fmet · 11 months
NoHome is so utterly fucked for everything it does like. What do you mean Haejoon and Eunyung see each other as extensions of their mothers because they’re so deprived of motherly affection they’re helpless to the urge to project onto anyone that offers even a modicum of affection and understanding to them. But because of their dramatically different outlooks on family due to growing up in supportive, yet dysfunctional, versus outright abusive, households, Haejoon looks to Eunyung as a place of support to haphazardly fill the gaps his mothers loss carved in him, while Eunyung looks to Haejoon as a larger than life, inaccessible monolith of morality that he can never appease and must always be afraid of. And because of these juxtaposed views of one another they can never truly begin to understand each other despite knowing the most about one another compared to everyone else in their lives. With every step that molds them closer to each other there’s another barrier put up that prevents them from ever actually touching the others heart. What if I died.
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