#ABCI 3.0
icnweb · 2 months
일본 AIST, 수천 개의 엔비디아 H200 GPU 채택으로 AI 슈퍼컴퓨터 구축
ABCI 3.0 프로젝트, 일본 경제산업성이 지원하는 10억 달러 규모의 광범위 이니셔티브 프로젝트 [아이씨엔매거진 오승모 기자] AI 컴퓨팅 기술 분야의 선두주자인 엔비디아(nvidia)가 일본 산업기술총합연구소(AIST)의 ABCI 3.0 슈퍼컴퓨터에 수천 개의 엔비디아(NVIDIA) H200 텐서 코어(Tensor Core) GPU가 통합된다고 밝혔다. ABCI 3.0은 AI 연구 개발을 발전시키기 위해 설계된 일본의 대규모 개방형 AI 컴퓨팅 인프라의 최신 버전이다. 이번 협력은 AI 역량을 발전시키고 기술 독립성을 강화하려는 일본의 노력을 강조한다. ABCI 3.0 슈퍼컴퓨터는 카시와에 위치한 일본 AIST 운영 시설에 설치될 예정이다. (이미지: AIST) AIST의 이사인 요시오…
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teknolojihaber · 2 months
HPE, NVIDIA H200'ü temel alan Japonya'nın en güçlü yapay zeka süper bilgisayarı ABCI 3.0'ı üretecek
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Japonya Ulusal İleri Endüstriyel Bilim ve Teknoloji Enstitüsü (AIST), 2018'de başlatılan ABCI yapay zeka platformunun bir güncellemesi olan Kashiwa, Chiba Eyaleti'nde yeni bir Yapay Zeka Köprüleme Bulut Altyapısı 3.0 (ABCI 3.0) süper bilgisayarı inşa etme planlarını duyurdu. NVIDIA bloguna göre yeni süper bilgisayar, ülkedeki hem kamu hem de özel kuruluşlara bulut hizmeti olarak sunulacak . Yüklenici, 200G NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand ara bağlantısıyla birlikte NVIDIA H200 hızlandırıcılara sahip Cray XD platformunu kullanan bir sistem kuracak olan HPE'dir . HPE, toplam düğüm sayısı, sistemin maliyeti ve devreye alınma zamanlaması hakkındaki ayrıntıları açıklamadı. The Register kaynağına göre , sekiz adet NVIDIA H200/H100 hızlandırıcıyı ve bir çift Intel Xeon Emerald Rapids'i barındırabilen 5U Cray XD670 düğümlerine sahip bir sistemden bahsediyoruz . Ayrıca kuantum ve hibrit hesaplama alanındaki araştırmalara odaklanan ABCI-Q makinesi NVIDIA H100 hızlandırıcıları temel alınarak hazırlanıyor. HPE, ABCI 3.0'ın yaklaşık 6,2 Eflops (FP16?) veya 410 Pflops (FP64) ile Japonya'daki en hızlı yapay zeka süper bilgisayarı olmasının beklendiğini söyledi. ABCI 3.0 projesi, Ekonomik Güvenlik Fonu aracılığıyla ülkenin bilgi işlem kaynaklarını güçlendirmek amacıyla Japonya Ekonomi, Ticaret ve Sanayi Bakanlığı (METI) tarafından destekleniyor. Bu, hem ABCI programını hem de yapay zeka destekli bulut bilişime yapılan yatırımları içeren 1 milyar dolarlık daha geniş METI girişiminin bir parçası. Read the full article
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pc7ooo · 2 months
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HPE построит самый мощный в Японии ИИ-суперкомпьютер ABCI 3.0 на базе NVIDIA H200
Японский национальный институт передовых промышленных наук и технологий (AIST) объявил о планах по строительству в Касива (Kashiwa, префектура Тиба) нового суперкомпьютера AI Bridging Cloud Infrastructure 3.0 (ABCI 3.0), представляющего собой очередное обновление ИИ-платформы ABCI, запущенной в 2018 году. Новый суперкомпьютер будет предлагаться в качестве облачного сервиса как государственным, так и частным организациям страны, сообщается в блоге NVIDIA. В качестве подрядчика выступает HPE, которая построит систему с использованием платформы Cray XD с ускорителями NVIDIA H200, объединённых 200G-интерконнектом NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand. HPE не стала раскрывать подробности об общем количестве узлов, стоимости системы и сроках её ввода в эксплуатацию. Как полагает ресурс The Register, речь идёт о системе с 5U-узлами Cray XD670, способными вместить восемь ускорителей NVIDIA H200/H100 и пару Intel Xeon Emerald Rapids. Кроме того, готовится машина ABCI-Q на базе ускорителей NVIDIA H100, ориентированная на исследования в области квантовых и гибридных вычислений.
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/07/15/296-hpe-postroit-samyy-moschnyy-v-yaponii-ii-superkompyuter-abci-30-na-baze-nvidia-h200-grss-324442888.html
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govindhtech · 2 months
Advanced ABCI 3.0 Supercomputer Increases AI Sovereignty
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ABCI Supercomputer
Japan’s Advanced ABCI 3.0 Supercomputer Increases  AI Sovereignty. HPE built a new  AI supercomputer for AIST, one of the nation’s largest public research institutes, using hundreds of NVIDIA H200 GPUs and Quantum-2 InfiniBand.
Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) will add thousands of NVIDIA H200 Tensor Core GPUs to its AI Bridging  Cloud Infrastructure 3.0 supercomputer. to boost AI sovereignty and R&D. HPE Cray XD will use NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand networking for performance and scalability.
ABCI 3.0, Japan’s latest Open AI Computing Infrastructure, promotes AI research and development. This partnership demonstrates Japan’s dedication to strengthening its technical independence and developing its AI capabilities.
AIST Executive Officer Yoshio Tanaka stated, “They launched ABCI, the world’s first large-scale open  AI computing infrastructure, in August 2018.” “They’re upgrading to ABCI 3.0 now, building on their expertise operating ABCI over the past few years. Their goal is to transform ABCI 3.0 into a computer infrastructure that will help Japan’s generative AI research and development capabilities grow in partnership with NVIDIA.
“It’s imperative to quickly cultivate research and development capabilities within Japan as generative  AI prepares to catalyze global change,” stated Hirotaka Ogawa, Head of ABCI Operations at AIST Solutions Co. and Producer. “With their partnership with NVIDIA and HPE, Your that this significant upgrade of ABCI will strengthen the organization’s leadership in both domestic industry and academia, advancing Japan’s  AI development towards global competitiveness and acting as a cornerstone for future innovation.”
ABCI 3.0: Japanese AI Research and Development Enters a New Era
AIST, its corporate subsidiary AIST Solutions, and its system integrator Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) are responsible for building and running ABCI 3.0.
The ABCI 3.0 project is a component of a larger $1 billion initiative by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, or METI, which includes both ABCI efforts and investments in cloud AI computing. METI has supported the project’s efforts to strengthen its computing resources through the Economic Security Fund.
Following a visit by company founder and CEO Jensen Huang last year, where he met with business and political heavyweights, including Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, to explore the future of  AI, NVIDIA is closely partnering with METI on research and teaching.
NVIDIA’s Dedication to the Future of Japan
Huang promised to work with others on research, especially in the areas of robotics, quantum computing, and generative  AI. He also promised to invest in AI startups and offer product support, training, and education.
Huang stressed during his tour the importance of “AI factories,” which are next-generation data centers built to handle the most computationally demanding AI activities, in converting massive volumes of data into intelligence.
Huang declared, “The AI factory will become the bedrock of modern economies across the world,” in a December meeting with Japanese media. With its energy-efficient design and ultra-high-density data center, ABCI offers a reliable infrastructure for creating big data and  artificial intelligence applications.
By year’s end, the system should be operational and provide cutting-edge resources for  AI research and development. It will be located close to Tokyo in Kashiwa.
Superior Processing Speed and Effectiveness
The establishment will provide:
Six  AI exaflops, a measurement of AI-specific performance in the absence of sparsity 408 double-precision petaflops, a unit of measurement for overall computer power The Quantum-2 InfiniBand platform connects each node with a bisectional bandwidth of 200 GB/s.
The foundation of this effort is NVIDIA technology, with hundreds of nodes outfitted with eight NVLlink-connected H200 GPUs each, offering hitherto unheard-of computational performance and efficiency.
The first GPU to provide more than 140 GB of HBM3e memory at 4.8 terabytes per second (TB/s) is the NVIDIA H200. Larger and faster memory on the H200 allows for faster generative AI and LLMs, as well as more advanced scientific computing for HPC workloads with reduced total cost of ownership and improved energy efficiency.
For  AI workloads like LLM token creation, NVIDIA H200 GPUs are 15X more energy-efficient than ABCI’s previous-generation architecture.
The combination of cutting-edge NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand with In-Network computing, which offloads processing from the CPU to networking devices to perform data computations, guarantees effective, fast, low-latency communication essential for managing large datasets and demanding  AI tasks.
ABCI is a platform to expedite collaborative AI research and development with industry, academia, and governments. It has state-of-the-art computing and data processing capabilities.
METI’s significant investment demonstrates Japan’s strategic goal of boosting AI development capabilities and quickening the use of generative AI.
ABCI infrastructure
The advanced  cloud computing platform ABCI ( AI Bridging  Cloud Infrastructure) 3.0 aids  artificial intelligence research and development. Here are a few of ABCI 3.0‘s main attributes and advantages:
Principal Elements of High-Performance Computing (HPC)
Outfitted with cutting-edge GPUs and CPUs to deliver significant processing capability. suited for AI workloads, allowing for quicker machine learning model inference and training. Scalability. Able to flexibly scale resources in response to the demands of  AI workloads. Facilitates large-scale production deployments as well as small-scale trials.
Makes use of high-speed networking technology to provide high throughput and minimal latency. Allows for the effective transport of data across computing nodes.
Energy Effectiveness
Energy-efficient parts were used in the design to reduce the environmental effect. uses sophisticated power management and cooling systems to cut down on energy use.
Interface That’s Easy to Use
Offers user-friendly APIs and interfaces that make resource management and access simple. Makes it available to academics and developers by supporting a variety of  AI frameworks and tools.
Advantages of Accelerated AI Research
Makes it possible for AI models to be trained, deployed, and prototyped quickly. Supports big datasets and intricate simulations, quickening the rate of advancement in  AI.
Provides a pay-as-you-go pricing structure that lets customers tailor expenses to their usage. Lessens the requirement for large initial hardware purchases.
Working Together and Sharing
Makes it easier for institutions and academics to collaborate by granting shared access to potent computer resources. Encourages cooperative research environments by supporting joint initiatives and data sharing.
Enhanced Protection
Puts strong security measures in place to safeguard confidential information and intellectual property. Offers encryption and safe access restrictions to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of data.
ABCI 3.0’s main attributes and advantages
Provides thorough support and educational materials to enable customers to get the most out of the platform.
Offers technical support, courses, and documentation to help with optimization and troubleshooting.
With the capabilities and resources needed to promote  AI research and applications, ABCI 3.0 is a major improvement in cloud infrastructure designed with  AI in mind.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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3acesnews · 2 months
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Japan Boosts AI Sovereignty with Cutting-Edge ABCI 3.0 Supercomputer
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theyayadiamond · 1 year
Busting the Blockchain Myth with CEO of Lattice Labs, Bijan Burnard! from Yaya Diamond on Vimeo.
latticelabs.io/ We are building a highly scalable blockchain ecosystem We are a global blockchain provider composed of blockchain experts, educators, entrepreneurs, engineers, computer scientists, designers and consultants. Meet the team helping to build the future of Web 3.0.
At Lattice Labs, we’re committed to providing technology that combines scalability, decentralization, and security. To turn this vision into reality, the Lattice Labs team is developing different parts of an open system and closely working with partners to support the adoption of Lattice Network technology.
We are blockchain developers The Lattice Labs Team are experienced with blockchain development across the whole technology stack. From developing a consensus algorithm from scratch to middleware and a full featured software suite, we build it.
We are blockchain integrators Through the EVM, developers can utilize smart contracts on top of the Lattice Network, which allows projects to port their existing Ethereum dApps over to Lattice Network seamlessly.
Additionally, Lattice Network is ABCI compatible and can be seamlessly integrated into other blockchains as a separate consensus module.
We are blockchain educators The team at Lattice Labs is dedicated to providing comprehensive education on blockchain technology. With our deep understanding of the subject, we equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge necessary to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of Distributed Ledger technology and decentralized systems.
We are blockchain advisors The expert team at Lattice Labs offers guidance on all aspects of blockchain technology. From token economics to governance, our team provides strategic advice to help clients leverage the power of Blockchain Technology. With our vast experience, we empower businesses to navigate the complexities of this innovative technology.
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trylkstopocket · 3 years
What is COSMOS?
What is Cosmos?
What is a Blockchain?
How does Cosmos fit in the broader blockchain ecosystem?
The Bitcoin Story (Blockchain 1.0)
The Ethereum Story (Blockchain 2.0)
Limitation #1: Scalability
Limitation #2: Usability
Limitation #3: Sovereignty
The Vision of Cosmos (Blockchain 3.0)
What is Tendermint BFT and the ABCI
Cosmos SDK and other application layer frameworks
Connecting Blockchains Together - IBC
What are heterogeneous chains?
How IBC works
Proof Relay
Designing the "Internet of Blockchains"
Bridging non-Tendermint chains
Fast-finality chains
Probabilistic-finality chains
Example: Ethereum Peg-Zone
Solving Scalability
So in the end, what is Cosmos?
Going Further
Strictly speaking, Cosmos is a decentralized network of independent parallel blockchains, each powered by BFT consensus algorithms like Tendermint consensus.
In other words, Cosmos is an ecosystem of
that can scale and interoperate with each other. Before Cosmos, blockchains were siloed and unable to communicate with each other. They were hard to build and could only handle a small amount of
per second. Cosmos solves these problems with a new technical vision. In order to understand this vision we need to go back to the fundamentals of blockchain technology.
What is a Blockchain?
A blockchain can be described as a digital ledger maintained by a set of validators that remains correct even if some of the validators (less than a third) are malicious. Each party stores a copy of the ledger on their computer and updates it according to the rules defined by the protocol when they receive blocks of transactions. The goal of blockchain technology is to make sure the ledger is correctly replicated, meaning that each honest party sees the same version of the ledger at any given moment.
The main benefit of blockchain technology is the ability for parties to share a ledger without having to rely on a central authority. Blockchains are decentralized. The first and most famous application of blockchain technology today is Bitcoin, a decentralized currency.
Now that we have a better understanding of what a blockchain is from a high-level perspective, let us look at the definition of blockchain with a more technical angle. A blockchain is a deterministic state machine replicated on
that retains consensus safety as long as less than a third of its maintainers are
. Let’s break this down.
A state machine is just a fancy word for a program that holds a state and modifies it when it receives inputs. There is a state, which can represent different things depending on the application (e.g.
balances for a cryptocurrency), and transactions, that modify the state (e.g. by subtracting balances from one
and adding them to another).
Deterministic means that if you replay the same transactions from the same genesis state, you will always end up with the same resultant state.
Consensus safety refers to the fact that every honest node on which the state machine is replicated should see the same state at the same time. When nodes receive blocks of transactions, they verify that it is valid, meaning that each transaction is valid and that the block itself was validated by more than two thirds of the maintainers, called validators. Safety will be guaranteed as long as less than a third of validators are Byzantine, i.e. malicious.
From an architecture standpoint, blockchains can be divided into three conceptual layers:
Application: Responsible for updating the state given a set of transactions, i.e. processing transactions.
Networking: Responsible for the propagation of transactions and consensus-related messages.
Consensus: Enables nodes to agree on the current state of the system.
The state machine is the same as the
application layer
. It defines the state of the application and the state-transition functions. The other layers are responsible for replicating the state machine on all the nodes that connect to the network.
How does Cosmos fit in the broader blockchain ecosystem?
The Bitcoin Story (Blockchain 1.0)
To understand how Cosmos fits in the blockchain ecosystem, we need to go back to the beginning of the blockchain story. The first blockchain was Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer digital currency created in 2008 that used a novel consensus mechanism known as
Proof-of-Work (PoW)
. It was the first decentralized application on a blockchain. Soon, people started to realize the potential of decentralized applications and the desire to build new ones emerged in the community.
At the time, there were two options to develop decentralized applications: either fork the bitcoin codebase or build on top of it. However, the bitcoin codebase was very monolithic; all three layers—networking, consensus and application — were mixed together. Additionally, the Bitcoin scripting language was limited and not user-friendly. There was a need for better tools.
The Ethereum Story (Blockchain 2.0)
In 2014, Ethereum came in with a new proposition for building decentralized applications. There would be a single blockchain where people would be able to deploy any kind of program. Ethereum achieved this by turning the Application layer into a virtual machine called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This virtual machine was able to process programs called
smart contracts
that any developer could deploy to the Ethereum blockchain in a
fashion. This new approach allowed thousands of developers to start building decentralized applications (dApps). However, limitations to this approach soon became apparent and still persist to this day.
Limitation #1: Scalability
The first limitation is
- decentralized applications built on top of Ethereum are inhibited by a shared rate of 15 transactions per second. This is due to the fact that Ethereum still uses Proof-of-Work and that Ethereum dApps compete for the limited resources of a single blockchain.
Limitation #2: Usability
The second limitation is the relatively low flexibility granted to developers. Because the EVM is a sandbox that needs to accommodate all use cases, it optimizes for the average use case. This means that developers have to make compromises on the design and efficiency of their application (for example, requiring use of the account model in a payments platform where a UTXO model may be preferred). Among other things, they are limited to a few programming languages and cannot implement automatic execution of code.
Limitation #3: Sovereignty
The third limitation is that each application is limited in
, because they all share the same underlying environment. Essentially, this creates two layers of
: that of the application, and that of the underlying environment. The former is limited by the latter. If there is a bug in the application, nothing can be done about it without the approval of the governance of the Ethereum platform itself. If the application requires a new feature in the EVM, it again has to rely entirely on the governance of the Ethereum platform to accept it.
These limitations are not specific to Ethereum but to all blockchains trying to create a single platform that would fit all use cases. This is where Cosmos comes into play.
The Vision of Cosmos (Blockchain 3.0)
The vision of Cosmos is to make it easy for developers to build blockchains and break the barriers between blockchains by allowing them to transact with each other. The end goal is to create an Internet of Blockchains, a network of blockchains able to communicate with each other in a decentralized way. With Cosmos, blockchains can maintain sovereignty, process transactions quickly and communicate with other blockchains in the ecosystem, making it optimal for a variety of use cases.
This vision is achieved through a set of open source tools like
, the
Cosmos SDK
designed to let people build custom, secure, scalable and interoperable blockchain applications quickly. Let us take a closer look at some of the most important tools in the ecosystem as well as the technical architecture of the Cosmos network. Note that Cosmos is an open source community project initially built by the Tendermint team. Everyone is welcome to build additional tools to enrich the greater developer ecosystem.
What is Tendermint BFT and the ABCI
Until recently, building a blockchain required building all three layers (Networking, Consensus, and Application) from the ground up. Ethereum simplified the development of decentralized applications by providing a Virtual-Machine blockchain on which anyone could deploy custom logic in the form of Smart Contracts. However, it did not simplify the development of blockchains themselves. Much like Bitcoin, Go-Ethereum remains a monolithic tech stack that is difficult to fork from and customize. This is where Tendermint, created by Jae Kwon in 2014, came in.
Tendermint BFT is a solution that packages the networking and consensus layers of a blockchain into a generic engine, allowing developers to focus on application development as opposed to the complex underlying protocol. As a result, Tendermint saves hundreds of hours of development time. Note that Tendermint also designates the name of the byzantine fault tolerant (BFT)
consensus algorithm
used within the Tendermint BFT engine. For more on the history of consensus protocols and BFT you can check this cool podcast by Tendermint co-founder Ethan Buchman. The Tendermint BFT engine is connected to the application by a socket protocol called the Application Blockchain Interface (
). This protocol can be wrapped in any programming language, making it possible for developers to choose a language that fits their needs.
But that is not all. Here are the properties that make Tendermint BFT a state-of-the-art blockchain engine:
Public or private blockchain ready: Tendermint BFT only handles networking and consensus for a blockchain, meaning that it helps nodes propagate transactions and validators agree on a set of transactions to append to the blockchain. It is the role of the application layer to define how the
validator set
is constituted. Developers can therefore build both public and private blockchains on top of the Tendermint BFT engine. If the application defines that validators are elected based on how many tokens they have at stake, then the blockchain can be characterised as
Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
. If however the application defines that only a restricted set of pre-authorized entities can be validators, then the blockchain can be characterised as permissioned or private. Developers have all the freedom to customize the rules that define how the validator set of their blockchain changes.
High Performance: Tendermint BFT can have a block time on the order of 1 second and handle up to thousands of transactions per second.
Instant finality: A property of the Tendermint consensus algorithm is instant finality. This means that forks are never created as long as more than a third of the validators are honest (byzantine). Users can be sure their transactions are finalized as soon as a block is created (which is not the case in Proof-of-Work blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum).
Security: Tendermint consensus is not only fault tolerant, it is also accountable. If the blockchain forks, there is a way to determine liability.
Cosmos SDK and other application layer frameworks
Tendermint BFT reduces the development time of a blockchain from years to weeks, but building a secure ABCI-app from scratch remains a difficult task. This is why the
Cosmos SDK
The Cosmos SDK is a generalized framework that simplifies the process of building secure blockchain applications on top of Tendermint BFT. It is based on two major principles:
Modularity: The goal of the Cosmos SDK is to create an ecosystem of
that allows developers to easily spin up
application-specific blockchains
without having to code each bit of functionality of their application from scratch. Anyone can create a module for the Cosmos SDK, and using ready built modules in your blockchain is as simple as importing them into your application. For example, the Tendermint team is building a set of basic modules that are needed for the
Cosmos Hub
. These modules can be used by any developer as they build their own application. Additionally, developers can create new modules to customize their application. As the Cosmos network develops, the ecosystem of SDK modules will expand, making it increasingly easier to develop complex blockchain applications.
Capabilities-based security: Capabilities constrain the security boundaries between modules, enabling developers to better reason about the composability of modules and limit the scope of malicious or unexpected interactions. For a deeper look at capabilities click here.
The Cosmos SDK also comes with a set of useful developer tools for building command line interfaces (CLI), REST servers and a variety of other commonly used utility libraries.
One final remark: the Cosmos SDK, like all Cosmos tools, is designed to be modular. Today, it allows developers to build on top of Tendermint BFT. However, it can be used with any other consensus engines that implements the ABCI. As time goes by, we expect multiple SDKs to emerge, built with different architecture models and compatible with multiple consensus engines - all within a single ecosystem: the Cosmos Network.
To learn how to code applications on top of the SDK you can check out tutorials.
The great thing about the Cosmos SDK is that its modularity allows developers to port virtually any existing blockchain codebase already in Golang on top of it. For example,
is a project that ports the Ethereum Virtual Machine into an SDK module. Ethermint works exactly like Ethereum but also benefits from all the properties of Tendermint BFT. All the existing Ethereum tools (Truffle, Metamask, etc.) are compatible with Ethermint and you can port your smart contracts over without additional work.
Why bother creating a blockchain with the Cosmos SDK when I can just deploy my decentralized application on top of a Virtual Machine blockchain?
This question is justified, considering that most decentralized applications today are developed on top of Virtual Machine blockchains like Ethereum. First, it should be stated that the reason for this phenomenon is that up until now blockchains were much more difficult to develop than Smart Contracts. This is not the case anymore, thanks to the Cosmos SDK. Now, developers can easily develop entire application-specific blockchains, which have several advantages. Among others, they give more flexibility, security, performance and sovereignty. To learn more about application-specific blockchains read this post. Of course, if you don’t want to build your own blockchain, you can still make your Smart Contracts compatible with Cosmos by deploying them on Ethermint.
Connecting Blockchains Together - IBC
Now that developers have a way to quickly build customized blockchains, let us see how to connect these blockchains together. The connection between blockchains is achieved through a protocol called Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol (IBC). IBC leverages the instant finality property of Tendermint consensus (although it can work with any “fast-finality” blockchain engine) to allow heterogeneous chains to transfer value (i.e. tokens) or data to each other.
What are heterogeneous chains?
Essentially it comes down to two things:
Different layers: Heterogeneous chains have different layers, meaning they can differ in how they implement the networking, consensus and application parts. To be compatible with IBC, a blockchain needs only follow a few requirements, the main one being that the consensus layer must have fast finality. Proof-of-Work chains (like Bitcoin and Ethereum) do not fall in this category, as they have probabilistic finality.
Sovereignty: Every blockchain is maintained by a set of validators whose job is to agree on the next block to commit to the blockchain. In Proof-of-Work blockchains these validators are called miners. A sovereign blockchain is a blockchain with its own validator set. In many instances it is important for blockchains to be sovereign, as validators are ultimately responsible for modifying the state. In Ethereum, applications are all run by a common set of validators. Because of this, each application only has limited sovereignty.
IBC allows heterogeneous blockchains to transfer tokens and data to each other, meaning that blockchains with different applications and validator sets are interoperable. For example, it allows public and private blockchains to transfer tokens to each other. Currently, no other blockchain framework enables this level of interoperability.
How IBC works
The principle behind IBC is fairly simple. Let us take an example where an account on chain A wants to send 10 tokens (let us call them
) to chain B.
Continuously, chain B receives the headers of chain A, and vice versa. This allows each chain to track the validator set of the other. In essence, each chain runs a
of the other.
When the IBC transfer is initiated, the ATOM are locked up (
) on chain A.
Proof Relay
Then, a proof that the 10 ATOM are bonded is relayed from chain A to chain B.
The proof is verified on chain B against chain A’s header and, if it is valid, then 10 ATOM-vouchers are created on chain B.
Note that the ATOM that have been created on chain B are not real ATOM, as ATOM only exist on chain A. They are a representation on B of ATOM from chain A, along with a proof that these ATOM are frozen on chain A.
A similar mechanism is used to unlock ATOM when they come back to their origin chain. For a more comprehensive description of the IBC protocol, you can look at this specification.
Designing the “Internet of Blockchains”
IBC is a protocol that allows two heterogeneous blockchains to transfer tokens to each other. From there, how do we create a network of blockchains?
One idea is to connect each blockchain in the network with every other via direct IBC connections. The main problem with this approach is that the number of connections in the network grows quadratically with the number of blockchains. If there are 100 blockchains in the network and each needs to maintain an IBC connection with every other, that is 4950 connections. This quickly gets out of hand.
To solve this, Cosmos proposes a modular architecture with two classes of blockchain:
. Zones are regular heterogenous blockchains and Hubs are blockchains specifically designed to connect Zones together. When a Zone creates an IBC connection with a Hub, it can automatically access (i.e. send to and receive from) every other Zone that is connected to it. As a result, each Zone only needs to establish a limited number of connections with a restricted set of Hubs. Hubs also prevent double spending among Zones. This means that when a Zone receives a token from a Hub, it only needs to trust the origin Zone of this token and the Hub.
The first Hub launched in the Cosmos Network is the Cosmos Hub. The Cosmos Hub is a public Proof-of-Stake blockchain whose native staking token is called the ATOM, and where
transactions fees
will be payable in multiple tokens. The launch of the Hub also marks the launch of the Cosmos network.
Bridging non-Tendermint chains
So far, the architecture of Cosmos we have presented shows how Tendermint-based chains can interoperate. But Cosmos is not limited to Tendermint chains. In fact, any kind of blockchain can be connected to Cosmos.
We have two cases to distinguish: fast-finality chains and probabilistic-finality chains.
Fast-finality chains
Blockchains that use any fast-finality consensus algorithms can connect with Cosmos by adapting IBC. For example, if Ethereum were to switch to Casper FFG (Friendly Finality Gadget), a direct connection could be established between it and the Cosmos Ecosystem by adapting IBC to work with Casper.
Probabilistic-finality chains
For blockchains that do not have fast-finality, like Proof-of-Work chains, things get a bit trickier. For these chains we use a special kind of proxy-chain called a Peg-Zone.
is a blockchain that tracks the state of another blockchain. The Peg-Zone itself has fast-finality and is therefore compatible with IBC. Its role is to establish finality for the blockchain it bridges. Let us look at the following example.
Example: Ethereum Peg-Zone
We want to bridge the Proof-of-Work Ethereum blockchain to make it possible to send tokens back and forth between Ethereum and Cosmos. Because Proof-of-Work Ethereum does not have fast-finality, we need to create a Peg-Zone to act as a bridge between the two.
First, the Peg-Zone needs to decide on a finality threshold for the origin chain. For example, it can consider that a given block of the origin’s chain is final when 100 blocks have been added after it.
Second, a contract is deployed on the main Ethereum blockchain. When users want to send tokens from Ethereum to Cosmos, they start by sending tokens to this contract. Then the contract freezes the assets and after 100 blocks, a representation of these assets is released on the Peg-Zone. A similar mechanism is used to send assets back to the Ethereum chain.
Interestingly enough, the Peg-Zone also allows users to send any token that lives on Cosmos to the Ethereum chain (the Cosmos tokens would be represented as ERC20 on the Ethereum chain). The Tendermint team is currently working on a Peg-Zone implementation for the Ethereum chain called Peggy.
Peg-Zones will need to be customized for the particular chain they bridge. Building an Ethereum Peg-Zone is relatively simple because Ethereum is account-based and has smart-contracts. However, building a Bitcoin Peg-Zone is a bit more challenging. Explaining how to build a Bitcoin-like Peg-Zone is out-of-scope for this intro but know that it is theoretically possible. If you want to learn more about Peg-Zones you can take a look at this spec.
Solving Scalability
Now that we can easily create and connect blockchains there is one final issue to tackle: Scalability. Cosmos leverages two types of scalability:
Vertical scalability: This encompasses the methods for scaling the blockchain itself. By moving away from Proof-of-Work and optimizing its components, Tendermint BFT can reach thousands of transactions per-second. The bottleneck factor is the application itself. For example, an application like a Virtual Machine (e.g. the Ethereum Virtual Machine) will impose a much lower limit on the transaction throughput than an application where transaction types and
state transition
functions are directly embedded in it (e.g. a standard Cosmos SDK application). This is one of the reasons why application-specific blockchains make sense (read about more reasons here).
Horizontal scalability: Even if the consensus engine and the application are highly optimized, at some point the transaction throughput of a single chain inevitably hits a wall it cannot surpass. That is the limit of vertical scaling. To go beyond it, the solution is to move to multi-chain architectures. The idea is to have multiple parallel chains running the same application and operated by a common validator set, making blockchains theoretically infinitely scalable. Details about horizontal scalability are fairly complex and out-of-scope for this intro.
Cosmos will offer very good vertical scalability at launch, which will be a major improvement over current blockchain solutions in and of itself. Later, after the completion of the IBC module, horizontal scalability solutions will be implemented.
So in the end, what is Cosmos?
Hopefully by now you have a clearer picture of the Cosmos project. Here is a quick recap of what Cosmos is in three concise points:
Cosmos makes blockchains powerful and easy to develop with Tendermint BFT and the modularity of the Cosmos SDK.
Cosmos enables blockchains to transfer value with each other through IBC and Peg-Zones, while letting them retain their sovereignty.
Cosmos allows blockchain applications to scale to millions of users through horizontal and vertical scalability solutions.
More than anything, Cosmos is not a product but an ecosystem built on a set of modular, adaptable and interchangeable tools. Developers are encouraged to join the effort to improve existing tools and create new ones in order to make the promise of blockchain technology a reality. These tools are the foundation needed to create the decentralized internet and global financial system of tomorrow.
Going Further
Read the Cosmos whitepaper
Start developing on Cosmos
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yourethereumbrasil · 4 years
8 Computing Solutions at the Forefront of This New Economy
In The last few decades, we've observed exciting and new technologies that guarantee a more decentralized and stable market. In the following guide, I have included a number of the primary players in this growing market.
1. Golem
Golem is an open minded, decentralized computer system.
How Golem Works
The Golem Network is a marketplace for calculating power, where consumers can make out of'renting' their machines by creating and selling applications.
Inside The system, users leasing computing power are known as"providers" and consumers obtaining power are known as"requestors." The requestors utilize Golem for a variety of functions, including images processing, data evaluation, microservices, and machine learning.
   The job branch means that jobs can be completed concurrently, thereby enabling shorter timelines for jobs.    The price of doing business is less than cloud-based providers.    Users may be immediately paid for their job using the Golem Network Token (GTM), a token on preço ethereum.    Golem is constructing their entire stack from bottom to top, a strategy that typically leads to good UXs.
2. iExec
IExec is a decentralized market For cloud solutions concentrated on blockchain-based dispersed applications and cheap, high-performance computing systems.
iExecc Dapps
Contrary to Golem, iExec (because the launch of its v1) enables anybody to develop and operate programs.
The IExecc Dapp shop includes a number of apps. Thinking about the experienced staff supporting iExec, their motive to pick the Dapp pathway is that there is probably less rivalry here. After establishing themselves at the decentralized Dapp marketplace, iExec plans on expanding into decentralized computing jobs.
RLC Is short for'Runs on Lots of Computers,' and it is the native token of iExec. There are now 87 million of those ERC-20 token in flow.
3. Ethereum
Ethereum is an Open-source, blockchain-based system that permits users to construct decentralized software. The computations are done within an isolated environment named Ethereum Virtual Machine which resides in most node linked on the system. The item of the computations is saved onto the blockchain.
Features of this Ethereum Blockchain
Ether Is the money of this Ethereum blockchain. The cryptocurrencies ETH (Ethereum Hard Fork) and ETC (Ethereum Classic) are just two principles of Ether.
Smart Contract
The EVM is capable of implementing a"smart contact," a algorithm which stores and implements terms of arrangements. Both parties involved in a trade agree to the conditions written in the wise contract.
Bitcoin vs Ethereum Platform
The Bitcoin blockchain concentrates on a set of pre-defined surgeries, like monitoring Bitcoin trades, whilst Ethereum permits users to run code of almost any sophistication, which makes it appropriate for almost any decentralized program, such as cryptocurrencies.
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Consensus Mechanism
Computation On the Ethereum network cost more and take more than a normal computer due to the parallelization of calculating. To maintain consensus, all participants need to agree within the purchase price of transactions which have happened, whether they've participate in the trade or not.
Ethereum nodes save the most recent condition of Every wise contract, together with all the Ether trades. Since EVM is an isolated system, the code works without access to this system or the filesystem. So, there is restricted accessibility even one of smart contracts.
4. Hyperledger Fabric
Hosted by The Linux Foundation, Hyperledger Fabric is an open source distributed ledger technologies (DLT) with a modular and configurable architecture which may be used at the business level in a variety of businesses.
Features of Hyperledger Fabric
Privacy, Development, and Performance
   The Fabric stage empowers permissioned, personal performance where the operators understand one another and may be bound by principles, like a legal arrangement.    Fabric supports intelligent contracts composed in languages that are common, such as Java and Go, therefore no extra training is needed to produce the wise contracts.    Performance is improved since, unlike Ethereum, just parties getting involved in the trade need to reach consensus.
Fabric Nodes
Additionally unlike Ethereum, Fabric Nodes have different functions and activities in the consensus procedure. The nodes may be orderers, customers, or peers.
Native Currency
Fabric doesn't have a native cryptocurrency. But, chaincode may be utilised to create a native money.
5. Tendermint
Tendermint Includes a blockchain consensus engine, also called Tendermint Core, and also a generic program interface, called Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI). The program enables consistent and secure replication of a program on multiple servers.
Tendermint Core
The Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) middleware of this consensus engine can safely replicate state transition machines. BFT middleware can withstand one third of failures, such as hacking attacks.
Tendermint Had the objective of offering a much more secure and effective consensus algorithm compared to Bitcoin's PoW (Proof of Work). The software made the cornerstone of significant investigation by consensus protocol Casper's group: a fault-tolerant series, for example Tendermint, may make good decisions concerning who creates a cube, while a reliable series causes a chicken and egg issue.
The computer software is user friendly, replicates software written in any language, also contains multiple applications.
6. Lisk
Lisk is a decentralized and distributed platform which permits users to produce programs and encourage them using customized blockchains.
Lisk Features
Programmers May utilize Lisk's JavaScript-based software development kit (SDK) to develop the backend and the frontend of the program. But, Lisk does not provide protection against non-deterministic behaviour. Additionally, the platform can not stop infinite loops and quantify memory consumption.
Lisk's Consensus Mechanism
Lisk Asks programmers to follow"rules" for contracts to guarantee consensus. As an example, they ask programmers to"don't use Math.random()."
7. Corda (V 3.0)
Corda is a open source, distributed ledger system (DLT) catering to the financial sector.
Features of Corda
Corda's Network is a permissioned community - it is not available to most node operators. The nodes operate Corda and CoDapps and speak point-to-point with one another.
The'doorman' of every network sets The entry rules for nodes which are looking to join the system. Much like Fabric, Corda provides more privacy due to its fine-grained access control to documents, and far better permeance due to restricting consensus into the parties that are involved.
On Corda, contract programmers also add Legal prose for their contract. This attribute consolidates the contract by legitimizing it together with the related legal prose. The stage doesn't have a native token.
8. Rootstock
Rootstock (RSK) is a open source smart-contract system that's constructed on the Bitcoin blockchain.
Rootstock Features
Smart Contracts
RSK Is empowering intelligent arrangement on the Bitcoin network. It employs the Turing-complete Rootstock Virtual Machine (RVM) for contracts that are smart. A 2-way peg enables users to immediately send Bitcoin on the Rootstock chain. The RSK coins may be used with intelligent contracts and Dapps. RSK contracts replicate'Proof-of-Existence,' that can be used to show the occurrence of a record (or land right).
The RSK blockchain includes merge-mining, providing it the exact same amount of safety as Bitcoin concerning settlement finality and double-spending.
RSK is a sidechain of all Bitcoin. The Bitcoins on the Rootstock blockchain are known as SBTC.
RSK Is filling the openings in the Bitcoin system by allowing faster transactions. Besides being suitable for customers, in Addition, It helps to maintain The Bitcoin block dimensions within limits.
0 notes
matrixcoin · 5 years
8 Computing Solutions at the Forefront of the New Economy
In recent times, the traditional economic climate and the electronic economic situation has been revealed to brand-new as well as exciting modern technologies that assure an even more decentralized, secure, and rapid network for customers. In this write-up, I have consisted of a few of the main players in this establishing market.
1. Golem
Golem is an open-source, decentralized local area network.
Exactly How Golem Works
Within the network, users renting out calculating power are called “carriers” as well as customers obtaining power are called “requestors.” The requestors make use of Golem for various objectives, including graphics handling, information evaluation, microservices, and also artificial intelligence.
The Golem Network is a market for calculating power, where users can gain from ‘leasing’ their equipment or by developing as well as offering software.
The job department means that tasks can be finished concurrently, hence allowing shorter timelines for tasks. The expense of doing business is less than cloud-based solutions. Customers can be promptly spent for their collaboration with the Golem Network Token (GTM), a token on Ethereum blockchain. Golem is developing its entire pile from lower to top, a method that commonly results in fantastic UXs. 2. iExec Exe is a decentralized market for cloud services concentrated on blockchain-based dispersed applications and cost-effective, high-performance computing.
exec Dapps
Unlike Golem, iExec (considering that the launch of its v1) allows any person to create and also run applications.
The exec Dapp shop consists of a variety of apps. Considering the knowledgeable group behind iExec, their factor to pick the Dapp pathway is that there are most likely fewer competitors here. After establishing themselves in the decentralized Dapp market, iExec plans on increasing right into decentralized computer jobs.
RLC is short for ‘Runs on Great Deals Of Computer systems,’ as well as it’s the native token of iExec. There are presently 87 million of the ERC-20 token in circulation.
3. Ethereum
Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain-based platform that enables customers to develop decentralized applications. The computations are executed in a separated environment called Ethereum Virtual Maker that lives in all nodes connected on the network. The product of the computations is saved on the blockchain.
Attributes of the Ethereum Blockchain
Ether is the money of the Ethereum blockchain. The cryptocurrencies ETH (Ethereum Tough Fork) and also ETC (Ethereum Traditional) are 2 values of Ether.
Smart Agreement
The EVM can carry out a “wise call,” a formula that shops and also immediately perform terms of contracts. Both parties associated with a deal accept the terms written in the wise contract.
Bitcoin vs Ethereum System
The Bitcoin blockchain concentrates on a collection of pre-defined procedures, such as tracking Bitcoin deals, while Ethereum enables users to run code of any type of intricacy, making it suitable for any type of decentralized application, consisting of cryptocurrencies.
Consensus Mechanism
Computation on the Ethereum network price more and take longer than a typical computer because of the parallelization of the computer. To maintain the agreement, all participants should agree over the order of all purchases that have actually occurred, whether they have actually participated in the transaction or not.
Ethereum nodes store the most recent state of each wise contract, along with every one of the Ether purchases. As EVM is an isolated system, the code runs without access to the network or the filesystem. So, there’s limited availability also among clever agreements.
4. Hyperledger Fabric
Held by the Linux Structure, Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source dispersed ledger technology (DLT) having a modular and configurable style that can be employed at the business level in numerous markets.
Functions of Hyperledger Material
Privacy, Advancement, as well as Performance
The Material platform makes it possible for permission, a personal operation where the drivers know each other and can be bound by rules, such as a legal arrangement. Material sustains smart agreements written in typical languages, such as Java as well as Go, so no extra training is needed to create smart contracts. Efficiency is enhanced because, unlike Ethereum, only events taking part in the transaction need to get to consensus. Textile Nodes Likewise, unlike Ethereum, Fabric nodes have various functions and jobs in the consensus process. The nodes can be orderers, customers, or peers.
Indigenous Money
Fabric does not have an indigenous cryptocurrency. However, chain code can be made use of to develop an indigenous currency.
5. Tendermint
Tendermint has a blockchain agreement engine, referred to as Tendermint Core, and also a generic application user interface referred to as Application Blockchain User Interface (ABCI). The software application makes it possible for safe and secure as well as regular duplication of an application on numerous makers.
Tendermint Core
The software program is user-friendly, replicates applications written in any language, and also has several applications.
The Oriental Mistake Tolerant (BFT) middleware of the consensus engine can safely duplicate state change machinery. BFT middleware can endure one-third of failures, including hacking strikes.
Tendermint had the objective of offering a much more safe and also reliable agreement formula than Bitcoin’s PoW (Proof of Job). The software application created the basis of essential research by consensus protocol Casper’s group: a fault-tolerant chain, such as Tendermint, can make great choices regarding that produces a block, while a less trustworthy chain causes a chicken and also egg problem.
6. Lisk
Lisk is a decentralized and also distributed system that enables users to establish applications and sustain them with personalized blockchains.
Lisk Qualities
Designers can utilize Lisk’s JavaScript-based software program development kit (SDK) to develop both the backend as well as the frontend of their application. Nonetheless, Lisk does not use protection against non-deterministic behavior. Additionally, the platform can’t avoid unlimited loopholes and also gauge memory usage.
Lisk’s Consensus Mechanism
Lisk asks designers to follow “policies” for agreements to make certain consensus. For instance, they ask designers to “don’t utilize Math.random().”.
7. Corda (V 3.0).
Corda’s network is a permissioned network – it’s closed to all node operators. The nodes run on Corda and CoDapps as well as connect point-to-point with each other.
On Corda, agreement designers also add legal prose to their contract. This attribute settles the contract by legitimizing it with the connected lawful prose. The system does not have a native token.
Features of Corda.
The ‘concierge’ of each network sets the admission policies for nodes that wish to join the network. Like Textile, Corda provides a lot more personal privacy due to its fine-grained gain access to control to records, and far better permeance as a result of restricting consensus to the included celebrations.
Corda is an open-source, distributed journal system (DLT) satisfying the economic market.
8. Rootstock.
RSK is a sidechain of Bitcoin. The Bitcoins on the Rootstock blockchain are called SBTC.
Rootstock Qualities.
Smart Contracts.
RSK is filling up the spaces in the Bitcoin network by enabling faster transactions. Besides being convenient for customers, it likewise aids to keep the Bitcoin block dimension within limits.
The RSK blockchain features merge-mining, giving it the exact same level of safety as Bitcoin in regards to negotiation finality and also double-spending.
RSK is enabling wise agreement on the Bitcoin network. It uses the Turing-complete Rootstock Virtual Maker (RVM) for wise contracts. A 2-way fix enables individuals to straight send out Bitcoin onto the Rootstock chain. The RSK coins can be utilized with clever agreements as well as Dapps. RSK contracts replicate ‘Proof-of-Existence,’ which is made use of to prove the existence of a record (or building right).
Rootstock (RSK) is an open resource smart-contract system that is built on the Bitcoin blockchain.
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software-techonline · 6 years
8 Computing Solutions at the Forefront of the New Economy
In recent times, the traditional economy and the digital economy has been exposed to new and exciting technologies that promise a more decentralized, secure, and fast network for users. In this article, I have included some of the main players in this developing market. 1. Golem Golem is an open-source, decentralized computer network. How Golem Works The Golem Network is a market for computing power, where users can earn from ‘renting’ their machines or by developing and selling software. Within the network, users renting computing power are called “providers” and users acquiring power are called “requestors.” The requestors utilize Golem for various purposes, including graphics processing, data analysis, microservices, and machine learning. Benefits
IExec is a decentralized marketplace for cloud services focused on blockchain-based distributed applications and affordable, high-performance computing. iExecc Dapps Unlike Golem, iExec (since the release of its v1) allows anyone to develop and run applications. The iExecc Dapp store contains a variety of apps. Considering the experienced team behind iExec, their reason to choose the Dapp pathway is that there’s probably less competition here. After establishing themselves in the decentralized Dapp market, iExec plans on expanding into decentralized computing tasks. RLC RLC is short for ‘Runs on Lots of Computers,’ and it’s the native token of iExec. There are currently 87 million of the ERC-20 token in circulation. 3. Ethereum Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain-based platform that enables users to build decentralized applications. The computations are performed in an isolated environment called Ethereum Virtual Machine that resides in all node connected on the network. The product of the computations is stored on the blockchain. Features of the Ethereum Blockchain Ether Ether is the currency of the Ethereum blockchain. The cryptocurrencies ETH (Ethereum Hard Fork) and ETC (Ethereum Classic) are two values of Ether. Smart Contract The EVM is capable of executing a “smart contact,” an algorithm that stores and automatically executes terms of agreements. Both parties involved in a transaction agree to the terms written in the smart contract. Bitcoin vs Ethereum Platform The Bitcoin blockchain focuses on a set of pre-defined operations, such as tracking Bitcoin transactions, while Ethereum allows users to run code of any complexity, making it suitable for any decentralized application, including cryptocurrencies. Consensus Mechanism Computation on the Ethereum network cost more and take longer than a standard computer because of the parallelization of computing. To maintain consensus, all participants must agree over the order of all transactions that have taken place, whether they have taken part in the transaction or not. Ethereum nodes store the most recent state of each smart contract, along with all of the Ether transactions. As EVM is an isolated system, the code runs without access to the network or the filesystem. So, there’s limited accessibility even among smart contracts. 4. Hyperledger Fabric Hosted by the Linux Foundation, Hyperledger Fabric is an open source distributed ledger technology (DLT) having a modular and configurable architecture that can be employed at the enterprise level in various industries. Features of Hyperledger Fabric Privacy, Development, and Performance
Also unlike Ethereum, Fabric nodes have different roles and tasks in the consensus process. The nodes can be orderers, clients, or peers. Native Currency Fabric does not have a native cryptocurrency. However, chaincode can be used to develop a native currency. 5. Tendermint Tendermint has a blockchain consensus engine, known as Tendermint Core, and a generic application interface, known as Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI). The software enables secure and consistent replication of an application on multiple machines. Tendermint Core The Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) middleware of the consensus engine can securely replicate state transition machinery. BFT middleware can tolerate one-third of failures, including hacking attacks. Tendermint had the goal of offering a more secure and efficient consensus algorithm than Bitcoin’s PoW (Proof of Work). The software formed the basis of important research by consensus protocol Casper’s team: a fault-tolerant chain, such as Tendermint, can make good decisions about who produces a block, while a less reliable chain results in a chicken and egg problem. The software is user-friendly, replicates applications written in any language, and has multiple applications. 6. Lisk Lisk is a decentralized and distributed platform that allows users to develop apps and support them with customized blockchains. Lisk Features Developers can use Lisk’s JavaScript-based software development kit (SDK) to build both the backend and the frontend of their app. However, Lisk doesn’t offer protection against non-deterministic behavior. Also, the platform can’t prevent infinite loops and measure memory consumption. Lisk’s Consensus Mechanism Lisk asks developers to follow “rules” for contracts to ensure consensus. For instance, they ask developers to “don’t use Math.random().” 7. Corda (V 3.0) Corda is an open source, distributed ledger platform (DLT) catering to the financial industry. Features of Corda Corda’s network is a permissioned network – it’s not open to all node operators. The nodes run on Corda and CoDapps and communicate point-to-point with each other. The ‘doorman’ of each network sets the admission rules for nodes that want to join the network. Like Fabric, Corda offers more privacy because of its fine-grained access control to records, and better permeance because of limiting consensus to the involved parties. On Corda, contract developers also add legal prose to their contract. This feature consolidates the contract by legitimizing it with the associated legal prose. The platform does not have a native token. 8. Rootstock Rootstock (RSK) is an open source smart-contract platform that is built on the Bitcoin blockchain. Rootstock Features Smart Contracts RSK is enabling smart contract on the Bitcoin network. It uses the Turing-complete Rootstock Virtual Machine (RVM) for smart contracts. A 2-way peg allows users to directly send Bitcoin onto the Rootstock chain. The RSK coins can be used with smart contracts and Dapps. RSK contracts replicate ‘Proof-of-Existence,’ which is used to prove the existence of a document (or property right). Security The RSK blockchain features merge-mining, giving it the same level of security as Bitcoin in terms of settlement finality and double-spending. SBTC RSK is a sidechain of Bitcoin. The Bitcoins on the Rootstock blockchain are called SBTC. RSK is filling the gaps in the Bitcoin network by enabling faster transactions. Besides being convenient for users, it also helps to keep the Bitcoin block size within limits.
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3acesnews · 2 months
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Japan Boosts AI Sovereignty with Cutting-Edge ABCI 3.0 Supercomputer
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matrixcoin · 5 years
8 Registering Arrangements at the Bleeding edge of the New Economy
In recent times, the standard economy and also the digital economy has been exposed to new and exciting technologies that promise an additional decentralized, secure, and quick network for users. during this article, I actually have enclosed a number of the most players during this developing market.
1. Golem
Golem is Associate in Nursing ASCII text file, decentralized electronic network.
How Golem Works
The Golem Network may be a marketplace for computing power, wherever users will earn from ‘renting’ their machines or by developing and mercantilism code.
Within the network, users’ rental computing power are known as “providers” and users effort power are known as “requestors.” The requestors utilize Golem for numerous functions, together with the graphics process, knowledge analysis, microservices, and machine learning.
The work division implies that tasks may be completed at the same time, therefore sanctionative shorter timelines for comes. The cost of doing business is a smaller amount than cloud-based services. Users may be instantly obtained their work with the Golem Network Token (GTM), a token on Ethereum blockchain. Golem is building their whole stack from bottom to prime, Associate in a Nursing approach that generally leads to nice UXs. 2. iExec exec may be a decentralized marketplace for cloud services centered on blockchain-based distributed applications and reasonable, superior computing.
Exerc Dapps
Unlike Golem, iExec ( since the discharge of its v1) permits anyone to develop and run applications.
The exec Dapp store contains a spread of apps. Considering the toughened team behind iExec, their reason to decide on the Dapp pathway is that there is in all probability less competition here. once establishing themselves within the decentralized Dapp market, iExec plans on increasing into decentralized computing tasks.
RLC is brief for ‘Runs on several Computers,’ and it is the native token of iExec. Their ar presently eighty-seven million of the ERC-20 token in circulation.
3. Ethereum
Ethereum is an Associate in Nursing ASCII text file, a blockchain-based platform that permits users to create decentralized applications. The computations are performed in Associate in a Nursing isolated setting known as Ethereum Virtual Machine that resides all told node connected on the network. the merchandise of the computations is kept on the blockchain.
Read More
Features of the Ethereum Blockchain
Ether is the currency of the Ethereum blockchain. The cryptocurrencies ETH (Ethereum exhausting Fork) and ETC (Ethereum Classic) ar 2 values of Ether.
Smart Contract
The EVM is capable of capital punishment a “smart contract,” Associate in Nursing algorithmic rule that stores and mechanically execute terms of agreements. each party concerned in a very group action complies with the terms written within the sensible contract.
Bitcoin vs Ethereum Platform
The Bitcoin blockchain focuses on a group of pre-defined operations, like chase Bitcoin transactions, whereas Ethereum permits users to run code of any quality, creating it appropriate for any decentralized application, together with cryptocurrencies.
Consensus Mechanism
Computation on the Ethereum network price additional and take longer than a customary pc thanks to the parallelization of computing. to take care of accord, all participants should agree over the order of all transactions that have taken place, whether or not they have taken half within the group action or not.
Ethereum nodes store the foremost recent state of every sensible contract, in conjunction with all of the Ether transactions. As EVM is an Associate in a Nursing isolated system, the code runs while not access to the network or the filesystem. So, there is restricted accessibility even among sensible contracts.
4. Hyperledger material
Hosted by the UNIX system Foundation, Hyperledger material is Associate in Nursing open supply distributed ledger technology (DLT) having a standard and configurable design which will be used at the enterprise level in numerous industries.
Features of Hyperledger material
Privacy, Development, and Performance
The Fabric platform allows permission, personal operation wherever the operators understand one another and maybe sure by rules, like a legal agreement. Fabric supports sensible contracts written in common languages, like Java and Go, therefore no further coaching is needed to form the sensible contracts. Performance is increased as a result of, in contrast to Ethereum, solely parties participating within the group action have to be compelled to reach an accord. Fabric Nodes Also in contrast to Ethereum, material nodes have completely different roles and tasks within the according method. The nodes may be orderers, clients, or peers.
Native Currency
Fabric doesn’t have a native cryptocurrency. However, chain code may be wont to develop a native currency.
5. Tendermint
Tendermint includes a blockchain accord engine, referred to as Tendermint Core, and a generic application interface, referred to as Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI). The code allows secure Associate in Nursingd consistent replication of an application on multiple machines.
Tendermint Core
The Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) middleware of the accord engine will firmly replicate state transition machinery. BFT middleware will tolerate tierce of failures, together with hacking attacks.
Tendermint had the goal of providing a safer and economical accord algorithmic rule than Bitcoin’s prisoner of war (Proof of Work). The code shaped the premise of necessary analysis by accord protocol Casper’s team: a fault-tolerant chain, like Tendermint, will keep selections concerning UN agency produces a block, whereas a less reliable chain leads to a chicken and egg downside.
The code is easy, replicates applications written in any language, and has multiple applications.
6. Lisk
Lisk may be a decentralized and distributed platform that permits users to develop apps and support them with bespoken blockchains.
Lisk options
Developers will use Lisk’s JavaScript-based code development kit (SDK) to create each the backend and also the frontend of their app. However, Lisk does not provide protection against non-deterministic behavior. Also, the platform cannot forestall infinite loops and live memory consumption.
Lisk’s accord Mechanism
Lisk asks developers to follow “rules” for contracts to make sure accord. for example, they raise developers to “don’t use mathematics.random().”
7. Corda (V 3.0)
Corda is an Associate in Nursing open supply, distributed ledger platform (DLT) line to the monetary business.
Features of Corda
Corda’s network may be a permissioned network – it is not receptive to all node operators. The nodes run on Corda and CoDapps and communicate point-to-point with one another.
The ‘doorman’ of every network sets the admission rules for nodes that wish to affix the network. Like material, Corda offers additional privacy thanks to its fine-grained access management to records, and higher permeance thanks to limiting accord to the concerned parties.
On Corda, contract developers conjointly add legal prose to their contract. This feature consolidates the contract by legitimizing it with the associated legal prose. The platform doesn’t have a native token.
8. Rootstock
Rootstock (RSK) is an Associate in Nursing open supply smart-contract platform that’s engineered on the Bitcoin blockchain.
Rootstock options
Smart Contracts
RSK is a sanctionative sensible contract on the Bitcoin network. It uses the Turing-complete Rootstock Virtual Machine (RVM) for sensible contracts. A 2-way peg permits users to directly send Bitcoin onto the Rootstock chain. The RSK coins may be used with sensible contracts and Dapps. RSK contracts replicate ‘Proof-of-Existence,’ that is employed to prove the existence of a document (or property right).
The RSK blockchain options merge-mining, giving it a similar level of security as Bitcoin in terms of settlement definiteness and double-spending.
RSK may be a sidechain of Bitcoin. The Bitcoins on the Rootstock blockchain ar known as SBTC.
RSK is filling the gaps within the Bitcoin network by sanctionative quicker transactions. Besides being convenient for users, it conjointly helps to stay the Bitcoin block size inside limits.
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