boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
jxsticeprxvailed said: “ they were flirting with you ” @ whichever
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FLIRTS never quite did it for Toga. Maybe because that STUPID BITCH back in high school BRUISED HER EGO. Pfft. NAHHH. The little psycho just found the easy bait BORING, much preferring a challenge... A CHASE. “He.He.He. If I didn’t know any betta I’d say y’were JEALOUS!!” More maniacal laughter followed as one arm slung itself RATHER VIOLENTLY around Makoto’s neck, Himiko hip-checking the senior and pulling her close. “Am I right, or am I right?” Toothed grin revealed itself once more, tongue swiping across rightmost canine. “S’okay to admit ya want me, ya know?” WINK. See? Her exact point right here. Some slut wanted her? Who cared? Bitch would only get SCARED the second she pulled the knife out anyway. And would probably just be BORING in the sack. No. No, no, no. She wanted THE NIIJIMA GIRL. Call it a fixation, but the sheer fact this BABE was even hanging around her made her TEN TIMES MORE CURIOUS than anyone else she’d ever met. Factor in her seeming... INDIFFERENCE? To Toga’s societally questionable kink. (Toga theorized it was MASKED SADISM on Makoto’s part.) And then add a PROSECUTOR of a sister, and playing HARD-TO-GET, and welp: Wasn’t that just a VERITABLE COCKTAIL OF FASCINATION? -- WHO COULD BLAME HER?! “Would ya slap her if I kissed her? If I bought ‘er a drink would ya throw it over ‘er?” Quick dip of her head, lips brushing Makoto’s ears. “D’ya want me to buy YOU a drink instead?”
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