustrating knowing no one wants us to be tougher, when frankly its no one else’s mind but ours.”
Alicent held her sons hand in her own, “I understand how you feel, my boy. I still have my concerns but I will hold my tongue for now. Get some rest now.” She kissed his cheek before leaving his chambers.
Aemond kept his promise and visited you in the morning, your handmaidens had brought breakfast for you both. “Thank you, that will be all.” Aemond said to them once they set down the food. You didn’t appreciate him dismissing them on your behalf, perhaps this is something you’ll have to get used too when he is your husband.
“Did you sleep well, my princess?” He asked you, as he sipped his wine. You were never one for drinking in the morning and you thought Aemond wasn’t either.
“I suppose, it was hard sleeping knowing my mother isn’t happy with me right now. We never fight.” You told him, taking a bite out of the lamb.
“Hmm, I’m not so used to my own mother being cross with me either. You know it has more to do with them, than us though right?”
“And you are okay with your mother being upset at you… if it means we will be together?”
He gave you an intense look before chuckling, “I thought last nights theatrics would erase all the doubt about my feelings for you.” He leaned over to hold your hand in his, “I would do anything for you my love. All I ask is that you stay here with me, in Kings Landing and be my lady wife.”
You were about to reply when your door flew open, your mother and step-father the cause of the intrusion. Aemond instantly tensed up and held your hand tighter.
“Did he spend the night? What has gotten into you, Y/N?” Rhaenrya questioned at the sight.
“No of course not mother, Aemond only came to break fast with me.” You answered, the nerves clear in your voice. To Aemond’s dismay you removed your hand from his grip.
“We have to speak to my step-daughter. Alone.” Damon told Aemond, sizing him up.
Aemond only smiled, “I’m not leaving, I just got here.” He gestured for them to sit down, “I think we can all discuss this as a family.”
They remained standing but didn’t put up a fight to Aemond staying, “Y/N. I’m sorry I did not tell you about the lord from House Stark, I was planning on it when we got back home. He’s a good man, I can assure you. I wouldn’t have agreed otherwise.” Your mother told you.
“I understand mother, though I do wish you would’ve told me. Will Lord Stark be okay with cancelling the proposal?” You asked, standing up to meet Rhaenrya.
“Who gives a fuck about that fucking northern lord? He will be fine that his engagement is broken, otherwise-“
“You’ll feed him to your dragon, yes we know.” Damon finished for Aemond.
“Mother, I sincerely want to marry Aemond. I know that is not what you want, but I hope you will find it in your heart to be happy for me.” You said to your mother, who was searching your eyes for any lies.
Rhaenrya couldn’t say she found anything but she could tell her daughter had some reservations. “Let’s take a walk in the gardens, my daughter.”
“Y/N, we were in the middle of breakfast and-“ Aemond was once again cut off by Damon, with a hand to his chest as the woman walked out the door.
“You need to calm down, nephew. The more you try and control her, the more she’ll push away.” Damon tried to counsel.
Aemond was not having it, “You don’t know her like I do, I am what she needs and her mother is going to try to take her away from me, again. I will not allow it.”
“How did you talk with Rhaenrya go, my love?” Aemond asked, linking his arm with yours. After your talk with your mother, you had left to find Aemond where you knew he would be - the training yard. As soon as he spotted you, he quickly finished his match with the guard he was sparring with.
Now he was walking with you along the beach, he knows how much you love the water. He loved your the way your eyes would light up. “She does not want us to marry, that’s for sure.” You said as you rubbed his forearm.
“Hmm. What did she say, exactly?”
You were hesitant to say the truth, Aemond’s behaviour recently has been of concern to you. “She still very much would like for me to marry the Stark lord, my prince. She refuses to send word of our engagement.”
Aemond’s jaw tensed but he managed to temper his rising rage. “Well we weren’t expecting any different, we were, my flower?”
You were taken back by his calm composure, you smiled up at him. “No I suppose we weren’t. I still don’t know what to do. Are we to wed without our mothers approval?”
“Yes, that’s a beautiful idea, my love.” He dropped his arm from yours to hold your hand, “I will arrange for a priest to marry us in secret.”
#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x female reader#aemond targaryen hc#house of the dragon
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Vigil au where mc drink some kind of potion that turns them into little kid and kazuha need to take care of 10 yo mc for 48 hours.
To make it even adorable, we regress MC's mental age, too—so she really reverted back to being a child!
Now, a sad truth is that MC didn't get to actually experience the full joy of being a child for the reason that back then, she was all about being studious.
When she got turned into a ten-year-old, of course she still has memories of, well, her little brother obviously—but then imagine her surprise lol.
Ah her brother's taller than her- ah, he'S TALLER THAN HER- THE PANIC- THE FEAR-
Kazuha's just as panicked as she is lmao, but after ensuring that nothing bad will come out of the transformation (aside from revoked little sibling luxuries), he's a little lost on what to do.
He never really had any experience with taking care of someone younger... in fact, it's always him who's getting doted on! But this is MC! His sister! Older- yoUNGER?? (゚Д゚;)
That's to say, well, ten-year-old MC is actually- already a smart, dignified MC. She for sure won't act like 'children her age' since her mentality at such an age was all about 'preparing for the future'.
I want to imagine that perhaps this happened when they were traveling, the clan's already gone, it's just the two of them. So, MC naturally is also at a loss.
Aside from studying and taking care of her brother, she doesn't exactly know what comprises the life of a child on the cusp of adolescence..
Learning this, Kazuha's guilty. He has never thought of his sister being technically robbed of a normal childhood.
It's sad :: ˓(ᑊᘩᑊ⁎) ::
He was able to experience the joys of one without having to worry about the pressure of being a firstborn. A daughter, no less.
When he was the child, his mind hadn't once thought of the stress on his sibling. How could he? He was a child, but now as a full-fledged adult, wise and experienced, he feels so bad.
The first thing he does is to get to the nearest city, let's say Mondstadt and there's an ongoing festival, because Mondstadt is nice- it's jolly- (✿◡‿◡)
It's a little awkward that he continues to address the much younger MC as 'nee-san', but can he help it? It's practically habit by now lmao
MC's so embarrassed, by the way (/▽\) Now, she's the one holding on to her younger brother's sleeve. Goodness gracious, someone take her away already (°°)~
No matter how smart and dignified she may be, however, ten-year-olds are ten-year-olds, still.
That means that If Kazuha sees even the glint of interest and want towards something in MC's eyes, if it's a pretty doll or even an exotic looking dress?
You dear bet he's going to pull his wallet out. No hesitance whatsoever (︶︹︺)
Tugs on his sleeve? (⊙ˍ⊙)
"Kazu, what are you doing?"
"A-are you planning to buy- wait-!"
It's the most he can do to help rekindle MC's lost childhood okay :<
His wallet's crying but does he care? Of course not- alright, maybe he will when MC turns back to normal and gives him a gentle scolding, but no time like the present!
Oh, oh, and imagine MC trying to cook but she's too short to reach the kitchen counter 〒▽〒
Kazuha's so attacked like- "UGH MY HEART"- yes he takes over cooking duties, which isn't a bad thing, he's a good cook.
In all honesty, taking care of MC? It's... nice. He wonders if this is how it feels like, being an older sibling.
He for sure knows that it's not. Compared to him, who was an absolute sweet menace, MC is so composed and placid.
But the bottom line is that he gets to take care of nEE-SAN. He sees it as a gift in some kind of way, and it will definitely stick around even when MC turns back to normal.
MC's still so embarrassed with the assortment of dolls/trinkets Kazuha bought her when the potion wore off. But she cherishes them! :DDD
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Kalim, Lilia: What else can I do?
KALIM MY SON MY PRECIOUS SUNSHINE CHILD 🥺 Sorry for getting this out late—
Imagine this...
"I always see Sebek scolding Silver. He does that because he cares for him, right?
Lilia suppressed a chuckle. “Yes, that would not be incorrect to say.”
“Gahahah!” Kalim’s full-bellied laugh rolled across the lavishly carpeted floors, his smile lighting up the entire room. Sunshine spilled in from wide windows, and out from within the birthday boy. “Sebek must have a really big heart for all that love!”
A chortle slipped out of his interviewer.
“Kufufu. He is very passionate in expressing himself.” Fingers curled under Lilia’s chin. “To think that you’d pick one of my own… I’m positively ecstatic~ You’ve made a good judgement call, Kalim.”
“Eh, I have?”
“Indeed.” Lilia nodded knowingly, his eyes creasing—a subtle shine of elation. “Most find Sebek too brash and bold to approach. Ah, but you—you’ve so easily stripped away that harsh exterior and gotten right to his core. You are able to see the forest for its trees. Not many can compare to that discerning eye of yours, Kalim.”
“Thanks, Lilia!! I’ve never thought of it like that! Jamil says I can be pretty careless when I just say what my gut feeling is…”
“Then your gut is very accurate. You have a strength that comes so naturally to you. The ability to read and to understand others is a wonderfully indispensable skill for a leader.”
Lilia beamed, slapping a playful hand on the birthday boy’s back. “Fufu. I approve of you to serve as Sebek’s elder brother. Be certain that you swing him around in your arms often, just as you do with your siblings!”
Kalim took the joke with ease, barely pausing for a beat before replying, “I’ll try!! I’d love to spoil him too! … But I shouldn’t. Not yet.”
“Hmm? Now what might you mean by that, I wonder?”
“It’s like... I think I need someone like Sebek around--someone who’ll scold me and tell me when I’m doing something wrong.”
“Is that not what Jamil already does for you?”
“Yeah, but...” A pensive look formed on Kalim’s face. “Lately I’ve been thinking of how I can help him. Jamil does so much for me, and I’ve realized that I haven’t done a lot for him in return. And when I do try to help, I just screw things up and make more trouble for him.”
His shoulders slightly sagged as a thought crossed his mind.
I’ve... always caused trouble for him.
The memories collected one by one. Particles of sand falling into a mound. From the top bulb, funneled through the neck, and to the bottom bulb. The happy moments, times spent playing together, chasing each other in the bazaar, dancing in the garden, splashing in the water, snacking and studying…
All of it, a pretense, shattered by his words. A thin, potent poison ran along them, bitter and bleak.
“As long as you exist, I will never be free,” Jamil had snarled. His face had been so twisted then--calm, and yet his eyes were as pointed and as cold as icicles, sharpened to form blades. Ink engulfing him, creeping over his skin like a swarm of locusts consuming a fresh feast.
All the hate he had kept bottled up, at last eating him alive.
Hate that had stemmed from him.
From Kalim.
His smiles, his laughter.
His ignorance.
Kalim inclined his head, letting the brim of his hat eclipsed his garnet eyes. “... For a long time, I’ve hurt Jamil without realizing it. I don’t want to do it again--not to Jamil, not to anyone. That’s why I’ve been thinking: how can I be better? What else can I do?”
“I don’t notice stuff myself. I need that kind of criticism so I know when I’ve done something wrong, so one day I won’t need Sebek or Jamil or anyone to tell me I’ve made a mess, so I can the kind of dignified person that people will follow. Someone that’s earned the seat of dorm leader.”
Someone that’s worthy of being Jamil’s friend and rival.
In spite of the shadow cast over Kalim’s eyes, they glittered just as bright as ever. “Until that day comes, I’ve got to work hard. Then, one day...”
I can be where he is, as his equal.
Kalim didn’t complete his sentence out loud, letting the last of his words hang in the air--raindrops suspended, not yet fallen to the ground. A pocket of solemn silence in an otherwise loud, lively party.
No one heard the rest but Kalim.
“... I understand.”
Lilia patted his junior on the head, gently stroking his hair. “There’s no need to rush growing up. I have no doubt that you will rise to the occasion when the time calls for it.”
“Really? You think so?”
“I know so.” Lilia chuckled, indicating an open window. “You’ll rise through the roof, to the skies, without a magic carpet ride, but on your own power. If you continue to work hard and be mindful, surely that wish you’ve stowed away in your heart will come true.”
“Aww, you always know just what to say to make me feel better! You’re awesome, Lilia!!”
“Of course, of course… but at this very moment, do not concern yourself with me.” The fae smirked, retracting his hand. Reaching into his jacket, he magically pulled out a pie, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “You need only eat, drink, and be merry!”
“Ahhhh, you’ve got me there!!” Kalim cried with a laugh. “Is it time for the Gift of Good Fortune already? It’s still a ‘gift’, so I’ll happily accept it!!”
“My, such a good sport. I’ll do my best to deliver your gift to you.” Lilia tossed the pie into the air, testing its weight as it fell back into his palm. His lips folded into a grin as he brought the pie back. Stance practiced, arm poised, as if this was done he had done many times over.
“Good fortune and the happiest of birthdays to you, Kalim!!”
The pie was a direct hit on the lower half of Kalim’s face, the whipped cream forming a cloud on his chin we the paper plate slid to the floor. The result was the birthday boy dressed handsomely in a fluffy, airy facial hair. Seconds later, the whipped cream plopped off and joined the plate on the floor, leaving Kalim with traces of a sweet-tasting stubble behind.
“K-Kfffft!!” Lilia bent over, clutching his stomach to prevent a howl from escaping. Between giggles, he managed, “M-My liege…! How big and bushy your beard is!!”
Kalim took the joke in good faith and with a large grin. Beckoning with a hand, he said, “You don’t need to bow! Raise your head!!”
Lilia lifted his gaze as he had been commanded to—and found Kalim picking a pie off a nearby table. He raised an eyebrow at his junior.
“I want to join in on the fun, too!! C’mon, grab another one!! We can have a food fight, you and me!”
“Haha, very well. I cannot turn down a request from our beloved birthday boy.” Lilia’s eyes slightly narrowed. “Kufufu. You’d best be prepared for combat! I cannot promise that you will make it out of this experience alive.”
“Yup!! Let’s sing! Let’s dance!! Let’s die… of fun!!”
Kalim’s smile was as certain as the sun, promising to reach ever upward.
#twst#twisted wonderland#Kalim Al-Asim#Lilia Vanrouge#twisted wonderland imagines#twisted wonderland scenarios#disney twisted wonderland#Kalim birthday takeover#something no one asked for#spoilers
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Kyahhh your rejecting you and regretting series is just so freaking good . Uhmmm idk if you are taking requests right now but can I please request for Ushijima and Kita?Thank you so much!
Rejecting you and regretting it pt. 4
one | two | three | four
Hey, bub. I'm so glad to hear that you've been enjoying my works. Here's your request for the part 4 and final (as of now) part of the rejecting and regretting you series. Have a good day and stay hydrated! ♥️
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: semi-rude behavior (resolved), no cursing in this one because these men drink their respect women juice daily
ft. ushijima wakatoshi, kita shinsuke
title says it all
Kita Shinsuke
Kita is your childhood friend
The moment the two of you were introduced to each other by your grandmothers, you instantly clicked
Same as through with him, you loved spending your time being productive and following a certain routine so it's no question that as you both grew up, you started gaining romantic feelings towards him
You've been thinking of confessing but never really had the chance because he was always busy with volleyball practice
So when you finally managed to get some alone time, you didn't hesitate to voice out your feelings, not knowing that the answer you're hoping for isn't the answer you're going to get
"You're staring again."
You snapped out of your thoughts when Kita stopped infront of you, his eyebrows furrowing as he studied your face.
"Are you alright?"
"Oh, uh, yes! I'm sorry. I was just thinking," you answered sheepishly while scratching the back of your head.
You mentally cursed yourself for spacing out on him. This is the only chance you're getting and you can't afford to waste it.
"About what?" Shinsuke asked as you both continued your walk on the way home since you only live apart each other. Plus, his grandma had always told him to never let you walk home alone especially at night.
"You said you were thinking. About what?" Shinsuke gently tugged at the sleeve of your jacket, changing your positions so that he was closer to the road than you are.
You felt yourself blushing at the small gesture and looked at his hand that was still holding your jacket.
You swallowed the lump forming inside your throat and stopped walking, the act stopping Kita as well due to him holding you.
Kita looked at you worriedly and placed both hands on your shoulders, his head dipping slightly to get a closer look at your face. "Are you oka-"
"You," you answered without focusing your gaze to him. "I've been thinking about you."
When you felt him taking his hands off your shoulders, you immediately looked up. "Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"
The look he had is something you can't decipher but if you were to analyze it based on what you can see, it's a look you never wanted to see again.
Silence reigned the two of you, eyes staring at each other as if you're both trying to figure out what the other was thinking.
"No," Kita said, breaking the silence. "But it's best if we don't discuss the issue any further."
At that, he faced forward and continued walking as if nothing happened but as you stared at his back, you realized that somehow, he knew what you were trying to imply.
And the sad part is that he chose to ignore it and act unbothered as if he didn't just indirectly broke your heart.
Once you reached your destination, you faced him with an anxious smile and Kita didn't fail to notice this, as well as your habit of shifting from foot to foot whenever you wanted to say something.
"I like you, Shin," you blurted out nervously, your heart beating erratically and your palms becoming sweaty. "I don't know when it started but suddenly, I just woke up and realized that what I'm feeling towards you is no longer within the range of friendship. It's something more and I just wanted to let you know."
"I am well aware of that but I'm sorry, y/n. I can't return your feelings."
You bit your lower lip to hold in your tears and as much as you wanted to shout at him to accept your confession, you can't just force someone to love you back because it doesn’t work that way.
"Geez, can't you even say it gently?" you said with a forced chuckle. "Don't worry, I won't hold any grudges."
You let out a sigh before looking up at him and Kita was surprised to see that there are no traces of anger. He expected you to lash out but it seemed like he was wrong.
"I'll see you tomorrow then. Don't overwork yourself, okay?" With that, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a kiss on his cheek before turning around to cross the road.
Kita could only stare at you as he watched you enter your household, your figure vanishing from his sight as the door finally closed.
Kita is a practical man.
He knows how to separate what is right from what is wrong.
Because of this, people often see him as someone who's perfect, sometimes even being compared to a robot due to his nature. But Kita is far from perfect, and he knew that.
Because as he laid in his bed that night, he realized that he just made a big, wrong decision, and he had nobody but himself to blame.
Kita didn't know if he should be happy or not. Actually, he should be happy. After all, he just rejected you and still, here you are, walking beside him as you made your way to school.
He kept glancing at you, observing wether you were pretending or not but he knew that it isn't in your nature to be a pretentious person. You've always worn your emotions on your sleeve which made it too easy for people to read you.
"Ah, Shin. You don't have to walk me home later," you said with a sheepish smile. "My friend is actually going to walk me home so.."
"Alright. Be sure to send me a message when you're on the way home." Despite how 'normal' it sounded, Kita was actually feeling something unpleasant inside him. It was a feeling he was well aware of but had never experienced himself.
The day progressed fast. One moment, he was entering his first class and the next, he's already checking wether all the sports equipment were put back in their proper places.
As he walked out of the gym, Kita instinctively brought out his phone to check for any messages, yours to be specific.
"Ya alright, Kita-san?" came Atsumu.
Kita simply nodded and glanced at his phone again before keeping it, disappointment filling him as he realized that you're not planning to message him at all.
Without you to walk home with, Kita decided to join his team mates, yet despite the noise his team naturally carried, Kita's mind was still preoccupied.
He thought of how you must be doing or if you arrived home safely. He thought of how different the things would've turned out if he hadn't rejected you.
He thought of you.
"Isn't that y/n-san?"
Kita's attention immediately went back to Earth, his eyes following the direction Atsumu was pointing at and just like he said, you were indeed at the other side of the road, walking alone while hugging yourself as you shivered ever so slightly.
Without any words, Kita headed towards your direction and his team mates knew better than to interfere. After all, they knew their captain well. It wasn't that hard to notice how off he was today.
"I thought I told you to message me."
You gasped as Kita suddenly appeared beside you, draping his jacket over your shoulder which immediately surrounded you with his familiar scent.
"Sorry, I forgot," you said while tugging at the end of his jacket sleeves.
"Mhm, and you also said that your friend is going to walk you home yet I don't see anyone beside you." Kita said with a serious tone.
"About that..." You scratched the back of your head as you tried to think of any excuses but you knew that lying would be pointless.
"What if someone kidnapped you? Or worse, took advantage of you? You know I don't like you walking alone especially when the sun had already set yet you still did it. Why did you lie?"
You felt like a child being scolded by your mother but instead of taking it the wrong way, you knew that Kita was only looking out for you. It was just ironic that he broke your heart yet still showed his deep concern for your being.
"It's because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," you finally admitted. "I just confessed to you yesterday and I thought thay maybe I might make you uncomfortable if I kept sticking beside you. I didn't want to be an inconvenience."
"What are you talking about?" Kita stopped walking and turned towards you. "You were never an inconvenience and will never be one."
"Sorry, Shin."
"No. I should be the one to apologize. I made a very rash decision yesterday and ended up rejecting you. I thought that having romantic feelings towards someone would just be a waste of time but I came to realize that it isn't a waste of time if its with you," Kita said with a gentle look on his face.
You didn't speak for a few seconds and just let his words sink in, a feeling of hope igniting inside you when you realized what he was trying to say. "Do you mean that?" you asked hopefully.
"Have I ever lied to you?" Seeing you shake your head no, Kita leaned in to press his forehead against yours. "I like you, y/n."
You felt your heart beat picking up with those simple words and without waiting for anything else, you pressed your lips against his.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Being the cousin of Tendou Satori had its perks
And one of those perks is the opportunity to see Ushijima everyday
You are only a year younger than them yet despite that, you get along with the team very well
After all, it had been a part of your daily routine to always visit the school's gym
What you didn't expect, however, was to fall for a certain captain
And you, being one of the most open and honest person, confessed the moment you realized your feelings towards him
And despite being turned down several times already, you still persisted, claiming that you'll do everything to make him fall for you
But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it just isn't enough
"Where's 'Toshi?" you asked Satori when you entered the gym, flashing a small smile to the others before sitting down on an empty bench.
"Talking to the coach." Satori looked at the plastic you were holding and grinned as he noticed what was inside. "Really, y/n-chan? You know that won't work on Ushiwaka, right?"
You just shrugged and placed the item beside you. "It's worth a try, 'Tori. Who knows? Maybe I'll finally be able to get a reaction out of him."
You looked behind you upon hearing Wakatoshi. "Hi, Toshi. Did you miss me?" you said and flashed him a bubbly smile.
"You always come here everyday. I do not see any reason for me to miss you," he simply answered before taking a seat beside you, eyes glancing at the carrot stuffed toy before focusing on the court.
Satori, who witnessed the whole exchange, just laughed at you, his eyes squinting as he clutched his stomach in tears. "Well, there's your reaction," he said while still catching his breath.
"You don't have to be so mean, Toshi." You pouted and handed him the stuffed toy you brought.
"What's this for?" he asked in slight confusion while examining the carrot you gave him.
"That's a gift. Haven't you noticed? Its been 8 months since I started courting you." You grinned at him.
"Oh? Y/n's courting captain?" came Tsutomu who was wiping his sweat with a clean towel, eyes glancing at the carrot before he exclaimed, "I want one too!"
"Have it." Your eyes widened when Ushijima handed the carrot stuffed toy to Tsutomu. "I don't need it, and please stop giving me stuff from now on. They are irrelevant."
"I worked hard for that! You don't know how much token I spent just to get that from the claw machine!" You frowned at Wakatoshi and took the toy from Tsutomu who's now obviously confused with what's happening.
"Then I'll pay the amount you spent. Just stop giving me random stuff from now on. I don't need them and I don't have any feelings for you," Ushijima said with a passive voice.
You bowed your head and Satori immediately panicked, his arm reaching out to you but you only recoiled. "You're the worst, Toshi!" you yelled at Ushijima before dropping the toy on the floor and running out of the gym.
All three of them were in shock at your outburst, completely not expecting you to say such thing. You've always been bubbly around them so hearing those words from you was something they never expected coming.
"I think you made y/n mad, Captain," Tsutomu said while picking the carrot and dusting it off.
"But all I did was say the truth," Ushijima reasoned out, eyes focused on Tsutomu who was now hugging the toy that was supposed to be his.
Satori just sighed and turned around to go back practicing.
"Captain?" Tsutomu muttered with a confused look as Ushijima suddenly took the carrot from him.
"It's mine."
For the sixth time of the day, Ushijima glanced at the closed door of the gym.
It had been almost a week and he haven't caught a single glimpse of you. No visits, no 'coincidentally' bumping on each other despite having different floor levels, nor surprised bentos. Nothing. It basically felt as if you don't exist anymore.
He doesn't even know why he seemed bothered with it. Wasn't it him who pushed you away? He should feel relieved now that you were no longer bothering him, right?
Then why did it felt like he was missing you?
"Y/n's not coming," Tendou said beside Ushijima.
"I know. They haven't been visiting lately." Ushijima stared at Tendou seriously, making the red hair chuckle before raising his hands up in surrender.
"I don't have any idea where y/n-chan is. Even if I do, my lips are sealed," Tendou said before making a zipper motion.
Ushijima sighed and looked down at the ball resting between his feet. "I don't like it when they're avoiding me."
"Hm, I can't blame my cousin for doing that though. They've been pining over you for quite a while now and each time they confess, you end up rejecting them. I guess yesterday was their breaking point," Satori explained with a shrug, "Maybe you got used to the feeling of them coming back everytime you reject them that you don't know how to feel now that they stopped chasing you."
"I..like y/n."
Just as he said those words, the gym doors suddenly opened. You entered with your usual bubbly expression, a wrapped bento in hand as you made your way to them.
"I noticed that you weren't carrying your bento awhile ago so I brought it with me," you said as you handed the bento to Satori, not even bothering to spare a glance at Ushijima who was intensely looking at you.
"Y/n," Ushijima said making you turn to him.
"Yes Ushijima-san?"
Ushijima blinked at the mention of his surname. He knew that it was normal for people to call him Ushijima since it was his name but hearing you say it seemed bothering for some reason. He was used to you calling him either Toshi or Waka-kun.
"I like you, y/n," he said without hesitation.
Satori facepalmed at Ushijima's straightforwardness. Deciding to give you both some space, he stood up and walked away with his bento, leaving the two of you to talk.
You sat down and crossed your arms over chest, body facing Wakatoshi as you waited for him to explain and apologize properly.
"I'm sorry for how I acted a few days ago, I was merely being honest that time, but now I realized that I like you too... and I also did not mean to disregard your efforts just to get Mr. Carrot," Ushijima said while slightly scooting closer to you, his hand obviously trying to reach for yours.
"You named the stuff toy Mr. Carrot?" you asked with a raise of an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't need it.."
"That was a mistake. Mr. Carrot is actually sleeping in my bed as of this moment." The side of Ushijima's lips curled up when you giggled, the sound making his heart race.
"I appreciate you trying to be nice to me, Toshi, but you really hurt me back then, you know? I even had to stay away for a couple of days," you said before looking down at your lap to play with your fingers.
Panic started bubbling up inside Ushijima at your sudden silence. Swallowing the lump inside his throat, he asked you carefully, "Do you still like me? I'm really sorry, y/n. I missed your presence inside the gym. It's not the same without you. It's been too... quiet. Please give me another chance."
You lifted your head upon hearing that, clearly not expecting Ushijima to say those words in almost a pleading manner.
Ushijima took your surprised reaction as a cue to continue. He carefully took your hand in his, his hand completely engulfing yours as he intertwined your fingers. "I won't be aggressive towards you anymore. I know you said you hate me and I'm not the best at this kind of things but for you, I'll try."
You pulled your hand away from him, only to quickly wrap your arms around him, the action obviously catching Ushijima off guard. "I never hated you, 'Toshi," you mumbled with your face buried to his chest.
"Does that mean you still like me?" He said as soon as he composed himself, an unusual soft expression forming on his face when he felt you nodding.
You felt yourself melting even more to his touch when he secured an arm around your waist. "I like you so much, 'Toshi," you said as you looked up him.
"I like you too, y/n." With that, Ushijima leaned down to press a lingering kiss on your forehead.
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♥️
a/n: lately, my mind has been filled with wakatoshi ushijima
#haikyuu fluff#hq fluff#hq imagines#haikyuu imagines#haikyu x reader#haikyuu drabbles#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x you#haikyuu angst#hq angst#kita fluff#kita angst#ushijima fluff#ushijima angst#shinsuke kita x reader#kita x reader#ushijima x reader#ushijima wakatoshi fluff#kita shinsuke fluff#kita shinsuke angst
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Year of the Tiger 2 - New Year Wish
“Eat more. Eat the abalone.” Aaron’s grandmother nagged at him.
“Aiyah, mother. Aaron big boy already. I am sure he has eaten lots of bao yu already.” His auntie winked at him. Aaron knew that her auntie was double talking and referring to cunnilingus. “You eat more yourself. Here, take the fish. New year must eat fish.”
Aaron knew that his auntie was very filial to his grandmother even though she was an adopted child. According to his father, his auntie’s birth parents died in a car accident when she was about 5 years old. As she had no other relatives and her parents were close friends of his grandfather, the family decided to adopt her.
“I miss your cooking so much. Maggie, can you get me another bowl of rice? Not white rice. I want the rice cooked with all the meat, mushroom and stuff.” His auntie called out to his grandmother’s Filipino maid. Aaron cannot remember her full name as everyone calls her Maggie for short. “Oh, and scoop as much lap cheong as possible. I love Chinese sausage.” His auntie drawled out the last sentence, looking in Aaron’s direction.
Aaron felt uncomfortable and looked down, pretending not to understand and focused on eating his dinner. He felt another pair of eyes besides his auntie looking at him. He looked up and saw Maggie staring at him. When Maggie realised that Aaron was looking at her, she turned quickly away, seemingly embarrassed. Aaron thought he saw her blushed but he was not certain as Maggie had dark complexion.
“Mother, you will be staying tonight, and younger brother will come and fetch you home tomorrow, right? Aaron’s father continued without waiting for an answer. “You know I will be busy tomorrow and won’t be able to send you home, right?”
“Yes. I know you busy meeting with Sharon or have you changed another girlfriend already?”
“Sharon? Which Sharon? You mean the girl you saw during Mid-Autumn’s Festival? That was a long time ago.” His father laughed.
Aaron sighed. His mother died when he was 12 years old. Although his father is in his forties, he still looked good as he was born with a boyish face and worked out in the gym to maintain a fit and lean figure. With a successful business and plenty of money, he was always with one girlfriend or another. In a way, Aaron is envious of his father as he seems to have a new girlfriend every month, each more sexy and beautiful compared to the last. On comparison, Aaron’s girlfriend had been with him for almost 2 years. On the other hand, Aaron felt sorry for his late mother and felt that his father was a little bit too much in his philandering ways. Sometimes, he wanted to tell his father off or punish him in some ways.
When everyone had finished their dinner, the family retreated into the living room to watch the New Year program. The programs were similar to previous years, and unusually loud with bright colours. Aaron was bored. He turned and saw Maggie looking at him again. When she saw him looking at him, she quickly turned away and hurried into the kitchen. Aaron was puzzled. Maggie had been working as his grandmother’s maid for several years now. He had never seen her acting so weird. What was she stealing glances at him?
While he was trying to figure this out, his mobile rang. It was his girlfriend, Xinhui.
“Aaron, can you drive me back to the hostel tonight? I left my notes there and I will need them to study for the test during the holidays.” Xinhui sounded anxious.
“Yeah, sure. I will drive my dad’s BMW and fetch you in about half an hour’s time? Wait for me at the carpark beside your flat?” Aaron was glad for an excuse not to watch the television program with the rest of the family. “See you later, Hui.”
Aaron’s father looked up. “Going out to see your girlfriend? Remember to bring along condoms. Don’t get her pregnant.”
“Dad!” Aaron was aghast. How could his father say something like that in front of the family, especially with his grandmother within earshot.
“Oh my. Ah boy really grow up to be a man, huh. Like father like son.” His auntie laughed at his father.
“What’s wrong with being like me? I am rich and successful.” His father roared with laughter.
Aaron quickly left the living room and returned to his room. He changed into a t-shirt and pulled on his track pants. He recalled his father’s advice and wondered if it was likely that he is going to have sex with his girlfriend. It was only going to be drive to the hostel and back. He hesitated but decided to take out a condom from his drawer. Just in case, he thought. There were only three condoms left. He really need to stock up the next time he is at 7-elevens.
As he walked out of his room, he almost collided with Maggie. Before he could call out to her, she ran down the stairs, disappearing from his view. Was she spying on him? She was really acting weird, Aaron thought.
Thinking about Huixin, he soon forgot about Maggie and within minutes, he was driving along the expressway to meet his girlfriend.
As he drove into the carpark, he saw Huixin standing along the side of the road waiting for him. Huixin was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and FBT shorts. She was petite in size, slim and wore a simple steel-framed spectacles. Like her dressing, Huixin was a simple girl, studious and reserved.
Aaron had known her when they were classmates in junior college. Although she was average looking, Aaron was drawn to her character and decided to go out with her. For several months after they started dating, Huixin refused to go beyond kissing. No sex, no petting, not even French kissing. After many months of cajoling, Aaron managed to take her virginity.
While they are now having sex regularly, Huixin never seemed to enjoy it. Her blowjobs were a simple kiss on the tip of the cock, with at most half the cock in her mouth. Huixin always complained that it taste weird and her mouth hurts. She doesn’t like Aaron to eat her pussy or to suck her breast either. She had also never allowed Aaron to fuck her ass. She is only willing to have sex in the missionary position although given her reserved nature, she will give in reluctantly to Aaron sometimes to try something different. Aaron is frustrated with her when it comes to sex as it is boring but he knows that she will be a good wife and is a keeper.
“Thanks, Aaron.” Huixin stepped into the car and put on the seatbelt. Aaron leaned over to kiss her. “Stop it. People will see.”
“But I miss you so much.” Aaron pretended to sulk.
“We need to get to the hostel to get my notes.” Huixin was simply not a romantic. He could see Huixin’s white panties peeking from her shorts. He knew he will be rebuffed but he could not resist stroking Huixin’s smooth thighs with his hands. “Hey. Could we get to the hostel, please?”
Aaron sighed and drove off. They soon reached Huixin’s hostel. It looked deserted as most of the students have gone home for the holidays.
“Shall I go up with you?” Aaron asked.
“It is against the rules to have guys in the girls’ hostel.” Huixin muttered.
“Yeah. But no one is around. And I am worried for your safety.” Aaron countered.
“I guess it is okay if we are quick about it.” Huixin was also feeling uncomfortable in walking up to the deserted hostel in the middle of the night.
They walked up the three flights of stairs, meeting only one other student who was at first startled to see them but later smiled at them knowingly. They entered Huixin’s room and once the lights are on, Huixin seemed to feel more relaxed. Aaron sat on the bottom bunk of the double decker bed. He knew that Huixin sleeps on the upper deck and her roommate, Candy sleeps on the lower bunk.
Aaron has met Candy several times. She was a foreign student from China. Unlike Huixin, she was tall with long, flowing hair and large breasts, maybe a C or D cup. She is always showing off her cleavage and has a sweet, tinkling laugh. Aaron knew that Candy has a boyfriend also from China but she seems to be always flirting with other guys.
“Okay. I have got my notes. Let’s go.” Huixin had gathered her notes into a file and was ready to leave.
“Hui. Come sit here with me for a while. I miss you so much.” Aaron patted the bed beside him.
Huixin walked over and sat next to him reluctantly.
“Happy New Year, Hui. What is your New Year wish?” Aaron asked.
“I wish we can be even happier in the new year and we can spend more time together.” Hui responded. “How about you? What is your New Year wish?”
“You guess?” Aaron ran his fingers through Huixin’s short hair, patting her head like she was his pet. He leaned over to kiss her, pulling her tightly towards him.
“I know what you want. But this is not the right time or place, okay.” Huixin pushed Aaron away gently.
“Then when? Your parents are at home and you can’t come to my house tonight or tomorrow because it is the Lunar New Year and you will be busy. And on the second day of New Year, we are supposed to be celebrating at your friend’s house. And after that, I will need to go back to camp. I won’t get to see you for another week.”
“We can do this when you come back from camp next week.” Huixin replied cautiously. She knew Aaron will not be happy.
“You are my girlfriend. I want to have sex with you. I don’t want to cheat on you and have it with someone else when I want sex.” Aaron knew that he was not being truthful as he just had sex with another woman hours ago.
Huixin gave in. “I love you, Aaron. I don’t want you to have sex with anyone else.” She took off her top and unbuckled her bra, revealing her small breasts and small pinkish nipples. Aaron knew that he got his way and was silently grateful to his father for reminding him to bring a condom. He leaned over to suck on the tiny nipples but very quickly, Huixin pushed his away.
“Pain. Let’s just have sex quickly. I am worried that the security guard may find out.” Huixin whispered, always the rational person.
Aaron helped Huixin pulled off her shorts and laid her down on Candy’s bed before removing his own clothes. He straddled Huixin, sitting on her chest and offering his cock to her mouth. Huixin held his cock with two of her fingers and put it in her mouth gently. It was a far cry from the blowjob earlier in the afternoon. Aaron’s cock was still not sufficiently hard after several minutes.
He turned around, doing a sixty-nine. His cock was still in Huixin’s mouth but this time, he pried open her legs and started licking her privates.
“No, please, it is smelly. I have not washed it yet.” Huixin whispered, clamping her legs as tightly as she can. “Let’s just have sex quickly and leave.”
Aaron gave up. He got up from the bed and pushed a finger into Huixin’s vagina. It was still a little dry. He gave his cock several quick strokes to get it hard before rolling the condom onto it. He spat some saliva on his hands and lubricated his cock. The romanticism of the session is gone or maybe there was none to begin with. It was pure mechanical sex, thought Aaron.
He pried open Huixin’s legs again and guided his cock into her. Even though it was lubricated with his saliva, it was still difficult to push it in.
Huixin closed her eyes tightly as the pain grew with each inch of Aaron’s cock slid into her. She pushed Aaron, signalling to him to slow down. But Aaron continued to slide his cock into her. Finally, Aaron’s cock was fully inserted into her. Huixin knew from experience that the pain will subside soon and pleasure will come later.
“Slow, okay. Still painful.” Huixin whispered.
Aaron nodded. Huixin had always been very tight. It was very pleasurable for Aaron but it also meant that the initial thrust was always difficult and can be painful for Huixin. Once he plunged in too fast and Huixin shouted with pain, tears streaming from her eyes. She refused to have sex for weeks after that.
Aaron waited for Huixin to get used to his cock in her before slowly fucking her. His strokes were long and slow, drawing pleasure for the both of them as he moved slowly. After several strokes, Huixin could feel the pain subsiding, replaced with pleasure. She moaned softly.
Aaron had always preferred to fuck from the back but he had to always think of ways to convince Huixin to allow him to do so.
“Hui. You are making too much noise. Turn on your back and cover your mouth.” Aaron pulled his cock out of Huixin and turned her over. Huixin did not resist and Aaron viewed her back and small perky ass admiringly. “Pull up your knees and kneel. Lift up your ass so that I can fuck you.”
Huixin obeyed silently. “Don’t put it in my ass, okay.”
Aaron smiled to himself. He knew he had tried to do anal with Huixin so many times that she is now wary of him. Soon, he will think of a way to convince Huixin and satisfy his fantasy. But not today.
He got behind Huixin and slowly pushed his cock into her vagina again. It was still tight but now that it was greased with her juice, it was much easier to get it in.
As he fucked her, he increased his pace slowly. Huixin was now moaning softly with each stroke. Aaron pulled a nearby pillow and gave it to her. “Cover your moth with this. It will be more comfortable.”
It was after he moved the pillow that he saw that underneath the pillow, there was a black lacy panty. Was that Candy’s? Aaron stretched his hand to pick up the panty, sniffing it with his nose. It had a flowery fragrance that was quite different from Huixin’s.
His cock grew harder and he fucked Huixin even harder, faster. He pressed the panty against his face, letting the fabric run over his face and taking deep breathes of the aroma into his lungs. He started fantasising that he was fucking Candy instead of his girlfriend. What large breasts Candy has. He leaned forward to squeeze Huixin’s breast and was brought harshly back to reality. Maybe getting to have sex with Candy can be his New Year’s wish.
Aaron felt Huixin shuddered and frozed momentarily. He knew that Huixin had orgasmed. With a final sniff of Candy’s panties, he picked up his pace and after several thrusts, ejaculated into the condom. He leaned over and gave Huixin a kiss on the cheek. “I love you, Hui.”
Aaron pulled his cock out of Huixin’s vagina slowly. With the panties clasped in the ball of his hands, he tried to remove his condom from his flaccid cock. He was careless and several drops of his semen stained the panties.
“Fuck!” He muttered.
“Eh? What happened? Did the condom break?” Huixin turned her head and looked at Aaron.
“Nothing. No, the condom is okay. Don’t worry.” Aaron quickly pushed the panties to the side of the bed before Huixin could see it. He hoped Candy will not notice the stain. But what happens if Candy wears the panties without washing it?
“Aaron. We need to go already. We cannot go another round, okay.” Huixin implored.
“Huh? What you mean?” Aaron was puzzled.
“You are getting hard again.” Huixin pointed to Aaron’s rising cock.
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Of Constellations & Creeds
Chapter 21: Fire of Devotion
Summary/Author’s Note: Din presents you with a gift that he has had for while. You start exploring what it means to work as a team and meet a fiery mechanic that takes a shine to you.
There is a note at the end for what something looks like if you guys are having a hard time picturing it. I tried to do my best. Thank you for reading!
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!reader (Alpha/Omega/soulmates AU) Word Count: 5k Warnings/Promises: Mature/18+ - language, sexual themes, weapons/shooting
[Previous Chapter] [Series Masterlist] [My Complete Masterlist]
This is what dreaming felt like.
You were the perfect temperature of warm bodies and crisp blankets. Sprawled among the sheets, you lucidly stretched your body as your mind slowly woke up the rest of your limbs. You started by wiggling your toes while you listened to the birds chitter in the trees outside the barn, your ankles, your back, and lastly your arms. You quietly popped your fingers as you brought them up to rub gently at the back of your sore neck with a groan.
You winced as you stretched your arms and suddenly remembered why your shoulder was so tender. Rotating the cuff much slower, you worked the stiffness out of the muscle until you could move it more freely. That was at least a little better.
Before falling into bed last night, Din had ravished you against the wall, then again on the ground, neither one of you able to stop long enough to tear yourselves apart. The idea of moving into the comfort of your bed never came up, due to not wanting to wake the kid and once again...that required you to stop touching each other. Whatever discomfort you felt had absolutely been worth it.
The morning sun was warm on your face and you opened your eyes to find the Mandalorian facing you...still helmetless. You had worried the moment you fell asleep everything would have ceased to have happened. You really wouldn't have seen his face. You really wouldn't have received his mark. But he had sleepily assured you that closing your eyes erased nothing and he promised to be here when you woke up. Everything you had done last night was no dream. It had been very, very real.
“Din?” you whispered almost inaudible, as if to test him.
His eyes were closed and his mouth open ever so slightly as he continued to sleep with his arm bent behind his head against his pillow. He looked younger in the sunlight. The gentle rays tinting his already light brown skin to a warm sienna, it did the same to his hair, finding the small strands of molten gold throughout the tousled dark curls. He was so handsome and you had yet to tell him, but something told you he wouldn't believe you even if you did.
Did Mandalorians have a concept of beauty? When you spent your entire adolescence with a helmet on, you couldn’t imagine it mattered much what the person underneath looked like. It leveled the playing field so to speak. While society squabbled over such trivial attributes, you imagined Mandalore was more concerned with your ability to win a fight, to negotiate, to contribute to your clan.
It used to be easy to look at him with disdain. Then that disdain turned to something little more than convenient indifference. It was easy to blame him for the destruction of your home world, for the loss of your old life. Anger was always easier. And yet as you looked at him now, and fought the desperate urge to trace the bridge of his nose with the tip of your finger, you knew you felt something else towards him. Something that you hadn't felt in a very long time. Something that felt a lot like affection...a lot like love.
Yes, to you Din was beautiful. But then again when you loved someone, weren’t they always? There was that word again. It made you smile quietly to yourself as you mulled it over in your mind.
Leaning forward, you pressed your lips to his, a chaste kiss that caused a soft groan to come from somewhere deep in his chest as his arm slid around your middle.
"Good morning," you whispered against his mouth and he grunted, not bothering to open his eyes.
"Ten more minutes."
You smiled, kissing him again as he pulled you closer. You reached down and grabbed the blanket before pulling it up over the both of you more securely. For a man that never took a break, he loved sleep more than anyone you had ever met.
"Alright, ten more minutes," you said quietly as you moved to kiss his cheek before tucking your head under his chin against his chest and closing your eyes.
Saying goodbye to Omera and Sorgan was more painful than you imagined it would be. She was the first person who understood your struggle. If it weren't for her who knew how long it would take you and the Mandalorian to find one another. But no matter how you felt, you couldn't stay here and she couldn't come with you. It seemed everywhere you went there was something new to lose, a new heartache to experience, and as you hugged her tightly and held back your tears she was added to the long list of loss in your life.
"You'll always have a place here," she said quietly as you squeezed her tighter. It's as if she knew you were trying not to fall apart. She felt the soft cloth that you had used to bandage your shoulder and she leaned back to see your face and give you a knowing grin. “But you are now right where you’re supposed to be.”
"Thank you," you said, wiping your eyes as she fixed the shawl around your shoulders and gave your arms a pat.
“Keep up with your meditations. They’ll help.”
“I know.”
"Take care of them," she nodded to the man behind you who was holding the child and waiting patiently for you by the cart. "But don't forget to take care of yourself."
"I will."
The trip back through the woods to the Razor Crest was a somber one and you watched as the child stood at the back of the cart and waved its tiny three-fingered hand at the group of children who were waving in return. You leaned forward and rubbed the space between its massive ears gently. However you were feeling was probably nothing compared to the little guy. He didn't know what was going on, or that there were people hunting him, or why you couldn't stay in such a beautiful place where he had made so many friends. It was tough being a kid in such a big world. Maker, it was tough being an adult in such a big world.
You looked back as you felt Din put his hand on the small of your back and lean his helmet against your temple for the briefest of moments. You lowered your walls ever so slightly and accepted the comfort that he sent your way. Maybe Omera had been right, maybe he had wanted to stay too.
Being back on the Razor Crest came pretty naturally to the three of you and to say you were surprised was an understatement. Fresh supplies from Sorgan filled the storage bunker and with more variety to eat than prepackaged rations, your spirits were much higher than they had been previously.
“Come on, kid,” you said, gently as you picked up the child and straightened his burlap cloak. “Nap time.”
“Ba-to!” he squeaked, raising his arms up and giving you a two-toothed smile that warmed your heart.
“Just for a little bit,” you assured him. “Then you can come up front and help pilot. Sound good?”
“No, no, I promise,” you answered him like you were having a full conversation. “I’ll make him let you. You’re plenty old enough,” you scoffed with a laugh. “You just need a few phone books to sit on.”
He gave another happy squeak as you sat him in the hammock hanging above Din’s bed and tucked him in. You dug out the small stuffed frog that Winta had made for him back on Sorgan, with it’s bright blue felt skin and lopsided eyes, and helped him nestle it under his chin. You gave him a soft pat on the head and waited for him to close his eyes before pressing the button on the panel that closed the door with a quiet hiss.
You heard your name being said from above you and you went to the ladder that led to the cockpit, looking up to see the Mandalorian looking down. He had brought the ship out of hyperdrive for the time being as you researched a plan of action. Without coordinates, it was pointless to travel in circles and waste precious fuel.
“Can you come up here for a second?” he asked and you nodded.
Taking one rung at a time, you hauled yourself up into the main hull and gratefully accepted his help in order to plop your butt on the floor with a smile. You didn’t have to see his face to know he was smiling back.
There had been precious little time for him to take off his helmet once you were back on the ship. Somehow the ship was less private than the bed you had shared in the barn. Although you were disappointed not to be able to look over and see his face whenever you wanted, you understood. This was a new experience for him in a way you would never understand, a type of vulnerability that you would never know, but how you longed to kiss him properly again. You wanted to feel his lips on the back of your neck as he curled himself behind you for sleep. All selfish reasons, of course, but that didn’t diminish them in any capacity.
“What’s up?” you asked as you leaned back on your hands and looked at him where he stooped beside the captain’s chair.
“I got you something.”
“Me?” You leaned up with widening eyes as you put a hand to your chest in question.
“Is there someone else I’m traveling with?” he asked and you glared at him before realizing it was his poor attempt at dry humor. “Yes, you.”
He moved under the chair and dragged a medium sized trunk out from the alcove created by the dashboard and the control panel. You recognized it as the trunk he had received from the armorer back on Nevarro. It was a dark slate colored material and he popped the latches before
beckoning you closer.
“I hope you like them.”
“Whatever it is,” you encouraged him. “I’m sure I will.”
“You don’t have to use any of it if you don’t want to--”
“Din, just show me.”
“Alright, okay,” he let out a heavy breath and lifted the lid before spinning the entire thing slowly around to show you.
“You didn’t have to get me anyth--oh, goddess,” you said softly in amazement.
Inside, carefully protected by a velvet type of lining, were crafted pieces of a silver metal. You hesitated, reaching out to touch one of them and thinking better of it before looking at him as if you needed permission. With a careful nod of his helmet, you picked up one of the cylindrical pieces and brought it closer for inspection.
“Is it--?”
“Beskar,” he nodded. “It’s yours.”
“Din, I--”
He held up a gloved hand to stop any argument you may have had and helped you take the pieces out one by one. Two bracers that fit perfectly over your wrists and protected your forearms about two inches from your elbows. He took them gently and slipped them over your tender skin before locking them into place and letting you get used to the feeling. You made a fist with both of your hands a few times, opening and squeezing, testing how they felt.
“They lock like this,” he said after completing the motion. “They’ll deflect anything. Blaster-proof. Just hold your arm like you would defensively,” he instructed, pulling your arm up to protect your face and tapping it once with his finger. “Ping. Right off the beskar. We can practice.”
“Handy,” you nodded and he dove back into the box for the next piece.
“This,” he offered the single pauldron to you, moving around your body slightly to fit it to your non-dominant shoulder. “Protects your dominant side by sitting opposite it.”
“Because I turn my body away from the blow?”
“Exactly.” He put it over your shoulder and clamped it down around your bicep. Hooking it securely across your torso. “Plus, the added weight on your dominant arm would slow you down if you’re using your staff.”
“Makes sense.”
“Move your arm,” he said and when you did, he adjusted it slightly. “How’s that?”
“It’s extremely generous and useful but--”
“No buts.”
“You’re my Omega,” he interrupted you gently. “You have the right to wear it. And it’ll help keep you safe--and if you’re safe, I’m focused.” His hand came down to rest gently over your shoulder blade, covering the still tender skin of where he had marked you.
He had a point but it still made your ears burn with embarrassment. You knew he didn’t mean it as an insult to your abilities. You had more than proven you could handle your own when you first met, but the knowledge that your safety proved a distraction to him still made you feel guilty. You felt the sudden need to apologize but you knew Din wouldn’t want to hear it, let alone entertain such an idea.
“There’s one more piece,” he said gently. He held it out gently and when you looked at him in confusion he offered his hands forward. “Can I?”
You nodded and sat still with your hands in your lap as he made sure any stray pieces of your hair were out of the way. Even with the gloves and his armor, he was always so gentle, so careful. When he was satisfied he held out the silver circlet and slipped it around the front of your forehead and over your temples. The blocky beskar came to a strong point between your brows and the edges came down in front of your ears to frame the sides of your face. Each subtle point that mirrored the larger one turned what would have been an ordinary face guard into something much more symbolic.
“I feel ridiculous,” you said softly, not wanting to hurt his feelings but also having a hard time wrapping your head around the idea that such a piece of finery was really necessary.
“You look breathtaking,” he argued and it made you smile. “You’re an Omega, an Ursa at that--people deserve to know.” He swallowed hard and nodded to the box. “If we find more beskar I can have a proper helmet made instead of--”
“A tiara?” you asked with a bite of wit and he chuckled.
“It has more purpose than that, I promise.” He touched the sides that came down almost level with your jaw line. “These protect your peripherals--keeps light from obscuring your view for long range weapons.”
“And this,” he touched higher, closer to your ear and a soft static hum came before you heard his next words twice, almost overlapping one another. “Has a direct com line to me.”
“That,” you put your hand over his and spoke into the mic as if to test it the other way. “Is incredibly useful.”
He gave a nod to signal that it had worked and he dropped his hand from your face to rest comfortably on your thigh. You put your hand over his and held in gently. It was beautifully crafted and you were having a hard time coming to terms with the idea that he had spent any of the rarest metal in the world on something for you. But that wasn’t the only issue, no, there was something else. An issue of the timeline.
“When did you have this made?” you asked, tracing the metal etching that lined the outside of the bracer.
“When we got the bounty on the kid--I had it made along with mine.”
“But that was before I agreed to be your Omega,” you said carefully, watching his body for any sign of tension. There wasn’t any.
“I know.”
You bit your lip and looked down. With a shake of your head, you swallowed the lump in your throat before speaking. “What if I would have left? What if I never agreed to this? You--”
“But you didn’t.”
“But I could have,” you argued. “And then all of this would have been for nothing. You--”
“I had a feeling.”
You looked at him in awe and realized how much he had staked on you making the right decision. He would have sooner sold his beskar than taken away your freedom, the freedom to choose what you wanted. He had hoped against all hope that you would eventually want him, but there was no guarantee. To Din it was all left up to faith. Faith in his creed, faith in his people, faith in you. It was hard not to feel undeserving of such things, but it only confirmed that perhaps it was time that you had a little faith in him.
Going up on your knees, you moved the metal storage box out of the way and grabbed him by the front of his chestplate. He said your name softly as you slid into his lap and his hands came around to rest on the swell of your hips. You tilted his helmet back just enough to kiss his lips, drawing a soft sound from them as he tasted you.
“Thank you,” you said quietly and you were glad you could see his mouth move up in a genuine smile.
“You’re very welcome.”
The more moments like this that you had, the easier it became to realize just how ‘all in’ you were when it came to the bounty hunter. When he had stepped off of his ship and chased you through the woods now flight like a lifetime ago and in a way it was. That was a different life completely. And you were okay with that. The world seemed a lot less scary now that you were on the same team.
You leaned in to kiss him again but there was a loud bang and whoosh of energy as something dropped out of hyperspace and the Razor Crest rocked slowly. Din lowered his helmet and the two of you looked around before you slowly climbed out of his lap and to your feet.
“What was that?”
“I’m not sure.”
He moved to the pilot’s chair and leaned over the control board, inspecting the map and waiting for the radar to ping something back. Nearly the exact moment a blip showed up on the neon green screen, a blast screamed passed your vessel and struck the ship, rocking it back and forth.
“Buckle in,” he barked and the two of you moved to your respective places.
You fell into the co-pilot bucket seat to the right of the Mandalorian and placed your feet up on the footrest to brace yourself. As soon as you clicked your seat belt, your fingers instinctively wrapped around the control stick in front of you and reached up to flip the buttons on your side of the dash. Your side of the ship whirred to life as you shared control of the panel with Din, making it easier for him to focus on flying. Like you had told him before, if he handled the fancy maneuvering, you could squeeze a trigger.
Another wave of fire lit up the dark atmosphere around you and Din turned the ship to try and find the culprit behind the attack.
“If the kid sleeps through this, I’ll be impressed,” Din said as he swiveled his own chair around and jammed the buttons for the back up thrusters.
“I’m pretty sure he could sleep through anything,” you agreed.
The two of you both whipped around to see the small, green thing standing in the doorway with its arms in the air and a wide smile.
“You were saying?” the bounty hunter chuckled and the child stumbled its way to you as the ship took a nosedive. You barely had time to grab him by the tiny cloak and haul him into your lap.
“Got ya!” you said and he squealed with laughter. At least someone found your current predicament funny. You tucked him on your lap securely as a series of blaster fire whizzed passed the sides of the ship.
“Hand over the Child, Mando.” A deep voice said through the com-system and when the child in question squealed again you clapped your hand over his mouth. Another round of shots pinged around you and the crest gave a jolt as one of the engines took a hit. “I might let you live.”
“Guild?” you asked and Mando nodded before grabbing a large lever to his right and yanking it down quickly.
“You got both hands on the blaster cannons?” he asked. When you nodded, he continued. “When I say fire, let ‘em have it.”
Another hit rocked the ship as the engine on the left started to sputter and burst into flames before it powered down. Din cursed quietly under his helmet and pulled another lever to quickly power down both engines. “Hold on!” he yelled over the roar of the enemy ship as he rolled the crest out of the way of another round of fire. Stars streaked passed the windows as you both stared upwards and the other ship came directly into view.
“I can bring you in warm,” the enemy bounty hunter said flatly, “...or I can bring you in cold.”
“That's my line,” Din said in a deadly tone before he hit the thrusters and pointed at you and the kid. “Fire!”
You squeezed the trigger on the gun leavers and shots fired from the front of the razor crest, exploding the smaller ship into a wave of orange fire and metal debris. You flinched away from the bright light and the child clapped its tiny hands as Din gave you an approving nod.
“Not bad, little one,” you laughed softly, kissing the top of his green head between his ears. “Not bad.” Din clicked on a few of the switches above his head and the dashboard lit up in a series of red and orange lights. You watched him carefully and waited until he stopped before you spoke. “How bad is it?”
“We’re losing fuel,” he said, pulling up the map and thumbing through a few different screens. He thumbed through a few of the nearby planets before double tapping the screen and bringing up one of the larger orbs. “Mos Eisley is the closest place where we could dock and get some repairs.”
“Will we make it?”
“Of course.” He pulled another leaver and the ship gave a lurch forward before it evened out. “We have enough in the power reserves to get us there--don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried,” you said, biting your lip to keep a soft smile from gracing your features. The truth was, with Din, you were never worried.
Mos Eisley was the largest spaceport on the planet of Tatooine. Din explained that what it lacked in a centralized docking bay, they made up for in the fact that they had hundreds of hangars that were each maintained by individual workers and mechanics. It sounded impressive but to you it looked like little more than a patch of dust and poorly refined sandcastles.
The control tower told you to head for bay three-five and the Mandalorian copied as he steered the ship in that direction. The Crest had definitely seen better days as it sputtered and landed with jerky movements before finally touching down in a puff of sand and a clang of metal.
As you drifted through the vast emptiness of space before entering the atmosphere, the child had somehow lulled himself back to sleep. It was actually pretty impressive the amount of naps he managed to squeeze in in a day.
You carefully tucked him back into the sleeping compartment and put on the rest of the clothing you had from Arvala-7. It was still breathable but it wasn’t nearly as light as the cloth you had sported back on Sorgan. The leather riding pants and bantha hide boots would keep the sand out of your more intimate places, while the tan corded top and matching cloak kept your skin protected from the harsh sun without absorbing much of the light.
The beskar looked out of place with the rest of your attire, but something told you it was just the fact that you weren’t used to it. What was your favorite mantra as of late? One thing at a time.
You stopped in the doorway to the refresher and couldn’t help but stare at your reflection in the mirror. The metal of the headpiece that Din had tucked gingerly into your hairline. You had spent most of your life running from what you were: an Omega, an Ursa, a royal lineage of some kind that you had no desire to uphold. And yet, the tangible evidence was glittering on your forehead. Had Din designed such a thing or had it been at the behest of the Armorer? Somehow you felt you knew the answer to that.
You saw Din appear behind you in the mirror before you ever heard him and you prided yourself on not nearly jumping out of your skin.
"Good to go?"
When you nodded, he hit the button that started to lower the ramp on the main hull and you squinted against the bright sun. As you walked down the ramp a group of rust colored droids popped up from their current task and scurried towards the Mandalorian. Their saucer-shaped heads bobbed in place making them look like mushrooms on stilts as they surveyed the ship and chipped back and forth to one another.
Din pushed back his cloak and drew his blaster, firing one shot from the hip into the dirt. The droid squealed and jumped into the air before clamming up into a tiny ball.
“Mando!” you jumped and looked at him in surprise before looking back to the shivering droid.
“Hey!” a woman’s voice screeched from inside the building connected to the hangar. She pointed at the two of you through the window of what looked to be a very dusty office. “HEY!” she yelled again, scrambling out the door and stomping over to you.
Next to the Mandalorian she was incredibly short, but her demeanor was so incredibly scrappy that you weren’t entirely sure who you would bet on if the two of them were in a fight. Her grey mechanic’s jumpsuit was dusty and oil stained from no doubt thousands of ship repairs. Her hair was incredibly curly, poofing out in tight ringlets all around her head to her shoulders and seemed to be growing by the second as she jabbed her finger at Din’s chest.
“You damage one of my droids, you pay for it!”
“Just keep them away from my ship,” Din said flatly, pointed his own gloved finger to the fear-filled robot.
“Yeah? You think that's a good idea, do ya?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest before looking at you. “Blink twice if this brute is holding you hostage, honey. Though by the looks of ya, I’d say you can handle your own.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized on Din’s behalf before you introduced yourself and stepped in front of him. “We just need some repairs.”
“The name’s Peli,” she returned the politeness and shook your hand with strong, jerky movements. “He always this grumpy?” she nodded at the bounty hunter.
“Actually you caught him on a good day,” you smiled and she chuckled. Din sighed.
“Alright, well, let's look at your ship.” She picked up a clipboard and walked over to the crest. Looking it up and down slowly, she made a fist and knocked twice on the main hull and listened to the klonk that came from the inside.
“Is it bad?” you asked.
“Oof…” she winced as she wrote some things down. “Look at that.” She looked over her shoulder at you before gesturing to the sides of the ship. “Bad? You got a lot of carbon scoring building up top. Ya know--If I didn't know better, I'd think you were in a shootout.”
“Well…” you started and Din cleared his throat.
“Can you fix it?”
“Special tool for that one. Oh ya, I'm gonna have to rotate that…” She mumbled. Peli ignored you both as she continued to poke and prod the undercarriage of the ship before pulling down a side panel and coughing at the smoke that it produced. “You got a fuel leak! Look at that, this is a mess! How did you even land? That's gonna set you back.”
Din looked down at her as she walked back up to him and he tossed over a coin purse that jingled when she caught it. “I've got 500 Imperial Credits.”
“That all you got? Well…” she weighed the money in her hand and worried her bottom lip between her teeth. She turned to the droids who were slowly approaching again now that she was there to protect them. “What do you guys think? I mean-- that should at least cover the hangar.”
“I'll get you your money,” Din reassured her.
“Ha! I've heard that before,” she rolled her eyes.
“I promise, we’ll pay you somehow,” you interjected and Peli looked you over again before waggling her finger at you.
“Now, you I believe.”
That made you smile and she returned it.
“Just remember--” Din started.
“Yeah. Yeah. No droids. I heard ya.” She stuffed the credits in her pocket. “You don't have to say it twice. Jeez. Womp rat.” She mumbled the last under her breath as the two of you took her dismissal as a sign you were free to leave.
You waited until you and Din were out of earshot before you glared at him in disappointment. “We have got to work on your people skills.”
Note: When imagining the headpiece Din had made for you, I was drawing heavy inspiration off of Queen Hippolyta’s crown. Something that keeps your hair out of the way, looks futuristic and strong.
Hey guys, as always there is always room on the tag lists! That being said there are about 300+ of you that want to be tagged in this fic and that is totally cool, but I am human and I miss names and forget tags, SO–if your tag didn’t work, I forgot it, or you want to be moved to another group, please message me or send me an ask. Even if you have already sent me one reminding me, I PROMISE it was not on purpose. A lot of times I wont answer until I have PHYSICALLY put you on the tag list that way I don’t forget! Thank you so much. - K
@rae-gar-targaryen @zeldasayer @winters-buck @gooddaykate @steeeeeeeviebb @jigglemiwa @seawhisperer @halefirewarrior @ripleyafterdark @phoenixhalliwell @thebakerstboyskeeper @honestlystop @lackofhonor @readsalot73 @cryptkeepersoul @skdubbs @cahooter @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @googiebeankat @dinohaze @saltywintersoldat @huliabitch @tainted-gay-ghost @roxypeanut @hayley-the-comet @domino-oh-damn @corvueros @pettyprocrastination @qveenbvtch @hopplessdreamer @apples-of-february @pocket-of-anxiety @marie-is-in-the-dark @pikemoreno @Pascalplease @cosmicbug379 @your-pixels-are-showing @gamingaquarius @blushingwueen @crimsonandwhiteprincess @bluemoon-glen @river-soul @robbinholland @nerdypinupcrystal @fleetwoodmactshirt @jaime1110 @fioccodineveautunnale @fantasticcopeaglepasta @kid-from-new-zealand -- @roguereds @paintballkid711 @javier-djarin @ellaprime7 @kaetastic @veracruz-djarin @moonlightburned @nowyouwilldielikehimtoo @glitterfaecakes @karmezii @cyaredindjarin @nonink @irishleesh93 @heatherbel @himalayanwhite @stylelovechild @chews-erotically @sylvanas-lover @max--phillips @holographic-carmen @moonlikepascal @frankiemorales @thewaythisis @miss-leto @moonagedaydream505 @lannister-slings-and-arrows @atlas-adams-apple @lokiaddicted @ksgeekgirl @seasonschange-butpeopledont @nonetheleiss @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @this-cat-is-dea @thelastemzy @mymindisawhirlpool @mrschiltoncat @corrupt-fvcker @f0rever15elf @ohpedromypedro @walkerchick007 @66wookies @thirstworldproblemss @zannemes @lucifer- @mstgsmy @lunarthoughts @rosiefridayrogersunday @browneyes-djarin @jedi-mando @lv7867 -- @emotionalswift2 @pedrothirst @the-importance-of-being-sasuke @queenbbarnes @lou-la-lou @dandywinchesterbras @mtjoi @misslexilouwho @thisshipwillsail316 @sarahjkl82-blog @ladyperceval @persie33 @greeneyedblondie44 @unelohe @jettia @invisibility-thy-name-is @doin-stuff @wondergal2001 @missroro @bunniwarrior @hb8301
@mrsparknuts @equalstrashflavoredtrash @djarin-junk @altarsw @countryday @thottybarnes @limedane21 @warm-tea-and-otp @theocatkov @sinnamon-bunn @smiithys @jjlizz @marie-is-in-the-dark @violetsimery @assassinsasha23 @californiakoenig @i-hide-inside-my-head @paryl @mandowhoreian @peachdameron @imnotmentallyst4ble @lustriix @lokiaddicted @auty-ren @theocatkov @perropascal @manda-but-not-lorian @phenomenaaa @the-cosmic-ghost-18 @mad-red @coffeeandtodd @lostinwonderland314 @youmeanmybrain @rosalinayagi @mrpascals @humongouspandafest @highlycommendable @lucifersfavouritesinner @theduchessofkirkcaldy @spacenerdsebby @maytheglitter @keeper0fthestars @maydayfigment @chibi-liz05 @fleurdemiel145 @myhoneybeeheart @rise-my-angel @popculturepriestess @kochamcie @gallowsjoker @beefthief247 @ginger-swag-rapunzel @toilet-keeper @that-one-weird-one @thesoftdumbass @mandalorianbrat @ghostwiththemostbitch @mstgsmy @rosalinayagi @sesamepancakes @the-wandering-pan-ace @straycatoncrack @anteatingbitchlizard @dandywinchesterbras @marvelous-capsicle @altarsw @thesoftdumbass @misslolasworld @sunshine-and-peppermint-tea @generalbluebirdphantomc @haleypearce @lakeli @jeor @shadowfoxey @screamingexternally @wonder-jedi @1800-fight-me @mar-y-tixrra @fanficshitandother @03stepedwa @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @nerd-without-a-cause @lonelystarship @valhallavalkyrie9 @stra1ghtn0chaser @celestialscrewup @simply-sams-things @rosemirrors @pansexualdriver @wanderlust69 @taydjarin @harrypotter3941 @what-is-life-in-general @hidden-whatever @womenofwharton @amanda-loriannn @justawilddreamerchild @mahowg-blog @mlb4evah @ayamenimthiriel @bekahbug94 @ayamenimthiriel @obiwanwhore @womenofwharton @subtlestarrs @chook007 @alovelypeach @heykathchuu @mellomadness @t3a-bag @izthefangirl @misslexilouwho @devcaisnea @misguidedandbeguiled @tedpicklez @vampgguk @risingphoenix641 @the-scandalorian @mcueveryday @setsuna-meiou31 @tanyaherondale @lordofthenerds97 @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @grogusmum @beefcakebarnes @pedritopascall @4ng3lf43 @petersunderoos96 @cannedsoupsucks @greatcircle79 @spideysimpossiblegirl @angelcvsmic @bel-ppa @julesorwhatever @giselatropicana @buckysbackpack @dankest-farrik @ajeff855 @aerolanya @bluegirlusa1 @momc95 @sickinthesoul @grippleback-galaxy @certainwerewolfnight @bookloverfilmoholic @a-coffee-addict-613 @an-author-of-stars @darlingotaku @darlingotaku @arduadastra @pansexualdriver @rosemirrors @simply-sams-things @xxtwizztedxx @call-me-soap @nerdthickly
#the mandalorian#the mandolorian x reader#mando x reader#din djarin#din djarin x reader#star wars fic#pedro character fic#pedro pascal x Reader#OCAC
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