immortalmsmoon · 7 months
A lil Neji drabble cus i've been watching Naruto and was reminded how much i love him :))))
i will be posting soon i hope, i just kinda lost motivation for writing persona 5 atm.....
if you have any requests please ask, i will get around to them!!
warnings: Fluff
Wordcount: 399
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Wind rustled his hair as the two of you stood on the hill, overlooking the village. He was so pretty it took your breath away every time you saw him. The paleness of his face, and the sharpness of his jaw, the deep chocolate brown of his hair, the endless stormy purple-grey of his eyes. He stood a bit ahead of you, the sun setting off in the distance ahead of the both of you. Your breath caught in your throat as he turned slightly too you, reaching out his hand, which you grabbed softly. It wasn’t often that either of you had time to be alone together, and considering Neji wasn’t a fan of displaying his affection for you in front of his friends, it was even harder to find peace when your comrades always seemed to be surrounding you. You were lucky, you thought. That the two of you could have this moment, even if it wasn’t for very long. You didn’t mind. Not when you could feel his cold, delicate, calloused hand wrapped around your much warmer hand, cooling you off slightly as the setting sun spread heat into the world in the form of warm oranges and deep pinks, and a warm summer breeze softly flowed around the two of you. You moved softly to stand beside Neji, the slightly long grass tickling your legs. You softly leaned against his shoulder, and he pulled you in by the waist, his arm wrapped softly around you. That was one of your favourite things about loving Neji. his soft, silent way of loving you, as if words could never convey what he felt for you. His love, as intense and colourful as the sunset that ran across the sky like a stream of light, but as soft as the clouds that lay against it. his love was never too much colour, never too bright, never too intense. Because of his clan's rules and his upbringing, it had taken him a long time to get used to Love. experiencing you and your unique way of showering him in your love had taken time for him, and slowly he was starting to accept the soft touches in public and gentle kisses to the cheek, even if a couple people noticed it. Slowly, he was starting to do the same. Slowly he was starting to allow himself to crave your touch, your voice, your person. Slowly he was letting the colours of his love shine as bright as they were.
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