#ADV Rider Utah
advpulse · 1 year
“Trail options on the provided GPX tracks let you ride in almost any direction heading towards Joshua Tree National Park, Big Bear Lake, or Johnson Valley, with difficulty ranging from mild to spicy and most trails including some amount of sand.”
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sswingarm · 5 years
Renting an Adventure Bike - SALT LAKE CITY, UT
Renting an Adventure Bike – SALT LAKE CITY, UT
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As you can tell from the frequency of my posting, I’ve been a busy guy lately.  Sorry for the long delay between the stories.  I want to share a recent experience from a business trip to Salt Lake City, UT.  I’m not a huge fan of Salt Lake City mostly due to the 86% tax on cigars.  Sweet baby Jesus – 86 freaking percent.  You can buy guns everywhere but they tax the hell out of premium cigars. …
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jprez006 · 5 years
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The day after randomly meeting and riding with a 71 year old rider, I randomly crossed paths with another rider, this time a 53 year old man named Doug (In pic #2), from Dayton Ohio. Doug has lived his whole life with “A Fib”, he told me a bit about it but I didn’t want to focus on it as he has obviously been dealing with it forever and is still going. He told me that he was out in Moab on a bucket list moto trip and working his way across the country to ride in all these places he’s never been. Doug needed rest now and then, as his heart beat has been out of wack for a few weeks now, he told me that that has happened his whole life, sometimes for months at a time, and that when that happens he has fatigue, numbing of fingers and toes, can’t eat at all (he’d lost 100 lbs. in the last year) among other things. I’m not sure if my reasoning for this post but Doug told me, as we sat on the edge of a cliff and I ate a wrap, “I’m not gonna go laying on a bed somewhere, I’m gonna go out on my terms”, That was very real. Thanks Doug. Last 2 pics are from the day before on long canyon road. #moab #utah #adv #advrider #dualsport #moto #motorcycle #adventurerider #ktm #ktm690enduro #690enduro #pirelli #arai #moskomoto #twowheels #wingsexhaust (at Moab, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPfbelnHad/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19j1jjilzhcv1
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giantloop · 6 years
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Repost from @advexplore using @RepostRegramApp - Happy Thanksgiving 🦃!! It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Sometimes life gets hectic and busy. But I am thankful for this community of riders/creators that motivates me daily to get out there and explore on two wheels. All of you are HECK’IN amazing! #wanderlust #worldtraveler #adv #advrider #adventure #explore #explorer #exploring #exploremore #discover #discovery #dualsport #journey #getoutside #optoutside #offroad #outside #outdoors #nature #moto #mountains #motorcycle #ktm #adv #Utah #riding #hiking #camping #ventureout #travel #golightgofastgofar #designedinbendoregon #roguedrybag #greatbasinsaddlebag #diablotankbag (at Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqh5iuaHWFB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lgw29ek01rw7
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