#AEW Imagines
mrsarcherofinfamy · 9 months
● Hook x Reader ●
• SMUT 18+
Summary: Ethan Page breaks off his engagement with you. Taz takes you in and introduces you to Tyler. Tyler teaches Ethan a lesson about blowing up your phone.
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I walk into me and Ethan's locker room very excitedly. He is sitting on the couch.
"Hey baby! Did you see my match? I won my first match here!"
He doesn't say anything looking at his phone and I look at him puzzled. I sit on the coffee table infront of him looking at him.
"Did you hear me?"
He doesn't look up or say anything again. I put my hand on his arm trying to get his attention. He smacks my hand away looking up at me. I pull my hand to my chest.
"Owww what was that for?"
He stands up looking down at me. I start breathing heavy looking up at him.
"We are done Y/N."
"Yes. Done. Now give me MY engagement ring."
I look down at my ring than back up at him. He has his hand out waiting for it.
"Why Ethan?"
"I have found someone better than you."
Those words broke me. I slowly take off my ring and put it in his hand. He scoffs ripping the ring out of my fingers.
"You're so pathetic. And useless."
I look down at the floor not wanting to look at him. He gathers his things together still belittling me the whole time.
"So much happier that I found someone who will care for me and actually do what I say. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't even think about me."
He leaves the room slamming the door behind him. I feel the tears start to pour out of your eyes. I lean down into my knees and start crying. 20 minutes go by, I hear someone knock on the door. I ignore it thinking it's Ethan. I hear the door open but continue crying into my knees.
"Y/N. Honey. What's going on?"
I feel a hand start rubbing my back. I sit up still semi crying, looking up to see Taz sitting on the couch. He rubs my shoulder looking at me.
"What happened Y/N? I had to come looking for ya because you had an interview but didn't show up. What happened honey?"
I sniffle wiping my face and lifted my hand up to show my bare hand. His eyes go wide seeing my ring is gone. I start crying again. He stands up pulling me up into a hug. I start crying into his chest while he rubs my back.
"Honey. It will be okay. I'm here for you. You know you are like family to me. If you don't have anywhere to live, you can live at my house. I'll even help get your stuff out of his apartment."
I sniffle wiping my face again looking up at him.
"You mean that? I mean I do need a place to live but I also have a cat if that's okay. And I would feel better if you did come with to get my stuff."
"You and your cat are welcome to stay. Now let's go get your stuff and your kitty!"
I grab my bag and follow him out of the locker room, to the parking garage and to his car.
*at the apartment*
I get out of the car and walk over to the door to get into the apartment with Taz and one of his "helpers" right behind me. I take a deep breath and unlock the door. I walk in with them behind me and walk around not seeing Ethan anywhere. I start telling them what is mine and what is his. They start taking my stuff to their trucks. I get my cat backpack and walk to my bedroom looking for him.
"Oliver? Where are ya buddy?"
He runs and jumps on the bed with a little meow. I slightly smile looking at him.
"Well buddy. We are going for a little trip."
I pick him up, put him in the backpack and carry him out to Taz's truck putting him on the backseat. I go back in and pack all my stuff up from every room. I hand Taz's "helper" the last box than turn around in the doorway looking around. I sigh and tear up a little. Taz comes up behind me and puts a hand on my back.
"Y/N it's time to go."
He points to Ethan's car pulling into the parking lot. I throw the key into the apartment, close the door and walk over to the truck. Taz follows behind me watching Ethan the whole time. I get in the truck, close the door and watch Taz stand infront of his truck putting the window down to hear the. His "helper" comes around and stands next to him. Ethan walks over to them.
"What are you doing here? And why do you have my girl?"
Taz scoffs looking at him.
"Your girl? Last I checked, you broke off your engagement and broke her heart. So no she ain't your girl anymore. And we came to help her move out."
Ethan rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.
"That girl is all talk. She always says she is gonna move out and leave me. But I know Y/N. She would never leave me. No matter how bad I treat her. She always stays with me."
Taz and his "helper" move closer to Ethan. Ethan takes a step back.
"Like I said, we came to help her move out."
Ethan laughs and walks over to the apartment door, unlocks it and walks inside. Taz gets into his truck starting it and his "helper" gets into his. Ethan comes back outside screaming and waving his hands. He walks over to the driver's side tapping on the window. Taz looks at me and I nod. He rolls down the window slowly looking at Ethan.
"Taz! Where is......."
He looks over at me in the passengers seat.
"Y/N! Get your ass in that apartment right now!"
I look away from him starting to feel tears coming to my eyes. Taz looks at Ethan and shakes his head.
"I meant what I said. She's moving out. Now goodbye."
Taz rolls up the window and shifts into drive which causes the doors to lock. Ethan runs over to the other side of the truck trying to open the door. Taz hits the gas and leaves the parking lot. I take a deep breath when we hit the road.
"Honey. It will be okay. He can't hurt you anymore."
*at Taz's house*
I get out of the truck getting Oliver's backpack making sure he is okay. I put him on my back and walk to the front of the truck. Taz is standing there waiting for me. I look at his house noticing cameras and security guards everywhere. I look over at him.
"Your house is so gorgeous but why do you have so many cameras and security guards?"
He laughs putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I'll tell ya later about that. For now, let's get inside so I can show ya your room."
I slightly smile and follow him inside. We walk inside and my eyes go wide looking at how beautiful everything is.
"Taz are you sure I can stay here?"
"Of course! Wait until you see your room!"
He grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs, down the hallway and I hear loud music coming from one of the rooms. I look at Taz and he laughs a little.
"That's my son Tyler. You will meet him soon. I think you two are about the same age."
"I'm 24."
"Oh so is he. Wait. You're 24? Why were you with Ethan? Isn't he like 10 years older than you?"
I roll my eyes and look at him.
"I'll tell you about that later. For now, wanna show me my room?"
"Oh and your a comedian too? I like you already!"
I giggle and we walk into my new room at the end of the hallway. I gasp at how beautiful the whole room looks. Taz pats my shoulder.
"So you don't need much of the furniture you brought with you. But don't worry. You can decorate the room however you want. And all your other belongings will be brought up to your room for you."
"Taz I don't know how to thank you enough for everything you are doing for me."
He looks at me and smiles.
"Join me, my wife and my son for dinner tonight. We are going to a restaurant. So you can dress casually just not like a bum."
I giggle sitting down on the bed.
"You got it. As long as my clothes get up here soon."
He laughs and walks out closing the door behind him. A couple hours go by and my belongings are all brought to my room. I organize and put everything away. I set up a corner for all of Oliver's belongings as well. I go through my clothes trying to find something to wear. I settle with a black crop top, some ripped up jeans and some black high top sneakers. I put my deer skull necklace on and fix my tongue piercing. I look at myself in the mirror in my personal bathroom attached my room. I straighten my hair to go with my outfit. I smile looking in the mirror.
"This is the first time I have felt good about how I look in a long time. I am going to have a great time tonight."
I hear a knock on my door and walk over to the door opening it to see Taz. He smiles looking at me.
"Well look at you! Feeling better already!"
"I am feeling better. Thank you."
"Ready to go? My wife and son left already to get us a table."
"I am ready."
I walk out closing my door following him downstairs and to his truck. He opens the door for me and I get in. He walks around getting in and heads down the driveway and to the restaurant.
We get to the restaurant and he parks next to his wife's car. Taz looks over at me.
"Look. I told my wife I was bringing you along but my son doesn't know."
I look over at him smiling a little.
"Taz... are you trying to set me up with your son?"
"Taz I just got out of...."
"Y/N. Honey. I know you just got out a relationship. But I know my son. He wouldn't dare hurt a woman. And honey. You need a real man anyways."
We both laugh and get out of his truck. We walk over to the table. Tyler's back is facing me and he is looking down at the menu on the table. Taz's wife stands up and hugs me.
"You must be Y/N. Taz talks so good about you."
I hug her back and smile.
"Yup that's me."
Taz points next to Tyler and I sit down next to him. Taz sits next to his wife and kicks Tyler's leg.
"Yo what was that for?"
"We have company."
"I dont....."
He looks over at me and stops talking. I giggle looking at him.
"You don't what son?"
"HI I'm Y/N. You must be Tyler."
Tyler nods his head yes just staring at me. I nervous giggle looking at him.
"Anyways what is everyone hungry and thristy for?"
I look through the menu trying to decide on something to eat. The waitress comes over and takes our drink orders. She comes back with the drinks than takes our food orders. She leaves and Taz looks over at me and Tyler.
"So son. Y/N had her first match on AEW yesterday."
Tyler looks directly over at me. I look back at him smiling.
"I did and I won!"
I look over at Taz with a puzzled look.
"Does he ever show any emotion?"
Taz laughs and Tyler quickly turns his head towards me. I look back at him with a stone cold look on my face. Tyler smirks and looks down. I shrug my shoulders and feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and see a message from Ethan.
Why haven't you come back to the apartment yet? We need to talk.
I put it away and look up to see Taz looking at me. I slightly bite my lip trying not to cry.
"Was it him again?"
I shake my head yes and he sighs. Our food comes and we start eating our dinner.
*2 weeks later*
Laying in my bed with Oliver, I am looking through the thousands of messages Ethan has sent me. I don't even tear up anymore. I've been thinking a lot about everything that happened and to me, I am starting to heal and get better from it. I know I don't want to go back to Ethan. I have been having fun hanging out with Taz and his family. Tyler and I are kinda flirty with each other but I am trying to take it slow. My phone buzzes and another message comes through.
Y/N. Babygirl. Please talk to me. I miss you. I want us back.
I roll my eyes closing my phone. I hear a knock on my door and get up. I open the door expecting Taz but instead it's Tyler.
"Oh hey Ty. What's up?"
"My parents are going out. So I am going to make some steak and mashed potatoes. Would you like some?"
"I would love some. Could I join you in the kitchen?"
"Yeah sure."
I follow him down to the kitchen. He grabs a pan out of the cabinet along with a pot for the potatoes. He gets everything out on the counter. I walk over and lean on the counter looking at him.
"Could I help ya with anything?"
"Not right now."
I move closer to him and put my head on his shoulder to be annoying.
"Cmoonnnn Ty."
"Okay okay. Let me find something for you to do."
He pulls a chair over from the island and sets it next to the oven.
"Sit here and look pretty."
I huff and sit in the chair.
"I don't like this. I wanna help with something. Please. I don't want you to just sit here and....."
I get cut off by Tyler grabbing my face and kissing me. My eyes go wide than close, kissing him back. He pulls back looking at me putting his hand on my throat.
"Now just sit there and look pretty like a good girl."
I shake my head yes looking at him wide eyed. He goes back to making dinner. I bite the inside of my lip squeezing my legs together watching him. He looks over at me and slightly smirks.
"You okay over there?"
"Oh me? Yeah.... I'm okay."
"Never had anyone put you in your place before huh?"
"Not like that. Never been called a good girl either."
"Good to know."
He laughs and finishes up making dinner. He sets everything up on the island for us. I move my chair closer and he sits on the other side. I look over at him smiling.
"Thank you for this Ty."
"Well I have something to tell ya."
"What's up?"
"I told my parents to go out because I wanted to make you dinner and maybe this could be like our little date night. We could eat dinner than go to my room to watch a movie."
"So you planned a date night for us but didn't even tell me it was a date night? Cmon. I'm still in my pajamas."
I giggle looking at him. He looks at me slightly smiling.
"You are okay with it being a little date night?"
"Of course Ty."
"Oh and Y/N?"
I look up at him slightly smiling starting to eat some mashed potatoes.
"I was also wondering if you would....."
"I didn't even finish my sentence. I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend? My dad told me about your ex so if you still need more time, I get it."
"Tyler. I am way over that guy. It's a yes."
"Yes! That makes me so happy!"
I giggle and we continue to eat dinner. My phone buzzes three more times on the island. Tyler looks over at me.
"Whose that?"
"The ex."
I roll my eyes finishing up eating.
"He has been texting you for 2 weeks now?"
"I have like over a thousand messages from this guy."
We get up putting our dishes in the sink and cleaning up the kitchen.
"That's crazy."
He grabs my waist and pulls me into him. I put my arms around his neck.
"But don't worry. I have a few ideas of how to get rid of him."
"I don't wanna worry about him right now. I wanna worry about our date."
He smiles, grabs my arm and pulls me up to his room. We walk into his room and he flops down on his bed. I sit down on the other side looking around his room. He grabs my sides and pulls me over to him. I turn on my side and lay my head on his shoulder with his arm around my neck. I pull out my phone and look at him.
"Could I take a picture of us and post it?"
"Of course babe."
I turn on my camera and take a cute picture of us laying in bed together. I post it on Twitter with the caption "He made me dinner and than asked me to be his girlfriend! What a gentleman."
"Oh that's definitely gonna piss some people off."
"I don't care. I'm happy with you."
He leans over me and kisses me. I put my hand on his cheek and kiss him back. He pulls back laying back down and looks through the movies on the TV. He finds a movie and puts it on. He moves me off of him and sits up taking his shirt off. I bite my lip a little.
"Sorry I just always like to have my shirt off in my room. Or clothes for that matter."
I giggle and look at him still biting my lip.
"I am the same way."
"Than take your clothes off."
I look at him with wide eyes. He looks at me and smiles a little. I slowly take off my shirt exposing my breasts since I wasn't wearing a bra. I hear him suck in some air looking at me which makes me giggle. I stand up and slowly take off my shorts also not wearing underwear.
"Holy fuckkkkk."
He gets up, comes over to me and runs his fingers through my hair gripping some. I bite my lip looking at him.
"What a good girl."
I gulp still looking at him biting my lip.
"Now get on your knees."
I slowly drop to my knees while he keeps a hold of my hair making me look up at him.
"Ya like this babygirl?"
I shake my head yes looking up at him. He smirks letting go of my hair and slowly takes his shorts off. I gulp seeing his cock flop out of his shorts. He smirks looking down at me.
"Now you are going to take my dick down your throat like a good girl."
I hear my phone buzz on the nightstand. Tyler grips up my hair making me look up at him.
"Did you hear me?"
"Yes Daddy."
He bites his lip looking down at me.
"Good girl."
I open my mouth wide sticking out my tongue.
"And you have a tongue ring? Fuckkkkk."
I laugh looking up at him. He grips my hair again making me open my mouth wide with my tongue hanging out. He slaps his dick against my tongue a couple times making me moan a little. He starts slowly shoving his dick down my throat. He shoves it all the way down making me gag really hard than pulls it back out. I cough a few times, tears coming out of my eyes but I still open my mouth wide for him again. He slowly shoves it all the way down my throat again making me gag than pulls it back out.
"What a good fucking girl."
I look up at him, spit hanging my mouth and a couple tears rolling down my face. He pats my cheek smirking. My phone starts ringing on the nightstand. Tyler turns around and grabs my phone.
"Oh look who it is."
He looks down at me and smirks.
"I have an idea. Keep sucking and gagging on my dick baby."
"What's your idea?"
"What did I just say?"
"Yes daddy."
I grab his dick and start sucking on it. He moans and grabs my hair. My phone starts ringing like a videochat. I look up at Tyler with his dick all the way down my throat.
"What a good job. You got it all the way down without gagging."
Tyler answers my phone without me knowing. The camera is facing him.
"Y/N! I knew you would soon answer.......me? Tyler why do you have Y/N's phone? Where is she?"
I start sucking his dick faster looking up at him. He moans a little smirking at Ethan.
"Oh she has been a little preoccupied with her time."
"What do you mean?"
Tyler turns the camera around while I have his dick shoved all the way down my throat again. Tyler let's out a moan.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! That is my fiance! Not your new girlfriend!"
I pull his dick out and slap it against my tongue a few times looking up at the camera. Tyler laughs watching Ethan freak out on camera.
"Alright Ethan. Unless you wanna watch me fuck the shit out of MY GIRL, I suggest you hang up and never call her ever again."
"Are you fucking kidding me?! Whatever! Bye!"
He hangs up and Tyler puts my phone on the nightstand. I stand up looking at him. He comes over, wipes my face and smiles.
"Now for the fun part."
The enddddddd
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daddyhausen · 1 year
commission for : @switchbabeeexo
• backstage heat — kenny omega •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { kenny omega masterlist }
{ commission info } | { like my work? buy me a coffee <3 }
{ summary } — how on earth did you hatred for each other turn into well… whatever this is?
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }, hatefucking, semi public sex, oral sex { male receiving }, throat fucking, choking, face slapping, throat pie, multiple orgasms, teasing, vaginal sex, rough sex, dirty talk, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, male + female orgasms, vaginal creampie, internal cumshot, squirting
{ word count } — 1.4k
{ pairing } — fem!reader x kenny omega
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
{ 40 } — you’re more than just a one night stand
{ 58 } — you have no idea how much i want you
you could feel him looming behind you
his presence an ever growing shadow that could not seem to lose
his gaze fixated on your figure
only a mere few steps behind you which in turn made you increase your speed
“where you going girly, i just wanna talk”
kenny’s voice lingered in your ears with the echo of the area hallway
“leave me alone, omega. how many times do i gotta fucking tell you?”
you spat words like venom, acidic to his ears
kenny was taken aback with faux shock at your demeanor, despite having witnessed it many a times before hand
“ooh, a feisty one. you got some bite to you, don’t you princess?”
“get lost, you prick!”
you managed to take sanctuary in a nearby storage room
swinging the door open, managing to squeeze yourself in just as his hand caught the door before it closed
“oh come on what will it take for you to leave me alone!?”
your back pressed against the door, trying to shove him out and at least gain a second of peace
“well, i can think of one thing”
kenny’s strength proved too much for you to handle
him having effortlessly pushed his way past you, and into the storage room
his body now barricading you against the door
your body trapped between his arms, his palms either side of your head
“oh hell no-“
“c’mon sweetheart, you know you want me”
“i’d rather fuck one of the bucks-“
your contempt for kenny and the bucks was well documented
their constant torment over the years, seemingly for no apparent reason other than to stir your emotions
it’s a surprise how you haven’t lost your sanity
kenny paused for a second, a small chuckle leaving his lips
“you and i both know that i’m a better fuck than both of them combined”
kenny leaned in, his breath tickling your earlobe on small wisps
his voice low, almost guttural, a soft rasp etched into his words
a sound that made your belly swirl with contempt
and more concerningly lust, arousal
it made your thighs clench together instinctively
your knees weak and mind in a daze
you hated him as he did you, you should not be getting so overwhelmed by this
“go to hell” you managed to seethe through gritted teeth
the blush evident and warm on your cheeks as kenny remained close
“oh princess, if i go, you’re coming with me”
his lips now present against your earlobe, lips barely feathering the skin
his cock hard, pressed up against your inner thigh through the loose fabric of his gym shorts
feeling him throb against you
“don’t lie to yourself, sweetheart. i know you’ve thought about me, about how good i could fuck you…”
kenny’s words echoed in your ears sinfully
no matter how much you tried to ignore his persistence
you could not deny how incredibly wet you had become
“i bet you touch yourself while thinking of me”
the blush increased, heat practically radiating off your cheeks
you tried to push him away, though the arousal thrumming through you kept your knees weak and unstable
instead opting for a harsh slap to his cheek
an act which completely left him unfazed
he did not even flinch
“ooh i struck a nerve there didn’t i?”
kenny let a hand fall from beside your face, smoothing down the length of your body before resting on your hip
his thumb looped in the belt buckle of your jeans
“you don’t know shit about me”
“oh really?”
he questioned, unbuttoning your jeans with one hand
you did not protest despite your hatred
he slipped his hand into your jeans, beneath your panties
fingers dancing across your soaked folds, teasing your clit
“then how come you’re so wet for me?”
you could not deny it at this point, it would be incredibly stupid to do so
the way his fingers teased you, toying with you with such ease
a small whimper left your lips, one that he easily caught
“don’t deny the way i make you feel, sweetheart”
you hummed at the feeling of his fingers, only for him to pry them from your void
your sweetness dripped from his fingertips as he licked them clean.
“fuck it”, you thought. you were gonna end up fucking anyway.
you might as well be the first to fully initiate
at least he’d leave you alone after this
dropping to your knees with haste
and much to his surprise, he let you continue
your hands reaching up, prying down the waistband of his gym shorts and freeing his cock
a small groan of pleasure ripped through his throat as you began to give little kitten licks to his tip
“i knew you’d come around eventually” kenny’s playful remark was met with malice on your end
“shut the fuck up im only doing this so you leave me alone”
“sure, whatever you say, princess”
you took him in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks so the process would be over quicker
kenny’s hand fell to the back of your head, pushing you further onto his cock so that his tip would be comfortably nestled in the back of your throat
comfortable for him at least
“you have no idea how much i want you…” kenny mumbled under his breath with the hopes that you did not hear
you did, only increasing the heat in your cheeks
his hand locked in your hair, keeping you still as his hips began to buck
effectively fucking your throat with ease
this was not supposed to feel as good as it did.
you could not believe how you managed to stoop so low as to fucking your enemy
“god, never thought you’d look so pretty choking on my cock”
your eyes were not keeping contact with his
instead, rolled back on your skull from the sheer force of his cock
spit pooled in the corners of your lips
a glossy sheen across the length of his cock
now dripping down your chin
“oh fuck-“ kenny grunted
holding your head firmly against his hips
your nose nestled in the neatly trimmed mound of pubic hair
as he emptied hot ropes of cum down your throat
feeling the residual throb of his cock against your tongue as he pulled out
you gasped for air, finally able to breathe
still feeling his warmth linger on your tastebuds
he was quick to pull you up by the hair
turning you around so that your face was pressed against the door
his still aching cock grinding against your clothed ass
his movements were swift
his hands now, tugging down your jeans, letting them sit mid thigh before moving onto your panties
“be a good little whore and take every inch of me”
he gave no warning when he was about to enter
and no time given for you to adjust to his size
kenny began his movements with quick, rough thrusts
filling your cunt deep with each movements
“fuck you-“ you seethed through a moan
“sweetheart, you are” he smirked into the crook of your neck
free hand coming up to wrap around your throat
“i’m the only man who fucks you this good. i know you hate to admit it but you love the feeling of my cock, don’t you”
you gave in, succumbing to the pleasure his cock provided with a small nod
“y-yes…” you stuttered, cringing internally at your words
“what was that princess, i didn’t quite catch that?”
“yes, fuck- your cock feels so good”
kenny pressed himself further into you, holding his positioning for a moment to pepper small kisses to your jawline
“good girl, such an obedient little thing”
your thighs began to shake
having to press yourself back against him to stablize yourself
your whines and whimpers flooded kenny’s senses
only fueling the arousal that burned through him
“you’re so fucking close i can feel it”
he began to increase his speed
“cum around my cock, i wanna feel it, sweetheart. make a fucking mess”
“kenny please…”
you cried out through choked moans
spilling around his cock without warning, much to his amusement
he was quick to follow suit, his seed filling you up so deliciously, dripping onto your panties as he pulled out of you
kenny stuffed his cock back into his shorts with haste
quickly pulling your panties and jeans back up
feeling the warmth of his cum radiate against your overstimulated cunt
“kenny?” you hummed, trying to regain your breath
he gave a soft hum in acknowledgment
“i uh…i don’t want this to be a one night stand type of thing…y’know?”
you stammered over your words and your newfound adoration of the man.
“sweetheart…” he began, the nickname he’d been using sounded ridiculously foreign given the context
“you’re more than a one night stand”
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kylefletchersgf · 15 days
Hey I was wondering if I could have a hook imagine if your open for request
basically me and him have dated since 13/14& grew up together and now we’ve turned in our 20’s and he wins the title against Jericho and we all celebrate and he asks me to marry him/ I find out I’m pregnant and everyone is happy for us & stuff
Hook: Fated to You
Summary: Hook has been dating his childhood sweetheart since they were teenagers and tonight is the night he wins back the FTW championship back from Chris Jericho and him and Y/n celebrate by him proposing to Y/n, but little does he know Y/n has a surprise of her own
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
Masterlists | Aew Masterlist | Hook Masterlist
-ˋˏ [Word Count] ˎˊ : 936
-ˋˏ [Genre] ˎˊ : Fluff
-ˋˏ [TW] ˎˊ : Fluff, mistakes I might have, Chris Jericho, and this was not proofread before being published
-ˋˏ [Taglist] ˎˊ : @oblivionsera @nev-danielgarciawife
[Comment to be added to my taglist]
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
It's a few weeks before All In where Hook will face Jericho for the Ftw title, you and Hook watch from his locker room as Chris Jericho's interview starts; Renee puts the mic to her mouth "at this time I am joined by the Learning Tree" "Hey guys!" he yelled as he waved to the camera. Renee tried not to laugh as she continued "How do you expect to beat Hook at All In?" she asked as she moved the mic to his mouth."Hey guys!" he waved again. He continued "Renee as you know All In is in a few weeks and I will beat Hook because he forgot the lessons I taught him. But the rest is secret thanks, bye guys!" he said the last part enthusiastically and waved before he left with Big Bill.
Bryan Keith waited back for a few seconds looking at Renee then leaning in close to her as he yelled “You better respect Chris Jericho!” before walking away. When it went back to the commentary table I look over at Hook and we both laugh at how stupid Chris Jericho is. "Are you scheduled to fight tonight?" "No but I have a promo scheduled later though" "what time?" "9:30." I sat down with him on the couch watching the show until it was time for his promo, when the clocks hit 9:30 he got up walking to the door holding it open for me then walking out the door behind me shutting it behind him. He held my hand all the way to where we usually did the interviews but he let go as soon as when the camera started rolling.
"I am joined here by Hook with Y/n, now Hook you heard what Chris Jericho said earlier in the night do you care to respond?" "Chris Jericho I will get back my Ftw title and cut down all your branches on the way too. All In." he said the last part pointing at the camera. When the interview ended Hook and I went back to his locker room for the rest of the show, he looked over at me "I fight Big Bill next week and you will stay here during my match" "but-" "no, do you understand me Y/n?" "yes" "now at All In you can sit at the commentary table with Taz ok?" "ok"
skip to All in
You stood with Hook in his locker room while he got ready, he looked over at you "what color babe?" he asked as he held up blue shorts in one hand and grayish-silver in the other hand. "Do the gray" you told him as you was getting TV ready. You fixed his eye patch to waste time as the Learning Tree did their entrance. When it was Hook's turn you walked on the side as he walked down the ramp, You sat at the commentary table next to your soon to be father in law Taz as Hook got in the ring. You put the headset on as the match begun, You look over at Taz "hi honey" "hi" you replied happily.
Towards the beginning of the match Jericho put Cricked balls onto the mat which made you question it, but learning from wrestling some things are just better not asked about or left unsaid. Hook got out the ring grabbing a Cricket bat and 'oh no' was all you could think to yourself. He started smacking everyone with it then started picking up the Cricket balls and started flinging them at all three of them, you couldn't hold in your laughter anymore. After he did that he went behind Jericho choking him with the Cricket bat yelling "hey guys! Hey guys!" mocking Jericho as you laughed harder adding in "hey guys!"
"C'mon Hook!" you yell to encourage him to get up as he was getting jumped by Bill and Bryan. Hook got back in the ring swinging wildly missing as he got smacked on the head with the trashcan, Jericho missed the Judas Effect going straight into a T-bone suplex by Hook. Hook go up taking off the eye patch yelling "I can see!" pointing at his eye. Towards the end of the match Taz got up putting Bryan in his submission letting Hook get the win by Red Rum. Taz backed up so you could hug Hook first, Hook walked up to you kissing your head then hugged you for a few seconds as you took off the headset.
He walked over to Taz hugging him until he decided to take you backstage, he wanted to be alone with you in his locker room. Even though he is very public about kissing your head or his arm being around you, everything else is behind closed doors; he is a very private person. He wanted to do this next part privately, you turn around to look for something and you couldn't find it so you turn back around to face him to see him down on one knee with a small box; it had the most beautiful engagement ring you have ever seen. You nod nonstop before he could even ask you to marry him, he stood up putting the ring on your finger as he kissed you softly.
When he pulled apart you looked at him "then this is the best time to tell you I'm pregnant" you laugh through the tears. He looked at you smiling big; that cute smile that he hides from the public. You're marrying your best fried, now you have all you could ever ask for in life.
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Painted Him Perfect
Pairing: Austin Gunn x ex-wife!reader
Category: Angst
Word count: 824
Summary: You finally decide it’s time to be honest about your marriage with Austin Gunn. About how you painted him perfect.
Warnings: None
A/N: I know it’s been 63936383629 years since I last posted a fic 🤣 but here I am! Based off Painted Him Perfect by Alexandra Kay
Moodboard is not mine. Credit goes to @katries 😘
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There he was, your ex-husband, laughing with his friends like everything was perfect. Perfect. If only they knew just how perfect their buddy Austin Gunn truly was.
You knew after these past several months it was time to be honest. It was time to be honest with your friends, with your family.
The honest truth is that no matter how many times you sang his praises, drove or flew hours and hours to see him, he would mention over and over how he hated the attention. You didn’t understand because you thought that was what he wanted.
Arguments were more common between you two than they should have been. Couples therapy didn’t do any good no matter how hard you tried, tears in your eyes and streaming down your cheeks. Austin never really tried to make it work, never told his truth in therapy. That was rock bottom for you, for your marriage. His true colors and true character shone bright in that therapist’s office. That’s when you knew it was over, when you knew you couldn’t keep painting him perfect, when he couldn’t even attempt to make an effort to work on the relationship. A relationship that you thought was true love but it was all just a slap in the face.
Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale were two of your closest friends. You met them through Austin so maybe you have one good thing to come out quite possibly the worst relationship you’ve ever been in.
“Hey!” You heard Willow’s upbeat voice coming from your left.
“Hey.” You sighed. Now is the time to tell them. They’re your best friends, plus you have nothing to hide. You fought tooth and nail for your marriage to get better, to please Austin in order to keep the storm clouds away.
“I know that voice. What’s wrong?” Kris was never one to beat around the bush. She noticed you haven’t made any effort to look their way. Her eyes followed yours and she knew immediately who you were looking at. Austin Gunn and the rest of Bullet Club Gold. “You two have an argument?” Kris turned back to you, her head tilted as she studied your face.
Understatement of the century.
Willow shook her head. “I don’t think that’s it. I think maybe—”
“I need to be honest here girls.” You finally looked at your friends and you saw you had their undivided attention, so you let the floodgates fall. Maybe you should have went somewhere more private than roughly 8 feet away from the Bang Bang Gang but part of you wanted passersby to hear, his friends to hear. You just knew that if you didn’t speak your truth then another woman would fall victim to his charm and nice guy act only to be in for heartbreak and misery.
By the time you were finished, Kris’s and Willow’s jaws were on the floor. You didn’t leave anything out. You told the story of how the seemingly ‘perfect’ marriage was all because you made it out to be that way. You told them how you always excused things away as ‘that’s what love is’, but now you knew better. You recalled the big scene Austin caused on vacation at the beach in Atlantic City back in August. August 14th to be exact. Unfortunately, you’ll never forget that date because you’ve never been more embarrassed and ashamed. You even admitted to ignoring the red flags, the red flags you always said you would never let slide. Retelling these stories made you realize that you were yellow and he was green, blue was always going to be the color of your relationship.
During your storytelling, some tears must have fell because felt Willow squeeze your hand, in an effort to comfort. Kris on the other hand was connecting the dots before you’d finish a story.
“That’s what really happened to us. No amount of couples therapy could save us because he didn’t want to save us. Not even when I begged for him to, cried for him to. So the best thing I could do was to paint him perfect so no one knew a thing about just how miserable and embarrassing our relationship truly was.”
“He didn’t deserve for you to paint him perfect.” Kris was fuming. You knew if you gave her the green light she would make that boy’s life pure hell. It was tempting but you wanted something else for him instead.
All you could do was agree. “You’re right I shouldn’t have and it’s a good thing I’m not doing it anymore.”
You didn’t hate Austin Gunn, you didn’t like him, and you sure as hell didn’t love him — at least not anymore. Although, you did want him to feel the pain you felt, you wanted him to be heartbroken. Okay, so maybe you did hate him a little bit, but could anyone really blame you after you told the truth?
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
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madhatterbri · 4 months
Five Captains | J.W.
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Summary: Jay tells Y/N the reasoning behind his scars. Smut. 18+.
Author's Note: May make a mini series about the five captains. 🤷‍♀️ Debating.
Thanks @bullet-clubs-bitch for the use of the photo. ❤️
Tag List: @plentyoffandoms @mrsarcherofinfamy
"Don't," Jay ordered the moment Y/N's fingers went to touch the self-inflicted slashes on his chest. His grip on her wrist was not tight enough to hurt her, but enough to express the seriousness of the situation. "I can think of other places you can touch me,"
He led her hand down his body. Her fingertips barely gliding over his chest and stomach before stopping at the top of his pants. Y/N rolled her eyes and stared in his eyes.
"In due time, my love. The legends about you intrigue me," she assured him.
"The legends of a cruel captian should not intrigue that of a lady,"
"Well, this one warms the Captain's bed every night. As such, she is allowed to be intrigued," she reminded him sternly. He went to open his mouth, yet the look in her eyes silenced him. There was no winning against this one.
Jay grabbed her hand and kissed the top of it. Very slowly, he played with her fingers. No one had ever been allowed to touch them before. He closed his eyes and sighed. Her palm placed flat against the self-inflicted marks.
Once he relinquished control of her hand, the tip of her index finger traced them. He looked away from her gaze. Y/N traced the slashes softly. Worried that if she pressed too hard that she would hurt him or anger him.
"I gutted four of them like a trout. Left them to swim in Davy Jones' locker. Each and every one that left me on that island with nothing but a single bullet," he spoke. The captain made a gun symbol with his fingers. Bart, Miguel, Benito, and James. The bullet I saved for the Bastard. He pleaded for mercy, but there was none,"
The Captain's chambers fell into an uneasy silence. His eyes glazed over. Mind raced as he relived the painful memories in his mind. Those men deserved it. Every single hurt they felt before the sweet relief of death took them.
"They got what they deserve for what they did to you. Look at you now. The strongest captain in the Caribbean," she reassured him. She stood up and stared into his pained eyes. Her fingers ran through his brown locks before resting on his cheek. Jay leaned into the touch. His worries melted away.
The pirate cursed and crashed his lips on hers. He scooped her onto the bed. She scooted back, allowing him to crawl on top of her. Her eyes fluttered close the moment their lips met again. Jay kissed down her cheek to her neck.
"Jay," she breathed. He grabbed her dress. His fingers rose the fabric until it bunched around her waist. Jay looked at her for permission. She nodded quickly as if no was even an option for her. Y/N could never deny him.
Jay disappeared from her view. His head was covered by the dress. Soft kisses and bites covered her inner thighs. They went lower and lower until. She called out his name the moment his tongue connected to her core. Y/N bit her lip and turned her head to the side. His skilled tongue changed movements to keep her on edge.
He stood on his knees and lowered his pants. Jay positioned himself at her entrance. As he thrusted inside of her, his lips devoured hers. Her moan was hushed by him.
"Easy, love. I am the only one who can make you feel like this, so I'm the only one that can hear your need for me," he whispered harshly in her ear. His thrusts shook the bed against the wall. She scratched his back earning her a sharp hiss. Her moans and whimpers turned him on more. Y/N was his, all his.
Her face, neck, and chest flushed the moment she reached climax. All the tensions of ocean life were temporarily forgotten. He stilled inside of her the moment it was his turn. They both stared at each other as they caught their breath.
Y/N leaned in and kissed him. "Thank you, my captain,"
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justanoasisimagines · 2 months
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Summary; You're giving Kenny a massage when suddenly he flinches Pairing; Kenny Omega x GenderNeutral Reader WordCount; 509 Warnings; Mentions of Injury A/N; Requests are open lovelies! All the information is pinned at the top of my page! Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and the banner.
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Kenny sighed as you kneaded his muscles in his shoulders. He'd often questioned if you'd taken a class once a twice. You always knew which muscles to focus on, and which muscles were sorer than others. Your hands were magic.
He didn't know what he'd done to deserve you. To deserves this, but you would never find him complaining. His head lulled forward while you focused on the task at hand.
He would suggest you do it professionally, but he couldn't bear the idea of anyone else receiving such attention for him. Call him selfish but he was keeping you to himself.
"Are you falling asleep?" Gently, your voice smoother than silk. Kenny hadn't realized he'd begun slowly lulling to sleep. Your hands on his muscles were too relaxing.
"Sorry. Too damn good." Kenny mumbled as you continued your actions. Slowly kneading and messages the knots in Kenny's shoulder.
"We should make this a regular thing. This you working so hard all of the time." The idea was music to Kenny's ears.
"You won't hear me complaining…ouch" You froze immediately as Kenny flinched away from your touch.
"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
"No Angel, it wasn't you. My shoulder's been hurtin' for a while. I've been meaning to get it looked at."
Kenny doesn't need to glance back at you to know the look on your face. It's knowing. It's not the first time he's hidden an injury before and highly likely it would be the last. He's sheepish as he turns on the chair to look at you.
"I could have hurt you. You need to get it looked at." Kenny tugged you by your hips to draw you between his legs. Hesitantly, you placed your arms over his shoulders.
"It's not that bad. Just a little sore that's all," You sighed in response. You'd already predicted his response. "If it makes you feel better I'll book an appointment with a physio, I promise you it's nothing bad."
"Then why didn't you tell me about it." You had him there. He didn't want you to worry about him. Just like you are doing right now. Mission failed.
"Because of this. You're already worrying."
"I don't like seeing you in pain that's all."
Kenny's heart grew. You made everything better in his life. With your compassion and concern for his welfare. He turned his head to press a kiss onto your wrist. As he rose from his chair, he made sure to keep the contact between the two of you.
"Which is one of the long list of reasons why I love you. I'll go get it looked at to put your mind at rest." Kenny pulled you into a tight hug, a piece of paper couldn't fit between the two of you.
"Now sit down and relax. It's my turn." Kenny observed you lift your shirt over your head giving him the perfect view of your chest. He'd been at your mercy for hours. Now it was his turn. He couldn't stop your worrying, but he could help you relax.
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redpool · 9 months
All I want to do is read fanfiction for hockey players or wrestlers but can't find anything that I haven't already read.
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seeingstarks · 11 months
spooky delights
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summary : reader is feeling quite low, her husband has just the thing to turn that from upside down. pairing : jon moxley x afab!reader (husband!wife dynamic - fluff) cw : fake blood, blood licking (but reader thinks it's real at first), implied smut/nsfw if you squint - referred to mox as "your treat" in descriptions, nicknames (babygirl/lovely/baby), neck kisses/general kissing/slight french kissing. a/n: wanted to whip up a lil' something for halloween & this came to mind with prompt inspo from here. reblogs are very much appreciated! if you want added to the tag list send an ask but my writing updates are all over the place! word count : 712 words tag list : @harmshake gif credit : @allelitewrestlings
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trick or treaters knocked on the door all evening long, being home and in the comfort of your dog was the only company you had for the time being as you awaited your husband to arrive home.
you hadn't felt like moving an inch from the sofa, only doing so to put out a bowl of candy earlier with little motivation to do much else as you went back under the covers, your dog hopping up on the sofa as you gave him a few pets.
ever since moving in with jon, you were fortunate to have snacks all around the house, however as you reached down and rummaged through the snack drawer below, you only managed to find those of the salty variety.
with a sigh, you rolled over to your side and snuggled up against your furry friend who was more than accepting of the ear scratches you provided.
after an hour or so passed by, the lights began to flicker off outside and chatter of kids on a sugar high dampened down as the night grew darker.
still no jon. you wondered what he had been up to this late. he was only supposed to be grabbing pizza and a few groceries but your sweet tooth grew stronger and the candy was bound to be gone by now.
the cincinnati native came with pizza in one hand and in the other two brown paper bags which seemed to be filled.
throwing the covers off, you were careful not to wake the sleeping pup as you stood up and greeted your husband, worry washing over your face as you saw the crimson liquid rolling down his forehead.
"is that real? here let me help you get that off-" you licked your finger, stepping up on your tippy toes and pressed a finger to jon's head, swiping the blood away with ease before going to lick it.
jon couldn't keep his eyes off you, simply chuckling at himself and your actions, adoring everything about you. "ohh, that's not- how you replicate fake blood so well amazes me." you shook your head at him and he pulled you in for a hug, feeling his arms wrap around you in a warm embrace.
you could stay this way forever, in the comfort of your lovers arms, head buried in the crook of his neck. it felt safe with him and despite living together he was your home.
"i got you a suprise baby." he reached into the bag pulling out an assortment of halloween candy, along with some frosting and gingerbread.
"we're gonna make spooky gingerbread houses?" you asked him in an excited tone, ready to rip open the bag of skittles, one of your many favorite treats besides mox.
"i know how much you love halloween and haven't been feeling your best lately.." he walked up behind you wrapping his arms around your frame, "so i figured this would help cheer my babygirl up." he nuzzled at the crook of your neck before placing a soft kiss on it.
"i love it, jon. you're the greatest husband ever." you smiled up at him starting to rip open each of the bags filled with sweet treats.
"i'll be right back, lovely." he hummed to himself and grabbed bowls for the food setting them on the counter and pouring it in.
the night was full of laughter, wandering hands, but most importantly you got to spend time with the person you loved most.
making a mess of the kitchen, frosting was spread over the counter and your face, basically anywhere but the gingerbread house.
"save some for our spooky masterpiece." jon shook his head with a chuckle watching you lick frosting from your finger.
"mm, how about nope." you turned to face him and spread some on his cheek causing the man to pull you into a heated kiss.
"tastes like mm-orange.. my favorite, unlike someone else." you shushed the man through closed lips as you opened your mouth and slipped your tongue into his, knowing full well he was talking about james. even in moments like these he was thinking about opponents but was there when it mattered most, with you. the spooky treats could wait just a little while longer you thought.
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triscillal · 1 year
𝑬𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑩𝑜𝑠𝑠 || 𝗠𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧 ||
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Series Synopsis: After the unpredictable release from WWE, the now hottest free agent of Sports-Entertainment decides to accept an offer becoming a new version of herself while also becoming the newest 'secret weapon'.
Pairings: Hook x Female!Reader, Taz x Female!Reader (platonic), Ricky Starks x Female!Reader (platonic), Will {Powerhouse} Hobbs x Female!Reader (platonic), Dante Martin x Female!Reader (platonic)... [ other aew wrestlers mentioned/included ]
WARNINGS || This story contains wrestling violence, swearing, descriptive sexual activities, mentions of anxiety, and potentially triggering themes such as parental abuse, anxiety, self harm and/or depression. || 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐊 !!!
Some other things to keep in mind are that :
GIFs and photos do not belong to me
Y/N L/N is going to be portrayed by Sasha Banks | Her Pro Wrestling Gimmick / Name / Music / Promo Lines will be used |
I do not condone to third party posting unless they are from my personal accounts (which are linked at the top of my page). Anybody who does will be reported. If my work has been seen anywhere excluding my accounts, please do me a favor and notify me as soon as possible.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 5 months
●Kenny Omega x Reader●
Summary: You are his wife and it is everyone's first time seeing you because you don't like to be on camera.
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Standing outside of Kenny's room, I hear him talking about how he got hit with a bike during a match before. I knock on the door waiting for a response.
"Honey, do you need anything?"
I slightly open the door popping my head in as he turns around to look at me with a big smile on his face.
"No thank you baby. I am good."
He turns around back to his computer as I shut the door heading back to the kitchen.
*Kenny's POV*
My chat, all of a sudden, is blowing up asking me about who I was talking to, who I called baby, why I've been hiding someone and more.
"Everyone in the chat. I can see you all asking about who I was talking to. I think it is time I introduce you all to her. Give me one minute."
I get up, take my headset off and walk out of my room.
*Y/N's POV*
I turn around seeing Kenny walking into the kitchen as I just finished washing dishes.
"What's up babe?"
"I want you to come be on my livestream for a couple minutes. Everyone is asking about you."
"Oh...ummm sure."
"I promise it will be okay. They just want to meet you and it will be just a few minutes."
I shake my head yes, he puts out his hand and I grab it following him to his room. We walk into the room and he sits back down on the chair putting his headphones on.
"Everyone, meet my wife, Y/N."
I stand behind him, wrap my arms around his neck and chest area and lay my head against his, smiling.
"Not only is she my wife but, she is one of the brilliant minds that writes for AEW. Lots of storylines that everyone loves are written by my beautiful, brilliant wife."
"Thank you honey."
I turn my head and kiss his cheek. He smiles and looks at the comments in the chat.
"Someone asked how long we have been together. We have been together for almost five years now. We just liked to keep things private and not have negative stuff said about our relationship."
I shake my head agreeing and rub his chest also looking at the comments. I see a lot of people calling me beautiful and thanking me for all the storylines I've written. Kenny looks over at me smiling.
"Someone asked what your favorite storyline you have written and produced is."
"Oh that's a good question.... ummm... I would have to go with a recent one that everyone loved a lot.... Swerve and Hangman. I am really proud of that one because they took my ideas and made them way better than how I had them written out."
Kenny looks at me smiling and I look at him feeling my face get red. He looks back at the camera smiling.
"She normally hates talking infront of people. Especially on camera. I think she is doing an excellent job."
"Thank you honey. I'm gonna go start making dinner. You have fun finishing up your stream."
I lean down as he looks up and we kiss lightly. I smile, wave bye to the camera than head out of the room to the kitchen. I hear him go back to talking to them and I smile to myself.
"I can't believe I just did that."
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visionarystoryteller · 4 months
Executives Love
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Noa woke up to a series of knocking on her door. She looked over at Anna’s bed and noticed she was gone. Noa sighed lightly and ran her hand down her face. She gingerly got up out of bed, her head slightly starting to come to a headache. She made her way to the door and opened it to reveal a gym dressed Matthew on the other side. Last night came flooding back into Noas mind real fast, nearly knocking her on her ass in embarrassment. She really told Matt she wished he was her baby’s father. Then the way his fingers danced on her stomach, just thinking about it made her feel all warm. And the way he said ‘one day’…it had Noas mind reeling. ‘What did he mean’ Noa thought to herself. Noa was brought out of her revere when Matthew cleared his throat, fixing his gym bag over his shoulder. Noa blinked rapidly a few times.
“Hi” she squeaks out. Matthew lets out a chuckle. He pulls out a pill bottle from the side of his bag- taking out a few, and a water bottle, handing them to Noa.
“Told you I’d bring you aspirin in the morning, here take these.” Matthew says. Noa nods slowly and takes the items from Matthew, following his directions. She swallows both pills and nods at Matthew. Matthew nods.
“Alright I’m off…I’ll see you later” Matthew says. Noa nods.
“Later…” Noa says watching Matthew retreat down to the elevator. ‘Hmm cute butt’ Noa thinks to herself before shaking her head.
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As Noa sat on the plane, her mind went to the last few days. It made her chest tighten, sending Noa to grab onto her necklace that held her teeny tiny babies ashes. She took a deep breath. ‘You’re the last part of him I will ever love.’ Noa thinks to herself and her angel baby. Noa felt someone sit down next to her, causing her to open her eyes. She turned her head slightly and saw that it was Jeff. Her breath caught in her throat and she went frozen.
“I’m guessing you had TK have us sit next to each other before you broke up with me” Jeff says staring ahead. Noa looks at him with wide eyes.
“The audacity you have Jeffrey Parker. Broke up with you? You fucking cheated on me!” Noa whisper yells. Jeff looks over at her and sees her glassy eyes, still dull in color, he missed seeing her beautiful green eyes.
“I’d basically had already lost you Noa” Jeff resigns.
“I just lost our baby Jeff!” She whispers. She felt her breathing get rugged and needed out of the plane. She couldn’t do this. She could hear Jeff’s breathing and sighing. She took out her phone and texted the one person she knew could help her, like he did so many times after the loss of her beloved baby girl, Matthew.
Noa- SOS
EVP1- you okay?
Noa- I need off this plane before it takes off, TK never switched Jeff’s ticket and he’s next to me, shit is going down.
EVP1- we haven’t left yet, you’ll ride with me and Nicholas on the jet. I’m gonna call the airport and get you off. Hang tight sweetheart.
Noa- ty Matty
Within about 5 minutes a flight attendant came through the plane and grabbed Noa. Noa grabbed her bag she held and moved quickly out of the space that held Jeff. Jeff looked at her, not done talking to her but she was getting up and leaving. Jeff stood up and grabbed Noas arm lightly. Noa whipped her head back to look at Jeff. Her eyes were conveying messages he continued to ignore.
“Noa please” Jeff says. Noa moves her arm from his grasp and shakes her head.
“Please just stop Jeff. It’s done. The damage is done. Stop trying to do more please.” Noa practically whimpered out to him. Jeff’s heart ached. Jeff steps back nodding slowly. This is not how we wanted things. Noa turned as fast as she could and got off the plane completely, which stunned Jeff. Noa got off the plane and back to the terminal gates. Once she was back in general population of the airport she felt like she could breathe a little better but not much. Noa went to the desk to ask where the Massies private jet was and that she was suppose to be on it. The guy at the desk called the jet and Nick picked up confirming Noa is suppose to be on the plane. The desk clerk looked at Noa and decided to have one of the baggage guys drive her down to the private jets lot. She looked so exhausted and he felt for her.
“I have one of my baggage guys coming to cart you down to the jet. You look exhausted hun” he tells her. She tries to give a smile but it barely happens.
“Just overwhelmed I guess, thank you though that’s very kind of you and unnecessary but I appreciate it” Noa says. He nods and points behind her. She looks to see a guy with a cart.
“Have a safe flight hun” he tells her. She nods and thanks him again. The cart guy drives her through a garage and out onto the runway. The traveled past a few parked planes before he pulled up to a jet getting ready to leave. He came to a stop and Noa looked at the plane.
“Thank you” Noa says. The man gives her a smile and nods. Noa put on her backpack and climbed out of the cart. Noa looked at the stairs and looked up to the door of the plane to see Matt standing there. She was trying hard to keep her tears at bay. Matt was leaning against the frame, hands in his pocket. When he made eye contact with Noa, he saw her eyes start to gloss over and her breathing falter. Matt immediately moved down the stairs quickly and Noa ran to him. Once she was close enough, she practically jumped into Matt’s arms. He bent down a little and lifted up Noa, fully off the ground, her legs wrapping around his waist. Matts hand fisted into Noas hair, pulling her closer, upon feeling her practically shaking. Matt turns and makes his way up the stairs, Nick standing at the doorway of the plane, a worried look on his face. Nick looks at Matt once he’s close enough with question and Matt shakes his head. He sits down with Noa still clinging to him.
“I’ll tell the pilot we’re ready…” Nick says to no one in particular. Matt rubs Noas back.
“I’m gonna need you to seatbelt in Noa” Matt says quietly, smoothing her hair. She takes a deep shaky sniffling breath and gets off Matt’s lap. She sits in the seat next to him and buckles up. She looks down at her legs, fiddling with her fingers, trying to keep her anxiety at bay. Nick sat down in front of of Matt and Noa, and the plane began its decent down the runway. Nick looked back at Matt and Matt looked at Nick. The pair silently communicating with each other.
“I hate when you two do that.” Noa speaks up. Nick nearly gives himself whiplash and Matt’s head snaps over to look at her.
“Do what” Nick try’s to play off. Matt rolls his eyes at Nick. Noa looks up at Nick and gives him a blank stare.
“Okay jeez” Nick resigns. Noa rolls her eyes and turns to look at Matt.
“Thank for rescuing me. I just couldn’t. It was all to much then he started talking about how he had already lost me, as if that’s a great excuse for why he cheated on me. God…I feel like such a fucking fool for loving him like I did.” Noa rants. Matt felt horrible for Noa. They had been together for years, strong as ever, they’d been through all kinds of injuries together, faced the worst of days and the best of days, even started a small family, but apparently they weren’t strong enough to withstand the loss of a child. Matt grabbed Noas hand, Noas head shooting to look at him.
“You’re no fool Noa” Matt says gently. Noa rolls her eyes looking away. She sure as hell felt like a fool. Matts jaw ticks and he gently grabs ahold of her chin and turns her to look at him, her eyes diverting from his. His eyes are a lit with a small fire.
“Do not roll your eyes at me Noa” Matt says lowly. Noas heart beat picks up and she starts to get warm-she was a natural submissive-, not making eye contact with Matt.
“Look at me Noa” Matt says. Her eyes meet his, seeing the fire in them.
“First, you’re not a fool, love is love, things happen. Two, do not roll your eyes at me or I will have them rolling backwards into your head” Matt says, the last part quietly in a sultry voice. Noa almost lets out a squeak, nodding at Matt. Matt smirks at her and let’s get chin go and faces forward pulling out his phone.
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thesupreme316 · 9 months
Had It Coming Part 4!?!?!?!!
Had It Coming Part 4 (Christian Cage x Female Reader/Hook's Sister/Jack Perry's Ex):
Summary: It seems that you and Christian are going strong. But how does that sit with your ex-boyfriend, Jack Perry?
Word Count: 2.3K (Please accept as an apology for being so late)
Supreme Speaks: thank you guys so much for supporting this series and showing it love. it really means a lot to me. okay, I ain't gonna waste your time any longer. Here is the anticipated part four of this series (it has a dark portrayal of Jack, you don't have to read if you're uncomfortable). Please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: DARK PORTRAYAL OF JACK (tw: obsessive, stalking, in the denial stage, borderline yandere vibes tbh), suggestive mentions, explicit language, proofread to the best of my abilities
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
It’s been 33 days since he saw you walk away from him with his former mentor and best friend.
And Jack is going crazy.
He legitimately lost it.
Everyone can see it on his face. But they can’t help him…they can only watch as he unravels and continues to ruin his own life. After seeing you run off in the sunset with Christian, Jack became uncharacteristically silent. He wouldn’t even talk to Anna, and when he did, it was screaming and placing blame on her. Anna, who truly wanted to help him, was broken up with before she could even do so. You found that out in the locker room as she was crying to Tay Melo, a sight that was so bittersweet for you to watch.
Jack would walk around the halls, bags under his eyes, genuine stress marrying his facial features, wearing all-black clothes, hair matted, and not utter a single word to anyone. It got so bad that Tony wouldn’t even put him on the screen. He would spend his evenings in the arenas sitting in a corner on top of boxes, just looking over your contact. His thumb would caress your face through the phone screen as his eyes lingered on the contact name “Sunshine.” He tried texting you, asking for you to come back. You never answered. For some reason, he thought changing your name and breaking up with Anna would be enough for you to come back.
It wasn’t.
But even though you didn’t come near him, two people would come near him, offering friendship and shoulders to lean on: Austin and Colton Gunn. They would try their best to get Jack chatting with them as they filled his ears with loud jokes, obnoxious laughter, and weird banter. Although he never cracked a smile, the Gunns were resilient and still provided him with company.
“Hey, Jackie-boy,” Austin said cheerfully, walking up to the sulking wrestler, who would mumble a response. “How ya doing?”
“Man you should have been at the party last night,” Colton said bumping his shoulder. “You could use a night out. There was this insanely cute girl that is exactly your type-” Jack shook his head. Colton looked at his brother before nodding to Jack.
Austin sighed, “Look man, we get it that it’s been a rough month and a half. You lost your best friend, other best friend, title, and girlfriend-“
“I didn’t lose Y/N.” Jack snapped, looking up at the brothers.
Colton and Austin quickly side-eyed each other before Austin continued, “I was talking about Anna…but bro and I mean this respectfully, Y/N left you a while ago.”
“Anna and I were never together. She doesn’t matter to me. Y/N didn’t leave me. We are just going through a rough patch right now.” Jack said while running his fingers through his hair. “It’s not my fault.”
“We’re not saying that it is. We’re just trying to say that maybe there is no future where you and Y/N are together. You need to accept it.”
“No, I’m not going to accept it because it’s not true!” He shouted, startling the Gunns, with Colton hugging Austin in fear. Jack lowered his voice as he continued to talk, “It’s not my fault. It’s not her fault. It’s Christian’s fault.” He whispered to himself. “I didn’t lose my beautiful, innocent, and sweet girlfriend to Christian. That could never happen. He took her from me! Just like how he took my best friend and credit for my career. He just takes everything from me.”
Colton said taking a step forward, “Jack-“
Jack stood up from the boxes, looking into Colton’s eyes with anger, determination, and bitterness, “He filled her head with these images that I’m not the one for her. That he’s better than me. He basically kidnapped her, come to think about it. Yeah…he kidnapped my precious Y/N and started feeding these lies to her. And to make matters worse, Anna came back into the picture and distracted me from realizing it. That’s what happened.” He poked Colton’s chest as he finished his statement, “And I fully intend to get her back.” He swiftly walked away from the brothers as they stared in disbelief.
Austin looked up at Colton, “He is not okay. Where do you think he’s going?”
“It’s 9:00, he's off to do his favorite activity.”
That consisted of Jack watching you from afar when you were by yourself or with your girlfriends; curious if you missed him, if you cried over him, if you were dying to run back to him for safety, comfort, and love.
The answer was no. None of the above.
But the second he saw you with Christian, his stomach would turn and he would run away, not wanting to see the bitter and disgusting man with the love of his life. Jack is miserable, but you? Oh girl, you are thriving right now.
It seemed the longer you and Christian dated, the bigger the smile on your face would get. As Christian stated, if you wanted something, all you had to do was ask. And he has continued to keep that promise. Nowadays, all you have to do is look at him as it seems that he can read your mind. The newest Louboutin heels? He bought them in 5 different colors. You feeling stressed and want to escape? He booked a yacht. You want to ride something while on the yacht? He’s already underneath you, allowing you to take control.
He was a gentleman to you; dropping everything just to assist you, even for a second. You didn’t have to worry about doing a single thing. As long as Christian is beside you, you are sure to be treated like the Princess you are. Hell, he even changed your stance in wrestling. As you were no longer bound by Jack, you took the necessary steps to reconcile with your brother, Tyler (Hook).
As Christian filled your life with love, positivity, and care, you realized that the FTW championship wasn’t something you wanted. So after a couple of defenses, you relinquished it, crowned Tyler the official champion, and started to manage Christian full-time.
But this wasn’t a parasitic relationship where you got all the benefits. Oh no. Christian loved being around you. It just felt right having you near him, with a hand lingering around your waist. Not only did you feed every single one of his sexual and physical needs, you also met and exceeded his emotional needs. You made him feel heard and seen. You see him in a different light than everyone else. He is letting his humane side be seen more now that you are always with him. Because to you, he is more than your lover, he is your protector and motivation.
He is also a great man of taste…
“Willow, he is so sweet! Just yesterday, he drove 45 minutes to sleep beside me because I couldn’t fall asleep. And then, he brought a chef to cook my favorite breakfast!” You yelled out to your best friend while getting dressed for Dynamite.
“That’s great Y/N, I’m so happy to see you smiling again. I haven’t seen you this happy in a while.” Willow said with a grin on her face. To everyone, your relationship with Christian was no more than a typical “sugar baby” transaction. But it was nothing like that, and Willow saw that.
You stepped out in your new dress that complimented your skin tone beautifully. “I know, he truly makes me happy.” As you were about to speak again, there was a knock at the door. You squealed, running to open it and seeing a medium-sized bouquet of white roses. You thanked the man before closing the door. “He always sends me flowers every Wednesday.” You said as you put the vase down. Willow got up and examined them. “But he never gets me white; they’re either red, pink, or orange.”
“Maybe he’s full of surprises,” Willow said as she got closer to the vase. There was another knock at the door, you went to answer it as Willow started to speak again. “Y/N, there is-“ She was cut off by your sequel again. She looked back at you to see you give Christian a soft kiss.
“Hi Princess, how are you?” Christian said hugging you with one arm, the other was behind his back. He twirled you around, “You look gorgeous.”
“Thank you, baby.” You said, placing a kiss on his cheek. Christian greeted Willow while still trying to hide his arm behind his back. “What are you hiding?”
“Well, it is Wednesday and you know I give you flowers-“
You smiled as you cut him off, “Baby, I already got the flowers you sent me. They are beautiful.”
Christian’s face screwed up in confusion, “What are you talking about?” He moved his arm from behind his back to reveal a much larger bouquet of red roses. “The flowers I got you are right here, I wanted to personally deliver them myself today.”
The color drained from your face as you took your boyfriend’s flowers and looked behind you. Willow held the roses in one hand and a paper in the other, as she read the note, the color drained from her face as well. “You need to read this.” She gave you the note. It would have been a very sweet and flattering one….if it was sent from your boyfriend. 

Your laughter, a melody, a joyful song, In my embrace, is where you belong. Each moment with you, a cherished delight, You're my sunshine, my morning light. Love J
Your heart started racing as Christian ripped the note, took the flowers from Willow, and them in the trash. “He’s a piece of shit. That bastard.” He looked at you, who was in shock and disgust. He hugged you tightly, avoiding the roses he got you. “He just needs to leave you alone.”
“Yeah, I’m going to make sure of it.” You said before gently placing the red roses down on the table, taking over from where those distracting and bitter white roses once were.

“No, you will not. You let me handle it, I don’t him anywhere near you. He put you through shit before and I’m not letting that happen.” Christian said getting angrier by the minute, obviously not at you. “I’m going to get Luchasuarus to accompany you tonight. My woman will not go anywhere near him.” He said sternly.
Did you listen? No. Of course not. You left way before Luchasaurus got to your locker room door.
Your heels clicked along the halls as you were trying to find your ex-boyfriend. Anger was pounding through your blood as you carefully looked for him. You were about to turn to go down another hallway until you saw his matted hair in a bun. You stormed towards him, calling out his name. Jack turned around and immediately lit up at your figure getting closer, even though your facial expression was anything but happy.
You cut him off by sharply slapping him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You angrily asked him, not giving him a moment to register anything.
"Sunshine-" He sweetly started to say
"How dare you send me flowers and address me like that? We are not together. That was clear when you cheated on me with Anna"
Jack's face became angry as he spat out, "Don't talk like that. Anna means nothing to me. You love me and I love you. That backstabbing, lunatic, bastard is messing with your mind. Sunshine, just come back with me. Stop this little game of yours, you're letting him get the best of you."
"Jack, stop. I am with Christian; he treats me with love and respect. He actually cares about me and my feelings and treats me like royalty. Much better than the low-down and disgusting ways that you have shown. The only lunatic around here is you. You don't care about me."
"Don't say that!" He yelled, grabbing your arm harshly, "I love you Y/N! He's not the one! I am! Just come back with me and everything will be fine!"
You were struggling to pull your arm away from the man you once loved. Then a voice shouted down the hall, making Jack take his hand off of you. You turned around to find your boyfriend and your supposed bodyguard. Christian gently placed you behind him. "I'll talk to you later about this." He quietly said to you before turning his attention to Jack. "Listen, you have one more time to pull some shit like this-"
"Shut up! This is between me and my girlfriend-"
"MY girlfriend, MY woman, your ex. You have no reason to talk to her anymore. I'll be damned if you try to come between us or weasel your way back into her life." Christian stepped closer to Jack, looking down at him. "Leave her the fuck alone, little boy. Or the next main event for you will be your funeral."
Jack rolled his eyes as Christian grabbed your hand and kissed it before leading you and Luchasaurus down the hallway, away from your ex. You quickly looked back with bitterness and a glare as you turned the corner. But to Jack, that was a look of hope and desperation.
Desperation to get away from Christian, the man who drove you two apart. But also he could have sworn that your eyes were delivering him a message, a message of love and secrecy that was directly for him. "I'm going to save you from this Y/N. You don't have to pretend to have feelings for him much longer. I see your plan, and I understand it. It's genius. As those white roses signify, it will be a new beginning for us. And then, when it's all said and done, Christian will finally see who the real man is."
And according to Jack,
Christian had it coming…
And he only had himself to blame.
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kylefletchersgf · 3 months
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
-ˋˏ [Word Count] ˎˊ : 776
-ˋˏ [Genre] ˎˊ : fluff
-ˋˏ [TW] ˎˊ : any mistakes I might have, fluff
-ˋˏ [Taglist] ˎˊ : @stacksifino @nev-danielgarciawife
[Let me know if you want to be in the taglist]
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
You sat poolside with your and Shayna’s dog Isys Puppy with a book and a glass of wine, Isys laid on the towel against you as you read your book taking a few sips of wine here and there. As you read your book you stopped here and there to take notes on what you read and what was important, Shayna came outside opening the grill cleaning it.
You read to the next chapter then put your bookmark in then wrote down what happened and notes like you did on the chapters before. You and Isys both looked over at Shayna at the same time confused on why she’s cleaning the grill right now, you and Isys both got up as you walked over to Shayna Isys was following behind. “What are you doing Shayna?” You ask leaning on her which makes her look over kissing your forehead “cleaning the grill because Mia, Jessamyn, and Dakota are coming over.”
When Shayna got done with the grill the girls came over, they came to the back yard and you hugged Dakota; out of all the girls you was closest to Dakota Kai you two just got along so well. You sat with Dakota talking, Shayna was grilling food for all of y’all, Mia was talking to Jess, and Isys was watching Shayna interested in what she was doing. Isys watched wagging her tail as Shayna was plating the food trying to get a bite of it.
You and Dakota talked until the girls left so now it’s just you, Shayna, and Isys. You helped Shayna wash the dishes as Isys laid in the kitchen by the two of you, you looked over at Shayna “you want to make a dessert tonight? We have some in the pantry” you asked as she nodded. You walked over to the pantry “we have cake mix, cupcake mix, cookie mix, and gingerbread mix. Which one do you want to do?” You ask looking over at her.
“We can do the gingerbread one” she replied closing and locking the door after Isys came inside. You two made the gingerbread together while Isys sneakily licked the bowl but got scolded after. Isys sat by the oven watching them bake as you and Shayna sat on the couch together watching Star Wars. 30 minutes later you took them out the oven setting them on the counter to cool off.
When they got cooled off you and her started decorating the gingerbread like it was Christmas, you looked over at Shayna “we should’ve got a gingerbread house to make Shay” she chucked at you “y/n it’s not even Christmas” “still” you answered nudging her. You put the cookies on a plate taking them putting them on the table in front of the couch.
You and Shayna talked about anything that came to mind but what Shayna loved to hear was about the books you are always reading, she loves to hear about your interests. On tv she’s seen as a ‘asshole’ but behind closed doors Shayna is one of the sweetest people ever. After the cookies was done you and Shayna got into your swimsuits and went outside getting in the pool with Isys following behind.
You and Shayna stood in the water holding each other just smiling at each other until Isys jumped in the pool scaring you which makes you scream but makes Shayna chuckle. You smack her chest chuckling as Isys swam over to you and Shay licking y’all so you both kiss her head in return.
When it got dark you both went inside and she sat on the couch as you took Isys to get a bath, you got her to sit as you scrubbed her you told her she was a good girl which made her tail wag. Every time you gave Isys a bath you would tell her stories even though half the time she didn’t know what you was saying she just loved hearing you talk; she loves you.
When she got out the bath you did her routine on her before she ran in the living room to mess with Shayna. You chuckled as you heard Shayna messing with her back while you cleaned the bathroom, you put the towels in the hamper turning off the light going back into the living room to join Shayna and Isys again.
You sat on the couch leaning on Shayna with your legs on the couch with Isys laying behind them with her head on your hip. You two continued to watch the Star Wars that you were watching earlier with Isys still lying on you covered up sleep.
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Brownie Points
Pairing: Chuck Taylor x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,487
Summary: A shy and nervous Chucky Taylor asks you on a lunch date.
Warnings: None
A/N: Happy Birthday Chuckie!! 🥳
Moodboard is not mine. Credit goes to @katries 🩵
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First dates. First dates can be fun and sweet or they can be awkward and a total disaster.
When Chuck Taylor asked you out after a few weeks of you living next door, he was nervous and had no clue how you would react, mainly because he’s on the road a lot. Therefore, he didn’t have many opportunities to get to know you better. All he knew was you left for work around 6:30am and returned home at 4:30pm, and you went to the gym for an hour or so on certain days, and on some weekends a few of your friends would come over for a girls night. A simplistic life, a life he sometimes wished he had.
It took encouragement from his best friend Orange Cassidy to fully convince Chuck to give it a shot and ask you out, so here he was on your doorstep, last minute nerves slowly getting the better of him, but before he could chicken out, a ding from his phone grabbed his attention. It was Orange Cassidy, who was watching from the kitchen window because he knew his best friend would need encouragement and support.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
Knock. You look creepy just standing there.
Chuck shook his head, a little smile forming on his face and a brief chuckle escaped his lips. He’s right. I can do this. Deep breath and knock. Chuck did just that - took a deep breath and knocked on your door before he lost his nerve.
Less than a minute later the front door opened. There you stood in your loungewear consisting of an old oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, your hair was a little messier than when you left this morning and you hardly had any makeup on. You weren’t a huge makeup wearer, you liked just enough to accentuate your natural beauty.
Chuck stood there stunned. He had seen you all dressed in your work clothes or gym clothes, but he hadn’t seen you like this before. To him, you looked breathtaking. Get it together! Speak! Chuck quickly blinked away the cobwebs in his brain. “I… um… I was wondering if you would maybe… want to go out sometime?” Chuck hated he was stumbling over his words but that’s what happened he spoke to a gorgeous woman. Chuck watched her open her mouth to speak.
You were aware of who Chuck Taylor was. Truth be told, you were a fan of his, so to hear him clumsily ask you on a date was absolutely insane to you. Out of all the women he could ask out, he chose you. You took a moment to calm your mind. “I would love to.” You softly spoke feeling the heat rising in your cheeks.
“How does lunch on Saturday sound?” Chuck quickly crossed his fingers in hopes you were free because if not, it would a few months before he would have free time like this again.
Usually, you’d make the guy sweat by saying you would have to check your schedule, but with Chuck, you just couldn’t do that. You could see he was already stressing out as it was plus you already knew you were available then. “It’s a date.”
The remainder of the week was slow and boring. All you could think about was your lunch date with Chuck. You really wanted things to go well, especially since he was so sweet. You remembered when one particularly windy day a few days ago, the wind knocked your trash can over at the end of the driveway, trash strewn across your front yard. You had been at work and didn’t know about trash filled yard until you pulled into your driveway where Chuck was in your yard picking up the trash. You thanked him and he brushed it off with a ‘What are neighbors for?’
Finally, Saturday arrived. You got up earlier than usual, made a small breakfast then dug through your clothes for a nice outfit. You didn’t think to ask what he had planned for lunch. Would he take you on a picnic? To a cafe? To a restaurant? Would there be any kind of activity that a dress wouldn’t work with? Part of you felt like you were over reacting and that he would have told you if you needed to dress in a particular outfit, but then again he was nervous and could have forgotten.
When Saturday rolled around, Chuck was a nervous wreck. Thankfully, Orange Cassidy was there to help him calm down and prepare for the date. With everything prepped and ready to go, all Chuck had to do was get dressed.
One he was satisfied with his clothes, a nice pale blue shirt and a pair of jeans, and got the Orange Cassidy thumbs up of approval, he was out the door and on the short walk to your house. He hoped you ready and his arrival wouldn’t rush you.
Meanwhile, you had finally settled on a pretty, flowy lavender dress that came down to your knees. You did your makeup like always but added just a little bit more eyeshadow. Your eyes were your favorite feature and wanted to make them pop just a bit more.
A knock at the door pulled your attention away from your thoughts about what this date might hold. You quickly made your way to the door and peeked out the nearby window to see Chuck all dressed up. You stepped back and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Your soft voice brought Chuck back to the present. He looked up at you and he had to pause to collect himself. “Wow.” He breathed out, absolutely stunned. He thought you looked breathtaking.
With his brain short-circuiting, you take the time to really examine him. The blue shirt made his eyes stand out, his hair still had that shagginess to it but styled just enough to give it a more dressed up feel.
Once Chuck finally got his brain back on track, he remembered the baked goods in his hands behind his back. “Oh! And I brought you these brownies. I’m not much of a baker but I think they turned out okay.” Chuck didn’t want to do the traditional, cliché flowers, he wanted to be unique.
“You made me brownies!” You beamed. You loved brownies along with cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes. Desserts are your weakness. “This is so nice. I typically get boring flowers but baked goods are always welcome. Thank you Chuck.” You accepted the brownies and placed them on the small table by the door. You grabbed your purse hanging on the hook above the table before turning back to Chuck. “I’m ready if you are.”
Chuck couldn’t stop smiling. He was thrilled you loved the brownies, even if they might end up tasting disgusting. “Let’s go.” He held his arm out for you, a big smile on his face. Things were going great and he hoped they would stay that way.
Once the two of you were in Chuck’s car, a ding came from his phone. He apologized for the brief interruption to which you shook your head insisting it was okay. He quickly looked at the text.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
You’re doing great. Have fun!
Chuck glanced up and sure enough there was his best friend, watching out the living room window with a thumbs up. He shook his head with a grin while starting the car.
The ride consisted of talks about random favorite things likes animals, movies, shows, books, music, etc.
When the car came to a stop in the small parking lot, you finally noticed that Chuck had taken you to a little cafe that had pretty much everything from coffee and tea to sandwiches and pastries.
Entering the cafe, you noticed the decor was simple yet fun. “This is a cute place.” Your compliment made Chuck relax; he was worried you wouldn’t like a cafe date.
After ordering and picking a table by the window, you decided to ask him about life on the road and what got him into wrestling. You watched as his eyes lit up. The conversation flowed smoothly and ended up transitioning into swapping embarrassing stories. Some of his stories seemed too outrageous to be true but you didn’t mind.
As Chuck listened to you tell a story about how you and your friends pranked one of your friend’s brothers, he got this fuzzy feeling that he had only heard about in books and movies. Guess it is real after all. He just hoped you were feeling the same way.
The butterflies in your stomach were nonstop from the moment you two began learning about each other. Turns out this feeling in the books and movies was real. You could really see yourself being with Chuck Taylor. Most importantly, being happy and loved. You just hoped he was feeling the same way.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
Chuck Taylor Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @springgirlwaiting4fall @morgan-bucks @rubyred1980
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itskybabes-blog · 5 months
The Kiss Of Death
Daniel Garcia x fem!reader
Warning: drinking, still pretty innocent
Part: two
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Word count: 1385 words Comments and advice is welcome.
Part one
The shots keep coming and the chat keeps flowing between Daniel and Y/N. 45 minutes past and they’re still talking at the bar, losing track of time.
They shared some aspects of their lives with each other; Daniel tells her about his hometown of Buffalo, New York and how he loves Bad Bunny. Y/N is a little more reserved, simply because she doesn’t know this man well enough to break down her protective barrier just yet. But, he knows that she’s a photojournalist, taking pictures of some of today’s biggest stars on her cameras.
After he told her a corny joke, Daniel admires the glittery smile of Y/N’s as laughter filled the air around them. His eyes linger on her lips a little longer than expected, but when he realised her erratic laughter was coming to an end, his eyes snapped back to hers.
She lifts her eyebrows: she saw that, but she’s not going to make a fuss out of it.
“You are such a comedian,” Y/N says sarcastically, going against her instinct to flirt with this hunk of a man who is clearly drinking in her beauty. The glint in her eyes, the way light bounced off the tip of her nose, the vivid colour and unique cut of her hair made her standout from the rest – how did he manage to grab her attention for so long?
“I should change careers, right?” Daniel replies. A chuckle escapes Y/N before a comfortable silence ensued.
The two's eyes rest on each other's lips while their bodies inched closer. The music starts to fade out before…
Daniel's head snapped to his right, scowling at a stumbling, slightly intoxicated man approaching the duo. Y/N places her hand in front of her face, trying to shade her eyes from the bright flash darting through the club's low lighting.
"Yo, Danny! You've been gone for a wh- ohh, my bad," the tall and toned man turns off his camera and apologised to the mysterious girl. "I'm sorry! Where's my manners? I'm Isiah."
“Y/N,” you say apprehensively.
The new character stretches his hand out for Y/N to shake, which she did.
Daniel goes red, looking at Y/N with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about him,” he says, “He don’t know when to quit with all that vlogging shit.”
Y/N offers a sweet smile before brushing it off: “It’s okay! Would have liked some warning so I could check how I look.”
She playfully begins to touch her lips and fluff her hair, as if to correct her looks.
“You look gorgeous, what are you talking about?” Daniel interjects, blushing hard again while Isiah teases him.
“Oh, is Danny tryna rizz you up right now? Oh, oh, I see how it is: you left us to chat this girl up. You left your friends over a girl? Aight!” Isiah lays into Danny as the latter playfully keeps trying to shut him up and pushing him away.
Y/N giggles at Isiah’s sarcastic jealousy, before asking, “Who’s ‘us’?”
Isiah points to the rest of the people in the VIP area. “A bunch of us came to the club to celebrate tonight,” he told the young lady. “You should come dance with us! Danny boy’s taken up enough of your time.”
Tenderly, Danny glances at Y/N as hope sparkles in his eyes. He wants to show off his new friend to the rest of the group.
“Sure, um…” – Y/N’s drinking is playing with her memory.
“Isiah! Yes! Sure, Isiah. I’ll come over.”
Danny offers his hand as she get off the bar stool. Her landing was a little rocky because her legs went a bit numb due to the sitting and the alcohol, but she leans into Danny as he protectively walks you over to the gang.
She see a bunch of smiley people having fun in the VIP area behind the DJ booth, and can hear the same laughter emanate from there like it did while Y/N spun the decks.
“Everybody!” Isiah starts to announce to the group, “Look who Danny found at the bar?”
A deep heat rose in your cheeks.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” she attempts to say over the music but her hushed tone is overpowered by the 808s of the tune playing through the club.
“Huh,” a floppy haired guy said in confusion, peering at her over his shades. The other guys and girls – either standing or sitting around their table of drinks, clothes accentuating their chiseled physiques – stared blankly at you. Y/N must admit that anxiety is starting to settle in.
“This is Y/N,” Danny cuts in, saving her. He then proceeds to point to everyone and says their name.
“This is Tyler- ”
“Call me Hook,” the floppy-haired giant gives her an endearing smile and offers her a head nod.
Danny continues: “This is Andretti.”
A golden-skinned muscle man gives her a huge smile and wave, like a bright burst of energy.
With an eyebrow raised and his lips pursed, there’s a cheeky expression on the man’s face. His shirt is open, showing off his washboard abs, and he just gives her a confident “Hey”.
“This is-” “CHEESECAKE!” Isiah yells over Danny, causing him to go red again and give Y/N a sorry look. She again giggles at his cuteness.
The authoritative stance of the Cheesecake man told Y/N he wasn’t anyone to play with.
“Lastly, here’s the girls; Skye, Kiera and Willow.”
The gorgeously dressed women wave, smiling back sweetly before continuing their gossip session.
Y/N sits next to Danny on the couch and talk more about life; he breaks it to her that he’s only in town for a couple of days – he wrestles for some “promotion” called “AEW”…
… she plays stupid. Yes: she loves wrestling – have watched it since she was a child and regularly watched the promotion – but she underplays how much she knows. Y/N don't want Danny to think she's being fake and on some crazy fan girl shit, which is ironic since downplaying what you know is “being fake” but anyways.
Y/N tucks her hair behind her ear, allowing herself to hear better. He tells her something about fighting some Adam Copeland guy: he corrects himself.
“Um, you know Edge? From WWE?”
Her eyes widen. Y/N thought she was up to date on all things AEW but she must have miss the thousands of social updates on the fact thee Edge from Edge and Christian had jumped ships to “the competition.” Danny’s in the big leagues – how cool?!
“Yeah,” Daniel chuckles, admiring that same glint in her eye she had earlier. “That guy!”
“Wow, that’s huge. Congrats!” Y/N says back, beaming a bright smile.
She then proceeds to tell him about her crazy day getting to the club: Y/N was shooting Megan Thee Stallion and she got her drunk, pouring D’usse in her mouth so she was already a bit drunk and could really use some food.
“So, let’s grab a bite!” Danny says before downplaying his eagerness. "I mean, only if you want to."
"Ugh!," Y/N jokingly grunts. "Don't tempt me with a good time. I could eat a horse, right now!"
Y/N grabs her belongings and checks her bag as Danny jumps up and says his parting words to the rest of his posse. Just as she finished triple-checking she had everything, Y/N sees a palm appear in front of her adorned with several gold rings that reflect the strobe lighting in the club.
"Come on, my lady!"
Her head snaps up to see her Prince Charming shine his own pearly whites. And it did something to her, something ineffable, something that she hopes to feel again. She felt a tingle in her soul like no other – as if she can feel their souls tying in the pit of her stomach.
She gladly grabs his hand, swings her bag over her shoulder and waves animatedly to Danny's friends. She tries not to think too much about it, but were they smirking at her? Hmmm.
Danny drags Y/N towards the cloakroom to get her jacket before they try their luck at sobering up under the dazzling starlight.
A/N: Thanks for waiting! As I continue this, this might turn into Drabble instead of a flowing story so expect to see loads of time descriptors at the top of chapters. Just so I can write them quicker.
I also just realise I'm switching between past tense and second tense because dyslexia is dyslexing. Pls bare with but each chapter might be in a different tense: fuck it.
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justanoasisimagines · 1 month
You're injured
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Hey lovelies back with another headcanon. My requests are open! You can find my request guidelines pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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❀Mox doesn't like it when you're injured. He hates seeing you in pain and discomfort.
❀Mox attends every doctor's appointment possible. He wants to know what he can do, and how he can assist your recovery.
❀He's going to make sure you're as comfortable as possible. If you need to have your pillows fluffed, Mox will do it for you. He'll make sure you're warm enough etc.
❀Mox would also buy you all of your favorites to make you feel better. Favorite snacks, favorite movies, favorite dinner etc. Anything he thinks could help.
❀Mox would also reassure you as much as he could. Being injured is frustrating. Mox has experience with this. So he's going to help you through the bad days during your recovery.
❀Mox doesn't like to see you injured, however, he's always proud of your recovery. Observing the battle and the endurance Mox is an awe of you. He vocalizes this often.
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