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poliversearuba · 9 months ago
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Mientras otro ta para pa derecho igual, otro ta sconde patras di coleganan homofobico. Strategizing con pa sigui discrimina na Aruba. Riba twitter nan ta yamando e Shailiny Cobarde Tromp-Lee.
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kikotapasando · 3 months ago
  Prome Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes:   Miguel Mansur a mal uza tarima di un Debate Nacional pa ataca hobennan GOBIERNO DI ARUBA TA LAMENTA ATAKENAN DI MIGUEL MANSUR CONTRA PARLAMENTO HUBENIL E clase di odio, vengansa y envidia aki ta loke ta dañando politica na Aruba ORANJESTAD – Diamars 19 di november, durante e Debate Nacional organisa pa plataforma “Vota Pa Ken?”, lider di Partido Accion21,…
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poliversearuba · 9 months ago
Political Drama Unfolds in Aruba: MEP's Game Plan and the Battle for Same-Sex Marriage Rights
The political landscape in Aruba is heating up again with the recent proposal for a same-sex marriage law. The Movimiento Electoral di Pueblo (MEP) has been at the forefront of political maneuvers, with the President of Parliament finding himself entangled in a self-created mess. Miguel Mansur has put Edgard's role on the line, not due to Edgard's fault but rather his own pride. Sometimes, pride needs to be set aside, especially in cases that demand justice and human rights. Edgard, it's time to set aside arrogance and stand up for what is right.
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It's challenging to understand why representatives, who claim to act in the best interest of the people, choose to act incorrectly. The strategy from the beginning has been clear: play the political game. Both parties are aware of each other's moves. MEP informed Edgard that Benny Sievinger would be unavailable the week he had to attend to his court case. Benny Sievinger was one of the pro voters; without his vote, MEP rushed to call a meeting. This move violated the regulations, which require at least four days' notice for parliamentary preparation. In this case, the only preparation needed was for the vote itself.
However, MEP did not anticipate Mike Eman, another opponent, being absent. His absence would have resulted in a tie or even a aceptance of the law. The situation escalated quickly, and it was entertaining to see parliamentarians panic and act without thinking. Just like their speeches in parliament, but that is a topic for another day.
Within two hours, MEP was informed of Edgard's impulsive decision, prompting a call to the Prime Minister to notify that Mike Eman would not be in Aruba, and just like that the date was changed again. In the following days, MEP will attempt to shift the narrative, suggesting the urgency was driven by the co-signers: Accion21, MAS, and RAIZ. Urgency, for what reason? There was no rush since they had 30 days to call the meeting, hoping the Hoge Raad (Supreme Court) would have made a decision by then, allowing them to wash their hands of the matter. But life teaches us that when you act in bad faith, things don't go well. They wanted to leave life-altering decisions to the Hoge Raad, which has now declared, "Put your big pants on and face the rainbow."
The Hoge Raad decided that the Aruban Parliament must fix their issues. The Hoge Raad is washing its hands of the parliamentary antics, with the Netherlands watching the game and the incompetence, deciding to delay the date by two months. How unfunctional must your parliament be for the Hoge Raad to simply leave you at last seen?
We are left waiting to see what strategies Edgard will attempt to break the law, how Shailinny might be thrown under the bus to protect her party, and how Erasmus is still waiting for her business plan to decide if people deserve equal rights. On June 18th, we will meet at the Hoek roundabout, where Tevreden and Berlis, along with Mike Eman and Evelyn Wever-Croes, will explain to us the meaning of a superiority complex.
Stay tuned for what promises to be an eventful political showdown.
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poliversearuba · 11 months ago
Hipocresia Politico: Scondemento tras di Procedura pa purba tapa Homofobia
Inclusividad y igualdad ta actualmente e direccion cu mundo ta bayendo den e evolucion di derecho humano. Pues e accionnan y retorica di partido politico MEP ta sobresali manera un anomalia.
Desaroyonan reciente a ilumina e reluctancia di MEP pa acepta progreso, particularmente tocante legalisacion di matrimonio entre pareha di mesun sexo. E postura di algun parlamentario di MEP ta cualifica pa hopi como no solamente homofobico pero profundamente hipocrita.
Na un momento cu nacionnan rond di mundo ta reconociendo y sosteniendo e derechonan di comunidad LGBTQ+, e status legal di matrimonio entre pareha di mesun sexo ainda ta un campo di bataya. MEP, cu su influencia politico significante, historicamente a keda baila riba e balansa pa loke ta trata derechonan LGBTQ+, nunca comprometiendo completamente na e causa di igualdad. E controversia mas reciente, surgiendo for di nan actonan cu ta prefera laga gobierno cay enbes di pone un fecha pa trata e ley di matrimonio entre pareha di mesun sexo.
Poniendo un fecha pa trata un ley cu ya caba tin casi dos aña cla no ta kita cu ainda nan por:
vota contra of sali di sala,
sigui tene reunion di comision,
demostra cu nan ta contra derecho humano.
Esaki ta un testimonio claro di nan priorisacion di maniobranan politico ariba e reglanan di parlamento.
Sin lubida e decision pa hiba e bataya prensa, un bataya cu mester a wordo hiba den sala di Parlamento di Aruba. "Un Presidente di Parlamento di Aruba no por maluza e autoridadnan di su funcion pa yuda algun parlamentario sigui pospone e tratamento", segun Parlamentario di RAIZ.
E descrepancia entre e balornan den partido MEP pa loke ta derecho di e comunidad LGBTQ+ ta decepcionante pero tambe daniño. Partido MEP ta directamente contribuyendo na e continuidad di desigualdad y discriminacion na Aruba.
E hipocrecia aki ta prehudicial, deteriorando e confiansa den institucionnan politico pa actua como boz di pueblo pa TUR ciudadano, y no solamente manera lider di partido MEP a menciona "pa nan achterbaan".
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E incapacidad di Presidente di Parlamento(MEP) pa wordo uza door di podernan tras di cortina pa kies un fecha, den un agenda di Parlamento basicamente bashi, ta claramenta demostra e wega politico cu partido tradicional ta keda pusha. Lider di Accion21 tin rason ora a bisa cu no tin sosten mas pa e Presidente actual, siguramente no for di pueblo y siguramente no si e ta laga su partido secuestra Parlamento su agenda.
E mas tristo di henter e situacion ta cu lamentablemente MEP no ta su so, e ta den mesun boto cu AVP y un otro parlamentario independiente. Un boto cu ta nabegando cu direccion patras hunto cu nan "achterbaan" homofobico.
Nan ta manda e mensahe cu algun ciudadanonan ta menos merecedor di derechonan y proteccion, un nocion anti-etico na e principionan di democracia y dignidad humano.
Accion21 y RAIZ a bin ta pushando di ora a entrega e ley na Presidente. Tin cu remarca cu MAS su silencio ta papia hopi tambe, ponebo kere cu nan a djis firma pa firma. Wel, sikiera nan ta cosciente cua banda ta corecto.
Pa bai bek na e parlamentarionan homofobico, bo no por tira e palabra igualdad y inclusion aki aya den bo discursonan pero ora bo mester tuma accion pa walk the talk bo ta sconde tras di procedura. Esey atrobe ta hipocresia total!
Bo no por para dilanti tur ser muhe riba Dia Internacional di Hende Muhe y bisa cu tin hopi mas pa logra pero no ta haci nada pa e ser muhe logra. Bo no por laga bo colega parlamentarionan sponsor monetariamente un video religioso fomentando discriminacion den comunidad. Esey ta falta di integridad humano.
Sin conta cu ta falta di conocemento pa no bisa inteligencia, pa por ta un politico paso con como politico, parlamentario of minister, bo no sa di separacion di iglesia y estado?
Teniendo esey na cuenta, ta urgi tur parlamentario pa no acepta pa wordo maluza. E costo di boso inaccion ta demasiado halto y ta wordo midi den e bida di esnan cu ta ser nenga nan derechonan.
E legalizacion di matrimonio entre pareha di mesun sexo no ta un asunto politico pero un derecho humano fundamental cu mester ser reconoci y sosteni. E postura di partidonan contra esaki y ta purba di tur manera pa hinca religion aden ta simplemente homofobia y hipocresia. Como sociedad, nos mester exigi mas miho di nos lidernan y representantenan.
Nos mester tene nan responsabel, urgi pa nan descarta nan prehuicionan y brasa principio di dignidad y igualdad pa tur.
Ki bal bo bisa bo famia y amistadnan cu bo ta aceptanan mane nan ta pero ta haci tur den bo poder pa oprimi nan derechonan como ser humano?
Ki bal discursonan di "Union y Libertad" mientras bo tin un parti di comunidad prisonero di progreso?
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