timechange · 4 months
The two people Marty takes after in his biological family are his grandmother, Sylvia Miskin (with the stage name Trixie Trotter), and his great-grandfather William "Willie" McFly. Not only is there a strong physical resemblance (especially with his great grandfather), Marty inherits his grandmother's musical talent. Both also have a strength of character and spirit that Marty also has.
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ofweave · 16 days
it's verse / thread dependent whether gale absorbs the shadow weave from the thorms or not. if he does, it's not a power hungry act; he believes his end might be near and the continuous presence of the shadow curse has been eating at his mental well - being to the point that he thinks he should take any advantage he can get to ensure the party survives until they reach the heart of the absolute.
he feels tainted by the shadow weave, but even still he will make use of it in the event he does absorb it.
it also doesn't leave him — akin to a chronic injury, he's going to suffer from it for the rest of his life.
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moonspower · 10 months
the virote srisati vibes are immaculate here...
the gentle humming at the beginning... the sudden demonic shriek that drones on from her mouth... no one even bothers to look or stop to stare... then just going back to the humming...
vi around san francisco tbh. or anywhere i guess. and everyone in the neighborhood is just like ' virote's on that shit again. ' and then pay no mind.
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foliarlight · 1 year
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✧ Fullbody reference for his appearance in this verse. ✧ Alhaitham is of the Erudition Path and uses the Imaginary Element. His primary weapon is a sword that resembles a scimitar, though he also uses refraction and mirrors in his kit. These are technological constructs created through digital means. His combat style heavily resembles the trope of a spellsword in this verse, though he does not use real magic and the skills merely resemble such. He is a quick and efficient fighter, his attacks typically doing widespread damage to swiftly end an encounter. ✧ He is classified as an android and may appear similar to Sheila upon first glance. However, his AI processes are far superior and so advanced that they can barely be distinguished from humans. He was a prototype formerly created by the Aeon of Rebirth ( Deshret's equivalent ) through ancient technology. On most occasions, he only introduces himself as a S.A.P.A ( " self-sustaining autonomous processing android " ) to avoid unnecessary questions and prying minds. Any further inquiries are met with silence, claiming that this data is prohibited without clearance. The name that was given to him by his former creator was Project-[V0L4NS.] Although he does not share this information, a part of him continues to identify with the name in spite of his chosen designation, " Alhaitham. " ✧ Deshret was an Aeon of Rebirth and Wisdom. Many Amber Eras ago he passed away in his incessant pursuit of knowledge and eventually paid the price. Before his ultimate demise, he managed to imbue his project with a fragment of his essence. Like many other Aeons who have passed away, what still remained of him was assimilated into the Erudition Nous and became apart of the greater path, his name gradually being forgotten.
✧ Literally no one knows where he is from and he refuses to elaborate, typically citing that it is confidential information that will not be shared. ✧ He is a member of the Intelligentsia Guild. Although he definitely has the potential to join the Genius Society and was offered to number among their ranks in the past, he has no interest in being put on some pedestal and has been far more content in this more lowkey position. Unfortunately, this invitation has not gone unnoticed and as a result, people still tend to approach him for all sorts of matters, making him a well known member of the guild. He is considered to be highly knowledgeable and analytical. ✧ He keeps to himself and is hard to find unless he wishes to be found. Most members of the Intelligentsia Guild know not to bother him once he has left the relevant premises and he ensures not to be roped into doing extra hours unless it is necessary. Good luck finding him once he left.
✧ Highly elaborated module for linguistics and ancient script. He utilizes this skill to decipher obscure knowledge that others may be incapable of reading. As such, he has accumulated a vast breadth of knowledge and has access to information that others may not. He is not dissimilar to an archivist, though some may also consider him a knowledge broker. This hails back to the ideals of the Intelligentsia Guild of circulating knowledge like currency, albeit Alhaitham rarely shares what he knows unless it is a fair trade — and even then, he only offers a miniscule percentage of it. ✧ Similar to his main verse, his " headphones " double as an auditory processing device, though they cannot be taken off and are an inherent part of his being. Eavesdropping is exceptionally easy and they are also able to record surrounding sounds, such as ongoing conversations. ✧ His eyes are cybernetic and capable of scanning their environment to draw information from it. This also includes thermal vision, enhancing to view greater detail, being capable of discerning the components of what he is looking at, etc. These eyes resemble his original ones in design, however upon closer inspection they have noticeably mechanical parts. ✧ He shares his residence with Kaveh ( @ksharhrewar ), a famous engineer who primarily works at Herta's Space Station. Although their relationship has its ups and downs, they ultimately benefit from each other's presence and Kaveh is the only one he trusts for maintenance.
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Design & art credit © Genshin Poker
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cozybistro · 1 year
quick accomplishments for mr. gianni castello:
trained under antonio carluccio as a sous chef, also briefly spent some time guided by giuliano bugialli. was a dish washer before this.
majored in accounting.
real estate license.
specializes in italian - nouveau american fusion cuisine, helped a colleague with being a co-founder of a bakery in the upper east side called edgar's pâtisserie.
owns three restaurants. knife + petal in brooklyn, a mano in staten island, and thursday afternoon in manhattan. thursday afternoon is his baby, though. nice bistro with a little shop attached to it where you can buy kits to take home and cook the food yourself. turns into a wine bar at night on fridays and saturdays.
worked on wall street very early in his career of being a restaurateur and fleeced thousands upon thousands—maybe even millions—in money laundering and insider trading. dipped before it got too hot and he caught attention.
has a very cute dog named biscotti, he is a komondor.
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essedesarcasmo · 2 years
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never introduce me into a vibe u can't mantain
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hopeled · 1 year
which ancient greek character are you?
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you are antigone, from the theban plays by sophocles. you are bold, unwavering in your morals and your passion, an unstoppable force of nature. but when you go head-to-head with an immovable object, your ideals can lead you to self-destruction. you are stubbornly resilient and fearless to a fault, and aren't afraid to stand alone in the face of death. antigone, in your quest for justice, don't forget: you are allowed to step back, to love life a little, to be young once more before soldiering on to the very very end. be selfish in your fierceness, just once.
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edgedglorya · 1 year
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melancholic pneumonia
you carry the past with you, it clutters up your lungs. the golden sand of beloved memories, the rainbow of missed opportunities you still agonize over, the dust of a life spend doing mostly banal things. they escape you with every breath, your cough stained with impossible colors. in a way the dust reflects your constant forgetting of the past - the hundreds of things you let go of every day to make room for hundreds more. you are choking on your own past, the architect of your own demise, each breath sour and harsh. letting go of the past now won't do you any good - it's far to late already, your melancholy is already flooding your lungs. enjoy a few last breaths of the present. the past is catching up quick
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haitipsychic · 1 year
what color is your soulmark?
the color you most fit is orange.
out of all the colors, people with an orange soul color are the most social. they are happiest around people and prefer to be out partying than sitting at home on a friday night. they are never short of friends and get to know people all over the world.
orange soulcolored people are always looking to excite themselves and often do dangerous or thrilling things to feel alive. they are heavily competitive and excel in sports and physical activities. they rarely self reflect, preferring to stay in the here and now instead of dreaming about the future.
dealing with an orange soul colored person is pretty easy. they don't hold grudges over simple things and prefer not to judge others. in fact, they're most likely to ignore stereotypes and befriend anyone that will talk to them, regardless of sexuality, race, gender, or mark.
due to their nature of never wanting to settle, they never stay committed to something for long, often bouncing from interest to interest.
this causes them to constantly be looking for the next thrill, and they often grow bored with their environment quickly. schedules are not their strong suit. they are also the most likely to give up on something should it not give them a sense of purpose.
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timechange · 3 months
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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Y’know, despite Raven being like...5’4 and generally built like a noodle.
Disarmingly strong. Probably comes from the fact he’s not...really human and all.
Has pinned to a wall and manhanded a guy a foot taller than him and built like a brick shit house in the past, could do it again.
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ofweave · 8 months
𝐍*𝐅𝐖 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 :   please   repost , don’t   reblog !
bold what applies - italicise sometimes - strike never
INCINATIONS  /  HABITS submissive • dominant • prefers   to   top • prefers   to   bottom • likes   to   switch ( sub / service top ) • heterosexual • gay • lesbian • bisexual • asexual • pansexual • demisexual • enjoys   sex   with   men • enjoys   sex   with   women • enjoys   sex   with   genderfluid ,   agender ,  demigender ,  or   nonbinary   individuals • enjoys   sex   with   all   genders   regardless   of   identity  •   enjoys   sex   with   multiple   people   at   a   time • initiates • waits   for   partner   to   initiate • spits • swallows • morning   sex   • night   sex • sex   any   time • no   sex   drive • low   sex   drive • average   sex   drive • high   sex   drive • fluctuating sex drive
BODY  &  APPEARANCE slender   build • medium   build • athletic   build • muscular   build • curvy   build • voluptuous • chubby   build • wears   boxers • wears   boxer   briefs • wears   lingerie • goes   commando • shaves • trims • waxes • does   not   shave • cup    size    a   -   c • cup   size   d   -   f   •   1   -   5   ”   in   length ( thank you fantasy hrt ) • between  5   -   6   “   in   length • 6  -  9   ”   in   length   •   10  ”   or   over   in   length
SOUNDS silent • quiet • loud • grows   in   volume   over   time • bites   hand • bites   partner • bites   pillow   to   muffle   self • calls   out   partners   name • curses calls out to the gods • fakes • exaggerates • prefers   a   quiet   partner • prefers   a   loud   partner • prefers   a   partner   who   grows   in   volume   over   time   •  no  volume  preference • turned   on   by   dirty   talk • turned   off   by   dirty   talk
TURN ONS  /  KINKS having   their   hands   pinned • pinning   partner’s   hands • having   own   hair   pulled • pulling   partner’s   hair • being   watched  (   by   their   partner   ) • being   watched   (   by   a   third   party   ) • watching   their   partner • receiving   oral • giving   oral • giving   praise • receiving   praise • biting   or   marking • being   bitten   or   marked • spanking • being   spanked • teasing • being   teased • having   toys   used   on   them • using   toys   on   their   partner • giving   anal • receiving   anal • choking • being   choked • dirty   talk • being   tied   up  • tying   partner   up • being   worshipped • worshipping   partner • humiliating • being   humiliated   ( very rarely ) • degrading • being   degraded • knife   play • blood   play • gun   play magic play • being   pegged • pegging   partner • partner   wearing   lingerie • wearing   lingerie • whipping • being   whipped • being  edged • edging • overstimulation • anonymous  sex • clothed   /   partially   clothed • deep   -   throating • nipple  play • public  sex • sadism   /   masochism
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moonspower · 11 months
should i write a meta on vi's aunt francine........ aka Fancy. aunt fancy. she's beth's mom and an incarnation of the largest star in the galaxy uy scuti . . . imagine, if you will, a star that's the size of our entire inner solar system, that even engulfs the radius between the sun and jupiter, where a photon from the core would take 43 minutes to reach the surface if nothing got in its way. then you'd have uy scuti. the volume of the star is 5 billion suns, meaning you could fit in every object in our solar system inside the star many times over and still have plenty of room to spare. it is thus far the largest—though not most massive—star known in our galaxy.
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and she taught vi everything that she knows.
she's a very easygoing woman and nothing phases her but if u cross her once its your ass, baby. she has a tea kettle collection out of this world and her favorite music genre is bluegrass. also soul. the philly kind to be exact! you can find her on her balcony, tuning her flute and contemplating. she'll give you the best sweet tea of your life.
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foliarlight · 2 years
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YOU ARE THE AMAZONITE. Above all else, you seek truth. YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS. You want to take things apart and put them back together again. Your methods of dealing with stress and fear is to understand where it comes from. You face your demons with a focused mind and readied fists. YOU SEE EVERYTHING SO CLEARLY, except yourself. It is so much harder to look inward than it is to analyze everyone else around you. What are you so afraid of looking at? What is it within yourself you don't want to touch? Maybe one day you will expose the parts of yourself you cannot yet understand.
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Tagged by: Yoinked it! Tagging: @ksharhrewar @caduceuss @suiyuun @zhongshen @constellatory @ecleips @caelune @erabundus @inavagrant @narvvhal @khemiia @momijiba @supportingfire @raeso @maquiscursed @charmingbrute @csial and anyone else who wants to! If you were already tagged, please feel free to ignore.
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cozybistro · 1 year
gianni is a scorpio sun, libra moon, taurus rising.
Sun 11°36' Scorpio Moon 18°14' Libra Mercury 4°44' Sagittarius Venus 4°51' Libra Mars 22°06' Libra Jupiter 5°28' Capricorn Saturn 19°40' Я Gemini Uranus 20°08' Libra Neptune 4°08' Sagittarius Pluto 3°20' Libra Chiron 13°56' Я Aries Ceres 29°00' Libra Pallas 9°51' Libra Juno 13°37' Scorpio Vesta 14°50' Я Gemini Node 19°27' Я Capricorn Lilith 19°14' Scorpio Fortune 16°35' Gemini AS 23°12' Taurus MC 1°44' Aquarius
very quirky little chart. never seen a double libra in venus and mars.
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sensoryled · 2 years
marcellus’s experimental medical treatments as a child and their outcomes.
marcellus’s parents were, from the time he was confirmed deaf immediately after his birth, in denial about his deafness. in a classic case of ableism veiled as good intentions, his parents spent the first two years of his life looking for affordable treatments to attempt to “restore” his hearing. when he was two years old, his parents were approached by medical folks conducting research into using pokemon genes to cure a number of maladies -- one such “malady” was deafness. their medicine was still in early stages, however, and the research very incomplete. despite this, his parents took the chance and enrolled him in the study.
clearly, since he is still deaf, the treatments did not work. they instead had unintended consequences. the premise under which the researchers were operating was that genes from a sound-based pokemon, such as whismur, jigglypuff, or chatot, could make it possible for a deaf person to hear. they isolated some genes from a whismur and incorporated them into marcellus’s own cells through a viral vector. in layman’s terms, they copy-pasted whismur genes into marcellus, hoping this would enable him to hear. ( it failed. )
the result of these treatments was not identifiable when the researchers were evaluating him, and only started to become apparent later on. they are as follows. first, after fourteen years, the cells in marcellus’s body have been fully replaced twice, which has given the whismur dna more than enough opportunity to permeate all of his cells. i cannot quantify what percent of his dna is whismur, as that is a complicated biological subject. what i will say is that it is the reason for the next few effects. second, marcellus is more sensitive to sound/vibrations in a tactile sense, even though he cannot hear. third, in addition to the psychic moves he can learn and bite, marcellus can also use uproar. ( note: his current moveset is psychic + bite + uproar + calm mind. ) fourth, marcellus’s hair will gradually turn pink. it is a slow process, but even now, you can start to see some pink pigmentation in his roots. fifth, and finally, pokeballs will react to marcellus, and he will respond to them like a pokemon -- his catch odds are, however, very low. he is about as hard to ‘catch’ as a legendary pokemon. i do not advise trying it, as he will defend himself through physical violence.
edit: marcellus does not currently know about the study or what it entailed. the fact that he has whismur dna is completely unknown to him. if you were to try to ‘catch’ him, you would have one chance where he would not be expecting the pokeball to work.
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