#AFTER we became friends and i eventually stopped liking him like that
Hiya! I have another au for you! I'm loving our vampire rp, it's so good! I'm really enjoying it!
This one is a little different, with a darker Lucifer, which I'm really starting to love.
The idea is that after Adam and Eve were cast out, Lucifer and Lilith became extremely powerful, Lucifer could rival in power to the strongest archangels and maybe even god himself.
The idea in this is that after falling, Lucifer and Lilith blamed each other for the fall and separated. Lilith was queen of the lower rings, while Lucifer ruled the upper rings. He's more powerful than her because of his angel status, but he let's her do her own thing, as long as she's not causing trouble.
Lucifer eventually taps into the raw power of Hell, which slowly starts tainting his mind, he's still him but he can lose control sometimes. Heaven eventually starts to learn how powerful Hell is and what can happen to Lucifer and Liltih- power wise. So they start making an army, creating angels specifically for war.
Lucifer has a few angels in Heaven that speak to him in secret, angels that don't agree with Heavans rules and secretly. They keep him up to date on what Heavens up to, so he starts forging a plan after learning of the angelic army.
Once Adam and Eve die, and they arrive in Heaven. Eve starts to live her afterlife in peace, waiting for her children.
Lucifer learned of a new weapon Heaven was making, something that could control a part of Heavens power. Once he learns that new weapon will be Adam, Lucifer decides to take Adam for himself.
Luicfer manages to get himself back into heaven, without them knowing, he's shocked to see that he was completely remade, hopefully his memories were in tacked.
Lucifer materialized in a cage-like room, he had no idea something this dark and unkempt could belong in Heaven. It made him almost uneasy.
Lucifer: why would they keep their precious first man here?
The darkness was almost suffocating, like it was affecting the air itself. The angelic steel bars still managed to shine bright, using that light, Lucifer squinted inside the cage, his eyes widened as he saw the vague outline of a body, kneeling on the floor, a chain connecting to the back wall to a silver collar around their neck.
Lucifer: Adam? Buddy, is that you? Long time no see-!
The body moved, head tilting up, and looking ahead. The scrapping of heavy chains against the stone floor made Lucifer wince a tad. Why are they using such thick chains on him? He's a human, nothing special.
Lucifer: I know we left off on a bad note! But I'd like to make it up to you~ let me help you with whatever the HELL Heaven is doing to you, huh?
Lucifer stuck his arm through the bars, smiling as the metal started to bed and melt away. His smile stopped as a giant hand reached out, and grabbed his hand. The amount of strength was impressive, Lucifer was so confused- he followed the outline of the person as they stood.
Lucifer: you're a big fuck aren't you-?
Adam: w-will you help me? I-it hurts-
Lucifer: I can see that buddy, I'll help you! But you have to do something for me~
Lucifer pulled his hand away, and straightened his outfit. It's taking a lot of his power to stay in Heaven, hidden.
Adam: y-yes sir, what do you need?
Lucifer: stop with the formalities Adam! We've been friends- well, acquaintances for years now!
Adam: I-I'm sorry sir- I don't know you, Heavens never introduced u-us-. P-please forgive me f-for not knowing you
Adam starts to collapse, but manages to catch himself against the wall. Never heard of him? Lucifer is definitely confused now. Fucking Heaven, they really think there's a good enough reason to mess with a humans memories? Why Adam? Why did the angels pick him? It doesn't matter at the moment, Lucifer needs to make his deal, let Adam fall to Hell, and set his plan into motion.
Lucifer: i- uh... never mind that right now buddy, I'll explain everything later. If you make a deal with me, I can help you!
Adam: w-what do you need from me-?
Lucifer: oh, nothing much~ just your soul~ aand your loyalty, company, body amd whatever power you have~! All for your freedom. You will cone with me, stay with me, at my home~ you'll be free Adam, free to speak your mind, do whatever you want, within reason of course- and most importantly, think for yourself.
Lucifer smiled as Adam made his way over to the edge of the cage, he was unsteady but doing a good job at staying up right. Although that chain wasn't helping. Lucifer couldn't help but gasp, as Adam's face came into what little light the bars had. His eyes were gold. Brighter than any other angels, shone like Hell fire.
Lucifer whispered: you're perfect...
Adam: I'll take your deal- please, get m-me out o-of here- please
Lucifer: of course, Adam! All you have to do, is shake my hand~
Adam watched as a clawed, black ashen hand slipped through the bars. He felt uneasy about this man- angel? He looks familiar but then he was sure he'd remember someone that looked like that.
He reaches out weakly, grabbing Lucifers hand. He jumps and is amazed by the golden light the swirls around them, he can feel it running through his veins like blood. He couldn't help but follow the golden light. His angelic chain drops off his neck, only to be replaced by a golden one. Lucifer couldn't help but think how beautiful Adam looked, covered in gold. It was really his colour.
Lucifer looked on with awe as he saw Adam fully. His golden wings rested weakly against the floor, his eyes wide with that curiosity that Lucifer loved so much. He couldn't help but glare as he saw the cuts and bruises that littered his body and how thin he looked. He was definitely taller, but surely Heaven would feed the man.
Lucifer: great! Now, the fun part~
Adam stood back as Lucifer began to melt the steel cage.
Lucifer: there~. Now, we must be quick, we do t want any extra company, do we~?
Adam: n-no sir-
As Adam began to limp out of the cage, he stopped as Lucifer put his hand on his chest, forceful enough to push him back slightly.
Lucifer: now, none of that 'sir' thing Addie~. Even though I am now your king, I was your friend first. Do you know my name?
Adam tried to think of a name, his head started to pound, like he was reaching into some void.
Adam: n-no- I- Agh! It hurts to t-think- to remember
Lucifer glared at the flood, fucking Heaven. He smiled up at Adam, it wasn't his fault.
Lucifer: my name is Lucifer, the king of Hell~! But that last bit isn't important right now, let's go Adam.
Adam grabbed Lucifer's hand, and they walked to the middle of the room, he felt so safe with Lucifer. His hand felt perfect in his, like they were made to be together. Adam couldn't stop looking at him, he was beautiful. He's never seen eyes so red, or skin so smooth. He couldn't help but be fascinated by his clothes-
Lucifer: hold on tight Addie~ I won't drop you, but I need you to hold on
The floor underneath the. Burned to life, a burning circle with strange lettering appeared. Just as Adam was taking it in, he felt a gust of wind made him cover his eyes. When he opened, he was amazed to see Lucifers white and red wings, three sets of them! He's only seen a few angels with multiple sets of wings, but none were as beautiful as Lucifers. Adam couldn't help but reach out and graze a feather with his finger.
Lucifer: you'll get a good touch when we get home Addie~ now, say goodbye to the angels~
Fire from the circle surrounded them, the heat was almost unbearable.
The next thing Adam knew; they were falling.
The whole idea is a battle between Heaven and Hell. Lucifer is super possessive of Adam, originally using him as a weapon to help him bring down and take control of Heaven. But Lucifer can't help but start having feelings from Eden resurface, it's either a blessing or a curse that Adam doesn't remember anything. Maybe he can make the first man fall for him again, and they can rule over Hell and Heaven together.
Hopefully this is interesting in someway 💀
Okay- bye!
Oh this is SUPER INTERESTING!!! How do you come up with this stuff it's amazing. Also, I love possessive Lucifer lol
Adam saw a world bathed mainly in different hues of red, even the sky was red with a giant star.
What was this place?
Lucifer was torn between watching where he was flying and looking at Adams face that was filled with curiosity trying to figure out where the Hell he was.
Literally Hell.
Lucifer dipped down and made a way towards Morningstar Manor and he touched down lightly at the front of the house as he held Adam close.
Lucifer: Let's get you settled in okay? You know, before the physical changes catch up with you and wipe you out.
Adam didn't know what he was talking about but he didn't really care. He was finally out of that cage to never be chained up like an animal ever again.
Lucifer took him inside, first to the kitchen so the poor man could get something to fucking eat. It looked like he hadn't eaten since he died.
He got his chef to cook a lavish meal for Adam to make sure the first man was full.
Adam: Thank you...
Lucifer ran his fingers through Adams hair, loving how soft the brown strands were.
Lucifer: You'll need your strength.~
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lovingpond · 12 days
the first crush i’ve ever had was my crush because: he was really smart and had beautiful pianist hands. i was obsessed with playing chess when i was little and he also liked playing chess, unliked me he looked really aloof too
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"Jason was the happy robin" this, "jason was the angry robin" that. Let's all be fully honest here Jason was the lonely robin
#It gets worse the more i think about it aiguaoughhh#they pretty much retconned the people he was close to before the crisis. he only interacts with dick like once or twice#ive never seen him with barbara#he had no team#in terms of school he had rena(?) and then 3 friends that show up in an annual and never again#and obviously with the whole secret identity it hardly can be a close friendship. esp with how little theyre shown#in terms of super friends he had Danny and Kid Devil. which. one is mentioned off hand and theyre never seen together#and the other is from a short story and never brought up again#alfred has his praises sung but we never really see him connect with jay#all he had was BRUCE. and the only way to ever be with bruce is to be robin#is it really any wonder he chased after his mother? is it any wonder who chose to trust someone he hardly knew?#dc liveblog#jason todd#i feel so bad for him all the time for forever#ive just started reading comics after his death but before his resurrection. the hallucination jason era#and its seems to be shaping up to be with him written as the angry robin who never listened#which i Know is because of the writers. but in universe? it just feels like jason wasnt understood or known at all#doylist vs watsonian moment as they say#dc comics#batman comics#and he became a symbol of failure to batman So Quickly. not a memory but a reminder#and every trophy from his time as robin was taken out of the batcave. and every moment as jason was removed from (at least) bruces room#he was on call/on a list as a backup titan if they needed help but he wasnt With them. they teamed up twice#i cant remember if he meant it towards blood specifically or in general rn but he fully admitted to not being good/experienced enough#they didn't really know him and he didn't really know them#wait fuck was rena all pre-crisis. devastating. he stopped going on patrols n being robin for awhile when she was his gf#of course by then he was already A Hero who cant fully ignore how he can help so he eventually was like yeah we should stop a little#obviously there was that catwoman arc going on and i feel writers just liked keeping him away alot. but ough. he was so quick to stop when#there was someone There. and robin didn't have ti feel like all he had#anyway crisis got rid of her im sure. like harvey. when does 'pre and post crisis' actually start bc its not at the crisis its issues after
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malkaviian · 2 years
i am having a great time here on life dot com
#/s#i only ate a scrambled egg today; i couldnt finish it and i feel sick#something else happened today that just showed how this girl is even more manipulative. how did you turned out like this.#or maybe you were ALWAYS like this and youre just showing your true nature now? how i didnt realized this before? we were friends for years#and honestly at this point i would say whatever ruin your life; nobody is going to stay that long around you like we did.#but you have A WHOLE ASS CHILD. A 4 NEARLY 5 MONTHS OLD BABY THAT DEPENDS TOTALLY ON YOU!!!!#STOP BEING SO SELFISH!!!! AT LEAST THINK ABOUT THE SON YOU CLAIM TO LOVE!!!!#maybe im exaggerating but i feel betrayed by someone i saw as a sister + i saw her son as a nephew.#i already lost a 11 years friendship last year why is this happening to me again. and is ending in a horrible way#sorry that the rest of the group dared to still do friend stuff even after you became a mom and thus became unable to do certain things now#i *get* it; you feel envious. but we cant stop our lives just because YOURS changed. we told you multiple times we love you and your son#we love when you bring him with you because we love him; and two of us dont even like kids that much. we were excited the whole pregnancy#we supported you because we can imagine how difficult being a young; single mom is. we did that because youre important#but we committed the horrible sin of doing things without you; because you yourself said you couldnt and/or dont want to go#we committed the horrible sin of still being friends with each other and eventually bring in another friend#whom we tried for you to get along; but it didnt happened and were in the wrong for still hanging out with him.#we tried to talk about you feeling excluded from the group; but you only told us 'i dont know'; because if you directly said#'i dont like that you three have a social life together without me even when im literally unable to follow your steps now because im a mom'#you would sound extremely selfish. and you know what? you are. i get missing the stuff youre not able to do now being a mom; its normal#but its not a fucking excuse to try to destroy the rest of the group. i love how youre pretending to be the victim in this case#by saying 'oh [x] said she felt uncomfortable with me she doesnt want to be friends with us anymore :((' when its not what happened#she said the problem is YOU; not the rest of us. she told you the problems she has with you; we saw the fucking convo#and youre twisting her words to make her look like the attacker. plus trying to make us think she also wants to stop being friends with us?#literally not whats happening. you think were just going to take your word anyway and not ask her about it?#even when breaking a friendship out of nowhere is pretty important? were just going to go 'oh [x] is a bitch' without asking anything.#also we know now she has been your punching bag for so long. we saw convos and your recent attitude towards her confirm it.#anyway youre a fucking selfish manipulator who cares about things going her way only. and were seeing it now#well; i guess at least it means were aware of your true nature; even if we feel betrayed for how long you pretended towards us#things are going downwards and is literally your fault#negative
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reticent-writer · 8 months
Alastor angst sorta
it started as angst then spiraled
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You were Alastor's assistant when you were alive
You helped him run the radio show
The two of you became good friends, then eventually more
He would always walk you to your house as there were a lot of missing person reports in your area
You had no idea that he was the cause
Until you saw him kill someone
You tried to pretend like you didn't see anything and acted as normal as possible but Alastor caught on
He slowly got the truth out of you and once he did he killed you
Your death was the reason he got caught and sentenced to death
You both met in hell
You panicked and tried to avoid him but he stayed close to you even while broadcasting his carnage
He could tell that in hell you were a fish out of water so he proposed a deal
He would give you enough power to protect yourself from anyone and everyone that tried to harm you in exchange for your soul
"Why are you following me?" You ask as you got away from the public eye so you could talk to him.
"I just want to have a little chat, my dear. We used to be quite close after all." He smiled
"That was a long time ago." You groaned as you hugged yourself to give some type of comfort.
"Exactly, in all my days I never would've thought that you, of all people, would end up with humanities worst. Whatever did you do, my dear." Alastor said as he approached you.
"That is none of your concern."
"Oh, but it is a sweetheart such as yourself doesn't deserve this place but looks can be deceiving." He sang as he wrapped an arm around your waist and lead you down a side walk.
"I can't think of anything bad that you could have done to end up here and I'm just dying to know."
His prying eyes stared into yours, it was making you uncomfortable. You removed his hand from your waist and walked beside him.
"Why would I tell you? You're the reason I'm here in the first place." You said. You couldn't believe how wide his smile grew.
"I did not kill you because I wanted to. In fact, it was your death that led to mine." He leaned close to your ear and whispered, "You meant that much to me, my dear." The sound of static filled your ears. His confession surprised you, it reminded you of your relationship when you were alive.
"I killed my parents." You confessed, and the static stopped abruptly.
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ak4e7a · 3 months
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making him a daddy —- enha hyung line
if you haven’t read my mother’s day special, Men I Love Fucking, click here first!
cw: all of it. all. humiliation, lactation, filming, degradation, dom!hyung line. daddy kink galore. if you don’t have one rn, you’re about to get one!
a/n: belated hbd nessa :3 jay is for u and u only <3 sorry to my freakhoon believers for edging you with this for like two weeks, it will happen again
minors dni, 18+ only.
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heeseung literally cannot stop fucking you ever since you got pregnant—or maybe a little before that, but he’ll never admit it. what started as a one night stand when your best friend, his sister, was asleep and you “accidentally” walked in on him fucking his fist in his room quickly became a friends-with-benefits situation… or so you thought.
“fuck, baby,” he groans in your ear, his voice low so as to not make too much noise. after all, your best friend is, once again, asleep in the next room. he slides his cock in between your folds. “you keep getting so wet for me, how can i stay away from you?”
except… he kind of has to stay away from you, when you tell him you’re actually dating someone now. someone who isn’t him. heeseung doesn’t take the news too well, and honestly, he’s valid for that. he’s pissed off, to say the least.
“carrying my fucking baby and you’ve got the nerve to be with someone else?” he growls, hips smacking into your ass roughly. you clutch harder onto the pillow you’re holding, tears prickling in your eyes as he pounds into your cunt, one hand over your mouth.
“seungie—” you gasp when he moves his hand down to pinch at your swollen tits.
he tsks in your ear. “uh-uh, little bunny. that’s not what you should be calling me right now.”
“hee—” your moans are getting harder to contain as you get dangerously close to your climax. heeseung can tell, too, and he slows down his movements, even going so far as to cup your little baby bump.
“nope. try again,” he demands, the lazy drag of his cock along your gummy walls making your eyes cross in pleasure. he gives you one rough thrust when you hesitate, skimming his hand down to press right above your mound so he can feel his cock from the outside, causing you to cry out,
“there we go, mama. that wasn’t so hard, was it? now tell me again. who’s your fucking daddy?”
jay put a ring on your finger literally hours after you showed him your positive pregnancy test. he damn near bought the entire jewelry store for you—that’s how happy he was, knowing he’d finally succeeded in successfully knocking you up. and now, in your second trimester, you’re just as happy. sprawled out on the silk sheets of your shared bed, your fiancé shows you exactly just how much he adores you.
“jay,” you whimper, staring into his eyes. his hands hold himself up above you, caging your head in. you can feel the cold metal of his rolex watch graze against your cheek as he nudges himself inside you. “i love you…”
“i love you more,” he coos back. he lets out a hiss as he bottoms out, balls pressed snugly against your ass. “my princess.”
you wiggle underneath him, desperately trying to move your hips for more friction. “need you, please, need more!”
“you have all of me, angel,” he chuckles, breath warm on your skin, the scent of his cologne flooding your sense of smell. “what more could i give you?”
you both know he’s teasing you—and torturing himself while he does it. jay has to give into you eventually. he always does, no matter what it is. his soft brown eyes flicker downwards, transfixed on the way your tits bounce as he starts to fuck you open, his thrusts somehow both gentle and rough.
you don’t even have time to ask him what he’s doing or why he’s staring so intently when he ducks his head down to take one of your nipples in his mouth and starts sucking… but it feels different this time, the sensation forcing your orgasm closer and closer. then it clicks for you. jay’s been so entranced by the way your tits have started to grow, he’d been hanging off of your every word that morning when you were complaining that you’d started lactating and needed to buy new bras.
excited at this revelation, you tease him back. “tastes good, daddy?”
you know calling him that specific name makes him rock hard. you can literally feel him somehow grow bigger inside you, forcing your walls to stretch open some more for his cock. he throbs inside you, hips stilling when he pushes his cock all the way down to the hilt, tip kissing your cervix.
“want more, daddy?” you purr, pushing your chest closer to his face. he doesn’t give you an answer, but as you feel your milk leak into his hot mouth, you take that as an enthusiastic yes.
“thank you for making me a daddy, angel girl,” he mumbles before latching on again and sucking—hard.
jake is absolutely nasty. besotted with his best friend’s mother? but you’re hot as fuck, can anyone blame him? can anyone truly blame him when you’ve got him on his knees, eating your pussy from behind while he strokes his cock?
“feels good, mommy?” he moans, his voice partially muffled between your legs. his nose nudges between your folds, and you gasp at how fucking messy he’s being. you don’t think this boy could get any more depraved until you feel his veiny hands grab at your asscheeks and shake them into his face.
“good, so good!” you sob into your pillow, pushing your pussy towards his tongue.
he pulls away from you, ignoring your cries of protest, grabbing his phone from where it's recording you two on the nightstand.
“need to get you on camera up close, mommy. wanna film it so i can watch it later when i need you.”
“jakey—” you begin, but you’re cut off when he begins to push the tip of his cock past your soaked folds.
“no, shh, mommy. ‘m so fuckin’ close, i gotta breed you now, wanna cum in you so bad. will you let me?”
you nod, turning your head just enough to make eye contact with your lover as he pushes himself inside you. he’s got the most fucked out, pussy drunk expression in his face, pretty eyes half lidded, pretty mouth formed in a euphoric O-shape.
“c’mon, mommy, rub your clit for me,” he whines, pumping his cock into you. "’n if i'm calling you mommy, might as well make me a daddy while we're at it, yeah? does mommy want my cum?”
“yes, please, please cum in me!” you squeal, overstimulated as you rub your clit while jake pounds against your g-spot.
“ask me properly, mommy,” he suddenly growls, fucking you harder and harder so he can cum.
“daddy, please! want your cum!”
he gives it to you, he really does. he cums deep into your cunt and pulls out, making sure that the camera catches it on film as his cum leaks out of you and down your thighs.
“hm. looks like we should try one more time just to be sure, right, mommy?”
sunghoon has been in a mood recently. a very particular mood; one that has you pinned on the bed in a mating press every night when he comes home from work. you’ve noticed lately that your younger boyfriend— “i’m only three years younger than you,” he likes to argue— has taken a liking to wearing neckties to work, knotting them over the collar of his pristine white button down shirts that fit so nicely over his muscular arms.
now his black prada tie is knotted around your wrists, stacked behind your back while you’re draped over his lap, squirming uncontrollably, skirt flipped up to expose you to him.
"oh, these are cute, baby. you wear them for me? you look so pretty in pink."
you hum in response and he spanks you right where you need him most.
"that's not an answer, brat. use your words."
"y-yes sunghoon! 's for you!!"
he's so condescending when he replies, "what a smart little girl you are. manipulative little brat. wearing my favorite color, acting all whiny and desperate for me since you begged me to come home early from work not one hour ago..."
"you're the one who came running," you snap back, annoyed at his teasing. wrong move. he effortlessly lifts you up off his lap and onto the bed. he pushes your panties to the side and slides his cock inside you all the way, with no time for you to ease into the stretch.
"you fucking brat. am i gonna have to punish you all night to put you in your place? want me to fuck you and dump my load in your pathetic little cunt and leave you to finish yourself off? because i will, little girl. don't forget who's the only one who can make you cum this hard."
you try to fuck yourself on his cock and he's not having it at all. "brat, what did i just say? disobedient fucking slut, all you want is my cock. apologize to me and beg, and maybe i'll make you squirt all over me and this fucking bed."
"s-sorry hoonie..."
his hand comes crashing down on your ass.
"pathetic. try again, pretty."
"i'm sorry daddy, i'm sorry for being a brat!"
"fucking hell, princess, you beg so sweetly. you want me to fuck you full of my cum? want me to knock you up and parade you around in front of everyone, let them know who you belong to?"
you pout at him, batting your eyelashes the way you know he can't resist. "please, daddy?”
“that’s a good girl. you better remember who’s in charge the next time you wanna brat out on me, hm?”
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dreorig · 1 year
Oh wow, you just happen to be taller and broader than your mercenary boyfriend!
[ deadpool x dom male reader | nsfw under the cut | had this sitting in my drafts for a while now so uhhh forgive any mistakes :P ]
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First things first. He thinks that's so hot of you.
He brags about you to everyone. Everyone. Random people, someone's he's fighting with, a friend; they all will hear about how handsome and tall Wade's boyfriend is.
Wade gets heart eyes when you both are in public and you hold his waist or hug him from behind. A subtle possessive squeeze on him will also do the job.
Wade will steal your clothes. He is 6'2, do you seriously think he'd ever have another chance to feel smaller in someone else's clothes anytime soon? Yeah, he's not losing this chance.
How many times can he ask to arm wrestle with you until you threaten to cut his vocal chords?
"So we can't get to decide what we're getting for dinner and we both want different things..." "Wade—" "There's only one way to solve this situation..." "Wade. No." "ARM WRESTLING!" "NO."
You will give him piggy backs and carry him around in bridal style either you like it or not. It's a demand.
He jumps at you randomly. First time he did that he jumped from behind, but you didn't know that was him, so your instincts made you grab that apparently stranger and throw him across the room, making him hit a wall. Wade fell even more for you right then and there.
Wade was mesmerised. You desperate; so you ran towards him, already chanting an infinite amount of sorry's. "Shit. Sorry, sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to—" your apology was interrupted by the sound of Wade's laugh, which took you aback a little. Wade jumped to his feet and into your arms, this time you caught him properly. He wrapped his legs around your waist and arms around your neck, his chest still trembling with laughter. "Do you know how unbelievably hot that was? Never stop manhandling me."
Wade can reach the top shelves just fine but will ask you to grab the things instead. He just wants to enjoy his tall dog privilege.
He will always go to the gym with you if he's not busy re-killing former US presidents, slaughtering some asshole or pestering Logan. Hell, Wade loves to see your muscles flexing and your sweaty self after a good workout.
Asking you to pick him up (like this) became a part of your workout routine. He giggles and melts in your hold because he loves the fact that you pick him off the ground so effortlessly, like he's a piece of paper.
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Fuck him doggy style and slap his ass with your big hands and you'll hear the loudest moan ever.
So loud you'll probably need to slip a few fingers inside his mouth to keep him shut. You don't need any neighbours hearing what's yours only.
You know what they say about big hands, eh? Wade knows it better than anyone and God, he loves the way you stretch him. Naturally he's got a high pain tolerance, so you being big and making him see things without having to use a toy is just perfect.
Doesn't mean you never use toys, tho. Fuck Wade's face and make him gag on your big cock while he has a dildo deep inside him, he'll give you the biggest puppy eyes ever as he humps on your leg.
You reminding him of your size difference never fails to make him wet. Never fucking fails. Tell him he should stand in front of you to get a better view since you're taller and he won't hide the fact that his underwear is already stained with pre-cum.
No marks such as love bites will stay on Wade's body due to his healing factor, much to his and your dislike, but eventually you found a way to claim him as yours — he's got to wear one of your shirts while you so relentlessly fuck him and even after you're done. Your scent and sweat that lingers on the fabric make Wade's head spin, often leading him to beg for you to fuck him once again.
Plus wearing your clothes just feels right. The way they're always oversized on him serves to remind him of how much bigger you are. He's got a size kink, he can't help it.
"Aren't you my little bitch?" you increased your pace. "Fuck, yes, yes," he pushed his hips down, meeting your thrusts. "Did I fuck you dumb? Use your damn words," you growled in his ear. Wade's cock throbbed at that. He was indeed beginning to think you fucked him dumb, yet he replied, "Arghh— yes, shit, yes, I'm your little bitch~" "Yeah, that's right. Let me show you how a real man treats a little bitch like you," you slapped his ass so hard even your own hand burned a little. Wade came right away without even having to touch his cock this time. How many times was it now? Not that he cared, he just wanted more, more, more. You chuckled, pleased with your own work. "Look at what a slap can do to a little bitch in heat." Wade wasn't sure of what you really said, but his ears caught "little bitch in heat" and he smiled dumb, more than happy to know he was your little bitch in heat.
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6esiree · 1 month
They Help You With Your Period Pains
Imagine Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Vox, and Adam help you with your period pains? …you’re not in a romantic relationship and there’s a sprinkle of plot in every one of them 🤍 NSFW, btw!
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Two days—that’s approximately how long Alastor managed to withstand the sweet scent of your monthly cycle before he found himself dropping to his knees, your lips parting with a pleasured gasp as he pulled your panties down, unfazed by the sight of your pad. He dove headfirst into your messy folds with a desperation that had your knees trembling, his slender tongue slithering into your entrance and exploring each and every inch of your warm, wet, gummy walls.
You were supposed to be friends, but between his filthy slurping and his sharp nose rubbing deliciously against your swollen clit with every twist and turn of his head, it was hard to remember that. And as for Alastor, it was hard to remember that he was supposed to satiate his cannibalistic thirst for blood in exchange for alleviating the never-ending cramps wracking your core, especially with his cock straining almost painfully against his slacks.
“Oh, Alastor, just fuck me at this point,” You unashamedly whined, feeling somewhat jealous of your mattress as he subtly rolled his hips in an attempt to relieve himself. “You already pushed past the boundaries of our friendship with…this, so fucking me won’t make any difference.”
Alastor hesitated—but when he accepted the truth behind your statement, he gave your cunt one last good lapping before unbuckling his belt and stepping out of his slacks, a gratified moan reverberating through your chest as he pushed your legs back, displaying your fluttering hole. His tongue traveled across his lips, and while you couldn’t tell whether he was cleaning himself of your blood or savoring the sinful display beneath him, you were still eager to accommodate him.
“I suppose you are right,” Alastor admitted, the head of his weeping cock pushing past your folds at such an agonizingly slow pace that you clutched onto the lapels of his coat, bringing him in. “Now, now, darling,” He let out a sigh, “I’m not—ha—going anywhere.”
That’s what you hoped as Alastor began to slide his cock in and out of your cunt, his pelvis kissing your swollen clit with every delicious roll of his hips. But you eventually found yourself whispering ‘Promise not to?’ against his temple, your hands traveling underneath his dress shirt, eliciting a static-like groan from his throat that had your gummy walls clenching around him. Alastor already felt weak for getting on his knees for you, but he found himself agreeing anyway.
“We can do this every month,” You said between bouts of moans, clutching tightly onto his back as he brought you closer to the edge. “To indulge our separate needs,” Alastor tentatively added, “Correct?” You nodded, knowing perfectly well that he was simply trying to justify it.
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Life after Lilith’s seemingly endless sabbatical became a bleak affair for Lucifer, so when he met you, he instantly latched onto you—much like he latched onto your aching breasts as he pushed his cock past your folds, the heavenly embrace of your cunt and your pleasured gasps soothing his loneliness. But the two of you were friends, friends who found themselves tangled in the sheets religiously every month with the excuse of alleviating the cramps that wracked your core.
Lucifer assumed that there was nothing past your little arrangement in your mind, even when you sought him out and unashamedly crawled onto his lap with a whimpered ‘I need you right now, Luci,’ seeping past your lips. As soon as he had you chanting his name, however, his forked tongue fluttering against your swollen clit as his fingers worked dutifully inside of your warm, wet, gummy walls, he stopped thinking about that entirely. In the moment, he felt like you were his.
“Does this feel better, honey?” Lucifer pulled away from your nipple to ask you, a trail of saliva dribbling down his chin. You feverishly nodded with an ‘Mhm,’ as he relentlessly drove the head of his cock against that velvety spot inside of you. “Good—that’s what I like to hear.”
This all happened because half a year ago, the painkillers Lucifer so graciously supplied you with strangely stopped helping your cramps; and in one last ditch effort to get close to you, he sheepishly suggested what a certain someone used to enjoy during her monthly cycle. While you didn’t want to ruin your friendship, the offer was simply too tempting to decline, especially with the way your aching cunt throbbed at the mere thought of Lucifer being in between your legs.
“Fuck! I’m so, so close, Luci,” You whined, threading your fingers in his soft hair, scratching affectionately at his scalp before pulling him into your chest, encouraging him to latch onto your breast once more. “Always making me forget the pain—mmph!—thank you s’much.”
Lucifer watched your eyes flutter shut and your mouth fall open in a series of desperate pleas that had his cock stiffening inside of your cunt. But he focused on lathering your pebbled nipple with attention rather than chasing his own release, alternating between teasing kitten-licks and actual suckles, only allowing himself to cum when your walls clenched around him. It was always disappointing to feel you finish, but at least Lucifer could pretend you were his next month.
“Well, I guess that’s that, huh?” Lucifer sighed as he looked down at you, his cock softening inside of your cunt. “Mm, no,” You shook your head, but it was what you told him next that had his heart fluttering. “Oh, and I think it’s about time that I told you that the painkillers still work.”
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If there was anybody you could seek out when it was that time of the month, it was your dear friend Husk, his skilled fingers effortlessly coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of your aching cunt. Unfortunately, he avoided using his tongue and especially his cock in fear that his barbs would worsen your cramps—and not just because he realized that he hadn’t lost the ability to love the one time he penetrated you, the way you had moaned out ‘Baby’ making his heart rate pick up.
So, Husk made you lay on your stomach this time around, a strong hand holding you down by your nape as he feverishly worked away at your cunt from behind, his pupils dilating at the mixture of slick and blood cascading down your thighs. You tried to warn him that such a position would be messy, but he assured you with that oh-so-addicting baritone voice of his that he couldn’t give a fuck—and that’s when you tried to suggest he use his cock again.
“Shit, doll, don’t ya remember how long it took ya to adjust?” Husk gruffed, his fingers twisting and turning inside of your warm, wet, gummy walls, desperately searching for that spot that would shut you up. “This is about you, not me—so just relax and let this old man take care of ya.”
But if you were fine with feeling each and every second of Husk’s barbed cock stretching you, then how could he say it wasn’t about you? He had filled up your cunt to the brim after you moaned out ‘Baby’ instead of his name that one time he fucked you, a ghost of a bite still present on your shoulder blade; and now that the memory had infiltrated your dreams and filled most of your mornings with slick-drenched panties, you wanted his cock so, so desperately.
“Do ya still need it, hm? Look at how ya fallin’ apart with just my hand, doll,” Husk chuckled as he finally located that velvety spot inside of you, abusing it. “I don’t need it—mm, fuck, baby!—I want it,” You cried out, your legs trembling as he brought you closer to the edge.
And there it was again, that dreaded term that had Husk’s heart picking up as fast as his hand pulled out of your cunt to unfasten his pants, his weeping cock throbbing in anticipation. ‘Yes, yes! finally!’ You gasped as he pushed past your folds without any warning, your walls eagerly accommodating him. Husk supposed that he could drown out his feelings with some cheap booze later, refusing to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, you wanted him too.
“Uhh, shit, so fuckin’ tight,” Husk huffed, lifting up one of your legs over the bed, spreading your glistening cunt for him. “It’s all for you, baby, only you,” You moaned. “Only me?” He leaned in and rolled his hips into you, purring with an unmistakable gratification as you nodded.
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Pity, just pure, utter pity—that’s what brought Vox to your door without failure every month, ready to alleviate the cramps that wracked your core despite the countless painkillers you had taken. He couldn’t recall how he had approached you with such a proposition in the first place, or at least not while he pushed his cock past your messy folds and replaced your pained groans with relieved moans, your squelching cunt almost making him short-circuit.
Still, Vox savored every little reaction he elicited from you as he held your legs apart instead of some shitty, uninspired pornstar named Rocky, the head of his cock abusing that velvety spot inside of you which had your eyes fluttering shut, your brows knitting together, and your plush lips falling open in a series of desperate pleas as you arched up into him in such a natural way. In short, the sight was nothing compared to the usual performances Valentino invited him to critique.
“If it weren’t for you, I would have—ha, yes!—quit a long time ago,” You unashamedly admitted, fueling his already inflated ego. He pushed your legs back onto your nude chest, plunging his cock into you at a new position. “Nobody knows how to—oh!—fuck good in the porn industry.”
No, but at least he did, Vox thought to himself as he drove his hips against yours at a feverish pace, his pelvis rubbing deliciously against your swollen clit. It had been six months worth of this, and your cunt had yet to grow tired of swallowing his cock in a warm, wet, tight embrace, just like he had yet to grow tired of your slick and blood alike staining the slacks hanging loosely around his hips, including the way your breathy moans fogged up his screen. Why? …he didn’t really know.
“You know, sweetheart,” Vox started, releasing one of your legs to fondle your breasts, a hiss seeping past your lips as he rolled one of your pebbled nipples between his thumb and his forefinger. “Unless you’re bound to Val via your soul—fuck—I could give you a job myself.”
You couldn’t help but feel fortunate as Vox coaxed an orgasm out of you, your cries of ecstasy somehow getting drowned out by the grunts and groans you coaxed out of him with your fluttering cunt. If he hadn’t showed up at your door the day you thought about quitting, you never would have been presented with such a tantalizing job opportunity by the same individual you could depend on to fuck you until your legs were virtually useless.
“Yes, please! I’m tired of Val’s bullshit,” You sighed as Vox pulled out and collapsed right next to you, the bed creaking with his added weight. “Good, I needed a new assistant,” He said, the excitement that bloomed in his chest making him realize that he was no longer fucking you out of pity.
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Having sex with Adam had never, ever crossed your mind until he caught you in the middle of a series of gut-wrenching cramps, no painkillers in your system. The way he barged into your office and asked you why you hadn’t finished the stack of paperwork that was due in less than an hour made you snap. You were his assistant, so he had the right to discipline you—but right now? Every single damned syllable that seeped past his masked lips only served to exacerbate your pain.
Adam was your boss, but he was far from professional, filling the entire work day with fleeting touches and an incessant amount of ‘Whatcha doing, babe?’’s and the occasional ‘Soooo, when are ya going to let me take you out?’ In short, you knew it was okay to stand up from your swivel chair and push him back onto the loveseat in your office, straddling his hips and unashamedly guiding those big, heavy hands of his underneath your blouse.
“Holy shit, babe, what’s gotten into you?” Adam asked, confused, until you bunched up your pencil skirt and showcased the imprint of your pad against your panties. “Oh, never mind,” He chuckled. “I gotcha—fuck yourself on me and I’ll take good care of these for now, alright?”
You were relieved to know that Adam wasn’t grossed out by the blood as you slowly sunk onto his cock, your warm, wet, gummy walls eagerly accommodating him despite his impressive girth. While you adjusted to him, he quickly discarded his mask, diving down to wrap his lips around one of your nipples, his heavy hands gripping your hips with a force that would surely leave your skin bruised. But how could you complain when you felt so, so much better?
“Mm, babe, that pussy of yours is clenching around me so fucking tightly,” Adam groaned against your breast, your fingers weaving into his hair as he thrusted up into you, the head of his cock kissing your cervix. “Y’know, I would just love to—fuck—take care of you every month.”
Oh, the thought was tempting, especially as he fucked up into you at a feverish pace and the filthy sound of your squelching cunt, his relentless suckles, and your stifled moans bounced off the the walls of your small office. Anybody could walk in on you, and that’s what fueled the two of you to chase your releases, eliciting a curse from Adam as you plunged down on his cock and swirled your hips, your swollen clit rubbing deliciously against his pelvis. But he ended up touching you himself.
“I meant it when I—fuck, yeah, keep moving like that—said I’d take care of you,” Adam huffed, his fingers lathering your clit with affection, making your cunt flutter around him in no time. “I only fucked you because I had no painkillers on me,” You said, but you eventually muttered a ‘Fine.’
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thelostconsultant · 2 months
Stay with me
pairing: Max Verstappen x shifter!reader
summary: The end of your agreement is getting closer, but Max doesn't want you to leave. You have your doubts about a relationship with him, so you want to go.
part two
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There was a knock on your door, but not a single cell in your body wished to open it. You had been in your room for most part of the day, focusing on work instead of the quiet drama in this household, and so far it helped to avert your thoughts. Despite asking several times, you still didn't know why Max had been so grumpy lately.
He didn't even want you to sleep next to him, and sometimes he closed his door as a sign that you should keep out. So you locked yourself into your room and became a workaholic again, spending hours and hours doing the job you once loved so much. Because ever since you moved in, work became a nuisance, something you were expected to do.
He knocked again, and this time he didn't stay quiet. “I need to talk to you, could you come out?” he asked, his voice sounding strange. Sad, or maybe disappointed.
With a sigh, you went out to meet him in the awkward silence that settled between you the moment you stopped in front of him. He took a deep breath to prepare himself, then reached out to cup your cheek, his thumb absentmindedly drawing gentle circles.
“What will happen after the race?”
“I guess I'll move back home,” you replied quietly.
Max nodded as he nervously licked his lips. “And what if you didn't? Why don't you stay with me?” His voice was dripping with desperation, and his eyes were silently pleading to make you change your mind.
It was heartbreaking, partly because you hated seeing him like this, and partly because at the bottom of your heart you didn't want to leave him alone. But having no idea which you was the one he liked more made things complicated.
When he realized you weren't about to answer, he leaned closer to you, his gaze so intense you were afraid it would burn a hole in your head. “I love you. I need our evenings on the couch when you fall asleep next to me, and I need you there in my bed to sleep well. Stay with me and give me a chance to prove we would be good together. Please.”
You had to remind yourself that it's impossible to fully get to know someone after just a few weeks. Yes, you liked the version of him you spent time with, but it was just the two of you here. You didn't go out together, you didn't meet his friends, he stayed with you ninety percent of the time, and so you had no idea what you would have to face in the long run.
Your train of thought was interrupted when you felt his hand move to the back of your neck so he could pull you closer for a kiss, and when you automatically returned it, he pushed your back against the wall to trap you there. He was seemingly hell-bent on making you weak in the knees, even managing to get a lustful moan out of you when his fingers tightened around you throat a little.
Why did he have to make things hard for you? Why couldn't he let it go and look for someone else? Someone who would be more comfortable with the idea of living under a microscope thanks to him.
When he finally pulled away a little, you flashed a sad smile at him. “One last weekend, Max. That's all I can offer,” you told him. Did it hurt to say this? Sure. But you didn't want the changes in your life that he would bring around. You wanted to remain a normal girl, you wanted to be known for what you achieved, not for being the girlfriend of one of the best drivers of your time.
For long seconds he watched you in silence, but eventually he nodded and let go of you. “If you don't want to come with me, it’s okay. You can go home anytime,” he told you before heading to his room, leaving you there to think about whether or not it was a good idea.
You had known he was attracted to you since day one, after all he told you he wanted to kiss you back then. But you wanted to stay true to the agreement that brought you here, you didn't want complications, so you kept a certain distance as long as you could. He made it hard, but you managed quite well. Or so you thought.
Going with him after this conversation would have been awkward, you knew that. The only thing you could do now was packing your things and leaving as soon as you could, hoping he would be over you soon. He deserved to be happy, but he should be happy with someone else.
You: I guess you need some alone time so I don't want to bother you. But I'm leaving. Thanks for everything, and good luck for the weekend.
You put down your phone and went back to closing your suitcase, not expecting a response to your message. But then, a mere half a minute later, there was an unmistakable beep that filled the room.
Max: I'm not okay with you leaving and not coming with me after all, but fine, I'll respect your decision. I hope one day you'll tell me why you can't love me.
Did he really believe you couldn't love him? You decided to keep a distance, but it didn't mean you hadn't fallen in love with him along the way. With a groan, you left your suitcase behind and moved over to his room, knocking on the door and waiting for his response with your heart pounding fast in your chest. You heard his invitation, so you went inside and climbed into his bed without saying a word.
Max looked surprised, but he didn't say a word, only watched you patiently, waiting to see what your plan was. And you didn't stop, you climbed on top of him and leaned down to cup his face. “Don't you ever think that I can't love you. I do,” you told him softly before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“Then why are you leaving?” he asked you hoarsely.
“Being with you would draw attention to me too every time people saw us together. I'm not ready for that,” you explained sadly as you began to place kisses along his jawline. If you were about to part, at least you could make your last evening together memorable.
Max captured your lips as his hands began to explore your body, and he apparently decided to take the lead from you when he flipped you around so he would be on top now. You expected him to say something, but the most you got was a deep growl when he slid his hand under your panties and felt how wet you were for him already.
Sex was great, but there was a chance of staying for good if you spent too much time in his arms, this is why you slowly peeled him off yourself and tried to get out of bed to collect your clothes. But he didn't let you, he just pulled you closer if that was even possible.
“You know I'd tell people who come after you to fuck off, right? I wouldn't let anyone make you sad,” he told you.
“I know.”
“Then stay. I'll protect you.”
You turned around to face him and he took this chance to kiss you again, making you giggle like some idiot. It was so tempting to agree, to stay here with him and enjoy the way he spoiled you with his attention. You let out a sigh as you watched him, your eyes exploring his face as if you were trying to memorize every little detail before leaving. Maybe that's what was happening. Maybe your brain had subconsciously already made this decision for you.
Max probably knew what you were thinking about, and his next words confirmed your suspicion. “We could have so many more nights like this. Just you and me, in the safety of our home. And you wouldn't have to come to every race weekend, only a few important ones if you felt like it,” he tried to convince you.
After a few seconds of silence, you reached for his hand to lace your fingers. “This is your home race this weekend. Must be important,” you began slowly, earning a nod from him, which was soon followed by a boyish smile. “If I receive one hateful comment, I'm out.”
“Noted,” Max said with a laugh before pulling you on top of him. You kissed him again, fingers tangled in his hair as you finally began to let yourself go. “I love you, kitten.”
You smiled at him as you rested your forehead against his, eyes locked the whole time. “I love you too, you maniac.”
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s6ngbird · 9 months
little doll — coriolanus snow ༘❀⋆
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♡‧₊ warnings — coryo being possessive, p in v, unprotected sex, fingering (f. receiving), rough sex, lmk if i forget anything!
♡‧₊ pairing — coriolanus snow x fem!reader
♡‧₊ a/n — wrote this for @etfrin bc me and her were obsessing over coryo (like always <3)
masterlist | bc: @cafekitsune
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to coryo, you were an innocent little doll that he loved to play with and if anyone else tried to even lay a finger on you, he would make sure they were done for
you always took coryo to your house after school to help you with your homework or to study 
coryo let you take him, you were so stupid that he knew if he didn't help you in any way he could, you would fail and have to drop out the academy and he didn't want to lose his pretty little doll
being dumb was the exact reason you never realized coryo had an unspoken claim on you, always keeping a hand on you and staring down everyone who tried to make conversation with you
this led to people starting to stop talking to you and you still didn't understand why it happened, but everyone else pitied you for being so dumb
you had asked coryo about it and he just brushed it off, giving you a kiss after which left you shocked since you never knew coryo had a romantic interest in you
but whether you liked it or not, one thing led to another and you ended up in your bed, naked with coryo under you as your eyelids became heavy and coryo stroked your hair, shushing you everytime you were about to say something
you got used to this, having sex everytime after you two finished studying. if you were good and could answer all the questions correctly, he would fuck you nicely, being gentle and praising you, but if you didn't want to study and were giving him a hard time or weren't answering any of the question right, he would fuck you hard, not letting you come or he would fuck your throat, not giving you any pleasure and leaving your house right after that
on this particular night, you had understood the concept, so coryo was gentle with you and let you come and stopped once you started feeling overstimulated
“coryo?” you ask after a while 
“yeah doll?” he said, his eyes opening and continuing to stroke your hair
“why do people not talk to me? they always talk with you…what did i do?” you ask, your eyes looking filling with tears as a few threaten to spill
“oh sweetie shhh” coryo says, holding your head to his chest as you cried
you weren't used to people ignoring you since even though you were dumb, you were very social which made people love you
“it's nothing, they're not real friends…ok doll?” he said shushing you and you eventually find yourself asleep after coryo pulls the covers of you two and cuddles you, kissing your head from time to time
the next day, after you coryo go your separate ways, you go to clemensia to see why everyone was avoiding you
she gave you a hug, which confused you but you were grateful for
“it's because of coryo…he's threatened people if they get too close to you, he's really possessive over you, you know?” she replies after you two start walking to lunch together
this left you stunned, you would've never guessed that coryo had been pushing people away from you, but just as you were about to respond, coryo came out of nowhere and kissed you, putting an arm around you as he looked at you happily
“hi doll, hey clemmie” he said, giving clemensia a cold stare but that was all gone the minute you looked up
clemensia gave you a knowing look, saying goodbye to you and coryo as she left
“what was that about?” coryo said looking down at you
“nothing…let's go get lunch” you said not wanting to tell coryo what you found out but he could see it in your eyes
“hmmm i think we should go grab lunch and then go to an empty classroom and study…you have that test tomorrow anyway” coryo said grabbing his lunch, as you grabbed yours
“do we have to?” you asked, coryo knew how much you hated studying
“yes doll, you're never going to learn if you don't continue studying” he said, leading you to an empty classroom, letting you go in as he locks the door behind him
you sit down at the desk, starting to eat when coryo grabs you, pushing you on the table
“what the fuck did she tell you?” he hisses, his face close to your ear as he starts moving his hand up your skirt
“nothing coryo! why the fuck do you care?” you spat, trying to move
coryo didn't like that, you were being disobedient and one thing about coryo is that he only tolerates obedience and anything else gives him a reason to punish you
“why the fuck do i care? it's because your mine doll, no one is allowed to have you but me” he says, pulling off your skirt and ripping your panties
he laughs as you try to claw at his arms, your pussy is slick
“so pathetic doll, can't even tell me that you just want to get fucked hm?” he says, grabbing your arms and pinning them together to avoid you hitting him with your hands
you whimper, shaking your head as coryo shoves two finger in, finding your g-spot quite easily and repeatedly slamming his fingers in, leaving you a whimpering moaning mess
as he adds a third finger, which makes you moan loudly, he starts kissing you, sucking hickeys on your neck and shoulders
after coryo thinks you’re stretched out enough, he takes his fingers out, licking them clean before pulling down his pants, his cock painfully hard now at the thought of being in your warm cunt
without warning, he slams his cock into you, ramming the table into the wall as he fucks you hard, making sure that you got no pleasure from it
you kept whimpering, letting out broken moans and attempting to form coherent sentences but coryo just laughed at your attempts
“what’s wrong doll? too fucked out to even object?” he said, slamming into you with even more force and sucking hickeys all over your breasts 
you kept babbling about how good his cock felt and letting out moans and coryo knew he had fucked you dumb already if you weren’t already stupid
coryo enjoyed this because he just wanted control over someone, which is something he had been deprived of his whole life until you came along
finally you stopped babbling, going quiet and that’s how coryo knew you were going to come, quickly pulling out before you could which left you a mess
you had tears running down your cheeks and you were whining, coryo had other plans though
“doll open your mouth” coryo said, pumping his shaft a few times before cumming on your face, some of it landing in your mouth
you still felt like crying, you had a good build up but coryo pulled out before you got to finally have the knot snap
coryo notices and laughs, getting dressed again while you just lay there, catching your breath
“next time, don’t go asking people to tell you things that i’ve already told you ok?” he says, kissing your forehead and leaving the classroom
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tomriddleslovergirl · 4 months
I could have died right then, cause he was right beside me
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Pairing: Dark!President!Coriolanus Snow x Reader
Warnings: gaslighting, kidnapping
Based off of this prompt: She opened the apartment door to hundreds of roses.. She knew where they were from; he had found her
Being with Coriolanus was intoxicating. The way he kissed you like he wanted to consume your being. The way he would touch you like you were made of glass. Or the way he whispered sweet nothings to you. All of it had you falling head over heels for him.
And it almost had you ignoring his toxic behavior. Almost.
At first you thought it was cute; the way Coriolanus would get jealous when you spoke with another man, or how he'd get clingy when you'd try to leave the house.
But then Coriolanus became President of Panem, and he started changing. Or maybe he was always like that.
It was small things at first. Guards following you around when you would go out; which made sense, you were the First Lady of Panem after all! But then Coriolanus was controlling when you would see your friends and family, and the foods you ate, and the clothes you wore, the media you consumed. Very soon, you were rarely leaving the house unless it was to make a public appearance with Coriolanus at galas or interviews. And even then, you'd have to stay by his side the entire time.
And if you were being honest to yourself, you only noticed these things because of your bestfriend.
You had been speaking to her on the phone, and she sounded worried for some reason; asking you why you barely spent time with her anymore, or with anyone else for that matter.
You'd denied it at first. "We talked at the gala, remember?" you spoke into the phone.
"And when was the last time we spent time together? Or anyone else for that matter? One on one without your husband?" she had questioned you.
You had decided to end the conversation with her there, and tried to not think about it, but you couldn't help how it felt like a heavy pit was resting in your gut every time you saw a guard or spoke with Coriolanus.
You decided to bring it up to Coriolanus one night in what you hoped to be a non non discernible way. You'd been laying in bed with him, one of his hands rubbing up and down your back.
"I'm going out with Clemensia tomorrow," you whispered to him.
His hand stopped moving. "You didn't tell me."
"Well, I'm telling you now." You frowned.
Coriolanus didn't speak for a few moments but you could hear him breathing. You couldn't see his expression in the dark too, so you couldn't tell what he was thinking until he spoke, "You can't go. I'd have to get in contact with the chauffeur, and get enough guards in order to accompany you-"
Excuse after excuse on why you couldn't visit her. Coriolanus was almost convincing.
You hadn't decided to leave him right then, because you wanted to believe Coryo was just thinking about your wellbeing, and in a twisted way, maybe Coriolanus thought he was.
But eventually you did, and it was like waking up from a trance. You were suddenly aware of all the cameras in your home, of the guards watching your every move, of Coriolanus's grip tightening just a little bit whenever you brought up one of your friends - or God forbid, a man.
So, you decided you wanted out of your relationship with Coriolanus. You weren't dumb; you knew you couldn't just go up to Coriolanus as say you wanted a divorce. Something in your gut told you Coriolanus wouldn't let you.
You decided to run away.
It must have been one of the most difficult and terrifying things you've ever done; trying to collect small bits of money that Coriolanus wouldn't notice missing, and the worst part of it all was physically leaving.
You snuck away through one of the windows and out a small little broken area of the huge gate that encircled the enormous house.
You were able to successfully avoid the peacekeepers that surrounded as you'd spent time memorizing where and when they patrolled, and you hoped you weren't caught on any security footage.
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You smelt Coriolanus before you saw him; the smell of artificial of artificial roses attacking your nostrils.
Hundreds of white roses littered your tiny apartment, and in the middle of the room was Coriolanus; a red rose pinched between his fingers.
One word and it was enough to send shivers down your spine.
Coriolanus ripped the stem of the flower in half before walking up to you; he walked quickly, - like he was afraid you'd run away- though it seemed like he was trying to keep some semblance of looking civilized.
Sweat soaked baby hairs stuck to his forehead and you flinched when he stuck the rose atop your ear.
Coriolanus's hands gripped your arms firmly so you couldn't squirm your way out of his grip. The smell of roses grew stronger with him near you.
You thought of spitting on his face, - and when you thought about it, Coriolanus looked paler than usual- but noticed the two peacekeepers behind him.
"This place is rather small, don't you think?" Coriolanus asked.
You could tell it was a rhetorical question but decided to answer anyways, "not at all."
Truthfully it was, but the small apartment was all you could afford.
Coriolanus tightened his grip on you. "It's time you come home, dove."
"So I can stay there and never leave?" You hiss the words out, glaring at the blonde.
"It's for you safety." Coriolanus reached out and cupped your cheek. "Everything I do is to make sure you're safe."
"It's time you came back home."
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a/n: please reblog and comment if you enjoyed! divider creds: @muruffin
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mxltifxnd0m · 2 months
boyfriend headcanons ⟡ d. winchester
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pairings: dean winchester x reader, dean winchester x gn! reader
word count: 1.2K
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warnings: no use of 'y/n', fluff, one suggestive comment, a smidge of angst, reader is to be implied as a hunter, lowercase intended
a/n: SURPRISE! i made the dean version of bf headcanons. i stayed up until 3am making this bc my mind had ideas and i didn't want to lose them lol (ik im crazy 😁) also technically my first fic for dean lmao
i hope you all enjoy and please reblog and comment, it really helps out!!
𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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⟡ before dating you:
was super attracted to you before he even said a single word to you 
it was definitely lust at first sight (he wouldn't have minded sleeping with you) 
then you opened your mouth, and he was like, oh man, they're gonna be trouble, aren't they (as if he isn't trouble as well) 
you guys bickered a lot. like A LOT to the point where sam would have to remove himself from the room or get in between you two in order to stop the bickering 
the bickering got so bad that sam had to lock the two of you in the motel room sam and he were sharing and didn't let you guys out until the two of you could have a civil conversation 
you guys eventually stopped bickering out of malice after finding common ground between the two of you 
there was bickering but it read more of an old married couple bantering with one another 
then somehow, you guys became friends, and the physical attraction that dean had to you had morphed into something else and then he realized that he liked you 
he only confessed his feelings when you had a close call with a ghoul and blurted out his feelings to you when patching you up 
⟡ dating dean winchester:
you would describe dating dean as a roller coaster, but like all relationships, it has its ups and downs 
it was hard to have vulnerable conversations with dean without the infamous hunters' helper (alcohol lol)
you guys fought a lot at the beginning of your relationship bc you were fighting tooth and nail to get him to at least try and talk to you 
you soon realized that you would have to take a different approach to it and eventually let him come to you when he needed it 
it took a while, but once he put his walls down and trusted you, it seemed like a weight was lifted off of him when he finally told you a sliver of what was going on in his head 
⟡ soft dean!
now, this is where we get soft! dean 
we all know that dean is secretly a softy at heart, and you see it in the more quiet moments with him
he'll stare at you when the two of you are researching or when you're bustling around the kitchen, prepping and cooking lunch for the three of you 
and without fail, a cute blush will appear on his face, making his freckles pop against the red hue of his cheeks as you catch him staring at you  "what are you looking at?" you asked with a wide smile on your face.  "just you sweetheart." he tries to play off his flustered state with a wink, but you shook your head, knowing he was a bit embarrassed he got caught staring.
speaking about getting flustered, he loves teasing you and trying to get you flustered with fleeting touches, flirty gestures, and outright whispering the filthiest things that he wants to do you during the most inconvenient times, like if you're on a case or researching 
what he didn't take into account when he started it was that you would dish it right back at him
he loves it when you keep him on your toes 
⟡ pet names
OH another thing, PET NAMES  he loves using pet names for you 
we have the usual sweetheart, babe (not baby bc you know you come in a close third after sam and the impala) (he's tried arguing that's not true, but you knew it and understood you came after both of them).
he would def call you honey, beautiful, angel, and some variation of your name/nickname 
if he's in a playful mood, he'd probably call you borderline cringe pet names like pumpkin, sweet cheeks, pookie these are the ones you roll your eyes at since he knows you hate them
⟡ love langauges
now, his love languages, his main ones to give are acts of service, physical affection, and quality time, while the ones he likes to receive are physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time 
⟡ physical touch
now, physical touch is a given for dean  he's a very tactical man and is a sucker for it 
when he can, he'll always be touching you, holding your hand or resting on your shoulder, thighs pressed together while sitting together eating in a diner booth, cuddling while watching a movie or always being in his arms while sleeping together, making out wherever whenever (his favorite place is obviously in the backseat of baby) 
but there are days when he needs physical affection from you, and you gladly give it to him, and he's a sucker for you when you play with his hair 
PDA, man is shameless with the PDA  he doesn't care he will kiss you no matter what and when he can  he loves you, and even if he's afraid to say it, he'll definitely show it to you 
⟡ acts of service
which brings me to acts of service  dean will do anything for you even if you didn't ask for him to do it  makes breakfast for you almost every morning, gives you his flannel when you're cold (he loves to see you in his clothes), replaces the lightbulb in your lamp when you mentioned it was flickering, taking care of you when you get drunk (he did this even before the two of you started to date and bickered the entire time), but the list goes on and on 
dean just likes to take care of the people he loves (it was practically ingrained into him at a young age) 
⟡ quality time
he also likes spending time with you it doesn't matter if the two of you aren't talking and working on your own tasks; he likes being in your presence (it soothes him)  with how crazy his life is, he loves the mundane things/tasks he does with you
sometimes, he'll go run errands with you, not bc he's bored and wants to avoid research (which is actually the main excuse at times) but, he likes the sense of normalcy it brings him when the two of you are together, and when you spend time with him 
⟡ words of affirmation
now, dean would never admit it to you (or to himself), but he needs to be reassured 
his mind is a dangerous place for him, and he can find himself drowning in his self-deprecating and self-destructive thoughts (these are also the days he needs you the most, and your touch is grounding to him) 
your words act as a lifeboat for him in the chaotic storm that is his mind and calms them down significantly 
he slowly works on his self-esteem and self-worth, but with your help, it's a little easier for him 
⟡ protective
this is a given, but he is SO protective of you 
dean is a fiercely protective person at his core and will do anything and everything to keep the people that he loves safe, and now that includes you 
some arguments were had when dean was being overbearing and flat out refusing to let you go on certain hunts with them bc it was too dangerous. you had to remind him that you were a hunter before you met him and will continue being one until the day you decide to try and retire or die 
he doesn't like it when you hunt alone, and so he always tries to come with you or send sam with you if he's indisposed for some reason 
he's only like this bc he can't lose one of the best things in his life 
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judebelle · 10 months
been thinking ab joao and reader hooking up behind his teammates backs'... like they've been "involved" for a while but sometimes the tension is too much and they have to sneak away iykwim ;)
sneaky - j.f. x reader
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a/n : omfg anon ur gonna be the death of meeeeeee!! also i made this kinda long since i havent posted in a while, oops..
pairing : joao felix x fem!reader
word count : 2.3k
summary : joao and u prefer to keep your love life private, secret even, but the the flirty looks and knowing smirks from across the room are becoming unbearable.
cw : smut obv, lil bit of alejandro x reader, sneaky joao and reader, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it ppl), make outs, cursing, me not bothering to accent his name lol sorry
you were starting to regret going out to dinner with your friend alejandro and his teammates.
the only reason why being that one of his teammates had become more.
hooking up with joao felix on the down low has been fun, you won't lie. and while you enjoy sneaky quickies and flirty messages, there were times where you wish you could just tear off his clothes and fuck that smug smile right off his face.
you were currently sitting in a restaurant, a private room and table was booked for alejandro, his barcelona teammates, and their plus ones. you and alejandro had become inseparable ever since you met in spain a few years ago, and you had grown increasingly close to his teammates.
very close to a certain mr felix.
the first time you met joao, it wasn't anything magical, you just thought he was fit. alejandro had introduced you to him when he came on loan to barca recently, and you just couldn't get him out of your head.
it seems that the feelings were mutual, as that very same night he followed you on instagram. you, of course, played it cool and took your time following him back (you waited like 10 seconds).
from there, you two messaged often, especially after the team would hang out.
joaofelix79 : u got home safe?
ynsusername : ofc i did
ynsusername : alejandro wouldn't let anything happen to me
joaofelix79 : that's good.
you two started messaging more, sometimes even calling each other late in the night. you couldn't explain why, maybe he was just fun to talk to.
you would complain to him about work, and he would complain about a mistake he made in training.
eventually, you two started hanging out alone.
not anything crazy, of course.
joaofelix79 : hey
joaofelix79 : js noticed im about to drive by ur place
joaofelix79 : wanna get some ice cream? my treat
how could you refuse that?
it wasn't all that shocking to you when a surprise ice cream date turned out into a steamy make out session on a bench in a park in the middle of the night.
"we should stop, someone might see us.." you murmured against the portuguese boy's lips, you yourself making no effort to.
"ok, if that's what you want." he pulled away from you, his fluffy hair disheveled thanks to you.
"5 more minutes" you placed your lips on his again, feeling him smile against them.
from there, weekly hangouts became almost nightly. he would pick you up in his car, and you would drive anywhere. you just needed an excuse to make out. you even put your number in his phone.
eventually, joao grew tired of the make outs that led to nothing, and you did too.
12:03 am - joao : wyd
12:03 am - you : was ab to put some instant noodles in the microwave lol
12:04 am - joao : dont bother
12:04 am - joao : come eat at my place
12:05 am - joao : i ordered uber eats
of course, you went, and you two ate the chinese takeout he bought. you two sat and laughed together at his attempt at using chopsticks.
and then you found yourself perched on his kitchen counter, him in between your legs while he rammed into you mercilessly. you left red marks across his back and biceps.
"my god, you feel amazing, querida." joao's words were muffled as his head was nuzzled into your neck, his lips caressing your hot skin with every word he spoke.
"i'm so fucking close, joao.." you whined and whispered curses while your hands found themselves travelling from his arms to his hair, tugging on the soft brown locks.
"let go, y/n, i'm close too!" he removed his flushed face from your neck and connected your lips together again, breathing heavily into your mouth.
you came undone with a sharp whine, arching into him. his thrusts became sloppy as he let out a long groan against your lips, releasing into the condom.
that was the first time you two had fucked, and it definitely would not be the last.
his house was usually where you two would hook up because it was so big, and you didn't have to worry about anything when you were there.
you two fucked anywhere - on the bed, in the shower, on the couch, even in the laundry room.
you found that it didn't really matter where you were. if either of you were craving the other, it happened right then and there. it was fun. it kept you on your toes, kept things fresh and fun.
but it became a curse when you two were at a team dinner.
"si, i told him he could go fuck off if that was what he wanted. that guy needs to learn some manners, for fucks sake!"
the table erupted in laughs as pedro went on about some story that you weren't really paying attention to to be honest. you were sat right beside your good friend, alejandro, who was very intrigued in pedro's story and hadn't spoken to you more than twice this evening.
across from you was joao. he was wearing a black dress shirt that hugged his biceps perfectly along with black dress pants. of course, to make your life more difficult, the top two shirt buttons weren't done up.
one more open button and everyone would've seen the hickey you gave him the other-
"isn't that right, y/n?"
alejandro was speaking to you, and you were too busy staring at joao's biceps to hear him.
"hmm? sorry?"
"i said, it was you who i walked in on dancing silently in the darkness darkness of your room, right?" alejandro smirked at the sight of your cheeks going red, this memory being nothing short of embarrassing to you.
"yup, that- uh- that was me..!" you looked down in humiliation as the table giggled at alejandro's unexpected story about you. he loved embarrassing you, it was his thing. he found it fun because he thought of you like a little sister.
you looked up to see joao, laughing along with everyone else at the table, finding amusement in your misery. you shot him a playful glare.
"i'm only teasing, mi corazón." alejandro chuckled before ruffling your hair. "ale!" you whined, fixing your hair. his friends teased you. they all thought of you as their little sister, especially you being one of the younger ones.
the men continued on with their conversations as you continued looking at joao from your end of the table, only this time, he was looking at you too.
he was taking a slow sip of his water, eyeing you down.
joao wasn't the only one dressed all sexy tonight. you wore a short black satin strapless dress that hugged your figure perfectly. you thought of joao when you picked it out, you thought of him while putting it on, and you thought of him taking it off.
it seems that joao had the same thought. the way he looked at you from under his lashes gave you the impression that your outfit choice was a smart one.
you sent him a quick wink.
he smirked and dropped his eyes to your cleavage, widening them.
you rolled yours before continuing to eat your steak.
you couldn't take it anymore.
something the way he laughed with everyone at the table, his hair flowing when he turned his head. he had on a gold rolex and a gold chain, both glistening under the lighting over the table.
it was the way he carried himself with such confidence. he knew he was hot, and he knew you knew it too. that confidence definitely carried over into bed.
finally, you got up from the table, excusing yourself to "make a call".
shooting joao a quick look, he took the hint. his eyes followed you, watching you exit the restaurant and head towards the parking lot. after an agonizing 30 seconds or so, joao told everyone he forgot something in his car, and made a beeline to where he saw you last.
he saw you standing outside his car, waiting for him. he made his way towards you.
"so, who did you have to call?" he teased, his eyes waiting for your reaction. you scoffed and rolled your eyes, "very funny.".
you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you as you leaned against his car. he smiled down at you before looking over your figure.
"nice dress.."
"just take it off."
you two had squeezed into the back of his car, leaving nothing but surrounding street lights as your light source. you straddled his waist, rocking your hips while you smashed your lips against his. you two were breathing heavily, occasionally breaking the kiss to huff and puff before going back at it again.
joao's arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, his right hand occasionally sliding down to cup and smack your ass. his actions made you yelp into the kiss. your arms were everywhere. cupping his face, on his shoulders, in his hair, on his chest, on his abs.
it was like you two hadn't seen each other in years. like you were drowning and the only way to breathe was.. this.
your smooth rocking of the hips created a hard bulge in joao's pants which felt great on your throbbing clit. he groaned into the kiss, breaking it for you to breathe and to leave kisses down your neck.
"so, fucking, horny" he broke each word with a kiss. you moaned above him. "you can't even last one dinner party without my hands all over you?" you wanted him to shut up, so you grabbed his face in your hand and smashed your lips against his.
you started unbuttoning his shirt, but your hands were too shaky to do it quickly. "take this off, god damnit!" you groaned as he laughed and began unbuttoning it himself. you hiked your dress up and helped him with the last few buttons.
you moved his shirt partially off him, leaving it on his arms since you couldn't be bothered. you leaned down to kiss his chest while looking up at him. he was smiling down at you, hands rested behind his head.
he brought you back up to pull the top of your dress down just enough so that your tits would pop out. when they did, he licked his lips. now it was his turn to lean down and suck on them, making you tilt your head back and pant.
"joao, we dont have time for this-"
"shhh, patience princesa. don't worry." he went back to sucking.
"they're going to realize we're gone- joao!"
he couldn't bring himself to leave your tits alone, but when he did, you quickly reached down and undid his belt , not even bothering to pull it off.
"estás mesmo excitado, não é?" (you're really excited, aren't you?)
you nodded and bit your lip.
he unzipped his pants and pulled his hard cock out of his boxers. you raised yourself up on your knees and hovered over his dick. he held it up with one hand, the other resting on your hip.
"are you ready for me?" he teased.
"enough questions." you cut his teasing short as you took his cock in your hands yourself and sunk down on him.
joao hissed at the unexpected pleasure. he looked up at you, gasping for air above him before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"move for me, bebé."
you did as you were told, lifting your hips up until just the tip of him was left in you, before sinking back down on him, agonizingly slow.
he shuddered at the feeling.
you picked up the pace, causing the car to rock. your tits bounced in his face, causing him to twitch inside you.
"fuck, y/n, you're amazing-" you laugh breathlessly above him, your hands resting on his shoulders for stability while his gripped your hips tightly.
after some time, your thighs were burning, and you were getting tired. joao picked this up, taking control. his grip on your hips was put to some use as he moved your hips up and down for you. he lifted and dropped you so easily and made you move so much faster. you felt the air leave your lungs and arched your back to stick your tits in his face.
he grinned as he thrusted his hips up, meeting you in the middle. he tilted your body back, and started to hit the spot inside you that made you see white.
your pants and gasps turned into moans and whines as you felt the bundle of heat in your core.
"joao, i'm close" you warned, your nails digging into his shoudlers.
"i'm right there with you, baby, oh," he groaned and grunted as he watched him drill into you faster and faster. "meu deus, foda-se!" (my god, fuck!) he hissed with gritted teeth as he felt you clench around him.
his pace was too much for you to hold back. you let go with a gasp and moan, your hand slamming and sliding down the steamy car window, leaving a print.
joao was, indeed, right there with you. he pulled your body off of him and set you down on his thighs hastily before stroking his red, throbbing cock, cumming all over your stomach with a string of grunts and pants.
you both sat there in the hot and dark car in disbelief, covered in sweat and panting, after having the most mind blowing sex you've ever had. you leaned your forehead against his and smiled. he chuckled before teasing you once more.
"let's go. we don't want to miss dessert, do we?"
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
hey darling, can i request hayato, sugishita, sakura, umemiya and whoever else you want with a reader who is obviously in love with them and thinks it's subtle about it but doesn't?
if you do then: thanks love, you're great!
Requested by: anon hihi! i got addicted to your works because it's just so good, keep it up! Also if you're taking request, can i req about wind breaker boys and with their crush who's sweet and kind but is also dumb & stupid when it comes to romance:3? Feel free to ignore this! Also don't overwork yourself and make sure to take a good rest ! ! Love your works <3
The two requests are very similar so I joined them and we ended up with reader who's not so subtle about their crush, and the said crush likes them back, they just can't help having feelings for their kinda stupid but sweet reader.
Hayato Suou, Kyotaro Sugishita, Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiiragi, Choji Tomiyama x Not-so-subtle! reader
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Hayato Suou
He knew from the beginning, even before you realized you had a crush on him. He was very observant and just looking at you seemed enough for him to know.
He noticed how you focused purely on him whenever the two of you were in the same room. Your gaze on him, your ears listening to each word he said, and your mind remembering all the little details he mentioned. You were always paying attention to the words falling out of his mouth. When someone would then try to remember and you recalled them in an instant, everyone was surprised. Especially, if you memorized seemingly unnecessary comments that he brought up.
Suou played with you, teasing you about the favouritism you showed towards him. Saying how it was so easy to see, almost as if you had feelings for him. It seemed like you weren't as subtle as you thought and when you became flustered denying that and saying that you just had a good memory.
At your words, he asked you to recall what Sakura stated. It didn't help that you couldn't remember a thing even if it was not a full ten minutes, making Suou grin as his previous statement just got confirmed.
Kyotaro Sugishita
He was very oblivious to the not-so-subtle ways you showed your interest in him. You were seeking this presence in any way you could think of.
You were standing close to him anytime you could, basking in his calm and safe aura. Sometimes you would grab his uniform and he wouldn't notice until he tried to walk away but he was stopped by tugging from your hand, other times you were following after him whenever he was patrolling town.
Honestly, he wouldn't even notice it, if it weren't for him bumping into you, because you stood too close to him a little too often. Sugishita was confused about why you were always near him, thinking you had something to ask him, he would look at you waiting for you to start talking and you would look at him in admiration, your thoughts only on him, how he was looking at you, and how his eyes were pretty and hair silky, and OMG he was so close to you.
The others would observe Sugishita and you in interest, betting on who would be the first to notice the feelings you shared. Shared, as you thought, in secret only from the both of you.
Haruka Sakura
You were trying to be subtle with your admiration toward Sakura but with time passing it was so obvious. You showed favouritism to him almost daily.
You tried to gather any info you could about his likes and dislikes, even grilling Nirei and his little notebook for any information he had on the boy. Then you made him swear to never tell anyone, but your feelings were never a secret when you were so open about them. You attempted to keep them hidden and when you were buying some snacks you bought not only his favourites but also some other things for your friends.
Sakura eventually noticed that you bought his favourites, especially during times when someone tried to grab the things meant for him, you would quickly grab them and shove them in his direction.
He started getting your most-liked snacks, trying to communicate with you, that way. He hoped you'd notice he was also interested, but as you didn't initiate any private talk with him about it, he started asking himself if he should be the first one to ask you out, because you clearly didn't realize he felt the same as you.
Hajime Umemiya
He was so dense, that everyone knew you liked him instead of him. He thought you were just admiring him as a friend, a leader, trying to get as much from him as you could.
Really the man would see you looking at him in a daze, getting lost in his pretty eyes, your thoughts making up scenarios where he would be your boyfriend, and he would just tilt his head and ask if you wanted to ask some questions about the stuff he just shared.
Umemiya was really clueless, but thankfully his sister noticed your loving gaze and you getting lost in thoughts. It came to Kotoha helping him, or more like getting it into his head that you did have feelings for him and all your adoration was not platonic.
The next time he noticed you with your head in the clouds as you observed him he smiled softly and stepped closer. You didn't realize he was so close until you felt him blowing on your ear as he leaned over. You jumped back in surprise as he laughed joyfully at your reaction. You thought he was just teasing you, not noticing the soft gaze he directed toward you.
Toma Hiiragi
Your attempts of showing interest to him were not so quickly spotted. He thought you being nervous around him was normal, maybe because you needed to get used to new people, or you just didn't like to talk with others, but when he noticed how different you were with others, he believed maybe you were scared of him.
Hiiragi tried everything he could to ease your nerves and convince you that he wasn't all that bad. Unfortunately, as much as he attempted it never worked, after encountering his soft and protective side you became flustered and fidgeted even more when he was in your view. And then something clicked in his mind and that was the moment he knew your feelings were actually very different than what he thought.
After that, he made several attempts to approach you, always trying to be careful and not to startle you, just slowly showing more and more interest in you. He started hesitating if he should tell you about the feelings he shared for you or let you figure it out on your own.
Choji Tomiyama
He was oblivious to your feelings, his mind focused only on the fact that you were willing to spend every minute with him. You loved being by him, seeing him have fun and playing around. It was so refreshing and somehow helped you relax. His smile was just enough to make your day.
At any time Tomiyama asked if you wanted to join him, you would immediately agree. Following him and his shocking, occasionally strange, adventures. Sometimes his friends would join, others you would take the opportunity to spend time alone with the happy-go-lucky boy.
His smile never failed to instantly bring a grin to your face, making you laugh cheerfully.
Tags: @misticbullet
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supertrxshwrites · 2 months
Hey!! I hope you are doing great<3
If it's okay could you make a fic/ hcs of deadpool × kind f!reader + friends to lovers
Thank you in advance ♡♡♡
Everything She Wants
Pairing: Deadpool x kind f!reader + friends to lovers
Tags: Deadpool, fluff, one shot, friends to lovers, anon ask
here ya go anon I hope you like it <3
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✧・゚: ✧・゚: ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖:・゚✧:・゚✧
You had finally made it home after a long day, you decided to check your mail before heading up to your place.
"Nothing." you rolled your eyes as you slammed your mailbox closed. you made your way up and changed into some PJs then gathered your laundry and made your way to the laundry mat around the corner. you always enjoyed washing clothes at night because fewer people were out and you could sit and wait for your clothes since it wasn't crowded and there were seats.
You sighed softly as you took your purple laundry basket to one of the washing machines, throwing a Tide pod in your load. You put an earbud in one ear as you closed the door to the washer and made your way to some of the black chairs in the corner. The bell chimes signaling that the door opening, you glance up and are greeted with the view of red spandex and what looked like katanas on his back.
"oh great a weirdo" You cursed yourself for coming to the laundry room so late. you were not huge on socializing after a certain time of day, especially after being at work all day. You just wanted to relax as you waited on your laundry.
"weirdo? you ain't see nothing yet" he chirps as he struts across the room to you and sits a few seats away.
"so what brings you here?" he asks a smile clearly behind the mask as he bugs you. now that he was closer you got a better look at his suit. he was decked out in guns and knives and what smelled like dried blood. You could feel him staring as he waited for your response.
"Late-night laundry... fewer weirdos around this time," you said as you continued to inspect him.
"Ah fresh laundry my second favorite kind of load which has my second favorite kind of ball...the dryer ball" he laughs a bit as he sits back with his hands under his head.
you couldn't help but snort at his joke in response.
"Look at me talking about balls and loads when a lady is present, excuse me where are my manners," he says standing up and bowing one hand over his stomach while the other behind his back.
"Pool. Deadpool...and what's your name peanut?" he asked as he quickly sat and scooched next to you taking your earbud from your ear and holding it up to his ear.
"hmm...Everything She Wants by WHAM!" he says emphasizing wham as he bops his head a bit.
"Oh, my name is Y/n...I live in the duplex up the street" you said with a smile not sure why you were telling a stranger where you lived, but it felt like he was safe.
His eyes widened from behind the mask.
"No way! me too!" he said squealing a bit
"Oh my god you should come over we could watch movies, talk about boys..have a sleepover," he says nudging you a bit at that last part.
was he flirting with you? 
Deadpool wasted no time talking your ear off, you both talk so much that you forgot about your laundry. This eventually became a routine the both of you and doing laundry late at night. You and Wade became friends after that night and he told you about his job and what happened to him. He was a great storyteller so it didn't bother you when he would go off on tangents or stop a story to make a dirty joke.
Since Wade lived next door you gave him a key in case of an emergency or if he just wanted to sleep over and hang out. He wasted no time stashing guns at your place in case of an intruder, you thought it was unnecessary but Wade seemed adamant that they be there.
“Wade, a gun by the toilet is ridiculous,” you said standing at the door of the bathroom as he taped a gun on the side of the toilet bowl
“Y/N the bathroom is where one is most vulnerable you never know when someone is gonna come in here you have to be ready even when you’re taking shit,” he says as he stands up with his duffle full of guns.
he walked over to the couch to stuff a few in between the cushions and taped one under each side table.
“whew I tell ya what.. all good in a day’s work,” he says in a country accent standing back with his hands on his hips
“Thank you, Wade,” you say turning to him with a smile as your hand touches his arm you feel a warmth go through your body as he looks at you. You feel your face flush as he looks at you with his brown eyes. his eyes flicker to lips and then back into your e/c eyes. You reach out to touch his face and that’s when he clears his throat and zips his duffle.
“uuh..No Prob Bob. Hey, I gotta head out I have to go tag and bag a couple of knuckleheads but I’ll be back later. “ he says with a smile before leaving. you felt a bit embarrassed, you knew Wade felt a type of way about the scarring on his body and face but you didn’t care about his looks, he’s always there when you need it. He knows all of your favorite foods and he even took time to take care of you when you were sick not too long ago. You felt your mind race as you stood in the middle of the living room your heart racing. 
“Do I like Wade?” You asked yourself as you looked down at your hands before you heard the door open again.
“Oh, Wade I thought you were heading out “You sounded so flustered you’d curse yourself for that later. Wade stood in the door in his suit.
“Right um I forgot something" he said a smile clear from his voice 
“Wh-“Before you can even ask he’s quick on his feet as he strides over to you lifting his mask above his nose and kissing you.
the kiss is soft and it makes your heart flutter you were almost worried it skipped a beat but that didn’t matter, you were kissing Wade your best friend and he was kissing you back? you pulled away to breathe and when you looked up he had pulled his mask back down.
“Damn, girl if I had known you were so sweet on me I would’ve kissed you a long time ago” He laughs as he stares at you.
“Y/N do you really wanna do this? I mean I get it ladies love a man in uniform, but I mean when I’m not cracking skulls will you still want me as Wade?” he asks he sounds almost worried your answer will be anything but yes.
“Wade of course! I love you for you not because you’re Deadpool” You smile
“oooo you loooove meeee” he teases as he boops your nose
“I love you too Y/N,” he says as he makes his way to the door
“see ya later Wade” you wave 
he gives you a wink and blows you a kiss before leaving and you take a seat on your now lumpy gun-filled couch.
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Summary: You are the new guest of the Bridgertons. Your mother, an old friend of Lady Violet Bridgerton, has requested that you spend a season at the Bridgerton house in hopes that you will change your perspective on true love and marriage. You are convinced that love is a fictional construct and that a marriage without love will be your downfall; but some time with the Bridgerton siblings might change your mind.
Author's Note: The characters belong to the Bridgerton universe and Julia Quinn. However, the story will have some changes from what happens in the Bridgerton series (2020-). Dear readers, this story may contain strong language and steamy romance scenes. It may even feature a love triangle. Be warned and enjoy the reading.
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"A great idea," you grumbled the entire way from your house to the Bridgerton house. Your mother had told you it would be an excellent idea for you to venture into society. "An independent mission," she said. Your father is so ill and trapped in his own world that he didn't mind letting his only daughter go to a stranger's house. Your mother has given up on arranging a conventional marriage for you. She doesn't respect the fact that you don't want a marriage like hers. You wonder if it's so wrong to want a marriage filled with tenderness, passion, love, or any feeling other than indifference. You basically grew up knowing you were the product of an obligation. The only child your parents managed to conceive before your father became too ill to have more children. Or rather, before your mother gave up trying to love him. When you were born, at least she had shed the moral burden of having to provide your father with an heir. Obviously, both she and he had hoped you would be a boy. But you think that over the years they have grown accustomed to you. This year, for some reason, your mother wants you to get married. Perhaps it's because your father is on the brink of death. If you find a husband who can manage your father's properties and investments, maybe you will become something useful to your family. Your father only mutters about wanting a male grandchild to carry on his legacy, and your mother wants you married. After Lady Violet Bridgerton successfully married off her daughter Daphne, your mother began to think that perhaps she could help you. So, after exchanging a few letters, you are now on your way to the Bridgerton house to be introduced to society's marriage system.
"I need to step out of this carriage for a moment," you say as you stop murmuring your mother's words. Your companion gives you a look that says, "She's lost her mind," but you know she will eventually let you get out of the carriage.
"Actually, we are already in front of the Bridgerton house entrance. I must remind you that your mother recommended I stay by your side most of the time," Mrs. Lydia says, as if you didn't know that, as your companion, she is supposed to always be nearby.
"I know your job is to protect my honor, but believe me, if I enter the Bridgerton house in my current mood, they will expel me before midnight. I need a moment to think," you say, nervously adjusting the hem of your dress. Your companion gently nods as if she understands. Lydia is the closest thing to true family that you have. So it's no surprise that she understands you.
"Enter the house for a moment and be polite. There's a stable on the Bridgerton property; I'll see what I can do. Ask Lady Bridgerton or the Viscount Bridgerton if you can go for a ride. And try not to get into trouble. I'll pretend to accompany you but give you some time alone," Lydia says, and you hug her tightly. A good horse ride after meeting the Bridgertons is just what you need. Not that you know much about them. You can only imagine. They are several siblings, and you are an only child. It's not hard to imagine there will be some incompatibilities. Minutes later, you step out of the carriage with Lydia, observing several people standing around you two.
"Dear Miss Y/L/N, it's a pleasure to welcome you here. I must confess that when your mother informed me of your arrival, we all looked forward to it," Lady Violet Bridgerton says as she approaches you. She seems so friendly that you feel inclined to hug her.
"I would like to thank you, Lady Bridgerton, and your lovely family for your hospitality. Unfortunately, my mother couldn't come with me, but my companion Lydia is here," you say awkwardly. The truth is, you're feeling that this season at Aubrey Hall with all the Bridgertons might be more challenging than you imagine.
"Let's not waste time exchanging pleasantries and let's go inside so you can see your quarters. I believe it will be the perfect time for you to get to know my children better," she says as she guides you into the house. The place is spectacular. As soon as you enter, you see some people approaching.
"Miss Y/L/N, I must warn you that this family can be a bit lively, but we will try our best to welcome you with courtesy," says a girl who must be a little younger than you. She has a book in her hands and is the first to approach you as you enter.
"Eloise, don't scare off our guest. Welcome to our abode, Miss Y/L/N. My name is Colin Bridgerton, and if you need someone to talk to, I'll be available. But I know that after a journey, the best thing is a good night's rest," Colin says to you, who smiles, finding it amusing how many Bridgertons are showing up.
"I believe I should thank Miss Eloise for the warning and Mr. Bridgerton for his kindness. Although I believe I still have a long way to go until my restful moment," you say, looking at the two who seem pleased with your gratitude.
"Your dress is beautiful, Miss Y/L/N. By the way, unlike my older brothers, I know how to introduce myself. My name is Hyacinth Bridgerton." A girl who seemed not to be at the entrance of the house just moments ago suddenly appears, saying this as she walks quickly toward you.
"You're mistaking knowing how to introduce yourself with flattery, Hyacinth. I'm Gregory Bridgerton, but you can call me Gregory," says a young boy who appears to be almost the same age as Hyacinth, while the girl taps him on the shoulder. You find it cute and funny how they behave. Having siblings seems to be at least entertaining.
"The younger ones are so noisy. I wish you a pleasant stay with us, Miss Y/L/N. You'll need it. If you need some peace, just look for me. My name is Francesca," a young woman says kindly as she moves away from the confusion that this introduction session is becoming.
"Now that Miss Y/L/N has met most of the Bridgertons who reside in this house, how about having some tea in the garden of the property?" Lady Violet speaks gently, touching your arm. You nod in agreement.
"I would just like to go to the quarters where I will be staying for a change of clothing. I hope you understand, Lady Violet." You were already starting to feel pain in your back from the corset that was too tight on you.
"My dear, you can call me Violet, and you may go. I'll ask them to take you to the room where you'll be staying, and your companion will join you shortly to assist. Once you're done, I'll be in the garden waiting for you." Lady Bridgerton speaks, and you follow the servant she assigns to show you where you'll be staying. Knowing that Lydia will be with you shortly, as soon as you enter the room, you lock the door.
"What are you doing here, Miss?" A male voice speaks as soon as you lock the door, and you startle as you turn around to find a man, his shirt slightly unbuttoned, staring at you.
"I'm almost certain that I should be the one saying that, sir. I must warn you that if I were to scream, you'd be in trouble," you say, composing yourself as you observe the man looking at you curiously. Perhaps he knows that you wouldn't scream because it would ruin your reputation, or maybe he is part of the Bridgerton family, considering your mother warned you that there were three older adult brothers.
"Do you really want my family to know that I'm inappropriately dressed near you? Let me guess, you're desperate for a marriage and want to make your life easier by tying me to you?" The man speaks as he straightens up, buttoning the rest of his shirt.
"How dare you accuse me of such a strategy, considering that it is you who is in the quarters assigned to me, improperly dressed, and with an attitude worthy of pity. Honestly, my last thought at the moment would be to force a scandal so that you would have to become my husband," you reply, holding yourself near the door, keeping yourself away from whoever this Mr. Bridgerton is in front of you.
"Forgive me, Miss, but I don't trust a word coming out of your mouth at the moment. However, I assure you that this type of situation is not customary. I was trying to enter through the window of my room or one of my brothers' rooms, but I ended up in here. I had no idea that you would be arriving today. In fact, I'm being rude at this moment. I am Viscount Anthony Bridgerton," he says, approaching you cautiously as if analyzing you. Perhaps he is trying to figure out if you are an opportunist or not.
"Without intending to be rude, but already being so, whether you are a Viscount, Prince, or Duke, I don't care. What matters now is that no one finds out that we are alone here," you say, looking him squarely in the eyes, as if to firmly convey that you absolutely do not want them to be discovered.
"If you can draw the attention of the people in the house to yourself for a couple of minutes, I can leave the way I came in. Do you think that would be possible?" Anthony says with a certain petulance. However, a bold idea occurs to you. You give him a determined look and then step closer to him, bringing you both very near to each other.
"I'll simulate a small fall down the stairs. You'll have the time it takes for me to miraculously recover. Be efficient, Viscount Bridgerton," you say briefly and storm out of the room, aware that spending more time in the Viscount's presence would be a real test of your self-control. The room was starting to feel quite warm.
You descend the stairs, doing your best to appear slightly unsteady. You kick the last step with all your strength before reaching the bottom of the stairs and let out a loud groan of pain, loud enough to be heard from afar. You even manage to tear up a bit, waiting for everyone to come and check on you. Just as you are lightly sprawled on the floor, a man walks through the door. You don't remember being introduced to him before, but he is certainly a Bridgerton. He sees you and immediately rushes towards you.
"Miss, are you alright? Can I help you up?" The man asks with a concerned and caring expression. Knowing that Anthony needs more time, you let out a cry of complaint as if in fake pain when the Bridgerton in front of you tries to help you up. At that moment, you start to be surrounded by several people.
"Oh, I think I twisted my ankle, but there's no need to worry. I just need a moment," you say, uncertain if you can keep up the pretense much longer.
"My dear, don't strain yourself. Benedict will help you to a room where we can call for Dr. Lewis to examine you," Lady Violet Bridgerton says as she lightly touches the arm of who you presume to be Benedict.
"May I?" Benedict asks seconds before you nod your head in agreement. But to be honest, you're not even sure what you're agreeing to. Until Benedict lifts you, asking you to put your arms around his neck. You hold on tight to him, somewhat afraid he might drop you.
"Mr. Bridgerton, you are very kind. I believe you didn't need to lift me. But I am grateful for your help," you say as you are leaned close to Benedict's chest, which you now notice is slightly exposed. What's with the Bridgertons today that everyone is showing more than they should?
"I must admit, before my family enters here, that it was amusing to take part in your charade. It was quite artistic of you. I hope you'll call on me if you want to star in another theatrical piece to get my brother out of trouble. Have a good afternoon, Miss Y/L/N," he says all this as he gently releases you onto a sofa. He doesn't seem angry or anything like that; genuinely, he seems to be enjoying himself. As soon as he leaves the room where he left you, the rest of the Bridgerton family and some servants surround you. Now you'll have to pretend to be in pain for a little while longer while you're intrigued not only by one but by two Bridgerton brothers.
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